您(Are)是铁杆游戏玩家,喜欢在 Steam 等在线流媒体社区玩游戏吗?您(Are)是否遇到虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)退出或D3D 设备(D3D device)错误?振作(Chin)起来!在本文中,我们将解决由于D3D 设备(D3D device)丢失导致的虚幻引擎退出错误,并使您的游戏(Unreal Engine)体验流畅(experience smooth)且无中断。
修复由于 D3D 设备丢失而导致虚幻引擎退出的错误(Fix Unreal Engine exiting due to D3D device being lost error)
Unreal Engine Exiting due to D3D device is(D3D device) lost 错误可能非常持久且烦人,据报道在由Unreal Engine提供支持的多个游戏中会发生。此类错误的发生主要是由于您的设备无法支持的系统和游戏设置。(system and game settings)之所以会发生这种情况,是因为游戏玩家倾向于将中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)( CPU ) 和图形(Graphics) 处理器(Processing Unit)( GPU ) 推到最高水平。CPU 超频(Overclocking of CPU)提高了游戏性能(game performance),但也会导致各种错误,包括这个错误。
D3D设备(D3D device)丢失导致虚幻引擎退出(Unreal Engine Exiting)的原因
- 过时的图形(Graphics)驱动程序:过时的图形驱动程序通常(Often)会导致此问题爆发。
- 安装不当:Steam文件安装不完整也可能导致此错误。
- 过时的虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine):此外,如果虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)未更新到最新版本,可能会出现此问题。
- (Conflict)显卡(Graphics)之间的冲突:如果您的计算机上同时运行默认显卡和专用显卡(Default and Dedicated graphics cards),那么这也会产生各种问题。
- 第三方防病毒程序(Antivirus program):您系统上安装的防病毒程序可能错误地阻止了(Antivirus program)虚幻引擎程序(Unreal Engine program)。
我们现在将讨论在Windows 10系统中修复此错误的各种解决方案。
方法 1:禁用游戏加速设置(Method 1: Disable Game Boost Settings)
某些(Certain)新功能(例如Game Booster)已添加到最新的显卡(Graphics)驱动程序中,以使游戏运行顺畅,不会出现故障。但是,这些设置也会导致问题,例如Unreal Engine Exiting error 和 D3D device error(Unreal Engine Exiting error and D3D device error)。
1.右键单击桌面打开(Desktop)AMD Radeon 软件(AMD Radeon Software)设置。
2. 选择位于AMD 窗口(AMD window)顶部的游戏(Gaming)选项,如图所示。
3. 现在,选择给您带来麻烦的游戏。(game)它将在游戏窗口(Gaming window)中可见。在我们的例子中,还没有下载任何游戏。
4. 在图形(Graphics)选项卡下,单击Radeon Boost。
5.通过关闭Radeon Boost选项禁用它。(Disable)
(Method 2: Change Prefered Graphics Card
如今,铁杆游戏玩家在台式机上使用外接显卡来获得增强的游戏体验(gaming experience)。这些图形卡是从外部添加到CPU的。但是,如果同时使用内置和外置图形驱动程序,这可能会导致计算机内部发生冲突,并导致(computer and result)由于D3D 设备(D3D device)丢失而导致虚幻引擎退出错误。(Unreal Engine Exiting)因此,建议仅使用专用显卡运行您的游戏。
注意:(Note:)例如,我们启用NVIDIA 显卡(NVIDIA Graphics card)并禁用默认显卡驱动程序。
1.右键单击桌面选择NVIDIA 控制面板。(NVIDIA Control Panel)
2. 单击左侧窗格中的管理 3D 设置(Manage 3D Settings)并切换(pane and switch)到右侧窗格中的程序设置(Program Settings)选项卡。
3. 在选择要自定义(Select a program to customize)的程序下拉菜单中,选择虚幻引擎。(Unreal Engine.)
4. 从标题为“为此程序选择首选图形处理器(Select the prefered graphics processor for this program,)”的第二个下拉列表中,选择“高性能 NVIDIA 处理器(High-performance NVIDIA Processor)”,如突出显示的那样。
5. 单击应用(Apply)并退出。
重新启动您的PC 并尝试(PC and attempt)运行模块/游戏以确认Unreal Engine由于D3D 设备(D3D device)丢失而退出错误已得到修复。
方法 3:禁用内置图形(Method 3: Disable in-built Graphics)
如果更改显卡的首选项无法修复由于D3D 设备丢失而退出(D3D device)虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)的错误,那么暂时禁用内置显卡可能是个好主意。这将完全避免两个显卡之间的冲突问题。
请按照以下步骤禁用Windows 10(Windows 10) PC中的内置显卡:
1.如图所示,通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入相同的内容来启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 双击突出显示的显示适配器(Display adapters)将其展开。
3. 右键单击内置显示适配器(in-built Display Adapter)并选择禁用(Disable) 设备(device)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Windows 10中(Windows 10)更新图形驱动程序(Update Graphics Drivers)
方法 4:禁用 Windows 防火墙和防病毒程序
(Method 4: Disable Windows Firewall & Antivirus Program
(Antivirus software)在保护 PC 免受恶意软件和特洛伊木马的侵害方面,(malware and trojans)防病毒软件已被证明是一种福音。同样,Windows Defender 防火墙是(Windows Defender Firewall)Windows系统上提供的内置保护。但是,在某些情况下,防病毒软件或防火墙(Antivirus or Firewall)可能会错误地将经过验证的程序视为恶意软件并阻止其运行;更常见的是高资源消耗(resource consuming)应用程序。这可能会导致虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)因D3D 设备(D3D device)丢失错误而退出。因此(Hence),禁用它们应该会有所帮助。
请按照以下步骤禁用Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall):
1.在搜索框中键入(search box)Windows Defender Firewall并启动它,如图所示。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的打开或关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙(Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off)选项。
3. 选中标记为关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙(不推荐)的选项。(Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended).)
4. 对所有类型的网络设置(Network Settings)执行此操作,然后单击确定。(OK. )这将关闭防火墙。
执行(Implement)相同的步骤并搜索类似的选项以禁用安装在您系统上的第三方防病毒程序。(Antivirus program)如果第三方防病毒软件与多个程序产生问题,建议您卸载它。
方法5:禁用超频和SLI技术(Method 5: Disable Overclocking and SLI Technology)
超频(Overclocking)是一项很棒的游戏增强功能,可以真正推动您的显卡和 CPU(card and CPU)发挥最大可能的性能。然而,像虚幻引擎(Unreal engine)这样的一些游戏就是不适合在这种超频环境中运行。此类设置可能导致Unreal Engine Exiting 和 D3D 设备错误(Unreal Engine Exiting and D3D device errors)。因此,请禁用您在计算机上安装的超频软件并尝试运行游戏以查看是否可以解决问题。(Disable the overclocking software)
此外,如果您的显卡使用SLI或Scalable Link Interface ,那么您也需要禁用(disable)它。该技术由NVIDIA开发,可同时利用默认显卡和专用显卡进行游戏。然而,有报告称启用SLI时(SLI)虚幻引擎(Unreal engine)无法正常工作。使用专用显卡应该可以正常工作。这样做的方法如下:
1.右键单击桌面(Desktop.)上的空白区域,启动NVIDIA 控制面板。(NVIDIA Control Panel)
2. 双击左侧面板中的3D 设置(3D Settings)选项,然后单击配置 SLI、环绕声、PhysX(Configure SLI, Surround, PhysX)选项。
3. 选中SLI 配置下禁用 SLI 旁边的框,(SLI configuration,)如下图(Disable SLI)所示。
4. 单击应用(Apply)并退出。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在 Steam 上查看隐藏游戏?
方法6:禁用游戏内全屏模式(Method 6: Disable in-game Full-screen Mode)
一些游戏在全屏模式打开时也会遇到问题。无论你做什么,游戏都不会在这种模式下运行。(t run)在这种情况下,您应该尝试在窗口模式下(Windowed mode)运行游戏。您可以通过游戏内设置轻松完成此操作。许多(Many)最近推出的游戏都带有这些设置。禁用游戏内全屏模式并验证这是否可以修复由于D3D 设备(D3D device)丢失而导致的虚幻引擎退出错误。(Unreal Engine Exiting)
方法 7:验证 Steam 上游戏文件的完整性(Method 7: Verify Integrity of Game Files on Steam)
如果您更喜欢通过Steam玩在线游戏,您可以利用这个流行的游戏平台(gaming platform)提供的惊人功能。使用此工具,您将能够纠正与损坏或丢失的游戏文件(如果有)相关的问题,并享受流畅的游戏体验。单击(Click)此处阅读如何在Steam上验证(Steam)虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)文件的完整性。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ))
Q1。是什么导致 D3D 设备丢失错误?(Q1. What causes the D3D device being lost error?)
根据Unreal Engine的创建者的说法,此问题通常发生在计算机图形或硬件组件未与Unreal Engine正确同步时。这会导致它无法与D3D设备一起运行。
Q2。更新驱动程序会增加 FPS 吗?(Q2. Does updating drivers increase FPS?)
是的,更新已安装的驱动程序可以提高FPS 即(FPS i.e). 每秒帧数(Frames Per Second)相当多。在少数情况下,已知帧速率最多可增加 50%。不仅如此,更新驱动程序还可以消除故障,从而使游戏体验更加流畅(game experience)。
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我们希望您能够通过实施我们指南中列出的方法来修复由于 D3D 设备丢失而导致的虚幻引擎退出错误。( fix Unreal Engine exiting due to D3D Device being lost error)如果您有任何疑问或建议,请将它们放在下面的评论部分(comment section)。
Fix Unreal Engine Exiting Due To D3D Device Being Lost
Are you a hard-core gamer and like to play games on onlinе streaming соmmunities such as Steam? Are you experiencing the Unreal Engine exiting or D3D device errors? Chin up! In this article, we are gоing to address the Unreal Engine exiting due to the D3D device being lost error and make your gaming experienсe smooth and free of interruptionѕ.
Fix Unreal Engine exiting due to D3D device being lost error
The Unreal Engine Exiting due to D3D device being lost error can be very persistent and annoying and has been reported to occur in several games that are powered by Unreal Engine. Such errors occur mostly, due to system and game settings that your device is unable to support. This so happens because gamers tend to push the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to their maximum levels. Overclocking of CPU enhances game performance but leads to various errors as well, including this one.
Reasons for Unreal Engine Exiting due to D3D device being lost
- Outdated Graphics Driver: Often, an outdated graphics driver causes this issue to flare up.
- Improper Installation: An incomplete installation of Steam files can also cause this error.
- Outdated Unreal Engine: In addition, this issue can occur if Unreal Engine is not updated to the most recent version.
- Conflict between Graphics Cards: If the Default and Dedicated graphics cards are running simultaneously on your computer, then this can also create various issues.
- Third-party Antivirus program: It’s possible that the Antivirus program installed on your system is blocking the Unreal Engine program mistakenly.
We shall now discuss the various solutions to fix this error in Windows 10 systems.
Method 1: Disable Game Boost Settings
Certain new features, such as Game Booster, are added to the latest Graphics card drivers to make the game run smoothly, without glitches. However, these settings also cause issues, like the Unreal Engine Exiting error and D3D device error.
Note: The images we are using here pertain to AMD graphics settings. You can implement similar steps for NVIDIA graphics.
1. Open AMD Radeon Software settings by right-clicking on the Desktop.
2. Select the Gaming Option located at the top of the AMD window, as shown.
3. Now, select the game which is causing you trouble. It will be visible in the Gaming window. In our case, no games are downloaded yet.
4. Under the Graphics tab, click Radeon Boost.
5. Disable it by toggling off the Radeon Boost option.
Method 2: Change Prefered Graphics Card
Nowadays, hardcore gamers use external graphics cards on their desktops to achieve an enhanced gaming experience. These graphics cards are added externally to the CPU. However, if you utilize the in-built and external graphics drivers simultaneously, this can cause conflict within the computer and result in the Unreal Engine Exiting due to the D3D device being lost error. Thus, it is recommended to run your games using a Dedicated graphics card only.
Note: As an example, we are enabling the NVIDIA Graphics card and disabling the default graphics driver.
1. Select the NVIDIA Control Panel by right-clicking on the desktop.
2. Click Manage 3D Settings from the left pane and switch to the Program Settings tab in the right pane.
3. In Select a program to customize the drop-down menu, select Unreal Engine.
4. From the second drop-down titled Select the prefered graphics processor for this program, choose High-performance NVIDIA Processor, as highlighted.
5. Click on Apply and exit.
Restart your PC and attempt to run the module/game to confirm that Unreal Engine exiting due to D3D device being lost error is fixed.
Method 3: Disable in-built Graphics
If changing the preference of the graphics card couldn’t fix Unreal Engine exiting due to the D3D device being lost error, then it might be a good idea to temporarily disable the in-built graphics card. This will avoid conflict issues between the two graphics cards, altogether.
Note: Disabling in-built graphics will have no effect on the functioning of your computer.
Follow these steps to disable in-built graphics card in Windows 10 PC:
1. Launch Device Manager by typing the same in the Windows search bar, as shown.
2. Double-click on Display adapters, as highlighted, to expand it.
3. Right-click on the in-built Display Adapter and choose Disable device.
Restart your system and enjoy playing the game.
Also Read: Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10
Method 4: Disable Windows Firewall & Antivirus Program
Antivirus software has proven to be a boon when it comes to protecting PCs from malware and trojans. Similarly, Windows Defender Firewall is the built-in protection offered on Windows systems. However, in some cases, the Antivirus or Firewall might mistakenly perceive a verified program as malware and block its operations; more often, high resource consuming applications. This might be causing Unreal Engine exiting due to the D3D device being lost error. Hence, disabling them should help.
Note: You can turn off these applications while playing your games. Remember to turn them back on, thereafter.
Follow these steps to disable Windows Defender Firewall:
1. Type Windows Defender Firewall in the search box and launch it as shown.
2. Click the Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off option located in the left pane.
3. Check the option marked Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended).
4. Do so for all types of Network Settings and click OK. This will turn the firewall off.
Implement the same steps and search for similar options to disable third-party Antivirus program installed on your system. It is recommended to uninstall the third-party antivirus if it is creating issues with multiple programs.
Method 5: Disable Overclocking and SLI Technology
Overclocking is a great game enhancement feature and can really push your graphics card and CPU to perform at the maximum possible levels. However, some games like Unreal engine are just not suited to be run in such overclocked environments. Such settings can result in Unreal Engine Exiting and D3D device errors. Therefore, Disable the overclocking software you have installed on your computer and try running the game to see if it resolves the issue.
Also, if you are using SLI or Scalable Link Interface for your graphics cards, then you need to disable it too. The technology was developed by NVIDIA to utilize both default and dedicated graphics cards together for gameplay. Yet, there have been reports of the Unreal engine not working properly when SLI was enabled. Using dedicated graphics card should work just fine. Here’s how to do so:
1. Launch NVIDIA Control Panel by right-clicking on an empty space on the Desktop.
2. Double-click on the 3D Settings option from the left panel and then, click on Configure SLI, Surround, PhysX option.
3. Check the box next to Disable SLI under SLI configuration, as highlighted in the pic below.
4. Click on Apply and exit.
5. Reboot your system to implement these changes and then launch the game.
Also Read: How to view Hidden Games on Steam?
Method 6: Disable in-game Full-screen Mode
Some games also face troubles operating when the Full-screen mode is turned on. No matter what you do, the game just won’t run in this mode. In such cases, you should try to run the game in a Windowed mode. You can do this easily through the in-game settings. Many of the recently launched games come with these settings. Disable in-game Full-screen mode and verify if this could fix Unreal Engine Exiting due to D3D device being lost error.
Method 7: Verify Integrity of Game Files on Steam
If you prefer to play online games via Steam, you can make use of this amazing feature offered by this popular gaming platform. Using this tool, you will be able to rectify issues related to corrupt or missing game files, if any and enjoy smooth gameplay. Click here to read how to verify the integrity of Unreal Engine files on Steam.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1. What causes the D3D device being lost error?
According to the creators of Unreal Engine, this issue typically happens when the computer graphics or hardware components are not synced with Unreal Engine correctly. This causes it to fail to operate with D3D devices.
Q2. Does updating drivers increase FPS?
Yes, updating the installed drivers can increase FPS i.e. Frames Per Second considerably. In few instances, the frame rates have been known to increase by up to fifty percent. Not only that, but updating drivers also smoothens the game experience by freeing up glitches.
We hope that you were able to fix Unreal Engine exiting due to D3D Device being lost error by implementing the methods listed in our guide. If you have any queries or suggestions, drop them in the comment section below.