Youtube 是目前最大的在线流媒体平台。游戏玩家、技术评论家、新闻机构和内容提供商每天都会在YouTube上上传他们的视频。您可以订阅频道并发表评论(channel and comment)并喜欢他们的视频。但是,要做到这一点,您必须使用您的Google 帐户(Google account)登录。但是,如果您在登录您的帐户或播放视频时遇到Youtube(Oops something went wrong on Youtube)错误,请不要担心!我们为您提供了一个完美的指南来解决这个问题YouTube PC 问题(YouTube PC issue)。阅读以了解如何修复此错误。
修复 Windows 10 上的 YouTube 错误出现问题(Fix Oops Something Went Wrong on YouTube Error on Windows 10)
当您浏览YouTube并尝试播放视频或登录您的Google 帐户(Google account)时,您可能会在 Windows 10 PC 中遇到YouTube 出现问题(YouTube issue)。此错误可能是由于各种原因造成的。下面列出了其中一些;
- 损坏的浏览器缓存和 Cookie
- 过时的网络浏览器
- 代理设置不正确
- 谷歌账户安全问题
- 不支持的浏览器扩展
在本文中,我们编译了所有可能的方法来修复糟糕的 Youtube( Oops something went wrong Youtube)错误。因此,请按照下面给出的方法逐步进行。
方法一:刷新谷歌登录页面(Method 1: Refresh Google sign-in page)
重新加载(Reload)Google 帐户(Google account) 登录页面(login page)以摆脱糟糕的错误消息。尤其是当您在页面长时间处于非活动状态或您的Internet 连接(Internet connection)突然消失后尝试登录时。您可以通过四种不同的方式刷新页面Chrome 选项卡。(Chrome tab)它们在下面列出。
1A。在浏览器中,按F5 键(F5 key)刷新。
1B。同时按住Ctrl + R keys。
1C。单击地址栏中的(address bar)刷新图标(Refresh icon ),如下图所示。
1D。右键单击(Right-click)Web 浏览器(web browser and select) 的空白区域,然后从上下文菜单中选择重新加载选项。(Reload)
有时,只是重新加载页面可能会修复出现问题的YouTube PC 错误(YouTube PC error)。因此,请按照上述任何一种方式刷新页面。
方法二:清除浏览器缓存(Method 2: Clear Browser Cache)
由于缓存数据,您的网络浏览器可能无法登录您的Google 帐户(Google account)。如果YouTube和其他网站在您的浏览器中无法正常运行,请尝试清除您的浏览数据。之后,您登录(problem signing)YouTube应该不会有任何问题。
选项 1:对于谷歌浏览器(Option 1: For Google Chrome)
1. 打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome) 并点击三点图标(three-dotted icon) > More tools > 清除浏览数据...(Clear browsing data…) ,如下图所示。
2. 检查以下选项(options)。
- Cookie 和其他网站数据(Cookies and other site data)
- 缓存的图像和文件(Cached images and files)
3. 现在,选择时间范围的(Time range)所有时间(All time) 选项 。
4. 最后,点击清除数据(Clear data)。
检查是否出现问题YouTube PC 错误(YouTube PC error)是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 YouTube 视频无法播放
选项 2:对于 Firefox(Option 2: For Firefox)
1. 打开火狐(Firefox)浏览器。
2. 在右上角,单击汉堡图标(hamburger icon)。
3. 在这里,从下拉列表中选择设置 选项,如图所示。(Settings )
4. 现在,导航到 左侧窗格中的隐私和安全 部分(Privacy & Security )
5. 向下滚动到 Cookie 和站点数据(Cookies and Site Data) 部分,然后单击 清除数据… (Clear Data… )选项,如下图所示。
6. 在这里,取消选中 Cookies 和站点数据 (Cookies and Site Data )框并确保选中 缓存的 Web 内容(Cached Web Content) 框,如下所示。
注意:(Note:) 取消选中 Cookie 和站点数据(Cookies and Site Data) 将清除Firefox存储的所有 cookie 和站点数据,让您退出网站,并删除离线 Web 内容(offline web content)。而清除 缓存的 Web 内容(Cached Web Content) 不会影响您的登录。
7. 最后,点击 清除 (Clear )按钮清除Firefox缓存的 cookie。
8. 然后,单击 管理数据...(Manage Data…) 按钮。
9. 在 搜索网站(Search websites) 字段中输入您要删除其 cookie 的网站名称。
10A。选择网站并单击 删除选定(Remove Selected) 项以仅删除选定的项目。
10B。或者,选择 全部删除(Remove All) 以删除所有 cookie 和存储数据。
11. 最后,单击 保存更改(Save Changes) 按钮。
12.关闭浏览器并 重新启动(reboot) 您的PC(your PC),检查您是否再次遇到问题YouTube PC错误(YouTube PC error)。
选项 3:对于 Microsoft Edge(Option 3: For Microsoft Edge)
1. 启动Microsoft Edge浏览器。
2. 在右上角,单击3 个水平点(3 horizontal dots) 图标。
3. 然后,点击设置(Settings)。
4. 转到左侧窗格中的隐私、搜索和服务选项卡。(Privacy, search, and services)
5. 在清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)部分下,单击选择每次关闭浏览器时要清除的内容(Choose what to clear every time you close the browser)选项。
- 浏览记录(Browsing history)
- 下载历史(Download history)
- Cookie 和其他网站数据(Cookies and other site data)
- 缓存的图像和文件(Cached images and files)
现在,检查是否出现问题YouTube PC 错误(YouTube PC error)是否仍然存在。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11中禁用(Windows 11)Microsoft Edge
方法 3:删除扩展(Method 3: Remove Extensions)
如果YouTube在隐身模式下(Incognito mode)正常工作,那么问题几乎肯定是由浏览器扩展(browser extension)引起的。在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中加载了太多控制各种浏览器设置的扩展程序可能会对Google 帐户(Google account)登录产生重大影响,从而导致此类错误。在尝试登录YouTube 上(YouTube)的Google 帐户(Google account)之前,请删除所有不必要的Chrome扩展程序。
1. 启动谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)并点击三点图标(three-dots icon)。
2. 转到更多工具(More tools)并单击扩展(Extensions)
3. 现在,单击不是来自受信任来源的扩展程序(extension)(例如Safe Torrent Scanner )的(Safe Torrent Scanner)删除(Remove)按钮。
方法 4:更改代理设置(Method 4: Change Proxy Settings)
如果您的网络浏览器(web browser)设置为在建立Internet 连接(Internet connection)时使用代理服务器,则伪造您的IP 地址(IP address)可能会影响YouTube,这就是为什么您不断收到此错误的原因YouTube 出错(YouTube error)了。因此,仔细检查和验证您的代理设置是一个聪明的主意。如果您不确定,最好完全关闭您的代理。
选项 1:适用于 Google Chrome 和 Microsoft Edge(Option 1: For Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge)
1. 同时按下Windows + X keys并选择 网络连接(Network Connections)。
2. 在左侧窗格中,单击代理(Proxy)菜单。
3.关闭(Off)切换(toggle)到自动检测设置(Automatically detect settings)
4. 并且,打开使用(On)设置脚本(Use setup script)选项的切换开关。(toggle)
5. 然后,在手动代理设置(Manual proxy setup )部分下,关闭(Off)使用代理(Use a proxy)服务器(server)选项的切换开关。(toggle)
6. 最后,关闭窗口并前往 Youtube(go to Youtube)检查问题是否仍然存在。
选项 2:对于 Firefox(Option 2: For Firefox)
1. 转到Firefox 设置(Firefox Settings),如前所示。
2. 在这里,在常规(General )选项卡中,向下滚动到网络设置(Network Settings)。
3. 在网络设置(Network Settings)部分下,单击设置...(Settings… )按钮。
- 没有代理(No proxy)
- 使用系统代理设置(Use system proxy settings)
5. 单击确定(OK) 保存更改。
更改代理设置后,出现问题YouTube PC 错误(YouTube PC error)将得到解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Firefox(Fix Firefox)不播放视频(Videos)
方法 5:使用公共 DNS 服务器(Method 5: Use Public DNS servers)
如果您的ISP已为您分配了自动DNS 配置,则处理您的(DNS configuration)DNS请求可能需要很长时间,从而导致浏览器性能(browser performance)问题和Ooops!YouTube出了点问题。可以在您的操作系统上配置(operating system)自定义 DNS(Custom DNS)服务器,这将影响任何连接到 Internet 的程序,包括Chrome或您尝试用于YouTube的任何网络浏览器。您也可以使用Google 公共 DNS(Google Public DNS)服务器。
1.从Windows 电源菜单(Windows Power menu)中打开 网络连接(Network Connections)设置。
2. 在状态(Status )选项卡中,单击高级网络设置(Advanced network settings)下的更改适配器选项(Change adapter options)
3. 右键单击您的Internet 连接(Internet connection)并选择“属性(Properties)”选项。
4. 选中Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
5. 然后,单击属性(Properties)。
6. 选择使用以下 DNS 服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses)选项。
7. 在首选 DNS 服务器中:(Preferred DNS server:)键入8.8.8.8
8. 并且,将备用 DNS 服务器:(Alternate DNS server:)设置 为8.8.4.4。
9. 单击确定(OK)应用更改。
方法 6:从 Chrome 中删除有害软件(Method 6: Remove Harmful Software from Chrome)
如果您的操作系统(operating system)感染了威胁您的 Internet 连接的病毒,YouTube 上(YouTube)的Google登录过程可能会受到影响。另一方面,Chrome包含一个内置功能,可以检测并从您的计算机中删除恶意恶意软件。(Chrome)它还会查找可能妨碍您的冲浪体验的任何错误系统设置。(faulty system)
因此,请按照下面列出的给定步骤从Chrome中删除有害软件,以修复糟糕的YouTube 错误(YouTube error)。
1. 启动 Google Chrome 并单击 三点图标(three-dotted icon) > 设置 (Settings ),如突出显示所示。
2.在这里,单击 左窗格中的(left pane and select)高级 (Advanced )设置,然后选择重置和清理 (Reset and clean up )选项。
3. 现在,选择 清理计算机 (Cleanup computer )选项,如下图所示。
4. 在这里,单击 查找 (Find )按钮以使 Chrome 能够 在您的计算机上查找有害软件。(find harmful software)
5. 等待(Wait) 该过程完成并 删除 (remove )谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)检测到的有害程序。
6. 重新启动您的 PC(Reboot your PC) 并检查问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Chrome 阻止下载问题
方法 7:管理 Google 设备(Method 7: Manage Google Devices)
作为一项安全措施(security measure),如果您登录的设备过多,YouTube可能无法让您登录Google 。要解决此问题,您需要从所有未知且不再使用的设备上卸载Google 。这将修复糟糕的YouTube 错误(YouTube error)。因此,请按照给定的步骤管理您的Google 设备(Devices)。
1.登录(Sign in)并转到您的Google 帐户页面(Google Account page)
2. 在左侧窗格中,单击安全性(Security)。
3. 选择您的设备(Your devices) 部分下的管理设备。(Manage devices)
4. 检查您的Google 帐户(Google account)未激活的设备。(devices)
5. 在这里,单击设备右上角的三点图标(three-dots icon),然后选择退出(Sign out)
6. 最后,点击退出(Sign-out)按钮进行确认。
如果您无法识别已退出的设备,则应更改您的Google 密码(Google password),因为其他人可能知道并使用它重新登录。然后,尝试登录 YouTube 以检查是否有问题错误的YouTube PC 错误(YouTube PC error)是否已修复。
方法 8:查看 Google 帐户安全设置(Method 8: Review Google Account Security Settings)
也许您在创建帐户时没有向Google提供太多个人数据。或者您检查Google 安全(Google security)设置的时间太长了。无论情况如何,在您升级帐户安全(account security)功能之前, Google都有权将您锁定在YouTube之外。(YouTube)因此,您应该检查您的Google帐户安全(account security)设置,以修复糟糕的YouTube 错误(YouTube error)。
1. 进入您的Google 帐户(Google Account) 安全(Security)菜单,如方法 7(Method 7)所示。
2. 如果显示任何安全建议(security recommendations),请单击保护您的帐户(Protect your account)选项。
3. 在带有黄色感叹号标志的(yellow exclamation logo)安全检查(Security Checkup)中执行所有推荐的操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是Google Chrome 提升服务(Google Chrome Elevation Service)
方法 9:更新 Windows(Method 9: Update Windows)
过时的操作系统(Operating System)会在系统中产生大量错误和问题。这也可能导致浏览时出现错误YouTube 错误(YouTube error)。因此,请按照以下步骤更新Windows。
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 在 Windows 更新 (Windows Update )选项卡中,单击 检查更新(Check for updates) 按钮。
4A。如果有新更新可用,请单击 立即安装(Install Now) 并按照说明进行更新。
4B。否则,如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示 您是最新的(You’re up to date) 消息。
方法 10:更新 Web 浏览器(Method 10: Update Web Browser)
如果您的网络浏览器(browser hasn)很长时间没有更新并且您一直推迟发生这种情况,那么您遇到帐户登录(account login)问题并出现错误也就不足为奇了。您可能会遇到问题YouTube更新错误。确保您使用的是最新版本的Chrome、Firefox、Edge或您正在使用的任何浏览器,然后重新启动应用程序并再次尝试登录YouTube。
选项 1:更新谷歌浏览器(Option 1: Update Google Chrome)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),输入chrome,然后单击Open。
2. 单击三点图标(three-dotted icon)。
3. 然后,将鼠标悬停在帮助(Help)选项上。
4. 单击关于 Google Chrome(About Google Chrome)选项。
5. 等待谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome )搜索更新。屏幕将显示检查更新(Checking for updates) 消息,如图所示。
6A。如果有可用更新,请单击更新 (Update )按钮。
6B。如果Chrome已经更新, 则会显示Google Chrome 是最新消息。(Google Chrome is up to date)
检查糟糕(Oops something)是否出现问题YouTube 错误(YouTube error)是否再次显示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix YouTube Comments)未加载的 YouTube 评论
选项 2:更新 Firefox(Option 2: Update Firefox)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入firefox,然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 点击右上角的汉堡(hamburger )图标。
3. 选择帮助(Help)选项。
4. 现在,点击关于 Firefox(About Firefox)。
5B。否则,您可能会收到说明Firefox 已更新(Firefox is up to date)的消息。
现在,您可以检查Oops 出了什么(Oops something)问题YouTube 问题(YouTube issue)是否仍然存在。
选项 3:更新 Microsoft Edge(Option 3: Update Microsoft Edge)
1. 单击开始(Start),键入Microsoft Edge,然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 在右上角,单击三个水平点(three-horizontal dots)图标。
3. 然后,选择帮助和反馈(Help and feedback) 选项。
4. 现在,选择关于 Microsoft Edge(About Microsoft Edge)选项。
5B。如果随后更新了浏览器,您将收到一条消息,指出Microsoft Edge 是最新的(Microsoft Edge is up to date)。
现在,检查是否出现问题YouTube 更新(YouTube update)错误是否已修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Laptop/PCYouTube视频
方法 11:重置 Chrome(Method 11: Reset Chrome)
如果您在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中启用了太多选项,您可能已经更改了一些重要设置,这些设置现在会在您的浏览器中造成同步问题。因此,YouTube无法让您登录并显示此消息。要解决糟糕(Oops something)的YouTube问题(YouTube issue),只需恢复 Chrome 的原始设置即可。
1. 导航到谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)并点击三点(three-dots)图标,然后选择设置(Settings)。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的高级选项。(Advanced)
3. 然后,单击列表中的重置和清理(Reset and clean up)选项。
4. 现在,选择将设置恢复为原始默认值(Restore settings to their original defaults)。
5. 最后,单击“重置设置”(Reset Settings) 按钮确认您的操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复家庭共享 YouTube 电视(Fix Family Sharing YouTube TV)不起作用
方法 12:重新安装 Chrome(Method 12: Reinstall Chrome)
如果以上设置都没有帮助尝试重新安装您的网络浏览器(web browser)。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 应用程序和功能(apps and features),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 在 搜索此列表(Search this list) 字段中搜索Chrome 。
3. 然后,选择 Chrome 并单击突出显示的 卸载 (Uninstall )按钮。
4. 再次点击 卸载(Uninstall) 确认。
5. 现在,按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 %localappdata%,然后单击 打开(Open) 以转到 AppData 本地( AppData Local) 文件夹。
6. 双击打开Google文件夹。(Google)
7. 右键单击 Chrome 文件夹并选择 删除(Delete) 选项,如下图所示。
8. 再次按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 %appdata%,然后单击 打开(Open) 以转到 AppData Roaming 文件夹。
9. 再次,转到 Google 文件夹并 删除(delete)Chrome文件夹 , 如 步骤 6 - 7(steps 6 – 7)所示。
10. 最后, 重新启动(restart) 您的 PC。
11.接下来,如图所示下载 最新版本(latest version) 的 谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome) 。
12. 运行 安装文件(setup file) 并按照屏幕上的说明 安装 Chrome(install Chrome)。
专业提示:使用谷歌浏览器(Pro Tip: Use Google Chrome)
要访问您的Google 帐户(Google account)并删除此消息,请切换到Google Chrome。一些用户可能认为这是不公平的。由于Google同时拥有YouTube 和 Chrome(YouTube and Chrome),因此可以公平地推断登录错误是由不同步问题引起的。安装Chrome 并(Chrome and login)使用您的Google 帐户(Google account)登录后,同步问题应已解决,您应该可以立即登录YouTube。
- 适用于Chrome的16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(Blocking Extension)
- 修复 Chrome 配置文件错误的 14 种方法
- 如何修复 Firefox(Fix Firefox)不加载(Loading)页面
- 修复糟糕的 YouTube 应用程序出错了(Fix Oops Something Went Wrong YouTube App)
我们希望您发现此信息很有用,并且能够修复哎呀,YouTube 出了点问题(Oops something went wrong YouTube)。让我们知道哪种策略对您最有效。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Oops Something Went Wrong on YouTube Error
Youtube is presently the largest online streaming platform. Gamers, tech rеviewers, news organizations, and сontent providers upload their videos daily on YouTube. You can subscribe to a channel and comment and like their videos. But, to dо this you must login with your Google account. Howeνer, if you get Oops something went wrong on Youtube error while logging in to your account or playing videos then, do not worry! We have a perfect guide for you to fix this something went wrong YouTube PC issue. Read to know how to fix this error.
Fix Oops Something Went Wrong on YouTube Error on Windows 10
When you browse through YouTube and try to play videos or log in to your Google account, you may face this something went wrong YouTube issue in your Windows 10 PC. This error may be due to various reasons. Some of them are listed below;
- Corrupt Browser Cache and Cookies
- Outdated Web Browser
- Incorrect Proxy Settings
- Google Account Security Issue
- Unsupported Browser Extensions
In this article, we have compiled all the possible methods to fix Oops something went wrong Youtube error. So, follow the methods given below step by step.
Method 1: Refresh Google sign-in page
Reload the Google account login page to get rid of the oops something went wrong message. Especially if you tried to sign in after the page had been inactive for a long period or if your Internet connection had abruptly vanished. You can refresh a page Chrome tab through four different ways. They are listed below.
1A. In the browser, press the F5 key to refresh.
1B. Hold down Ctrl + R keys simultaneously.
1C. Click on the Refresh icon in the address bar as highlighted in the pic below.
1D. Right-click an empty area of your web browser and select Reload option from the context menu.
Sometimes, just reloading the page may fix something went wrong YouTube PC error. So, follow any one of the above ways to refresh the page.
Method 2: Clear Browser Cache
Due to cached data, your web browser may have problems logging you into your Google account. If YouTube and other websites aren’t working correctly in your browser, try clearing your browsing data. After that, you shouldn’t have any problem signing in to YouTube.
Option 1: For Google Chrome
1. Open Google Chrome and click on the three-dotted icon > More tools > Clear browsing data… as illustrated below.
2. Check the following options.
- Cookies and other site data
- Cached images and files
3. Now, choose the All time option for Time range.
4. Finally, click on Clear data.
Check if something went wrong YouTube PC error is solved or not.
Also Read: Fix YouTube Videos Not Playing
Option 2: For Firefox
1. Open the Firefox browser.
2. In the top-right corner, click on the hamburger icon.
3. Here, select the Settings option from the drop-down list as shown.
4. Now, navigate to the Privacy & Security section in the left pane
5. Scroll down to the Cookies and Site Data section and click on Clear Data… option as shown in the pic below.
6. Here, uncheck the Cookies and Site Data box and make sure you check the Cached Web Content box, as shown below.
Note: Unchecking Cookies and Site Data will clear all cookies and site data stored by Firefox, sign you out of websites, and remove offline web content. Whereas clearing Cached Web Content will not affect your logins.
7. Finally, click on the Clear button to clear the Firefox cached cookies.
8. Then, click on the Manage Data… button.
9. Type the site name in the Search websites field whose cookies you want to remove.
10A. Select the websites and click on Remove Selected to remove only the selected items.
10B. Alternatively, select Remove All to remove all cookies and storage data.
11. Finally, click on the Save Changes button.
12. Close the browser and reboot your PC, check if you face something went wrong YouTube PC error again.
Option 3: For Microsoft Edge
1. Launch the Microsoft Edge browser.
2. In the top-right corner, click on 3 horizontal dots icon.
3. Then, click on Settings.
4. Go to the Privacy, search, and services tab on the left pane.
5. Under the Clear browsing data section, Click on Choose what to clear every time you close the browser option.
6. Switch On the toggle for the following options:
- Browsing history
- Download history
- Cookies and other site data
- Cached images and files
Now, check if something went wrong YouTube PC error persists or not.
Also Read: How to Disable Microsoft Edge in Windows 11
Method 3: Remove Extensions
If YouTube works correctly in Incognito mode, the problem is almost certainly caused by a browser extension. Having too many extensions loaded in Google Chrome that control various browser settings can have a major influence on Google account login, resulting in errors like this. Remove all unnecessary Chrome extensions before attempting to log in to your Google account on YouTube.
1. Launch Google Chrome and click on the three-dots icon.
2. Go to More tools and click on Extensions
3. Now, click on the Remove button for the extension (e.g. Safe Torrent Scanner) which is not from a trusted source.
Method 4: Change Proxy Settings
Faking your IP address may affect YouTube if your web browser is set to utilize a proxy server while establishing an Internet connection, which is why you keep getting this oops something went wrong YouTube error. As a result, double-checking and validating your proxy settings is a smart idea. If you’re unsure, it’s best to turn off your proxy entirely.
Option 1: For Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge
1. Press the Windows + X keys simultaneously and select Network Connections.
2. On the left pane, click on Proxy menu.
3. Switch Off the toggle to Automatically detect settings
4. And, switch On the toggle for the Use setup script option.
5. Then, under the Manual proxy setup section, switch Off the toggle for Use a proxy server option.
6. Finally, close the window and go to Youtube to check if the issue persists or not.
Option 2: For Firefox
1. Go to Firefox Settings as shown previously.
2. Here, in the General tab, scroll down to Network Settings.
3. Under the Network Settings section, click on the Settings… button.
4. Select either of the following two options.
- No proxy
- Use system proxy settings
5. Click on OK to save changes.
After changing the proxy settings, something went wrong YouTube PC error will be solved.
Also Read: How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos
Method 5: Use Public DNS servers
If your ISP has assigned you an automated DNS configuration, it may take too long for your DNS requests to be processed, resulting in browser performance difficulties and the Ooops! Something went wrong with YouTube. Custom DNS servers can be configured on your operating system, which will affect any Internet-connected programs, including Chrome or any web browser you’re trying to use for YouTube. You may also utilize the Google Public DNS servers.
Note: You must make sure that you’re logged in as an administrator before performing the given steps.
1. Open Network Connections settings from the Windows Power menu.
2. In the Status tab, click on Change adapter options under Advanced network settings
3. Right-click on your Internet connection and select the Properties option.
4. Check the box for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
5. Then, click on Properties.
6. Select Use the following DNS server addresses option.
7. In the Preferred DNS server: type
8. And, set the Alternate DNS server: to
9. Click on OK to apply changes.
Method 6: Remove Harmful Software from Chrome
The Google sign-in procedure on YouTube may be affected if your operating system is infected with a virus that threatens your Internet connections. Chrome, on the other hand, includes an inbuilt capability that can detect and remove malicious malware from your machine. It also looks for any faulty system settings that may be obstructing your surfing experience.
So, follow the given steps listed below to remove harmful software from Chrome to fix oops something went wrong YouTube error.
1. Launch Google Chrome and click on three-dotted icon > Settings as shown highlighted.
2. Here, click on the Advanced setting in the left pane and select Reset and clean up option.
3. Now, select the Cleanup computer option as depicted below.
4. Here, click on the Find button to enable Chrome to find harmful software on your computer.
5. Wait for the process to be completed and remove the harmful programs detected by Google Chrome.
6. Reboot your PC and check if the issue is resolved.
Also Read: Fix Chrome Blocking Download Issue
Method 7: Manage Google Devices
As a security measure, YouTube may have trouble signing you into Google if you’re logged in to too many devices. To remedy this, you need to uninstall Google from all unknown and no longer used devices. This will fix oops something went wrong YouTube error. So, follow the given steps to manage your Google Devices.
1. Sign in and go to your Google Account page
2. On the left pane, click on Security.
3. Select Manage devices under the Your devices section.
4. Examine the devices on which your Google account is not active.
5. Here, click the three-dots icon on the top-right corner for a device and choose Sign out
6. Finally, click on the Sign-out button to confirm.
If you don’t recognize a device from which you’ve already signed out, you should change your Google password since someone else may know it and use it to sign back in. Then, attempt to log in to YouTube to check if something went wrong YouTube PC error is fixed or not.
Method 8: Review Google Account Security Settings
Perhaps you didn’t provide Google with too much personal data when you started your account. Or it’s been too long since you checked your Google security settings. Whatever the situation may be, Google has the right to lock you out of YouTube until you upgrade your account security features. So, you should review your Google account security settings to fix oops something went wrong YouTube error.
1. Go to your Google Account Security menu as shown in Method 7.
2. If there are any security recommendations shown, click Protect your account option.
3. Perform all the recommended actions in Security Checkup which has a yellow exclamation logo.
Also Read: What is Google Chrome Elevation Service
Method 9: Update Windows
An outdated Operating System can create lots of bugs and issues in the system. This can also cause oops something went wrong YouTube error while browsing. So, follow these steps to update Windows.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install Now and follow the instructions to update.
4B. Otherwise, if the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Method 10: Update Web Browser
It’s no surprise if you’re having account login troubles and getting errors if your web browser hasn’t been updated in a long time and you keep putting off this occurrence. You might get something went wrong YouTube update error. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or whichever browser you’re using, then restart the app and try again to sign in to YouTube.
Option 1: Update Google Chrome
1. Hit the Windows key, type chrome, and click on Open.
2. Click on the three-dotted icon.
3. Then, hover to the Help option.
4. Click on the About Google Chrome option.
5. Wait for Google Chrome to search for updates. The screen will display the Checking for updates message, as shown.
6A. If updates are available, click on the Update button.
6B. If Chrome is already updated then, Google Chrome is up to date message will be displayed.
Check if Oops something went wrong YouTube error is showing again or not.
Also Read: How to Fix YouTube Comments Not Loading
Option 2: Update Firefox
1. Press the Windows key, type firefox, and click on Open.
2. Click on the hamburger icon on the top right corner.
3. Select the Help option.
4. Now, Click on About Firefox.
5A. If there are any pending updates you can install them by clicking on Update.
5B. Else, you may receive the message stating Firefox is up to date.
Now, you can check if Oops something went wrong YouTube issue persists or not.
Option 3: Update Microsoft Edge
1. Click on Start, type Microsoft Edge, and hit the Enter key.
2. In the top-right corner, click on the three-horizontal dots icon.
3. Then, select the Help and feedback option.
4. Now, select About Microsoft Edge option.
5A. Edge will immediately check for updates and urge you to click on Restart if an update is found.
5B. If the browser is updated then, you will receive the message stating Microsoft Edge is up to date.
Now, check if something went wrong YouTube update error is fixed or not.
Also Read: How to download YouTube videos on Laptop/PC
Method 11: Reset Chrome
If you have too many options enabled in Google Chrome, you may have changed some important settings that are now creating synchronization issues in your browser. As a consequence, YouTube is unable to log you in and displays this message. To resolve Oops something went wrong YouTube issue, just restore Chrome’s original settings.
1. Navigate to Google Chrome and click on the three-dots icon, then select Settings.
2. Click on the Advanced option on the left pane.
3. Then, click on the Reset and clean up option from the list.
4. Now, select Restore settings to their original defaults.
5. Finally, confirm your action by clicking on the Reset Settings button.
Also Read: Fix Family Sharing YouTube TV Not Working
Method 12: Reinstall Chrome
If none of the settings above helped try to reinstall your web browser.
1. Hit the Windows key, type apps and features, and click on Open.
2. Search for Chrome in Search this list field.
3. Then, select Chrome and click on the Uninstall button shown highlighted.
4. Again, click on Uninstall to confirm.
5. Now, press the Windows key, type %localappdata%, and click on Open to go to AppData Local folder.
6. Open the Google folder by double-clicking on it.
7. Right-click on the Chrome folder and select the Delete option as depicted below.
8. Again, hit the Windows key, type %appdata%, and click on Open to go to AppData Roaming folder.
9. Again, go to the Google folder and delete the Chrome folder as shown in steps 6 – 7.
10. Finally, restart your PC.
11. Next, download the latest version of Google Chrome as shown.
12. Run the setup file and follow the on-screen instructions to install Chrome.
Pro Tip: Use Google Chrome
To access your Google account and get rid of this message, switch to Google Chrome. Some users may believe it is unjust. Because Google owns both YouTube and Chrome, it’s fair to infer that the sign-in error is the result of a desync issue. After you install Chrome and login in with your Google account, the sync issue should be resolved, and you should be able to sign into YouTube right away.
We hope you found this information useful and were able to fix Oops something went wrong YouTube. Let us know which strategy was the most effective for you. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.