在之前的教程中,我们谈到了Tablet Input Panel的手写识别功能。如果您进行过实验,您会发现它几乎适用于所有手写体。但如果它不太了解你的写作方式,或者你只是想确保平板电脑输入面板(Tablet Input Panel)每次都能正常工作——并且你愿意投入一些时间——如果你按照微软(Microsoft)所说的去做,你可以获得更好的结果“个性化你的笔迹。”
一切尽在掌握(Yours)- 个性化手写识别(Handwriting Recognition)
你为什么想做这个?如果您一直在尝试使用平板电脑输入面板(Tablet Input Panel)并发现它经常错误地转换相同的字符,您可以教它更好地处理这些字符。或者,如果您没有具体问题,但想要更好地识别周围,您可以教该工具识别您的个人笔迹风格(handwriting style)。
从“工具(Tools)”菜单中,单击“个性化手写识别”。("Personalize handwriting recognition.")

您也可以使用搜索框直接从“开始”菜单(Start Menu)转到“个性化手写识别” 。("Personalize Handwriting Recognition")

我的字迹清晰但古怪,在平板电脑输入面板(Tablet Input Panel)多次未能正确转换“ Windows 7教程”后,我意识到我最好花时间进行个性化。(Windows 7)因此我选择了“教识别器你的手写风格”("Teach the recognizer your handwriting style")。

接下来,系统会询问您要训练工具的内容:句子或数字、符号和字母?您可以根据需要多次浏览个性化工具的每个部分,以获得最佳结果。(personalization tool)

如果您选择句子(Sentences),您将被要求一一写 50 个不同的句子。这是您开始时会看到的内容。单击(Click) 下一步(Next)继续。


明白我的古怪笔迹(quirky handwriting)是什么意思了吗?我会说,绝对值得教平板电脑输入面板(Tablet Input Panel)一两件事。在文本输入框(text entry box)的底部,您会看到三个工具的图标。第一个是Pen,第二个是Eraser,它可以让您一次擦除一点点,第三个是“Clear all”工具,可以让您擦除所有内容并重新开始。

现在,无论你怎么看,写 50 句话都是一项艰巨的工作。幸运的是,有一个“稍后保存”("Save for later")选项,因此您不必坐在那里一次将它们全部写出来。

如果您选择“稍后保存”("Save for later"),您将有机会在离开应用程序之前更新(Update)个性化数据库(personalization database)(通过单击更新并退出(Update and exit))。

当您定位特定字词或词组(word or phrase)时,一次只能输入 20 个字符。如果您要个性化的短语比这更长,您可以将其分成更小的部分,并让手写个性化(Handwriting Personalization)学习每个部分。
虽然可能无法获得100 (handwriting recognition 100)% accurate的手写识别(许多手写字符看起来非常相似,例如数字 1(number 1)和小写字母(lowercase letter)L),但您使用个性化工具(personalization tool)的次数越多,识别效果就越好将会。

自动学习(Learning):超越认知(Beyond Recognition)
平板电脑输入面板(Tablet Input Panel)还包括一项称为自动学习(Automatic Learning)的功能。这会跟踪您使用的单词以及您的书写方式,以帮助随着时间的推移提高对您笔迹的识别。我们这些担心隐私的人会放心,知道自动学习(Automatic Learning)收集的数据存储在本地(在您自己的计算机上),不会传输到其他任何地方。要开启或关闭自动学习(Automatic Learning)(默认开启),点击开始(Start)按钮,然后在搜索框中输入“pen and touch”,然后点击Pen and Touch。
注意:(NOTE:)除非您有平板电脑或触摸屏(tablet or touchscreen),否则此选项不会出现在您的控制面板(Control Panel)中。

当您选择手写(Handwriting)选项卡时,“使用自动学习”("Use automatic learning")。应该默认选中。如果不是,请选择它并单击OK。

自动学习(Automatic Learning)- 似乎不起作用?
该系统的一个怪癖是自动学习(Automatic Learning)使用Windows 搜索索引(Windows Search Index)来记住您的数据。如果您选择不使用计算机上的搜索索引(search index)(默认情况下启用索引),您的数据可能无法正确保存。要检查您正在索引哪些文件夹(如果有),请点击“开始(Start)”按钮,然后键入Indexing Options。

在“索引选项(Indexing Options)”窗口中,点击“修改(Modify)”,然后选中要索引的文件夹旁边的复选框。您可以在此处(here)找到有关搜索索引(Search Index) 的更多信息。

如果您已完成个性化设置,但平板电脑输入面板(Tablet Input Panel)仍无法正确识别您的笔迹,您可以选择向Microsoft发送报告。点击Tools -> Report Handwriting Recognition Errors。

您可以选择要报告的错误。检查完这些错误后,点击下一步(Next),然后在下一页上,您将看到平板电脑输入面板(Tablet Input Panel)在识别您的笔迹时出现的每个错误。在“更正为(Corrected As)”下,将文本更改为应该说的内容,然后点击“接受(Accept)” 。对所有错误重复此操作,然后点击Next。下一页将发送您的报告。
在本教程中,我们介绍了文本输入和手写识别的基础知识,以及您可以采取哪些措施来提高该过程的效率。在下一个教程中,我们将介绍编辑手势(如果您使用过带有手写笔的PDA ,您可能会熟悉)和“轻弹”,它们是常用命令的附加手势。同时,不要犹豫,查看下面推荐的文章。
Training Tablet Input Panel to Work Even Better
In a previous tutorial, we talked about Tablet Input Panel's handwriting recоgnition сарabilities. If you've experimented, you've found thаt it works remarkably well on nearly all handwriting. But if it doesn't quіte understand how уou write, or if you јust want to make sure Tablet Input Panel works correctly every time—and you're willing to invest some time—you can get even better results if you do what Microsoft calls "personalize your handwriting."
Making it All Yours - Personalizing Handwriting Recognition
Why would you want to do this? If you've been experimenting with the Tablet Input Panel and have found that it often converts the same characters incorrectly, you can teach it to do better with those characters. Or, if you don't have specific problems but want better recognition all around, you can teach the tool to recognize your personal handwriting style.
From the Tools menu, click on "Personalize handwriting recognition."

You can also go to "Personalize Handwriting Recognition" directly from the Start Menu, by using the search box.

My handwriting is legible but quirky, and after Tablet Input Panel failed to convert "Windows 7 Tutorials" properly several times, I realized I'd better spend the time to personalize. Therefore I selected "Teach the recognizer your handwriting style".

Next, you are asked about what you want to train the tool on: sentences or number, symbols and letters? You can go through each section of the personalization tool as many times as you wish, to get the best results.

If you choose Sentences you'll be asked to write 50 different sentences, one by one. Here's what you'll see when you begin. Click Next to continue.

Here's a sample sentence, as I wrote it. Complete the required sentences and click Next until you finish training the tool.

See what I mean about my quirky handwriting? Definitely worth teaching Tablet Input Panel a thing or two, I'd say. At the bottom of the text entry box you'll see icons for three tools. The first is the Pen, the second is the Eraser, which lets you erase a little bit at a time, and the third is the "Clear all" tool that lets you wipe everything out and start over.

Now, writing 50 sentences is a lot of work no matter how you look at it. Fortunately, there is a "Save for later" option so you don't have to sit there and write them all out at once.

If you choose "Save for later", you'll get a chance to Update the personalization database before you leave the application (by clicking on Update and exit).

When you target a particular word or phrase, you're limited to 20 characters at a time. If the phrase you want to personalize is longer than that, you can break it into smaller segments and have Handwriting Personalization learn each one.
While it may not be possible to get the handwriting recognition 100% accurate (many handwritten characters look very much alike, such as the number 1 and the lowercase letter L, for example) the more you work with the personalization tool, the better the recognition will be.

Automatic Learning: Beyond Recognition
The Tablet Input Panel also includes a feature called Automatic Learning. This keeps track of the words you use, and how you write them, to help improve the recognition of your handwriting as time goes on. Those of us with concerns about privacy will be reassured to know that the data that Automatic Learning collects is stored locally (on your own computer) and not transmitted anywhere else. To turn Automatic Learning on or off (it's on by default), tap the Start button, then type "pen and touch" in the search box, and then tap Pen and Touch.
NOTE: This option won't appear in your Control Panel unless you've got a tablet or touchscreen.

When you choose the Handwriting tab, "Use automatic learning". should be selected by default. If it isn't, select it and click OK.

Automatic Learning - Doesn't Seem to be Working?
One quirk of the system is that Automatic Learning uses the Windows Search Index to remember your data. If you've chosen not to use the search index on your computer (indexing is on by default), your data may not be properly saved. To check which folders you're indexing (if any), tap the Start button, then type Indexing Options.

In the Indexing Options window, tap Modify, and check the boxes by the folders you wish to index. You can find more information about the Search Index here.

If you've gone through the personalization and the Tablet Input Panel still doesn't recognize your handwriting properly, you can send a report to Microsoft if you choose. Tap Tools -> Report Handwriting Recognition Errors.

You'll be offered a choice of errors to report. Once you've checked those errors, tap Next, and on the next page you'll see each error that the Tablet Input Panel has made in recognizing your handwriting. Under Corrected As, change the text to what it should have said, then tap Accept. Repeat this with all the errors, and then tap Next. The next page will send your report.
And there's still more!
In this tutorial, we've covered the basics of text entry and handwriting recognition, and what you can do to make the process more efficient. In the next tutorial, we'll cover the use of editing gestures (which you may be familiar with if you've used a PDA with a stylus) and "flicks," which are additional gestures for common commands. In the meantime, don't hesitate to check the articles recommended below.