您在寻找印度最好的功能手机吗?让我们来看看 2021 年所有最新的功能手机。(Are you looking for the Best Features Phones in India? Let’s check out all the latest feature phones of 2021.)
触摸屏和大型显示器已经占领了世界。但俗话说,老是金(Old is Gold)。即使在这个世界上数十亿的移动用户中,也有少数人仍然在功能手机中找到价值。功能手机就像复古艺术品。喜欢(Liking)和使用功能手机需要独特的品味和经济理解。
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印度 10 款最佳最新功能手机(10 Best Latest Feature Phones in India)
1.诺基亚5310(2020)(1. Nokia 5310 (2020))
(Nokia)25 年来,诺基亚一直是印度主要的手机制造商。(India)事实上,诺基亚(Nokia)是该国最受欢迎的消费电子公司之一。诺基亚(Nokia)是第一家在印度(India)推出功能手机和触摸屏手机的公司。
2020 年 8 月(August 2020)推出的 5310 型号是诺基亚(Nokia)的最新产品。就像(Just)大多数诺基亚(Nokia)产品一样,这款手机也是一款廉价手机(budget phone)。您可以在Amazon、Shopclues和诺基亚官方网站(Nokia website)上购买 5310 。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- FM 收音机和 MP3 播放器
- 双前置扬声器
- 延长电池寿命
显示屏: (Display: )诺基亚 5310(Nokia 5310)配备液晶显示屏(crystal display)。它采用TFT(薄膜晶体管(Thin-Film-Transistor))型显示屏(type display),具有水晶般清晰的显示功能。屏幕尺寸为 2.45 英寸(17.8 厘米)2。对于功能手机(feature phone)来说,这个屏幕尺寸(screen size)是最合适的。
这款手机的屏幕分辨率为 240 x 320 像素。您可以自由轻松地浏览网站和观看媒体文件。显示器的纵横比设置为标准的 4:3,像素密度为每英寸 167 像素。
平台: (Platform: )诺基亚5310(Nokia 5310)有一个Mediatek MT6062A 芯片组(Mediatek MT6062A chipset)。该设备是一款低端功能手机(feature phone)。手机的芯片组未启用CPU 或 GPU 。(CPU or GPU)该芯片组使移动设备能够提供增强和增强的性能来运行嵌入式应用程序。
主摄像头:(Main Camera:)诺基亚5310(Nokia 5310)有一个VGA – 百万像素(VGA – megapixel)主摄像头。对于所有技术新手来说,这意味着手机有一个 0.3 MP 的摄像头(MP camera)。使用此相机拍摄的媒体可以在台式机或笔记本电脑(desktop or laptop)上清晰查看。
前置摄像头:(Front Camera:) 不幸的是,诺基亚(Nokia)制造的 5310 型号没有前置摄像头。但是,要单击自拍,用户可以轻松地转动手机并使用手机上的按钮单击照片。
声音: (Sound: )这款手机配有放大的双扬声器。用户还可以通过连接耳机来欣赏音乐。诺基亚 5310(Nokia 5310)支持有线耳机和耳机的 3.5 毫米音频插孔。
操作系统: (Operating System: )诺基亚5310(Nokia 5310)运行在标准的Series 30+操作系统上。Series 30+是诺基亚移动设备使用的定制操作平台。(operating platform)用户无法在此手机上运行Java应用程序,因为(Java)Series 30+与此类软件不兼容。
内存:(Memory:) 这款手机提供 16MB / 8MB 的内部 RAM。这种内存容量(memory capacity)对于设备的正常操作活动来说是相当不错的。
诺基亚5310(Nokia 5310)具有内置的MicroSDHC 存储(MicroSDHC memory)卡。与普通MicroSD卡不同,MicroSDHC提供更高的存储容量(storage capacity)。MicroSD卡的存储容量(storage memory capacity)仅为 2GB。而(Whereas)MicroSDHC 卡(MicroSDHC card)提供 4-32GB 的内存存储(memory storage)。使用MicroSDHC 卡(MicroSDHC card),您还可以在诺基亚 5310上享受更快的(Nokia 5310)数据(Data)传输速度。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 启用蓝牙 3.0
- 所有可用的消息传递功能
- 可以存储电话记录和通话记录(Call Logs)
- LED闪光灯(主摄像头)
- 在全球(Global System)移动通信(Mobile Communication)系统 ( GSM )(GSM)网络上运行。
电池: (Battery: )诺基亚5310(Nokia 5310)有一个 1200 mAh 的可拆卸电池。这种电池容量对于(battery capacity)功能手机(feature phone)来说是巨大的,可以让你的手机充电一整天。该电池采用锂离子技术(Lithium-ion technology)类型制造,并具有安全电路(safety circuit)。
SIM 卡: (Sim Card: )使用诺基亚的双 SIM 卡技术,客户最多可以在诺基亚(Nokia)5310(Nokia 5310)中添加 2 张 SIM 卡。但是,这两个 SIM 卡插槽均不支持 4G 功能。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可选颜色(Colours Available):白(White)配Red / Black配红(Red)
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的
- USB 类型:微型 USB (1.1)
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:5克
增强的蓝牙和音频功能(Enhanced Bluetooth and Audio Features)
双 SIM 卡和 MicroSDHC 插槽
没有 GPS 功能
2.诺基亚150(2020)(Nokia 150 (2020))
排在第二位的是诺基亚(Nokia)的另一款迷人的手机。考虑到公司的规模、能力和历史,诺基亚(Nokia)在这份榜单上占据多个位置并不令人意外。诺基亚5310(Nokia 5310)和 150 是诺基亚(Nokia)生产的顶级手机。因此(Hence),它们具有一些相似的特征。
与诺基亚 5310(Nokia 5310)一样,诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)也于 2020 年推出。这款手机于4 月(April)在印度(India)首次亮相(debut entry)。用户可以在亚马逊(Amazon)、Flipkart和诺基亚官方网站上购买(Nokia website)诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- FM 收音机和 MP3 播放器
- VGA 摄像头2 和闪光灯
- 备用电池
显示屏: (Display: )诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的显示屏(display screen)也是采用TFT 制作(TFT)的。这款手机的厚度为 13 毫米,非常适合使用和握持(use and grip)。诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的屏幕尺寸为 2.4 英寸,17.8 2厘米。
屏幕约占手机整个机身的1/3 。低于 30% 的屏占比是功能手机(feature phone)的理想选择。诺基亚(Nokia)的 150 型号还提出了 240 x 320 像素的屏幕分辨率。屏幕的纵横比设置为 4:3,像素密度为每英寸 167 像素。
平台: (Platform: )诺基亚150(Nokia 150)还运行Mediatek MT6260A。该芯片组具有多种功能,支持高科技通信(Communications)( GSM )、无线电(Radio)( GPRS ) 和Edge RX功能。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: )诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的主摄像头采用VGA 百万像素(VGA Megapixel build)结构。查看诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)拍摄的照片和视频(photos and videos)的理想设备是台式机或笔记本电脑。与诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)相比,更大屏幕上的图像。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: )诺基亚150(Nokia 150)没有前置摄像头。购买此手机的客户可以通过转动相机并使用键盘上的中央拍摄按钮单击自拍。(capture button)
声音: 使用双扬声器,用户可以在(Sound: )诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)上享受咆哮的声音。该设备还支持 3.5毫米音频插孔(mm audio jack),可用于连接AUX电缆和耳机。
操作系统: (Operating System: )诺基亚150(Nokia 150)在Series 30+ 操作系统(operating system)上运行。虽然诺基亚 110(Nokia 110)等其他设备在Series 40+ 操作系统(operating system)上运行,但它们没有任何其他吸引人的功能。诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)无法运行 HTML-5 和基于 Java 的应用程序。
内存: (Memory: )诺基亚150(Nokia 150)有一个卡槽(card slot),用于容纳MicroSDHC 卡(MicroSDHC card)。手机的内存容量(memory capacity)( ROM ) 仅为 4MB。与其他功能相比,低内存是诺基亚150(Nokia 150)的绊脚石。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- (Video)使用主摄像头录制视频
- 启用蓝牙 3.0
- 可以在Contacts中存储2000个数据字段
- LED闪光灯(主摄像头)
- 运行在 GSM 网络技术上
电池: (Battery: )诺基亚150(Nokia 150)配备锂离子(Li-ion)可拆卸电池,电池容量为 1020 mAh。此容量可提供长达 20 小时的通话时间(talk time)和 565 小时的待机时间。
1020 mAh 电池(mAh battery)可帮助用户保持无忧无虑,让他们可以使用手机数天而不必担心电池寿命(battery life)。
SIM 卡: (Sim Card: )诺基亚150(Nokia 150)还配备了双SIM 卡功能(sim card feature)。但是,这款手机提供了双待SIM 卡功能(sim feature)。与诺基亚 5310(Nokia 5310)上的 Dual-Active 功能不同,这款设备一次只能操作一个 SIM 卡,尽管它拥有两张 SIM 卡。换句话说,当一个 sim 卡主动连接到GSM 网络(GSM network)时,另一个 sim 卡处于待机(非活动)模式。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色(Colours Available):Sky Blue / Red / Black
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的,内置FPC
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:91克
启用标准 USB 2.0
双待 SIM 卡
没有 GPS 功能和低 RAM
3.熔岩A3(3. Lava A3)
我们自豪地介绍了第一家进入前 10 名功能手机(Feature phone)列表的印度公司。Lava International是一家印度手机制造商(mobile manufacturer),成立于 2009 年。自成立以来,Lava International通过瞄准该国精打细算的消费者,获得了可观的市场份额。(market share)
Lava A3于 2019 年夏天推出。Lava A3被认为是(Lava A3)Lava有史以来最好的功能手机(feature phone)。这款手机具有大量功能。用户可以在亚马逊(Amazon)、Flipkart和 91mobiles上购买Lava A3 。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 6天备用电池
- 超强(Super)纯聚碳酸酯机身(Pure Polycarbonate body)
- Big 3020 扬声器的音乐体验
显示: (Display: )熔岩A3(Lava A3)的屏幕采用1.8英寸TFT屏幕(TFT screen)。由于(Due)尺寸有限,屏幕分辨率为 128 x 160 像素。手机的像素密度仅为116 PPI,因此降低了屏幕图像质量(screen image quality)。
平台: (Platform: ) Lava A3(Lava A3)在其平台上运行 900 / 1800 兆赫的GSM 频率(GSM frequency)。双频服务在欧洲(Europe)、中东(Middle East)和亚洲(Asia)非常流行。话虽如此,(Having)制造公司(manufacturing company)没有指定特定的芯片组。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: ) Lava A3(Lava A3)有一个不错的 0.3 MP 后置摄像头。高清画质(High-Definition)不具备画质,但仍然足够清晰,可以观看和欣赏。图片的图像分辨率(image resolution)很低。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: )不,Lava A3没有自拍摄像头。它只有一个后置摄像头,用作设备的primary/main camera。
声音: (Sound: )是的,Lava A3具有内置扬声器,可提高音频质量。它还支持 3.5毫米音频插孔(mm audio jack),供希望连接耳机并欣赏音乐的用户使用。
操作系统: (Operating System: )此设备遵循Lava的(Lava)标准移动(standard mobile) 操作系统(operating system)。它不像其他设备那样托管建模操作系统。(operating system)网络的工作频率(operating frequency)( GSM ) 为GSM – 900/1800Mhz,平均主时钟速度(Clock Speed)( PCS ) 为 1兆赫(Megahertz)。
内存: (Memory: )诺基亚150(Nokia 150)有一个 3 MB 的 ROM(MB ROM),带有一个可用的外部存储选项(storage option)。可扩展存储最多可添加 32 GB 数据。对于功能手机用户(feature phone user)来说,这是非常有利和有益的。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- (Video)使用主摄像头录制视频
- 启用蓝牙 2.0
- 电话簿条目(仅限 1500 个)
- LED闪光灯(主摄像头)
- 支持多种语言
- Calculator / Stopwatch / Calendar / Alarm
- 自动通话录音
- 运行在 GSM 网络技术 (2G) 上
电池: (Battery: ) Lava A3(Lava A3)运行一个巨大的锂离子电池(Lithium-ion battery),具有惊人的 1750 毫安时的电量(power capacity)。这款手机在待机状态下可以运行 700 多个小时。该电池配备了智能电池技术(Smart Battery Technology),使其能够提供 30 多个小时的通话时间,并具有持续一周的备用电池。(battery backup)
Sim 卡: (Sim Card: ) Lava A3(Lava A3)为其用户提供Dual-Sim 技术。(Dual-Sim technology)Lava A3上的两个sim 卡可以一起使用,因为手机提供 Dual-Active sim 卡使用(sim usage)。GSM 网络(GSM network)也可以在两个 SIM卡上启用。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色(Colours Available):Black / White / Grey
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的,内置FPC
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:91 克
可扩展内存高达 32 GB
内置应用程序,例如(Apps Such)计算器和日历(Calculator and Calendar)
关于操作系统问题的差评(Poor Reviews Regarding Operating System Issues)
没有 GPS 功能和低 RAM / ROM
屏幕显示尺寸不佳和每英寸像素低(Poor Screen Display Size and Low Pixels Per Inch)
4. 微麦克斯 X742(4. Micromax X742)
Micromax是印度(India)领先的消费电子产品制造公司。它是第一家在俄罗斯(Russia)等国家交易手机的印度(India)公司。尽管最近在智能手机领域(smartphone sector)取得了进展,Micromax始终确保在印度(India)最好的功能手机市场占有一席之地。
Micromax X742于(Micromax X742)2019 年 6(June 2019)月推出。用户可以在Flipkart、亚马逊(Amazon)、PriceBaba和 91mobiles 上购买手机。买家可以在上述每个网站上享受不同的折扣。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
显示: (Display: )Micromax X742的屏幕尺寸为 2.4 英寸,大约等于 6.09 厘米。屏幕尺寸为 121 x 51 x 15 毫米。这种屏幕尺寸占整个手机的 29%。
Micromax X742的显示屏(display screen)采用TFT 玻璃(TFT glass)材料制成。手机的屏幕分辨率为 240 x 320 像素,像素密度为 167 PPI。
平台: (Platform: ) Micromax X742(Micromax X742)有一个SPREADTRUM SC6531 Soc ,它是用于Feature手机的标准芯片组处理器。(chipset processor)该手机在片上系统中有一个内置的ARM9EJ-CPU ,速度可达 320 MHz(MHz speed)。但是,该芯片组中没有集成GPU。
芯片组的大小为 40 牛顿米。该芯片组还具有图形加速器,完全适合Micromax(Micromax)的 X742 的 240 x 320 屏幕分辨率。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: )该设备有一个后置摄像头(rear camera),分辨率为 0.08 MP(MP resolution)。使用此相机点击的图像具有更高的细节,分辨率为 640 x 480 像素。该相机还包括一个LED 闪光灯(LED flash)和一个数码变焦功能(zoom feature)。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: )这款Micromax X742采用单摄像头设置。它没有自拍/前置摄像头。
声音: (Sound: ) Micromax X742(Micromax X742)采用单个扬声器,音质(sound quality)出色而清脆。用户可以使用设备顶部的 3.5mm 音频插孔连接有线耳机。
操作系统: (Operating System: )芯片组的配置不支持安卓(Android)。它运行基于Linux 和 C 编程的(Linux and C programming)ThreadX 操作系统(operating system)。该操作系统(operating system)允许用户收听广播、音乐和操作其他几个功能。
内存: (Memory: ) Micromax X742(Micromax X742)拥有 32 MB 的海量RAM。它是该列表中第一款RAM超过 16MB 的手机。移动设备的只读存储器(Memory)( ROM ) 为 32MB。
手机的内部存储器(Internal memory)也是 32 MB。但是,该手机还支持最多可容纳 16 GB 的外部存储器。这款手机的内存容量和性能(memory capacity and capability)远远领先于印度电子市场上的大多数功能手机。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- 视频捕捉功能
- 支持蓝牙2.1(Bluetooth 2.1)技术
- 提供多种GSM 带宽(GSM bandwidth)支持
- 主摄像头的LED闪光灯(Flash)(手电筒(Torch))
- 电话簿条目(有限)
- Calculator / Stopwatch / Calendar / Alarm
- 增强型芯片组为媒体提供更高的分辨率
电池: (Battery: )Micromax X742的电池并不是其最佳功能。该设备有一个锂离子电池,其存储容量(storage capacity)为 1000 mAh。电池是用户可更换的,并带有IC 保护(IC protection),以确保最大的消费者安全(consumer safety)。
Sim 卡: (Sim Card: )这款手机提供双 SIM 卡功能。两个 sim 卡插槽都不支持 4G/3G网络连接(network connectivity)。用户可以在两张 sim 卡上访问 2G 网络上的GSM 1800 / 900 / 850 MHz 。
Micromax的 X742运行在 Dual-Active Sim 技术上(Sim technology)。设备上的两张 sim 卡可以同时使用,没有任何网络中断或连接限制。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色:黑色
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的,内置FPC
- USB类型:微型USB
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:77 克
32 MB RAM 和 32 MB ROM
多达 16 个可扩展存储
没有 GPS 跟踪功能
不支持 4G / 3G 技术
(Also Read:)另请阅读:Android 手机(Android Phone)的22 个最佳语音(Best Speech)到文本应用程序(Text Applications)
5.诺基亚8110 4G(香蕉手机)(5. Nokia 8110 4G (The Banana Phone))
是的,它又是诺基亚产品(Nokia product)。诺基亚(Nokia)是功能手机(Feature phone)市场的大师级开发商。诺基亚8110 4G 是著名的(Nokia 8110)诺基亚手机(Nokia mobile)诺基亚 8110(Nokia 8110)的下一代创意机型。
由于其外观,诺基亚 8110(Nokia 8110) 4G 也被称为香蕉手机(Banana Phone)。这款手机于2018 年 2 月(February 2018)在西班牙(Spain)举行的世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上推出。您可以在亚马逊(Amazon)、Flipkart、Smartprix和诺基亚官方网站上购买(Nokia)诺基亚(Nokia)的 8110 4G 。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 强大的电池寿命
- 4G LTE 和无线热点
- 与 WhatsApp 保持联系
显示: (Display: )诺基亚8110(Nokia 8110) 4G的屏幕尺寸为2.45英寸,覆盖面积为18cm 2。手机的屏幕采用TFT 屏幕(TFT screen)制成,这是一种LCD 显示(LCD display)变体。由于(Due)其扩展的键盘,屏幕与机身的比例比平时略低。手机的屏幕占据了整个设备的25%。
手机的屏幕分辨率为 240 x 320 像素。该设备的像素密度为每英寸(Per Inch)167 个像素。
平台: (Platform: )诺基亚8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 是第一款搭载骁龙处理器的(Snapdragon processor)功能手机(feature phone)。该芯片组还具有内置CPU 和 GPU(CPU and GPU)。这款手机配备Qualcomm MSM 8905 Snapdragon 205芯片组。该芯片组采用 1.1GHz 双核Cortex-A7 CPU和Adreno 304 GPU构建。
先进的CPU、GPU和处理器构建推动了这款功能手机(feature phone)与其他低端智能手机的竞争。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: )诺基亚 8810(Nokia 8810) 4G的后置摄像头分辨率为 2 兆像素 (MP)。用户还可以使用相机录制视频并分享(videos and share)。相机还推广了用于点击图片和录制视频的LED 闪光灯。(LED flash)
2 MP 摄像头(MP camera)在功能手机(feature phone)上很少见。如上所述,大多数功能手机(feature phone)都没有分辨率质量(resolution quality)优于 0.3 MP 的摄像头。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: )诺基亚8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 没有任何前置或自拍摄像头。它只有一个后置摄像头(rear camera)。
声音: (Sound: )诺基亚8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 配备放大扬声器,可为用户提供高品质的音乐输出(music output)。诺基亚8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 还具有 3.55mm 音频插孔,供用户连接耳机或耳机。
操作系统: (Operating System: )该设备在Kai OS上运行,该操作系统(operating system)旨在构建对 4G LTE E、WiFi、VoLTE和GPS功能的支持。Kai OS还使用户能够访问基于HTML-5的应用程序,并通过延长周期提供更长的电池寿命。
内存: (Memory: )如上所述,诺基亚 8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 拥有高通 MSM 8905 (Qualcomm MSM 8905) Snapdragon 205芯片组。手机的RAM为 512 MB,是(RAM)行业平均水平(industry average)(16MB)的 30 多倍。
该设备的内部存储器为 4GB (eMMC 4.5),没有可用的可扩展存储选项(storage option)。巨大的内存足以让功能手机(feature phone)用户满意地使用该设备。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- 提供 Wi-Fi 功能 (802. 11 b / g / n)
- 启用蓝牙 4.10v
- 启用 4G 和 3G 网络
- 以 GSM 技术运行
- IP52 滴水保护
- 具有LED 闪光灯和视频录制功能(LED Flash and Video recording features)的相机
- 支持 HTML-5 应用程序,例如WhatsApp、Gmail、Facebook等。
电池: (Battery: )诺基亚 8810(Nokia 8810) 4G的电池并不是它的最佳功能。该手机具有容量为 1500 mAh的可拆卸锂离子电池。(lithium-ion battery)
单次使用(sim usage)时,这款电池可提供 620 小时的待机时间、12 小时的通话时间(Talk-Time)(在 3G 上)和 50 小时的音乐播放(music play)时间。当两张 sim 卡都在使用时,待机时间减少到 425 小时,通话时间(Talk-Time)减少到 11 小时。
Sim 卡: (Sim Card: )诺基亚8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 是一款双卡手机。主SIM卡槽(card slot)支持Micro-SIM类型(Micro-SIM type),副SIM卡槽(sim slot)支持Nano-SIM类型。两张 sim 卡都支持 3G 和 4G网络连接(network connectivity)。但是,这款手机具有双待机功能,在任何给定时间只允许一个 SIM 卡保持活动状态。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可选颜色(Colours Available):传统Black / Banana Yellow
- GPS功能:是(A-GPS)
- 收音机:是的,内置FPC
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:120克
支持 HTML – 基于 5 的应用程序
两个模拟人生都启用了 4G 网络
海量RAM 和 ROM(RAM and ROM)以及WiFi 功能(WiFi feature)
6. ITEL IT2192
Itel是一家总部位于香港的公司,为全世界生产入门级功能手机、医疗保健服务和经济型技术解决方案。Itel产品以其实惠的价格和可靠的功能而闻名,这使其成为在印度购买的最佳功能手机之一。( best features phone to buy in India.)
Itel IT2192(Itel IT2192)是此列表中的最新产品。它于2020 年 9 月(September 2020)推出。因其在健康系列版块(health series section)中的特色,也被称为心率版机型(heart rate edition model)。要购买这款手机,消费者需要访问 91mobiles 或Pricebaba等网站。该产品在亚马逊(Amazon)、Flipkart和Shopclues等主要电子商务网站上均不可用。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 0.5 厘米(1.8 英寸)QVGA 显示屏
- 心率监测器
- 王声
显示: (Display: )IT2192的显示屏幕(display screen)略小于平均水平。这款手机的显示屏尺寸(display size)为 1.85 英寸(4.57 英寸),可轻松放入用户手中。正如经常提到的,手机的显示屏(display screen)是用QVGA / Thin Film Transistor – Liquid Crystal Display构建的。
手机的屏幕分辨率很差。它固定在 128 x 160 像素,这使得屏幕非常不清晰和像素化。Itel IT 2192的像素密度也很低,设置为 114 PPI。手机的整体显示质量(display quality)令人遗憾。
平台: (Platform: ) IT 2192(IT 2192)没有品牌芯片组。但是,它运行一个具有 1.8 MHz 处理器的(MHz processor)CPU。该芯片组不支持在Java上运行的应用程序。该设备运行的平台是低端的,使用定制的 Itel 软件(Itel software)构建。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: )IT 2192的后置摄像头具有 0.03 MP 的传统分辨率。与诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310) 4G相比, IT 2192的主摄像头的图像质量(image quality)相当糟糕。
但是,使用此相机拍摄的媒体图像分辨率(image resolution)为 640 x 480 像素。该分辨率类似于Lava A3的分辨率。用户还可以在操作单相机设置时使用大LED 闪光灯和数码变焦功能。(LED flash and Digital Zoom feature)
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: ) Itel的(Itel)IT 2192(IT 2192)没有任何前置/自拍摄像头。这个设备有一个单一的相机设置(camera setup)。
声音: (Sound: )手机内置扬声器,支持所有音频格式。该设备的音频质量非常出色。IT 2192还配备了一个 3.55 毫米音频插孔,允许用户连接耳机、AUX电缆(AUX)和耳机。
操作系统: (Operating System: ) Itel IT 2192(Itel IT 2192)没有专用操作系统(operating system)。它在支持集成到设备中的功能的标准 Itel操作系统上运行。(operating system)
内存: (Memory: ) IT 2192(IT 2192)的RAM仅为 4 MB,内部内存为 32 MB。Itel增加了设备的内部存储容量(memory capacity),从 16 MB 提升到支持设备的医疗保健功能。
IT 2192还支持最大容量为 32 GB的存储卡(memory card)的外部存储插槽。(storage slot)该内存主要用于存储电话簿条目和心率日志。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- 电话簿条目最多 2000 个
- 自动通话录音
- 支持 8 种印度语言,包括旁遮普语(Punjabi)、孟加拉语(Bengali)、卡纳达语(Kannada)等。
- 无线调频以及录音能力
- 预装游戏
- 启用蓝牙 2.1
- 高级(Advanced)大LED 手电筒(LED Torchlight)(也可用作相机闪光灯)
- 王声功能(voice feature):拨号、阅读、来电、时间更新
- 心率监测器
- 日历/闹钟/计算器
电池: (Battery: )IT 2192的锂离子电池的储能容量仅为 1000 mAh。电池可由用户更换,通话时间为 8 小时。手机的电池拥有300小时的待机时间。
由于心率监测功能(heart rate monitor feature),电池的放电速度(discharge speed)比其他由 1000 mAh 电池供电的手机稍快。
Sim 卡: (Sim Card: )这款手机是双 SIM 卡手机,在两个 SIM 卡插槽上均提供GSM 技术网络。(GSM technology)两张 sim 卡都不支持 4G 或 3G 连接。两张SIM卡都可以使用2G网络。
虽然该设备具有双待机功能,但两个 sim 卡都可以连接到GSM 1800 / 900 MHz的 2G 网络频段。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色:蓝色
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的,内置FPC
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:68 克
蓝牙和 2G 连接
可扩展存储高达 32 GB
注意:Itel IT 2192 是非医疗设备(Note: The Itel IT 2192 is a non-medical device)
7. 卡波恩 KX 23(7. Karbonn KX 23)
在印度(India),Karbonn手机在入门级手机客户中非常成熟并广受欢迎。Karbonn Mobiles是一家印度(India)公司,生产功能手机、移动配件和高科技电子产品已有 12 年。它主要以预算友好的功能手机而闻名。
Karbonn KX 23于(Karbonn KX 23)2019 年 5(May 2019)月推出。这是一款具有出色功能的时尚手机。感兴趣的读者可以在Flipkart、Pricekart和 91Mobiles 上购买这款手机。在Flipkart上,用户可以在购买Karbonn KX 23时享受优惠折扣。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1 年制造保修
- 6 个月电池保修
- 32 MB 内存 | 32 MB 只读存储器
- 6.1 厘米(2.4 英寸)显示屏
- 1900毫安电池
显示: (Display: )KX 23的屏幕尺寸为 2.45 英寸。显示屏尺寸(display screen size)为 2.45 英寸,相当于 6.23 厘米。屏幕质量直立清晰,外观舒适。
KX 23的屏幕分辨率为 240 x 320 像素,高于Itel IT 2192,与诺基亚 8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 相当。像素密度也高于IT 2192,设定为 167 PPI。
平台: (Platform: ) KX 23(KX 23)推广了Karbonn 标准(Karbonn standard)芯片组。该平台没有任何内置CPU 或 GPU(CPU or GPU),降低了手机的性能能力(performance capability)。
手机的芯片组被提升以支持媒体播放(Media playing)(音频和视频(Audio and Video))并运行预装的应用程序,例如日历(Calendar)、闹钟(Alarm)、秒表(Stopwatch)和计算器(Calculator)。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: ) KX 23(KX 23)有一个后置摄像头设置(rear camera setup)。相机的分辨率为 0.3 MP。使用相机拍摄的图像质量不错。媒体具有适当的可视性和精确性。
除了视频捕捉功能,这款手机的摄像头还提供LED 闪光灯和数码变焦(LED flash and Digital zoom),以准确捕捉图像和视频(image and video capturing)。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: )此设备没有自拍相机。要点击自拍,用户需要转动手机并使用主摄像头点击图片。
声音: (Sound: ) Karbonn KX 23(Karbonn KX 23)配备一个扬声器,支持包括MP3 和 AUV(MP3 and AUV)在内的各种音频格式。除了扬声器,该手机还有一个 3.5 毫米音频插孔。客户可以连接耳机,享受高品质音频输出(high-quality audio output)的无缝音乐。
操作系统: (Operating System: )Karbonn KX 23中没有专用操作系统(operating system)。移动设备运行在基于Linux 操作系统编程的(Linux OS)劣质软件(shoddy software)上,以吸收设备的操作。
内存: (Memory: )谈到内存和存储细节(memory and storage details),Karbonn KX 23在该领域与竞争对手并不遥远。使用KX 23,用户可以享受 4 MB RAM来导航和使用设备的功能。
除了 4MB RAM外,该手机还具有 16MB ( ROM ) 的内部存储空间。虽然对于希望最大化电话簿条目和其他数据的用户来说,内部存储空间可能不足,但高达 32 GB 的可扩展存储空间就可以完成这项工作。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- 电话簿条目最多 1800 个(有限)
- 无线电
- 启用蓝牙 v3.1
- (Video player)支持MP4和 3GP 格式的视频播放器
- (Audio player)支持AUV 和 MP3 格式的(AUV and MP3 formats)音频播放器
- 耐刮擦
- FM 录音选项
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
电池: (Battery: )您现在可能已经知道,电池是手机的一项非常重要的功能。为了让Karbonn KX 23为您的服务保持活跃,它配备了锂离子电池,其存储容量(storage capacity)高达1900 mAh。
该电池可由用户更换,可提供长达 850 小时的待机时间。(standby time)除了超长的待机时间(standby time)外,电池还可以提供 13 小时的通话时间(Talk-Time)。当两个模拟卡都在使用时,电池性能(battery performance)降低了 10%。
模拟卡: (Sim Card: )双模拟卡技术(Dual-Sim technology)允许用户在Karbonn KX 23上操作两个模拟卡。两个模拟人生都将在GSM 技术上(GSM technology)运行。Sim 1和Sim 2都经过优化,只能在 2G 网络上运行。4G 和 3G sim 卡在此手机上无效。
Karbonn KX 23采用双待技术,即不能同时使用两张 SIM 卡。两个 sim 卡的 sim 卡插槽都支持Nano-sim 尺寸(Nano-sim sizing)。此外,两个 sim 卡的 2G 带宽均为 GSM 1800 / 900 MHz。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色:黑色/白色
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的,内置 FPC(无线)
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:76 克
蓝牙和 2G 连接
1900 mAh电池容量(Battery Capacity)(高通话时间和待机时间(High Talk-time and Stand-by Time))
可扩展存储高达 32 GB
双待 SIM 卡
慢速处理器和弱操作系统(Slow Processor and Weak Operating System)
不支持 4G 或 3G 网络
Itel再次为我们带来了一款功能强大的手机(feature mobile)。Itel是除诺基亚(Nokia)之外唯一第二次上榜的品牌。这表明其生产顶级功能手机(feature mobile)的能力被低估了。虽然诺基亚(Nokia)是市场上的王者,但Itel是(Itel)诺基亚(Nokia)在印度(India)的主要竞争对手。
Magic 2 Max是一款高级功能手机(feature phone),在任何功能上都没有妥协。这款手机是Itel(Itel)的全新创作,于2020年10月(October 2020)推出。这款手机仅在Flipkart上以最优惠的价格提供。除了非常合理的价格外,还可以通过一些综合折扣购买手机。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 智能通知提醒
- 3D曲面显示器
- 10mm 超薄
显示屏: (Display: )Itel Magic 2 Max的显示屏固定为 2.8 英寸,约等于 7.1 厘米。该显示尺寸(display size)大于Noia 150和Karbonn KX 23。与此列表中的上一款 Itel 产品(Itel product)(Itel IT 2192 )相比, (Itel IT 2192)Magic 2 Max的屏幕尺寸增大了 54%(1.85 英寸对 2.4 英寸)。这款手机设计有 3D固化显示屏(cure display),使其看起来很优雅。
Magic 2 Max的屏幕分辨率为 240 x 320 像素。这款手机的屏幕质量很糟糕。但是,手机的像素密度设置为每英寸 143 个像素,这大大降低了显示质量。
平台: (Platform: )Itel的Magic 2 Max和IT 2192在相同的芯片组和处理器(chipset and processor)上运行。这两款手机都有一个未公开的芯片组,其CPU与 1.8 (CPU)MHz 处理器(MHz processor)融合在一起。Java应用程序不会在Magic 2 Max上运行。
主相机: (Main Camera: )Magic 2 Max主要以其卓越的相机质量(camera quality)而闻名。magic 2 max 有一个后置摄像头设置(rear camera setup)。该设备的主摄像头具有 1.3 MP 的摄像头(MP camera)分辨率,这是Itel的一次巨大升级。
相机的图像质量(image quality)非常出色,具有1280 x 1024像素的出色图像分辨率。(image resolution)Magic 2 Max的相机还具有LED 闪光灯(LED flash)和数码变焦选项(zoom option),以提高图像质量(image quality)。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: ) Magic 2 (Magic 2) Max不包含自拍摄像头。主摄像头(后置)是设备的唯一摄像头。
声音: (Sound: ) Magic 2 Max用户可以通过内置扬声器欣赏抽屉式增强音乐。扬声器支持MP3 音乐(MP3 music)格式,可提供49 分贝的音乐音量(music volume)。
操作系统: (Operating System: )类似于Itel (Akin)IT 2192(Itel IT 2192),该设备没有专用操作系统(operating system)。它在支持集成到设备中的功能的标准 Itel操作系统上运行。(operating system)该器件的主时钟速度(clock speed)为 312 MHz。
内存: (Memory: )运行像Itel Magic 2这样的设备,Max需要更多RAM。因此(Hence),Itel开发了这款具有 8 MB RAM的产品。此RAM足以运行非 Java 应用程序、预加载的游戏和相机。
该设备的内部存储器为 32 MB,是Itel IT 2192 ROM的两倍。话虽如此,Magic 2 Max的可扩展存储限制为 32 GB。由于公众的更高期望,此限制对Magic 2 Max(Maxdue)的用户来说是一个陷阱。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- 3D曲面镜头显示
- 纤薄机身,12 毫米表面处理
- 通知的智能灯(Smart light)(警报(Alarms)、消息和呼叫)
- 高级(Advanced)大LED 手电筒(LED Torchlight)(也可用作相机闪光灯)
- 王声功能(voice feature):拨号、阅读、来电、时间更新
- 电话簿条目最多 1800 个(有限)
- 无线电
- 启用蓝牙 v3.1
- (Video player)支持MP4和 3GP 格式的视频播放器
- (Audio player)支持MP3 格式的(MP3 format)音频播放器
- 超级电池模式
- 短信存储(500 个条目)
- 带浏览器的 GPRS 上网
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
电池: (Battery: )这款手机具有迷人的功能,会消耗大量电池寿命(battery life)。Itel为手机精心打造了超级电池模式(battery mode)。Magic 2 Max的锂离子电池的最大电量存储容量为 1900 mAh。
这个电池容量(battery capacity)几乎是Itel IT 2192容量的两倍。智能电池模式(battery mode)允许手机提供 17 小时的通话时间(Talk-Time)和 350 小时的待机时间。这是Itel做出的改变游戏规则的巨大改进(game-changing improvement)。
Sim 卡: (Sim Card: )这款手机为其用户提供Dual-Sim 技术,以及(Dual-Sim technology)GPRS 连接(GPRS connectivity)。两张 sim 卡都在GSM 网络(GSM network)带宽上运行。该手机提供仅限于 2G 的网络连接。(network connectivity)
两个 sim 卡的 2G 频段为GSM 1800 / 900 MHz。Internet GPRS仅适用于主卡(SIM卡插槽 1(Sim card slot 1))。Itel Magic 2 (Itel Magic 2) Max在双激活模式下运行,允许两个模拟人生同时运行。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色(Colours Available):Blue / Green / White
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的,内置 FPC(无线)
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:75 克
双活 SIM 卡
1900 mAh电池容量(Battery Capacity)(高通话时间和待机时间(High Talk-time and Stand-by Time))
卓越的相机质量(Exceptional Camera Quality)和高图像分辨率(High Image Resolution)
低 ROM(内部存储器)
慢速处理器和弱操作系统(Slow Processor and Weak Operating System)
不支持 4G 或 3G 网络
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 自定义Android 手机的(Android Phone)最佳自定义 ROM(Best Custom ROMs)
9、科超达K112(9. Kechaoda K112 )
如果您是功能移动世界的新手(Kechaoda),那么科超达对您来说可能是一个陌生的品牌。深圳科超达(Shenzhen Kechaoda)是一家中国电子产品贸易商,在 40 多个国家制造和销售其手机。科超达 K112(Kechaoda K112)是该公司的里程碑式成就(milestone achievement)。
该产品独特而卓越。它具有无与伦比的品质和无与伦比的功能。2017年8月(August 2017),科超达(Kechaoda)K112上市。其卓越的品质使该设备在 2020 年保持在此列表中。您可以在亚马逊(Amazon)、Flipkart、SmartPrix和 91mobiles 上购买此产品。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 电池容量3600mAh
- 32MB 内存和三张 SIM 卡
- 2.4英寸大显示屏
显示: (Display: )科超达K112(Kechaoda K112)采用独特的设计和风格(design and style)。该设备的显示屏尺寸为 2.4 英寸,大约等于 6.1 厘米。屏幕质量卓越且晶莹剔透。
K112的显示类型(display type)是TFT LCD。屏幕分辨率类似于Itel Magic 2 Max 即(Max i.e)。240 x 320 像素。除此之外,手机的像素密度设置为每英寸 167 像素,采用QVGA 分辨率(QVGA resolution)类型。
平台: (Platform: )科超达K112(Kechaoda K112)是一款基于未指定平台构建的功能手机。(feature mobile)但是,它的芯片组中确实拥有 2.4 GHz CPU。此设备上没有支持HTML-5应用程序的(HTML-5)GPU 。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: ) K112有(K112)一个摄像头设置(camera setup)和一个唯一的后置主摄像头。该相机的分辨率为 0.3 MP。图像质量是标准化的,不如Itel Magic 2 Max。
相机的图像质量(image quality)设置为 640 x 480 像素。该相机还具有数码变焦功能(zoom feature),可实现最佳使用。但是,没有支持相机的LED 手电筒。(LED Flashlight)相机质量差是该设备的唯一缺点。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: )科超达K112(Kechaoda K112)没有前置摄像头。用户可以转动相机并使用主相机点击自拍。
声音: 科(Sound: )超达 K112(Kechaoda K112)的扬声器旨在放大音乐和通话音量(music and call volume)。输出质量(output quality)非常清晰和响亮。此外,该手机还具有一个 3.5毫米音频插孔(mm audio jack),供用户连接耳机和耳机。
操作系统: (Operating System: )科超达K112(Kechaoda K112)的操作系统(operating system)运行在GSM 850、GSM 900、DCS 1800和PCS 1800的(PCS 1800)工作频率(operating frequency)上。此手机没有品牌操作系统。但是,它已集成以平稳运行设备及其所有功能。无法在此设备上访问Java应用程序。(Java)
内存: (Memory: )Kechaoda的K112拥有32 MB的海量RAM。正因为(Due)如此,电话效率高,响应时间(response time)快。与此列表中的其他功能手机相比,K112 的RAM低于(K112)诺基亚(RAM)8810 4G(Nokia 8810) (512MB),但与Micromax 742相同(同等性能速率(Rate))。
这款手机的内存为 64 MB,是IT 2192 ROM的两倍。这款手机还具有64 GB ( MicroSD )的巨大可扩展(immense expandable)存储容量。(storage capacity)
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- 电话簿条目最多 2000 个(有限)
- 无线电
- 自动通话录音
- 启用蓝牙 v3.1
- (Video player)支持MP4和 3GP 格式的视频播放器
- (Audio player)支持MP3、WAV和AMR格式的音频播放器
- 字母数字键盘
- 支持多种语言
- 快速拨号设施
- 电话会议和呼叫wait /转移选项。
- 短信存储(800 条)
- 带浏览器的 GPRS 上网
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
电池: 科(Battery: )超达K112(Kechaoda K112)的电池是最引以为豪的规格。K112拥有锂离子电池,具有 3200 mAh 的广泛电力存储容量。这款手机是该列表中唯一一款电池容量(battery capacity)高于 1900 mAh 的设备。
由于容量大,这款手机的电池非常笨重。3200 mAh 电池容量(mAh battery capacity)可提供 500 小时的待机时间。同理,电池还提供 23 小时的通话时间。对于总是担心电池耗尽的用户,K112是您的完美伴侣。
Sim Card: 这款手机推广了一种独特的Triple sim技术。手机上的所有模拟人生都在GSM 网络(GSM network)上运行。每个SIM 卡插槽(sim slot)的网络连接(network connectivity)仅限于 2G 网络。SIM卡使用的2G频段是GSM 1800/ 900 MHz。
这款手机在 Triple-Active sim 模式下运行(sim mode)。所有三张 SIM 卡都可以在任何给定时间点高效运行。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色:黑色/绿色
- GPS功能:没有
- 收音机:是的,内置 FPC(无线)
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- GPRS:是的
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:205 克
3200 mAh电池容量(Battery Capacity)(高通话时间和待机时间(High Talk-time and Stand-by Time))
强大而独特的设计使(Unique Design Makes)手机看起来优雅(Mobile Look Classy)
慢速处理器和弱操作系统(Slow Processor and Weak Operating System)
不支持 4G 或 3G 网络
10. 信实 Jio 电话 2(10. Reliance Jio Phone 2)
我们如何在不提及Reliance 的(Reliance)情况下结束此列表?Reliance是亚洲(Asia)领先的公司,专注于多个经济领域。2015 年,Reliance Digital将Jio免费介绍给印度人民。Reliance Digital因其预算友好的座右铭而获得了印度消费者的大力支持和喜爱。(support and affection)
Reliance Digital Jio Phone 2于(Reliance Digital Jio Phone 2)2018 年 6(June 2018)月推出。这款手机是在过去 2 年中声名鹊起的顶级营销示例。(marketing example)有兴趣的读者可以在Jio官网(Jio website)结合一些银行折扣购买这款产品。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 出色的电池寿命
- 区域语言支持
- 高速互联网
- 双卡支持
显示屏: (Display: ) Reliance Jio 2(Reliance Jio 2)的显示屏(display screen)为TFT-LCD 型(TFT – LCD type)。屏幕尺寸(screen size)为 2.45 英寸,大约等于 6.1 厘米。屏幕与机身的比例(body ratio)为 26.8%,由于手机上有多个大的中央按钮,因此该比例略低。
这款手机的屏幕质量相当不错,分辨率为 320 x 240 像素。与此列表中的其他手机相比,手机的形状更广泛。屏幕上的色彩再现设置为 262K。这款手机的像素密度为每英寸 167 像素。屏幕的整体可见性非常好。
平台: (Platform: ) Reliance Digital(Reliance Digital)的Jio 2具有 2.4 GHz 处理器(GHz processor),带有嵌入式CPU 和 GPU(CPU and GPU),可提升性能。这款手机没有品牌芯片组。但是,Jio 2确实支持基于HTML-5的应用程序。
主摄像头: (Main Camera: )Jio 2的主摄像头具有惊人的 2 MP 分辨率。手机的后置摄像头是设备的唯一摄像头。使用VGA 相机(VGA camera)拍摄的媒体图像质量为640 (image resolution)x(image quality) 480像素。Jio 2的这个图像质量(image quality)在这个列表中是第二好的,仅次于Itel Magic 2 Max。
前置摄像头: (Front Camera: ) Reliance Digital Jio 2(Reliance Digital Jio 2)没有自拍相机。用户可以使用手机的VGA(VGA)主 2 MP 摄像头(MP camera)转动手机并单击清晰的自拍照。
声音: (Sound: )这款手机有一个内置扬声器,可以提供 39 分贝的输出。移动音频的质量响亮而令人满意。用户可以在扬声器上享受听音乐和接听电话的乐趣,而不会出现任何与音量相关的问题。
此外,Jio 2还拥有 3.55 毫米音频插孔,可支持耳机、AUX线和耳机。
操作系统: (Operating System: ) Reliance Jio 2(Reliance Jio 2)运行在与诺基亚 8810 4G 相同的操作系统上(Nokia 8810),(operating system)即Kai OS。该操作系统(operating system)旨在支持 4G 技术并执行补充活动。它还支持Java应用程序,例如Facebook、YouTube和WhatsApp。该操作系统(operating system)对于延长手机的电池寿命也很有用。(battery life)
内存: (Memory: )说到内存,Jio 2的(Jio 2)RAM为512 MB。该设备丰富的RAM 功能(RAM capability)有助于它运行Facebook 和 WhatsApp(Facebook and WhatsApp)等应用程序而没有任何延迟。
Jio 2是第一款拥有4 GB巨大ROM(内部存储器)的(Internal memory)功能手机。(feature phone)Jio 2手机的一个主要缺点是它不支持外部存储 microSD 插槽(storage microSD slot)。
附加的功能:(Additional Features:)
- 短信功能可用
- 电话簿条目最多 2000 个(有限)
- 高清音质
- 不受限制的互联网连接
- 访问HTML-5 应用程序(HTML-5 apps),例如YouTube 和 Facebook(YouTube and Facebook)
- 免费语音通话
- 自动通话录音
- 启用蓝牙 v3.1
- (Video player)支持MP4和 3GP 格式的视频播放器
- (Audio player)支持MP3、WAV和AMR格式的音频播放器
- 字母数字键盘
- 支持多种语言
- 网络覆盖广
- 短信存储(550 个条目)
- 带浏览器的 GPRS 上网
- 预装的 Jio 应用程序
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
电池: (Battery: )Jio 2的电池类型(battery type)是锂离子电池(Lithium-ion),可存储高达 2000 mAh 的电量。Jio 2的电池容量(battery capacity)在此列表中排名第二,仅次于Kachaoda K112。它甚至超过了运行在与 Jio 2 相同的操作系统上的诺基亚8810 (Jio 2)4G(operating system)的(Nokia 8810)1500 mAh容量(mAh capacity)。
2000 mAh 电池容量(mAh battery capacity)提供 12 小时通话时间和 335 小时待机时间。对于一款功能手机(feature mobile)来说,这种电池寿命(battery life)是相当惊人的。
Sim 卡: (Sim Card: ) Jio 2(Jio 2)是一款双卡手机,在两个 sim 卡插槽上都提供GSM 网络连接。(GSM network)两个 SIM 卡插槽都支持Nano-sim 技术(Nano-sim technology)。(12.3 毫米 x 8.3 毫米 x 0.67 毫米)。
由于这款手机是由Kai OS驱动的,所以两张 sim 卡都支持 4G 和 3G 网络。但是,这款手机是双待机手机,它允许单个 SIM 卡在任何给定时间点保持活动状态。
其他详情:(Other Details:)
- 可用颜色:黑色
- GPS功能:是的
- 收音机:是的,内置 FPC(无线)
- USB 类型:Micro USB (2.0)
- 传感器:没有
- GPRS:是的
- 游戏:是的
- 重量:102 克
- 通过 4G 连接
支持HTML-5 和 Java 应用程序(HTML-5 and Java Applications)
2000 mAh电池容量(Battery Capacity)(高通话时间和待机时间(High Talk-time and Stand-by Time))
- 使用 Kai OS 操作系统(Enhanced Performance Using Kai OS Operating System)
没有自动通话录音功能(Auto Call Recording Feature)
如果您正在寻找预算友好的手机,您可以选择Lava A3或Micromax X742。如果您是对手机价格范围(price range)不挑剔的客户,您可以选择诺基亚 8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 或Reliance Digital Jio 2 手机(Phone)。这两款(Both)手机都具有出色的规格和独特的功能。
由于过度使用而不断利用手机电池寿命的用户可以选择(battery life)Reliance Jio 2 Phone(2000 mAh电池容量(mAh battery capacity))或Kechaoda K112(3200 mAh容量(mAh capacity))。
处理器和操作系统(Processor and Operating System)
此列表中的大多数手机的处理器和操作系统(processor and operating system)都很差。如果您希望运行HTML-5应用程序并享受增强的性能和速度(performance and speed),您可以选择Reliance Digital Jio 2 ( KAI OS ) 手机或Micromax X742 ( ThreadX – Linux )。
4G 连接(4G Connectivity)
在 10 款手机中,只有Reliance Digital Jio 2和诺基亚 8810(Nokia 8810) 4G在两张 sim 卡上都提供 4G连接。(offer 4G)
希望购买具有令人兴奋功能的手机的用户可以选择Itel IT 2192、诺基亚 5310(Nokia 5310)或科超达 K112(Kechaoda K112)。
此列表中拥有最佳相机的两款手机是Itel Magic 2 Max和诺基亚 8810(Nokia 8810) 4G。Itel Magic 2 (Itel Magic 2) Max有一个 1.3 MP 摄像头(MP camera),图像分辨率(image resolution)为 1080 x 1024像素。诺基亚8810(Nokia 8810) 4G 有一个具有相同图像分辨率的 2 (image resolution)MP 摄像头(MP camera)。
用户界面(User Interface)
最好的用户界面可以在诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)和Itel Magic 2 Max上找到。这两款(Both)手机都有足够的选项放置(option placement)、强调精度、合适的fonts/font size和易于使用的功能。
如果您仍然感到困惑或难以选择像样的鼠标,那么您可以随时使用评论部分向我们提问,我们将尽最大努力帮助您找到印度最好的功能手机。(find the Best Feature Phones in India.)
10 Best Feature Phones in India (2022)
Are you looking for the Best Features Phones in India? Let’s check out all the latest feature phones of 2021.
Touchscreens and large displays have taken over the world. But as the saying goes, Old is Gold. Even among the billions of mobile users in this world, there are a few who still find value in feature phones. Feature phones are like vintage art. Liking and using feature phones require unique tastes and economical understanding.
Contrary to popular advertisements, feature phones are extremely useful and efficient. While they may not perform like smartphones, feature phones are still capable of achieving extraordinary results.
While it may seem hard to believe, feature phones actually have different features and specifications of their own. If you are an avid admirer of feature phones, we can help you find the right pick for yourself. So without any further ado, let’s see the list of the ten best feature phones in India.
Affiliate Disclosure: Atechjounrney is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
10 Best Latest Feature Phones in India
1. Nokia 5310 (2020)
Nokia has been a prime manufacturer of mobiles in India for 25 years. In fact, Nokia is one of the most popular consumer electronic companies in the country. Nokia was the first company to launch feature phones and touch screen phones in India.
The 5310 model, launched in August 2020 is a recent creation by Nokia. Just like most Nokia products, this phone is also a budget phone. You can buy the 5310 on Amazon, Shopclues, and on the official Nokia website.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- FM radio and MP3 player
- Dual front-facing speakers
- Extended battery life
Display: Coming to the display, the Nokia 5310 has a liquid crystal display. It is built with a TFT (Thin-Film-Transistor) type display, for crystal-clear display features. The size of the screen is 2.45 inches (17.8 cm)2. For a feature phone, this screen size is the most befitting.
This phone has a screen resolution of 240 x 320 pixels. You can enjoy surfing websites and watch media files in a free and easy manner. The aspect ratio of the display is set at a standard 4:3 with a fascinating pixel density of 167 pixels per inch.
Platform: The Nokia 5310 has a Mediatek MT6062A chipset. This device is a low-end feature phone. The chipset of the mobile is not CPU or GPU enabled. This chipset enables the mobile to provide boosted and enhanced performance to run embedded applications.
Main Camera: The Nokia 5310 has a VGA – megapixel main camera. For all the tech newbies, this means that the phone has a 0.3 MP camera. The media captured using this camera can be clearly viewed on a desktop or laptop.
Front Camera: Unfortunately, the 5310 model made by Nokia does not have a front camera. However, to click selfies, users can easily turn their phone around and click a picture using the buttons on the phone.
Sound: This phone comes with amplified dual loudspeakers. Users can also enjoy listening to music by connecting their earphones. The Nokia 5310 supports the 3.5mm audio jack for wired earphones and headphones.
Operating System: The Nokia 5310 runs on the standard Series 30+ operating system. The Series 30+ is a customized operating platform that is used by Nokia’s mobile devices. Users can not run Java applications on this mobile as the Series 30+ is not compatible with such software.
Memory: This mobile offers an internal RAM of 16MB / 8MB. This memory capacity is quite decent for normal operational activities of the device.
The Nokia 5310 has a built-in MicroSDHC memory card. Unlike normal MicroSD cards, the MicroSDHC offers higher storage capacity. MicroSD cards have a storage memory capacity of just 2GB. Whereas, the MicroSDHC card offers 4-32GB of memory storage. Using the MicroSDHC card, you can also enjoy faster Data transferring speed on the Nokia 5310.
Additional Features:
- Bluetooth 3.0 enabled
- All messaging features available
- Phone Records and Call Logs can be stored
- LED Flash (Main Camera)
- Runs on Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network.
Battery: The Nokia 5310 has a removable battery of 1200 mAh. This battery capacity is massive for a feature phone and can keep your phone charged for the whole day. The battery is built with Lithium-ion technology type and also has a safety circuit.
Sim Card: Customers can add up to 2 sim cards in the Nokia 5310 using dual-Sim technology by Nokia. However, the 4G feature is not available on either of the sim card slots.
Other Details:
- Colours Available: White with Red / Black with Red
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes
- USB Type:Micro USB (1.1)
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight:5 grams
Good Battery Capacity
Enhanced Bluetooth and Audio Features
Dual Sim and MicroSDHC Slot
Does Not Support 4G Technology
No GPS Feature
Does Not Have Front Camera
2. Nokia 150 (2020)
In the second position, we have another fascinating mobile by Nokia. Considering the size, capability, and history of the company, it is not a surprise for Nokia to occupy several positions on this list. The Nokia 5310 and 150 are top quality mobiles that are produced by Nokia. Hence, they have a few similar features.
Like the Nokia 5310, the Nokia 150 was also launched in 2020. This mobile made its debut entry in India in April. Users can buy the Nokia 150 on Amazon, Flipkart, and the official Nokia website.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- FM radio and MP3 player
- VGA camera2 and flash
- Battery backup up
Display: The display screen of the Nokia 150 is also built with TFT. The phone has a 13mm thickness that makes it perfect for use and grip. The screen size of the Nokia 150 is 2.4 inches, 17.82cm.
The screen occupies about 1/3rd of the entire body of the mobile. A screen-to-body ratio below 30% is ideal for a feature phone. The 150 model by Nokia also proposes a screen resolution of 240 x 320 pixels. The aspect ratio of the screen is set at 4:3 with a pixel density of 167 pixels per inch.
Platform: The Nokia 150 also runs the Mediatek MT6260A. This chipset is multi-featured supporting high-tech Communications(GSM), Radio (GPRS), and Edge RX capabilities.
Main Camera: The main camera of the Nokia 150 has a VGA Megapixel build. The ideal device to view the photos and videos captured by the Nokia 150 is a desktop or a laptop. Images on a larger screen as compared to the Nokia 150.
Front Camera: The Nokia 150 does not have a front camera. Customers who have purchased this mobile can click selfies by turning the camera around and using the central capture button available on the keypad.
Sound: With dual loudspeakers, users can enjoy roaring levels of sound on the Nokia 150. This device also supports the 3.5 mm audio jack that can be used to connect AUX cables and earphones.
Operating System: The Nokia 150 runs on the Series 30+ operating system. While other devices such as the Nokia 110 run on the Series 40+ operating system, they do not have any other attractive features. HTML-5 and Java-based applications can’t be operated on the Nokia 150.
Memory: The Nokia 150 has one card slot for holding a MicroSDHC card. The internal memory capacity (ROM) of the mobile is 4MB only. Compared to the other features, the low internal memory is a stumbling block for the Nokia 150.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Video recording using the main camera
- Bluetooth 3.0 enabled
- Can store 2000 fields of data in Contacts
- LED flash (main camera)
- Runs on GSM network technology
Battery: The Nokia 150 has a Li-ion removable battery with a power storing capacity of 1020 mAh. This capacity can provide a talk time up to 20 hours and a standby time of 565 hours.
The 1020 mAh battery helps users stay hassle-free and allows them to use the mobile for days without worrying about their battery life.
Sim Card: The Nokia 150 also comes with the dual sim card feature. However, this mobile offers a Dual-Standby sim feature. Unlike the Dual-Active feature on the Nokia 5310, this device can only operate one sim at a time despite holding two sim cards. In other words, when one sim is actively connected to the GSM network, the other sim is on standby (inactive) mode.
Other Details:
- Colours Available:Sky Blue / Red / Black
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight: 91 grams
Excellent Battery Life
Standard USB 2.0 Enabled
High-Quality Audio
Dual-Standby Sim Card
No GPS Feature and Low RAM
Does Not Offer Alternative Messaging Functions
3. Lava A3
We proudly present the first Indian company to hit the Top 10 Feature phone list. Lava International is an Indian mobile manufacturer that was founded back in 2009. Ever since its incorporation, Lava International has gained a substantial amount of market share by targeting budget-conscious consumers in the country.
The Lava A3 was launched in the summer of 2019. Lava A3 is considered the best feature phone ever produced by Lava. This phone comes with a large magnitude of features. Users can buy the Lava A3 on Amazon, Flipkart, and 91mobiles.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 6 Days Battery Backup
- Super strong Pure Polycarbonate body
- Music Experience with Big 3020 speaker
Display: The screen of the Lava A3 is built with 1.8 inches of TFT screen. Due to the limited sizing, the screen resolution of the 128 x 160 pixels. The pixel density of the mobile is just 116 PPI, consequentially lowering the screen image quality.
Platform: The Lava A3 runs a GSM frequency of 900 / 1800 megahertz on its platform. The dual-band service is very popular in Europe, The Middle East, and Asia. Having said that, there is no specific chipset that has been specified by the manufacturing company.
Main Camera: The Lava A3 has a decent 0.3 MP rear camera. The quality of pictures is not available in High-Definition, but they are still clear enough to view and enjoy. The image resolution of the pictures is quite low.
Front Camera: No, the Lava A3 does not have a selfie camera. It only has a rear camera that acts as the primary/main camera of the device.
Sound: Yes, the Lava A3 has built-in loudspeakers for enhanced audio quality. It also supports the 3.5 mm audio jack for users who wish to connect their earphones and enjoy listening to music.
Operating System: This device follows the standard mobile operating system by Lava. It does not host a modelled operating system like other devices. The operating frequency of the network (GSM) is GSM – 900/1800 Mhz with an average Primary Clock Speed (PCS) of 1 Megahertz.
Memory: The Nokia 150 has a 3 MB ROM with an external storage option available. The expandable storage can add up to 32 GB of data. For a feature phone user, this is extremely advantageous and beneficial.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Video recording using the main camera
- Bluetooth 2.0 enabled
- Phonebook entries (Limited to 1500)
- LED flash (main camera)
- Supports multiple languages
- Calculator / Stopwatch / Calendar / Alarm
- Automatic Call Recording
- Runs on GSM network technology (2G)
Battery: The Lava A3 runs a massive Lithium-ion battery with a staggering power capacity of 1750 mAh. This phone can run for 700+ hours on standby. The battery is equipped with Smart Battery Technology that makes it capable of providing 30+ hours of call time with a battery backup that lasts for a week.
Sim Card: The Lava A3 offers Dual-Sim technology for its users. Both sims on the Lava A3 can be used together as the phone offers Dual-Active sim usage. The GSM network can also be enabled on both sims.
Other Details:
- Colours Available:Black / White / Grey
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight:91 grams
Excellent Battery Life
Expandable Memory Up To 32 GB
Built-in Apps Such as Calculator and Calendar
Poor Reviews Regarding Operating System Issues
No GPS Feature and Low RAM / ROM
Poor Screen Display Size and Low Pixels Per Inch
4. Micromax X742
Micromax is a leading Indian company that manufactures consumer electronics. It is the first Indian company to trade mobiles in countries such as Russia. In spite of its recent developments in the smartphone sector, Micromax has consistently ensured a spot in the best feature phones market in India.
The Micromax X742 was launched in June 2019. Users can buy the mobile on Flipkart, Amazon, PriceBaba, and 91mobiles. Buyers can avail varying discounts on each of the mentioned websites.
Features We Like:
- 12 Month Warranty
- Wireless FM
- Bluetooth Connectivity
Display: The screen size of the Micromax X742 is 2.4 inches which are roughly equal to 6.09 cm.The dimensions of the screen are 121 x 51 x 15 mm. This screen sizing constitutes 29% of the entire body of the mobile.
The display screen of the Micromax X742 is built with TFT glass material. The screen resolution of the mobile is 240 x 320 pixels along with a pixel density of 167 PPI.
Platform: The Micromax X742 has a SPREADTRUM SC6531 Soc which is a standard chipset processor for Feature mobiles. The mobile has a built-in ARM9EJ-CPU in the System-On-Chip that can reach up to 320 MHz speed. However, the chipset does not have an integrated GPU in it.
The size of the chipset is 40-newton meters. The chipset also has graphic accelerators that perfectly fit the 240 x 320 screen resolution of the X742 by Micromax.
Main Camera: This device has a single rear camera that has a 0.08 MP resolution. The images clicked using this camera has a higher detailing with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. The camera also includes features a LED flash and a digital zoom feature.
Front Camera: This Micromax X742 is built with a single-camera setup. It does not have a selfie/front camera.
Sound: The Micromax X742 has a single loudspeaker with excellent and crisp sound quality. Users can connect wired earphones using the 3.5mm audio jack on the top of the device.
Operating System: The configuration of the chipset does not support Android. It runs the ThreadX operating system based on Linux and C programming. The operating system allows users to listen to radio, music, and operate several other features.
Memory: The Micromax X742 has a massive RAM of 32 MB. It is the first phone that has featured on this list that has a RAM over 16MB. The Read-Only Memory (ROM) of the mobile is 32MB.
The Internal memory of the mobile is also 32 MB. However, the mobile also supports external memory which can hold up to 16 GB. The memory capacity and capability of this mobile are far ahead of most feature phones in the Indian electronic market.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Video capturing feature
- Supports the Bluetooth 2.1 technology
- Offers multiple GSM bandwidth support
- LED Flash for the main camera (Torch)
- Phonebook entries (limited)
- Calculator / Stopwatch / Calendar / Alarm
- Boosted chipset offering an enhanced resolution for media
Battery: The battery of the Micromax X742 is not its best feature. The device has a Lithium-ion battery that has a storage capacity of 1000 mAh. The battery is user-replaceable and built with IC protection to ensure maximum consumer safety.
Sim Card: This mobile offers a Dual-Sim feature. Both sim card slots do not support the 4G / 3G network connectivity. Users can access the GSM 1800 / 900 / 850 MHz on the 2G network on both sim cards.
The X742 by Micromax runs on the Dual-Active Sim technology. Both sim cards on the device can be used simultaneously without any network interruptions or connectivity limitations.
Other Details:
- Colours Available: Black
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC
- USB Type: Micro USB
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight:77 grams
32 MB RAM and 32 MB ROM
Up-to 16 Expandable Storage
Strong Chipset and Processor
No GPS Tracking Feature
Poor Battery Capacity
Does Not Support 4G / 3G Technology
Also Read: 22 Best Speech To Text Applications For Android Phone
5. Nokia 8110 4G (The Banana Phone)
Yes, it is a Nokia product again. Nokia is a maestro developer of the Feature phone market. The Nokia 8110 4G is a creative next-gen model to the famous Nokia mobile, the Nokia 8110.
Due to its appearance, the Nokia 8110 4G is also calledThe Banana Phone. This mobile was launched in February 2018 at the Mobile World Congress in Spain. You can buy the 8110 4G by Nokia on Amazon, Flipkart, Smartprix, and on the official website of Nokia.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- Powerful battery life
- 4G LTE and Wireless Hotspot
- Stay connected with WhatsApp
Display: The screen size of the Nokia 8110 4G is 2.45 inches which cover 18cm2of area. The screen of the mobile is built with a TFT screen which is an LCD display variant. Due to its extended keypad, the screen to body ratio slightly lower than usual. The screen of the mobile occupies 25% of the entire body of the device.
The screen resolution of the mobile is 240 x 320 pixels. This device has a pixel density of 167 Pixels Per Inch.
Platform: The Nokia 8810 4G is the first feature phone to boast a Snapdragon processor. The chipset also has a built-in CPU and GPU. This mobile has a Qualcomm MSM 8905 Snapdragon 205 chipset. This chipset is built with a 1.1GHz dual-core Cortex – A7 CPU along with the Adreno 304 GPU.
The advanced CPU, GPU, and processor build have boosted this feature phone to compete with other low-end smartphones.
Main Camera: The rear camera of the Nokia 8810 4G has a resolution of 2 megapixels (MP). Users can also use the camera to record videos and share them. The camera also promotes the LED flash for clicking pictures and recording videos.
A 2 MP camera is rare to find on a feature phone. As mentioned above, most feature phones do not have a camera with a resolution quality better than 0.3 MP.
Front Camera: The Nokia 8810 4G does not have any front or selfie camera. It only features a single rear camera.
Sound: The Nokia 8810 4G has an amplified loudspeaker which can produce high-quality music output for its users. The Nokia 8810 4G also has a 3.55mm audio jack for users to connect their earphones or headphones.
Operating System: This device runs on the Kai OS, which is an operating system designed to build support for 4G LTE E, WiFi, VoLTE, and GPS features. The Kai OS also enables users to access HTML-5 based apps and provide a longer battery life with extended cycles.
Memory: As mentioned above, the Nokia 8810 4G has a Qualcomm MSM 8905 Snapdragon 205 chipset. The RAM of the mobile is 512 MB, which is more than 30 times the industry average (16MB).
The internal memory of the device is 4GB (eMMC 4.5), with no expandable storage option available. The immense internal memory is sufficient for feature phone users to satisfactorily enjoy using the device.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Wi-Fi feature available (802. 11 b / g / n)
- Bluetooth 4.10v enabled
- 4G and 3G network enabled
- Runs on GSM Technology
- IP52 drip protection
- Camera with LED Flash and Video recording features
- HTML-5 apps supported such as WhatsApp, Gmail, Facebook, and more.
Battery: The battery of the Nokia 8810 4G is not its best feature. The mobile has a removable lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 1500 mAh.
On a single sim usage, this battery can provide a standby time of 620 hours, 12 hours of Talk-Time (on 3G), and 50 hours of music play. When both sim cards are in-use, the stand-by time decreases to 425 hours and the Talk-Time reduces to 11 hours.
Sim Card: The Nokia 8810 4G is a Dual-Sim mobile. The primary sim card slot supports a Micro-SIM type, and the secondary sim slot supports a Nano-SIM type. Both sim cards support the 3G and 4G network connectivity. However, this mobile has a dual-standby feature which allows only a single sim to remain active at any given time.
Other Details:
- Colours Available: Traditional Black / Banana Yellow
- GPS Feature: Yes (A-GPS)
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight: 120 grams
Support for HTML – 5 Based Apps
4G Network Enabled on Both Sims
Massive RAM and ROM along with WiFi feature
Dual-Standby Sim Card
No Expandable Storage
6. ITEL IT2192
Itel is a Hong-Kong based company that manufactures entry-level feature phones, healthcare services, and economical technology solutions for the entire world. Itel products are known for their budget-friendly prices and reliable features which make it one of the best features phone to buy in India.
The Itel IT2192 is the latest product to feature on this list. It was launched in September 2020. It is also known as the heart rate edition model due to its feature in the health series section. To buy this mobile, consumers will need to visit sites such as 91mobiles or Pricebaba. This product is not available on major e-commerce websites such as Amazon, Flipkart, and Shopclues.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- .5 cm (1.8 inch) QVGA Display
- Heart Rate Monitor
- Kingvoice
Display: The display screen of the IT2192 is slightly smaller than average. With a display size of 1.85 inches (4.57 inches), this mobile will easily fit into the hands of the users. As noted frequently, the display screen of the mobile is built with the QVGA / Thin Film Transistor – Liquid Crystal Display.
The screen resolution of the mobile is quite poor. It is fixed at 128 x 160 pixels, which makes the screen quite unclear and pixelated. The pixel density of the Itel IT 2192 is also low, set at 114 PPI. The overall display quality of the mobile is deplorable.
Platform: The IT 2192 does not have a branded chipset. However, it runs a CPU with a 1.8 MHz processor. This chipset does not support apps that run on Java. The platform on which this device runs is low-end and built using custom Itel software.
Main Camera: The back camera of the IT 2192 has the traditional resolution of 0.03 MP. The image quality of the main camera of the IT 2192 is quite abysmal when compared to the Nokia 3310 4G.
However, the image resolution of the media captured using this camera is 640 x 480 pixels. This resolution is similar to that of the Lava A3. Users can also avail the big LED flash and Digital Zoom feature while operating the single-camera setup.
Front Camera: The IT 2192 by Itel does not have any front/selfie camera. This device has a single camera setup.
Sound: The mobile comes with a built-in loudspeaker that supports all the audio formats. The audio quality of this device is spectacular. The IT 2192 is also equipped with a 3.55 mm audio jack to allow users to connect their earphones, AUX cables, and headphones.
Operating System: The Itel IT 2192 does not have a dedicated operating system. It runs on the standard Itel operating system that supports the features that are integrated into the device.
Memory: The RAM of the IT 2192 is just 4 MB with an internal memory of 32 MB. Itel has increased the internal memory capacity of the device has been boosted from 16 MB to support the healthcare features of the device.
The IT 2192 also supports an external storage slot for a memory card with a maximum capacity of 32 GB. This memory is mainly useful for storing the phonebook entries and heart-rate journals.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Phonebook entries up to 2000
- Auto Call Recording
- Supports 8 Indian languages, including Punjabi, Bengali, Kannada, and more.
- Wireless FM along with recording ability
- Pre-loaded Games
- Bluetooth 2.1 enabled
- Advanced big LED Torchlight (also usable as flash for the camera)
- King voice feature: Dialing numbers, reading, incoming calls, and time updates
- Heart Rate Monitor
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator
Battery: The lithium-ion battery of the IT 2192 has a power storing capacity of just 1000 mAh. The battery is user-replaceable and provides a Talk-Time of 8 hours. The battery of the phone boasts a standby time of 300 hours.
Due to the heart rate monitor feature, the discharge speed of the battery is slightly faster as compared to other phones that are powered by 1000 mAh batteries.
Sim Card: This mobile is a Dual-Sim mobile offering a GSM technology network on both sim slots. Neither of the sim cards supports the 4G or 3G connectivity. The 2G network can be availed on both sim cards.
While the device features a Dual-standby feature, both sims can connect to the 2G network bands of GSM 1800 / 900 MHz.
Other Details:
- Colours Available: Blue
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight:68 grams
Bluetooth and 2G connectivity
Heart Rate Monitor for Healthcare
Expandable Storage up to 32 GB
Dual-Standby Sim Card
Poor Battery Life
Small Screen Size
Note: The Itel IT 2192 is a non-medical device
7. Karbonn KX 23
In India, Karbonn mobiles are well-established and widely popular among entry-level mobile customers. Karbonn Mobiles is an Indian company that has been manufacturing feature phones, mobile accessories, and high-tech electronics for 12 years. It is primarily famous for budget-friendly feature phones.
The Karbonn KX 23 was launched in May 2019. It is a stylish phone with splendid features. Interested readers can purchase the mobile on Flipkart, Pricekart, and 91Mobiles. On Flipkart, users can avail of beneficial discounts while purchasing the Karbonn KX 23.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Manufacturing Warranty
- 6 Months Battery Warranty
- 32 MB RAM | 32 MB ROM
- 6.1 cm (2.4 inch) Display
- 1900 mAh Battery
Display: The screen size of the KX 23 is 2.45 inches. The display screen size is 2.45 inches which are equivalent to 6.23 cm. The screen quality is upright and crisp with a comfortable outlook.
The screen resolution of the KX 23 is 240 x 320 pixels, which is higher than the Itel IT 2192 and on par with the Nokia 8810 4G. The pixel density is also higher than the IT 2192, set at 167 PPI.
Platform: The KX 23 promotes the Karbonn standard chipset. This platform does not have any built-in CPU or GPU, lowering the performance capability of the mobile.
The chipset of the mobile is boosted to support Media playing (Audio and Video) and run the pre-installed apps such as Calendar, Alarm, Stopwatch, and Calculator.
Main Camera: The KX 23 has a single rear camera setup. The resolution of the camera is 0.3 MP. The images captured using the camera have a decent quality. The media is appropriately viewable and precise.
Along with the video capturing feature, the camera of this mobile also offers LED flash and Digital zoom for accurate image and video capturing.
Front Camera: This device does not have a selfie camera. To click selfies, users will need to turn the mobile around and use the main camera to click the picture.
Sound: The Karbonn KX 23 features a loudspeaker that supports various audio formats including MP3 and AUV. Along with loudspeakers, the mobile also has a 3.5mm audio jack. Customers can connect their earphones and enjoy seamless hours of music with high-quality audio output.
Operating System: There is no dedicated operating system in the Karbonn KX 23. The mobile runs on shoddy software that has been programmed based on the Linux OS to assimilate the operations of the device.
Memory: Coming to the memory and storage details, the Karbonn KX 23 is not far away from its competitors in this field. With the KX 23, users can enjoy 4 MB RAM to navigate and use the features of the device.
Along with a 4MB RAM, the mobile also has an internal storage of 16MB (ROM). While the internal storage may be insufficient for users who wish to maximize their phonebook entries and other data, the expandable storage of up to 32 GB will do the job.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Phonebook entries up to 1800 (limited)
- Wireless Radio
- Bluetooth v3.1 enabled
- Video player supporting MP4 and 3GP formats
- Audio player supporting AUV and MP3 formats
- Scratch Resistant
- FM Recording option
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
Battery: As you may have known by now, a battery is a very important feature of a mobile. To keep the Karbonn KX 23 active for your service, it is equipped with a lithium-ion battery with a whopping storage capacity of 1900 mAh.
This battery is user-replaceable and can provide a standby time of up to 850 hours. Other than an exceptional standby time, the battery can also provide a Talk-Time of 13 hours. While both sims are in use, the battery performance reduces by 10%.
Sim Card: The Dual-Sim technology allows users to operate two sims on the Karbonn KX 23. Both sims will run on the GSM technology. Sim 1 and Sim 2 are both optimized to run on the 2G network only. 4G and 3G sim cards are ineffectual for use in this mobile.
The Karbonn KX 23 runs on dual-standby technology, i.e. both sim cards can’t be used at the same time. The sim card slots for both sims support the Nano-sim sizing. In addition, the 2G bandwidth for both sims is GSM 1800 / 900 MHz.
Other Details:
- Colours Available: Black / White
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC (Wireless)
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight:76 grams
Bluetooth and 2G connectivity
1900 mAh Battery Capacity (High Talk-time and Stand-by Time)
Expandable Storage up to 32 GB
Dual-Standby Sim Card
Slow Processor and Weak Operating System
Does Not Support 4G or 3G Network
Itel has graced us once again with a magnificent feature mobile. Itel is the only brand other than Nokia which has made a second appearance on this list. This is an indication of its underrated ability to produce top-of-the-line feature mobiles. While Nokia is the king in the market, Itel stands as a big competitor to Nokia in India.
The Magic 2 Max is an advanced feature phone that has not compromised on any features. This mobile is a brand-new creation of Itel, launched in October 2020. This mobile is only available on Flipkart at the best possible price. Along with a very reasonable price, the mobile can be purchased with a few combined discounts.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- Smart Notification Alert
- 3D Curved Display
- 10mm Ultra Slim
Display: The display of the Itel Magic 2 Max is fixed at 2.8 inches which is roughly equal to 7.1 cm. This display size is larger than the Noia 150 and the Karbonn KX 23. Compared to the previous Itel product in this list (Itel IT 2192), the screen of the Magic 2 Max is 54% larger in size (1.85 inches vs 2.4 inches). This mobile is designed with a 3D cure display to make it look classy.
The screen resolution of the Magic 2 Max is 240 x 320 pixels. The screen quality of this mobile is dreadful. However, the pixel density of the mobile is set at 143 pixels per inch which substantially lowers the quality of the display.
Platform: The Magic 2 Max and the IT 2192 by Itel run on the same chipset and processor. Both mobiles have an undisclosed chipset with a CPU fused with a 1.8 MHz processor. Java applications will not run on the Magic 2 Max.
Main Camera: The Magic 2 Max is primarily famous for its sublime camera quality. The magic 2 max has a single rear camera setup. The primary camera of this device has a 1.3 MP camera resolution, which is a huge upgrade by Itel.
The image quality of the camera is excellent with an exceptional image resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels. The camera of the Magic 2 Max also has a LED flash and a digital zoom option to improve the image quality.
Front Camera: The Magic 2 Max does not consist of a selfie camera. The primary camera (rear) is the sole camera of the device.
Sound: Magic 2 Max users can enjoy top-drawer boosted music with the incorporated loudspeakers. The loudspeakers support the MP3 music format and can provide music volume at 49 decibels.
Operating System: Akin to the Itel IT 2192, this device does not have a dedicated operating system. It runs on the standard Itel operating system that supports the features that are integrated into the device. The primary clock speed of the device is 312 MHz.
Memory: Running a device like the Itel Magic 2, Max requires more RAM. Hence, Itel has developed this product with 8 MB RAM. This RAM is sufficient to run non-java applications, preloaded games, and the camera.
The internal memory of the device is 32 MB, which is twice the ROM of the Itel IT 2192. Having said that, the expandable storage of the Magic 2 Max is limited to 32 GB. This limitation is a pitfall for users of the Magic 2 Maxdue to higher expectations by the public.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- 3D curved lens display
- Slim body type with 12 mm finish
- Smart light for notifications (Alarms, messages, and calls)
- Advanced big LED Torchlight (also usable as flash for the camera)
- King voice feature: Dialing numbers, reading, incoming calls, and time updates
- Phonebook entries up to 1800 (limited)
- Wireless Radio
- Bluetooth v3.1 enabled
- Video player supporting MP4 and 3GP formats
- Audio player supporting the MP3 format
- Super Battery mode
- SMS storage (500 entries)
- GPRS Internet with a browser
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
Battery: This mobile is loaded with fascinating features that use a lot of battery life. Itel has beautifully crafted a super battery mode for the mobile. The Lithium-ion battery of the Magic 2 Max has a maximum power storing capacity of 1900 mAh.
This battery capacity is almost twice the capacity of the Itel IT 2192. The smart battery mode allows the mobile to provide 17 hours of Talk-Time along with 350 hours of Stand-by time. This is a massive game-changing improvement made by Itel.
Sim Card: This mobile offers Dual-Sim technology for its users, along with GPRS connectivity. Both sim cards run on the GSM network bandwidth. This mobile provides network connectivity which is restricted to 2G.
The 2G bands for both sims are GSM 1800 / 900 MHz. The Internet GPRS is only available for the primary sim (Sim card slot 1). The Itel Magic 2 Max runs on dual-active mode which allows both sims to operate at once.
Other Details:
- Colours Available:Blue / Green / White
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC (Wireless)
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- Games: Yes
- Weight:75 grams
Dual-Active Sim Card
1900 mAh Battery Capacity (High Talk-time and Stand-by Time)
Exceptional Camera Quality with High Image Resolution
Low ROM (Internal Memory)
Slow Processor and Weak Operating System
Does Not Support 4G or 3G Network
Also Read: Best Custom ROMs to Customize Your Android Phone
9. Kechaoda K112
If you are new to the feature mobile world, Kechaoda may be an unknown brand for you. Shenzhen Kechaoda is a Chinese electronics trader that manufactures and sells its mobiles in 40+ countries. The Kechaoda K112 was a milestone achievement for the company.
This product is unique and remarkable. It comes with peerless qualities and inimitable features. The K112 by Kechaoda was launched in August 2017. Its exceptional qualities have managed to keep the device on this list in 2020. You can buy this product on Amazon, Flipkart, SmartPrix, and 91mobiles.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- The battery capacity of 3600 mah
- 32MB internal memory and triple SIM
- 2.4 inch big display
Display: The Kechaoda K112 is built in a peculiar design and style. The display screen size of the device is 2.4 inches which are roughly equal to 6.1 cm. The screen quality is eminent and crystal-clear.
The display type of the K112 is TFT LCD. The screen resolution is similar to the Itel Magic 2 Max i.e. 240 x 320 pixels. Apart from this, the pixel density of the mobile is set at 167 pixels per inch with a QVGA resolution type.
Platform: Kechaoda K112 is a feature mobile that is built with an unspecified platform. However, it does boast a 2.4 GHz CPU in its chipset. There is no GPU to support HTML-5 applications on this device.
Main Camera: The K112 has a single camera setup with a sole rear primary camera. The resolution of this camera is 0.3 MP. The quality of the image is standardized and not as good as the Itel Magic 2 Max.
The image quality of the camera is set at 640 x 480 pixels. The camera also has a digital zoom feature for optimal usage. However, there is no LED Flashlight to support the camera. The poor quality of the camera is the sole downside of this device.
Front Camera: The Kechaoda K112 does not have a front camera. Users can turn their camera around and use the primary camera to click selfies.
Sound: The loudspeaker of the Kechaoda K112 is designed to amplify music and call volume. The output quality is quite clear and loud. Furthermore, the mobile also has a 3.5 mm audio jack for users to connect their earphones and headphones.
Operating System: The operating system of the Kechaoda K112 runs on an operating frequency of GSM 850, GSM 900, DCS 1800, and PCS 1800. There is no branded OS for this mobile. However, it is integrated to run the device and all its features smoothly. Java applications can’t be accessed on this device.
Memory: The K112 by Kechaoda has a massive RAM of 32 MB. Due to this, the phone is highly efficient with a rapid response time. In comparison to other feature mobiles in this list, the RAM of the K112 is lower than the Nokia 8810 4G (512MB), but identical to the Micromax 742 (Equal performance Rate).
The internal memory of this mobile is 64 MB, which is twice the ROM of the IT 2192. This mobile also has an immense expandable storage capacity of 64 GB (MicroSD).
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Phonebook entries up to 2000 (limited)
- Wireless Radio
- Auto call recording
- Bluetooth v3.1 enabled
- Video player supporting MP4 and 3GP formats
- Audio player supporting MP3, WAV, and AMR formats
- Alphanumeric keypad
- Supports multiple languages
- Speed dialling facility
- Conference calling and call wait / diverting option.
- SMS storage (800 entries)
- GPRS Internet with a browser
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
Battery: The battery of the Kechaoda K112 is it’s a most boasted specification. The K112 boasts a Lithium-ion battery with an extensive power storing capacity of 3200 mAh. This mobile is the only device in this list to feature a battery capacity higher than 1900 mAh.
Due to the large capacity, the battery of this mobile makes it quite bulky. The 3200 mAh battery capacity provides a stand-by time of 500 hours. By the same token, the battery also provides a talk-time of 23 hours. For users who are always worried about their battery draining out, the K112 is your perfect companion.
Sim Card: This mobile promotes a unique Triple sim technology. All sims on the mobile run on the GSM network. Each sim slot has network connectivity limited to the 2G network. The 2G band that the sim cards operate on is GSM 1800/ 900 MHz.
This mobile runs on Triple-Active sim mode. All three sim cards can operate efficiently at any given point in time.
Other Details:
- Colours Available: Black / Green
- GPS Feature: No
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC (Wireless)
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- GPRS: Yes
- Games: Yes
- Weight:205 grams
Triple Sim Feature (Triple-Active)
3200 mAh Battery Capacity (High Talk-time and Stand-by Time)
Strong and Unique Design Makes the Mobile Look Classy
Does Not Have a Torch / Flash
Slow Processor and Weak Operating System
Does Not Support 4G or 3G Network
10. Reliance Jio Phone 2
How can we end this list without mentioning Reliance? Reliance is the leading company in Asia, specializing in several sectors of the economy. In 2015, Reliance Digital introduced Jio to the Indian people for free. Reliance Digital has gained massive support and affection from Indian consumers due to its budget-friendly motto.
The Reliance Digital Jio Phone 2 was launched in June 2018. This phone is a supreme marketing example that gained a lot of fame in the last 2 years. Interested readers can buy this product on the official Jio website in combination with a few bank discounts.
Features We Like:
- Excellent battery life
- Regional language support
- High-speed internet
- Dual-SIM support
Display: The display screen of the Reliance Jio 2 is of a TFT – LCD type. The screen size is 2.45 inches which are roughly equal to 6.1 cm. The screen to body ratio is 26.8%, which is slightly lower due to multiple large central buttons on the mobile.
The screen quality of this mobile is pretty good, with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The mobile shape is broader in comparison to other mobiles on this list. The colour reproduction on the screen is set at 262K. The pixel density of this mobile is 167 pixels per inch. The overall visibility of the screen is excellent.
Platform: The Jio 2 by Reliance Digital has a 2.4 GHz processor with an embedded CPU and GPU for upgraded performance. There is no branded chipset for this mobile. However, Jio 2 does support HTML-5 based applications.
Main Camera: The main camera of the Jio 2 has a spectacular resolution of 2 MP. The rear camera of the mobile is the sole camera of the device. The image quality of the media captured using the VGA camera has an image resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. This image quality of the Jio 2 is the second-best in this list, behind the Itel Magic 2 Max.
Front Camera: The Reliance Digital Jio 2 does not have a selfie camera. Users can turn their phone around and click a clear selfie using the VGA primary 2 MP camera of the mobile.
Sound: This mobile has a built-in loudspeaker that can provide an output of 39 decibels. The quality of mobile audio is loud and satisfactory. Users can enjoy listening to music and attend calls on the speaker without any volume related issues.
Moreover, the Jio 2 also has a 3.55 mm audio jack to support earphones, AUX cables, and headphones.
Operating System: The Reliance Jio 2 runs on the same operating system as the Nokia 8810 4G, i.e. the Kai OS. This operating system is designed to support the 4G technology and perform supplementary activities. It also supports Java applications such as Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp. This operating system is also useful for extending the battery life of the mobile.
Memory: Coming to the memory, the RAM of the Jio 2 is 512 MB. The brimming RAM capability of the device helps it run apps such as Facebook and WhatsApp without any lag.
Jio 2 is the first feature phone to boast a gigantic ROM (Internal memory) of 4 GB. A major drawback of the Jio 2 phone is that it does not support an external storage microSD slot.
Additional Features:
- SMS feature available
- Phonebook entries up to 2000 (limited)
- HD Quality voice
- Unrestricted Internet connectivity
- Access to HTML-5 apps such as YouTube and Facebook
- Free voice calls
- Auto call recording
- Bluetooth v3.1 enabled
- Video player supporting MP4 and 3GP formats
- Audio player supporting MP3, WAV, and AMR formats
- Alphanumeric keypad
- Supports multiple languages
- Wide network coverage
- SMS storage (550 entries)
- GPRS Internet with a browser
- Preloaded Jio applications
- Calendar / Alarm / Calculator / Stopwatch
Battery: The battery type of the Jio 2 is Lithium-ion, built for storing up-to 2000 mAh of power. The battery capacity of the Jio 2 is second-best in this list, after the Kachaoda K112. It even beats the 1500 mAh capacity of the Nokia 8810 4G, which runs on the same operating system as the Jio 2.
The 2000 mAh battery capacity provides a Talk-Time of 12 hours and a standby time of 335 hours. For a feature mobile, this battery life is quite stunning.
Sim Card: The Jio 2 is a Dual-sim mobile offering a GSM network connection on both sim slots. Both sim slots support Nano-sim technology. (12.3 mm x 8.3 mm x 0.67 mm).
As this mobile is powered by the Kai OS, both sim cards support the 4G and 3G networks. However, this mobile is a dual-standby mobile which allows a single sim to remain active at any given point in time.
Other Details:
- Colours Available: Black
- GPS Feature: Yes
- Radio: Yes, built-in FPC (Wireless)
- USB Type:Micro USB (2.0)
- Sensors: No
- GPRS: Yes
- Games: Yes
- Weight:102 grams
Support for HTML-5 and Java Applications with 4G Connectivity
2000 mAh Battery Capacity (High Talk-time and Stand-by Time)
Strong and Enhanced Performance Using Kai OS Operating System
Does Not Have Auto Call Recording Feature
Low Display Screen Size
Low Value for Money
After going through the various mobiles in this list, users must define their priorities and pick the most appropriate mobile for them. The ranking of the feature mobiles above is based on their value for money, quality, popularity, and their specifications. No matter what your priority is, the list above definitely has a mobile that will prove to be perfect for you. To help you further, let’s sum up the entire list based on the most desired qualities of feature mobiles.
If you are looking for a budget-friendly mobile, you can opt for the Lava A3 or the Micromax X742. If you are a customer who is not particular about the price range of the mobile, you may choose to go for the Nokia 8810 4G or the Reliance Digital Jio 2 Phone. Both these mobiles have excellent specifications and unique features.
Users who constantly exploit the battery life of their mobiles due to excessive usage can go for the Reliance Jio 2 Phone (2000 mAh battery capacity) or the Kechaoda K112 (3200 mAh capacity).
Processor and Operating System
Most mobiles on this list have a poor processor and operating system. If you wish to run HTML-5 applications and enjoy enhanced performance and speed, you may choose to go for the Reliance Digital Jio 2 (KAI OS) phone or the Micromax X742 (ThreadX – Linux).
4G Connectivity
Out of the 10 mobiles, only the Reliance Digital Jio 2 and the Nokia 8810 4G offer 4G connectivity on both sim cards.
Users who wish to buy a mobile with exciting features can opt for the Itel IT 2192, Nokia 5310, or the Kechaoda K112.
The two mobiles on this list which have the best camera are the Itel Magic 2 Max and the Nokia 8810 4G. The Itel Magic 2 Max has a 1.3 MP camera with an image resolution of 1080 x 1024 pixels. The Nokia 8810 4G has a 2 MP camera with an identical image resolution.
User Interface
The best user interface can be found on the Nokia 150 and the Itel Magic 2 Max. Both these mobiles have adequate option placement, emphasis on precision, suitable fonts/font size, and easy-to-use features.
If you’re still confused or having difficulty in choosing a decent mouse then you can always ask us your queries using the comment sections and we will do our best to help you find the Best Feature Phones in India.