从孩子到成人,每个人都使用智能手机。许多流行品牌生产具有惊人功能的新手机。让我们看看卢比以下最好的手机。印度有 12,000 人。(From kids to adults, everyone uses smartphones. A lot of popular brands produce new phones with amazing features. Let us look at the best mobile phones under Rs. 12,000 in India.)
随着时间的推移,对智能手机的需求不断增加。智能手机行业(smartphone industry)是全球最大的电子行业之一。虽然有一些成熟的先驱者,但每天都有新的和有前途的公司涌现。竞争激烈,选择数不胜数。每个制造商都生产多种型号,这些型号在设计构建、定价、工作效率、速度、性能等方面有所不同。
我们创建了一份量身定制的智能手机清单,价格低于 12,000 卢比并符合您的预算范围。

印度 12,000 卢比以下的最佳手机(Best Mobile Phones Under Rs 12,000 in India)
1. 真我纳尔佐 10(1. Real Me Narzo 10)
那些正在寻找性能和出色性能和出色功能的人应该选择Real Me Marzo 10。核心八核 Helio G 80(core octa-core Helio G 80)确保您的手机拥有更好的性能,提升 35%v,GPU性能(GPU performance)提升超过 25%。现在您不必担心多任务处理并增强您的游戏体验。

购买理由:(Reasons to Buy:)
- 强大的处理器
- 超广角镜头
- 超微距镜头
- 5000mAh 大容量电池
- 18 瓦快速充电
- 双 SIM + MicroSD 插槽
- 防溅设计
48 MP A1 四摄像头(MP A1 quad-camera)结合了四个不同镜头的强大功能,可提供更好的分辨率和清晰度(resolution and clarity),以捕捉超干净和美丽的照片。它采用119超广角镜头,提供比普通相机大四倍的视野。它不仅非常适合捕捉较大的图像,而且允许用户使用 4 厘米超级微距(Super macro)镜头拍摄最微小的物体。16 MP A1 自拍相机(selfie camera)使用四合一像素技术,即使在光线不足的情况下也能拍出令人印象深刻的自拍。
你是(Are)一个忙碌的人吗?没时间充电。不用担心,因为REalme Narzo 10具有出色的充电速度,并使用 18W 快速充电功能减少了(charge feature)充电时间(charging time)。5000毫安电池(mA battery)提供39天待机时间,还提供三重电池保护(battery protection)。
16.5 厘米HD + Mini drop全面屏,为您观看喜爱的电影和玩游戏带来真实的视觉体验。
您可以轻松管理两张 SIM 卡,因为Narzo 10提供双SIM 卡插槽(sim slot)和256 GB 的可扩展存储卡存储空间。(memory card storage)现在,您可以毫不犹豫地下载任意数量的电影。
生活简单的对象启发了Realme Marzo 10的(Realme Marzo 10)用户界面(user interface)。它提供了无缝的用户体验(user experience),减少了应用程序启动时间、更长的电池寿命(battery life)和RAM 使用率(RAM usage)。手机的内部和外部组件均采用防溅(Splash resistance)密封保护。著名设计师Naoto Fukasawa设计了这件精美的作品。
Realme Marzo 10(Realme Marzo 10)可能是预算低于 12,000 卢比的最佳智能手机(Rs.12,000)。
4 GB |
128 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
48 MP+ 8 MP + 2 MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
16 MP |
Weight |
198 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
50 x 70 x30 |
In built storage |
128 Gb |
Expandable Storage |
128 GB |
OS |
Android |
Colour |
White |
提供 1 年质保
超慢动作模式(Super Slow-motion mode)可用
2.红米note 9(2. RedMi note 9)
红米Note 9(Mi Note 9)因其超长续航(battery life)也被称为电池怪兽(battery monster)。您可以整天使用手机,而不必担心其电池或性能(battery or performance)。作为端口,它给人一种优雅的外观,并且角落完美地完成。48 MP 主传感器在日光和弱光下都能拍出令人惊叹的照片。相机包括广角、微距和景深,确保拍出漂亮的照片,让你成为摄影冠军(photography champion)。主传感器捕捉肉眼遗漏的最微小细节。

我们喜欢的功能:(Features we like:)
- 安卓v10操作系统
- 5020mAH锂聚合物电池
- 22.5W 快充盒内
- 双卡(纳米+纳米)
- 双待(4G+4G)
note 9使用8 MP 超宽传感器和约 1180 的高视场来点击漂亮的全景照片。使用 13 MP 前置摄像头的AI 美化(AI beautify)、特效、短视频和模糊等附加功能,您可以拍摄出令人惊叹的自拍。电池电量(battery power)约为 5020 mAh,可为用户提供147(user 147)小时播放、33 小时通话、16 小时导航和 13 小时不间断游戏。红米 Note 9(Red mi note 9)的包装盒内配有 22.5 W 快速充电器。你有一个很棒的电池,但现在你朋友的手机很快就要没电了,你不应该给一些充电来保存你朋友的手机吗?不要混淆;注 9(note 9)支持反向充电(reverse charge)可让您为智能手机、智能手环甚至耳塞等多种设备充电。
Note 9 手机(mobile phone)搭载G 85 八核处理器(octa-core processor),最高主频2.0GHz(GHz),GPU(GPU frequency)主频(MHz)1000MHz 。红米 Note 9(Redmi Note 9)采用了全新的Aura Balance 设计(Aura Balance design)。Corning Gorilla Glass 5和四摄像头设置为您的手机带来精致外观。它提供 16.58全高清和点供应(full-HD and dot supply)。无缺口显示屏设计(display design)增加了显示屏自拍相机,并提供(selfie camera and delivers)身临其境的观看和游戏体验。耳机插孔(headphone jack)有一个大约 3.5 毫米的插槽和一个C 型(C type)端口为您的手机充电。您的手机也可以用作红外遥控器(IR remote)。note 9 手机(mobile phone)提供约512GB的可扩展存储空间和2+1个(storage space)支持VoWiFi(VoWiFi support)的sim卡槽。它还配有康宁大猩猩玻璃 5(gorilla glass 5),可保护您的手机免受意外跌落和刮擦。它还具有防溅设计,可保护内部和外部组件免受液体侵害。
4 GB |
64 GB |
Battery |
5020 mAh |
Back Camera |
48 MP+ 8 MP + 2 MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
16 MP |
Weight |
199 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.1 x 0.9 x7.7cm |
Inbuilt storage |
128 GB |
Expandable Storage |
128 GB |
OS |
Android |
Resolution |
2340 x 1080 |
Colour |
Scarlet Red |
提供 1 年保修
- 提供指纹传感器和面部解锁(fingerprint sensor and face unlock)等
3. Infix Hot 9 Pro
Infix Hot 9 pro 一直在吸引观众的注意力。它提供了无缝的用户体验(user experience)。先来说说Hot 9 Pro的惊艳展示(Display)吧。它使用 16.76 厘米高清和打孔显示器,为用户提供生动清晰的画质。该型号提供前卫的显示屏,屏幕与机身的比例(body ratio)为 90.5%,纵横比为 20:9。480 尼特亮度提升您的视觉体验。

购买理由:(Reasons to Buy:)
- 高清+打孔显示
- 四后置摄像头系统
- 5000 毫安时电池
- DTS-HD 环绕声
- Android 10 上的 XOS 6.0
它配备了一个人工智能四摄像头(AI quad-camera)系统,让您无论身在何处都能捕捉到美好的瞬间。四摄像头系统包括一个 48 Mp 主 + 2 Mp 深度(Mp depth)传感器 + 2 MP 微距(MP macro)镜头,更不用说可以识别外部 9 种不同场景的自动场景检测功能。(auto scene detection feature)3D 塑身功能让用户可以为自己拍摄漂亮(take pretty)的照片。
infix Hot 9 Pro具有许多功能,它设法包括一个 5000 mAh 电池(mAh battery),让您一次充电即可使用您的手机长达一天。
它甚至提供了AI智能省电功能,可以分析您的应用程序使用情况并根据分析报告限制(analysis report)功耗(power consumption)。这可以防止您的电池寿命(battery life)耗尽并延长寿命。infix hot 9 pro 使用 12 nm Helio P22 八核(Helio P22 octa-core)处理器和 4 GB RAM以提供持续的性能。内部存储空间(storage space)约为 64 GB,hot 9 pro 可让您将所有文件保存和管理在一个地方。
Infix hot 9 pro背面采用宝石切割纹理设计和矩形(gem cut texture design)摄像头模块(camera module)。正面采用 2.5D 曲面玻璃,背面采用 2.5D玻璃(D glass)饰面。由于手机具有DTS HD 环绕(DTS HD surround)声,您可以体验电影般的音质(sound quality)。有用于各种目的的不同类型的模式,如视频、游戏和音乐,以根据您的喜好选择声音。
Infix hot 9 pro 适用于由Android 10操作系统驱动的XOS 6.0 dolphin。它包括附加功能,如Wi-Fi 共享(Wi-Fi share)、智能手势、智能面板和位置控制。
4 GB |
64 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
48 MP + 2 MP + 2 MP + low light sensor. |
Front Camera |
16 MP |
Weight |
185 g |
Dimensions: W x D x H |
76.88 x 165 mm x8.7mm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
64 GB |
Expandable Storage |
256 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
1600 x 720 pixels |
Colour |
Ocean Wave |
4.体内U 10(4. Vivo U 10)
Vivo U 10是价格合理的最好的手机之一。它采用Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 AIE,提供强大的性能并让应用程序运行更流畅。这款手机配备三卡槽(card slot)、3 GB RAM、64 GB ROM,并可扩展至 256 GB。有一个专供职业游戏专家使用的模型。超游戏模式(game mode)具有低蓝光游戏护眼(game eye protection)、4D震动、语音转换器(voice changer)、勿扰模式、游戏倒计时(game countdown)、声音定位训练中心(localization training centre)等诸多功能。这款手机配备 18W 快速充电和 5000 mAh 的大电池。只需(Just)给手机充电 10 分钟,通话 4.5 小时,不会有任何中断。

购买理由:(Reasons to Buy:)
- 超游戏模式
- 光环全景显示
- AI三合一后置摄像头
- 18W快充
- 5000mAh锂离子电池
让我们移到相机上。Vivo U 10包含一个AI 三重(AI triple) 后置摄像头(Rear camera),可让您拍摄出令人惊叹的照片。U 10中的Halo 视图(Halo view)显示提供 16.15 厘米的全屏显示和 19.3:9 的纵横比。
它的% screen占比(body ratio)为89% 。Vivo U 10允许用户使用指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)立即解锁手机。如果你不喜欢使用指纹,你不能只用面部解锁(face unlock)来解锁你的手机。
3 GB |
32 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 8 MP + 2 MP + low light sensor. |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
191 g |
Dimensions: W x D x H |
15.9 x 0.9 mm x7.7mm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
32 GB |
Expandable Storage |
32 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1544 pixels |
Colour |
Thunder Black |
优点: (Pros: )
儿童模式(Kids mode)可用于控制他们的活动
指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)可用
Oppo是以其相机质量(camera quality)而闻名的流行品牌之一。Oppo放弃了一款功能惊人且价格实惠的机型。Oppo A 5在一部手机中内置了五个独立的摄像头。主后置摄像头(rear camera)约为 12 MP,以获得最大的图像分辨率(picture resolution)。后置摄像头(rear camera)还拥有1190的超广角,可以覆盖更大的视野。另外两个后置摄像头(rear camera)提供了额外的艺术效果。自拍相机(selfie camera)有一个 8 MP 镜头和一个额外的AI美化(AI beautification)。Oppo A5可能是预算内最好的手机(Rs 12,000)印度12,000卢比(India)

购买理由:(Reasons to Buy:)
- 游戏加速 2.0
- 6.5'' 纳米水滴槽口
- 康宁大猩猩 3+ 屏幕
- 5000mAH锂聚合物电池
- 反向充电支持
A 5 中的超级模式 2.0(mode 2.0)具有多帧技术,可在夜间获得清晰生动的画面。你不能仅仅因为灯光就阻止自己捕捉珍贵的瞬间。背景光耀斑(background light flare)减弱以识别人脸并使其看起来更亮。视频稳定性(video stability)让用户可以录制(user record)完美的视频而不会出现任何抖动。他们将电子图像(Electronic image)稳定 ( EIS ) 与内部技术和内部陀螺仪相结合,使用户即使在跑步或骑车时也能拍摄无抖动的视频。
Oppo A 5中的杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)扬声器提供了令人难以置信的声音体验(sound experience),因为它使用双扬声器而不是一个扬声器。这些扬声器提供出色的音频氛围(audio ambiance),即使在最大音量下您也能听到清晰的音量(sound volume)。我们谈到了相机和扬声器,现在是时候阅读有关性能的信息了。Oppo A 5配备Snapdragon 665以提供更快的性能,同时减少约 20% 的消耗。
游戏提升 2.0 结合了帧提升和触控提升,以提供更好的响应游戏。 Oppo A5有一个用于双卡和 microSD的 3(sim and microSD)卡插槽(card slot)。它有 32 GB 或 64 GB ROM可供选择,可提供大量额外存储空间。A 5 让用户可以观看超过 11 小时的高清电影,而无需担心电池问题。您甚至可以为其他手机充电,因为它提供反向充电功能(charge capability)。Oppo A 5 使用受自然启发的颜色渐变。它具有 3D 人体工程学设计,可提供更好的抓地力和更薄(grip and thinner)的视觉外观。
Oppo A 5 提供 6.5 英寸的Nano 水滴(Nano waterdrop)槽口,带有阳光屏幕(sunlight screen)和蓝色防护罩。动态像素调整让用户即使在明亮的阳光下也能阅读屏幕。它还使用蓝光过滤器(light filter)来防止眼睛疲劳(eye fatigue)并保护您的视力。
它使用新的UI ColorOS 6.0.1设计来提供更好的导航。Oppo A 5的无边框设计(borderless design)包括智能辅助(Smart Assistance)、向上滑动(Swipe)手势、智能辅助、智能骑行节点以及Oppo Cloud服务(Oppo Cloud service)等功能。
4 GB |
32 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
12 + 2 MP + 2MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
195 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.4 x 0.9 x 7.6 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
32 GB |
Expandable Storage |
256 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1520 pixels |
Colour |
Dazzling White |
画质:4. 2
优点: (Pros: )
- 指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)
6. 小米红米 9 Prime(6. Xiaomi RedMi 9 Prime)
小米红米 9(Xiaomi Red Mi 9) Prime是(Prime)最好的手机之一,因为它具有许多功能,而且价格不到10,000 卢比(Rs 10,000)。它采用高性能联发科技 Helio G 80(high-performance MediaTek Helio G 80)增强流畅的游戏体验(gaming experience),让您同时进行多任务处理。HyperEngine游戏(HyperEngine game)技术确保出色的性能。显示屏(Display)约为 16.58 厘米FHD,并具有IPS 显示屏(IPS display)。大显示屏(Display)配有康宁大猩猩玻璃(gorilla glass),可保护您的手机免受刮擦。红(Red)米9 Prime提供AI四摄(AI quad-camera)阵列带有一个超广角镜头,可以捕捉更大的视野,一个微距镜头可以点击最小物体的图片。8 Mp 前置(Mp front)摄像头允许用户拍摄令人惊叹的自拍,并提供Ai 面部(Ai face)解锁和超广角 118 镜头,可在所有帧中捕捉更多内容。使用 13 MP 后置(MP rear) AI 摄像头(AI camera),您可以在白天和弱光下拍摄出令人惊叹的照片。

我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 安卓 v10 操作系统
- 5020毫安锂聚合物电池
- 18W充电支持
- 康宁大猩猩玻璃 3
- FHD+电容式多点触控触摸屏
小米红米9 Prime支持18W快充,5020mAh(Xiaomi RedMi 9)电池,提供185小时音乐播放(music playback)、31小时通话(talk time)、19小时导航、19小时连续视频播放(video playback)。
RedMi 9 Prime 采用Aura 360设计,在背面提供额外的握把和环(grip and ring),以增强四摄像头和指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)的设置。它受到防溅设计和 P2i 纳米涂层(Splash proof design and P2i nano-coating)的保护,可防止意外溢出和跌落。它拥有一个3.5 毫米的耳机插孔(headphone jack),一个C 型端口(C port),并且可以用作红外遥控器(IR remote)。
4 GB |
32 GB |
Battery |
5020 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 8 MP + 5MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
198 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.3 x 0.9 x 7.8 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
32 GB |
Expandable Storage |
256 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
2340 x 1080 pixels |
Colour |
Mint black, Mint green, Space blue, Sunrise flare. |
优点: (Pros: )
Vivo Y20i搭载高通骁龙 460(Qualcomm Snapdragon 460) 八核处理器(octa-core processor),提供无与伦比的性能和流畅的多任务处理以及出色的游戏体验(gaming experience)。UFS 2.1存储允许用户下载(user download)许多应用程序并毫无延迟地使用它们。

我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 超游戏模式
- 多涡轮增压 3.0
- 指纹扫描仪
- 5000mAh 电池
- 安卓 10.0 操作系统
Y20i支持 18 W 快速充电,并配备 5000 mAh(Y20i)电池(mAh battery),可提供持久续航,让您和您的手机在玩游戏时免于因电量不足而死机。Y20i具有(Y20i)反向充电功能,可以节省您朋友的手机。FHD + Display具有 90.3 %的% screen与机身比例,并获得了广泛的葡萄酒L1 认证(L1 certification)。Y20i的 3D 设计照亮了不同角度的视野。三重AI 摄像头(AI camera)采用Bokeh Camera 摄像头(Bokeh Camera camera)传感器,配备超广角、初级微光镜头和超微距镜头。指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)等附加功能,双卡(Dual sim)、加速度计(Accelerometer)、环境光(Ambient light)传感器、GPS、电子罗盘(E-Compass)、视频播放器(video player)、虚拟陀螺仪、音乐播放器(music player)和接近传感器(proximity sensor)。Vivo U 20 手机盒(phone box)配有听筒、用户手册、Micro USB转USB 数据线(USB cable)、USB 电源(USB power)适配器、Sim 顶针(Sim ejector)和保护套。然而,Y20i在印度以仅(India)12,000 卢比(Rs.12,000)的预算提供了性价比最高的智能手机(money smartphone)产品。
3 GB |
64 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 2 MP + 2MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
192 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.4 x 0.8 x 7.6 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
64 GB |
Expandable Storage |
64 GB |
OS |
Android 10.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1600 pixels |
Colour |
Nebula Blue |
优点: (Pros: )
8.三星M11(8. Samsung M11)
三星(Samsung)以实惠的价格发布了M 系列(M series)。三星 M11(Samsung M11)配备Infinity O 显示屏(Infinity O display),提供大屏幕空间,让用户在(user enjoy)手机上欣赏电影。M11的16.24厘米高清提供高清显示(HD display),屏占比(body ratio)达到88%。众所周知,三星(Samsung)以发布怪兽电池而闻名。三星M 11(Samsung M 11)配备5000毫安大电池,支持15W Type(W type) C快充。

我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 6.4英寸infinity-O显示屏
- 安卓 v10.0 操作系统
- 杜比全景声音效
- 16M颜色支持
- 5000mAH锂离子电池
您可以不间断地观看视频而不会受到任何干扰。M11提供 13 MP 主摄像头、5 MP 1150 角度超广角摄像头和 2 MP深度摄像头(depth camera)它包括SDM450八核 1.8 GHz 处理器(GHz processor)和 3 + 32 GB RAM / 4 + 64 GB RAM 和存储(GB RAM and storage)和一个 512 GB 的 MicroSD(GB MicroSD)。时尚的设计(dashing design) 有三种不同的颜色——黑色(– Black)、金属蓝(Metallic Blue)和紫罗兰色(Violet)。还有其他功能,例如指纹扫描仪(fingerprint scanner)、面部解锁以及UI 和 UX(UI and UX)组合为一个 UI。
包装盒内附数据线(data cable)、15W充电器(W charger)、顶针(ejection pin)和用户手册。它支持MP 4、M 4V、3 GP、3 G2、WMV、ASF、AVI、FLV、MKV和WEBM等视频格式。M11采用PLS、TFT、LCD 显示(LCD technology)技术(Display)和定位(location technology)技术。它可以与各种设备连接,如耳塞、其他安卓手机、智能手表,甚至是带蓝牙(Bluetooth)的笔记本电脑。
3/ 4 GB |
32/ 64GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 5MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
197 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
161.4 x 76.3 x 9.0 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
64 GB |
Expandable Storage |
64 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1560 pixels |
Colour |
Black, metallic blue, and violet |
接听电话时的语音质量(Voice quality)可能有点不清楚。
至此,我们列出了印度市场上12,000 卢比以下的 8 款最佳智能手机。(Rs.12,000)
智能手机买家指南(Buyer’s Guide for smartphones)
随着时间的推移,对智能手机的需求一直在增加。在购买任何手机之前,必须考虑几个因素。必须牢记的一些重要因素是RAM 和处理器(RAM and Processor):
处理器是决定手机功能的因素。它允许您的设备无缝运行并增强其他功能。流行的处理器是Apple A13 仿生(Apple A13 bionic)、Exynos 990、Snapdragon 675和Kirin 990。RAM 是指系统内存(system memory),手机使用它来保存应用程序数据。如果您有足够的存储空间,您可以安装许多应用程序。一部普通手机应该有 3-4 GB RAM。对于在二十个应用程序(twenty apps)之间切换并使用手机进行电话和消息传递的人来说,这已经足够了。
操作系统:(Operating System:)手机有两种操作系统。Android允许用户根据自己的风格和偏好(style and preference)自定义设备。您可以毫无限制地修改您的Android 设备。(Android device)IOS是一个强大的操作系统,并为手机提供不断的更新。将长期支持软件更新。但IOS与(IOS)Android相比有一些限制。您将不具备分边模式(side mode)、自定义主屏幕(home screen)等功能,并且您无法在设备中使用启动器。尽管IOS有很多限制,但它提供了一系列优势,例如信息(Imessage),面对面时间(face time),最小的膨胀软件,没有广告软件。
展示:(Display:) 每个新品牌的展示都在增加。(Display)它的尺寸达到了 6.9 英寸。但是当智能手机的屏幕很大时,就很难将它们放在用户的口袋里。如果手机太大,您甚至无法舒适地握住手机。有不同类型的显示器(Display),如AMOLED、LED 等(LED .etc)。AMOLED 显示器(AMOLED display)有多种变体,例如OLED和(OLED)超级AMOLED。许多(Many)品牌都提供屏幕保护,例如康宁大猩猩玻璃 5(gorilla glass 5)和 6,以避免划痕和防溅设计,以防止溢出造成的损坏。智能手机有各种分辨率,如全高清(Full HD),Full HD + Quad HD。购买前,请检查您的手机是否有防蓝光过滤器(light filter)等屏幕保护功能,以避免眼睛疲劳(eye fatigue)。
存储:(Storage:)存储范围为 32 GB – 512 GB。建议至少有 128 GB 的存储空间来下载应用程序而无需担心。充足的存储空间(Adequate storage)是必要的因素。
有些手机还提供可扩展的内存存储(memory storage)。电池:电池是购买任何手机之前必须考虑的重要因素之一。有些手机的电池寿命(battery life)很短,无法让您不停地使用手机。因此,请寻找电池电量(mAh battery power)至少为 4500 mAh 的手机。面糊越大,您使用手机的时间就越多。
相机质量:(Camera Quality:)这不是必须的因素,但喜欢拍照的人应该检查手机的质量和附加功能,如弱光设置(light setting)、夜间模式(night mode)和AI 美化(AI beautification)。
推荐:(Recommended:)印度(India)3000 卢比(Rs 3000)以下的8款最佳真正无线耳塞(Best Truly Wireless Earbuds)
经常问的问题(Frequently Asked Questions)
1. 手机支持双卡吗?(1. Do the phones support Dual sim? )
2.什么是家用发射器?(2. What is a home launcher?)
答:(Ans:)主页启动器用于根据您的喜好使用小部件或应用程序来个性化您手机的主页显示。(home display)
3. 手机支持Type C线吗?(3. Do the phones support type C cable? )
Ans:大多数最新版本都支持C 型(C type)充电线。这些是价格在12,000 卢比(Rs 12,000)以下的各种品牌的顶级手机。查看购买指南(buying guide)中的因素并选择适合您风格的手机。
选择满足您所有需求的最佳智能手机。这些智能手机来自红米、三星、Real Me 等流行品牌,(RedMi)因此您(Samsung)可以毫不犹豫(Real Me)地购买任何人。
如果您对本文有任何问题或建议,请在下面的评论部分(comment section)告诉我们。
Best Mobile Phones Under Rs 12,000 in India
From kids to adults, everyone uses smartphones. A lot of popular brands produce new phones with amazing features. Let us look at the best mobile phones under Rs. 12,000 in India.
As time goes, the need for smartphones keeps increasing. The smartphone industry is one of the biggest electronic industries worldwide. While there are a couple of well-established pioneers, new and promising companies shoot up every day. The competition is high, and the choices are countless. Each manufacturer makes multiple models that differ in aspects like design-build, pricing, work-efficiency, speed, performance, and so on.
We have created a tailor-made list of smartphones that cost below 12,000 rupees and fit your budget ranges.

Best Mobile Phones Under Rs 12,000 in India
1. Real Me Narzo 10
Those who are looking for performance and great performance and great features should opt for Real Me Marzo 10. The core octa-core Helio G 80 ensures that your phone has a better performance which is improved by 35%v and the GPU performance has improved over 25%. Now you don’t have to worry about multitasking and enhance your gaming experience.

Reasons to Buy:
- Powerful Processor
- Ultra-wide Angle Lens
- Super Macro Lens
- Massive 5000-mAh Battery
- 18 W Quick Charge
- Dual SIM + MicroSD Slot
- Splash-resistant Design
The 48 MP A1 quad-camera combines the power of four different lenses to provide better resolution and clarity to capture ultra-clean and beautiful pictures. It features an ultra-wide-angle lens of 119 to provide a field of view that is four times larger than the normal camera. It is not only perfect for capturing larger images but also allows the user to shoot even the tiniest of objects with the 4 cm Super macro lens. The 16 MP A1 selfie camera lets you take impressive selfies even under low lighting as it uses a four in one-pixel technology.
Are you a busy person? Don’t have time to charge. Don’t worry as the REalme Narzo 10 has excellent charging speed and reduces the charging time as it uses the 18W quick charge feature. And the 5000 mA battery provides a 39 days standby time, and it also offers triple battery protection.
The 16.5 cm HD + Mini drop full screen gives a true visual experience for watching your favorite movies and playing games.
You can easily manage two sim cards as the Narzo 10 provides a dual sim slot and expandable memory card storage of 256 GB. Now you can download any number of movies without hesitation.
Live simple objects have inspired the user interface of Realme Marzo 10. It offers a seamless user experience with reduced app launch time, better battery life, and RAM usage. The interior and the exterior components of the mobile phone are protected by Splash resistance sealing. The famous designer Naoto Fukasawa has designed this beautiful piece.
The Realme Marzo 10 is possibly the best smartphone you can get your hands on for a budget under Rs.12,000.
4 GB |
128 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
48 MP+ 8 MP + 2 MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
16 MP |
Weight |
198 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
50 x 70 x30 |
In built storage |
128 Gb |
Expandable Storage |
128 GB |
OS |
Android |
Colour |
White |
Battery: 4.5
Camera: 3.7
Value for Money: 4.7
Display: 2.5
Fast Charging
Comes with 1-year Guarantee
Super Slow-motion mode is available
Average display
Slow Charging
2. RedMi note 9
Red Mi Note 9 is also known as a battery monster because of its long-lasting battery life. You can use the phone all day without worrying about its battery or performance. It gives an elegant look as the ports, and the corners are perfectly finished. The 48 MP primary sensors click astonishing photos in both daylight and low light. The camera has included wide-angle, macro, and depth to ensure beautiful pictures to make you a photography champion. The main sensor captures the tiniest details that are missed by a naked eye.

Features we like:
- Android v10 operating system
- 5020mAH lithium-polymer battery
- 22.5W fast charger in-box
- Dual SIM (nano+nano)
- Dual-standby (4G+4G)
The note 9 uses an 8 MP ultra-wide sensor and a high field of view of about 1180 to click a pretty panoramic photo. You can take amazing selfies by using additional features like AI beautify, special effect, short videos, and blur with the 13 MP front camera. The battery power is about 5020 mAh that gives the user 147 hours of playback, 33 hours of calling, 16 hours of navigation, and 13 hours of uninterrupted gaming. The Red mi note 9 comes with a 22.5 W fast charger in the box. You have an amazing battery, but now your friend’s phone is going to die soon, shouldn’t you be giving some charge to save your friend’s phone. Don’t get confused; note 9 supports the reverse charge that lets you charge multiple devices like smartphones, smart bands, and even earbuds.
The note 9 mobile phone features an G 85 octa-core processor with a maximum frequency of 2.0 GHz and a GPU frequency of 1000 MHz. The Redmi Note 9 has implemented the new Aura Balance design. The Corning Gorilla Glass 5 and the quad-camera set up gives a refined look to your phone. It offers 16.58 full-HD and dot supply. The notch-less display design adds to the in-display selfie camera and delivers an immersive seeing and gaming experience. There is a slot for the headphone jack about 3.5 mm and a C type port to charge your phone. Your phone can also be used as an IR remote. The note 9 mobile phone offers an expandable storage space of about 512GB and 2 + 1 sim card slots with VoWiFi support. It also comes with a corning gorilla glass 5 that protects your phone against accidental drops and scratches. It also has a Splash-proof design to protect both internal and external components from liquids.
4 GB |
64 GB |
Battery |
5020 mAh |
Back Camera |
48 MP+ 8 MP + 2 MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
16 MP |
Weight |
199 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.1 x 0.9 x7.7cm |
Inbuilt storage |
128 GB |
Expandable Storage |
128 GB |
OS |
Android |
Resolution |
2340 x 1080 |
Colour |
Scarlet Red |
Battery: 4.2
Camera: 3.9
Value for Money: 4.2
Display: 4.1
Finger Print Reader: 4.2
Fast Charging
Comes with 1-year Warranty
Security features like fingerprint sensor and face unlock are available
Gets heated after long sessions of playing games
Phone lags in Gaming Mode
Average Camera Quality
3. Infix Hot 9 Pro
Infix Hot 9 pro is has been capturing attention from the viewer’s side. It provides a seamless user experience. Let me talk about the impressive Display of Hot 9 Pro. It offers the user a vivid and clear quality as it uses 16.76 cm HD and a punch-hole display. This model provides an edgy display with a screen to body ratio of 90.5% and an aspect ratio of 20:9. The 480 nits brightness enhances your visual experience.

Reasons to Buy:
- HD+ Punch-hole Display
- Quad Rear Camera System
- 5000 mAh Battery
- DTS-HD Surround Sound
- XOS 6.0 on Android 10
It comes with an AI quad-camera system which lets you capture beautiful moments, wherever you are. The quad-camera system includes a 48 Mp primary + 2 Mp depth sensor + 2 MP macro lens and not to mention the auto scene detection feature which can identify 9 different scenarios outside. The 3D body shaping feature lets the user take pretty pictures of themselves.
Having many features, the infix Hot 9 Pro has managed to include a 5000 mAh battery that lets you use your phones up to a day with a single charge.
It even offers an AI smart power-saving feature that analyzes your app usage and restricts the power consumption based on the analysis report. This prevents your battery life from dying and extends life. The infix hot 9 pro uses a 12 nm Helio P22 octa-core processor and a 4 GB RAM to provide a ceaseless performance. The internal storage space is about 64 GB, and the hot 9 pro allows you to keep and manage all your files in one place.
Infix hot 9 pros are built with a gem cut texture design at the backside and a rectangular camera module. The front side has a 2.5 D curved glass and has a 2.5 D glass finish at the back. You can experience a cinematic sound quality as the phone features DTS HD surround sound. There are different types of modes for various purposes like video, gaming, and music to select the sound put according to your preference.
The Infix hot 9 pro works on XOS 6.0 dolphin which is powered by Android 10 OS. It includes additional features like Wi-Fi share, smart gestures, smart panel, and location controls.
4 GB |
64 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
48 MP + 2 MP + 2 MP + low light sensor. |
Front Camera |
16 MP |
Weight |
185 g |
Dimensions: W x D x H |
76.88 x 165 mm x8.7mm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
64 GB |
Expandable Storage |
256 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
1600 x 720 pixels |
Colour |
Ocean Wave |
Battery: 4.7
Camera: 3.7
Value for Money: 4.8
Display: 3.7
Does not get heated even after using it for a long time
Works smooth and faster without any lag
Slow Charging
Phone lags while playing games
4. Vivo U 10
Vivo U 10 is one of the best phones available at an affordable price. It features Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 AIE to offer powerful performance and have apps run smoother. This phone comes with a triple card slot, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, and can be extended up to 256 GB. There is an exclusive model for pro-gaming experts. The ultra game mode has many features like low blue-ray game eye protection, 4D vibrations, voice changer, Do not disturb mode, game countdown, and sound localization training centre. The phone comes with 18W fast charging with a big battery of 5000 mAh. Just charge the phone for 10 minutes and talk for 4.5 hrs without any interruption.

Reasons to Buy:
- Ultra Gaming Mode
- Halo Fullview Display
- AI triple Rear Camera
- 18W fast charging
- 5000mAh lithium ion battery
Let’s move onto the camera. Vivo U 10 includes an AI triple Rear camera which allows you to take amazing pictures. The Halo view display in U 10 provides a 16.15 cm full display and an aspect ratio of 19.3:9.
It has an 89 % screen to body ratio. The Vivo U 10 allows the user to unlock the phone instantly with the fingerprint sensor. If you don’t prefer using fingerprints, you can’t just unlock your phone with the face unlock.
3 GB |
32 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 8 MP + 2 MP + low light sensor. |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
191 g |
Dimensions: W x D x H |
15.9 x 0.9 mm x7.7mm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
32 GB |
Expandable Storage |
32 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1544 pixels |
Colour |
Thunder Black |
Battery Life: 4.1
Camera: 3.5
Fingerprint Reader: 3.5
Kids mode is available to control their activity
Fast Charging
The fingerprint sensor is available
Low camera quality
It is little heavy
Low storage space
5. Oppo A5
Oppo is one of the popular brands that are known for its camera quality. Oppo dropped a model with amazing features and at an affordable price. The Oppo A 5 has separate five cameras built into a single phone. The main rear camera is about 12 MP for the greatest picture resolution. The rear camera also has an ultra-wide-angle of 1190 to cover a larger view. The other two rear cameras provide additional artistic effects. The selfie camera has an 8 MP lens and an extra AI beautification. The Oppo A5 is possibly the best mobile phone under the budget of Rs 12,000 in India

Reasons to Buy:
- Game Boost 2.0
- 6.5’’ Nano-Waterdrop Notch
- Corning Gorilla 3+ screen
- 5000mAH lithium-polymer battery
- Reverse charging support
The ultra mode 2.0 in A 5 has a multi-frame technology to get clear and vivid pictures during the night. You can’t stop yourself from capturing precious moments just because of the lighting. The background light flare is diminished to identify the people’s faces and make it appear brighter. The video stability lets the user record a perfect video without any shakes. They have combined Electronic image stabilization (EIS) with internal technology and an internal gyroscope which allows the user to take shake-free videos even while running or riding a vehicle.
The Dolby Atmos speakers present in the Oppo A 5 gives an unbelievable sound experience because it uses dual speakers instead of one. These speakers offer an excellent audio ambiance, and you can hear a clear sound volume even at full volume. We talked about the camera and the speakers now it’s time to read about the performance. Oppo A 5 features Snapdragon 665 to provide faster performance and at the same consume about 20 % less.
The game boost 2.0 combines both frame boost and touch boost to offer better responsive gaming. Oppo A5 has a 3 card slot for dual sim and microSD. It’s available in 32 GB or 64 GB ROM for a ton of additional storage. The A 5 allows the user to watch HD movies for more than 11 hours without worrying about the battery. You can even charge other phones as it offers reverse charge capability. Oppo A 5 uses color gradients inspired by nature. It has a 3 D ergonomic design to offer a better grip and thinner visual appearance.
Oppo A 5 offers a Nano waterdrop notch of 6.5 “with a sunlight screen and blue shield. The dynamic pixel adjustment allows the user to read the screen even under bright sunlight. It also uses the blue light filter to prevent eye fatigue and to protect your vision.
It uses a new UI ColorOS 6.0.1 design to offer better navigation. The borderless design in Oppo A 5 includes features like Smart Assistance, Swipe up gesture, smart assistance, smart riding node, and also Oppo Cloud service.
4 GB |
32 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
12 + 2 MP + 2MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
195 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.4 x 0.9 x 7.6 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
32 GB |
Expandable Storage |
256 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1520 pixels |
Colour |
Dazzling White |
Battery Life: 4.3
Picture Quality: 4. 2
Fingerprint Reader: 4.2
Value for Money: 3.9
Camera: 3.8
Screen Quality: 3.7
Amazing photo quality
Loud Speakers
Long battery Life
Position of the fingerprint sensor is high
Low-quality macro photos
Fast Charger not provided
6. Xiaomi RedMi 9 Prime
The Xiaomi Red Mi 9 Prime is one of the best phones to buy as it comes with many features and the price is less than Rs 10,000. It uses high-performance MediaTek Helio G 80 to enhance the smooth gaming experience and allows you to multitask. The HyperEngine game technology to ensure excellent performance. The Display is about 16.58 cm FHD and has an IPS display. The large Display comes with corning gorilla glass to protect your phone from scratches. Red mi 9 prime offers an AI quad-camera array with an ultra-wide lens to capture a larger view and a macro lens to click pictures of the tiniest objects. The 8 Mp front camera allows the user to take stunning selfies and offers Ai face unlock and an ultra-wide 118 lens to capture more in all the frames. With the 13 MP rear AI camera, you can take amazing pictures in both daylight and low-light.

Features We Like:
- Android v10 OS
- 5020 mAh lithium-polymer battery
- 18W charging support
- Corning Gorilla Glass 3
- FHD+ capacitive multi-touch touchscreen
Xiaomi RedMi 9 prime supports 18 W fast charging and has a battery with 5020 mAh which provides 185 hours of music playback, 31 hours of talk time, 19 hours of navigation, and 19 hours of continuous video playback.
RedMi 9 prime features an Aura 360 design which provides an additional grip and ring at the back to enhance the quad-camera and the fingerprint sensor set up. It is protected by Splash proof design and P2i nano-coating against accidental spills and drops. It holds a headphone jack of 3.5 mm, a type C port, and can be used as an IR remote.
4 GB |
32 GB |
Battery |
5020 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 8 MP + 5MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
198 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.3 x 0.9 x 7.8 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
32 GB |
Expandable Storage |
256 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
2340 x 1080 pixels |
Colour |
Mint black, Mint green, Space blue, Sunrise flare. |
Battery Life: 4.3
Gaming: 4.2
Value for Money: 4.4
Thickness: 4.2
Camera Quality: 3.7
Supports fast charging
Long battery Life
No night mode
Low camera quality
7. Vivo Y20i
Vivo Y20i comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 460 octa-core processor to provide an unstoppable performance and smooth multitasking and an awesome gaming experience. The UFS 2.1 storage lets the user download many apps and use them without any lag.

Features We Like:
- Ultra Game Mode
- Multi Turbo 3.0
- Fingerprint Scanner
- 5000mAh Battery
- Android 10.0 OS
The Y20i supports 18 W fast charging and has a 5000 mAh battery to provide long-lasting life and to save you and your phone from dying of low battery when playing games. The Y20i features reverse charging capability to save your friend’s phones. The FHD + Display has a 90.3 % screen to body ration with a wide wine L1 certification. The 3D design of Y20i illuminates views from different angles. The triple AI camera features a Bokeh Camera camera sensor with a super wide-angle, primary low light lens, and super macro lens. Additional features like fingerprint sensor, Dual sim, Accelerometer, Ambient light sensor, GPS, E-Compass, video player, virtual gyroscope, music player, and proximity sensor. Vivo U 20 phone box comes with a handset, user manual, Micro USB to USB cable, USB power adapter, Sim ejector pin, and a protective case. However, Y20i offers the best value for money smartphone offerings under a budget of just Rs.12,000 in India.
3 GB |
64 GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 2 MP + 2MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
192 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
16.4 x 0.8 x 7.6 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
64 GB |
Expandable Storage |
64 GB |
OS |
Android 10.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1600 pixels |
Colour |
Nebula Blue |
Battery Life: 4.4
Value for Money: 4.4
Camera Quality: 4.1
Fingerprint Sensor: 4.4
Best for Gaming
Long battery Life
Good Camera quality
Ultra game mode is available
It takes more than 10 minutes to start
C Type Charger not provided
8. Samsung M11
Samsung has released the M series for affordable rates. The Samsung M11 comes with an Infinity O display to offer a large screen space and lets the user enjoy watching movies on the phone. The 16.24 cm HD of M11 provides an HD display and has a screen to body ratio of 88%. As we all know, Samsung is known for releasing monster batteries. The Samsung M 11 comes with a 5000 mAh big battery and supports 15 W type C fast charging.

Features We Like:
- 6.4-inch infinity-O display
- Android v10.0 OS
- Dolby Atmos sound
- 16M color support
- 5000mAH lithium-ion battery
You can watch videos ceaselessly without any interruptions. M11 provides a main camera of 13 MP, ultra-wide camera with 5 MP with 1150 angle and a depth camera having 2 MP It includes SDM450 octa-core 1.8 GHz processor with a 3 + 32 GB RAM / 4 + 64 GB RAM and storage and a 512 GB MicroSD. There are three different colors for a dashing design – Black, Metallic Blue, and Violet. There are additional features like a fingerprint scanner, face unlocks, and UI and UX combined as one UI.
The box comes with a data cable, 15 W charger, an ejection pin, and a user manual. It supports video formats like MP 4, M 4V, 3 GP, 3 G2, WMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, and WEBM. M11 features PLS, TFT, LCD technology for Display, and location technology. It can be connected with various devices like earbuds, other android mobiles, smartwatches, and even laptops with Bluetooth.
3/ 4 GB |
32/ 64GB |
Battery |
5000 mAh |
Back Camera |
13 MP + 5MP + 2 MP |
Front Camera |
8 MP |
Weight |
197 g |
Dimensions: L x W x H |
161.4 x 76.3 x 9.0 cm |
Memory card type |
microSD |
Internal storage |
64 GB |
Expandable Storage |
64 GB |
OS |
Android 9.0 |
Sim Type |
Dual Sim |
Resolution |
720 x 1560 pixels |
Colour |
Black, metallic blue, and violet |
Battery Life: 4.3
Value for Money: 3.8
Camera Quality: 3.7
Fingerprint Sensor: 4.2
Touch Screen: 4.3
Screen quality: 4.1
Supreme design
Premium build quality
Better Battery life
Voice quality while taking calls might be a little unclear.
Low camera quality.
And this concludes our list of the 8 best smartphones under Rs.12,000 available in the Indian market.
Buyer’s Guide for smartphones
As days go, the need for smartphones has been increasing. Several factors have to be considered before buying any phone. Some of the important factors that have to be kept in mind are RAM and Processor:
The processor is the factor that decides the functioning of your phone. It allows your device to function seamlessly and enhances other features. Popular processors are Apple A13 bionic, Exynos 990, Snapdragon 675, and Kirin 990. RAM refers to the system memory, which is used by phones to hold applications data. You can install many apps if you have sufficient storage. An average phone should have 3-4 GB RAM. This is enough for people who switch between twenty apps and use their phone for phone calls and messaging.
Operating System: There are two types of OS when it comes to phones. Android lets the user customize their device according to their style and preference. You can tinker with your Android device without any limitations. IOS is a powerful OS and provides constant updates to the phone. The software updates will be supported for a long time. But IOS has some limitations when compared to Android. You won’t have features like split side mode, customizing your home screen and you cannot use launchers in your device. Although IOS has a ton of limitations, it provides a whole level of advantages like Imessage, face time, minimal bloatware, and no adware.
Display: Display for every new brand is increasing. It has reached a size of 6.9 inches. But when the screen of the smartphone is large, it becomes difficult to keep them in the user’s pocket. You can’t even hold the phone comfortably if it’s too big. There are different types of Display, like AMOLED, LED .etc. The AMOLED display has several variations like OLED and super AMOLED. Many brands provide screen protection like corning gorilla glass 5 and 6 to avoid scratches and splash-proof design to prevent damages from spills. Smartphones are available in various resolutions like Full HD, Full HD + Quad HD. Before buying, check whether your phone has screen protections like a blue light filter to avoid eye fatigue.
Storage: The storage ranges from 32 GB – 512 GB. It is recommended to have 128 GB of storage at least to download apps without worrying. Adequate storage is a necessary factor.
Some phones also provide expandable memory storage. Battery: The battery is one of the important factors that have to be considered before buying any phone. Some phones have a short battery life that does not let you use phones ceaselessly. So look for phones having a minimum of 4500 mAh battery power. The larger the batter, the more time you get to use your phones.
Camera Quality: This is not a necessary factor, but those who love taking pictures should check the quality of the mobile phone and additional features like low light setting, night mode, and AI beautification.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do the phones support Dual sim?
Ans: Most of the android phones support dual sim.
2. What is a home launcher?
Ans: Home launchers are used to personalize your phone’s home display with widgets or apps according to your preference.
3. Do the phones support type C cable?
Ans: Most of the latest releases support C type charging cable. These are the top phones from various brands under the price of Rs 12,000. Check out the factors in the buying guide and choose the phone that fits your style.
Choose the best smartphone that fulfills all your needs. These smartphones are from popular brands like RedMi, Samsung, Real Me, etc., so that you can buy anyone without any hesitation.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, let us know in the comment section below.