此列表包含 8,000 卢比以下的最佳手机,它们提供最佳性能、相机、外观和构造。(This list contains the best mobile phones under 8,000 rupees, which offer the best performance, camera, looks and build.)
智能手机是必需品。每个人都有一个。从奢侈品品牌开始的趋势已经发展成为一种必不可少的归属感。世界就在我们的口袋里,我们的智能手机让我们可以访问我们需要的所有信息和技术(information and technology)。智能手机文化(smartphone culture)彻底改变了世界,让每个人都意识到并接受了教育。他们以难以想象的方式简化了我们的工作。有一个问题?你手机(cell phone)的智能助手(smart assistant)将在几秒钟内为您带来答案。想找老朋友?您的手机启用社交媒体应用程序,可为您提供所需的所有帮助。您需要和永远想要的一切都在您的指尖,您可以使用触屏“智能”手机无限制地访问世界的任何角落(nook and corner)。
智能手机行业(smartphone industry)是全球最大的电子行业之一。虽然有一些成熟的先驱者,但每天都有新的和有前途的公司涌现。竞争激烈,选择数不胜数。每个制造商都生产多种型号,这些型号在设计构建、定价、工作效率、速度、性能等方面有所不同。
8,000 以下的最佳(Best mobile)手机有多种选择。丰富的选择是一件好事,但是从大量的选择中挑选最合适的可能会变得有点混乱。如果您正在寻找价格适中的顶级智能手机,那么您将无需再寻找。我们创建了一份量身定制的手机清单,这些手机在印度(India)的价格低于 8,000 卢比,并且适合您的幸福和预算范围(bliss and budget ranges)。所以这个节日,给自己买一部新手机,或者送给你的朋友和家人。
附属机构披露:Techcult 得到其读者的支持。当您通过我们网站上的链接购买时,我们可能会获得会员佣金。(Affiliate Disclosure: Techcult is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.)
印度 8,000 卢比以下的 10 款最佳手机(10 Best Mobile Phones Under 8,000 Rupees in India)
最新价格的印度(India)8,000 部以下最佳手机(Best Mobile Phones)列表。谈到 8000 以下的最佳手机,有小米(Xiaomi)、Oppo、Vivo、三星(Samsung)、Realme和 LG 等品牌提供他们的手机系列。我们编制了一份2020 年印度8000 岁以下最佳手机列表。(India)
1.小米红米8A双(1. Xiaomi Redmi 8A Dual)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 大容量电池
- 高通骁龙 439 处理器
- 3 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 512 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439
- 显示(Display)尺寸:720 x 1520 IPS LCD(IPS LCD display)显示屏
- 内存:4 GB DDR3 RAM
- 摄像头:后置摄像头:12 像素,带 12 像素深度传感器和 LED 闪光灯(depth sensor and LED flash);前置摄像头(Front Camera):8 兆像素。
- 操作系统:Android 9.0:MUI 11
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):内部 32/64 GB,可扩展内存高达 256 GB
- 体重:188 克
- 厚度:9.4 毫米
- 电池使用量:5000 毫安时
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 价格: 7,999 印度卢比
- 评分:5星中的4星
- 质保:1年质保
红米(Redmi)是印度(India)最畅销的智能手机品牌(selling smartphone brand)。他们以合理的价格生产优质产品。它们具有独特的功能和创新的应用程序,使它们在市场上脱颖而出。
红米8A (Redmi 8A) Dual是其前身红米8A(predecessor Redmi 8A)的升级版,拥有一整套新颖的功能。它非常人性化,适合所有年龄段的人。
外观和美感: (Appearance and aesthetics: )小米手机总是以其迷人的设计(charming design)而畅销。Mi 8A Dual是其卓越构造和迷人外观的完美例证。这款手机采用田园诗般的曲线、清新的设计和鲜艳的色彩变化来取悦年轻客户。这款手机采用塑料一体成型结构(unibody structure),并带有小米银条(Xiaomi sliver),以完成外观。从外观上看,智能手机没有任何抱怨。
与大多数现代智能手机不同,Mi 8 dual 不包含指纹扫描仪(fingerprint scanner)。
处理器类型: (Processor type: ) Redmi智能手机(Redmi smartphone)配备最新的Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439,考虑到手机的要价,这是一个了不起的补充。
速度和性能(speed and performance)是一流的,这要归功于时钟频率为 2 GHz 的八核芯片(GHz)。3 GB RAM与 32 GB 内部存储相结合,为您的所有数据和文件提供了充足的平台。内存可以扩展,这是一个优点。
显示尺寸: (Display dimensions: )屏幕为 6.22 英寸IPS 板(IPS plate),分辨率为 720 x 1520 p,密度为 720 x 1520 PPI,增强了图形和用户界面。颜色对比度和亮度调整得到了很好的照顾,可以从各个方面进行角度观察。
增强的康宁大猩猩玻璃 5(Reinforced Corning Gorilla Glass 5)为屏幕增加了额外的保护,使其耐刮擦。
摄像头: (Camera: )智能手机配备双摄像头,组合 12+2 兆像素后置摄像头和 8 兆像素前置摄像头(front camera)。该相机以尖端的“人工智能”技术为后盾。
AI界面(AI interface)将提高图片的清晰度和质量(clarity and quality),消除模糊不清的斑点。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: )尽管大量使用,5,000 mAh 锂离子电池仍可使用至少两天。由于安装了MIUI 11(MIUI 11)会检查各种应用程序的功耗(power consumption),因此电池消耗(battery drain)很小。
最新的处理单元和操作系统(processing unit and Operating system)
手机下方的扬声器可以柔化声音输出(sound output)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 4000 mAh 锂聚合物电池
- 联发科 Helio P22 处理器
- 2 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):Mediatek MT6762 Helio P22 Octa-Core,2 GHz
- 显示尺寸:
- 内存空间:2 GB DDR3 RAM
- 摄像头:后置:8 MP,带LED 闪光灯(LED flash);前(Front):5 MP
- 操作系统:Android 9.0 馅饼:ColorOS 6
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):32 GB 内部存储器(GB Internal memory),可扩展至 256 GB
- 体重:165克
- 厚度:8.4 毫米
- 电池使用量:4000 毫安时
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格: 7,999 印度卢比
- 评分:5星中的4星
Oppo以其出色的(Oppo)相机质量(camera quality)和低成本的价格立即赢得了大众的喜爱。但是今天,智能手机在各个方面都取得了长足的进步。
外观和美学: (Appearance and aesthetics: )手机的哑光后面板使其看起来极简现代。使用的顶级聚碳酸酯塑料(top-quality polycarbonate plastic)是Oppo A1K重量轻且耐损坏(lightweight and damage resistance)的原因。
耳机插槽(earphone slot)、内置环绕声(surround sound)扬声器和微型USB 充电(USB charger)座位于手机底部。定位刚刚好。
处理器类型: (Processor type: )一流的Mediatek MT6762 Helio P22 Octa-Core,时钟频率(clock frequency)为 2 GHz,确保手机始终无延迟运行。生产力和性能指标(productivity and performance index)很高。
Oppo以合理的价格提供 2 GB 随机存取(GB Random access)内存和 32 GB 内部空间以及高达 256 GB 的可升级空间,可满足您的所有基本存储需求。
显示尺寸:(Display dimensions: )采用康宁玻璃(Corning glass)的6 英寸显示屏(display screen)具有 720 x 1560 像素的超高分辨率。玻璃具有三层保护层,可减少屏幕上的划痕并确保始终保持光泽。
IPS LCD 屏幕(IPS LCD screen)显示出出色的亮度强度和色彩精度。但很少有客户在户外时会面临亮度不足的问题。
相机: (Camera: )Oppo因其出色的相机而备受瞩目,A1K也不例外。8 兆像素后置摄像头(rear camera)支持HDR 模式,并(HDR mode and clicks)借助 f/2.22 光圈点击令人惊叹的照片。
当自然光昏暗和夜间时,响应式 LED 闪光灯(LED flash)有助于点击清晰的按扣。相机容量(camera capacity)高达 30fps,非常适合FHD视频(FHD videos)。
5 兆像素前置摄像头可帮助您拍摄优雅的自拍照和集体自拍照。投资(Invest)手机,因为您的社交媒体账户的美商会放大一点。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: ) 4000毫安时锂电池(mAH lithium)可持续使用一天半。手机在两小时内充满电。
户外显示屏(Outdoor display)能见度不达标
3.体内Y91i(3. Vivo Y91i)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 4030毫安锂离子电池
- MTK Helio P22 处理器
- 2 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439 八核处理器(Octa-core Processor);时钟(Clock)速度;1.95 GHz
- 显示屏(Display)尺寸:6.22英寸高清显示屏(HD display),1520 x 720 IPS LCD;270 生产者价格指数
- 内存空间:3 GB DDR3 RAM
- 摄像头:后置:13+ 2 兆像素,带LED 闪光灯(LED flash);正面(Front):8 兆像素
- 操作系统:Android 8.1 Oreo Funtouch 4.5
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):内部 16 或 32 GB,可扩展至 256 GB 外部存储
- 体重:164 克
- 厚度:8.3 毫米
- 电池使用量:4030 毫安时
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格: 7,749 印度卢比
- 评分:5星中的4星
Vivo智能手机因其卓越的品质和独特的功能而一直备受关注。Vivo Y91i是其精湛工艺的完美典范。
外观和美学: (Appearance and aesthetics: )智能手机的外观在视觉上很吸引人。使用的一流金属经过双重涂漆,具有光泽和宏伟的效果。构建轻松而别致。背面面板由Vivo 标志(Vivo logo)和摄像头插槽(camera slot)组成,使手机看起来(phone look)精致而时尚。
音量按钮和电源开关(power switch)位于右侧,便于操作,而耳塞插孔和 USB 端口(jack and USB port)位于外壳底部。该位置分布良好,便于控制。
处理器类型: (Processor type: )联发科 Helio P22 Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439(MediaTek Helio P22 Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439)八核处理器(Processor),时钟频率为 2 GHz,确保最大工作输出(work output)和流畅的多功能,没有差异。
3 GB RAM和 32 GB 内置可修改内存突出了速度和性能(speed and performance)。
操作系统(Operating system),Android Oreo 8.1 ,是强大的,与 Vivo 的FunTouch OS 皮肤(OS skin)一起使用,可以不间断地进行无休止的冲浪、游戏、社交媒体活动和视频流(video streaming)服务。
显示尺寸: (Display dimensions: ) 6.22英寸宽屏具有良好的可视性(visibility ratio)。具有 1520 x 720p 韧性的高清IPS LCD有助于缓解鲜艳的色彩、强烈的对比和迷人的视觉效果。由于270 PPI的高(PPI)像素密度(pixel density),像素化是最低限度的。
屏占比(body proportion)82.9%,享受影音消费体验(consumption and experience)。
摄像头: (Camera: )后置摄像头(rear camera)的分辨率为 13 兆像素,是列表中最高的。对相机细节的关注至关重要。5 兆像素前置摄像头是您拍摄完美照片的首选摄像头。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: )巨大的 4030毫安时电池(mAH battery)在持续频繁使用后可持续使用一天。如果您是中度用户,那么您只需在两天内为手机充电一次,您就可以开始使用了。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 印度(India)12,000 卢比(Rs 12,000)以下的最佳手机(Best Mobile Phones)
4.华硕Zenfone Max M2(4. Asus Zenfone Max M2)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 4000毫安电池
- 高通骁龙 632(Qualcomm Snapdragon 632) 八核处理器(Octa Core Processor)
- 3 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 2 TB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):Qualcomm Snapdragon 632 八核处理器(octa-core processor),时钟速度(Clock speed):1.8 GHz
- 显示屏(Display)尺寸:6.26英寸IPS液晶显示屏(IPS LCD display);1520 x 720 像素;269 生产者价格指数
- 内存空间:4 GB DDR3 RAM
- 摄像头:后置:13 MP,带 2 MP 深度传感器和 LED 闪光灯(MP depth sensor and LED flash);前(Front):8 MP
- 操作系统:安卓奥利奥8.1操作系统
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):内部 64 GB,可扩展至 2 TB
- 体重:160 克
- 厚度:7.7 毫米
- 电池使用情况:
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格: 7,899 印度卢比
- 评分:3.5 星,满分 5 星
华硕(Asus)及其 Zenfone 系列产品自发布以来就给Z 世代留下了深刻的印象。(Gen Z)这款智能手机于 2018 年发布,但两年后,它仍然是永恒的最爱。让我们来看看如何。
外观和美感: (Appearance and aesthetics: )Zenfone的外观如丝般柔滑。底座由坚固的塑料制成,具有耐用性和强度(durability and strength)。手机背面左侧是后置摄像头,中间是优雅的华硕品牌(Asus brand)标志。这款手机看起来既精通技术又很酷。
处理器类型: (Processor type: )前线Qualcomm Snapdragon 632(frontline Qualcomm Snapdragon 632) 八核处理器(octa-core processor),睿频时钟速度(turbo clock speed):1.8 GHz使智能手机具有多功能性(smartphone versatile)、适应性和灵活性。速度和流畅的多任务处理在价格限制(price limit)内是其他手机所没有的。因此(Hence),它是此选择中的最佳选择。
4 GB DDR3增加了手机的性能。64 GB 存储(GB storage)空间可升级至 1 TB(Terabyte)。如果您是需要大量存储空间(storage room)的人,那么这款手机适合您。
显示尺寸: (Display dimensions: ) 6.26 英寸LCD IPS采用大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla glass)保护,防污防刮。19:9的宽高比设计精良,显示面板(display pane)拥有一流的1520 x 720像素和269 PPI的分辨率。
摄像头: (Camera: )华硕Zenfone(Asus Zenfone)配备 13 兆像素后置摄像头(rear camera),带LED 闪光灯(LED flash)和额外的 2 兆像素深度传感器,可提供更好的感光度(light sensitivity)和更高的照片清晰度。8 兆像素的自拍相机以最精确的照片着称。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: ) 4000毫安时电池(mAH battery)可持续使用至少 24 小时,也可立即充电。
升级的 RAM 和储藏室
价格一直在 8,000 以上波动,因此可能会略微超出预算。
5.三星A10s(5. Samsung A10s)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 3400毫安锂离子电池
- Exynos 7884 处理器
- 2 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 512 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):Mediatek MT6762 Helio,八核处理器(octa-core processor);时钟速度(Clock speed):2.0 GHz
- 显示(Display)尺寸:PLS TFT Infinity V Display;6.2英寸屏幕;19:9纵横比(aspect ratio);1520 x 720 像素;271 生产者价格指数
- 内存空间:2/3 GB RAM
- 摄像头:后置:13 兆像素 + 2 兆像素,用于支持闪光灯的自动对焦;正面(Front):8 兆像素
- 操作系统:安卓9.0派
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):32 GB int storage;可升级到 512 GB
- 体重:168 克
- 厚度:7.8 毫米
- 电池使用量:4000 毫安时
- 连接属性:4G VOLTE/WIFI/Bluetooth
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格: 7,999 印度卢比
- 评分:5星中的4星
三星(Samsung)是世界上最早的智能手机制造商之一。他们有一长串出色的电子产品以及我们与Apple Inc.的强劲竞争对手。三星 A10(Samsung A10)是三星(Samsung)卓越工程的甜美果实。
外观和美学: (Appearance and aesthetics: )三星(Samsung)智能手机甚至不努力看起来很好,但不知何故最终看起来最好。三星 A10s(Samsung A10s)采用时尚的外壳和由触控金属制成的坚固结构。颜色组合很丰富。
处理器类型: (Processor type: )开创性的Mediatek MT6762 Helio,八核处理器(octa-core processor),时钟频率:2.0 GHz证明了为什么三星(Samsung)与众多竞争者相比仍然展示其 A-game。电话始终灵活、警觉且准确。
由于集成了PowerVR GE8320(PowerVR GE8320),这款智能手机非常适合玩游戏。
3 GB RAM和 32 GB 可扩展存储空间(storage room companionship)使这款手机成为明星产品(star piece)。
显示屏尺寸: (Display dimensions: )显示屏是智能手机的亮点。PLS TFT Infinity V 显示屏(PLS TFT Infinity V Display),6.2 英寸屏幕,19:9 纵横比;几乎是完美的画面。该显示器还具有 1520 x 720 像素和 271 PPI(PPI)的高分辨率。
相机: (Camera: )三星(Samsung)智能手机的相机规格是无与伦比的。13 兆像素的后置摄像头包含一个额外的 2 兆像素用于自动对焦。它与闪光灯支持相结合,即使在晚上也能提供丰富、不模糊的照片。8兆像素的前置摄像头(front camera)非常令人钦佩。
可靠的品牌名称(brand name),例如三星(Samsung)
(Forerunner technology)顶级游戏的先行者技术图形
6.Realme C3
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 5000 毫安时电池
- Helio G70 处理器
- 3 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):MediatekHelio G70 八核(MediatekHelio G70 octa-core)处理器;时钟(Clock)涡轮速度:2.2 GHz
- 显示屏(Display)尺寸:6.5 英寸IPS LCD 显示屏(IPS LCD display),20:9纵横比(aspect ratio);720 x 1560像素;270生产者价格指数(PPI);20:9纵横比(aspect ratio)
- 内存空间:2/4 GB DDR3 RAM
- 摄像头:后置:12 兆像素 + 2 兆像素深度传感器(depth sensor),带LED 闪光灯和 HDR(LED flash and HDR)
- 操作系统:Android 10.0:Realme UI 1.0
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):32 GB内部空间;可扩展至 256 GB
- 体重:195 克
- 厚度:9 毫米
- 电池使用量:5000 毫安时
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格:7,855 卢比
- 评分:5星中的4星
Realme是值得信赖的高端智能手机制造商,价格合理。(smartphone manufacturer)他们每年销售数百万部智能手机,所以是时候加入俱乐部了。
外观和美学: (Appearance and aesthetics: ) Realme C3(Realme C3)具有坚固的框架和构造(frame and build)。塑料机身使手机经久耐用。这款手机有多种颜色可供选择,因其轻快迷人的框架而备受喜爱。“日出设计(sunrise design)”采用塑料机身,配备相同的摄像头和电源按钮位置(camera and power button placement),以便轻松访问指纹传感器。(fingerprint sensor)
处理器类型: (Processor Type: )领先的MediatekHelio G70 八核(MediatekHelio G70 octa-core)处理器以及2.2 GHz的(GHz)时钟速度(clock speed)有助于智能手机(smartphone operate)顺利运行,没有滞后或错误。您可以同时运行多个选项卡和应用程序。
3 GB 和 32 GB 内部存储旨在满足您的所有存储需求。它们也能达到最高性能和产量。
显示尺寸: (Display dimensions: )RealMe C3的显示是它的亮点。6.5 英寸屏幕由 2.5D 曲面玻璃屏蔽,提供其他玻璃外壳(glass casing)无法提供的安全性。玻璃是着色和无污渍的,因此您可能不必担心在整个表面上留下手指污迹。(finger smudge)屏幕分辨率为 720 x 1560 像素,精确到 270 PPI,锐度孔径比(aperture ratio)为 20:9。总体而言,显示器是稳定的 10。
(Camera: )摄像头: 前置摄像头(front camera)尺寸为 5 兆像素,并配备了独有的HDR 技术(HDR technology)。后置摄像头(rear camera)的分辨率为 12 兆像素,备用 2 兆像素密度用于深度感应(depth sensing)和手电筒摄影。这款手机非常适合提高您的业余手机摄影(amateur phone photography)技巧。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: )Realme C3的电池续航时间(battery duration)无与伦比。大容量的 5,000 毫安时可轻松使用两天,而且充电速度也很快。
7. LG W10 阿尔法(7. LG W10 Alpha)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- Helio P22 处理器
- 双 SIM 卡,双 4G VoLTE
- 3 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor type):SC9863 四核(SC9863 quad-core)处理器
- 显示屏(Display)尺寸:5.7英寸高清雨滴(HD Raindrop notch)屏
- 内存空间:3 GB RAM
- 摄像头:后置:8 兆像素;正面(Front):8 兆像素
- 操作系统:安卓派9.0
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):32 GB 可扩展至 512 GB
- 体重:153克
- 电池使用量:3450 毫安时电池
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格: 7,999 印度卢比
- 评分:3.6 颗星,满分为 5 颗星
LG 的生活总是美好的,他们的智能手机也是如此。他们因其进步的特点和积极而富有成效的表现而受到推荐。W10是他们在该国发布的第一款智能手机。这款安卓手机(Android cellphone)的性价比比(money ratio)最好的要好。
外观和美学: (Appearance and aesthetics: )设计独特,朴实无华。该产品看起来高贵而坚固。合金金属涂层的塑料机身(plastic body)在底部边缘有足够的空间,这些空间是圆形的,以确保用户的安全。
手机背面包含一个单独的摄像头,水平外壳内装有闪光灯选项。(flash option)双摄像头设置完美无瑕。LG标志(LG logo)位于机箱底部,创造了智能屏占比(space ratio),教科书般的吸睛机制。
处理器类型: (Processor type: )紫光SC9863四核(Unisoc SC9863 quad-core) 处理系统,和(processing system)高通骁龙系列(Qualcomm Snapdragon series)一样古怪。时钟速度(clock speed)为 1.6 GHz,实现了卓越的质量性能(quality performance)。
3 GB RAM(GB RAM)和 32 GB 内部ROM的强大组合非常出色,因为大多数智能手机以这个售价(selling price)仅配备2GB (house 2GB) RAM和 16 GB 内部存储器。此外,只需在提供的插槽中插入SD 卡,即可将内部存储扩展至 512 GB。(SD card)这个概念很简单。RAM越大,每个应用程序的存储空间就越大,从而实现流畅的操作体验。(storage space)因此,手机是高度多功能的,因为应用程序很少会耗尽内存空间(memory space)。
显示屏尺寸: (Display dimensions: ) 5.71 英寸高清显示屏(HD display)具有 720 x 1540 像素的高端分辨率。这种显示(display type)方式俗称雨滴式缺口显示(raindrop notch display)。它具有经过精心计算的宽高比和(aspect ratio and aperture)19:9 的光圈。
亮度平衡(brightness balance)和色彩投影(colour projection)的冲击力在LG 手机(LG phone)上表现得淋漓尽致。720p 面板强制执行此操作。用户界面是量身定制的,可以满足您的所有需求和偏好。
摄像头: (Camera: )主摄像头为 8 兆像素,孔径为 f/2.2,可轻松进行相位检测和自动对焦。图像质量(picture quality)非常好,色彩自然曝光。
该相机是一种值得信赖的摄像媒体,因为它以 30fps 的速度捕捉高清视频。
8兆像素前置摄像头(front camera)在许多方面也很通用。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: ) 3450 毫安时很有用,可以持续大约一天半,具体取决于使用强度。但是,电池容量和覆盖范围(battery capacity and coverage)均小于列表中的其他型号。
8. 英飞凌智能 4 加(8. Infinix Smart 4 Plus)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 6000 mAh锂离子聚合物电池(Lithium-ion Polymer Battery)
- 联发科 Helio A25 处理器
- 3 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):MediatekHelio A25 八核(MediatekHelio A25 octa-core)处理器;1.8GHz _(GHz)
- 显示屏(Display)尺寸:6.82英寸HD+ LCD IPS display;1640 x 720 像素
- 内存空间:3 GB RAM
- 摄像头:后置:13 兆像素 + 深度跟踪器;正面(Front):8兆像素AI;三重(Triple)闪光;前LED 闪光灯(LED flash)
- 操作系统:安卓 10
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):32 GB 内置存储;可扩展至 256 GB
- 体重:207克
- 电池使用量(Battery usage):6,000毫安时锂离子聚合物(Lithium-ion polymer)电池
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格: 6,999 印度卢比
- 评分:4.6 星,满分 5 星
成为 8,000 岁以下的最佳手机的竞赛一直在进行。客户必须在价格和质量(price and quality)方面感到满意,而将它们聚集在一起可能会非常具有挑战性。但是Infinix 智能手机已经通过各种方式应对了挑战,因为它以(Infinix smartphone)低廉的价格(budget price)提供了最好的服务。
外观和美感: (Appearance and aesthetics: )机身包含高级塑料混合物(plastic blend),坚韧且抗拉力强。后面板有一个塑料机身,上面涂有 2.5 D 玻璃(D glass),具有闪亮的镜面效果。
90.3 % screen占比有助于舒适地握持和操作智能手机。
按钮和开关的点击灵敏度和敏捷度(sensitivity and swiftness)是亮点。为了定位和推力(location and thrust),它们被适度抬高。
处理器类型: (Processor type: ) MediatekHelio A25 八核(MediatekHelio A25 octa-core)处理器可能不是市场上最好的,但仍能完美处理所有日常任务。它可能不是最好的游戏智能手机,因为您可能偶尔会遇到滞后。
由于 3GB RAM和 32GB存储共生(storage symbiosis),在应用程序、文件和屏幕之间切换非常容易。
显示屏尺寸: (Display dimensions: )显示屏可以制造或破坏手机,但Infinix 显示屏(Infinix display)肯定会为其加分。6.82英寸的显示屏(display screen)具有HD+ resolution,并配备了精心制作的色彩平衡(colour balance)和亮度自适应(brightness adaptivity)。即使在户外烈日下,手机的可读性也很高。显示板(display plate)支持 480 尼特的最大照度。由于精心设计的 83.3 % screen占比(body ratio),智能手机的媒体氛围令人钦佩。
摄像头: (Camera: )双摄像头排列(camera arrangement)包括一个 13 兆像素的后置摄像头,带有集成的深度跟踪器,可在您的快照中获得最大的清晰度。对于夜间和黑暗模式摄影(mode photography),相机配备了双色三重LED 闪光灯(LED flash)。
8兆像素前置摄像头与(-megapixel front)后置(rear cam)摄像头一样精确。然而,由于经常注意到缺乏焦点和曝光差异(focus and disparities)等抱怨,相机在其视频中摇摇欲坠。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: )智能手机的电池寿命无与伦比(battery longevity)。惊人的 6000毫安时锂离子电池(Li-ion battery)可轻松使用三天。
更新的Android 10 操作系统(operating system)
三重 LED 后置摄像头闪光灯
9. Tecno Spark 6 Air
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 6000毫安电池
- 2 GB 内存 | 32GB 只读存储器
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):联发科Helio A22四核(MediaTek Helio A22 quad-core)处理器;2GHz _(GHz)
- 显示(Display)尺寸:7寸HD+ LCD display
- 内存空间:2 GB
- 摄像头:后置:后置:13 MP+ 2 MP,AI 镜头三重AI 摄像头(AI cam);自拍(Selfie):8 MP,带双前置闪光灯(front flash)
- 操作系统:Android 10,GO 版
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):32 GB 内部存储
- 体重:216克
- 电池使用量:6000 毫安时
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 价格: 7,990 印度卢比
- 评分:5星中的4星
Techno是中国电子产品销售商Transsion Holdings(Transsion)的下属公司。他们拥有最好的入门级智能手机。
外观和美感: (Appearance and aesthetics: )该结构完全由抛光塑料制成。有光泽的背板具有优雅的渐变纹理(gradient texture)。触觉(Tactile)和触摸感应音量开关和电源按钮(power button)位于手机的右侧。下边缘装有耳机插孔(headphone jack)、微型USB充电座、麦克风和扬声器。
处理器类型: (Processor type: )智能手机由最先进的联发科技 Helio A22 四核(MediaTek Helio A22 quad-core)处理器提供动力,涡轮速度为 2 GHz。它支持无缝的网上冲浪(web surfing)、媒体体验、应用程序使用和社交媒体互动。Android 10.0 Go 为 2 GB RAM和 32 GB 内存、合格的速度和性能(speed and performance)提供了稳定的基础。
显示尺寸: (Display dimensions: )Techno Spark 6拥有该系列中最大的屏幕尺寸(screen size)。这款手机采用 7 英寸HD+ dot 刻屏(notch screen),720 x 1640 像素,合成密度为 258 PPI。
但是,显示器(display isn)不支持 IPS(IPS),因此角度观看受到限制。基于 80 % 的身体(percent body)到屏幕尺寸,媒体消费是有效的。(Media consumption)
相机: (Camera: )三合一相机格式(camera format)非常棒。后置 13 兆像素摄像头配备 2 兆像素微距摄像头和由人工智能软件(intelligence software)支持的深度传感器(macro cam and depth sensors)。照片清晰度和质量(Photo clarity and quality)整洁而明确。8 兆像素前置摄像头(front camera)包含双 LED 闪光灯,这是一项明确的功能。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: )巨大的 6,000 毫安锂聚合物电池的使用寿命(life span)约为两天。
相机清晰度和功能(Camera clarity and features)至上
指纹扫描仪(fingerprint scanner)可以接受
10.摩托罗拉OneMacro(10. Motorola OneMacro)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 联发科 Helio P70 处理器
- (Quad Sensor AI System)具有激光自动对焦功能的(Laser Autofocus)四传感器 AI 系统
- 4 GB 内存(GB RAM)| 64 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 512 GB
- 处理器类型(Processor Type):联发科 MT6771 Helio P70 八核(MediaTek MT6771 Helio P70 octa-core)处理器;时钟速度(Clock speed):2 GHz
- 显示(Display)尺寸:6.2英寸液晶高清显示屏(LCD HD display);1520 x 720 像素;270 生产者价格指数
- 内存空间:4 GB DDR3 RAM
- 摄像头:后置:13megapixels+ 2+2兆像素,带LED 闪光灯(LED flash);正面(Front):8 兆像素
- 操作系统:安卓 9 派
- 存储容量(Storage capacity):64 GB 内置机房,最高可扩展 512 GB
- 体重:186 克
- 厚度:9 毫米
- 电池使用量:4,000 毫安时
- 连接属性:双sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- 保修期:1 年
- 评分:3.5 星,满分 5 星
摩托罗拉(Motorola)是印度(India)的知名品牌(brand name)。它们是高端智能手机的基础。他们的客户满意度(customer satisfaction quotient)相当高。
外观和美学: (Appearance and aesthetics: )智能手机具有适度的多塑料构造。后壳有些发亮,手机采用单色图案(colour pattern),没有花哨的修饰。这款手机看起来既优质又专业,几乎所有人都喜欢它的美感。
处理器类型: (Processor type: )先进的联发科技 MT6771 Helio P70 八核(MediaTek MT6771 Helio P70 octa-core)处理器以及 2 GHz的(GHz)时钟速度(clock speed)使手机成为轻松的多任务处理程序,使您能够立即在各种应用程序和屏幕之间导航,而不会出现延迟或滞后。出色的性能和有用的处理器属性使这款手机成为(phone one)市场上的必备品之一。
具有 4 GB DDR3 尺寸(GB DDR3 dimension)的高级RAM和支持的 64 GB 内部存储器增强了处理器的涡轮速度,它们一起工作就像魔术一样。64 GB 内部存储器对于如此低的要价(asking price)来说是一个罕见的功能。在速度和性能(speed and performance)方面,它们几乎没有任何缺点。
显示屏尺寸: (Display dimensions: ) 6.22 英寸LCD 高清显示屏(LCD HD display)可捕捉和释放精美的灯光和色彩。视频和视觉效果(videos and visuals)丰富而精致。显示面板具有 1520 x 720 像素和 270 (display panel)PPI的高分辨率,增强您的观看偏好。即使在户外,亮度调制也令人印象深刻。(brightness modulation)
摄像头: (Camera: ) 13 MP 后置摄像头具有额外的 2+2 MP,用于高级深度感应(depth sensing)和其他独家设置。主要有一个有效的LED 前(LED front)闪光灯,可拍摄出色的夜间照片。
自拍相机(selfie camera)的清晰度为 8 兆像素,因此在相机方面,摩托罗拉智能手机(Motorola smartphone)的画面非常完美。
电池覆盖范围: (Battery coverage: ) 4000 毫安时的锂电池(Lithium battery)只能使用一天,与该阵列上的其他项目相比更少。
有利的中央处理器和内存标准(processor and memory criteria)
请注意(Please note),在验证智能手机的地位时要考虑的重要因素是处理器、RAM、存储、电池寿命(battery life)、制造公司(manufacturing company)和图形。如果智能手机符合上述标准,请随意购买,因为您不会失望。如果您想购买智能手机进行游戏,您可能需要考虑显卡和音频质量等功能。(Graphics)如果您是经常参加虚拟会议和在线研讨会的人,那么请购买配备有效麦克风和网络摄像头(mic and webcam)的设备。如果您是拥有大量多媒体文档(multimedia docs)的人,请购买至少有 1 个TB(TB Storage space or variants)提供可扩展内存的存储空间或变体。您必须购买最符合您的需求和偏好的产品,以充分利用它。
推荐:(Recommended:)印度 10 家最佳移动电源
这就是我们为印度 8,000 部以下的最佳手机( the Best Mobile phones under 8,000 in India)所拥有的一切。如果您仍然感到困惑或难以选择一款好的智能手机,那么您可以随时使用评论部分向我们提出您的疑问,我们将尽最大努力帮助您找到 8,000 卢比以下的最佳预算手机。(find the best budget mobile phone under 8,000 rupees.)
Best Mobile Phones Under 8,000 in India
This list contains the best mobile phones under 8,000 rupees, which offer the best performance, camera, looks and build.
Smartphones are a bare necessity. Each and everyone has one. The trend that started as a brand of luxury has progressed into an essential belonging. The world is literally in our pockets with our smartphones granting us access to all the information and technology we need. The smartphone culture has revolutionized the world and has made every individual aware and educated. They have simplified our jobs in unimaginable ways. Have a question? Your cell phone’s smart assistant will bring you the answer within seconds. Want to look up an old friend? Your mobile phone enables social media apps that will give you all the help you need. All that you need and will ever want is on the tip of your fingertips with your touchscreen “smart” phones giving you unlimited access to any nook and corner of the world.
The smartphone industry is one of the biggest electronic industries worldwide. While there are a couple of well-established pioneers, new and promising companies shoot up every day. The competition is high, and the choices are countless. Each manufacturer makes multiple models that differ in aspects like design-build, pricing, work-efficiency, speed, performance, and so on.
Best mobile phones under 8,000 have a number of options out there. The abundance of choices is a good thing, yet it can become mildly confusing to pick the best fit from the enormous pile. If you are looking for a top-grade smartphone that is affordable, then you will have to look no further. We have created a tailor-made list of mobile phones that cost below 8,000 rupees in India and fit both your bliss and budget ranges. So this festive season, buy a new phone for yourself or gift one to your friends and family.
Affiliate Disclosure: Techcult is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
10 Best Mobile Phones Under 8,000 Rupees in India
List of Best Mobile Phones Under 8,000 in India with the latest prices. Talking about the best mobile under 8000, there are brands like Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Samsung, Realme, and LG offering their range of phones. We have compiled a list of the best phone under 8000 in India in 2020.
1. Xiaomi Redmi 8A Dual
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- High-capacity Battery
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 439 Processor
- 3 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 512 GB
- Processor Type: Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439
- Display dimensions: 720 x 1520 IPS LCD display screen
- Memory: 4 GB DDR3 RAM
- Camera: Rear camera: 12 megapixels with 12-megapixel depth sensor and LED flash; Front Camera: 8-megapixels.
- OS: Android 9.0: MUI 11
- Storage capacity: 32/64 GB internal with expandable memory up to 256 GB
- Bodyweight: 188 g
- Thickness: 9.4 mm
- Battery usage: 5000 mAh
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Price: INR 7,999
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
- Warranty: 1- year warranty
Redmi is a best- selling smartphone brand in India. They make premium products at reasonable prices. They have a niche of unique features and innovative applications that make them stand out in the market.
The Redmi 8A Dual is the upgraded version of its predecessor Redmi 8A and has a whole set of novel features. It is highly user-friendly and suits all age groups of people.
Appearance and aesthetics: Mi phones always sell for their charming design. The Mi 8A Dual is a perfect instance of their superior build and attractive outlook. The phone features idyllic curves, refreshing design, and vibrant colour variants to please young customers. The phone has a plastic unibody structure with a Xiaomi sliver to complete the look. Cosmetically the smartphone bears no complaints.
However, one of the downsides of the construction is the placement of the speakers on the underside of the phone. It can muffle the audio when you place the phone on a flat surface.
Unlike most modern smartphones, the Mi 8 dual does not comprise a fingerprint scanner.
Processor type: The Redmi smartphone features the latest Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439 that is a remarkable addition given the asking price of the cellphone.
The speed and performance are first-class, thanks to an octa-core chip that clocks in a turbo speed of 2 GHz. The 3 GB RAM coupled with 32 GB internal storage provides an adequate platform for all your data and files. The memory can be expanded, which is a plus.
Display dimensions: The screen is a 6.22-inch IPS plate with a high resolution of 720 x 1520p and a density of 720 x 1520 PPI, which enhances the graphics and user-interface. The colour contrasts and the brightness adjustments are well taken care of and enable angular viewing from all sides.
Reinforced Corning Gorilla Glass 5 adds extra protection to the screen and makes it scratch resistant.
Camera: The smartphone houses a dual camera with a combination of 12+2 megapixel rear camera and 8-megapixel front camera. The camera is backed by cutting-edge, “Artificial Intelligence’ technology.
The AI interface will improve the clarity and quality of pictures, eliminating blurry and unclear blotches.
Battery coverage: The 5,000 mAh Li-ion battery lasts for a minimum of two days despite heavy use. The battery drain is slight due to the MIUI 11 installation that keeps a check on power consumption by the various apps.
Decent build and finish
Battery longevity is high
AI interface and receptive camera
The latest processing unit and Operating system
Speakers on the lower side of the phone can soften the sound output
Lacks fingerprint unlock mode
2. Oppo A1K
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 4000 mAh Li-polymer Battery
- MediaTek Helio P22 Processor
- 2 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- Processor Type: Mediatek MT6762 Helio P22 Octa-Core, 2 GHz
- Display dimensions:
- Memory space: 2 GB DDR3 RAM
- Camera: Rear: 8 MP with LED flash; Front: 5 MP
- OS: Android 9.0 pie: ColorOS 6
- Storage capacity: 32 GB Internal memory, expandable up to 256 GB
- Bodyweight: 165 grams
- Thickness: 8.4 mm
- Battery usage: 4000 mAH
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1- year
- Price: INR 7,999
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Oppo began an instant crowd-pleaser for its excellent camera quality at low-cost prices. But today, the smartphone has grown leaps and bounds in all aspects.
Appearance and aesthetics: The matte finish back panel of the phone makes it look modernistic in a minimalistic way. The top-quality polycarbonate plastic used is the reason for the lightweight and damage resistance of the Oppo A1K.
The earphone slot, built-in surround sound speakers, and micro USB charger decks are at the bottom of the phone. The positioning is just right.
Processor type: The first-class Mediatek MT6762 Helio P22 Octa-Core with a clock frequency of 2 GHz ensures that the phone functions lag-free at all times. The productivity and performance index is high.
At a reasonable price, Oppo offers 2 GB Random access memory and 32 GB internal and up to 256 GB upgradable space that will fit into all your basic storage needs.
These facets make the phone a versatile multi-tasker, wherein you can work on multiple applications and tabs conveniently.
Display dimensions: The Corning glass empowered 6-inch display screen has an incredibly high resolution of 720 x 1560 pixels. The glass has three protective layers that cut down scratches on the screen and ensures luster at all times.
The IPS LCD screen shows great brightness intensity and colour precision. But few customers face brightness inadequacy when outdoors.
Camera: Oppo turns heads for its terrific cameras, and the A1K is no different. The 8-megapixel rear camera supports HDR mode and clicks awe-worthy photos with the help of the f/2.22 aperture.
The responsive LED flash helps click crystal clear snaps when the natural light is dim and at night. The camera capacity is s high as 30fpss that is great for FHD videos.
The 5-megapixel front-facing camera assists you in taking classy selfies and group selfies. Invest in the phone as the aesthetic quotient of your social media accounts will magnify by a margin.
Battery coverage: The 4000 mAH lithium batteries last for as long as a day and a half. The phone recharges within two hours.
A stylish and simplistic design
Brilliant camera
Upgraded Operating system
Outdoor display visibility is not up to the mark
3. Vivo Y91i
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 4030 mAh Li-ion Battery
- MTK Helio P22 Processor
- 2 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- Processor Type: Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439 Octa-core Processor; Clock speed; 1.95 GHz
- Display dimensions: 6.22-inch HD display, 1520 x 720 IPS LCD; 270 PPI
- Memory space: 3 GB DDR3 RAM
- Camera: Rear: 13+ 2 megapixel with LED flash; Front: 8 megapixels
- OS: Android 8.1 Oreo Funtouch 4.5
- Storage capacity: 16 or 32 GB internal and expandable to 256GB external storage
- Bodyweight: 164 g
- Thickness: 8.3 mm
- Battery usage: 4030 mAH
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1 year
- Price: INR 7,749
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Vivo smartphones are always in the news for their superior quality and exclusive features. The Vivo Y91i is a perfect example of their fine craftsmanship.
Appearance and aesthetics: The exterior outlook of the smartphone is visually appealing. The top-notch metal used is doubly painted for a glossy and grand finish. The build is effortless and chic. The backside panel consists of the Vivo logo and the camera slot, which makes the phone look sophisticated and modish.
The volume buttons and the power switch is on the right-hand side for easy handling, while the earbud jack and USB port are at the bottom of the case. The placement is well- distributed for handy controls.
Processor type: The MediaTek Helio P22 Qualcomm SDM439 Snapdragon 439 Octa-core Processor that clocks in the speed of 2 gigahertz ensure maximum work output and smooth multi-functioning, without discrepancies.
The 3 GB RAM accompanied by the 32 GB in-built, modifiable memory accentuates speed and performance.
The Operating system, Android Oreo 8.1, is the powerhouse and works with Vivo’sFunTouch OS skin enables endless surfing, gaming, social media activity, and video streaming services without any breaks.
Users often express dissatisfaction over the reliability of software updates.
Display dimensions: The 6.22-inch-widescreen possesses a good visibility ratio. The HD, IPS LCD with 1520 x 720p tenacity aids in remission of vivid colours, punchy contrasts, and alluring visuals. Pixilation is a bare minimum owing to a high pixel density of 270 PPI.
The screen to body proportion is 82.9% for indulging audio-video consumption and experience.
Camera: The rear camera has a resolution of 13 megapixels that is the highest on the list. The attention to detail of the camera is paramount. The 5-megapixel front-facing camera is your go-to cam for picture-perfect selfies.
Battery coverage: The immense 4030 mAH battery lasts for a day after intense, constant use. If you are a moderate user, then you have to recharge the phone only once in two days, and you are good to go.
Attractive make
Precise camera
Display settings are solid
Advanced processing system
Software update complaints
Also Read: Best Mobile Phones Under Rs 12,000 in India
4. Asus Zenfone Max M2
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 4000 mAh Battery
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 632 Octa Core Processor
- 3 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 2 TB
- Processor Type: Qualcomm Snapdragon 632 octa-core processor, Clock speed: 1.8 GHz
- Display dimensions: 6.26-inch IPS LCD display; 1520 x 720 pixels; 269 PPI
- Memory space: 4 GB DDR3 RAM
- Camera: Rear: 13 MP with 2 MP depth sensor and LED flash; Front: 8 MP
- OS: Android Oreo 8.1 OS
- Storage capacity: 64 GB internal with extendable up to 2 TB
- Bodyweight: 160 g
- Thickness: 7.7 mm
- Battery usage:
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1 year
- Price: INR 7,899
- Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Asus and its range of Zenfones have successfully impressed Gen Z since their release. The smartphone was released in 2018, but two years later, and is still a timeless favourite. Let us find out how.
Appearance and aesthetics: The Zenfone has a silky and sleek exterior. The base is made from robust polyplastic for durability and strength. The back of the phone holds the rear camera to the left and the elegant Asus brand symbol in the center. The phone looks tech-savvy and cool.
Processor type: The frontline Qualcomm Snapdragon 632 octa-core processor with a turbo clock speed: 1.8 GHz is what makes the smartphone versatile, adaptable, and flexible. The speed and smooth multi-tasking are like no other phone within the price limit. Hence, it is the best buy in this selection.
The 4 GB DDR3 adds to the performance of the phone. The 64 GB storage space is upgradeable up to 1 Terabyte. If you are someone who needs a lot of storage room, then this is the phone for you.
Display dimensions: The 6.26-inch LCD IPS is safeguarded by Gorilla glass to make it smudge-proof and scratch-free. The aspect ratio of 19:9 is well-engineered, and the display pane has the first-rate resolution of 1520 x 720 pixels and 269 PPI.
Camera: The Asus Zenfone comes with a 13-megapixel rear camera with a LED flash and additional 2-megapixel depth sensors for better light sensitivity and a higher definition in photos. The selfie camera of 8 megapixels has the highest precision reputed for neat pictures.
Battery coverage: The 4000 mAH battery lasts for a minimum of 24 hours and recharges within no time too.
Upgraded RAM and storage room
Top-notch photographic camera
The aspect ratio of the screen is super-fine
The price keeps fluctuating above 8,000, so it may be slightly off-budget.
5. Samsung A10s
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 3400 mAh Lithium-ion Battery
- Exynos 7884 Processor
- 2 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 512 GB
- Processor Type: Mediatek MT6762 Helio, octa-core processor; Clock speed: 2.0 GHz
- Display dimensions: PLS TFT Infinity V Display; 6.2-inch screen; 19:9 aspect ratio; 1520 x 720 pixels; 271 PPI
- Memory space: 2/3 GB RAM
- Camera: Rear: 13 megapixels + 2 megapixels for autofocus with flash support; Front: 8 megapixels
- OS: Android 9.0 pie
- Storage capacity: 32 GB int storage; upgradeable to 512 GB
- Bodyweight: 168 g
- Thickness: 7.8 mm
- Battery usage: 4000 mAH
- Connectivity attributes: 4G VOLTE/WIFI/Bluetooth
- Warranty: 1 year
- Price: INR 7,999
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Samsung is one of the original smartphone creators in the world. They have a long list of exceptional electronics and our tough competitors to Apple Inc. The Samsung A10 is a sweet fruit of Samsung’s outstanding engineering.
Appearance and aesthetics: Samsung smartphones don’t even try too hard to look good, but somehow end up looking the best. The Samsung A10s incorporates a fashionable casing and a sturdy build made from touch metal. The colour combinations are plenty.
Processor type: The trailblazing Mediatek MT6762 Helio, octa-core processor that clocks speed: 2.0 GHz proves why Samsung still shows its A-game compared to a hoard of contenders. The phone is agile, alert, and accurate at all times.
The smartphone is ideal for gaming because of the integrated PowerVR GE8320.
The 3 GB RAM and the 32 GB expandable storage room companionship make the phone a star piece.
Display dimensions: The display is the highlight of the smartphone. The PLS TFT Infinity V Display with a 6.2-inch screen and an aspect ratio of 19:9; is nearly picture-perfect. The display bears a high-resolution of 1520 x 720 pixels and 271 PPI as well.
Camera: The camera specifications of Samsung smartphones are unsurpassable. The 13 megapixels back camera contains an extra 2 megapixels for autofocus. It is incorporated with flash support for rich, non-blurry pictures even at night. The front camera that measures 8 megapixels is quite admirable.
A reliable brand name such as Samsung
Forerunner technology graphics for top-grade gaming
The camera has the utmost clarity
Battery span is comparatively shorter
6. Realme C3
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 5000 mAh Battery
- Helio G70 Processor
- 3 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- Processor Type: MediatekHelio G70 octa-core processor; Clock turbo speed: 2.2 GHz
- Display dimensions: 6.5 – inch IPS LCD display, 20:9 aspect ratio; 720 x 1560 pixels; 270 PPI; 20:9 aspect ratio
- Memory space: 2/4 GB DDR3 RAM
- Camera: Rear: 12 megapixels + 2-megapixel depth sensor with LED flash and HDR
- OS: Android 10.0: Realme UI 1.0
- Storage capacity: 32 GB internal space; expandable up to 256 GB
- Bodyweight:195 g
- Thickness: 9 mm
- Battery usage: 5000 mAH
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1 year
- Price: INR 7,855
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Realme is a trusted smartphone manufacturer of top-end gadgets at reasonable rates. They sell millions of smartphones every year, so it is time for you to join the club.
Appearance and aesthetics: The Realme C3 has a sturdy frame and build. The polyplastic body makes the phone durable. The phone is available in several color options is liked for its breezy and alluring framework. The “sunrise design” features a plastic body with an identical camera and power button placement so that the fingerprint sensor is easily accessible.
Processor Type: The leading-edge MediatekHelio G70 octa-core processor along-with the clock speed of 2.2 GHz helps the smartphone operate smoothly as silk without lags or bugs. You can run numerous tabs and applications simultaneously.
The 3 GB and 32 GB internal storage are engineered to cater to all your storage needs. They clock in maximum performance and yield too.
Display dimensions: The display of the RealMe C3 is its highpoint. The 6.5-inch screen is shielded by 2.5D curved glass that offers safety like no other glass casing. The glass is tint and stain-free, so you may not have to worry about leaving finger smudge marks all over the surface. The resolution of the screen is 720 x 1560 pixels, precise 270 PPI, and an acute aperture ratio of 20:9. Overall the display is a solid 10.
Camera: The front camera measures 5 megapixels and is equipped with HDR technology that is an exclusive instalment. The rear camera has a resolution of 12 megapixels with a spare 2-megapixel density for depth sensing and flashlight photography. The phone is ideal for sharpening your amateur phone photography skills.
Battery coverage: The battery duration of the Realme C3 is unparalleled. The capacious 5,000 mAH easily lasts for two days and recharges rapidly too.
3-dimensional reinforced display
Best battery life
The camera is advanced and exact
The phone is on the heavier side, so may not be as nifty as the rest of the products
7. LG W10 Alpha
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- Helio P22 Processor
- Dual SIM, Dual 4G VoLTE
- 3 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- Processor type: SC9863 quad-core processor
- Display dimensions: 5.7-inch HD Raindrop notch display
- Memory space: 3 GB RAM
- Camera: Rear: 8 megapixels; Front: 8 megapixels
- OS: Android Pie 9.0
- Storage capacity: 32 GB extendable up to 512 GB
- Bodyweight: 153 grams
- Battery usage: 3450 mAH battery
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1 year
- Price: INR 7,999
- Rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars
Life’s always good with LG, and the same goes for their smartphones too. They are recommendable for their progressive characteristics and positive and productive performance. The W10 is their first smartphone to be released in the country. The value for money ratio of this Android cellphone is better than the best.
Appearance and aesthetics: The design is unique in an unpretentious manner. The product looks regal and robust. The alloyed metal-coated plastic body has enough room at the bottom edges that are round for the safety of the users.
The back of the cellphone contains an individual camera with a flash option enclosed within the horizontal encasement. The dual-camera setup is flawless. The LG logo is at the bottom of the case, creating a smart screen to space ratio, a textbook attention-grabbing mechanism.
Processor type: The Unisoc SC9863 quad-core processing system is as eccentric as the Qualcomm Snapdragon series. The clock speed is 1.6 GHz, enforcing superior quality performance.
The impactful combo of 3 GB RAM and 32 GB internal ROM is exceptional as most smartphones at this selling price only house 2GB RAM with 16 GB internal memory. Furthermore, the internal storage is enlargeable to 512 GB by merely inserting an SD card in the slot provided. The concept is simple. The greater the RAM, the higher is the storage space for each application, enabling a smooth operational experience. Thus, the phone is highly multifunctional, as the apps rarely flush out of memory space.
Display dimensions: the 5.71-inch HD display has a high-end resolution of 720 x 1540 pixels. The display type is popularly known as the raindrop notch display. It has a well-calculated aspect ratio and aperture of 19:9.
The brightness balance and the punchiness of the colour projection are well-brought out by the LG phone. The 720p panel enforces this. The User-interface is tailor-made to fit all your demands and preferences.
Camera: The primary camera of 8 megapixels with an orifice of f/2.2 is programmed to phase-detect and autofocus easily. The picture quality is sublime with natural exposure of colours.
The camera is a trustworthy medium for videography as it captures high-definition videos at a magnitude of 30fps.
The 8-megapixel front camera is versatile in many ways too.
Battery coverage: The 3450 mAH is useful and lasts for approximately a day and a half depending on the intensity of use. However, the battery capacity and coverage are less than other models on the list.
Adept processor
The display is explicit and enticing
The camera supports great clarity
The battery is not as powerful as competitors
8. Infinix Smart 4 Plus
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 6000 mAh Lithium-ion Polymer Battery
- Mediatek Helio A25 Processor
- 3 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
- Processor Type: MediatekHelio A25 octa-core processor; 1.8 GHz
- Display dimensions: 6.82- inch HD+ LCD IPS display; 1640 x 720 pixels
- Memory space: 3 GB RAM
- Camera: Rear: 13 megapixels + depth trackers; Front: 8 megapixel AI; Triple flash; front LED flash
- OS: Android 10
- Storage capacity: 32 GB inbuilt storage; expandable up to 256 GB
- Bodyweight: 207 grams
- Battery usage: 6,000 mAH Lithium-ion polymer battery
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1 year
- Price: INR 6,999
- Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars
The race for being the best mobile phones under 8,000 has been on since forever. Customers must be satisfied in terms of price and quality, and bringing them together can prove to be quite challenging. But the Infinix smartphone has aced the challenge by all means as it offers the best services at a budget price.
Appearance and aesthetics: The body contains a high-grade plastic blend that is tough and resilient to strain. The back panel has a plastic bod glazed with 2.5 D glass for a shiny, mirror finish.
The 90.3% screen to body ratio aids in holding and handling the smartphone comfortably.
The click sensitivity and swiftness of the buttons and switches are spots on. They are raised moderately for location and thrust.
Processor type: The MediatekHelio A25 octa-core processor may not be the best in the market but still perfectly able to deal with all daily tasks. It may not be the best smartphone for gaming, as you may face occasional lags.
Toggling between apps, files, and screens are easy-peasy because of the 3GB RAM and 32GB storage symbiosis.
Display dimensions: The display can make or break the phone, but the Infinix display earns it extra points for sure. The display screen that is 6.82 inches has an HD+ resolution and comes equipped with well-crafted colour balance and brightness adaptivity. The legibility of the phone is high even when outdoors under scorching sunlight. The display plate supports maximum illumination of 480 nits. The media vibe from the smartphone is admirable due to the intricately planned 83.3% screen to body ratio.
Camera: The dual camera arrangement consists of a 13 megapixel back camera with integrated depth trackers to reap the utmost clarity in your snaps. For nighttime and dark mode photography, the camera is equipped with a double-tone triple LED flash.
The 8 -megapixel front shooting camera is as precise as the rear cam. However, the camera falters in its videos as complaints like lack of focus and disparities in exposure are noted often.
Battery coverage: The battery longevity of the smartphone is like no other. The astonishing 6000 mAH Li-ion battery lasts for three whole days easily.
Updated Android 10 operating system
Triple LED back camera flash
Prolonged battery span
Total value for money
Videography is inefficient
9. Tecno Spark 6 Air
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 6000 mAh Battery
- 2 GB RAM | 32 GB ROM
- Processor Type: MediaTek Helio A22 quad-core processor; 2 GHz
- Display dimensions: 7 inch HD+ LCD display
- Memory space: 2 GB
- Camera: Rear: Rear: 13 MP+ 2 MP, AI lens triple AI cam; Selfie: 8 MP with dual front flash
- OS: Android 10, GO edition
- Storage capacity: 32 GB of internal storage
- Bodyweight: 216 grams
- Battery usage: 6000 mAH
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1 year
- Price: INR 7,990
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Techno is a subordinate company of Transsion holdings, a Chinese electronics seller. They have the best entry-level smartphones.
Appearance and aesthetics: The build is made entirely of polished plastic. The lustrous back panel features an elegant gradient texture. Tactile and touch-sensitive volume switches and power button are situated on the right-hand side of the mobile phone. The lower edge holds a headphone jack, micro USB charging deck, mic, and speakers.
Processor type: The smartphone is fueled by state of the art MediaTek Helio A22 quad-core processor with a turbo speed of 2 GHz. It enables seamless web surfing, media experience, app usage, and social media engagements. The Android 10.0 Go imparts stable ground for the 2 GB RAM and 32 GB internal memory, qualifying speed and performance.
Display dimensions: The Techno Spark 6 has the largest screen size in this assortment. The phone houses a 7-inch HD+ dot notch screen of 720 x 1640 pixels and a composed density of 258 PPI.
However, the display isn’t IPS supported, so angular viewing is restricted. Media consumption is effectual based on the 80 percent body to screen dimensions.
Camera: The triple camera format is fantastic. The rear 13-megapixel camera is equipped with 2-megapixel macro cam and depth sensors backed by artificial intelligence software. Photo clarity and quality are neat and defined. The 8-megapixel front camera contains dual-LED flashes that are an explicit feature.
Battery coverage: The enormous 6,000 mAH Li-po battery has a life span of around two days.
Camera clarity and features are supreme
The fingerprint scanner is receptive
Extended battery period
Sometimes the phone slows down.
10. Motorola OneMacro
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- MediaTek Helio P70 Processor
- Quad Sensor AI System with Laser Autofocus
- 4 GB RAM | 64 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 512 GB
- Processor Type: MediaTek MT6771 Helio P70 octa-core processor; Clock speed: 2 GHz
- Display dimensions: 6.2- inch LCD HD display; 1520 x 720 pixels; 270 PPI
- Memory space: 4 GB DDR3 RAM
- Camera: Rear: 13 megapixels+ 2+2 megapixels with LED flash; Front: 8 megapixels
- OS: Android 9 Pie
- Storage capacity: 64 GB built-in room, up to 512 GB expandable
- Bodyweight: 186 g
- Thickness: 9 mm
- Battery usage: 4,000 mAH
- Connectivity attributes: Dual sim 2G/3G/4G VOLTE/ WIFI
- Warranty: 1- year
- Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Motorola is an established brand name in India. They make basic to top-end smartphones. Their customer satisfaction quotient is quite high.
Appearance and aesthetics: The smartphone has a modest polyplastic build. The back case is somewhat shiny, and the phone follows a monochrome colour pattern with no fancy modifications. The phone looks premium and professional, and the esthetics go with almost everyone.
Processor type: The sophisticated MediaTek MT6771 Helio P70 octa-core processor accompanied by the clock speed of 2 GHz makes the phone an effortless multi-tasker, enabling you to navigate between various apps and screens at once without delays or lags. The terrific performance and useful processor attributes make the phone one of the must-haves in the market.
The advanced RAM with a 4 GB DDR3 dimension and the supporting 64 GB internal memory enhances the turbo speed of the processor, and together they work like magic. 64 GB internal memory is a rare feature for such a low asking price. In terms of speed and performance, they are hardly any drawbacks.
Display dimensions: The 6.22-inch LCD HD display captures and discharges lights and colours beautifully. The videos and visuals are rich and refined. The display panel has a high resolution of 1520 x 720 pixels and 270 PPI, enhancing your viewing preference. The brightness modulation is impressive even when outdoors.
Camera: The 13 MP back camera has an additional 2+2 MP for advanced depth sensing and other exclusive settings. The primary has an effectual LED front flash for great night photos.
The selfie camera has a clarity of 8 megapixels, so camera wise the Motorola smartphone is picture-perfect.
Battery coverage: The 4000 mAH Lithium battery lasts only for a day, which is less compared to other items on this array.
Sufficient internal storage
Advantageous central processor and memory criteria
Polished Camera settings
That is a list of some of the finest, cost-effective smartphones available in India at the moment. They are unmatched in quality, comfort, and style with unique features that cater to all your needs. Since we have narrowed down all the specifications, perks, and flaws, you can now use it to resolve all your confusion and buy the pair that works best meets all your requirements.
Each product is well researched, compared with fellow challengers, and cross-checked with customer reviews and ratings.
Please note that the vital factors to consider while verifying the standing of a smartphone are the processor, RAM, storage, battery life, the manufacturing company, and graphics. If the smartphone checks all your boxes in the above criteria, then feel free to buy it as you won’t be disappointed. You may have to consider features like Graphics cards and audio quality if you want to buy a smartphone for gaming. If you are someone who frequently attends virtual meetings and online seminars, then invest in an appliance with an effective mic and webcam. If you are someone with loads of multimedia docs, then buy a phone that has at least 1 TB Storage space or variants that offer expandable memory. You must buy the one that best matches your demands and preferences to make the best out of it.
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That’s all we’ve got for the Best Mobile phones under 8,000 in India. If you’re still confused or having difficulty in choosing a good smartphone then you can always ask us your queries using the comment sections and we will do our best to help you find the best budget mobile phone under 8,000 rupees.