您是否正在寻找印度低于 10,000 卢比的最佳蓝牙耳机?让我们来看看所有10K以下的耳机。 (Are you looking for the Best Bluetooth Headphones under 10,000 Rs in India? Let’s check out all the headphones under 10K. )
发烧友一直在寻找高品质的耳机、耳机或扬声器。他们喜欢享受音乐中的每一个细节。我的意思是,谁没有!但是当谈到耳机的价格点时,一切都会有所不同。(price point)高品质品牌耳机改变您听音乐的方式。它提供了全新的体验和舒适度(experience and comfort)。它不需要解释。
大多数时候,人们会犹豫是否要购买好的耳机。让我们看看如果您购买一副好的耳机将会获得的一些优势。与一些便宜的耳机相比,它们在耐用性方面的使用寿命更长。音乐的质量永远是一流的。注意到所有的低点、中点和高(mid and highs)点将非常容易。低音令人惊叹且引人注目。这些耳机的舒适度非常好。
Marshall、Sennheiser、JBL和Philips等一些品牌在耳机中提供了惊人的变体。它们中的大多数在性能方面同样出色,但它们的设计、电池寿命(battery life)和价格可能会有所不同。我们的团队对10000 卢比(Rs 10000)范围内最好的无线耳机进行了全面测试。当您考虑购买无线耳机(wireless headset)时,您必须考虑以下几点。
结构和耐用性(Built and durability):您在这些高级耳机上的投资金额不低,因此您永远不应在此功能上妥协。您在这里看到的所有拨片都是由耐用的塑料和金属制成(plastic and metal)的。您不必担心破损;这些太好了!
电池寿命(Battey life):让我告诉您,如果您的无线耳机的电池寿命(battery life)不超过 20 小时,请不要购买。本指南中列出的所有选择至少有 30 小时的电池寿命(battery life)。所以,不用担心!
优质音乐(Good quality music):这就是我们想要的,不是吗!我们向您保证,此列表包含一生中最佳和谐的选项。麦克风质量(Microphone quality)也在完美的耳机中。降噪(Noise cancellation)也是首要要求。
附属机构披露:Techcult 得到其读者的支持。当您通过我们网站上的链接购买时,我们可能会获得会员佣金。(Affiliate Disclosure: Techcult is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.)
(Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones)印度最好的10,000 卢比(Rs 10,000)以下(India)的无线蓝牙耳机
让我们看看价格在10,000 卢比(Rs 10,000)以下的最好的无线耳机:
1. Marshall Major III 蓝牙无线头戴式耳机(1. Marshall Major III Bluetooth Wireless On-Ear Headphones)
Marshall 以其扬声器、放大器和许多其他音频电子产品而闻名。Marshall的所有产品都享有盛誉和优质。就其产品而言,它被认为是奢侈品牌之一。质量,耐用是他们的座右铭。
这些特殊的无线蓝牙耳机是您在这个(Bluetooth)价格范围内(price range)可以获得的最佳选择。Marshall Major是我们最喜欢的无线蓝牙(Bluetoothheadphoneson)耳机之一。一旦你使用它们,你就会对它们上瘾。它具有很高的舒适度和(comfort and quality)音乐质量。Marshall Major III中有许多很棒的特点我们必须讨论。如果您是在寻找美妙的舒适感和平衡的音乐的人,您可以选择这个。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 蓝牙 aptX
- 30 小时无线播放时间
- 多向控制旋钮
- 电池寿命长
Marshall Major III配备 40 毫米驱动器,可提供最佳音频质量和清晰度(quality and clarity)。凭借最新的技术,Marshall可以用平衡的音乐提供如此令人惊叹的低音。降噪(Noise cancellation)也达到了品牌承诺的水平。它清除了周围所有的噪音干扰。即使在通话期间,两人的声音也清晰如水晶。
奇妙的功能之一是您还可以将其用作有线耳机;再次,Marshall Major III配备了 3.55毫米耳机插孔(mm headphone jack)。您可以将其用作二合一。电缆与无线耳机一起提供。这些耳机的构造令人印象深刻。它们由耐用的塑料和乙烯基涂层(vinyl coating)制成。图案是关于身体上的品牌。这些耳机的垫子柔软舒适。它适合您的耳朵。即使在长时间使用后,您获得的舒适感也非常出色。
这些复古设计非常出色。内置(Built)非常耐用。它通过了我们的跌落测试。即使粗暴使用也不能把它们弄乱。这些附件由坚固的金属制成,没有任何凌乱的塑料尖端。两个耳机均提供 3.5 毫米插孔,因此您的朋友可以使用提供的线轻松收听并聆听您所听到的内容。Marshall 标志性的皮革外观遍布耳机的整个机身。您可以使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)将它们连接到您的设备。这个Marshall Major III没有自动连接功能(connectivity feature)。但它们通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接良好,没有任何问题。这些耳机也不防水,因此此时您必须小心。
Marshall Major III的(Marshall Major III)电池续航(battery life)时间约为 30 小时。您可以在旅途中享受无情的音乐。一次充电 10 分钟可提供大约两个小时的电池寿命(battery life)。你还能期待什么!中频(Mids)。音乐中的高音与令人惊叹的低音直接流过,没有任何压倒性的。用耳机上的Nod控制乐曲。使用Nod(Nod)可以轻松增加音量、更改歌曲。Marshall Major III是Major II的更新版本。
以下是我们不喜欢Marshall Major III的一些缺点或说的话。降噪功能(Noise Cancellation feature)不是很好。如果您想沉浸在音乐中,您已经以全音量使用它们。这些无线耳机中的垫子可能并不适合所有人。这里的舒适度是基于你头部的横向宽度(cross width)。这些耳机没有自动连接功能(connectivity feature)。Marshall Major III也不防水。您可能会感觉到它们在您的耳朵上紧绷。除了这些点,我们在Marshall Major III(Marshall Major III)中没有什么可抱怨的。
- 驱动器尺寸:40 毫米
- 频率范围:10Hz – 20000Hz
- 电池寿命:30小时
- 充电时间:快充
- 质保:一年
- 客户评分:3.8/5
如果您抛开我们提到的所有小缺点,那么这款Marshall Major III是您可以进行的终身投资。(life term investment)他们承诺并提供出色的平衡声音和令人惊叹的低音。无论如何,即使是铁杆发烧友也会喜欢这些无线耳机。
2. Envent Moksha 主动降噪蓝牙耳机(Envent Moksha Active Noise Cancellation Bluetooth Headset)
Envent是印度的电子产品品牌。我们大多数人可能不知道这个品牌,但Envent凭借一流的产品在市场上做得很好。该品牌提供奢侈品牌(luxury brand)为您提供的所有功能。如果可以说,音质(sound quality)在这方面甚至更好。这类品牌有很多,由于营销低下,他们可能无法获得应有的影响力。这款降噪(Noise cancellation) 蓝牙耳机(Bluetooth headset)属于这种类型。Envent在这些无线耳机中提供了许多独特的功能,而不会增加任何成本。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 无线连接
- 兼容蓝牙设备
- 90度旋转耳罩
- 耳挂式耳机
如果一个奢侈品牌(luxury brand),比如Marshall,JBL提供与(JBL)Envent相同的功能,他们会向您收取两倍的费用。让我们看看Envent在这些Moksha 主动降噪(Moksha Active noise) 蓝牙(Cancellation Bluetooth)耳机中展示的一些强大功能。首先(First),Battey,生活是惊人的。这些耳机的电池续航时间(battery life)为 30 小时。
它们的主体由优质塑料制成。您不会觉得产品质量便宜。需要提到的主要功能是主动降噪(Noise cancellation)。Envent 无线蓝牙(Envent Wireless Bluetooth)可以消除周围的所有噪音和干扰,无论是听音乐还是通话。它可以消除高达 80% 的噪音。我们向您保证,与Marshall相比,这些Envent 蓝牙耳机(Envent Bluetooth Headphones)的降噪效果更好。
耳罩的舒适度非常好。长时间使用它们,没有任何不适或疼痛(discomfort or pain)。耳罩中的衬垫适合大多数耳朵尺寸。耳罩是可折叠的。毫不费力地随身携带它们。耳机中的记忆垫(memory cushion)为您带来难以置信的柔软感觉。驱动器为 40 毫米。音乐的音质令人惊叹。动态低音让您沉浸在音乐中。中(Mid)、高、低频根据需要自动调整。因此,在聆听音乐时,您不会感到低音被低音淹没。两个耳机都内置了麦克风。即使在语音通话或视频通话期间,您也不会发现外部噪音有任何问题。
这些耳机的机身顶部有金属涂层。(metal coating)连接也很容易。在设备的蓝牙(Bluetooth)上,通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接。在设备之间切换太快。切换设备不超过 5 秒。这些无线耳机不提供自动连接选项。你在耳机上有一个控制器,你可以用它来改变歌曲或增加、减少音量。使用控制器连接呼叫也很舒服。这些耳机最适合游戏玩家;您将在游戏时获得所有音效的丰富体验。
该品牌提供一年保修。您可以通过联系客户服务(customer care)来解决任何技术问题。如果您在购买的前几天遇到任何问题,请尝试更换您的产品。有时(Sometimes)问题可能是有缺陷的产品。这些无线耳机的充电也很容易。最少充电 15 分钟可提供 2 小时的电池使用时间(battery life)。这些耳机与所有设备兼容;您可以将它们与您的电视、台式机、iPad、Mac book、Android设备连接。耳机上的控制(Control)按钮易于使用,节省您宝贵的时间。耳罩呈 90 度角,让听众感到舒适。你可以听很长时间的音乐而无需任何麻烦或压力(trouble or stress)。因此,如果您正在寻找 10,000 卢比以下的最佳无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机,那么这款绝对适合您。
- 带麦克风:是的
- 连接器类型:3.5 毫米
- 蓝牙版本:4.1
- 保修期:1 年
- 电池平均寿命:12 小时
- 客户评分:4.1/5
Event Active 无线(Event Active wireless)耳机将为您的投资带来最大的满足感。如果您是一位活跃的音乐听众或从事(music listener or work)编辑工作,这将是您在此列表中的选择。最后,这是一副不错的无线耳机,具有出色的主动降噪(noise cancellation)功能。
3. Skullcandy Crusher 带麦克风的无线头戴式耳机(3. Skullcandy Crusher Wireless Over-Ear Headphone with Mic)
骷髅糖以其高(Skull candy)品质和奢华的产品(quality and luxury products)在市场上非常有名。Skull candy就像是令人惊叹的低音和优质声音清晰度(bass and premium sound clarity)的标志。该品牌自成立以来一直在震撼耳机、扬声器市场。(speaker market)在低音和平衡频率方面,我更喜欢骷髅糖。他们所有的产品都很时尚,该品牌为其产品提供了良好的终身保修(life warranty)。我用的骷髅糖果(Skull candy)的耳机或扬声器大部分都用了两年多。Skull Candy不久前推出了这款Skull candy Crusher 无线(Crusher wireless) 蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机。他们仍然保持在 2021 年 10,000 卢比以下的最佳无线耳机列表中的位置。(They still keep their position in the list of best wireless headphones under 10,000 Rs in 2021.)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
如果我们可以说,骷髅糖果(Skull candy)以合理的价格提供高级功能。这些来自骷髅糖果(skull candy)的特殊无线耳机具有一些很酷的功能。从电池寿命(battery life)到音质,每一个元素都会让你在整个过程中惊叹不已。这些耳机的构造主要由优质塑料和聚碳酸酯制成(high-quality plastic and polycarbonate)。耳机的整个机身都是一种颜色。Skull candy在这些耳机中提供不同的颜色变体。
这些骷髅糖果粉碎机的电池寿命(battery life)是惊人的。一次充电即可享受 40 小时不间断的音乐或通话。这些耳机的充电速度也非常快。一次充电 10 分钟可提供约 2 小时的电池续航时间(battery life)。最(Best)适合旅行,不需要经常充电。该品牌提供两年保修。承诺本身会告诉您品牌在产品质量(product quality)方面的实力。
谈到音质(sound quality),我们向您保证,如果您想要高品质清晰的音乐和令人惊叹的低音,那么它就是您的选择。Skullcandy是唯一一个以这个价格提供如此高品质音乐和令人难以置信的低音的品牌。所有频率都会自动调谐以匹配低音。听音乐时,高低(Highs and lows)非常清晰。这些耳机是完全可折叠的。旅行时,您可以轻松地将它们放入背包中。完全轻巧,您可以使用数小时,但您不会感到头部有任何重量。
控制(Control)按钮位于耳机的侧面。加号和减号按钮位于升高的水平之上。使用这些按钮控制声音。(Control)在这些按钮之间,提供了一个中央电源按钮(power button)。单击此按钮可激活设备中的语音助手(voice assistant)。控制(Control)按钮反应灵敏。只需轻轻一按即可完成操作。这些耳机中的垫式耳罩非常舒适,您可以戴上几个小时,但您仍然会感到非常高兴。在这里,唯一的问题是,如果您的耳朵较大,则坐垫耳罩可能不适合。
这些中的立体声(Stereo)触觉技术令人惊叹。驱动器尺寸为 40 毫米,可提供卓越的音质。左右扬声器的独立低音传输可提供最佳体验。(Independent bass)这种低音转移(bass diversion)在这些无线耳机令人印象深刻的低音传输(bass delivery)中起着关键作用。除了这些Skull Candy Crusher 头戴式无线(Skull Candy Crusher Overhead wireless)耳机,您还可以获得充电线(charging cable),并且Aux会切断电源线。连接(Connectivity)也很容易;它连接到 40 米范围内的设备。在这些设备之间切换太容易了;不到 10 秒。
这些耳机中的隔音(Noise isolation)垫可清除周围的所有声音干扰。即使在通话过程中,您也可以清晰地听到对方的声音。这些耳机的一个最佳功能是低音调节(bass adjustment)。耳机侧面有一个按钮。您可以根据自己的喜好降低或增加低音。在这个价格下,大多数无线耳机都没有这个特殊功能。根据音乐流派,您可以更改这些耳机的低音级别(bass level)。
Skull candy crusher 耳机的侧面还有一个 3.5毫米插孔(mm jack)。连接(Connect)而不是与您的电视或台式机(Tv or desktop)。这些耳机的电池寿命是最好的;这种电池范围在任何无线耳机型号中都是前所未有的。说到缺点,我们可以提到这款Skull 糖果(Skull Candy)破碎机的唯一负面因素是缓冲杯(Cushion cup)的大小。如果尺寸不完美,我们会拉很多,从而导致树篱破裂。如果Skull candy可以改进这一点,那么这些无线耳机将是市场上最好的选择。
- 电池寿命:40小时
- 充电时间:快速充电
- 质保:两年
- 客户评分:4.5/5
考虑到价格范围(price range),Skull Candy提供了许多无与伦比的惊人功能。电池寿命(Battery life)是使这些耳机脱颖而出的一件事。首先(First),在商店里试一试。如果它们适合你的耳朵,那就不要再想了,去买这些吧。如果有任何尺寸问题(size issue),您可以跳过这些。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 500 卢比以下的 10 款最佳鼠标。在印度(India)
4. JAYS – q-7 无线降噪 (ANC) 耳机(4. JAYS – q-Seven Wireless Noise Cancelling (ANC) Headphones)
Jays 是来自瑞典(Sweden)的品牌。它于 2016 年推出,此后推出了多个系列的耳机、扬声器、耳机。他们的一些最好的产品是X 系列的(X series)蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机。Jays 主要关注产品的规格,保持产品设计(product design)简单。他们的耳机或扬声器的每个变体都以合理的价格提供了许多功能。因此,将JAYS – q-7 无线耳机列入 10,000 卢比以下的最佳无线耳机列表是很自然的。(best wireless headphones under 10,000 Rs. in India.)在印度。
Jays的这款 q-7 无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机有一些我们必须讨论的很酷的功能。如果您正在寻找优质的无线耳机(quality wireless earphone),您应该购买这些无线耳机的原因有很多。该系列耳机的大部分功能都相似。只有一两个规格不同。让我们看看这些耳机的一些正确部分。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 主动降噪 (ANC)
- 30 小时的游戏时间
- 兼容所有 iOS 和 Android
- 非常合身
这些耳机的电池寿命(battery life)约为 30 小时。一次充电即可享受 30 小时的美妙播放时间(playback time)。即使在旅行时,您也不会遇到任何充电问题。该品牌提供快速充电线(charging cable)和耳机。这些耳机的构造令人惊叹,由优质塑料制成。设计(Design)简单而简约。
这些耳机的降噪(Noise cancellation)功能非常出色。耳机抵消了周围的所有声音,清除了所有的干扰。这些Jays(Jays) q-7 无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机具有令人惊叹的低音,您可以沉浸在美妙的音乐中。该品牌提供一年保修。如果您对产品有任何技术问题,请联系客户服务(customer care),并更换或维修您的产品。这些耳机配有 40 毫米驱动器,可提供最佳的音乐清晰度(music clarity)。 Jays q-7 系列也有透听技术。
该品牌还与耳机一起提供电缆。耳机上的 3.5 毫米插孔。当电池电量耗尽时,将电源线连接到设备。轻松享受音乐。通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接耳机也很容易。Jays q-7 系列具有蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5),而我们之前的所有选择都具有低于 5 的蓝牙版本(Bluetooth version)。这些耳机与各种设备兼容。将它们与任何Apple 或 Android 设备(Apple or Android devices)或电视配对。它可以与 40 米范围内的工具配对,而不会出现任何连接问题。切换设备也既快速又简单。这些耳机不提供自动连接选项。(auto connectivity option)
这些无线耳机的贴合度也很好。缓冲耳罩(cushion earcups)的宽度是完美的。它可以适合任何大小的耳朵。垫式耳罩非常光滑舒适。长时间使用它们没有任何麻烦。当您使用主动降噪功能时,电池(noise cancellation feature battery)可持续使用约 20 小时。如果您不使用该功能,您将获得 30 小时的电池续航(battery life)时间。按钮(Button)控件位于耳机上。使用按钮,您可以增加或减少音量、接通或切断通话。提供了一个单独的开关,有助于激活设备中的语音助手(voice assistant)。您可以同时激活谷歌助手和 Siri(google assistant and Siri)根据您的设备。这些按钮控件反应灵敏,动作迅速。
你有不同的按钮,一个是关闭,一个是蓝牙(Bluetooth),一个是控制音量,一个是降噪(noise cancellation)。使用语音助手(voice assistant),您可以毫不费力地将事件添加到日历中并添加剩余部分。甚至大多数客户评论都非常出色。每个人都对卓越的声音清晰度(superb sound clarity)、连接性和令人惊叹的低音感到满意。在对客户评论进行彻底扫描后,我们发现只有一个抱怨是蓝牙(Bluetooth)音频装饰需要改进,但不会引起注意。总体而言,这项投资将使您物有所值。
- 驱动器:40 毫米
- 频率范围:20 Hz – 20 kHz
- 电池寿命:30小时
- 充电时间:快充
- 质保:一年
- 客户评分:3.8/5
如果您想要一切完美(everything perfect), Jays q-7 无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机将是最好的选择。良好的音质(sound quality),令人印象深刻的噪音消除(noise cancellation)以及令人惊叹的低音。总之,这些耳机值得您投资。
5. 带 Alexa 的 JBL Live 650BTNC 无线降噪耳机(5. JBL Live 650BTNC Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones with Alexa )
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
产品的声音和低音(sound and bass)令人惊叹。JBL推出了这款具有一些很酷功能的无线蓝牙耳机。(Bluetooth)这个产品需要讨论一些很棒的功能。如果您是铁杆发烧友(hardcore audiophile)并且喜欢听大部分音乐,那么这可能是您的选择。这些JBL耳机的电池续航时间(battery life)为 30 小时。这些充电是快速模式,单次充电 19 分钟可提供约 2 小时的电池寿命(battery life)。您可以在旅途中或旅行(go or travelling)时使用它们。
这些JBL 无线(JBL wireless)耳机的构造是一流的。它由优质材料制成。它通过了我们所有的跌落测试。我们保证它即使在严重的使用中也能持续使用。最(Best)适合游戏玩家,您可以享受高清音效。一旦掌握了它,您肯定会欣赏音频质量。这些垫子(Cushion)耳罩也是完美的尺寸。它符合国际标准。您不会对JBL 蓝牙无线(JBL Bluetooth wireless)耳机的佩戴有任何问题。
这些JBL耳机的噪音消除功能(noise cancellation feature)是中档的。它只能消除背景中的部分噪音。如果您正在寻找完全消除噪音(noise cancellation)的人,那么这可能不适合您。但这些蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机最多可以消除 50% 的周围噪音。如果您在室内工作,这些也将是最佳选择,那么您不会对降噪功能(noise cancellation feature)有任何问题。
这些耳机的音质令人印象深刻。它们提供具有震撼低音的强大音频。所有频率自动调谐,这些提供最佳输出。他们有一个出色的高音和平衡的高音和低音。JBL无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机用于主动功能。您可以在锻炼或慢跑时使用它们。它们非常合身,无论如何都不会滑倒。(t slip)它们防水、防汗、防尘。您可以无忧无虑地使用它们;这种防水功能(water resistance feature)在我们之前的选择中不存在。看看JBL能够在这个价位(price point)下包含如此出色的功能有多棒!
这些耳机的连接也很容易;这些设备与具有蓝牙版本 4(Bluetooth version 4)的设备连接。在设备之间切换也很容易。这些 40 毫米驱动器可提供强劲的低音,但声音不清晰。因此,请继续聆听美妙的音乐。JBL与这些无线耳机一起提供保护罩。您可以将它们安全地保存在此封面中。与该类别中的其他耳机相比,它们非常耐用。JBL提供一年的品牌保修。(brand warranty)如果您在保修期内(warranty period)遇到耳机问题,您可以进行维修。
考虑到这次购买的缺点,该品牌本身的主动降噪范围(noise cancellation range)是中档的。所以,你会第一手知道你得到了什么。我们希望JBL用独有的动态噪声消除功能(noise cancellation feature)更新这个相同的模型。但是,如果您总是在户外工作并寻找具有降噪功能的无线耳机,那么请从其他品牌中挑选一些其他型号的耳机。
- 驱动器尺寸:40 毫米
- 频率范围:20 赫兹 – 20000 赫兹
- 电池寿命:30小时
- 充电时间:快充
- 保修期:一年
- 客户评分:4.4/5
JBL 无线(JBL wireless)耳机是这个完整列表中的最佳选择之一。当我们比较价格范围(price range)时,这个品牌提供了一系列一流的功能。
6.索尼WH-CH710N降噪无线耳机(6. Sony WH-CH710N Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones)
(Sony)每当我们想到奢华和(luxury and excellent) 高品质的音乐时,(quality music)索尼就会浮现在脑海中。没有什么能打败客户对这个品牌的信任。几十年来,索尼(Sony)一直在提供多种类型的最佳产品。索尼(Sony)如何适应改进的技术并继续让他们的客户感到震惊,这真是太棒了。索尼 WH-CH710N 无线耳机与这个(Sony WH-CH710N wireless)价格范围内(price range)的其他耳机相比,有一些很棒的功能,这是这个列表中价格相对便宜的选择。但我们向您保证,它与其他型号一样好,甚至更好,可以这么说。
这些索尼无线(Sony wireless) 蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机具有 35 小时的出色电池寿命(battery life)。即使在降噪模式下(noise cancellation mode),这些电池也能提供 25 小时的最长续航(battery life)时间。这些持续了一周而没有为我收费。Type-c充电端口(charging port)与耳机一起提供,使其非常适合我们最好的 10,000卢比(Rs list)以下无线耳机。此外,该品牌还提供了一条额外的type-c(type-c cord)充电线
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
即使您的电池电量耗尽,您也可以将线缆连接到耳机上的插孔,享受无休止的音乐。这些耳机的音质是一流的。令人惊叹的低音和出色的高音是其突出特点之一。中音(Mid)、高音、低音会自动调整,并根据音乐进行调整。从这些Sony 无线(Sony wireless)耳机中体验带有重低音的完美音乐。
给定的按钮(Button)控件可以做几件事。使用这些耳机可以轻松提高或降低音量、暂停视频。通过双击这些按钮,语音助手(voice assistant)将被激活。在使用任何声音时,助手要么是Alexa,要么是 Siri(Alexa or Siri),甚至是Cortana。连接是通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)。需要担心的一件事是它一次不支持多个设备。但是切换设备很容易。与 40 米半径以下设备的连接完美无缺。我没有遇到任何问题,例如连接中断(connectivity breakage)和需要重新连接。
麦克风内置在两个耳机中;在通话过程中,对方的声音非常清晰。内置(Built)此无线确定;它们很精致。硬从高处跌落肯定会破的。如果您可以妥协于内置质量并谨慎使用它们,那么您肯定可以选择它们。该品牌提供一年保修。如果您在保修期内(warranty period)遇到任何技术问题,请更换或维修。
这些耳机的降噪功能(noise cancellation feature)非常出色。这些耳机抵消了大部分周围的声音。甚至通话中的噪音也完全消除。如果我们说,在整个列表中,这些索尼无线(Sony wireless)耳机具有最好的语音消除(voice cancellation)功能,并且物超所值。目前,您可以以6000 卢比(Rs 6000)左右的价格购买这些耳机,在促销期间您甚至可以获得折扣。我的意思是,在这个价位上(price point)我们还希望有什么!索尼(Sony)以这个价格提供了许多功能,而其他品牌对相同功能的收费是双倍的。
索尼无线(Sony wireless) 蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机有蓝色和黑色两种颜色可供选择。正如我们所讨论的,如果您可以在制造质量上做出妥协,那么在这个价格范围内(price range),这些耳机是一副很棒的耳机。
- 驱动器尺寸:30 毫米
- 频率范围:7赫兹-20000赫兹
- 电池寿命:35小时
- 充电时间:3.5小时
- 质保:一年
- 客户评分:3.9/5
您可以在这个价位上(price point)进行重大投资。令人惊叹的低音与水晶般清晰的音乐和降噪功能(music and noise cancellation feature)非常显着。电池(Battery)和噪音消除功能使此变体成为一项出色的投资。
推荐:(Recommended:) 3000 卢比(Rs 3000)以下的最佳真正无线耳塞(Best Truly Wireless Earbuds)
7. 飞利浦 Performance TAPH805BK 主动降噪耳机(7. Philips Performance TAPH805BK Active Noise Cancelling Headphones)
飞利浦(Philips)是购买任何电子产品时最值得信赖的品牌之一。飞利浦(Philips)推出了许多很棒的产品,比如电子产品或耳机。该品牌的耳机、耳机和扬声器有许多变体。飞利浦(Philips)的大多数产品都价格实惠,并且功能齐全。飞利浦(Philips)这款特殊型号的无线耳机具有许多很酷的功能。关于飞利浦(Philips)如何在提供如此出色的功能的同时降低成本仍然是一个问题。它也是日常使用的10,000卢比以下最好的无线蓝牙耳机之一。(It is also one of the best wireless Bluetooth headphones under 10,000 rupees for daily use.)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 灵活的设计
- 卓越的建造质量
- 平面折叠和紧凑折叠
- 快速充电
飞利浦 PH802 高分辨率音频无线头戴式耳机(Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphones)具有许多非凡的功能。让我们来看看这款耳机的一些出色功能。这些耳机的设计(Design)简约而宏伟。建造质量(Built quality)是不妥协的。它是优质塑料制成的(high-quality plastic)。即使在具有挑战性的用途之后,它仍然存活了下来。它也通过了我们的跌落测试。这些耳机中的垫杯由(Cushion)优质材料制成(quality material)而且很舒服。即使经过长时间的使用,您也不会遇到任何麻烦。这些是完全可折叠的;您可以在旅行时将它们放在小袋中或背包中,这不会占用太多空间。如果您有任何合身问题,您可以延长它们并根据您的舒适度进行调整。
飞利浦 PH802 高分辨率音频无线头戴式耳机支持高分辨率(Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphonessupports high-resolution)音频播放。使用吉他或钢琴(guitar or piano)时,每个音符都可以听得一清二楚。这些无线耳机的正确分辨率(Proper resolution)是一流的。大多数其他耳机都没有此特定功能。具有震撼低音的高清音乐。(definition music)飞利浦(Philips)提供一年的品牌保修(brand warranty)。在此期间,如果出现任何技术问题,您可以通过联系客户服务(customer care)来解决。
(Customer satisfaction)客户对该产品的满意度也很高。许多平台上对这些无线耳机有很多好评。这种特殊的耳机在Amazon 或 Flipkart(Amazon or Flipkart)中不可用。如果您有兴趣获得这些,您已经订购了一些零售网站。但请相信我们的交付与亚马逊的交付一样顺利。保修(Warranty)也来自品牌制造商(brand manufacturer)而不是零售商。所以,不会有任何问题。
这些无线耳机中的按钮(Button)控制非常灵敏;要打开耳机,请按住按钮三秒钟。要将耳机连接到设备(device press),请按住按钮,直到耳机告诉它已连接。设备之间的切换非常快。这些耳机不提供自动连接选项。使用幻灯片可以轻松提高或降低音量或暂停视频或通话。(video or call)
这些耳机的降噪(Noise cancellation)功能令人惊叹。它可以防止大部分周围的噪音,让您在没有任何干扰的情况下聆听音乐。这些耳机的电池寿命(battery life)长达30 小时。最终充电大约需要 1.5 小时。即使没有充电,您也可以使用电线将它们连接到您的设备。飞利浦 PH802 高分辨率音频无线头戴式耳机(Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphones)与所有工具兼容。他们可以连接Apple、Android或您的电视。耳机上的按钮也可用于控制语音助手(voice assistant),Alexa 或 Siri(Alexa or Siri)。它适用于所有设备。
- 驱动器尺寸:40 毫米
- 频率范围:7 Hz – 40 kHz
- 电池寿命:30 小时
- 充电时间:1.5 小时
- 保修单:
- 客户评分:4.1/5
飞利浦 PH802 高分辨率音频无线头戴式耳机(Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphonesperformed)在我们的所有测试中都表现出色。这些耳机的所有功能都是独一无二的。即使使用数周后也没有任何缺点。你完全可以选择这些。这些可能只是列表中没有缺点的无线耳机。
这就是我们在印度 10,000 卢比以下的最佳无线蓝牙耳机所拥有的一切(That’s all we’ve got for Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones Under Rs 10,000 in India)。如果您仍然感到困惑或难以选择好的无线耳机,那么您可以随时使用评论部分向我们询问您的问题,我们将尽最大努力帮助您找到印度(India)10,000 卢比(Rs 10,000)以下的最佳无线蓝牙耳机。
Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones under Rs 10,000 in India
Are you looking for the Best Bluetooth Headphones under 10,000 Rs in India? Let’s check out all the headphones under 10K.
Audiophiles are always in the search for top-quality headphones, earphones, or speakers. They love to enjoy every detail in the music. I mean, who doesn’t! But when it comes to the price point of the headphones, everything makes a difference. High quality branded headphones change the way you listen to music. It gives a whole level of new experience and comfort. It needs no explanation.
Most of the time, people hesitate to invest in good headphones. Let’s see some of the advantages you will be getting if you invest in a good pair of headphones. They last longer in terms of durability when compared to some cheap headphones. The quality of music is always top-notch. Noticing all the lows, mid and highs will be so easy. The bass is stunning and noticeable. The comfort in these headphones is so great.
Some brands like Marshall, Sennheiser, JBL, and Philips offer astonishing variants in headphones. Most of them equally good in their performance, but they might vary in design, battery life, and price. Our team did a full-scale test on the best wireless headphones under the range of Rs 10000. When you are considering getting a wireless headset, you must consider the following.
Built and durability: The amount you will invest in these premium headphones is not low, so you should never compromise on this feature. All the picks you see here are made of durable plastic and metal. You don’t have to worry about the breakage; these are that good!
Battey life: Let me tell you, if your wireless headphones don’t have a battery life of more than 20 hours, don’t go for it. All the listed picks in this guide have at least 30 hours of battery life. So, no worries!
Good quality music: It’s all we desire for, isn’t it! We assure you this list has the options for the best harmony of a lifetime. Microphone quality is also in perfect earphones. Noise cancellation is also the primary requirement.
Affiliate Disclosure: Techcult is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones under Rs 10,000 in India
Let’s look into the best wireless headphones under the price of Rs 10,000:
1. Marshall Major III Bluetooth Wireless On-Ear Headphones
Marshall is famous for its speakers, amplifiers, and many other audio electronics. All the products from Marshall are widely renowned and premium. It is considered as one of the luxurious brands when it comes to their products. Quality, durability is their motto.
These particular wireless Bluetooth headphones are the best bet you can get under this price range. Marshall Major is one of our favorite wireless Bluetoothheadphoneson this list. You will be addicted to these once you use them. It has a great deal of high comfort and quality of music. There are many great features in Marshall Major III we must discuss. If you are someone looking for fantastic comfort along with balanced music, you can pick this.
Features We Like:
- Bluetooth aptX
- 30 hours of wireless playtime
- Multi-directional control knob
- Long Battery Life
Marshall Major III comes with 40 mm drivers for the best audio quality and clarity. With the latest technology, Marshall made it possible to give such a stunning bass with balanced music. Noise cancellation is also up to mark as the brand promised. It cleared out all the surrounding noise disturbances. Even during calls, voices are as clear as crystal for both persons.
One of the fantastic features is you can also use this as wired headphones; again, Marshall Major III comes with a 3.55 mm headphone jack. You can use this as a two in one. The cable is given along with the wireless headphones. The built of these headphones is impressive. They are made up of durable plastic along with a vinyl coating. Patterns are made about the brand on the body. The cushion in these headphones is soft and comfortable. It fits right to your ears. Even after the long hour of usage, the comfort you get is remarkable.
The retro design of these is excellent. Built is exceptionally durable. It passed our drop tests. Even rough use cannot mess them up. These are made of sturdy metal in the attachments without any messy plastic tips. 3.5 mm jacks are given in both the earphones, so your friend can easily tune in with the wire provided and listen to what you are hearing. Marshall’s signature leather look runs all over the body of the headphones. You can connect them to your device using Bluetooth. There is no automatic connectivity feature in this Marshall Major III. But they connect well via Bluetooth without any issues. These headphones are also not water-resistant, so you have to be careful at this point.
Marshall Major III has about 30 hours of battery life. You can enjoy relentless music while travelling. A single charge of 10 minutes gives about two hours of battery life. What more can you expect! Mids. and highs in the music flows right through with stunning bass without any overwhelming. Control the piece with the Nod given on the headphones. Increasing volume, changing the song is made easy with the Nod. Marshall Major III is the updated version of the Major II.
Here are some of the cons or say things we didn’t like about Marshall Major III. The Noise Cancellation feature is not so great. You have used them on full volume if you want to drown in music. The cushion given in these wireless headphones might not be comfortable for everyone. Comfort here is based on the cross width of your head. There is no automatic connectivity feature in these headphones. Marshall Major III is also not water-resistant. You might feel them tight on your ears. Except for these points, we have nothing to complain about in Marshall Major III.
- Driver size: 40 mm
- Frequency range: 10Hz – 20000Hz
- Battery life:30 hours
- Charging time: Quick charge
- Warranty: One year
- Customer ratings: 3.8/5
If you put behind all the minor cons we mention, this Marshall Major III is a life term investment you can make. An excellent balanced sound with stunning bass is what they promise and delivered. Even the hardcore audiophiles will love these wireless headphones no matter what.
Stunning bass with balanced music
Sound clarity
Battery life
Dual Jack
No automatic connectivity
No water resistance
Might not fit everyone
2. Envent Moksha Active Noise Cancellation Bluetooth Headset
Envent is an Indian brand in electronics. Most of us might not know this brand, but Envent is doing quite well in the market with top-notch products. This brand offers every feature that a luxury brand affords you. If we may say, the sound quality is even better in this when compared. There are many brands of this sort, due to low marketing, they might not get the reach they deserve. This Noise cancellation Bluetooth headset is of that type. Envent offered many unique features in these wireless earphones without making any cost hikes.
Features We Like:
- Wireless Connectivity
- Compatible with Bluetooth Devices
- 90 Degree Swivel Earcups
- Over the ear type of headphones
If a luxury brand, say, Marshall, JBL offered the same features as Envent did, they would charge you twice. Let’s look into some of the great features Envent is showing in these Moksha Active noise Cancellation Bluetooth earphones. First, Battey, life is astonishing. You will get a battery life of 30 hours in these earphones.
The body of these is made of high-quality plastic. You won’t feel the product as cheap quality in any sort. The main feature that needs mentioning is the Active Noise cancellation. Envent Wireless Bluetooth can cancel all the surrounding noises and disturbance either listening to music or on call. It can cancel up to 80% of noise. We assure you these Envent Bluetooth Headphones are better in noise cancellation compared to Marshall.
The comfort of the earcups is excellent. Use them for long hours without any discomfort or pain. Cushion in the earcups fits for most of the ear sizes. Earcups are foldable. Carry them around without any effort. The memory cushion in the headphones gives you an incredibly soft feel. Drivers are of 40 mm. The sound quality of the music is stunning. Dynamic bass makes you dive into the music. Mid, high and low frequencies are automatically adapted according to the need. So, you won’t feel lows overwhelmed by the bass while listening to the music. Mics are inbuilt in both the headphones. Even during voice calls or video calls, you won’t find any problem with the external noise.
The body of these headphones has a metal coating at the top. Connectivity is also easy. On the Bluetooth in your device, connect it through the Bluetooth. Switching between devices is too fast. It doesn’t take more than 5 seconds to switch devices. The auto-connecting option is not available in these wireless earphones. You get a controller on the headphones, which you can use to change to song or increase, decrease the volume. Connecting calls is also comfortable with the controller. These headphones are best for gamers; you will get a rich experience of all the sound effects while gaming.
The brand offers a one-year warranty. You can get any technical issues solved by connecting with customer care. If you face any problems in the first few days of purchase, try to get your product replaced. Sometimes issues might be the defective product. Charging of these wireless earphones is also easy. A minimum charge of 15 minutes gives 2 hours of battery life. These earphones are compatible with all devices; you can connect them with your TV, desktop, iPad, Mac book, Android devices. Control buttons on the earphones are easy to access and saves your valuable time. Earcups are angles at 90 degrees for listeners’ comfort. You can listen long hours of music without any trouble or stress. So if you are looking for the best wireless Bluetooth headphones under 10,000 rupees, then this one is absolutely for you.
- With Mic: Yes
- Connector type: 3.5 mm
- Bluetooth version: 4.1
- Warranty: 1 Year
- Battery Average Life: 12 Hours
- Customer ratings: 4.1/5
Event Active wireless headphones will give you the best satisfaction of your investment. If you are an active music listener or work for editing, this will be your pick in this list. Finally, these are a decent pair of wireless headphones with excellent active noise cancellation.
Value for your money
Great comfort and build
Battery life
Angled earcups
Best for gaming
Connectivity issue
Cavity for the over ear design
3. Skullcandy Crusher Wireless Over-Ear Headphone with Mic
Skull candy is very well known in the market for its high quality and luxury products. Skull candy is like a hallmark for stunning bass and premium sound clarity. This brand has been rocking the earphones, speaker market since its inception. I prefer skull candy when it comes to bass and balanced frequency. All their products are stylish, and the brand offers a good life warranty for their products. Most of the earphones or speakers I used from Skull candy lasted more than two years. Skull Candy rolled out these Skull candy Crusher wireless Bluetooth headphones a while ago. They still keep their position in the list of best wireless headphones under 10,000 Rs in 2021.
Features We Like:
- Adjustable Sensory Bass
- Stereo Haptic Bass
- Sound quality is good
- Noise Isolating
Skull candy provides premium features at reasonable prices, if we may say. These particular wireless headphones from skull candy have some cool features. Starting from the battery life to sound quality, every element will astonish you throughout the way. The build of these headphones is mainly from high-quality plastic and polycarbonate. The entire body of the earphones is in one single colour. Skull candy offers different colour variants in these headphones.
The battery life of these skull candy crushers is amazing. You will enjoy 40 non-stop hours of music or calls in a single charge. The charging of these headphones is also superfast. A single 10-minute charge gives about 2 hours of battery life. Best for travelling, you don’t need to charge often. Two years of warranty is given by the brand. The promise itself tells you how strong the brand is about their product quality.
Coming to the sound quality, we assure you that if you desire high-quality clear music with stunning bass, then it is the pick for you. Skullcandy is the only brand that offers such a piece of top-quality music with incredible bass at this price. All the frequencies are automatically tunned to match the bass. Highs and lows are very clear while listening to music. These headphones are completely foldable. You can easily fit them in your backpack while travelling. Completely lightweight, you can use them for hours, yet you won’t feel any weight around your head.
Control buttons are given on the sides of the headphones. Plus and minus buttons are above the raised level. Control the sound using these buttons. In between these buttons, a centre power button is given. Clicking this button activates the voice assistant in your device. Control buttons are very responsive. A single touch will get the action done. Cushion earcups in these headphones are very comfortable, you can hang on to them for hours, and still, you will feel extremely pleased. Here, the only problem is the cushion earcups might not fit if you have large ears.
Stereo haptic technology in these is stunning. Drivers are 40 mm in size and deliver remarkable sound quality. Independent bass delivery from both the left and right speakers gives the best experience. This bass diversion plays a key role in the impressive bass delivery from these wireless headphones. Along with these Skull Candy Crusher Overhead wireless headphones, you get a charging cable, and Aux cut the cord. Connectivity is also easy; it connects to devices in the range of 40 meters. Switching between these devices is too easy; it takes less than 10 seconds.
Noise isolation pads in these headphones clear out all the surrounding sound disturbances. Even during calls, you can listen to the opposite person’s voice as clear as crystal. One best feature of these headphones is the bass adjustment. There is a button on the side of the headphones. You can lower or increase the bass as per your likes. This particular feature is not present in most of the wireless headphones under this price. Based on the genre of music, you can change the bass level of these headphones.
Skull candy crusher headphones also have a 3.5 mm jack on the side. Connect than with your Tv or desktop. These earphones’ battery life is top and best; this range of the battery is never before in any wireless headphones model. Coming to the cons only negative thing we can mention about this Skull Candy crushers is the size of the Cushion cup. If the size is not perfect, we tug a lot and thereby leads to the hedge’s breaking. If Skull candy can improve this one thing, these wireless headphones will be the best bet in the market.
- Battery life: 40 hours
- Charging time: Rapid charge
- Warranty: Two year
- Customer ratings:4.5/5
Taking the price range into consideration, Skull Candy offered many amazing features that are unbeatable. Battery life is one thing that made these headphones prominent. First, try them in the store. If they fit your ears, then think no more and go for these. If there is any size issue, you might skip these.
Great value for money
Battery life
Stunning bass
Dual connectivity
Fast charge
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4. JAYS – q-Seven Wireless Noise Cancelling (ANC) Headphones
Jays is a brand from Sweden. It launched in the year of 2016 and many series of earphones, speakers, headphones since then. Some of their best products are the Bluetooth earphones of the X series. Jays mainly concentrate on the specifications of the product, keeping the product design simple. Many features in every variant of their earphones or speakers at a reasonable price. So it is only natural to include JAYS – q-Seven wireless headphones under the list of the best wireless headphones under 10,000 Rs. in India.
This q-seven wireless Bluetooth headphones from Jays has some cool features we must discuss. There are many reasons you should get these wireless headphones if you are looking for a quality wireless earphone. Most of the features of the headphones in this range are similar. Only one or two specifications differ. Let’s see some right parts of these earphones.
Features We Like:
- Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
- 30 Hrs of Playtime
- Compatible with all iOS & Android
- Great Fit
The battery life of these earphones is about 30 hours. A single charge gives you a wonderful 30-hour playback time. Even when you are travelling, you won’t face any issues with charging. The brand offers a fast charging cable along with the headphones. The build of these headphones is stunning, made of high-quality plastic. Design is simple and minimalistic.
Noise cancellation in these earphones is merely outstanding. Earphones cancel out all the surrounding sound, clears all the disturbances. You can immerse into the great music with the stunning bass of these Jays q-seven wireless Bluetooth headphones. The brand offers a warranty of one- year. If you have any technical issues regarding the product, contact the customer care, and get your product replaced or repaired. These headphones come with 40 mm drivers and give the best music clarity. Jays q-seven series also have hear-through technology.
The brand also gives a cable along with the headphones. 3.5 mm jack on the headphones. When you run out of the battery, connect the cord to the device. Enjoy the music without any trouble. Connectivity of the headphones through Bluetooth is also easy. Jays q-seven series has Bluetooth 5, whereas all our previous picks have Bluetooth version below 5. These headphones are compatible with wide variants of devices. Pair them with any Apple or Android devices or Tv. It can pair with tools in the range of 40 meters without any connectivity issues. Switching up devices is also fast and easy. The auto connectivity option is not available in these headphones.
The fit of these wireless headphones is also good. The width of the cushion earcups is perfect. It can fit the ears of any size. Cushion earcups are very smooth and comfortable. Use them for long hours without any trouble. When you use the active noise cancellation feature battery lasts about 20 hours. If you don’t use the feature, you will get a battery life of 30 hours. Button controls are on the headphones. Using the buttons, you can increase or decrease volume, connect or cut the calls. A separate switch is provided, which helps to activate the voice assistant in your device. You can activate both google assistant and Siri based on your device. These button controls are highly responsive and act quickly.
You get different buttons, one to off and, on the Bluetooth, a slide to control the volume, one for noise cancellation. Using the voice assistant, you can add events to the calendar and add remainders without any effort. Even most of the customer reviews are excellent. Everyone is satisfied with the superb sound clarity, connectivity, and stunning bass. Only one complaint we found after doing a thorough sweep through customer comments is the Bluetooth audio deco’s needed to be improved, but it won’t be noticeable. Overall, this investment will give you value for your money.
- Drivers: 40 mm
- Frequency range: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Battery life:30 hours
- Charging time: Quick charge
- Warranty: One year
- Customer ratings:3.8/5
Jays q-seven wireless Bluetooth headphones will be the best pic if you want everything perfect. Good sound quality with impressive noise cancellation along with stunning bass. Altogether these headphones are worth your investment.
Value for your money
Minimalistic design
Durable built
Battery life
Stunning bass
Sound bleeds
Noise-cancelling isn’t great
5. JBL Live 650BTNC Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones with Alexa
JBL is well known for its high-quality products. They offer a wide range of products or variants in earphones, headphones, speakers. This brand has been in the market for a long time; it still manages to stand at the top. All the significant product improvements JBL made in the past years is remarkable. You will find the product for your every need in JBL. This brand keeps up with the market by making significant technological changes, making the products water-resistant, and adding rare specifications.
Features We Like:
- Voice-assistants
- Active Noise Cancellation
- Hands-free Calls
- Multi-device Pairing
The sound and bass from the products are astonishing. JBL rolled out this wireless Bluetooth headphones with some cool features. Some great features need to be discussed in this product. If you are a hardcore audiophile and love to get most of the music, this might be the pick for you. These JBL headphones come with a battery life of 30 hours. Charging of these is the fast mode and a single charge of 19 minutes gives about 2 hours of battery life. You can use them when you are on the go or travelling.
The built of these JBL wireless headphones is top-notch. It is made up of high-quality material. It passed all our drop tests. We assure it lasts even the severe use. Best for gamers, you can enjoy the sound effects in high definition. You will surely admire audio quality once you get the hang of it. Cushion earcups in these are also the perfect size. It is of international fit. You won’t have any issues regarding the fit of the JBL Bluetooth wireless headphones.
The noise cancellation feature in these JBL headphones is mid-range. It can cancel only some parts of the noise in the background. If you are someone looking for complete noise cancellation, this might not be the pick for you. But these Bluetooth headphones can cancel up to 50% of the surrounding noise. These will also be the best pick if you work indoors, then you won’t have any issue with the noise cancellation feature.
The sound quality of these earphones is impressive. These deliver powerful audio with stunning bass. All the frequencies autotune, and these provide the best output. They have an excellent treble with balanced highs and lows. JBL wireless Bluetooth headphones are for active functionality. You can use them while you are working out or jogging. They fit perfectly and don’t slip, no matter what. They are water, sweat, and dustproof. You can use them carefree; this water resistance feature is not present in our previous picks. See how great JBL was able to include such cool features under this price point!
Connectivity of these headphones is also easy; these devices connect with devices with Bluetooth version 4. Switching between devices is also easy. 40 mm drivers in these deliver tough bass without clear sound. So, keep your tapping to the great music. JBL provides a protective cover along with these wireless headphones. You can keep them safe in this cover. They are highly durable when you compare with other earphones in this category. JBL provides a brand warranty for one year. If you face any issues with the headphones during the warranty period, you can get them fixed.
Coming to the cons of this buy, the brand itself’s active noise cancellation range is mid-range. So, you will know first hand what you are getting. We hope JBL updates this same model with an exclusive dynamic noise cancellation feature. But if you always work outdoors and look for wireless headphones with noise cancellation, then pick some other variants of headphones from other brands.
- Driver size: 40 mm
- Frequency range: 20 Hz – 20000 Hz
- Battery life:30 hours
- Charging time: Quick charge
- Warranty: One Year
- Customer ratings:4.4/5
JBL wireless headphones are one of the best picks in this complete list. This brand offered a whole range of superb features when we compare the price range.
Value for your money
Water resistance
Built and durability
Stunning bass
6. Sony WH-CH710N Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones
Sony slides right through mind whenever we think of luxury and excellent quality music. Nothing can beat customers trust in this brand. Sony has been giving the best products in many genres for decades. It’s terrific how Sony adapts with improving technology and continues to stun their customers. Sony WH-CH710N wireless headphones have some great features compared to the other earphones in this price range, and this is the relatively cheapest priced pick in this list. But we assure you it is as good as other models, even better, so say.
These Sony wireless Bluetooth earphones have an excellent battery life of 35 hours. Even on noise cancellation mode, these offer a maximum battery life of 25 hours. These lasted a week without charging for me. The type-c charging port comes along with the headphones which makes it a great fit in our best wireless headphones under 10,000 Rs list. Also, the brand provides an additional type-c cord for charging
Features We Like:
- Dual Noise Sensor Technology
- Sound quality is good
- Easy Charging
- Noise-canceling Feature
Even if your battery drains, you can connect the cable with the jack on your headphones and enjoy relentless music. The sound quality of these headphones is top-notch. Stunning bass with excellent treble is one of its outstanding features. Mid, highs, lows are tunned automatically, and they adapted as per the music. Experience perfect music with thumping bass from these Sony wireless headphones.
Button controls given can do several things. Increasing or decreasing the volume, pausing the video is made easy with these earphones. By double-clicking these buttons, the voice assistant activates. In works with any of the voices, assistants either be Alexa or Siri or even Cortana. Connectivity is through Bluetooth. One of the things to be bothered about is it doesn’t support multiple devices at a time. But switching devices is easy. Connectivity to devices under 40-meter radii is flawless. I didn’t face any issues like connectivity breakage and the need for reconnection.
The mic is inbuilt in both headphones; the voice is so clear to the opposite person during calls. Built of this wireless ok; they are delicate. Hard drop from a height will surely break the. If you can compromise with the built quality and use them carefully, you can surely go for them. The brand offers a warranty of one year. If you face any technical issues during the warranty period, get them replaced or repaired.
The noise cancellation feature in these headphones is outstanding. These headphones cancel out most of the surrounding sound. Even the noise during calls cancels totally. If we say, in the entire list, these Sony wireless headphones have the best voice cancellation and offer the best value for your money. At present, you can get these earphones for around Rs 6000, during the sale you can get them even ata discount. I mean, what more we wish at this price point! Sony offers plenty of features at this price, where other brands are charging double for the same features.
Sony wireless Bluetooth headphones are available in two colours, blue and black. As we discussed, if you can compromise with the build quality, these are a fabulous pair of headphones under this price range.
- Driver size:30 mm
- Frequency range: 7 Hz-20000 Hz
- Battery life: 35 hours
- Charging time: 3.5 hours
- Warranty: One year
- Customer ratings:3.9/5
A significant investment you can make at this price point. Stunning bass with crystal clear music and noise cancellation feature is remarkable. Battery and noise cancellation features make this variant an outstanding investment.
Noise cancellation
Stunning bass
Battery life
Value for your penny
Recommended: Best Truly Wireless Earbuds Under Rs 3000
7. Philips Performance TAPH805BK Active Noise Cancelling Headphones
Philips is one of the most trustworthy brands in the purchase of any electronics. Philips rolled out many great products say it be electronics or earphones. There are many variants of earphones, headphones, and speakers from this brand. Most of the products from Philips are sort of affordable and have decent features altogether. This particular model of wireless earphones from Philips has a lot of cool features. It still a question about how Philips managed this cost cut down while offering such great features. It is also one of the best wireless Bluetooth headphones under 10,000 rupees for daily use.
Features We Like:
- Flexible design
- Excellent build quality
- Flat-folding and compact-folding
- Rapid charge
Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphones has many extraordinary features. Let’s look into some of the great features this headphone has. Design of these headphones is minimalistic and grand. Built quality is uncompromised. It is of high-quality plastic. Even after challenging uses, it survived. It passed our drop tests also. Cushion cups in these headphones are made of good quality material and is very comfortable. Even after a long hour of use, you won’t face any troubles. These are entirely foldable; you can carry them in a pouch while travelling, or in your backpack, this won’t take up a lot of space. If you have any fit issue, you can extend them and adjust as per your comfort.
Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphonessupports high-resolution audio playbacks. When working with a guitar or piano, every note can be heard crystal clear. Proper resolution of these wireless headphones is top-notch. Most of the other headphones don’t have this particular feature. High definition music with stunning bass. Philips offers a one-year brand warranty. During this time if any technical issue raises, you can get that fixed by contacting the customer care.
Customer satisfaction is also great regarding this product. There are many great reviews of these wireless headphones on many platforms. This particular headphone is not available in Amazon or Flipkart. If you are interested in getting these, you have ordered them some retail websites. But believe our delivery is as smooth as amazon’s delivery. Warranty is also from the brand manufacturer not from a retailer. So, there will not be any issues.
Button controls in these wireless headphones are very responsive; for switching on the headphones press the button for three seconds. To connect the headphones to a device press and hold the button till the headphones tell it as connected. Switching between devices is very fast. The auto-connecting option is not available in these headphones. Increasing or decreasing the volume or pausing the video or call is made easy using the slide.
Noise cancellation feature of these headphones is stunning. It prevents most of the surrounding noise, allowing you to listen to music without any sort of disturbance. These earphones have a battery life of whopping 30 hours. It takes about 1.5 hours to get ultimately charged. Even when you are out of charging, you can use the wire and connect them to your device. Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphones are compatible with all the tools. They can connect with Apple, Android or your Tv. Buttons on the headphones can also be used to control the voice assistant be it, Alexa or Siri. It works well with all the devices.
- Driver size: 40 mm
- Frequency range: 7 Hz – 40 kHz
- Battery life: 30 Hours
- Charging time: 1.5 Hours
- Warranty:
- Customer ratings: 4.1/5
Philips PH802 Hi-Res Audio Wireless Over-Ear Headphonesperformed phenomenally in all our test. All the features in these headphones are unique. No cons even after weeks of use. You can completely go for these. These might be only wireless headphone in the list without cons.
Value for your money
High-resolution audio
Thumping bass
Great battery life
Fast charge
Huge build quality issue
No carry case
A bit on the heavier side
That’s all we’ve got for Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones Under Rs 10,000 in India. If you’re still confused or having difficulty in choosing good wireless headphones then you can always ask us your queries using the comment sections and we will do our best to help you find the best wireless bluetooth headphones under Rs 10,000 in India.