华硕 ZenWiFi(ASUS ZenWiFi)提升无线覆盖范围
远程工作(Remote work)和在线教育意味着大量使用互联网。这就是为什么在家中拥有良好的 Wi-Fi 覆盖范围会有所帮助的原因。为了解决这个问题,华硕(ASUS)有一长串网状 Wi-Fi 产品,其中最新的是华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 和华硕 ZenWiFi AX (XT8)(ASUS ZenWiFi AX (XT8))。它们都具有最新的硬件、包含防病毒软件的高级固件、家长控制和高级 QoS(Advanced QoS),以确保您永远不会出现带宽不足的情况。即使您的孩子在您在家办公和参加视频会议时在(home office)Netflix上播放 4K 电影也不例外。
ZenWiFi AX ( XT8 ) 还支持最新的 Wi-Fi 6 标准。有了它,您可以在笔记本电脑、智能手机和其他兼容设备上享受尽可能快的 Wi-Fi 速度。
如果您不喜欢网状Wi-Fi,那么功能强大的路由器是个好主意。尤其是当您的家人都在家时,您必须远程工作时使用互联网,而不会出现延迟和不必要的中断。购买像ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)这样功能强大的Wi-Fi 6 路由器可以帮助您确保您不必担心有太多人同时使用Wi-Fi。您的路由器无法应对增加的 Wi-Fi 带宽(Wi-Fi bandwidth)使用或许多设备同时连接到网络的日子已经一去不复返了。
如果您更喜欢更实用且不那么昂贵的路由器,华硕 RT-AX58U(ASUS RT-AX58U)是一个绝佳的选择,它支持Wi-Fi 6、最新硬件和高级安全功能。
如果您已经拥有带Wi-Fi 6的路由器或网状 Wi-Fi 系统,并且想要升级您的台式电脑以从更快的网络连接(faster network connection)中受益,请考虑使用像华硕 PCE-AX58BT这样的(ASUS PCE-AX58BT)网卡(network card)。它将把您的 Wi-Fi连接速度(connection speed)提升到一个全新的水平。
如果您不想赶上 Wi-Fi 6 的潮流,华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC2900(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC2900)是一个不错的选择。该路由器是久经考验的设计的对游戏玩家友好的演变。
它的RGB 照明(RGB lighting)系统看起来很棒,固件包含大量工具和功能,包括许多游戏玩家感兴趣的工具和功能。想要使用成熟的无线(mature wireless)标准(如 Wi-Fi 5 )获得最佳 Wi-Fi 的用户一定要检查一下。
您可能不得不在家中使用商务笔记本电脑(business laptop)工作,并且您可能会错过办公室的双屏设置。如果您的办公桌(home desk)上没有太多空间,您可以选择像华硕 ZenScreen MB16AC(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AC)这样的便携式显示器。它非常适合作为第二台显示器,它可以连接到您的笔记本电脑、台式电脑、智能手机或平板电脑。
适用于工作和游戏(work and gaming)的创新且功能强大的笔记本电脑
华硕 ZenBook Pro Duo(ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo)及其小兄弟ZenBook Duo是两款顶级笔记本电脑,凭借其卓越的设计赢得了2020 年 iF 设计奖。(iF Design Award 2020)
我们在Digital Citizen上回顾了ZenBook Pro Duo,我们发现它是一款创新的笔记本电脑,外观令人印象深刻,手感也很好。它的两个屏幕可让您完成前几代笔记本电脑无法完成的事情。无论您做什么,从运行Office 应用程序(Office apps)到视频编辑或软件开发(software development),性能也都非常出色。
如果您喜欢游戏或想要游戏笔记本电脑的强大功能,请查看2020 年iF设计奖的另一位获奖者(Design Award 2020)ASUS ROG Zephyrus S (GX502)。
它采用纤薄的设计、干净、耐用的构造、出色的显示屏(刷新率为 144Hz 或 240Hz)以及充足的硬件功能(hardware power)以实现高性能。它是一款在将强大的规格与空间效率(space efficiency)相结合方面做得非常出色的笔记本电脑。
如果您想使用File History或其他类似解决方案备份您的工作数据,最好购买一个外部硬盘,例如ASUS FX HDD。这个小巧的配件看起来很棒,它有大量的存储选项,运行良好,并且很好地融入了华硕 ROG 生态系统(ASUS ROG ecosystem)。
一些在家工作或学习的人有宠物和/或有孩子的家庭。他们可能需要通过Skype(Skype)、Zoom、Webex和其他平台加入远程会议,或者拨打比平时更多的电话以跟上他们的工作或学习进度。对于这种情况,最好使用具有降噪功能的耳机,以防止在会议中听到您周围的人和宠物的声音。ASUS ROG Strix Go 2.4是一款创新的无线耳机(wireless headset),可通过USB Type-C连接到您的笔记本电脑、智能手机、控制台或台式电脑。耳机采用轻巧的设计和便携包(carry bag),便于随身携带使用和保护(use and protection)。其降噪麦克风可在工作和娱乐中实现清晰的(work and play)语音通信(voice communication),而其密封腔体和 40 毫米ASUS Essence驱动器可提供丰富的声音和优化的深沉低音,带来身临其境的音频体验(audio experience)。
如果你喜欢更轻巧的东西,你可以试试华硕 ROG Cetra(ASUS ROG Cetra)。它们具有符合人体工程学的设计,具有三种尺寸的耳胶和耳片,以及一对泡沫耳塞,以确保安全和舒适的佩戴。这款耳机具有主动降噪(Active Noise Cancellation)和创新的环境(Ambient)模式,可帮助您沉浸其中而不会分心,同时让您能够在需要时让外界的声音进入。您可以通过USB Type-C 端口将(USB Type-C port)ASUS ROG Cetra连接到任何智能手机、笔记本电脑、PC 或控制台。
适用于高效笔记本电脑和台式PC(PC use)的多功能鼠标(versatile mouse)
如果您想在家中提高工作效率,最好在笔记本电脑上配备一个出色的鼠标,而不是使用那个烦人的触控板。你可以试试华硕 ROG Strix Carry 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Carry mouse)。它是一款小巧而精确的无线鼠标(wireless mouse),具有蓝牙和 Wi-Fi 连接功能(Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity)。它配有一个小旅行包(travel bag)、两节 AA 电池和两个备用欧姆龙(Omron)开关,可以使用多年。
如果您想要更灵活的鼠标,可以看看华硕 ROG Pugio II(ASUS ROG Pugio II),它可以通过USB、蓝牙(Bluetooth)或Wi-Fi连接到任何笔记本电脑或 PC 。您可以使用三种不同的连接方法将它连接到三台计算机,并在它们之间轻松切换。
(Versatile)适用于专业艺术家的多功能PC 和显示器
如果您是专业艺术家,并且必须在家工作,从事照片编辑(photo editing)、视频编辑(video editing)、建筑、工程、动画或其他艺术形式,您可能需要像ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90这样功能强大的工作站。它的名称中包含“ Mini PC ”字样,但这是一种误导。这台电脑高大而强大。没有它不能很好地执行的任务。如果您正在寻找相当过时的Mac Pro的强大替代品,ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90是您可以做出的最佳选择之一。
作为补充,您还可以看看ASUS ProArt PA32UC 显示器(ASUS ProArt PA32UC monitor)。对于想要出色的色彩再现(color reproduction)、HDR和硬件校准(hardware calibration)的人来说,这是一个很好的选择。为了让事情变得更好,它的可调节支架允许您以任何您希望满足您需要的方式倾斜、高度、枢轴和旋转显示器,无论您做什么。
远程(Remote)工作和在线学习正变得越来越普遍。创新产品和技术(如本文中提到的那些)可以帮助您享受有益的远程(rewarding remote) 工作体验(work experience)。在结束之前,请告诉我们您更喜欢哪些解决方案和产品用于远程工作以及原因。您是否有兴趣升级家中的Wi-Fi或购买功能更强大的笔记本电脑?投资购买具有降噪功能的优质耳机怎么样?在下方发表评论(Comment),让我们分享远程工作和学习(work and study)的想法和个人经验。
ASUS products for remote work and online learning
Remote work or online schooling may not be easy and familіаr, but that doeѕ not mean that іt can't be done or that you cannot be productive. With the right tools, you can get the job done just as fast or even fаster than at work or at schоol. Perfоrming the first step for remote wоrk or online learnіng from home is easier than it seems, and ΑSUS offers some cutting–edge deνices to help facilitate the transitіon:
Increased wireless coverage with ASUS ZenWiFi
Remote work and online schooling mean using the internet intensively. That's why it helps to have great Wi-Fi coverage in your home. To help with that, ASUS has a long list of mesh Wi-Fi products, the most recent of which are ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) and ASUS ZenWiFi AX (XT8). They both feature up-to-date hardware, advanced firmware with antivirus included, parental controls, and Advanced QoS for making sure that you're never out of bandwidth. Not even if your children are streaming 4K movies on Netflix while you work and join video conferences in your home office.
ZenWiFi AX (XT8) also features support for the latest Wi-Fi 6 standard. With it, you can enjoy the maximum possible Wi-Fi speed on your laptop, smartphone, and other compatible devices.
Next-generation wireless routers
If mesh Wi-Fi isn't your thing, a powerful router is a great idea. This is true especially when all your family is at home, using the internet while you have to work remotely, without lag and unwanted interruptions. Buying a powerful Wi-Fi 6 router like the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 helps you ensure that you don't have to worry about having too many people using the Wi-Fi at the same time. Gone are the days when your router could not cope with increased Wi-Fi bandwidth use or with many devices simultaneously connected to the network.
If you prefer a router that is more down-to-earth and not as expensive, ASUS RT-AX58U is an excellent choice that delivers support for Wi-Fi 6, up-to-date hardware, and advanced security features.
If you already have a router or mesh Wi-Fi system with Wi-Fi 6, and you want to upgrade your desktop PC to benefit from a faster network connection, consider a network card like the ASUS PCE-AX58BT. It is going to boost your Wi-Fi connection speed to a whole new level.
If you don't want to jump on the Wi-Fi 6 bandwagon, a great choice is the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC2900. This router is the gamer-friendly evolution of a tried and tested design.
Its RGB lighting system looks great, the firmware is packed with an extensive number of tools and features, including many that are interesting to gamers. Users who want the best possible Wi-Fi using mature wireless standards like Wi-Fi 5 should definitely check it out.
Portable monitors for a quick dual-screen setup
You may have to work from home on your business laptop, and you may miss the dual-screen setup from the office. If you don't have much space on your home desk, you can opt for a portable monitor like the ASUS ZenScreen MB16AC. It's great as a second monitor, and it can be connected to your laptop, desktop PC, smartphone, or tablet.
When you need to travel, it is easy to carry. It can be used anywhere, as long as you have a table to put it on. With the ZenScreen, you can handle spreadsheets like a champ, work on multiple documents at the same time, or tackle any other task that benefits from screen real estate.
Innovative and powerful laptops for both work and gaming
ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo and its smaller brother - ZenBook Duo - are two top-of-the-line laptops that have won the iF Design Award 2020 for their remarkable design.
We reviewed the ZenBook Pro Duo here at Digital Citizen, and we found it to be an innovative laptop, that looks impressive and feels well built. Its two screens allow you to do things that weren't possible on previous generations of laptops. The performance is also excellent no matter what you do, from running Office apps to video editing or software development.
If you are into gaming or you want the power of a gaming laptop, take a look at the ASUS ROG Zephyrus S (GX502), another winner of the iF Design Award 2020.
It has a thin design, with a clean, durable build, a great display (with a 144Hz or 240Hz refresh rate), and plenty of hardware power for high performance. It is the kind of laptop that does an excellent job at combining powerful specs with space efficiency.
If you want to backup your work data with File History or another similar solution, it is a good idea to invest in an external hard disk, like the ASUS FX HDD. This tiny accessory looks great, it has generous storage options, it works well, and it integrates nicely in the ASUS ROG ecosystem.
Headsets with noise cancellation for remote meetings or classes
Some people working or studying from home have pets and/or families with children. They may need to join remote meetings through Skype, Zoom, Webex, and other platforms or make more phone calls than usual to keep up with their jobs or studies. For such situations, it is a good idea to use a headset with noise cancellation, to prevent the people and the pets around you from being heard in your meetings. ASUS ROG Strix Go 2.4 is an innovative wireless headset that can be connected through USB Type-C to your laptop, your smartphone, your console, or your desktop PC. The headset has a lightweight design and a carry bag for on-the-go use and protection. Its noise-canceling microphone enables crystal-clear voice communication for both work and play, while its airtight chambers and 40 mm ASUS Essence drivers deliver a rich sound with optimized deep bass for an immersive audio experience.
If you prefer something even more lightweight, you can try the ASUS ROG Cetra. They have an ergonomic design, with three sizes of ear gels and fins, and a pair of foam ear tips to ensure a secure and comfortable fit. This headset has Active Noise Cancellation and an innovative Ambient mode that helps you immerse yourself without distraction, while giving you the ability to let the sounds of the outside world in, when needed. You can connect the ASUS ROG Cetra to any smartphone, laptop, PC, or console with a USB Type-C port.
A versatile mouse for productive laptop and desktop PC use
When you want to be productive at home, it is good to have a great mouse with your laptop, instead of using that annoying trackpad. You could try the ASUS ROG Strix Carry mouse. It is a small and precise wireless mouse with both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity. It comes with a small travel bag, two AA batteries, and two spare Omron switches to click on it for years.
If you want an even more flexible mouse, take a look at the ASUS ROG Pugio II, which can be connected to any laptop or PC through USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi. You can connect it to three computers using three different connection methods and switch between them with ease.
It doesn't get more flexible than this!
Versatile PCs and displays for professional artists
If you are a professional artist, and you have to work from home, doing photo editing, video editing, architecture, engineering, animation, or other art forms, you might need a powerful workstation like ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90. Its name includes the words "Mini PC," but that is misleading. This PC is tall and powerful. There is no task that it cannot perform well. If you are looking for powerful alternatives to the rather outdated Mac Pro, ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is one of the best choices you can make.
To complement it, you can also take a look at the ASUS ProArt PA32UC monitor. It is a great choice for people who want excellent color reproduction, HDR, and hardware calibration. To make things even better, its adjustable stand allows you to tilt, height, pivot, and swivel the monitor any way you wish to fit your needs no matter what you do.
Which solutions do you prefer for remote work?
Remote working and online learning are becoming more commonplace. Innovative products and technologies, like those mentioned in this article, can help you enjoy a rewarding remote work experience. Before closing, tell us which solutions and products you prefer for remote work and why. Are you interested in upgrading the Wi-Fi in your home or purchasing a more powerful laptop? What about investing in a good headset with noise-cancellation? Comment below and let's share ideas and personal experiences with remote work and study.