您是否正在(Are)为您的计算机寻找新的笔记本电脑或显示器(laptop or monitor)?您(Did)是否听说过诸如Pantone Validated电子产品之类的新奇事物?您是需要使用准确颜色的设计或出版领域的专业人士吗?(design or publishing field)如果您对这些问题中的任何一个回答是肯定的,那么您可能有兴趣了解更多关于Pantone是什么以及Pantone Validated设备提供什么的信息。阅读本文并了解有关此主题的更多信息:
什么是Pantone(匹配系统(Matching System)),为什么重要?
如果您在与设计师或印刷系统合作的领域工作,您可能听说过Pantone。通俗地讲,人们在谈论颜色时,指的是Pantone,实际上是指Pantone [Color] Matching System(Pantone [Color] Matching System)。简而言之,Pantone Matching System 是一个标准颜色的大型数据库,(Pantone Matching System is a large database of standard colors)如果您愿意,也可以是一个通用颜色系统。(a universal color system)Pantone颜色通过Pantone X 或 PMS X(Pantone X or PMS X)形式的固定数字标识,其中 X 是分配给您所指颜色的数字。例如,Pantone 2019 年的颜色称为Pantone 16-1546,也称为活珊瑚(Living Coral)。
例如,如果我们想告诉您我们国家国旗使用的颜色,我们可以告诉您它们是蓝色、黄色和红色。但是,这可能会让您想知道为什么罗马尼亚的国旗颜色与(Romania)乍得(Chad)的相同,也是蓝色、黄色和红色。就连埃隆·马斯克( Elon Musk )不久前也在推特上(Twitter)问过这个问题。🙂

如果我们想具体一点,并确保我们告诉您罗马尼亚(Romania)国旗使用的确切颜色(exact colors),我们会告诉您它们是Pantone 280c 116c 186c。虽然这两个旗帜相似,但乍得(Chad)的旗帜颜色是Pantone 281c 116c 186c。布鲁斯略有不同,但它们仍然不同且不一样。如果没有像Pantone这样的配色系统,我们将无法做到如此具体。
另一个例子:想想可口可乐(Coca Cola)的设计师和他们公司的特定红色(在Pantone中,它是 2347c)。想象一下,如果设计师使用公司的传统颜色创建一个新标志,并且当他们将新的瓶子标签发送到印刷机时,这些印刷机将使用不同的红色会发生什么情况。它不会是一样的,不是吗?它可能不仅会影响公司的品牌,还会影响他们的收入,因为人们习惯于通过其特定的深红色来快速识别可口可乐。(Coca Cola)

在与设计或印刷相关的领域中,依赖于颜色关键决策,了解所使用的确切颜色至关重要。因此,提供通用色彩语言的(color language)Pantone 匹配系统(Pantone Matching System)被图形、时尚、包装、建筑、化妆品、工业设计、家具、消费品等各个市场的设计师、生产商、品牌和制造商广泛使用,企业品牌,等等。
什么是 Pantone 验证的?
现在我们知道,如果没有像Pantone这样的配色系统,事情很容易搞砸。所有这些都引出了下一个问题:Pantone Validated是什么意思,为什么它很重要?Pantone Validated 是一项认证,可告诉您电子设备是否符合 Pantone 匹配系统的颜色标准(Pantone Validated is a certification that tells you whether an electronic device complies with the color standards from the Pantone Matching System)。通过电子设备,我们理解诸如计算机、笔记本电脑、电视(TVs)、投影仪等使用的显示器。所有经过Pantone 验证(Pantone Validated)的设备都应该贴有经过Pantone 验证的标签:您可以(Pantone Validated)在下图中(image below)看到它的外观。

如果您的显示器经过Pantone 验证(Pantone Validated),为什么这很重要?
对于普通电脑用户来说,他们使用的显示器或笔记本电脑是否经过Pantone 验证(Pantone Validated)可能并不重要。但是,对于从事色彩工作并认为色彩保真度至关重要(color fidelity essential)的专业人士来说,拥有Pantone Validated设备可能是必须具备的。

有些人可能会争辩说,彩通匹配系统(Pantone Matching System)起源于印刷界(printing world),它没有也不能涵盖显示器可以显示的所有颜色。虽然这是真的,因为电子显示器可以显示更多的颜色(它们具有更大的色域(color gamut)),但这并不意味着经过Pantone 验证(Pantone Validated)的显示器没有用处。如果您在我们之前提到的创意领域之一工作,例如出版,则经过相应校准的Pantone 验证(Pantone Validated)屏幕可确保您在其上看到的颜色也是您发送到印刷或发送给其他人的颜色例如,一起工作。
哪些公司提供经过 Pantone 验证(Pantone Validated)的显示器?
目前,提供Pantone Validated显示器的制造商并不多,但它们的数量肯定会增加。目前,上市销售Pantone Validated显示器(独立屏幕或集成显示器)的公司是Acer、ASUS(包括游戏玩家共和国(Republic of Gamers)阵容中的一些设备)和BenQ。您可以在此处找到完整列表:Pantone Validated Displays。

Pantone 验证的内容不是
如果一个显示器被宣传为通过Pantone 验证,(Pantone Validated,)这并不意味着Pantone 匹配系统(Pantone Matching System)之外的颜色得到了很好的表现。那是因为彩通(Pantone)系统是从印刷中诞生的,并没有涵盖现代屏幕可以显示的全部颜色范围。这就是为什么在购买经过Pantone 验证(Pantone Validated)的笔记本电脑或显示器(laptop or display)时,您还应该检查其关于常用sRGB 色彩空间(sRGB color space)的广告色域的规格,或者,如果您正在处理视频,还应查看新的DCI-P3 色彩空间(DCI-P3 color space)。
Pantone是一家由劳伦斯·赫伯特( Lawrence Herbert )于 1962 年创立的公司,用于为化妆品制作色卡。Lawrence Herbert是一家名为M&J Levine Advertising的(M & J Levine Advertising)印刷公司(printing company)的雇员。他利用自己的化学技能将公司使用的墨水和颜色系统化,并在从雇主那里购买后,仅仅一年后的 1963 年,他开发了第一个配色系统(color matching system)。
如今,Pantone是一家总部位于美国(New Jersey)新泽西(United)州(States)卡尔施塔特的(Carlstadt)有限责任公司(liability company)。2007年被色彩测量和管理产品(color measurement and management products)制造商爱色丽(X-Rite)收购。然后,在 2012 年,爱色丽(X-Rite)被丹纳赫公司收购(Danaher Corporation)。
当您购买下一台笔记本电脑或显示器时,您会寻找经过Pantone 验证的(Pantone Validated one)吗?
现在您对Pantone(Pantone)以及Pantone Validated的含义有了更多的了解。您是需要这种显示器的颜色专业人士吗?或者您只是想了解更多关于为什么一些公司吹嘘他们新的Pantone Validated笔记本电脑的信息?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
What is Pantone Validated when it comes to laptops and displays?
Are you on the lookout for a new laptoр or mоnitor for your comрuter? Did you hear аbout novelties such aѕ Pantone Validated electronics? Are you a professional from a design or publishing field who needs to work with accurate colors? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested to learn more about what Pantone is, and what Pantone Validated devices offer. Read this article and find out more on this subject:
What is Pantone (Matching System), and why does it matter?
If you work in a field that works with designers or printing systems, you've probably heard about Pantone. Colloquially, people refer to Pantone when they are talking about colors, actually referring to the Pantone [Color] Matching System. Put simply, the Pantone Matching System is a large database of standard colors, or a universal color system if you prefer. Pantone colors are identified through fixed numbers in the form of Pantone X or PMS X, where X is the number allocated to the color to which you are referring to. For instance, the Pantone color of the year 2019 is called Pantone 16-1546, otherwise known as Living Coral.
If you are wondering why a system like Pantone would be useful, the answer is that, regardless of where they are located, different people or companies can use it to identify and match the same colors they use.
For example, if we'd want to tell you the colors used by our country's flag, we could tell you that they're blue, yellow, and red. However, that might make you wonder why Romania's flag colors are the same as those of Chad's, which are also blue, yellow, and red. Even Elon Musk asked this question on Twitter a while ago. 🙂

If we would want to be specific and make sure that we tell you the exact colors used by Romania's flag, we would tell you that they're Pantone 280c 116c 186c. Although the two flags are similar, Chad's flag colors are Pantone 281c 116c 186c. The blues differ slightly, but they're still dissimilar and not the same. Without a color matching system like Pantone, we would not be able to be so specific.
Another example: think about the designers of Coca Cola and their company's specific red color (in Pantone, it's 2347c). Imagine what would happen if the designers created a new logo using the company's traditional color, and, when they would send the new bottle labels to the printing machines, those printing machines would use a different red color. It wouldn't be the same, wouldn't it? It might affect not only the company's brand but also their income, because people are used to quickly identify Coca Cola by its specific crimson red color.

In domains related to design or printing, that rely on color-critical decisions, knowing the exact colors used is of the utmost importance. As a consequence, the Pantone Matching System, which offers a universal color language, is widely used by designers, producers, brands, and manufacturers from various markets such as graphics, fashion, packaging, architecture, cosmetics, industrial design, furniture, consumer goods, corporate branding, and so on.
What is Pantone Validated?
Now we know that, without a color matching system such as Pantone, things could easily get messed up. And all of that brings up the next issue: what does Pantone Validated mean and why is it important? Pantone Validated is a certification that tells you whether an electronic device complies with the color standards from the Pantone Matching System. By electronic devices, we understand displays such as those used by computers, laptops, TVs, projectors and so on. All the Pantone Validated devices should have the Pantone Validated sticker on them: you can see what it looks like in the image below.

Why does it matter if your display is Pantone Validated?
For regular computer users, it might not matter much whether the displays or laptops they use are Pantone Validated. However, for professionals who work with colors and consider color fidelity essential, having Pantone Validated devices is likely a must-have.

Some might argue that the Pantone Matching System originates from the printing world and it does not and cannot cover all the colors that a display can show. Although that's true, as electronic displays can show a larger amount of colors (they have a larger color gamut), it does not mean the Pantone Validated displays are not useful. If you work in one of the creative areas that we've mentioned before, such as publishing, a Pantone Validated screen that is calibrated accordingly ensures that the colors you see on it are also the ones you send to printing or to the other people you work with, for example.
Which companies offer Pantone Validated displays?
At the moment, there are not many manufacturers that offer Pantone Validated displays, but their number is surely going to increase. For now, the companies listed as selling Pantone Validated displays (stand-alone screens or integrated displays) are Acer, ASUS (including some devices from the Republic of Gamers lineup), and BenQ. You can find the full list here: Pantone Validated Displays.

What Pantone Validated is not
If a display is advertised as being Pantone Validated, it does not mean that the colors outside of the Pantone Matching System are well represented. That's because the Pantone system was born from printing and does not cover the entire range of colors that a modern screen can display. That's why, when buying a laptop or display that's Pantone Validated, you should also check its specifications regarding the advertised gamuts for the commonly used sRGB color space or, if you're working with video, also for the new DCI-P3 color space.
In the end, a few bits of history about Pantone
Pantone is a company that was founded in 1962 by Lawrence Herbert and used to create color cards for cosmetics. Lawrence Herbert was an employee at a printing company called M & J Levine Advertising. He used his chemistry skills to systematize the inks and colors used by the company and, after buying it from its employers, just one year later in 1963, he developed the first color matching system.
Nowadays, Pantone is a limited liability company based in the United States, in Carlstadt, New Jersey. In 2007, it was bought by X-Rite, a manufacturer of color measurement and management products. Then, in 2012, X-Rite was purchased by the Danaher Corporation.
When you buy your next laptop or display, will you look for a Pantone Validated one?
Now you know more about Pantone and what Pantone Validated means. Are you a professional working with colors in need of such a display? Or were you just interested in finding out more about why some companies brag about their new Pantone Validated laptops? Comment below and let's discuss.