在Facebook 上(Facebook)保持私密很重要。它是最大的社交媒体网站,全球数十亿人可以访问您的公开信息。
以下是一些提示和提醒,您可以利用它们在Facebook 上(Facebook)保持私密并重新控制互联网对您的了解。

要到达那里,请选择Facebook(Facebook)右上角的箭头,然后选择Activity Log。

请注意您在Facebook 上(Facebook)与谁分享内容
相反,选择朋友(Friends)或特定朋友(Specific friends )来限制帖子的可见性。您可以通过选择文本框下方的按钮对某些人隐藏您的 Facebook 帖子;(hide your Facebook post from certain people)它最有可能被称为Friends。

聊天是Facebook(Facebook)内置的,可以让你所有的朋友知道你是否在线。事实上,任何人都可以轻松地随时查看您在电脑或手机上的时间,因为让我们面对现实吧,您可能也在Facebook 上(Facebook)。
如果您不希望其他人知道您何时浏览Facebook,请通过将其限制为仅限某些朋友或对所有人不可见来隐藏您的 Facebook 在线状态。(hide your Facebook online status)您可以从侧边栏管理您在Facebook聊天中的可见性;选择齿轮图标,然后选择关闭活动状态(Turn Off Active Status)。

您的朋友可能不介意在您的Facebook个人资料上公开显示,但如果您想在Facebook 上(Facebook)保持私密,他们是第一个应该离开的人。幸运的是,您不必
好友,都无法窥探您在Facebook 上(Facebook)添加的人。

禁用反向电子邮件(Reverse Email)和号码搜索(Number Searches)
如果有人知道您注册Facebook时使用的电子邮件地址或电话号码,他们可以通过简单的Facebook搜索找到您的个人资料。即使您的电话号码和电子邮件地址在Facebook 上(Facebook)都看不到也是如此!
要禁用这些功能,请从设置中打开隐私(Privacy)并点击这两项右侧的编辑链接:(Edit )谁可以使用您提供的电子邮件地址查找您?(Who can look you up using the
email address you provided?)谁可以使用您提供的电话号码查找您?(Who
can look you up using the phone number you provided?). 将它们更改为只有我(Only me)或选择您信任的朋友,以便只有他们可以进行这种搜索。

阻止搜索引擎(Stop Search Engines From)列出您的个人资料
在隐私(Privacy)中,选择您是否希望 Facebook 以外的搜索引擎链接到您的个人资料(Do you want search engines outside of
Facebook to link to your profile?)旁边的编辑?(Edit),然后取消选中该框。使用关闭(Turn Off)按钮确认。

(Limit Tags)限制其他朋友可以看到的标签
有些人喜欢将私人信息直接发送到公共时间线上。如果您不喜欢其他朋友看到此类帖子,您可以从Timeline 和 Tagging(Timeline and Tagging)禁用该功能。编辑谁可以看到其他人在您的时间线上发布的内容?(Who
can see what others post on your timeline? )设置限制的选项。

停止让任何人将内容添加(Stop Letting Anyone Add Things)到您的时间线
您可能在Facebook 上(Facebook)发生的一件真正令人讨厌的事情是,您的朋友可能会通过在各种事物中标记您来弄乱您的时间线,甚至可能是您不希望其他人与您关联的图片或视频。
解决这个问题的方法是迫使Facebook让你在每一篇文章被添加到你的时间线之前对其进行审查。在Timeline and Tagging中,在帖子出现在您的时间轴上之前(Review posts you’re tagged in
before the post appears on your timeline?)编辑名为 Review posts 的项目?. 选择启用(Enabled)。

删除(Delete)您的Facebook 位置记录(Facebook Location History)
尽管所有这些信息都是私密的,但知道Facebook保留了所有这些信息仍然有点令人不安。要从Facebook(Facebook)删除您的位置数据,请打开位置历史记录视图(Location History View)页面,按右上角的三点菜单,然后选择删除所有位置历史记录(Delete all location history)。

9 Tips for Better Privacy on Facebook
Staying private on Facebook is important. It’s
the biggest social media site around, and billions of people worldwide have
acceѕs to уour information if it’s public.
If you’re not sure how to navigate the privacy
settings or what they all mean, accidentally posting something you wanted to
remain hidden, or sharing the wrong item, becomes way too easy.
Below are several tips and reminders that you
can take advantage of to stay private on Facebook and regain control over what
the internet knows about you.

Review Your Activity Log
Activity Log is an area of Facebook that shows
all the different things you’ve been doing recently. What you liked, which
images you uploaded, the events you engaged in, your comments, etc. This is a
central hub that you should monitor frequently if you want a recap of what
others are seeing about you.
To get there, select the arrow at the very top
right corner of Facebook, and choose Activity

Post to Specific Friends Only
Be aware of who you share things with on
Facebook. When you post something, don’t just choose the public option unless
you’re absolutely sure that you want literally anyone who stumbles on your
profile to see the post.
Instead, choose Friends or Specific friends to limit the post’s visibility. You can hide your Facebook post from certain people by selecting the button under the text box; it’s most likely called Friends.

Hide Your Online Status
Chat is built-in to Facebook, and can let all
your friends know whether you’re online. In fact, it’s an easy way for anyone
to see when you’re on your computer or phone at any given time, because let’s
face it, you’re probably on Facebook, too.
If you don’t like others knowing when you’re browsing Facebook, hide your Facebook online status by restricting it to just certain friends or going invisible to everyone. You can manage your visibility in Facebook chat from the sidebar; select the gear icon and then choose Turn Off Active Status.

Restrict Who Can See Your Friends List
Your friends might not mind being publicly
visible on your Facebook profile, but if you like to stay private on Facebook,
they’re the first that should go. Fortunately, you don’t have to delete your
Facebook friends just to hide them.
Go to Privacy
in the settings of your account to find the option to change who can see your
list of friends. Change it to certain people only or limit its visibility to
just you. Now, anyone who visits your profile, whether they’re a Facebook
friend or not, won’t be able to snoop through who you’ve added on Facebook.

Disable Reverse Email and Number Searches
If someone knows your email address or phone
number that you signed up for Facebook with, they can find your profile through
a simple Facebook search. This is true even if your phone number and email
address aren’t even visible on Facebook!
To disable these functions, open Privacy from settings and hit the Edit link to the right of both of these
items: Who can look you up using the
email address you provided? and Who
can look you up using the phone number you provided?. Change them to Only me or pick select friends that you
trust so that only they can do this kind of search.

Stop Search Engines From Listing Your Profile
Anyone looking up your name and location on
Google or another search engine can most likely find your Facebook profile. It
really doesn’t take much. Fortunately, you can prevent your Facebook profile
from showing up in search engines with a single change in the settings.
In Privacy,
select Edit next to Do you want search engines outside of
Facebook to link to your profile?, and then uncheck the box. Confirm with
the Turn Off button.

Limit Tags That Other Friends Can See
Facebook is all about being social, but you
still have lots of control over how social you want to be. One example is the
option to restrict who can see what other people post on your page.
Some people like to send private messages
directly onto public timelines. If you don’t like your other friends seeing
such posts, you can disable that function from Timeline and Tagging. Edit the Who
can see what others post on your timeline? option to set up a limit.

Stop Letting Anyone Add Things to Your Timeline
One really annoying thing that you might have
happening on Facebook is that your friends can clutter up your timeline by
tagging you in all sorts of things, maybe even pictures or videos you don’t
want others to associate with you.
The way around this is to force Facebook to
make you review each and every post before they get added to your timeline. In Timeline and Tagging, edit the item
called Review posts you’re tagged in
before the post appears on your timeline?. Choose Enabled.

Delete Your Facebook Location History
If your mobile device is set up to give
Facebook access to your location, you might be shocked to find out that you can
actually go back in time to see where you were based on that information.
Facebook uses your location for things like ads, finding Wi-Fi, locating nearby
friends, etc.
Although all of this information is private, it’s still a bit unsettling to know that Facebook has retained it all. To delete your location data off of Facebook, open the Location History View page, press the three-dotted menu on the upper-right side, and select Delete all location history.

It might take a while to finish, but once the
page reloads, your location data will no longer be available and will restart
from today onward.