您可能已经看到了围绕NFT(NFTs)(不可替代代币)的所有炒作(和争议)。您可能还听说过一些人通过创建和销售NFT 赚取(NFTs)了绝对的财富。如果您是一位对创建和销售NFT(NFTs)感到好奇的 iPhone 用户,我们将解释您需要了解的所有内容,并向您展示五个应用程序和几个市场,以帮助您入门。
什么是 NFT?
了解什么是 NFT 取决于对区块链技术(blockchain technology)和加密货币的一些先验知识。别担心——您不需要深厚的技术知识,只需要基础知识!
NFT(NFTs)的工作方式与此完全相同,但主要区别在于名称:NFT(NFTs)是不可替代的(non-fungible)!可替代资产是黄金、白银、纸币,实际上还有加密货币。一个 100 美元和另一个的价值没有区别。一磅白银可以换一磅白银,没有区别。这就是可替代性。
NFT 不是对象!
“铸造”一个 NFT
虽然铸造你的NFT在实践中并不难,但它不是免费的!创建、销售和购买NFT 都会(NFTs)产生费用。
NFT 代币标准(NFT Token Standards)和智能合约(Smart Contracts)
在撰写本文时,在以太坊区块(Ethereum)链上制作NFT(NFTs)有两个标准:ERC-721 和ERC-1155。第一个以太坊代(Ethereum)币标准ERC-20用于制作可替代代币,而不是NFT(NFTs)。
NFT(NFTs)目前几乎总是在以太坊区块(Ethereum)链 ( ETH ) 上提供。以太坊(Ethereum)的独特之处在于它需要“gas”来执行交易或处理区块链应用程序代码,例如所谓的“智能合约”。你需要 gas 来创建、出售和购买NFT(NFTs)。
这就是为什么在你做任何与 NFT 相关的事情之前,你需要一个以太坊(Ethereum)钱包和以太坊(Ethereum)加密货币来支付 gas。汽油(Gas)钱流向了各种以太坊(Ethereum)“矿工”,他们提供电力和计算机硬件(例如GPU(GPUs))来运行区块链。
有一些方法可以限制在制作和销售NFT(NFTs)时必须支付的 gas 数量,例如设置 gas 限制并在执行铸币过程之前等待 gas 价格下跌。然而,在一些买家看来,铸造NFT所花费的气体与NFT的价值有关。(NFT)
如果所涉及的费用意味着您没有赚钱甚至损失一些,那么出售您的 NFT 就毫无意义。
NFT 艺术
大多数NFT(NFTs)是一种或另一种数字艺术作品。有些是由才华横溢的艺术家创作的复杂艺术品,而另一些则是简单的“生成”图像,通过随机化几个元素来创建许多“独特”图像。这些通常由Larvalabs 的 Cryptopunks(Larvalabs’ Cryptopunks)等团体收集。
像这样的数字(Digital)资产已作为NFT(NFTs)以惊人的价格出售。最著名的无疑是艺术家Beeple的 NFT,以(Beeple)6900 万美元(69 million dollars)的惊人价格售出。
用于制作 NFT 的 iPhone 应用程序
如果您尝试手动完成所有操作,制作NFT可能会很复杂,但 iPhone (NFTs)App Store上的几个应用程序部分或全部提供了一种用户友好的方式来实现它。我们汇总了一份最有前途的清单,这些清单可能是让您的NFT以最少的麻烦和成本进入市场的完美工具。
该应用程序有一个免费版本和一个名为GoArt Pro的付费订阅计划。它还具有应用内购买功能,您可以在其中购买自己喜欢的特定过滤器,而无需订阅。因此,如果您只想制作浮世绘照片,您可以一次性购买。
该应用程序的免费版本制作带有水印的照片,这不适合NFT。幸运(Luckily)的是,GoArt包含 3 天的Pro订阅试用期,所以如果您准备好一堆照片,可以在阳光普照的时候制作干草,可以这么说。请非常小心,因为如果您让 3 天期限失效,免费试用会向您收取全额年费。
2. 8位画家(8bit Painter)
8bit Painter并不是正式的NFT艺术创作者,但它已成为一种流行的工具,可以创建像(NFT)NFT(NFTs)一样流行的像素风格艺术作品。即使你不是一个艺术家,使用像素绘图也是任何人都可以通过一些练习来掌握的东西。
要制作像素艺术,您需要确定画布大小以及要在调色板中使用的 48 种颜色。然后就像选择每个像素应该是什么颜色来塑造你的图像一样简单。
Talken是一个NFT钱包,您可以使用它来管理多个链上的NFT ,包括(NFTs)以太坊(Ethereum)。它支持ERC-721和ERC-1155标准,并提供一种直接的方式来交易和出售您的加密资产,例如NFT(NFTs)。
4. NFT 创作者(NFT Creator)
NFT 创造者(NFT Creator)!本质上是一种生成艺术工具,借助元素、背景和效果的数据库,您可以快速迭代不同的NFT艺术作品。(NFT)
您可以使用自己的照片创作艺术品,也可以仅使用可用元素进行创作。NFT Creator拥有 100 多个过滤器、1000 种字体、100 种加密风格图形和 1000 个背景。
如果您想让艺术品可用于NFT(NFTs),此应用程序需要订阅,但您确实可以获得 3 天的试用期。此外,与GoArt不同,您可以将试用版与月度计划和年度计划一起使用。因此,如果您忘记及时取消,请选择每月选项。
虽然上面的应用程序可以帮助您处理NFT(NFT)流程的某些部分,但NFT GO承诺在一个应用程序中为您处理所有这些。您可以铸造自己的NFT(NFTs)、浏览其他NFT(NFTs)、购买NFT(NFTs)并将它们保存到数字钱包中。NFT GO也不仅限于以太坊(Ethereum),还允许您使用其他区块链。
NFT GO是我们在研究本文时发现的唯一完整的NFT应用程序解决方案,它是初学者入门的好地方。(NFT)它隐藏了所有复杂的东西,例如处理费用或代币标准,并为您完成。但是,铸造NFT(NFTs)可能需要很长时间,因为我们假设开发人员通过设置合理的 gas 限制来管理成本。
如何铸造和出售 NFT
第 1 步:选择市场
Coinbase作为加密货币世界的主要参与者,也在致力于Coinbase NFT,这很可能是NFT销售的热门新市场。不同的市场提供不同的福利,所以做一些研究,看看哪一个最适合你。您很可能会为您的NFT(NFTs)坚持同一个市场。
第 2 步:铸造你的 NFT
不同的市场也有自己的应用程序,或者您可以将它们与网络浏览器一起使用。虽然每个市场的铸币过程的具体细节有所不同,但您需要将您的(注资)数字钱包链接到您的市场账户,然后选择铸币功能。然后,您将上传数字资产以完成铸造过程。市场将对图像进行分类,并根据他们选择铸造NFT的方式;它的区块链信息可能包括目录号或 URL 参考。
第 3 步:列出您的 NFT
如果您进行销售,在扣除所有适用费用后,您将在钱包中收到您的钱。删除列表或更改任何内容时要小心。可能会收取额外(Additional)费用,因此在列出您的 NFT之前,请确保一切都 100% 正确。(before )
5 Apps to Create NFTs on Your iPhone and How to Sell Them
You’ve probably seen all of the hype (and contrоversy) around NFTs (non-fungiblе tokens). Yoυ mаy also have heard about some folks makіng an absolute fortυne creating and selling NFTs. Іf you’re an iPhone user who’s curious аbout creating and selling NFTs, wе’ll explaіn everything you need to know and show you five apps and several marketplaces to gеt you started.
What Is an NFT?
Understanding what an NFT is depends on a little prior knowledge of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Don’t worry — you don’t need deep technical knowledge, just the fundamentals!
The “blockchain” is a digital ledger that stores information in the form of verified blocks of transactions. Every transaction that has ever been made on the chain is permanently and publicly visible. The blockchain can’t be altered without corrupting it; only new blocks can be added to it.
Cryptocurrencies exist on the blockchain, which keeps track of how much total currency there is and who has what amount of it in their cryptocurrency “wallets,” which are something like having an account.
For example, you buy a coffee from someone and pay them with a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. You’ll move the payment in Bitcoin from your wallet to theirs. This transaction will then be confirmed by cryptocurrency “miners” all around the world and reflected in the latest update to the blockchain.
NFTs work exactly like this, but the main difference is in the name: NFTs are non-fungible! Fungible assets are things like gold, silver, paper money, and, indeed, cryptocurrency. There’s no difference in the value of one $100 and another. A pound of silver can be exchanged for another pound of silver, making no difference. That’s fungibility.
NFTs are each unique and cannot be exchanged for another NFT. The NFT itself is just a string of characters, but it is useful as proof of ownership because each is unique. An NFT can be associated with real-world property or digital items such as photos or videos without relying on any sort of central authority to keep records. As long as there’s a copy of the blockchain somewhere in the world, there’s proof that you own the NFT and, by association, the item that’s linked to it.
NFTs Are Not the Object!
It’s important to understand that none of the actual assets, in the case of digital items, are actually in the NFT. An NFT by itself does nothing to enforce your ownership or prevent the copying of your asset.
The NFT on the blockchain can contain a URL pointing to the asset or a catalog number referring to the original asset held in a database by an NFT marketplace.
As you’ve probably just realized, there’s a bit of a problem with this. While the NFT is forever, the resource it references can easily disappear. It’s important to understand this before you make, sell, or buy an NFT!
“Minting” an NFT
To make your own NFT, you have to “mint” it. That’s “minting” in the same sense as real-world coins are minted. That’s where the resemblance stops because you’re not putting precious metals into a coin stamping machine. Instead, you’re spending cryptocurrency to create a unique cryptographic token that’s permanently recorded in the blockchain.
While minting your NFT isn’t too hard in practice, it’s not free! There are fees involved in creating, selling, and buying NFTs.
NFT Token Standards and Smart Contracts
It’s easy to overlook the “T” in NFT, but it’s important to keep in mind that they are tokens. The tokenization of an asset, which is what you’re doing when minting an NFT, is done according to a standard.
At the time of writing, there are two standards for making NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain: ERC-721 and ERC-1155. The first Ethereum token standard, ERC-20, is used to make fungible tokens, not NFTs.
These standards are written in a programming language and are “smart contracts” that define how the NFT is created, managed, and transferred. The underlying NFT smart contract can contain various stipulations and metadata. When you “mint” and NFT, you’re executing smart contract code and saving it to the blockchain.
A deep-dive into token standards and smart contracts is beyond the scope of this article, but if you’re using an app or service to make NFTs on Ethereum, you should see mention of either ERC-721 or ERC-1155.
Beware of the Gas Fees!
NFTs are currently almost always offered on the Ethereum blockchain (ETH). Ethereum is unique in that it requires “gas” to execute transactions or process blockchain application code, such as so-called “smart contracts.” You need gas to create, sell, and buy NFTs.
This is why, before you can do anything NFT-related, you need an Ethereum wallet and Ethereum cryptocurrency in it to pay for gas. Gas money goes to the various Ethereum “miners” who supply the electricity and computer hardware (such as GPUs) to run the blockchain.
There are ways to limit how much gas you have to pay for when making and selling your NFTs, such as setting a gas limit and waiting for the price of gas to fall before executing the minting process. However, how much gas was spent minting an NFT is associated with how much that NFT should be worth in the eyes of some buyers.
There’s little point in selling your NFT if the fees involved mean you make no money or even lose some.
Gas fees aren’t the end of it either. If you’re using an NFT marketplace to list and sell your NFTs, they’ll also have a transaction fee and commission structure, so many different stakeholders want a piece of your sale!
Most NFTs are digital art pieces of one sort or another. Some are complex artworks created by talented artists, and others are simply “generative” images made by randomizing several elements to create many “unique” images. These are often put together in collections by groups such as Larvalabs’ Cryptopunks.
Apps that help you create NFT artwork may only be image editor applications that are geared towards making the sort of artwork that are popular as NFTs convert an existing asset you have into something that can be minted as an NFT.
Usually, the actual digital item is in a format such as GIF, PNG, or one of several video formats.
Digital assets like these have been sold as NFTs for amazing prices. The most famous is undoubtedly an NFT by artist Beeple, which sold for an eye-watering 69 million dollars.
iPhone Apps to Make NFTs
Making NFTs can be complicated if you try and do everything manually, but several apps on the App Store for iPhone partly or entirely offer a user-friendly way to make it happen. We’ve put together a list of the most promising ones that could be the perfect tool to get your NFT onto the market with the minimum of fuss and cost.
GoArt is an AI-driven application that converts your photographs into various art styles. So that, for example, a portrait photo looks like Vincent van Gogh painted it.
The app itself doesn’t help you mint or list NFTs, but it does help you format and modify photos into something that may be appealing to prospective NFT buyers.
It makes it easy to take photos you already own (and they have to be your own photos) and then make unique variants of them to create NFT collections. You might be thinking that this is just a normal art filter application that’s been rebranded with the word NFT to ride a wave of hype. You’re not completely wrong, but GoArt is genuinely useful for creating NFT artwork as an alternative to generative artworks.
The app has a free version and a paid subscription plan known as GoArt Pro. It also has in-app purchases where you can buy specific filters you like instead of subscribing. So if you just want to make ukiyo-e pictures, you can just buy that as a one-off.
The free version of the app makes photos with a watermark, which would be unsuitable for NFT. Luckily, GoArt includes a 3-day trial of the Pro subscription, so if you have a bunch of photos ready, you can make hay while the sun shines, so to speak. Just be VERY careful since the free trial charges you for the full annual fee if you let the 3-day period lapse.
8bit Painter isn’t officially an NFT art creator, but it’s become a popular tool to create pixel-style artworks that are popular as NFTs. Even if you aren’t much of an artist, drawing with pixels is something anyone can pick up with a bit of practice.
To make your pixel art, you need to decide on a canvas size and on which 48 colors you want to use in your palette. Then it’s as simple as picking what color each pixel should be to shape your image.
Okay, that makes it sound much easier than it actually is. Making good pixel art still requires an artistic eye and some planning, but zero application skill, so it’s a great place to start and a relatively fast way to create NFT artwork that’s totally unique without being too hard to make. The app is free, but you can pay a once-off fee to remove ads.
Talken is an NFT wallet that you can use to manage NFTs over multiple chains, including Ethereum. It supports both the ERC-721 and ERC-1155 standards and offers a straightforward way to trade and sell your crypto assets, such as NFTs.
NFT Creator! is essentially a generative art tool that lets you quickly iterate on different NFT art pieces thanks to a database of elements, backgrounds, and effects.
You can create your artwork using your own photos or make something using just the available elements. NFT Creator has more than 100 filters, 1000 fonts, 100 crypto-style graphics, and 1000 backgrounds.
This app requires a subscription if you want to make art usable for NFTs, but you do get a 3-day trial. Also, unlike GoArt, you can use the trial with both the monthly and annual plans. So pick the monthly option in case you forget to cancel in time.
While the apps above help you handle some part of the NFT process, NFT GO promises to handle it all for you in one app. You can mint your own NFTs, browse other NFTs, buy NFTs and save them to a digital wallet. NFT GO isn’t limited to just Ethereum either, allowing you to use other blockchains.
NFT GO is the only complete NFT app solution we found while researching this article, and it’s a great place for beginners to start. It hides all the complicated stuff, such as dealing with fees or token standards, and does it for you. It can, however, take a long time to mint your NFTs since we assume the developers are managing costs by setting sensible gas limits.
How to Mint NFTs and Sell Them
After minting your first NFT, you can sell it to someone else. When you transfer ownership of the NFT to them, you’ll no longer have any control over it, and the blockchain will permanently change to reflect the new owner.
Before you can mint an NFT, you’ll need some cryptocurrency in a digital wallet. For most NFT services, this means Ethereum is an Ethereum digital wallet. We’re not going to cover this part of the process, but there are many online wallet providers who will maintain a wallet for you and exchange normal currency for crypto.
Once you’ve gone through the whole process of selling an NFT once, it should feel more natural to sell NFTs in the future. But for now, here are the broad steps you’ll have to perform.
Step 1: Pick a Marketplace
The best place to sell anything is wherever the people are who want to buy it. There are several NFT marketplaces to choose from, but the best-known ones include:
Coinbase, which is a major player in the cryptocurrency world, is also working on Coinbase NFT, which is likely to be a hot new market for NFT sales. Different markets offer different perks, so do a little research to see which one is best for you. It’s likely that you’ll be sticking to the same market for your NFTs.
Step 2. Mint Your NFT
Some of the apps we highlighted above already offer a function to mint your NFT. Some of them even let you pick between various blockchains, not just Ethereum.
The different marketplaces also have their own apps, or you can use them with a web browser. While the specific details of the minting process differ for each market, you’ll link your (funded) digital wallet to your marketplace account and then choose the minting function. You’ll then upload the digital asset to complete the minting process. The marketplace will catalog the image and, depending on how they’ve chosen to mint the NFT; its blockchain information might include a catalog number or a URL reference.
Step 3: List Your NFT
Now that the NFT is minted and registered with the NFT market of your choice, you need to list it for sale, timed auction, or trade. Once your NFTs are listed, it’s up to you to sell them using social media or your own website for promotion.
If you get a sale, you’ll receive your money in your wallet after all applicable fees have been deducted. Be careful when taking down a listing or making changes to anything. Additional fees may apply, so make sure everything is 100% correct before listing your NFT.
Now you’re ready to get out there and make your fortune, or at least have fun while trying!