您是否需要创建一个Word 文档(Word document),其中包含您希望人们在纸上完成的清单?您想创建一个以数字方式使用的文档,并要求人们在Microsoft Word中检查清单中的复选框?在Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word)中创建清单对于打印文档来说非常简单,而对于可以在计算机上检查的表格来说则稍微复杂一些。查看如何同时执行这两项操作,以便您准备好下一个待办事项列表或带有复选框的在线表格:
注意(NOTE):本教程适用于Microsoft Office和Office 365中的(Office 365)Microsoft Word桌面版本。它不适用于Word的移动版本,例如那些在Windows 10平板电脑或Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)设备上免费提供的版本。
如何在Microsoft Word中创建用于打印的清单
打印清单意味着您打印生成的文档并在纸上标记项目。构建此类列表的最简单方法是创建一种特殊的项目符号列表(bullet list)。选择要转换为清单的行(您也可以从空行开始,然后编写清单元素)。在Word中,转到功能区上的“主页”(Home)选项卡并查找(ribbon and look)“段落(Paragraph)”部分。

单击或点击(Click)项目符号列表按钮(bullet list button)中的箭头。在打开的菜单中,选择“定义新子弹……”。("Define New Bullet….")

在名为Define New Bullet(Define New Bullet)的弹出窗口中,单击或点击Symbol。


从字符列表中选择矩形框或填写(character list or fill)字符代码(character code) 111。您还可以选择 3D 框(字符代码113和114)。

选择完清单字符(checklist character)后,在Symbol窗口中按OK ,然后在(OK)Define New Bullet中再次按 OK 。该列表现在显示有复选框,您可以在纸上打印和标记。
如果要扩展列表,请将光标放在列表中一行的末尾,然后按(list and press) ENTER。新行自动以复选框字符(checkbox character)开头。

如果您想创建一个可以标记为已选中的清单,在Microsoft Word中,您需要使用称为Check Box Content Control的不同功能。此功能可通过功能区中名为Developer的选项卡访问,该选项卡在(Developer)Microsoft Word中默认不显示。因此,我们的第一步是在功能区中显示此选项卡。右键单击或点击并按住(tap and hold)功能区上的任意位置。在出现的上下文菜单(context menu)中,选择“自定义功能区...”。("Customize the Ribbon….")

带有Word 选项(Word Options)的窗口打开,并在左侧选择了自定义功能区。(Customize Ribbon)在第二列中选中Developer框,然后按OK。

现在我们终于可以在Microsoft Word文档中添加复选框了。为此,请单击或点击新显示的开发人员(Developer)选项卡。单击或点击“(Click)控件(Controls)”部分中标记的复选框按钮(checkbox button)以插入新的复选框元素(checkbox element)。

插入复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)后,光标仍保留在控件元素(control element)内。
您可以通过按空格键(Spacebar)或双击它来测试控件的标记和取消标记。(marking and unmarking)要退出控件并继续编辑清单,请按几次右箭头键。

如果要将复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)添加到其他行,请将光标放在每行的开头,然后单击(line and click)或点击复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control) 按钮或复制(button or copy)并粘贴现有控件。
注意(NOTE):复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)的行为类似于您在文本中插入的特殊字符。它不是格式化现有文本,而是一个单独的内容。如果您在单击或点击Check Box Content Control按钮之前选择文本,则会删除所选文本并将其替换为Check Box Content Control。另一个含义是您需要将控件复制并粘贴到作为清单一部分的每一行的开头(当您在列表中添加新元素时,控件不会自动出现)。
如何在Microsoft Word中修改用于在表单中标记清单的符号(Microsoft Word)
您可以决定修改使用复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)构建的清单中使用的字符。假设我们想用带有复选标记符号的 X 替换复选框的(checkmark symbol)默认交叉(default crossing)。你可以使用任何你想要的字符。以下是如何做到这一点:
首先,在要修改的复选框内容控件内单击,然后单击“(Check Box Content Control)开发人员(Developer)”选项卡的“控件(Controls)”部分中的“属性(Properties)” 。

在“内容控制属性(Content Control Properties)”窗口中,按Checked symbol或Unchecked symbol附近的(Unchecked symbol)“更改...”("Change…")按钮,具体取决于您要更改的那个。在我们的示例中,我们更改了Checked 符号(Checked symbol)。

我们想要的字符是Wingdings 2字体的一部分,因此我们在Font的下拉列表中选择“Windings 2”。

在列表中选择所需的字符。我们的角色有代码80。在Symbol窗口中完成后按OK,然后在Content Control Properties中再次按。


请(Please)记住,您需要复制和粘贴修改后的控件以保持清单中新元素的相同行为。当您按下功能区中的复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)时,Word会插入标准的默认(standard default) 复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)。
如何锁定Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word)表单中文本更改的清单
一旦使用Check Box Content Control构建的列表准备好在Microsoft Word中使用,您可能会担心在检查列表期间,您或其他人可能会无意中更改与每个元素关联的文本。Microsoft Word提供了一项功能,可以为您解决此问题。复选框可以标记或取消标记,但列表中的文本受到保护。
首先,选择要防止更改的清单。转到Microsoft Word中的“开发人员”选项卡。(Developer)在Controls部分中,单击Group ,然后从下拉列表中选择Group 。

清单是安全的。如果有人尝试修改清单,他们会收到警告:“您无法进行此更改,因为选择已锁定。” (You can't make this change because the selection is locked.")警告显示在Microsoft Word的(Microsoft Word)状态栏(status bar)上,尝试的更改将被忽略。

注意(NOTE):这里需要注意的是Word不允许您将复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)作为选择中的第一个或最后一个元素。您需要插入并选择一个额外的空格或一个新行,以确保复选框完全在选择范围内。
您是打印清单还是在计算机上完成的Microsoft Word文档中使用它们?
您对Microsoft Word中的清单的偏好是什么?您是打印它们还是在Microsoft Word文档中标记它们?我们生活在数字时代,但仍然使用不起眼的纸张来对抗我们周围的复杂设备。通过在下面留下评论,让我们知道您在管理清单方面的偏好。
Create checklists with check boxes, and how to edit them, in Microsoft Word
Do you need tо create a Word document with chеcklists that you want people to сomplete on paper? You want to create a document that is used digitally, and ask people to check boxes in a checklist, in Microsoft Word? Creating chеcklists in Microsoft Word is quite simple for printed documents and a bit more complicated fоr forms that can be checked on the computer. See how to do both, so that you are ready for your nеxt to do list or onlinе form with checkboxes:
NOTE: This tutorial applies to the desktop versions of Microsoft Word, found in Microsoft Office, and Office 365. It does not apply to the mobile versions of Word, like those found for free, on Windows 10 tablets, or on devices with Android and iOS.
How to create a checklist in Microsoft Word, for printing
A checklist for printing means you print the resulting document and mark the items on paper. The easiest way to build such a list is to create a special kind of bullet list. Select the lines you want to transform into a checklist (you can start from an empty line as well and write your checklist elements afterward). In Word, go to the Home tab on the ribbon and look for the Paragraph section.

Click or tap on the arrow in the bullet list button. In the menu that opens, choose "Define New Bullet…."

In the pop-up window called Define New Bullet, click or tap Symbol.

In the Symbol window, make sure the Font selected is Wingdings.

Select the rectangular box from the character list or fill in the character code 111. You also have the option of selecting 3D boxes (character codes 113 and 114).

Once you are done selecting your checklist character, press OK in the Symbol window and again in Define New Bullet. The list is displayed now with checkboxes that you can print and mark on paper.
If you want to expand your list, position your cursor at the end of a line in your list and press ENTER. The new line automatically starts with the checkbox character.

How to create a checklist for a form to be filled in Word, and not on paper
If you want to create a checklist that can be marked as checked, in Microsoft Word, you need to use a different feature called Check Box Content Control. This feature is accessed through a tab in the ribbon called Developer that is not shown by default in Microsoft Word. Our first step is, therefore, to bring up this tab in the ribbon. Right-click or tap and hold anywhere on the ribbon. In the context menu that appears, choose "Customize the Ribbon…."

The window with Word Options opens up and Customize Ribbon is selected on the left. In the second column check the box for Developer and press OK.

Now we can finally add checkboxes in Microsoft Word documents. To do that, click or tap the newly shown Developer tab. Click or tap the marked checkbox button in the Controls section to insert a new checkbox element.

After the Check Box Content Control is inserted, the cursor remains inside the control element.
You can test the marking and unmarking of the control by pressing Spacebar or by double-clicking on it. To exit the control and continue editing the checklist, press the right arrow key a couple of times.

If you want to add the Check Box Content Control to other lines, place the cursor at the beginning of each line and click or tap the Check Box Content Control button or copy and paste an existing control.
NOTE: The Check Box Content Control is behaving like a special character that you insert in the text. It is not formatting existing text, but it is rather a separate piece of content. If you select the text before you click or tap on the Check Box Content Control button, it deletes the selected text and it replaces it with a Check Box Content Control. The other implication is that you need to copy and paste the control at the beginning of each line that is part of your checklist (the controls do not appear automatically when you add new elements in the list).
How to modify the symbols used to mark the checklist in a form, in Microsoft Word
You may decide to modify the characters used in your checklist built with the Check Box Content Control. Let's say that we want replace the default crossing of the checkbox with an X with a checkmark symbol. You can use whatever character you want. Here is how to do this:
First, click inside the Check Box Content Control that you want to modify, and then click Properties in the Controls section of the Developer tab.

In the Content Control Properties window, press the "Change…" button near Checked symbol or Unchecked symbol, depending on which one you want to change. In our example, we change the Checked symbol.

The character we want is part of the Wingdings 2 font, therefore we select "Windings 2" in the drop-down list for the Font.

Select the desired character in the list. Our character has the code 80. Press OK when done in the Symbol window and then again in Content Control Properties.

When you press the Spacebar or double-click the control, the character shown when marked is the one selected in the previous step.

Please keep in mind that you need to copy and paste the modified control to keep the same behavior for new elements in the checklist. When you press the Check Box Content Control in the ribbon, Word inserts the standard default Check Box Content Control.
How to lock the checklist for text changes in a form from Microsoft Word
Once your list built using Check Box Content Control is ready for use in Microsoft Word, you might worry that during the checking of the list, you or others may inadvertently change the text associated with each element. Microsoft Word offers a feature that takes care of this problem for you. The checkboxes can be marked or unmarked, but the text from the list is protected.
First, select the checklist that you want to secure from changes. Go to the Developer tab in Microsoft Word. In the Controls section, click Group, and select Group from the drop-down list.

The checklist is secured. If anyone attempts to modify the checklist, they get the warning: "You can't make this change because the selection is locked." The warning is shown on the status bar of Microsoft Word and the attempted changes are ignored.

NOTE: The caution here is that Word does not let you put a Check Box Content Control as the first or the last element in the selection. You need to insert and select an additional space or a new line to ensure the checkboxes are completely inside the selection.
Do you print your checklists or do you use them in Microsoft Word documents that you complete on your computer?
What is your preference for checklists in Microsoft Word? Do you print them or do you mark them inside Microsoft Word documents? We live in the digital age, and yet the humble paper continues to be used defying the sophisticated devices that surround us. Let us know your preference in managing checklists by leaving a comment below.