您是否对当前使用的(Are)Windows 软件(Windows software)感到厌烦?如果是的话,那么这篇文章无疑是给你的!在本文中,您将了解如何在您的 PC 上轻松免费下载Windows 10。在本文的帮助下,您将能够在您的 PC 上享受Windows 10的所有强大功能。(Windows 10)
到目前为止,Windows 10已经收到了来自技术组的积极反馈。不过,微软(Microsoft)已经正式停止免费分发Windows 10。尽管如此,您仍可以从网络上下载Windows 10 (Windows 10) ISO文件的免费副本,但之后您将不会收到任何未来的更新。如果您有兴趣免费获取Windows 10 操作系统(operating system)的副本,请继续阅读本文。
在您的 PC 上免费下载 Windows 10(Download Windows 10 for free on your PC)
查看 Windows 10 的技术规格和下载(Windows 10)Windows 10的最低要求:
Windows 10 技术规格:(Windows 10 technical specifications:)
- 软件名称(Software name):Windows 10 Technical Overview提供英文主流(English mainstream)和 32 位版本。
- 安装类型(Setup Type):Full Standalone Setup / Offline installer:
- 兼容性:32Bit(x86)/64Bit(x64)
- 许可证:免费。
- Windows 10的开发者:微软
Windows 10 系统 - 最低要求:(Windows 10 system- minimum requirements:)
升级操作系统:(Upgrading OS:)要升级你的电脑,你需要有Windows 8.1或Windows 7的SP1(服务包(service pack))。(另外,你电脑上安装的windows不能是盗版的,否则你将无法获得更新)
处理器:(Processor:) 1 GHz 或更快或SoC(芯片系统(chip system))。支持CMPXCHG16b、PrefetchW and LAHF / SAHF capability的处理器对于 64 位版本的Windows 10是必需的(Windows 10)
RAM: RAM至少应为 1 GB 32 位(GB 32-bit)或 2 GB 64 位(GB 64-bit)
物理内存:(Physical Memory:)也称为硬盘空间(disk space)。它应该有 16 GB 的32 位(32-bit)或 20 GB 的 64 位物理内存(Physical memory)
显卡:(Graphics:)以后应该是DirectX 9或WDDM 1.0驱动
显示或分辨率:(Display or Resolution:)应为 1024 x 600
Microsoft 帐户:(Microsoft account:)这是Windows 10的许多功能所必需的(Windows 10)
支持 Cortana:(Support for Cortana:)仅在美国(USA)、英国、中国(China)、法国(France)、意大利(Italy)、西班牙和德国支持(Spain and Germany)
Windows Hello 人脸识别:支持(Windows Hello Face Recognition:)Window Biometric Framework的IR 摄像头(IR camera)或指纹读取器
媒体串流:(Media streaming:) Xbox Music 和 Xbox Video(Xbox Music and Xbox Video)串流功能仅在部分地区提供
- 您需要兼容的内核模式驱动程序
设备加密:(Encryption of the device:) Instant-Go 和可信平台模块(Instant-Go and Trusted Platform Module)( TPM ) 2.0
BitLocker: Windows 10 Pro、可信平台模块(Trusted Platform Module)( TPM ) 1.2、TPM 2.0或 USB闪存驱动器(flash drive)
无线保真直接打印:(Wireless fidelity direct printing:)支持无线上网(Internet access)路由器
因此,Windows 10是免费升级(charge upgrade),您可以将其安装在您的计算机上并享受其酷炫的功能。只有当您已经在使用Windows 7或 Windows 8 或 Windows 8.1 之一时,它才免费。以下是从Windows 7(Windows 7)或 Windows 8 或 Windows 8.1 升级到Windows 10需要遵循的步骤:
第一步:(1st step: )第一步,你需要确保你电脑上已经安装的Windows不是盗版的。
第二步:( 2nd step:)现在,在这一步中,您必须打开计算机上的控制面板(control panel),然后转到 Windows 更新。
第三步:(3rd step: )当您打开Windows 更新(Windows update)时,您将看到Windows 10的最新更新。
第四步:(4th step: )现在,您需要按安装更新,然后,下载过程(download process)将开始。

第五步:(5th step:)现在,经过上述步骤或者您还没有得到那个屏幕,点击系统托盘上的(system tray)Windows 标志(Windows sign)图标。
第六步:(6th step:)您将看到预订确认(Reservation Confirmed)选项,然后点击“ Windows 10下载选项(Download Option)” 。
第 7 步:(7th step:)现在,Windows 10 将开始(Windows 10 will start downloading)在您的计算机上下载,这可能需要一些时间,具体取决于您的网速(internet speed)。
完全下载后,您的系统将自行重启,您将使用最酷的版本,即Windows 10。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何使用Windows PC控制 iPhone(Windows PC)
因此,现在,您需要按照以下步骤制作 Windows 10 的安装光盘: (So, now, following are the steps which you need to follow to make the INSTALLATION DISC of Windows 10: )
第一步:(1st step:)第一步,您必须在您的计算机上下载媒体创建工具。(Media Creation Tool)此外,以下是下载媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)的链接。根据您计算机的相应位版本选择链接。(bit version)
下载 32 位版本( Download for 32-bit version)
下载 64 位版本( Download for 64-bit version)
第二步:(2nd step: )现在,您需要点击“为另一台电脑创建安装(create installation)媒体”,如下图所示。然后,点击下一步(Next)。

第三步:(3rd step: )完成上述步骤后,您将在屏幕上看到两个选项,如下图所示。您必须选择第二个选项,即ISO 文件(ISO file)。

第四步:(4th step: )选择ISO 文件(ISO file)选项后,Windows 10 的下载过程(Windows 10)将(download process)自行启动,如下图所示。您需要耐心等待,因为下载过程(download process)需要一些时间。

第五步:(5th step: )现在,当ISO 文件(ISO File)下载完成后,您需要下载Windows USB 或 DVD 下载工具(Windows USB or DVD download tool)。下载完成后,您必须使用此工具刻录ISO 文件。(ISO file)此外,此工具是免费的。
第六步:(6th step:)您不必更改“Windows 7”标题。只需(Simply)在您的计算机上安装此工具,然后按运行(press run)。
第七步:(7th step:)这一步需要点击浏览,如下图所示。然后,选择ISO文件(ISO file)的路径,然后按绿色的“下一步”。
第八步:(8th step: )完成上述步骤后,您必须点击蓝色框内(color box)的“DVD”,在您的电脑上安装windows 10。
第九步:(9th step: )完成以上步骤后,你的ISO文件(ISO file)就可以刻录了。现在,几分钟之内,您的Windows 10安装光盘(installation disc)就准备好了。安装时间限制(time limit)取决于您的互联网速度。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Windows中的任务栏(Your Taskbar)上跟踪(Keep Track)Internet 速度(Internet Speed)
如果上面提到的方法不起作用,那么这个方法肯定会起作用!试试这个方法,完全免费地在您的计算机上享受Windows 10的酷炫功能。(Windows 10)
第一步:(1st step: )在第一步中,您需要打开下面提到的链接,然后单击“立即下载工具”按钮。
立即下载工具( Download tool Now)
第二步:(2nd step: )下载完成后,您必须打开工具选项(tool option),然后单击“立即升级此PC”选项,然后按下一步按钮,如下图所示(image below)。

第三步:(3rd step: )此外,如果您想在任何其他 PC 上安装Windows 10,您只需单击“为另一台 PC创建安装(Create installation)媒体”。通过这样做,安装将准备好用于另一台 PC,而不是您当前正在使用的 PC。

第四步:(4th step:)这是此方法的最后一步。因此,在完成Windows 10的下载后,您将能够看到ISO 文件(ISO file)。现在,您需要做的是您必须单击ISO 映像(ISO image)文件,然后从那里单击运行。而已。Windows 10可以使用了。借助此方法,服务器不会要求您提供产品密钥(product key)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 AMD 错误 Windows(Fix AMD Error Windows)找不到Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe
在下载Windows 10之前,您必须检查本文开头提到的下载要求。
现在,您还可以使用 KMSPico 在您的 PC 上激活 Windows 10(Now, you can also use KMSPico to activate Windows 10 on your PC)
由于微软已经正式结束了(Microsoft)Windows 10的免费分发,如果您只下载了ISO 文件(ISO file),服务器可能会要求您提供激活码。因此,您将无法体验某些功能。因此,如果您有兴趣免费体验所有功能,您需要激活Windows。通过这样做,您可以享受Windows 10的所有惊人功能。
第一步:(1st step:)第一步,您需要在您的计算机上下载并安装KMSPico 。由于它会修改注册表项,因此某些防病毒软件可能会阻止安装。因此,请确保在安装KMSPico时禁用防病毒软件。
第二步:(2nd step:)现在,您有了名为“KMSELDI.exe”的文件。
第三步:(3rd step:)在这一步中,您必须点击第一个图标,即“红色按钮(Red button)”,如下图所示(image below)。
第四步:(4th step: ) 现在,您必须单击中间的图标,表示令牌备份,然后选中“删除水印”选项,如下图所示(image below)。
第五步:(5th step: )在这一步中,你需要耐心等待一段时间。完成后,您将能够在屏幕上看到一个小窗口。
第 6 步:(6th step: )现在,只需重新启动您的Windows 10 PC,即可享受其酷炫的功能!
推荐:适用于 Windows 的 24 款最佳加密软件(2020 年)(Recommended: 24 Best Encryption Software For Windows (2020))
因此,这些是在您的计算机上完全免费安装Windows 10的最佳方法。(Windows 10)您当然可以考虑使用这些方法在您的 PC 上享受Windows 10的所有酷炫和惊人的功能。(Windows 10)
Download Windows 10 for free on your PC
Are you bored with the Windows software which уou are currently using? If yes, then this artіcle is undoυbtedly for you! In this article, you will lеarn how you can easily download Windows 10 for free on your PC. With the help of this artіcle, you will be able to enjoy all thе great features of Windows 10 on yоur PC.
So far, Windows 10 has received positive feedback from the technical groups. However, Microsoft officially has discontinued the free distribution of Windows 10. Still, you can download a free copy of the Windows 10 ISO file from the web, but after that, you won’t receive any future updates. If you are interested in taking a free copy of the Windows 10 operating system, please continue reading the article.
Download Windows 10 for free on your PC
Have a look at the technical specifications of Windows 10 and the minimum requirements for downloading Windows 10:
Windows 10 technical specifications:
- Software name: Windows 10 Technical overview is available in English mainstream and 32-bit versions.
- Setup Type: Full Standalone Setup / Offline installer:
- Compatibility: 32Bit(x86)/64Bit(x64)
- License: free of charge.
- Developers of Windows 10: Microsoft
Windows 10 system- minimum requirements:
Upgrading OS: To upgrade your computer, you need to have SP1 (service pack) of Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. (Also, the windows installed in your computer must not be pirated otherwise you won’t be able to get an update)
Processor: 1 GHz or faster or SoC (chip system). A processor supporting CMPXCHG16b, PrefetchW and LAHF / SAHF capability is necessary for 64-bit versions of Windows 10
RAM: RAM should be minimum 1 GB 32-bit or 2 GB 64-bit
Physical Memory: It is also known as hard disk space. It should have 16 GB for 32-bit or 20 GB for 64-bit Physical memory
Graphics: It should be DirectX 9 or WDDM 1.0 driver afterward
Display or Resolution: It should be of 1024 x 600
Touch: Tablets or Windows devices for multi-touch support
Microsoft account: This is required for a number of features of Windows 10
Support for Cortana: This is only supported in the USA, UK, China, France, Italy, Spain and Germany
Windows Hello Face Recognition: An IR camera or a fingerprint reader that supports the Window Biometric Framework
Media streaming: Xbox Music and Xbox Video streaming functions only in some regions
- You need compatible kernel-mode drivers
Encryption of the device: Instant-Go and Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0
BitLocker: Windows 10 Pro, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2, TPM 2.0 or a USB flash drive
Wireless fidelity direct printing: Wireless Internet access router supported
So, Windows 10 is free of charge upgrade which you can install on your computer and enjoy its cool features. It is free only and only if you are already using one of Windows 7 or Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Following are the steps which you need to follow to upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10:
1st step: In the first step, you need to be sure that the Windows which is already installed on your computer is not pirated.
2nd step: Now, in this step, you have to open the control panel on your computer and then move to windows update.
3rd step: You will see the recent update for Windows 10 when you open Windows update.
4th step: Now, you need to press Install the update, and then, the download process will start.

5th step: Now, after the above step or you have not got that screen, click on the Windows sign icon on the system tray.
6th step: There you will see the option for Reservation Confirmed and after that, just tap “Download Option for Windows 10”.
7th step: Now, Windows 10 will start downloading on your computer, and this can take time according to your internet speed.
When it is downloaded completely, your system will reboot on its own, and you will be using the coolest version that is Windows 10.
Also Read: How to Control iPhone using Windows PC
So, now, following are the steps which you need to follow to make the INSTALLATION DISC of Windows 10:
1st step: In the first step, you have to download the Media Creation Tool on your computer. Also, the following are the links to download the Media Creation Tool. Choose the link according to the respective bit version of your computer.
Download for 32-bit version
Download for 64-bit version
2nd step: Now, you need to tap on “create installation media for another PC” as shown in the picture below. Then, tap Next.

3rd step: After following the above step, you will see two options on your screen, as shown in the image below. You have to choose the second option, that is, ISO file.

4th step: After choosing the ISO file option, the download process for Windows 10 will be started on its own as you can see in the image given below. You need to be patient as the download process will take some time.

5th step: Now, when the download of ISO File is completed, you have to download Windows USB or DVD download tool. After the download is completed, you have to burn the ISO file using this tool. Also, this tool is free of charge.
6th step: You don’t have to change the “Windows 7” title. Simply, install this tool on your computer and then, press run.
7th step: In this step, you need to click on browse, as shown in the picture below. Then, select the path of the ISO file and then, press “next” which is in green color.
8th step: After following the above step, you have to click “DVD” which is in blue color box to install windows 10 on your computer.
9th step: After the completion of the above steps, your ISO file is ready to burn. Now, within a few minutes, your installation disc of Windows 10 will be ready. The time limit of installation depends on the speed of your internet.
Also Read: Keep Track Of The Internet Speed On Your Taskbar In Windows
If the method mentioned above does not work, then this one will surely work! Try this method out and enjoy the cool features of Windows 10 on your computer for absolutely free of charge.
1st step: In the first step, you need to open the link which is mentioned below and then, click the button which says “download tool now”.
Download tool Now
2nd step: After the download is complete, you have to open the tool option and then, click on the option “Upgrade this PC now” and press the next button as shown in the image below.

3rd step: Also, if you want to install Windows 10 on any other PC then, you can simply click on “Create installation media for another PC”. By doing this, the install will be ready for another PC and not for the PC you are currently working on.

4th step: This is the last step of this method. So, after the completion of the download of Windows 10, you will be able to see the ISO file. Now, what you need to do is that you have to click on the ISO image file and from there click on the run. That’s it. Windows 10 is ready to use. With the help of this method, the server will not ask you for the product key.
Also Read: Fix AMD Error Windows Cannot Find Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe
Before downloading Windows 10, you must check the requirements for downloading it which mentioned at the starting of this article.
Now, you can also use KMSPico to activate Windows 10 on your PC
As Microsoft has ended the free distribution of Windows 10 officially, if you have downloaded only the ISO file, the server might ask you for the code of activation. Because of this, you will not be able to experience some of the features. So, if you are interested in experiencing all the features for free, you need to activate Windows. By doing this, you can enjoy all the amazing features of Windows 10.
1st step: In the first step, you need to download & install KMSPico on your computer. Since it modifies the registry entries, some antivirus might block the installation. So, make sure to disable the antivirus while installing KMSPico.
2nd step: Now, you have the file which is named ‘KMSELDI.exe’.
3rd step: In this step, you have to click on the first icon, which says “Red button” as shown in the image below.
4th step: Now, you have to click on the icon which is the middle which means token backup and then, check the option that says “remove watermark” as shown in the image below.
5th step: In this step, you need to be patient as it will some time. As soon as it is done, you will be able to see a small window on your screen.
6th step: Now, just restart your Windows 10 PC and enjoy its cool features as it is ready to use!
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So, these were the best methods to install Windows 10 on your computer for absolutely no charge. You can surely consider these methods to enjoy all the cool and amazing features of Windows 10 on your PC.