个人虚拟助理Cortana是(Cortana)微软(Microsoft)在Windows 10中提供的最佳功能之一。为了使用她,您需要完成首次设置过程(setup process),并学习如何与她互动。Cortana可以通过多种方式为您提供帮助,从而提高您的工作效率并与您感兴趣的内容保持联系。当您感到无聊并想开怀大笑时,她也可以招待您。如果你想使用Cortana,在Windows 10中,这里是如何配置她:
重要提示:(IMPORTANT:)本指南使用Windows 10 Spring Creators Update创建,自(Update)2018 年 4 月(April 2018)起免费提供。如果您的设备上的情况有所不同,您可能使用的是旧版本的Windows 10。
Cortana在她的(Cortana)笔记本(Notebook)中记录了她所知道的关于你的大部分信息。但是,它的一些设置也在设置应用程序(Settings app)中配置。为了能够详细配置她并获得所有可用设置,您必须去两个地方:笔记本(Notebook)和设置(Settings)。
1. 访问 Cortana 的笔记本
让我们首先检查笔记本(Notebook)。通过单击或点击任务栏上的搜索框(search box)启动Cortana ,然后单击或点击左上角的(Cortana)笔记本(Notebook)按钮。
- 标题是显示您的姓名的位置,您可以在其中自定义有关您自己的基本详细信息。
- 第一个选项卡称为Organizer,它是您可以创建和管理Lists和Reminders的地方。
- 第二个选项卡称为“管理技能”,(Manage Skills,)它是关于Cortana拥有的所有技能,具体取决于您允许和配置她执行的操作。
2.编辑您的地址信息(address information)和喜欢的地方
Cortana笔记本(Notebook)的标题部分处理您的私人信息:姓名、电子邮件、家庭住址(home address)和最喜欢的地方。笔记本(Notebook)只显示您的姓名和电子邮件地址(name and email address),如果您想查看其余信息,您必须单击或点击右侧的“编辑”按钮。(Edit)它看起来像一支小铅笔。
然后,Cortana会显示你的家庭住址(home address)和最喜欢的地方(如果你已经设置了它们)。如果您没有,或者您想添加更多地点,您可以单击或点击"+ Add a place"按钮。
然后,输入您要添加的地点的地址。Cortana会自动搜索它并在文本字段下显示结果。检查结果,然后单击或点击(click or tap)与您的查询匹配的结果。
现在为那个地方选择一个昵称(Nickname),以便您可以轻松地在其他地方识别它。家庭、工作、女朋友(Home, Work, Girlfriend )或男朋友(Boyfriend),都是不错的选择。请注意,这是一个可选的详细信息,您可以根据需要跳过它。然后,选择什么类型的地方:家庭、工作(Home, Work)或收藏(Favorite)。如果您添加更多地点,您可能会将它们设置为您的收藏夹(Favorites),因为您只能拥有一个Home。🙂 完成后,按保存(Save)让Cortana记住您最喜欢的地方。
请注意(Notice),您最喜欢的每个地方的右侧还有一个由三个悬挂点表示的小菜单按钮。(menu button)如果您单击或点击它,Cortana会为您提供该位置的几个选项:
- 你可以编辑(Edit)它,但这只是意味着改变它的昵称(Nickname);
- 您可以“在地图中显示”("Show in Maps,"),这意味着地图(Maps)应用程序会打开并带您到最喜欢的地方的地址;
- 您可以删除(Remove)有问题的最喜欢的地方。
这就是您可以在Cortana笔记本(Notebook)的个人信息部分(information section)中执行的所有操作。
注意:(NOTE:) Cortana笔记本(Notebook)的第一个选项卡可让您创建和编辑列表(Lists)和提醒(Reminders)。这些都是有用的事情,从长远来看,绝对可以帮助您提高工作效率。但是,它们与Cortana的配置无关,这是本文的重点。
3.配置 Cortana(Configure Cortana)的连接和访问个人信息(管理技能(Manage Skills))
任何个人助理(无论是否虚拟)的最佳功能之一就是她拥有多少有用的技能。确实,Cortana没有她可以或应该拥有的技能。但是,她确实拥有一系列有用的技能。所有这些都可以在她的Notebook的(Notebook)Manage Skills选项卡中查看和配置。
Cortana根据用途对她的技能进行分组。您可能在任何Windows 10设备上获得的默认技能是:
连接:(Connections: )音乐、联网家庭、联网服务(Music, Connected Home, Connected services)
生产力:(Productivity:) 日历和提醒、通勤和交通、从你离开的地方继续、建议的任务(Calendar & reminders, Commute & traffic, Pick up where you left off, Suggested tasks)
保持最新:(Stay up to date:) 金融、航班、新闻、套餐、体育、天气(Finance, Flights, News, Packages, Sports, Weather)
生活方式:(Lifestyle: )饮食、购物、特殊日子(Eat & drink, Shopping, Special days)
帮助:(Help: )Cortana 提示(Cortana tips)
这些技能集中的每一个都包含一个或多个技能,这些技能允许Cortana与您最喜欢的应用程序和服务(apps and services)进行交互。在他们的帮助下,她可以做一些事情,例如在TuneIn中(TuneIn)播放广播(play radio)电台、查看您的日历(Calendar)、通知您正在跟踪的包裹、根据您喜欢的食物找到吃饭的地方,甚至可以调高您家的暖气(turn up the heat in your home)。
Cortana共有 230 多种技能(has over 230 skills),因此在我们的教程中不可能涵盖所有技能。
4. 访问 Cortana 的设置
- 您可以打开设置应用程序(Settings app),然后单击或点击Cortana按钮
- 或者,您可以启动Cortana 并单击(Cortana and click)或点击她的“设置”(Settings)按钮。
5. 确保Cortana可以听到你的声音
设置(Settings)应用程序现在应显示名为“与 Cortana 交谈”("Talk to Cortana.")的设置部分。如果不是,请单击或点击窗口左侧的“与 Cortana 对话” 。("Talk to Cortana")然后,在右侧,单击或点击(click or tap)“检查麦克风”("Check the microphone.")链接。
6. 让Cortana听你的声音并在你说“ Hey Cortana ”时回答(voice and answer)
下一部分称为“Hey Cortana”,您可以在这里决定是否希望她永久聆听您的声音,并在您说“Hey Cortana”时回答。("Hey Cortana.")如果您确实需要,请启用这样的开关,但请记住,当此功能打开时, Cortana会使用更多电池。(Cortana)
如果你选择启用“你好小娜”,("Hey Cortana,")你可以访问一些额外的设置:
- 您可以选择“让 [您的] 设备在插入时保持睡眠状态,以便 [您] 始终可以说‘嘿 Cortana’(除非 [您] [您自己] 将其关闭)”("keep [your] device from sleeping when it's plugged in so [you] can always say 'Hey Cortana' (unless [you] turn it off [yourself])")
- 你可以让她“当有人说‘嘿 Cortana’时回复”("Respond when anyone says 'Hey Cortana'")或“尝试只回复 [你]”。("Try to respond only to [you].")
如果你想将Cortana配置为只响应你,首先你必须帮助她学习你的声音。为此,您必须单击或点击“了解我怎么说'嘿 Cortana'”的链接。("Learn how I say 'Hey Cortana'.")
7.当你按下Windows + CCortana听你的命令
完成此操作后,返回“设置”(Settings)窗口,然后选择是否希望Cortana在您同时按下(Cortana)Windows + C键时收听您的命令。
8. 配置Cortana以在您的设备被锁定时回复您
(Cortana)即使你的 Windows 10电脑或设备(PC or device)被锁定, Cortana也可以为你工作。这意味着您不再需要解锁您的PC 或设备(PC or device)才能与她交谈。设置应用程序中(Settings)“与 Cortana 交谈”("Talk to Cortana")部分的下几个设置是关于配置她执行此操作的。我们在单独的教程中描述了此配置任务(configuration task):如何直接从Windows 10锁定屏幕启用和使用(lock screen)Cortana(Cortana straight)。
9. 管理您让Cortana执行和查看的内容
Cortana设置的“权限和历史记录”("Permissions & History")部分可让您检查和调整与Cortana对您的了解以及她可以访问您的信息相关的所有内容。
- “改变 Cortana 在云端对 [你] 的了解”("Change what Cortana knows about [you] in the cloud")
- “管理 Cortana 可以从此设备访问的信息”("Manage the information Cortana can access from this device")
- “管理 Cortana 可以从其他服务访问的信息”("Manage the information Cortana can access from other services")
单击(Click)或点击每个链接,然后选择要与Cortana共享的信息以及不与 Cortana 共享的信息。
10. 选择如何在Cortana显示的搜索结果中过滤成人内容(adult content)
SafeSearch部分允许您配置如何在从Cortana获得的搜索结果中过滤掉(Cortana)成人内容(adult content)。她可以配置为过滤成人内容(adult content),如下所示:
- 严格 - “从 [您的] 网络结果中过滤掉成人文本、图像和视频”(Strict - "Filter out adult text, images, and videos from [your] web results")
- 中等 - “过滤成人图片和视频,但不过滤 [您的] 网络搜索结果中的文本”(Moderate - "Filter adult images and videos but not text from [your] web results")
- 关闭 - “不要从 [您的] 网络搜索结果中过滤成人内容。”(Off - "Don't filter adult content from [your] web results.")
11. 选择Cortana是否可以在Windows 搜索(Windows Search)中使用你的云内容(cloud content)
默认情况下,如果你将内容保存在云中(又名OneDrive),当你使用任务栏上的搜索框查找内容时, (search box)Cortana也可以搜索它。如果要禁用此功能,请从 Cortana 的“权限和历史记录”("Permissions & History.")中关闭名为“Windows 云搜索”的开关。("Windows Cloud Search")
12. 管理您的历史记录并让Cortana使用(或不使用)
Cortana还可以在您的设备上查看您的活动历史记录(activity history)并使用它改进搜索。如果您希望她能够使用您的过去,此功能默认开启,因此您无需执行任何操作。但是,如果您不想让Cortana这样做,您可以禁用“查看活动历史记录”("View activity history")和“我的设备历史记录”("My device history")开关。此外,如果您想删除过去的活动日志,您还应该单击或点击“清除我的设备历史记录”("Clear my device history")按钮。
13.配置 Cortana(Configure Cortana)与其他设备的集成
如果您有Android 或 Windows(Android or Windows) 10 Mobile 智能手机(Mobile smartphone),并且您已在其上安装了Cortana 应用程序(Cortana app),那么您可以直接在您的 Windows 10 PC 上从中获取通知。此功能由名为“在此 PC 上获取电话通知”("Get phone notifications on this PC")的开关打开或关闭,并且还必须在智能手机上的Cortana 应用程序(Cortana app)中启用才能工作。
此外,如果你想继续在其他设备上开始的一些活动,Cortana可以帮助你。但是,要启用此功能,您必须在您使用的所有设备上启用“帮我从其他设备上停止的地方继续”的开关。("Help me pick up where I left off on other devices")
14. 让Cortana给你列表建议
Cortana设置中可用的最终配置是一项名为“获取列表建议”的功能。("Get list suggestions.")如果您正在使用列表(Lists)功能来组织您的生活,Cortana可以更多地参与并“帮助您制作列表并为您提供相关的更新和建议”。("help you make lists and give you relevant updates and suggestions.")如果您希望她这样做,您必须通过打开名为“获取列表建议”的开关来同意接收建议。("Get list suggestions.")
而且……(And…)这几乎就是您可以配置Cortana在Windows 10 Spring Creators Update中的工作方式的所有内容。
The complete guide to configuring Cortana in Windows 10
Сortana, the personal vіrtual assiѕtant, is one of the best features offered by Microsoft in Windows 10. In order to use her, you need to go through a first-time setup process, and leаrn how to interact with her. Cortana can help уou in numerous ways, so that you are more productivе and keep in touch with what interests you. She can also еntertain you, when you are bored and want to have a laugh. If you want to use Cortana, in Windows 10, here is how to configure her:
IMPORTANT: This guide was created using Windows 10 Spring Creators Update, available for free, as of April 2018. If things look different on your device, you may be using an older version of Windows 10.
Cortana keeps track of most of the things she knows about you, inside her Notebook. However, some of its settings are also configured in the Settings app. To be able to configure her in detail and get to all of the available settings, you have to go to both places: the Notebook and the Settings.
1. Access Cortana's Notebook
Let's start by checking the Notebook first. Launch Cortana with a click or a tap on her search box on the taskbar, and click or tap the Notebook button on the top-left.
Then press the Personalize button.
The Notebook is the place where Cortana keeps many of her settings and the place where you customize what you want her to know about you.
The first thing you notice is that the Notebook is split into a header and two major tabs:
- The header is where your name is displayed and where you can customize the essential details about yourself.
- The first tab is called Organizer, and it is the place where you can create and manage Lists and Reminders.
- The second tab is called Manage Skills, and it is all about the skills Cortana has, based on what you allow and configure her to do.
2. Edit your address information and favorite places
The header part of Cortana's Notebook handles your private information: name, email, home address and favorite places. The Notebook shows just your name and email address and, if you want to see the rest of the information, you have to click or tap on the Edit button on the right. It looks like a small pencil.
Then, Cortana shows you your home address and favorite places, if you have already set them. If you did not, or if you want to add some more places, you can click or tap on the "+ Add a place" button.
Then, enter the address of the place you want to add. Cortana searches for it automatically and displays the results under the text field. Check the results and click or tap on the one that matches your query.
Now choose a Nickname for that place, so that you can easily identify it among the others. Home, Work, Girlfriend or Boyfriend, are all good choices. Note that this is an optional detail and you can skip it if you want. Then, select what type of place that is: Home, Work or Favorite. If you add more places, you are likely to set them as your Favorites, as you can have only one Home. 🙂 When you are done, press Save to let Cortana memorize your favorite place.
Cortana now brings you back to the list of your favorite places, where you can now also see the new one.
Notice that every favorite place you have also has a small menu button represented by three suspension dots, on its right side. If you click or tap on it, Cortana gives you a few options for that place:
- You can Edit it, but that just means changing its Nickname;
- You can "Show in Maps," which means that the Maps app opens and takes you to the address of that favorite place;
- You can Remove the favorite place in question.
That is everything that you can do in your personal information section from Cortana's Notebook.
NOTE: The first tab from Cortana's Notebook lets you create and edit Lists and Reminders. These are useful things to do and can definitely help you become more productive in the long term. However, they are not related to the configuration of Cortana, which is the focus of this article.
3. Configure Cortana's connections and access to personal information (Manage Skills)
One of the best features of any personal assistant, virtual or not, is how many useful skills she has. It is true that Cortana does not have as many skills as she could or should have. However, she does have a series of useful skills. All of them can be viewed and configured in the Manage Skills tab from her Notebook.
Cortana groups her skills depending on their purpose. The default skills you get on probably any Windows 10 device are:
Connections: Music, Connected Home, Connected services
Productivity: Calendar & reminders, Commute & traffic, Pick up where you left off, Suggested tasks
Stay up to date: Finance, Flights, News, Packages, Sports, Weather
Lifestyle: Eat & drink, Shopping, Special days
Help: Cortana tips
Each of these skills sets contain one or more skills that allow Cortana to interact with your favorite apps and services. With their help, she can do things like play radio stations in TuneIn, check your Calendar, notify you about the packages that you are tracking, find places to eat based on the food you like, or even turn up the heat in your home.
Cortana has over 230 skills in total, so it would be impossible to cover them all in our tutorials.
We would like to point out though, that you should definitely tinker with her skills and configure as many as you can so that Cortana can do her best work in helping you.
4. Access Cortana's settings
The next Cortana configurations that we are going to talk about are available in the Settings app. There are two ways to get there:
- You can either open the Settings app and then click or tap on the Cortana button
- Or you can launch Cortana and click or tap on her Settings button.
Either way, you should get to Cortana's settings, which look like this:
5. Make sure that Cortana can hear you
The Settings app should now display the settings section called "Talk to Cortana." If it is not, click or tap on "Talk to Cortana" on the left side of the window. Then, on the right, click or tap on the link that says "Check the microphone."
This action should launch the Speech troubleshooting wizard. Follow its steps and make sure that Cortana can hear you.
6. Make Cortana listen to your voice and answer when you say "Hey Cortana"
The next section is called "Hey Cortana," and it is the place where you can decide whether you want her to listen to your voice permanently, and answer when you say "Hey Cortana." If you do want that, enable the switch that says so, but keep in mind that Cortana uses more battery when this feature is on.
If you choose to enable "Hey Cortana," you get access to a few additional settings:
- You can choose to "keep [your] device from sleeping when it's plugged in so [you] can always say 'Hey Cortana' (unless [you] turn it off [yourself])"
- You can make her "Respond when anyone says 'Hey Cortana'" or "Try to respond only to [you]."
If you want to configure Cortana to respond only to you, first you must help her learn your voice. For that, you must click or tap on the link that says "Learn how I say 'Hey Cortana'."
Then go through the wizard and repeat the six phrases that Cortana asks you to read. Then, she should be able to answer to only you.
7. Make Cortana listen to your commands when you press Windows + C
Once you are done with that, go back to the Settings window, and choose whether you want Cortana to listen to your commands when you press the Windows + C keys simultaneously.
8. Configure Cortana to answer to you even when your device is locked
Cortana can work for you even while your Windows 10 PC or device is locked. That means that you no longer have to unlock your PC or device to be able to talk to her. The next few settings from the "Talk to Cortana" section in the Settings app are about configuring her to do that. We described this configuration task, in a separate tutorial: How to enable and use Cortana straight from the Windows 10 lock screen.
9. Manage what you let Cortana do and see
The "Permissions & History" section of the Cortana settings, lets you check and adjust everything related to what Cortana knows about you and the information she can access on you.
The Permissions area has links that take you to online and offline places, where you can:
- "Change what Cortana knows about [you] in the cloud"
- "Manage the information Cortana can access from this device"
- "Manage the information Cortana can access from other services"
Click or tap on each of the links and select what information you want to share with Cortana and what not.
10. Choose how to filter adult content in the search results shown by Cortana
The SafeSearch section allows you to configure how adult content is filtered out in the search results you get from Cortana. She can be configured to filter the adult content like this:
- Strict - "Filter out adult text, images, and videos from [your] web results"
- Moderate - "Filter adult images and videos but not text from [your] web results"
- Off - "Don't filter adult content from [your] web results."
The options are clear, so choose what you prefer.
11. Select whether Cortana can use your cloud content in Windows Search
By default, if you have content saved in the cloud (a.k.a in OneDrive), Cortana can search it too when you are looking for stuff using her search box on the taskbar. If you want to disable this feature, turn off the switch called "Windows Cloud Search" from Cortana's "Permissions & History."
12. Manage your history and let Cortana use it (or not)
Cortana can also view your activity history on your devices and improve searches using it. If you want her to be able to use your past, this feature is on by default, so you do not have to do anything. However, if you do not want to let Cortana do so, you can disable the "View activity history" and "My device history" switches. Also, if you want to erase your past activity logs, you should also click or tap on the "Clear my device history" button.
13. Configure Cortana's integrations with other devices
If you have an Android or Windows 10 Mobile smartphone, and you have installed the Cortana app on it, then you can get notifications from it, directly on your Windows 10 PC. This feature is turned on or off by the switch called "Get phone notifications on this PC" and must also be enabled in the Cortana app on the smartphone to work.
Moreover, if you want to continue some of the activities you started on your other devices, Cortana can help you out. To enable this feature though, you must enable the switch that says "Help me pick up where I left off on other devices" on all the devices that you use.
14. Let Cortana give you list suggestions
The final configuration available in Cortana's settings is a feature called "Get list suggestions." If you are using the Lists feature to organize your life, Cortana can participate even more and "help you make lists and give you relevant updates and suggestions." If you want her to do that, you have to agree to receive suggestions by turning on the switch called "Get list suggestions."
However, you have to know that Cortana needs access to your browsing history, to collect and use it if you want to receive list suggestions from her.
And… that was pretty much everything that you can configure the way Cortana works in Windows 10 Spring Creators Update.
Cortana can do lots of things, and to be able to do that, she must be complicated. The direct result is that she has lots of configuration options which you can fiddle with to make her work just the way you like it. However, once you have taken the time to do all that, interacting with Cortana will be a personal experience, for both you and her. 🙂