高速缓存(Cache)内存会消耗驱动器分区上的大量内存,在尝试手动删除时,这些内存通常也无法删除。缓存内存的累积主要包括来自网站和应用程序的临时文件,尤其是当您使用互联网浏览和广告 cookie 并接受所有 cookie 时。缓存(Cache)内存文件夹也隐藏在我们的系统分区驱动器中的不可清除内存中。今天我们将讨论所有可能的方式,通过这些方式,缓存内存删除将成为可能,并且在未来也很容易重复。继续阅读以了解有关Windows 11中清除缓存的更多信息。
在 Windows 11 中清除缓存的 14 种方法(14 Ways to Clear Cache in Windows 11)
- 缓存 (cache )是
一种 高速硬件或软件组件,用于 缓存频繁请求的数据和指令(caches frequently requested data and instructions)。它允许网站、应用程序、服务和系统的其他方面 更快地加载(load faster)。 缓存(Cache)使使用的数据最 容易访问(easily accessible)。各种程序中经常使用的PNG(PNGs)、 图标(icons)、 徽标(logos)、 着色器(shaders)和其他文件称为 缓存文件(cache files)。这些文件通常是隐藏的,并保存在您的硬盘空间中。
高速缓存内存 (Cache memory )是 faster than main memory and/or RAM的内存。因为它比RAM更靠近CPU并且速度更快,因此大大 减少了数据访问时间(reduces data access time)。它可以帮助您的 CPU加快计算速度(speeding up calculations),从而获得更快的 PC。
在Windows 11(Windows 11)上清除缓存的方法取决于需要清除的缓存类型。例如,浏览器缓存可以从网络浏览器中删除,而本地缓存则通过保存在 C 盘中的Temp文件夹进行。(Temp)实施(Implement)所有给定的方法来清除各种缓存以清除内存空间并提高系统速度。
(Method 1: Clear Local Cache from Temp Folder
所有临时/缓存文件都可以使用这种简单的老式方法清除,它还可以帮助您使用其他Windows版本,如 7、8 和 10。以下是执行此缓存删除过程的方法:
1. 按Windows + R 组合键打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入%temp% 并按Enter键打开App Data Local Temp文件夹。
3. 按Ctrl + A 组合键选择所有文件,然后单击顶部窗格中的删除(Delete )选项以删除所选文件。
4. 将出现一个名为“文件夹访问被拒绝(Folder Access Denied)”的弹出窗口。单击继续(Continue )以继续前进。
注意:(Note:)对于某些无法删除的文件,(files which can’t be deleted)可能会有另一个提示。勾选对所有当前项目执行此(Do this for all current items) 操作并单击 跳过 (Skip )以继续前进。如果您在此过程中发现更多此类提示,请执行相同操作。
应用缓存文件将从您的 Windows 11 PC 中删除。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 11 中移动屏幕外的窗口(How to Move a Window that is Off-Screen in Windows 11)
方法 2:从存储设置中删除缓存(Method 2: Remove Cache from Storage Settings )
这也是Windows 11界面为缓存删除提供的一种非常合适的方法。
1.如图所示,通过开始菜单(Start menu)打开 Windows设置(Settings )应用程序。
2. 单击设置窗口中的存储(Storage )选项。
3. 将出现存储统计信息。单击(Click)突出显示的临时文件(Temporary files )选项。
4. 在临时(Temporary)文件部分下,您将看到存储在系统上的所有文件夹和文件的列表以及简要说明。向下滚动以根据(Scroll)您的选择选择要删除的文件,然后单击“ 删除(choose)文件 (Remove files )”选项以删除缓存文件。
5. 点击继续(Continue)确认删除过程。临时缓存将从您的系统中清除。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is Unavailable: Fixed
方法 3:使用磁盘清理实用程序(Method 3: Use Disk Cleanup Utility)
磁盘清理是在(Disk)Windows 11中轻松清理缓存的另一种方法。要使用磁盘清理(Disk Cleanup)缓存内存删除过程,
1.在开始菜单搜索栏中(search bar)键入磁盘清理(Disk Cleanup ),然后单击以管理员(Run as administrator )身份运行以将其打开。
2.磁盘清理:驱动器选择(Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection)窗口将弹出。从Drives下拉菜单中选择C: drive 并单击(C: )OK。
3.磁盘(Disk)清理将计算并打开与临时缓存文件一起存储的可能可删除文件的列表。向下滚动(Scroll)并根据您的选择 选择所需的文件,然后单击(select)确定(OK),如下图所示。
4. 在以下弹出窗口中,单击删除文件(Delete Files )按钮以确认删除。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 11 上强制退出程序(How to Force Quit a Program on Windows 11)
方法四:删除 DNS 缓存(Method 4: Delete DNS Cache)
域名系统(Domain Name System)( DNS ) 用作您在计算机上浏览的网站的目录。DNS将域名(例如 www.google.com)转换为 IP 地址(。虽然DNS缓存可帮助您的计算机快速加载网站,但可以想象缓存文件的数量会随着时间的推移而增加。在最坏的情况下,当恶意攻击发生并修改记录的 IP 地址时,您可能会遇到DNS缓存中毒。(DNS)为了防止这种情况,请按照给定的步骤清除Windows 11中的(Windows 11)DNS缓存:
1.在 Windows搜索栏中(search bar)键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击打开(Open)。
2.如下图在命令提示符窗口中输入(Command Prompt)ipconfig /flushdns回车(Enter)键。
执行该命令后,将从您的 PC 中清除所有DNS缓存。(DNS)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 11 上更改 DNS 服务器(How to Change DNS Server on Windows 11)
方法 5:清除 Microsoft Store 缓存(Method 5: Clear Microsoft Store Cache )
Microsoft Store与其他应用程序一样,将缓存数据存储在您的系统上。它的缓存删除可以帮助解决购买、下载或商店(Store)应用程序无法加载的问题。要清除Microsoft Store缓存,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 按键盘上的Windows + R 组合键打开运行(Run)对话框。
3. 屏幕上将出现一个空的命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口。等待(Wait)几秒钟,直到此窗口自动关闭。不久之后,Microsoft Store将在清除所有缓存后打开。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Microsoft Store 在哪里安装游戏?(Where Does Microsoft Store Install Games? )
方法六:清除浏览器缓存(Method 6: Erase Browser Cache )
Web浏览器将经常访问的网页的静态资产保存在您的计算机上,以便您在后续访问时可以更快地访问它们。静态资产,换句话说,是每次访问时或多或少相同的网站资产。但是,保存在您计算机上的网站缓存数据可能已过期。每次您尝试访问此特定网站时,它都可能导致问题。(cause problems)在这种情况下,清除浏览器缓存可能是最佳解决方案。
注意:(Note:)出于说明目的,我们考虑使用Google Chrome浏览器。在进行任何更改之前,请使用您的浏览器进行验证。
1.打开Chrome浏览器,按下组合键Ctrl + Shift + Delete 打开清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)设置弹出。
2. 单击时间范围(Time range )下拉菜单并选择所有时间(All time )选项。
3.取消勾选除(Untick)缓存图像和文件 (Cached images and files )之外的所有选项,然后单击 清除数据(Clear data)。
方法 7:清除位置记录(Method 7: Clear Location History )
如果经常使用,使用 PC 定位服务会给 PC 带来大量缓存。清除位置历史记录有助于清除Windows 11中的缓存,如下所示:
1.通过开始菜单(Start menu)打开 Windows设置(Settings )应用程序。
2. 单击隐私和安全(Privacy & security )磁贴。
3. 单击位置(Location )选项,如下所示。
4. 在这里,找到位置历史记录(Location history)选项,然后单击清除(Clear )按钮,如下图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何下载适用于 Windows 11 的 Google 地图(How To Download Google Maps for Windows 11)
方法 8:清除活动历史记录(Method 8: Clear Activity History )
就像定位服务一样,当您在 PC 上执行各种任务时,系统上的活动时间会收集一些缓存。(active hours)您可以通过执行给定的步骤来清除此缓存:
1. 按照方法7的(Method 7 )步骤 1-2(Steps 1-2)打开隐私和安全(Privacy & security )菜单。
2. 单击Windows 权限下的(Windows permissions)活动历史记录(Activity history )选项 。
3. 选中或取消选中标记为在此设备上存储我的活动历史记录(Store my activity history on this device)的选项,如适用。然后,单击清除(Clear )活动历史记录(Clear activity history)标题下的清除,如突出显示的那样。
方法 9:删除预取文件(Method 9: Delete Prefetch Files )
预取文件首先在Windows XP中引入,用于加速Windows PC 的启动。如果您的系统感染了恶意软件并且您在启动时遇到问题,则完全可以想象您会想要删除预取文件。
注意:(Note:) 预取文件用于减少系统的启动时间。删除它们可能会影响 PC 的启动,因此在对系统进行任何更改之前请考虑这一点。
1. 像以前一样打开运行(Run)对话框。输入prefetch并点击Enter。
2. 在Windows Prefetch文件夹中,按Ctrl + A keys 选择所有文件,然后按组合Shift + Delete 永久删除所选文件。
3.在删除多个项目(Delete Multiple Items)提示中单击是确认删除过程。(Yes)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 11 上创建桌面快捷方式(How to Create Desktop Shortcuts on Windows 11)
方法 10:清理文件资源管理器缓存(Method 10: Clean File Explorer Cache )
快速访问选项是( Quick Access option)文件资源管理器(File Explorer)如何记住您在系统上经常使用的文件和位置的一个很好的例子。Windows允许您擦除包含此信息的文件资源管理器缓存文件。(File Explorer)以下是如何做同样的事情:
1.如图所示,通过开始菜单打开(Start menu)文件资源管理器。(File Explorer )
2. 在文件资源管理器(File Explorer)窗口中,单击Three dotted icon > 选项(Options ),如图所示。
3. 在文件夹选项(Folder Options)窗口中,单击隐私(Privacy)部分下的清除。(Clear )
4.文件资源管理器(File Explorer)缓存将被清除,您可以通过单击确定(OK)退出。
方法11:删除系统还原缓存(Method 11: Delete System Restore Cache )
当您在 Windows 11 中删除系统还原点时(system restore points in Windows 11),与它们连接的缓存文件将被删除,并且会释放系统上的一些内存。
注意: (Note: )此方法包括删除存储在系统上的还原点,这将禁止您将来在出现蓝屏死机 ( BSOD ) 错误时还原Windows 。因此,在实现此缓存删除过程时要非常小心。
1. 打开 Windows 设置(Settings)并单击 关于 (About )选项,如下图所示。
2. 点击相关链接部分的(Related links)高级系统设置(Advanced system settings ),如图所示。
3. 切换到系统属性(System Properties )窗口中的系统保护(System Protection )选项卡。然后单击“保护设置”(Protection Settings)部分中的“配置(Configure )”选项。
4. 在本地磁盘 (C:) 的系统保护(System Protection for Local Disk (C:))窗口中,单击消息删除(Delete )此驱动器的所有还原点(Delete all restore points for this drive)旁边的删除,如图突出显示。
5. 将出现一个系统保护(System Protection)弹出窗口进行确认,单击继续(Continue)。
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方法12:删除显示缓存(Method 12: Delete Display Cache)
在Windows 11上,显示缓存存储有关系统显示的信息。此信息可能包括从您使用的先前分辨率到您选择的颜色模式等所有内容。显示(Display)缓存无法避免困扰其他缓存类型的问题。如果您的系统显示出现问题,您可能希望清除缓存并重置显示设置,如下所示:
1. 打开运行(Run)对话框,输入regedit命令并按Enter启动注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。
3. 在左窗格中,右键单击配置(Configuration )文件夹,然后单击删除(Delete),如下图所示。
5.重新启动您的电脑(Restart your PC),缓存将被清除。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Windows 11 中的音频嗡嗡声(How to Fix Audio Buzzing in Windows 11)
方法 13:清除剪贴板缓存(Method 13: Clear Clipboard Cache )
1. 打开 Windows设置(Settings) 并向下滚动以单击剪贴板(Clipboard )选项。
2. 在这里,单击清除剪贴板数据部分中的(Clear clipboard data)清除(Clear )选项,如下所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 PowerShell 中删除文件夹和子文件夹(How to Delete Folders and Subfolders in PowerShell)
方法 14:通过 Storage Sense 设置删除未使用的内容(Method 14: Set-up Deletion of Unused Content via Storage Sense )
如果您不想在计算机上手动执行缓存删除过程,Windows 11 包含一个内置工具,可以为您执行此操作。Storage Sense 是一项可用于以预定频率定期删除缓存的功能。要在Windows 11(Windows 11)中使用存储感知清除缓存,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 打开 Windows设置(Settings)并单击列表中的存储(Storage )选项,如图所示。
2. 单击存储管理部分下的(Storage management)存储感知(Storage Sense )选项,如下图所示。
3. 选中清理临时文件(Cleanup of temporary files )下的复选框,并确保自动用户内容清理(Automatic User content cleanup )下的滑块已打开。
4. 此外,根据您的方便,从配置清理计划(Configure cleanup schedules)下的三个下拉菜单中检查并设置持续时间:(drop-down menus)
- 运行存储感知(Run Storage Sense)
- 删除我的回收站中的文件,如果它们已经在那里(Delete files in my recycle bin if they have been there for over)
- 删除我的下载文件夹中的文件,如果它们没有被打开超过(Delete files in my Downloads folder if they haven’t been opened for more than)
我们希望本文能帮助您清除 Windows 11 PC中的缓存。(clear cache in Windows 11)请在下面的评论部分提及您使用此处列出的缓存内存删除过程一次性删除了多少最大缓存的经验。
14 Ways to Clear Cache in Windows 11
Cache memory can consumе a lot of memory on your driνe partitions which are also usually irretraceable to delete while attempting to do it manuаlly. Accumulatiоn of cache memory consists mostly of temp files from websites and applications eѕpecially, when you use internet browsing and ads cookies with all the cookies accepted. Cache memory folders are also hidden in our system partition drives amоngst the nоn-clearable memory. Tоday we’ll be talking about all the possible ways through which cache memory dеletion will be possible and eaѕy to repeat in the future too. Read on to know more about clear cache in Windows 11.
14 Ways to Clear Cache in Windows 11
Before we escalate to the methods, let’s understand what is cache and cache memory in the first place.
A cache is a high-speed hardware or software component that caches frequently requested data and instructions. It allows websites, apps, services, and other aspects of your system to load faster. Cache makes the data that is used the most easily accessible. PNGs, icons, logos, shaders, and other files that are often used in various programs are known as cache files. These files are normally hidden and are saved on your hard drive space.
Cache memory is a memory that is faster than main memory and/or RAM. Because it is placed closer to your CPU than your RAM and is faster, it greatly reduces data access time. It assists your CPU in speeding up calculations, resulting in a quicker PC.
The method to clear cache on Windows 11 depends on the type of cache that needs to be cleared. For example, browser cache can be deleted from the web browser while local cache through Temp folders saved in C drive. Implement all the given methods to clear all kinds of cache to clear memory space & increase system speed.
Method 1: Clear Local Cache from Temp Folder
All the temporary/cache files can be cleared with this simple old school method which can also help you with other Windows versions like 7, 8, and 10. Here’s how to perform this cache memory deletion process:
1. Press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type %temp% and press Enter key to open App Data Local Temp folder.
3. Press Ctrl + A key combination to select all the files, and click the Delete option from the top pane to delete the selected files.
4. A popup titled Folder Access Denied will appear. Click on Continue to proceed forward.
Note: There may be another prompt for certain files which can’t be deleted. Tick mark the option Do this for all current items and click on Skip to move forward. Do the same if you find any more such prompts in the process.
The app cache files will be deleted from your Windows 11 PC.
Also Read: How to Move a Window that is Off-Screen in Windows 11
Method 2: Remove Cache from Storage Settings
It is also a very suitable method that Windows 11 interface provides for cache memory deletion.
1. Open the Windows Settings application through the Start menu as shown.
2. Click on the Storage option from the Settings window.
3. The storage statistics will appear. Click on the Temporary files option shown highlighted.
4. Under the Temporary files section, you will see a list of all the folders and files stored on the system with a brief description. Scroll down to choose the files to be deleted according to your choice and click on the Remove files option to delete the cache files.
5. Confirm the deletion process by clicking on Continue. The temporary cache will be cleaned from your system.
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Method 3: Use Disk Cleanup Utility
Disk cleanup is another way to easily clean the cache memory in Windows 11. To use Disk Cleanup cache memory deletion process,
1. Type Disk Cleanup in the Start menu search bar and click on Run as administrator to open it.
2. A Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection window will pop up. Select C: drive from the Drives dropdown menu and click OK.
3. Disk cleanup will calculate and open a list of possibly deletable files stored along with the temporary cache files. Scroll down and select the required files according to your choice and click on OK as depicted below.
4. In the following pop-up, click on the Delete Files button to confirm the deletion.
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Method 4: Delete DNS Cache
The Domain Name System (DNS) functions as a directory for the websites you browse on your computer. DNS converts domain names (such as www.google.com) to IP addresses ( While the DNS cache assists your computer in quickly loading websites, it’s conceivable that the amount of cache files has expanded over time. In the worst-case scenario, you may experience DNS cache poisoning when a malicious attack occurs and modifies the recorded IP addresses. In order to prevent that, follow the given steps to clear DNS cache in Windows 11:
1. Type Command Prompt in the Windows search bar and click Open.
2. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the Command Prompt window as shown below, and press Enter key.
Upon execution of the command, all DNS cache will be cleaned from your PC.
Also Read: How to Change DNS Server on Windows 11
Method 5: Clear Microsoft Store Cache
Microsoft Store, like other applications, stores cached data on your system. Its cache deletion can help sort problems with purchases, downloads, or Store apps that simply won’t load. To clear your Microsoft Store cache, follow the steps below:
1. Press Windows + R key combination from the keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type wsreset.exe and press Enter key to execute the command.
3. An empty Command Prompt window will appear on the screen. Wait for a few seconds until this window gets automatically closed. Soon after, Microsoft Store will open after clearing all the cache.
Also Read: Where Does Microsoft Store Install Games?
Method 6: Erase Browser Cache
Web browsers save static assets of frequently visited web pages on your computer so you can access them faster on subsequent visits. Static assets, to put it another way, are website assets that are more or less the same on each visit. However, the cached data of a website kept on your computer may be out of date. It can cause problems every time you try to access this particular website. Clearing your browser cache may be the best solution in this scenario.
Note: For illustration purposes, we’ve considered Google Chrome browser. Verify with your browser before making any changes.
1. Open Chrome browser and press the button combination Ctrl + Shift + Delete to open Clear browsing data settings pop up.
2. Click on the Time range dropdown menu and choose the All time option.
3. Untick all the options except the Cached images and files and click on Clear data.
Method 7: Clear Location History
Using the PC location service brings a lot of cache to the PC, if frequently used. Clearing the location history can help clear cache in Windows 11 as follows:
1. Open the Windows Settings application through the Start menu.
2. Click Privacy & security tile.
3. Click on the Location option as shown below.
4. Here, find the Location history option and click Clear button as depicted below.
Also Read: How To Download Google Maps for Windows 11
Method 8: Clear Activity History
Just like the location service, active hours on the system gather up some cache as you perform various tasks on the PC. You can clear this cache by implementing given steps:
1. Follow Steps 1-2 of Method 7 to open the Privacy & security menu.
2. Click on the Activity history option under Windows permissions.
3. Check or uncheck the option marked Store my activity history on this device, as suited. Then, click on Clear under the Clear activity history title as shown highlighted.
Method 9: Delete Prefetch Files
Prefetch files, first introduced with Windows XP, are used to speed up the startup of your Windows PC. If your system is infected with malicious software and you’re experiencing problems on start-up, it’s completely conceivable that you’ll want to remove the prefetch files.
Note: Prefetch files are used for reducing the boot time of the system. Deleting them can affect the booting of your PC, so consider this before making any changes to your system.
1. Open Run dialog box as before. Type prefetch and hit Enter.
2. In the Windows Prefetch folder, press Ctrl + A keys to select all the files and press the button combination Shift + Delete to permanently delete the selected files.
3. Confirm the deletion process by clicking on Yes in the Delete Multiple Items prompt.
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Method 10: Clean File Explorer Cache
The Quick Access option is a good example of how File Explorer remembers the files and locations you frequently use on your system. Windows lets you erase the File Explorer cache files that contain this information. Here’s how to do the same:
1. Open File Explorer through the Start menu as shown.
2. In the File Explorer window, click on the Three dotted icon > Options as depicted.
3. From the Folder Options window, click on Clear under the Privacy section.
4. The File Explorer cache memory will get cleared and you can exit by clicking on OK.
Method 11: Delete System Restore Cache
When you remove system restore points in Windows 11, the cache files connected with them will get deleted, and it would free up some memory on your system.
Note: This method includes removing restore points stored on your system, which will prohibit you from restoring Windows in the future if you get a blue screen of death (BSOD) error. So, be very careful while implementing this cache memory deletion process.
1. Open Windows Settings and click the About option, as illustrated below.
2. Click on the Advanced system settings from the Related links section as shown.
3. Switch to the System Protection tab in the System Properties window. Then click Configure option from the Protection Settings section.
4. In the System Protection for Local Disk (C:) window, click on Delete beside the message Delete all restore points for this drive as shown highlighted.
5. A System Protection popup will appear for the confirmation, click on Continue.
The restore points will be deleted along with the cache memory associated with them.
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Method 12: Delete Display Cache
On Windows 11, the display cache stores information about your system display. This information might include everything from the previous resolution you utilized to the color mode you chose, among other things. Display cache is not immune to the problems that plague other cache types. If you’re having problems with your system’s display, you may wish to clear the cache and reset your display settings as follows:
1. Open the Run dialog box, type regedit command and press Enter to launch Registry Editor.
2. Paste HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers in the address pane on the top as shown.
3. In the left pane, right-click on the Configuration folder and click on Delete as depicted below.
4. Delete the folders Configuration and ScaleFactors in the same way.
5. Restart your PC and the cache will be cleared.
Also Read: How to Fix Audio Buzzing in Windows 11
Method 13: Clear Clipboard Cache
Windows clipboard also stores some amount of cache, and it can be cleared easily by following the steps mentioned below:
1. Open Windows Settings and scroll down to click on the Clipboard option.
2. Here, click on the Clear option from the Clear clipboard data section as shown below.
Also Read: How to Delete Folders and Subfolders in PowerShell
Method 14: Set-up Deletion of Unused Content via Storage Sense
If you don’t want to perform the cache memory deletion process manually on your computer, Windows 11 includes a built-in tool that will do it for you. Storage Sense is a feature that may be used to remove cache at a predetermined frequency regularly. To use storage sense to clear cache in Windows 11, follow the steps below:
1. Open Windows Settings and click on the Storage option from the list as shown.
2. Click on the Storage Sense option under Storage management section as illustrated below.
3. Check the box under Cleanup of temporary files and make sure the slider under Automatic User content cleanup is turned on.
4. Also, check and set the time durations from three drop-down menus under Configure cleanup schedules according to your convenience:
- Run Storage Sense
- Delete files in my recycle bin if they have been there for over
- Delete files in my Downloads folder if they haven’t been opened for more than
We hope this article helped you clear cache in Windows 11 PC. Do mention your experience in the comment section below about how much maximum cache you have deleted in one go using cache memory deletion processes listed here.