最近,我们发布了一篇关于如何在Windows 7 Ultimate & Enterprise中安装和更改为新(Ultimate & Enterprise)显示语言(display Language)的教程。但是,对于家庭用户而言, Windows 7 Ultimate并没有被广泛使用。当时,我们承诺在即将发布的教程中展示如何在使用Windows 家庭版和专业版时安装并更改为新的(Windows Home and Professional editions)显示语言(display language)。现在是展示如何做的时候了。
面向家庭(Home)用户的(部分(Partial))解决方案(Solution):Windows 7语言界面包(Language Interface Packs)( LIP )
如果您拥有Windows 7的(Windows 7)家庭版或专业版(Home or Professional edition),最简单的方法是使用所谓的Windows 7语言界面包(Language Interface Pack)( LIP ) 。Windows 7 LIP(LIPs)是用户界面的部分翻译。这些包将最常用的元素翻译成另一种语言,其余的界面元素保留在母语(parent language)中,在大多数情况下是英语(English)。父语言是用作翻译成另一种显示语言的基础的那些语言(display language)。例如,英语(English)是母语(parent language) 用于将界面元素翻译成多种语言,例如:南非荷兰语(Afrikaans)、孟加拉语(Bengali)(印度(India))、菲律宾语(Filipino)、印地语(Hindi)、马耳他语等(Maltese and others)。俄语是乌兹别克语(Uzbek)、土库曼语(Turkmen)、鞑靼语(Tatar)、蒙古语等的(Mongolian and others)母语(parent language)。其他母语(parent language)可以是法语、西班牙语、挪威语或塞尔维亚语。
为了安装语言界面包(Language Interface Pack),您的 Windows 7 需要安装适当的父语言(parent language)。否则无法安装。
可在下载 Windows语言(Download languages for Windows)页面上找到可下载的 Windows 7语言界面包(Language Interface Packs)。

安装 Windows 7语言界面包(Language Interface Pack)( LIP )
首先,下载您要使用的LIP 。不幸的是,并非所有语言都有可下载的软件包。如果您需要的语言是这种情况,请阅读本教程的下一部分。
运行刚刚下载的LIP 文件。(LIP file)它是一个扩展名为'.mlc'的文件。在本练习中,我们使用了菲律宾语(Filipino language) 界面包(interface pack),文件名为(file name) LIP_fil-PH-32bit.mlc。
“安装或卸载显示语言”('Install or uninstall display languages')窗口打开。单击下一步(Next)。

您被要求查看许可条款。阅读它们,选中“我接受许可条款”('I accept the license terms'),然后单击“下一步”(Next)。

您被要求阅读自述文件(ReadMe file),其中包含有关您将要安装的语言界面包的信息。(language interface pack)阅读并单击Next。

安装过程(installation process)现在开始,您会看到一个进度更新窗口(progress update window)。

完成后,系统会通知您安装过程(installation process)成功。单击(Click) 下一步(Next)。

系统会要求您选择显示语言(display language)。选择您要使用的新显示语言。(display language)然后,选中“将显示语言应用于欢迎屏幕和系统帐户”('Apply display language to welcome screen and system accounts')复选框,如果这是您想要的。
完成后,单击“更改显示语言”('Change display language')。

然后会通知您需要重新启动才能使语言更改(language change)生效。关闭所有打开的文档和应用程序。完成后,单击立即重新启动(Restart now)。

当您登录时,新安装的显示语言(display language)将用于用户界面中的大多数元素。

未翻译的元素以您刚刚安装的语言界面包(Language Interface Pack)使用的父语言显示。(parent language)
我(My Language)的语言没有Windows 7 语言界面包(Language Interface Pack)( LIP )
如果您需要使用的显示语言(display language)没有可用的下载链接,那么您的处境就很艰难。如果您没有安装Windows 7 Ultimate,那么您将不得不稍微破解您的操作系统。(operating system)我们在本教程中介绍了这种情况和最有效的解决方案:使用Vistalizator在Windows 7家庭和专业版中(Home & Professional)安装并更改(Install & Change)为新的显示语言(New Display Language)。
错误:此LIP 语言(LIP language)需要未安装或未选择的其他语言
如果您的 Windows 7 使用的语言与您下载的LIP所需的父语言不同,您会收到(parent language)错误消息(error message):“此 LIP 语言需要未安装或未选择的其他语言”('This LIP language requires other languages that are not installed or selected')。例如,如果您的 Windows 7 是英文版(English)并且您想要安装Catalan LIP ,就会发生这种情况。

在这种情况下,您需要先安装所需的显示父语言(display parent language),然后再安装您需要使用的LIP 。如果这是不可能的,那么你的处境就很艰难。我们也将尝试涵盖这种特殊情况。因此......请继续关注未来的文章。
结论 - 这很复杂
不幸的是,对于Windows 7(Windows 7) 家庭版和专业版(Home and Professional editions)的用户来说,事情变得很复杂。如果您需要安装和使用不同的显示语言(display language),而不破解操作系统(operating system),那么这个程序是您唯一的选择。不过,如果可下载的语言界面包(Language Interface Packs)的数量更多并且包含更多最常见的语言,这将不是问题。我们将尽最大努力确定其他可行的解决方案。在那之前,如果您有任何意见或问题,请不要犹豫,使用下面的表格。
找到了另一种解决方案:(An alternative solution found:) 在Windows 7 Home & Professional中使用Vistalizator安装并更改(Install & Change)为新的显示语言(New Display Language)。
Install & Change to a New Display Language in Windows 7 Home & Pro
Recently, we published a tutorial on how to install and change to a new display Language in Windows 7 Ultimate & Enterprise. However, Windows 7 Ultimate is nоt widely used when it comes to home userѕ. At that time, we promised tо show in an upcoming tutorial how to install and change to a new display languagе when using Windows Home and Professional editions. It is time to show how.
The (Partial) Solution for Home Users: Windows 7 Language Interface Packs (LIP)
If you own the Home or Professional edition of Windows 7, the easiest way is to use the so called Windows 7 Language Interface Pack (LIP). Windows 7 LIPs are partial translations of the user interface. These packages translate the most used elements into another language and the remaining interface elements are kept in the parent language which is, in most cases, English. Parent languages are those languages used as the basis for translation to another display language. For example, English is the parent language used to translate interface elements into many languages, such as: Afrikaans, Bengali (India), Filipino, Hindi, Maltese and others. Russian is the parent language for Uzbek, Turkmen, Tatar, Mongolian and others. Other parent languages can be French, Spanish, Norwegian or Serbian.
In order to install a Language Interface Pack, your Windows 7 needs to have installed the appropriate parent language. Otherwise you cannot get it installed.
Downloadable Windows 7 Language Interface Packs can be found on the Download languages for Windows page.

Installing a Windows 7 Language Interface Pack (LIP)
First, download the LIP you want to use. Unfortunately, not all languages have a downloadable package available. If that's the case for the language you need, read the next section of this tutorial.
Run the LIP file you just downloaded. It is a file with the extension '.mlc'. For this exercise, we used the Filipino language interface pack, with the file name LIP_fil-PH-32bit.mlc.
The 'Install or uninstall display languages' window opens. Click Next.

You are asked to review the license terms. Read them, check 'I accept the license terms' and click Next.

You are asked to read the ReadMe file which contains information about the language interface pack you are about to install. Read it and click Next.

The installation process now starts and you are shown a progress update window.

When done, you are notified about the success of the installation process. Click Next.

You are asked to select the display language. Select the new display language you want to use. Then, check the box that says 'Apply display language to welcome screen and system accounts', if this is something you want to have.
When done, click 'Change display language'.

You are then notified that you need a restart in order for the language change to take effect. Close any open documents and applications. When done, click Restart now.

When you log on, the newly installed display language is used for most of the elements in the user interface.

The elements which are not translated are shown in the parent language used by the Language Interface Pack you just installed.
There is No Windows 7 Language Interface Pack (LIP) for My Language
If there is no download link available for the display language you need to use, then you are in a tough situation. If you don't have Windows 7 Ultimate installed, then you will have to hack your operating system a bit. We cover this scenario and the most effective solution in this tutorial: Install & Change to a New Display Language in Windows 7 Home & Professional with Vistalizator.
Error: This LIP language requires other languages that are not installed or selected
If your Windows 7 uses a different language than the parent language required by the LIP you downloaded, you get the error message: 'This LIP language requires other languages that are not installed or selected'. For example, this happens if you have your Windows 7 in English and you want to install the Catalan LIP.

In this case, you need to install the required display parent language first, and then the LIP you need to use. If that's not possible, you are in a tough situation. We will try to cover this exceptional scenario too. Therefore... stay tuned for future articles.
Conclusion - It's Complicated
Unfortunately, things are complicated for users of Windows 7 Home and Professional editions. If you need to install and use a different display language, without hacking the operating system, then this procedure is your only choice. This wouldn't be a problem though, if the number of downloadable Language Interface Packs would be higher and would include more of the most common languages. We will do our best to identify other working solutions. Until then, if you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to use the form below.
An alternative solution found: Install & Change to a New Display Language in Windows 7 Home & Professional with Vistalizator.