我将继续我们的网络系列并展示如何在基于Windows XP 和 Windows(Windows XP and Windows) 7 的计算机之间共享文件和文件夹。该过程可能比在Windows Vista 和 Windows(Windows Vista and Windows) 7 计算机之间共享时稍微复杂一些,但它仍然非常易于管理。
第 1 步:工作组必须相同
由于家庭组功能(HomeGroup feature)仅适用于基于Windows 7的 PC,因此您需要确保您的Windows XP 和 Windows(Windows XP and Windows) 7 PC 位于同一工作组中。要检查这一点,请转到Windows 7 PC上的'Control Panel -> System and Security -> System'在Windows XP PC(Windows XP PCs)上,右键单击桌面(Desktop)或开始菜单中的(Start Menu)我的电脑(My Computer)快捷方式,然后单击属性(Properties)。

在“系统属性(System Properties)”窗口中,转到“计算机名称”(Computer Name)选项卡并检查计算机所属的工作组。

如果所有计算机上的工作组设置相同,则一切正常。如果不是,则需要更改它以使其相同。如果您想更改Windows 7 PC 上的工作组,请查看我们的指南,称为如何(How)更改Windows 7中的工作组(Workgroup)。如果您想在Windows XP PC上更改它,请单击“计算机名称”('Computer Name')选项卡中的“更改”(Change)按钮。在“计算机名称更改”('Computer Name Changes')窗口中,输入新的工作组名称并单击(workgroup name and click)“确定(OK)” 。

然后将要求您重新启动 PC。完成此操作后,Windows XP PC将加入新的工作组。
第 2 步(Step 2):网络共享设置必须兼容
为了在 Windows XP 计算机上进行共享,您的 Windows 7 PC 应该使用家庭(Home)或工作(Work)网络位置,并且必须打开两个设置:网络发现和文件共享(network discovery and file sharing)。
为简化操作,最好关闭您当前使用的网络位置的密码保护共享。(network location)要了解如何在Windows 7中更改网络共享设置,请查看我们的指南,称为如何(How)在Windows 7中自定义网络共享设置(Network Sharing Settings)。

要确保您的 Windows XP PC 可以看到网络上的其他计算机,您必须确保计算机浏览器(Computer Browser)服务正在运行。它应该是,默认情况下。但是,如果您没有看到其他计算机,则该服务很可能已被禁用或停止。要启用它,请右键单击桌面(Desktop)或开始菜单中的(Start Menu)“我的电脑”('My Computer')快捷方式,然后单击“管理(Manage)” 。

在“计算机管理(Computer Management)”窗口中,转到“服务和应用程序”('Services and Applications')并打开“服务(Services)”部分。

在服务列表中,检查Computer Browser服务是否已启动并设置为Automatic,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

如果不是,请双击它,然后转到“属性(Properties)”窗口中的“常规(General)”选项卡。在那里,在Startup type下,选择Automatic。完成后,点击OK。

重新启动 PC 后,该服务将自动启动,您应该能够看到网络上的其他计算机。
第 3 步:共享文件和文件夹
下一步是在网络计算机上共享文件和文件夹。您可以使用共享向导或高级共享设置来执行此操作。要了解如何在Windows 7中共享文件,请查看我们关于此主题的指南:使用共享向导共享库(Sharing Wizard and Share Libraries)或文件夹和使用高级共享(Folders Using Advanced Sharing)共享库或文件夹。
对于Windows XP,请使用正常的共享程序。
第 4 步(Step 4):访问共享文件和文件夹(Access Shared Files and Folders)
要从Windows XP计算机访问共享文件和文件夹,请转到'My Computer -> My Network Places -> View workgroup computers'。您应该能够看到当时打开的所有计算机。

对于 Windows 7,打开Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)窗口并转至网络(Network)。在那里,您还将看到已打开的Windows XP计算机。(Windows XP)

如果在您尝试访问的计算机上启用了密码保护共享,您将被要求输入有效的用户名和密码(user name and password)。需要注意的一件事是首先在用户名字段中输入您正在访问的计算机的名称。这会将域更改为该计算机而不是您的本地计算机。然后键入“”和您正在访问的计算机上定义的用户名。(user name)然后,输入密码,单击确定(OK),您将能够访问该计算机共享的所有文件和文件夹。

使装有Windows 7和Windows XP(Windows XP work)的计算机在同一网络中协同工作稍微困难一些。他们必须在同一个工作组中并且具有兼容的网络共享设置,但如果你注意一下,它应该可以正常工作。如果您有一些有用的网络技巧,请不要犹豫发表评论。此外,有关网络的更多有用信息,请查看下面列出的文章。
Sharing Between Windows XP and Windows 7 Computers
I will cоntinue our networking series and show how to share files and folderѕ between Windows XP and Windows 7 based comрuters. The procedure can be slightlу more complicated than when sharing between Windows Vista and Windows 7 computers but it's still very manageable.
Step 1: Workgroup Must be the Same
Since the HomeGroup feature only works on Windows 7 based PCs, you need to make sure that your Windows XP and Windows 7 PCs are in the same workgroup. To check this, go to 'Control Panel -> System and Security -> System' on the Windows 7 PCs. On the Windows XP PCs, right click on the My Computer shortcut from your Desktop or Start Menu and click Properties.

In the System Properties window, go to the Computer Name tab and check the workgroup to which the computer belongs.

If the workgroup is set the same on all computers, everything is fine. If it is not, you need to change it so that it is the same. If you want to change the workgroup on a Windows 7 PC, check out our guide called How to Change the Workgroup in Windows 7. If you want to change it on a Windows XP PC, click on the Change button in the 'Computer Name' tab. In the 'Computer Name Changes' window, type the new workgroup name and click on OK.

You will be then asked to restart your PC. Once this is done, the Windows XP PC will be joining the new workgroup.
Step 2: Network Sharing Settings must be Compatible
In order for sharing to work with your Windows XP computers, your Windows 7 PCs should be using the Home or Work network locations and must have two settings turned on: network discovery and file sharing.
To simplify things, it can be a good idea to turn off password protected sharing for the network location you are currently using. To learn how to change network sharing settings in Windows 7, check out our guide called How to Customize Network Sharing Settings in Windows 7.

To make sure your Windows XP PCs see other computers on the network, you must make sure the Computer Browser service is running. It should be, by default. But, if you don't see other computers, then this service is most probably disabled or stopped. To enable it, right click on the 'My Computer' shortcut from your Desktop or Start Menu and click on Manage.

In the Computer Management window, go to 'Services and Applications' and open the Services section.

In the list of services, check if the Computer Browser service is started and set to Automatic, as shown in the screenshot below.

If it is not, double click on it, and go to the General tab in the Properties window. There, under Startup type, select Automatic. When done, click on OK.

After you reboot your PC, the service will automatically start and you should be able to see other computers on the network.
Step 3: Share Files and Folders
The next step is to share files and folders on your network computers. You can do this using the sharing wizard or advanced sharing settings. To learn how to share files in Windows 7, check out our guides on this subject: Share Libraries or Folders Using the Sharing Wizard and Share Libraries or Folders Using Advanced Sharing.
For Windows XP, use the normal sharing procedures.
Step 4: Access Shared Files and Folders
To access the shared files and folders from the Windows XP computers, go to 'My Computer -> My Network Places -> View workgroup computers'. You should be able to see all the computers which are turned on at that moment.

For Windows 7, open a Windows Explorer window and go to Network. There you will see also the Windows XP computers which are turned on.

If password protected sharing is enabled on the computer you are trying to access, you will be asked to enter a valid user name and password. One thing to watch out for is to first type the name of the computer you are accessing in the username field. This will change the domain to that computer instead of your local one. Then type '' and a user name defined on the computer you are accessing. Afterwards, type the password, click on OK and you will be able to access all the files and folders shared by that computer.

Making computers with Windows 7 and Windows XP work together in the same network is slightly more difficult. They must be in the same workgroup and have compatible network sharing settings but if you pay a bit of attention it should work fine. If you have some useful networking tips don't hesitate to leave a comment. Also, for more useful information on networking, check out the articles listed below.