清净家,清净心。虽然没有科学证明您的心理健康和清洁是相互关联的,但保持(health and cleaning)房屋清洁(house clean)对您的身体健康更好,这绝对是事实。但是您真的需要购买昂贵的机器人真空(robot vacuum)吸尘器,还是标准的新一代(new-gen vacuum)真空吸尘器也能胜任这项工作?
我们选取了下一代吸尘器的两个最佳代表——机器人(robot vacuum)吸尘器Roborock S7和无线棒式吸尘器Roborock H7——并比较它们,看看哪一个是更出色的清洁设备(cleaning device)。如果您想决定购买机器人吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)是否值得,以及哪种吸尘器更适合您的需求,这篇评论将帮助您做出选择。

尺寸(Size):13.9×13.7×3.8 英寸
重量(Weight):10.3 磅
垃圾箱容量(Dust Bin Capacity):470 毫升
拖把功能(Mop Feature):可拆卸自动升降拖把,压力拖把(pressure mopping)
水箱容量(Water Tank Capacity):300 毫升
智能家居兼容性(Smart Home Compatibility):Alexa、Google Assistant、Siri
电池(Battery):5200 毫安时,充电时间低于 6 小时
价格(Price):599 美元起

很难想象在房子周围有比机器人吸尘器更有用的小工具。它的主要卖点(selling point)是能够在您工作或忙于其他任务时让它无人看管并让它打扫您的房子。但是,对于以前的型号,存在多个问题,例如机器人卡在椅子腿之间,或者无法爬上房间的地毯(room carpet)。
Roborock S7(Roborock S7)是第一款混合吸尘和拖地(vacuum and mopping) 机器人清洁器(robot cleaner),您实际上可以在无人看管的情况下离开,而不必担心它会卡住或损坏您的财产。这要归功于自动升降拖把、地毯检测(carpet detection)和自动房间识别(room recognition)。但是,Roborock S7是否物有所值?
尺寸(Size):112 x 44 x 91 英寸
重量(Weight):3.2 磅
垃圾箱容量(Dust Bin Capacity):500 毫升
拖把功能(Mop Feature):拖把配件单独出售
额外刷子(Extra Brushes):多面刷(multi-surface brush)、电动迷你刷(mini brush)、除尘刷和缝隙工具(crevice tool)
价格(Price):449 美元起

如果您不相信使用机器人真空吸尘器(robot vacuum)的好处,H7 无线(H7 cordless) 棒式真空吸尘器(stick vacuum)是一个不错的选择。它配备了强大的 480W 发动机,可产生 160AW 的最大吸力。它有 3 种清洁模式 - 标准、强大的最大模式(max mode)和生态模式。在环保模式下,H7 一次充电可以持续一个多小时,足以完成您的清洁工作。
Roborock H7(Roborock H7)是一款无线吸尘器,可让您在清洁时更轻松地到达家中的不同角落和位置。另外,它不会像普通真空吸尘器那样占用太多存储空间。(storage space)但是,如果您仍然需要自己进行清洁,那么说 H7 是下一代吸尘器是否公平?
功能和特点(Functionality and Features)
人们反对机器人吸尘器的主要论点是,他们承诺的东西比他们实际提供的要多。S7 并非如此,因为它是第一款兼具吸尘和拖地功能的混合真空吸尘器,领先于 H7。

S7 机器人(S7 robot)真空吸尘器带有一个拖把和一个水箱(water tank),您可以轻松地重新装满。装满水箱(water tank)并安装拖把后,S7 将同时吸尘和拖地。借助自动升降拖把功能(mop feature),您的吸尘器可以放在地毯上,只要它们不超过 4-5 毫米厚。唯一的缺点是您不能在水箱(water tank)中放入任何种类的清洁剂,这意味着 S7 可能会与更难的地毯污渍作斗争。
使用 H7,您还可以获得拖把插件。但是,由于它不包含在原始包装中,因此Roborock S7赢得了这一轮。
获胜者(Winner):石头 S7。
能够到达你家的每个角落(Ability to Reach Every Corner of Your House)
Roborock S7(Roborock S7)可以同时清洁和拖地,但它仍然有其局限性。例如,它不能爬上(t climb)厚地毯,而且在用吸尘器吸尘时效率不高。如果你住在多层公寓里,S7 也不会那么有用,因为它不能爬楼梯(t climb)。
如果你住在一个角落很多、地板不平整的地方,那么 H7 可能是你更好的吸尘器选择。H7 配备了许多提供不同功能的刷子,让您在清洁时可以到达房子的每个角落,无论是高处还是低处。除了普通的地毯刷(carpet brush),您还可以使用电动迷你刷、柔性管和除尘刷。由于 H7 无线且重量轻,您可以将它带到屋外,用它来吸尘您的汽车或车库。

有了所有这些配件,看起来 H7 应该比 S7 占用更多的空间。Roborock也想到了这一点,H7 现在配备了一个磁性底座,您可以方便地放置在家里的任何表面上,甚至是冰箱。您可以将所有刷子连接到底座上,并将整个H7 组合(H7 set)在一起。
能够在无人监督的情况下工作(Ability to Work Unsupervised)
S7机器人吸尘器(robot vacuum)相对于 H7 的一大优势是能够在无人监督的情况下打扫房屋。S7 可能是您真正可以信任的第一款机器人真空吸尘器(robot vacuum),即使您有孩子或宠物在您身边(多亏了儿童锁功能),您也可以在外出时打扫房间。
首次使用 S7 时,您需要将其与Roborock 应用程序(Roborock app)和您的家庭网络(home network)同步。将S7 扩展坞(S7 dock)添加到网络后,您的真空吸尘器将进行第一次旅行以绘制该区域并识别房间内的任何障碍物。您可以稍后在应用程序中编辑该地图,创建禁区或禁拖区。您还可以将 S7 设置为以不同的模式清洁不同的房间。例如,如果您需要强力拖地厨房,但想在卧室使用低功耗静音模式(power silent mode)。

对房间设置(room setup)感到满意后,您可以使用Roborock 应用程序(Roborock app)根据需要安排您的全屋清洁。这一轮是Roborock S7,这要归功于它能够在您离开时无人监督地工作。
获胜者(Winner):石头 S7。
价格(The Price)
即使价格不是(price isn)您在投资新真空时首先考虑的因素,它仍然应该是您的优先事项之一。没有人喜欢超支,尤其是在不完全合理的情况下。

这一轮的获胜者是Roborock H7。当然(Sure),机器人 S7 对您的智能家居设置(home setup)来说是一个令人印象深刻的补充。但是,如果您只是在寻找一款便携式但功能强大的真空吸尘器来保持您的位置井然有序,那么 H7 可以很好地完成这项工作。另外,通过购买更便宜的替代品,您将节省一百多美元。
机器人吸尘器 S7 与无绳吸尘器 H7:谁赢了?(The Robot Vacuum S7 vs The Cordless Stick Vacuum H7: Who Won?)
无论您最终选择S7 还是 H7(S7 or H7),您都将获得一款功能强大的吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)。这两种选择都是不错的投资。在您了解一些事情之前,也很难说哪种吸尘器更优越,例如将要使用的房屋的确切布局、预算和业主的清洁需求。
如果您正在寻找可以清洁不同表面并覆盖房屋每个角落的最通用真空吸尘器,那么 H7 就是赢家。但是,如果您是一个讨厌悬停并且宁愿溅出一点但获得机器人清洁器(robot cleaner)的人,那么Roborock S7是您的最佳选择。
如果您下定决心要为自己买一台机器人吸尘器(robot cleaner),但 S7 超出了您的预算,请查看其前身,如Roborock S6,或以低于 500 美元的价格查看其他机器人吸尘器。
Smart Robot Roborock S7 vs Cordless Stick Roborock H7 – Hand-on Review
Clеan house, clean mind. While it’s not scientifiсally proven that your mental health and cleaning are connected, it’ѕ definіtely true that keeping your house clean is better for your physical health. But do you actually need to buy an exрensiνe robot vаcuum cleaner, or will a standard nеw-gen vacuum do the jоb just aѕ well?
We took two of the best representatives of the next-gen vacuum cleaners – a robot vacuum cleaner, Roborock S7, and a cordless stick cleaner, Roborock H7 – and compared them to see which one is the superior cleaning device. If you’re trying to decide whether buying a robot vacuum cleaner is worth it, and which vacuum is better for your needs, this review will help you make your choice.

Size: 13.9×13.7×3.8 inches
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Dust Bin Capacity: 470 ml
Mop Feature: detachable auto-lifting mop, pressure mopping
Water Tank Capacity: 300 ml
Smart Home Compatibility: Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri
Battery: 5200 mAH, charging time under 6 hours
Price: from $599

It’s hard to imagine a gadget more useful around the house than a robot vacuum. The main selling point of it is the ability to leave it unsupervised and have it clean your house while you’re at work or busy with other tasks. However, with previous models, there have been multiple issues, like the robot getting stuck between chair legs, or not being able to get onto the room carpet.
The Roborock S7 is the first hybrid vacuum and mopping robot cleaner that you can actually leave unsupervised without worrying about it getting stuck or destroying your property. This is thanks to the auto-lifting mop, carpet detection, and automatic room recognition. However, is the Roborock S7 worth its steep price?
Size: 112 x 44 x 91 inches
Weight: 3.2 lbs
Dust Bin Capacity: 500 ml
Mop Feature: mop accessory sold separately
Battery: 3610 mAH, charging time 2.5 hours
Extra Brushes: multi-surface brush, motorized mini brush, dusting brush, and a crevice tool
Price: from $449

If you’re not convinced about the benefits of getting a robot vacuum, the H7 cordless stick vacuum is a great alternative. It comes with a powerful 480W engine which creates a maximum suction of 160AW. It has 3 cleaning modes – standard, powerful max mode, and eco mode. In eco mode, the H7 can last over an hour on a single charge, more than enough to complete your cleaning.
The Roborock H7 is a cordless vacuum, which makes it easier for you to reach different corners and locations in your house when cleaning. Plus, it doesn’t take too much storage space as your normal vacuum would. However, if you still need to do the cleaning yourself, is it fair to say that the H7 is the next-generation vacuum cleaner?
Functionality and Features
The main argument people have against robot vacuums is that they promise more than they can actually deliver. This is not the case with the S7 as it’s the first hybrid vacuum cleaner that does both vacuuming and mopping, which puts it ahead of the H7.

The S7 robot vacuum comes with a mop and a water tank that you can easily refill. Once you fill the water tank and install the mop, the S7 will vacuum and mop your floors simultaneously. Thanks to the auto-lifting mop feature, your vacuum can get on top of your carpets, as long as they’re not thicker than 4-5mm. The only downside here is that you cannot put any sort of detergent in the water tank, meaning that the S7 might struggle with the more difficult carpet stains.
With the H7, you can also get a mop add-on. However, since it’s not included in the original package, the Roborock S7 wins this round.
Winner: Roborock S7.
Ability to Reach Every Corner of Your House
The Roborock S7 can clean and mop your floors at the same time, but it still has its limitations. For example, it can’t climb up a thick carpet and isn’t very efficient when it comes to vacuuming corners. If you live in a multi-story apartment, the S7 won’t be as useful either, as it can’t climb up the stairs.
If you live in a place with lots of corners and uneven floors, the H7 might be a better choice of vacuum for you. The H7 comes with a number of brushes that provide different functionality, allowing you to reach every corner of your house, high and low when cleaning. Aside from the normal carpet brush, you can also use the motorized mini-brush, flex tube, and dusting brush. Since the H7 is cordless and lightweight, you can take it outside of your house and use it to vacuum your car or your garage.

With all these accessories, it might seem that the H7 should take up much more space in your house than the S7. Roborock has thought of that too, and the H7 now comes with a magnetic base that you can conveniently place on any surface in your house, even a fridge. You can attach all of the brushes to the base and keep the whole H7 set together.
Winner: Roborock H7.
Ability to Work Unsupervised
One big advantage that the S7 robot vacuum has over the H7 is the ability to clean your house unsupervised. The S7 might be the first robot vacuum that you can actually trust to clean your house when you’re away, even if you have children or pets around (thanks to the child-lock feature).
The first time you use your S7, you need to sync it with the Roborock app and your home network. After you add the S7 dock to the network, your vacuum will take the first trip to map the area and recognize any obstacles in the room. You can edit that map later in the app, creating the no-go zones, or no-mop areas. You can also set the S7 to clean different rooms in different modes. For example, if you need intense mopping of the kitchen, but want to use the low power silent mode in the bedroom.

After you’re happy with the room setup, you can use the Roborock app to schedule your full house cleaning for as often as you like. This round goes to the Roborock S7, thanks to its ability to work unsupervised while you’re away.
Winner: Roborock S7.
The Price
Even if the price isn’t the first thing you consider when investing into a new vacuum, it should still be one of your priorities. Nobody likes to overspend, especially if it’s not entirely justified.

The winner of this round is the Roborock H7. Sure, the robot S7 is an impressive addition to your smart home setup. But if you’re just looking for a portable but powerful vacuum cleaner to keep your place in order, the H7 will do the job just fine. Plus, you’ll be saving over a hundred dollars by buying the cheaper alternative.
Winner: Roborock H7.
The Robot Vacuum S7 vs The Cordless Stick Vacuum H7: Who Won?
Whether you end up choosing S7 or H7, you’ll get a powerful vacuum cleaner. Both options are a good investment. It’s also hard to say which vacuum is superior before you know a few things, like the exact layout of the house it’ll be used in, the budget, and cleaning needs of the owner.
If you’re looking for the most versatile vacuum that can clean different surfaces and reach every corner of your house, the H7 is the winner. However, if you’re someone who hates hovering and would rather splash out a little but get a robot cleaner, the Roborock S7 is your best option.
If you’re dead set on getting yourself a robot cleaner but the S7 is out of your budget, look at its predecessors like the Roborock S6, or check out other robot vacuums for under $500.