如今,随着网络犯罪案件的增加,病毒和恶意软件以多种形式出现。这就是为什么在为您的计算机和移动设备 选择病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanner)时,安全性应该是您的首要任务。
可用性、价格和(price and number)受支持设备的数量也很重要,但如果病毒和恶意软件扫描程序的保护水平下降,它们都是徒劳的。
在本指南中,我们将列出一些免费和付费的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanners),这些扫描程序在保护、功能、可用性和定价等方面都占主导地位。
最强大的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(Powerful Virus & Malware Scanners)
1. 比特卫士
4. F-安全
Bitdefender是一种病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanner),除了提供强大的功能套件、流畅、直观的界面以及针对零日和广泛传播的恶意软件的出色保护分数外,它还不断提供出色的防病毒实验室测试结果。
它还提供保护措施,例如用于在线交易的名为Safepay的(Safepay)安全浏览器、(secure browser)勒索软件保护(ransomware protection)、针对其数据库已知的恶意软件的扫描和实时保护,以及基于(behavioral monitoring based on threats)遇到的威胁的行为监控。
其他形式的保护包括防止加密勒索(crypto ransomware)软件加密文件,它可以保护特定文件夹免受未知应用程序的访问。
附加功能(Extras)包括密码管理器(password manager)和免费的 Bitdefender Antivirus(free Bitdefender Antivirus)版本,具有出色的保护、反网络钓鱼、反欺诈和用户友好的界面。它不像付费的对手那样具有针对不同威胁的特定功能,并且缺乏多层勒索软件保护(ransomware protection)。
付费版本的缺点是,虽然它提供无限制的VPN 访问(VPN access),但需要单独订阅才能享受此服务。此外,它比其他杀毒软件(antivirus software)更贵,而且更便宜的计划仅支持Windows,并且缺乏防火墙等核心保护(core protection)功能。
支持可通过电子邮件、实时聊天和电话(chat and phone)获得,外加五种语言的社区论坛(community forum)、包含涵盖每个Bitdefender 产品(Bitdefender product)的文章的强大知识库(knowledge base)和视频教程。
Norton Security是另一种非常正确的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanner)。它提供出色的保护分数和出色的实验室结果,发现它对广泛传播的恶意软件和零日恶意软件 100% 有效。
您可以在Norton Security中找到的主动保护措施包括适用于您常用程序的防火墙,这些程序连接到Internet 网络钓鱼和勒索软件保护(internet phishing and ransomware protection)。
附加功能(Extras)包括一个名为Identity Safe的(Identity Safe)密码管理器(password manager),它存储密码、信用卡、地址和便笺以及家长控制,但没有文件粉碎机(file shredder)。诺顿(Norton)还提供 100 % 的保证(percent guarantee),因此如果恶意软件进入您的计算机或设备(computer or device),他们将免费清理或全额退款。
总体而言,Norton Security提供了良好的用户体验和(user experience and level)保护级别,您可以在多个设备上使用它。然而,它并不便宜(t come cheap),缺乏多种电脑家庭(computer household)优惠,而且一些用户不喜欢它烦人的网络(annoying web) 监控工具栏和浏览器扩展(monitoring toolbar and browser extension)。
如果您更喜欢在社交媒体上提问,可以通过 24/7 电话和实时聊天以及Twitter 帐户获得支持。(Twitter account)对于DIY 方法(DIY approach),您有一个知识库(knowledge base),称为诺顿常见问题解答(FAQ by Norton)、博客、社区论坛(community forum)和视频教程系列。
卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)进入安全软件领域(security software scene)已有二十多年了,它仍然以优异的成绩席卷反病毒测试实验室。尽管有人指控( allegations)该软件一直在监视其客户并向俄罗斯政府报告,但它仍然是具有无可置疑保护的顶级防病毒选择。(antivirus choice)
该软件已获得独立实验室测试的1 级(Level 1)认证奖项,并且还通过了 MRG Effitas 严酷的银行模拟( banking simulation),证明了其保护功能的强大。
您使用此病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanner)获得的保护功能包括实时监控、安全浏览器(secure browser)、防火墙、勒索软件保护(ransomware protection)、网络摄像头和网络钓鱼保护(webcam and phishing protection)等等。
它的定价计划很便宜,而且您可以从中得到很多好处,包括可选的VPN、密码管理器(password manager)、隐私清理器(privacy cleaner)及其SafeMoney 安全(SafeMoney secure)浏览器。
如果您想在使用该软件之前对其进行测试,可以享受 30 天退款保证,您可以试用它的免费防病毒软件,它提供实时保护并阻止可疑网站(blocks suspicious websites)和常见病毒。
使用卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)的缺点是它仅限于五台设备,但付费版本为您提供了更多选择,包括在设备受到严重感染时清理设备的救援磁盘和(Rescue Disk)网络监视器(network monitor)。
F-Secure 在独立实验室测试中也表现出色,对零日和广泛传播的恶意软件有 100 % 的有效性。(percent effectiveness)它提供实时监控、防火墙、勒索软件保护(ransomware protection),以及在其Total 捆绑(Total bundle)包中采用无日志策略的Freedome VPN。
与其他三种病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanners)不同,F-Secure 不(F-Secure doesn)包括密码管理器(password manager)。它易于安装且占用资源 (1MB),而且其界面简单易用,并在其设置中进行了大量自定义。
您可以使用其在线管理器(online manager)管理所有设备,并查看其状态,无论您使用的设备类型如何。您还可以从管理器配置家长设置。
该软件的主要缺点是它在动手和实验室测试中返回的误报数量、定价高以及缺少反网络钓鱼组件。它还有一个基于行为的DeepGuard工具,可以检测新的恶意软件和勒索软件(malware and ransomware),以及先进的网络保护(network protection),这两者都使它成为强大的恶意软件斗士(malware fighter)。
提供 30 天退款保证,因此您可以在订阅之前测试运行该软件并查看您是否喜欢它。
通过电话(周一(Monday)至周五)提供 12 种语言的支持、实时聊天、(Friday)安全新闻和产品讨论(security news and product discussion)自助论坛,以及按产品划分的知识库(knowledge base split)。还提供了常见问题解答部分以及一长串教程和操作指南。
如何选择病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(How To Choose a Virus And Malware Scanner)
有许多实用程序可以帮助您选择能够清除任何病毒并保护您的设备的最佳扫描程序,但是对于这个简单的指南,我们将着眼于一些可以为您指明正确方向的工具。在为您的设备选择正确的防病毒程序(antivirus program)之前,需要检查以下几点:
免费与付费(Free vs. Paid)
免费的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanners)可以作为一种基本的设备保护形式,尤其是当您买不起的(afford one)时候。但是,它们的性能(t perform)不如付费同行,而且通常功能有限。
如果您可以试用(trial basis)它们,则比使用完全免费的要好,因为零日恶意软件等攻击会在发现漏洞的同一天出现。此类恶意软件不在免费的防病毒数据库(’ database)中,因此它不知道它是否构成威胁。
使用付费的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanner),您可以获得更大的功能集和针对主要形式的恶意软件的保护,包括勒索软件和网络钓鱼(ransomware and phishing)。有些甚至提供更好的网络摄像头保护(webcam protection),除了监控硬盘上的内容。
在安全和保护方面(security and protection),请检查提供主动保护的扫描程序,例如强大的防火墙(a strong firewall)、安全浏览器(secure browser)、具有针对性扫描的扫描模式,以清除根深蒂固的 rootkit,以及网络摄像头保护等。
有些提供密码管理器(password manager),但它们可能无法与专用密码管理器(password manager)相比。如果您需要密码管理器(password manager),我们的最佳密码管理器(password manager)指南提供了一个完整的列表供您选择。
您还可以找到一个病毒和恶意软件扫描程序,该扫描程序(virus and malware scanner)提供一个VPN,当您连接到狂野和毛茸茸的互联网时保护您,这样您的数据在传输过程中不会受到损害。
我们已经提到了一个好的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanner)至少应该提供的一些安全功能,但是其他功能呢?
除了保护您的设备外,防病毒软件还从实用工具演变为高级安全套件,提供家长控制、文件粉碎机(file shredder)和安全浏览器(secure browser)等功能,进一步阻止广告、保护您的在线支付和清除 cookie。
软件(Software)需要客户支持(customer support),这就是为什么您需要通过多种直接支持选项和可用的响应时间来评估您正在考虑的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序。(virus and malware scanner)拥有电子邮件支持很好,但随着数字技术的进步,实时聊天现在是一种更可靠的方法,特别是如果它提供 24/7 和电话支持(phone support)的话。
如果您喜欢的软件提供所有这三个功能,以及通过知识库(knowledge base)、帮助中心(help center)、常见问题解答(FAQs)、视频教程、社区论坛、网络研讨会等方式提供的(community forum)DIY 支持(DIY support),那么您将得到很好的帮助。
确保您的设备安全(Keep Your Devices Safe)
病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanners)有很多不错的选择。在某些领域,例如安全性、功能和整体可用性,有些比其他的要好,但总的来说,大部分归结为个人喜好。
此处列出的任何其他选项都可以很好地为您服务,但总体而言,Bitdefender 凭借(Bitdefender)其出色的结果、众多功能以及易于使用而成为这一轮的明显赢家。在评论中与我们分享您最喜欢的病毒和恶意软件扫描程序(virus and malware scanner)。
The Best Virus & Malware Scanners GUARANTEED To Nuke Any Virus
Viruses and malware come in many forms today with increaѕing cases of cybercrime. This is why security should be at the top оf уоur priorities when pickіng a virus and malware sсаnner for your computer and mobile dеvices.
Usability, price and number of supported devices are also critical, but they’re all in vain if the virus and malware scanner’s protection falls flat.
In this guide, we’re going to list some free and paid virus and malware scanners that reign supreme in terms of protection, features, usability, and pricing among other considerations.
Most Powerful Virus & Malware Scanners
1. Bitdefender
2. Norton
3. Kaspersky
4. F-Secure
Bitdefender is a virus and malware scanner that constantly delivers outstanding antivirus lab test results, besides offering a powerful suite of features, a slick, intuitive interface, and excellent protection scores against zero-day and widespread malware.
It also offers protection measures such as a secure browser dubbed Safepay for online transactions, ransomware protection, scanning and real-time protection against malware known to its database, and behavioral monitoring based on threats it has encountered.
Other forms of protection include protection against file encryption by crypto ransomware, and it shields specific folders from access by unknown apps.
Extras include a password manager, and a free Bitdefender Antivirus edition is available with excellent protection, anti-phishing, anti-fraud, and a user-friendly interface. It doesn’t have specific features for different threats as its paid counterpart does, and it lacks multi-layer ransomware protection.
The downside with the paid version is that although it offers unlimited VPN access, a separate subscription is required to enjoy this service. Plus, it’s pricier than other antivirus software, and its cheaper plans only support Windows, and lack core protection features like a firewall.
Support is available via email, live chat and phone, plus a community forum in five languages, robust knowledge base with articles covering each Bitdefender product, and video tutorials.
Norton Security is another virus and malware scanner that gets a lot right. It delivers excellent protection scores and great lab results that have found it 100 percent effective against widespread malware and zero-day malware.
Among the proactive protection measures you can find in Norton Security include a firewall that adapts to your frequently used programs, which connect to the internet phishing and ransomware protection.
Extras include a password manager called Identity Safe, which stores passwords, credit cards, addresses and notes, and parental control, but there’s no file shredder. Norton also offers a 100 percent guarantee, so if malware gets to your computer or device, they’ll clean it for free or give you a full refund.
Overall, Norton Security offers a good user experience and level of protection, and you can use it on multiple devices. However, it doesn’t come cheap, lacks multiple computer household deals, and some users don’t like its annoying web monitoring toolbar and browser extension.
Support is available via 24/7 phone and live chat, plus a Twitter account if you prefer asking questions over social media. For a DIY approach, you have a knowledge base known as FAQ by Norton, blog, community forum, and video tutorial series.
Kaspersky has been on the security software scene for a little over two decades now, and it still sweeps antivirus testing labs with outstanding scores. Despite allegations that the software has been spying on its customers and reporting back to the Russian government, it remains a top antivirus choice with an unquestionable protection.
The software has received Level 1 certification awards from independent lab tests, and it also passed MRG Effitas’ harsh banking simulation, which proves how powerful its protection is.
Among the protection features you get with this virus and malware scanner include real-time monitoring, a secure browser, firewall, ransomware protection, webcam and phishing protection, plus more.
Its pricing plans are inexpensive, and you get a lot for your money including an optional VPN, password manager, privacy cleaner, and its SafeMoney secure browser.
A 30-day money back guarantee is available if you want to test the software before committing to it, and you can try its free antivirus that offers real-time protection and blocks suspicious websites and common viruses.
The downside with using Kaspersky is that it’s limited to five devices, but the paid version gets you more options including the Rescue Disk that cleans your device when it’s critically infected, and a network monitor.
F-Secure also performs well in independent lab tests with 100 percent effectiveness against zero-day and widespread malware. It offers real-time monitoring, a firewall, ransomware protection, and a Freedome VPN with a no-logs policy in its Total bundle package.
Unlike the other three virus and malware scanners, F-Secure doesn’t include a password manager. It’s easy to install and light on resources (1MB), plus its interface is simple and easy to use with lots of customization in its settings.
You can manage all your devices using its online manager, and view their statuses regardless of the type of device you’re using. You can also configure parental settings from the manager.
The main drawback with this software is the number of false positives it returns during hands-on and lab tests, its high pricing, and it lacks an anti phishing component. It also has a DeepGuard behavior-based tool that detects new malware and ransomware, and advanced network protection, both of which make it a powerful malware fighter.
A 30-day money back guarantee is available so you can test run the software and see whether you like it or not before subscribing to it.
Support is available via phone (Monday to Friday) in 12 languages, live chat, self-help forums for security news and product discussion, plus a knowledge base split by product. An FAQ section is also available together with a long list of tutorials and how-to guides.
How To Choose a Virus And Malware Scanner
There are many utilities that can help you choose the best scanner that’ll nuke any virus and protect your device, but for this simple guide, we’ll look at a few that’ll point you in the right direction. Before you pick the right antivirus program for your device, here are some things to check for:
Free vs. Paid
Free virus and malware scanners are good to have as a basic form of protection for your devices, especially when you can’t afford one. However, they don’t perform as well as their paid counterparts, and often have limited features.
If you can use them on a trial basis, it’s better than using a completely free one because of attacks such as zero-day malware, which arise the same day an exploit is discovered. Such malware isn’t in the free antivirus’ database, so it won’t know whether it’s a threat or not.
With a paid virus and malware scanner, you get a larger feature set and protection against major forms of malware including ransomware and phishing. Some even offer better webcam protection, besides monitoring what’s on your hard drive.
In terms of security and protection, check for a scanner that offers proactive protection such as a strong firewall, secure browser, scan modes with targeted scans that weed out deep-seated rootkits, and webcam protection among others.
Some offer password managers, but they may not compare to a dedicated password manager. If you need a password manager, our guide on the best password managers offers a comprehensive list you can choose from.
You can also find a virus and malware scanner that provides a VPN that protects you when you connect to the wild and wooly internet so your data isn’t compromised while in transit.
We’ve already mentioned some of the security features that a good virus and malware scanner should provide at the very least, but what about other features?
Besides protecting your devices, antiviruses have evolved from utility tools to premium security suites offering features such as parental control, file shredder, and a secure browser that goes further to block ads, protect your online payments, and clear cookies.
Software needs customer support, which is why you need to evaluate the virus and malware scanner you’re considering by the multiple direct support options and response times available. It’s good to have email support, but with advancements in digital technology, live chat is now a more reliable method, especially if it is offered 24/7, and phone support.
If the software you like offers all three, plus DIY support via a knowledge base, help center, FAQs, video tutorials, community forum, webinars and more, you’re in good hands.
Keep Your Devices Safe
There are many great options for virus and malware scanners. Some fair better than others in certain areas such as security, features, and overall usability, but overall, most of it comes down to personal preference.
Any of the other options listed here will serve you well but overall, Bitdefender is the clear winner in this round thanks to its excellent results, bevy of features, plus it’s easy to use. Share with us your favorite virus and malware scanner in the comments.