您(Are)在寻找Markdown编辑器吗?如果你是,那么希望你知道如何使用 Markdown(how to use Markdown)以及它是什么。简而言之(Briefly),Markdown是一种快速轻松地格式化文本的方法。它比HTML简单得多,并且在网络上广泛使用。
我们也写过最好的免费在线 Markdown 编辑器(best free online Markdown editors too)。但也许您正在寻找适用于Mac、Linux或Windows的(Windows)Markdown编辑器。我们汇总了任何平台或在线上最好的Markdown编辑器。(Markdown)

是什么让 Markdown 编辑器成为最好的?(What Makes a Markdown Editor the Best?)
由于没有明确的方式来说明哪个Markdown编辑器最好,所以这个列表是按字母顺序排列的。其中相当多的也是完整的编程(full programming)环境,这对您来说可能是一个奖励。
价格:(Price: )免费
平台:(Platforms: ) Windows、Mac、Linux

Atom自称是“21 世纪可破解的文本编辑器”。他们的意思是Atom是无限可配置的,但它需要一些组装。首先安装 Atom(Install Atom),然后添加Markdown 包(Markdown packages)以使其成为您想要的。
您可以打开多个页面、添加主题并从数以千计的包中进行选择,以扩展 Atom 对任何类型的编辑或编程的能力。
价格:(Price:) iOS 5.99 美元或 Mac OS 10.99 美元
平台:(Platforms:) Mac OS、Apple iOS

(Byword)如果您经常从Mac迁移到 iPhone 或 iPad,Byword可能是适合您的Markdown编辑器。(Markdown)它可以跨 Apple 设备同步(sync across Apple devices)。Byword 还允许导出到 PDF(export to PDF)和HTML文档,并发布到您最喜欢的博客平台,如WordPress、Blogger、Medium甚至Evernote。
价格:(Price: )免费试用,然后 29 美元
平台:(Platforms: ) Windows、Mac、Linux

Caret可以说是最干净的外观和感觉。虽然它的简单外观掩盖了它的功能。Caret功能齐全,具有自动完成功能、用于拼写检查和其他任务的上下文菜单、多个光标,因此您可以一次编辑多个项目,以及呈现 LaTeX inline(render LaTeX inline)的能力。
价格:(Price: )免费
平台:(Platforms: ) Windows、Linux

它提供实时HTML预览,因此您可以查看您的内容在网络上的外观。它本身可以导出为 HTML(export to HTML),您可以下载Pandoc等扩展以导出到Word、ePub、LaTeX等。
价格:(Price: )免费,接受捐款
平台:(Platforms: ) Windows、Mac、Linux

这是列表中功能更全的Markdown编辑器之一。除了自动完成和主题等标准功能外,Haroopad还允许嵌入(embedding online content)YouTube、Instagram和Twitter等在线内容。
价格:(Price: ) 29.99 美元
平台:(Platforms: ) Windows、Mac、iOS、Android

前面提到的Markdown编辑器倾向于STEM中的程序员和其他人。iA/Writer 倾向于创意作家和记者,其语法突出显示与Style Check作为虚拟编辑器(virtual editor)一起工作。
(Cloud)与iCloud(iCloud)、Dropbox、 Google Drive 和 OneDrive等服务的(Google Drive, and OneDrive)云连接是另一个强大的功能。
价格:(Price: )免费
平台:(Platforms: ) Windows

Notepad++是另一个Markdown编辑器,它最初是作为Windows Notepad 的替代品(replacement for Windows Notepad)。人们喜欢它,因为它简单、外观干净、运行速度快。如果您已经在使用Notepad++,您需要查看GitHub 上(GitHub)的nppPluginList中提供的(nppPluginList)Markdown插件。
价格:(Price: ) 免费
平台:(Platforms: ) Linux

Remarkable 尚不能用于Windows,但他们正在努力。在此之前,它是一款出色的Linux Markdown编辑器。可以根据自己的喜好 在CSS文件中调整语法突出显示。
实时预览还具有同步滚动功能,因此您可以将每个Markdown行与成品进行比较。对于那些需要在 Markdown中使用数学符号(use math symbols)的人,还有MathJax支持。(MathJax)
价格:(Price: )免费
平台:(Platforms: )在线

鉴于StackEdit是免费的,因为它是基于浏览器的,所以可以在任何平台上运行,并且是GitHub用户的最爱,因此它是最有力的竞争者。可是等等!还有更多。StackEdit还处理各种降价类型,如Markdown Extra、GFM和CommonMark。每种类型都有不同的优势,因此您可以找到合适的。
StackEdit支持LaTeX、UML(统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language))图表、乐谱和最重要的表情符号。StackEdit满足了STEM、艺术和简单的乐趣。
价格:(Price: )免费
平台:(Platforms: ) Windows、Linux、OS X

尽管 Typora 的开发人员很(Typora)谦虚,但 Typora(Typora)有很多值得吹嘘的地方。他们将自己的应用称为“一个不错的降价编辑器……”。Typora几乎可以完成任何其他Markdown编辑器所做的所有事情,并且界面非常干净。当然,这可以通过主题进行定制。
安装Pandoc扩展,它可以导入和导出到PDG、Word、OpenOffice、MediaWiki、 ePub 等。在StackEdit(StackEdit)和Typora之间是一个艰难的选择。
价格:(Price:)每月 5.99 美元,每年 49.99 美元
平台:(Platforms:) Mac OS、iOS

它可以直接发布到WordPress和Medium,导出到PDF、Word、HTML、ePub、RTF,并同步到 iCloud。如果您在台式机和 iPad 上拥有它,则可以从一个过渡到另一个,而不会造成任何损失。
价格:(Price: )免费
平台:(Platform: )视窗

与Atom一样,Visual Studio Code ( VSC ) 主要是一个开发环境。一些开发者可能不知道它也是一个Markdown编辑器。由于VCS可以使用大多数编程语言的插件进行扩展,因此也有(VCS)Markdown扩展也就不足为奇了。您将获得的Markdown功能取决于您选择的扩展程序。
这是你的选择(The Choice is Yours)
Best Markdown Editors: All Platforms and Online
Are yoυ looking for a Markdown editor? If you are, then hopefully you know how to use Markdown and what it is. Briefly, Markdown is a method to format text quickly and easily. It’s much simpler than HTML and widely used across the web.
We’ve written about the best free online Markdown editors too. But maybe you’re looking for a Markdown editor for Mac, Linux, or Windows. We’ve done a round-up of the best Markdown editors on any platform or online.

What Makes a Markdown Editor the Best?
There are as many preferences around Markdown editors as there are styles of writing. We can’t say what is best for you. We can say that a good Markdown editor should be able to give you a live preview and export to popular document types like Word or PDF, and to blogging platforms like WordPress. Ideally, the best Markdown editor should also be free.
Since there’s no obvious way to say which Markdown editor is best, this list is in alphabetical order. A surprising number of them are also full programming environments, which may be a bonus for you.
Price: Free
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Atom bills itself as, “A hackable text editor for the 21st Century”. What they mean is that Atom is endlessly configurable, but it requires some assembly. Install Atom first, then add Markdown packages to make it what you want.
You can open multiple pages, add themes, and choose from thousands of packages to extend Atom’s capabilities for any kind of editing or programming.
Price: $5.99 iOS or $10.99 Mac OS
Platforms: Mac OS, Apple iOS

Byword might be the right Markdown editor for you if you move from your Mac to iPhone or iPad a lot. It can sync across Apple devices. Byword also allows export to PDF and HTML documents, and publishing to your favorite blogging platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Medium, and even Evernote.
Price: Free trial then $29
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Caret arguably has the cleanest look and feel. Its simple looks belie its functionality though. Caret is full-featured with autocomplete, a context menu for spellcheck and other tasks, multiple cursors so you can edit several items at once, and the ability to render LaTeX inline.
Being able to work with LaTeX makes it ideal for people in STEM careers.
Price: Free
Platforms: Windows, Linux

It’s not a surprise that many people using Markdown also want a distraction-free editor. GhostWriter might be the best Markdown editor for them. As plain as it is, GhostWriter has strong capabilities.
It provides a live HTML preview so you can see what your content will look like on the web. Natively, it can export to HTML, and you can download extensions like Pandoc to export to Word, ePub, LaTeX, amongst many others.
Price: Free, accepts donations
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

This is one of the more full-featured Markdown editors on the list. Along with standard features like autocomplete and themes, Haroopad also allows for embedding online content like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
You can also export to HTML and to PDF or send the contents to Evernote, WordPress, or email them. Haroopad also supports LaTeX using MathJax.
Price: $29.99
Platforms: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Previously mentioned Markdown editors lean towards programmers and others in STEM. iA/Writer leans towards creative writers and journalists with its syntax highlighting working with Style Check as a virtual editor.
Cloud connectivity to services like iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive is another powerful feature.
Price: Free
Platforms: Windows

Notepad++ is another Markdown editor that got its start as a replacement for Windows Notepad. People liked it because it was simple, has a clean look, and runs fast. If you’re already using Notepad++ you’ll want to check out the Markdown plugins available in the nppPluginList on GitHub.
If you’ve never used Notepad++ and just want a basic Markdown editor, this may not be for you.
Price: Free
Platforms: Linux

Remarkable isn’t available for Windows yet, but they’re working on it. Until then, it’s a great Markdown editor for Linux. The syntax highlighting can be adjusted in a CSS file to your liking.
The live preview also has synchronized scrolling so you can compare each Markdown line to the finished product. There’s MathJax support too for those that need to use math symbols in their Markdown.
Price: Free
Platforms: Online

Given that StackEdit is free, runs on any platform because it’s browser-based, and is a favorite of GitHub users, it’s a top contender. But wait! There’s more. StackEdit also handles a variety of markdown types, like Markdown Extra, GFM, and CommonMark. Each type has different strengths, so you can find the right one.
StackEdit supports LaTeX, UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams, musical notation, and the all-important emojis. StackEdit scratches the itch for STEM, arts, and just plain fun.
Price: Free
Platforms: Windows, Linux, OS X

Even though the developers of Typora are modest, Typora has a lot to brag about. They refer to their own app as, “A decent markdown editor…”. Typora does almost everything any of the other Markdown editors do, in a stark clean interface. Of course, that’s customizable with themes.
Install the Pandoc extension, and it can import and export to PDG, Word, OpenOffice, MediaWiki, ePub, and more. It’s a hard choice between StackEdit and Typora.
Price: $5.99 monthly, $49.99 yearly
Platforms: Mac OS, iOS

Even though Ulysses is a paid app and only available in the Apple world, it deserves mention. Not for its Markdown editing capabilities, which are as good as anyone else’s, but for its integrated authoring environment. It has a storage library, hierarchical organizing, search filters, auto-save, and auto-backup so you will lose nothing and find anything.
It can publish directly to WordPress and Medium, export to PDF, Word, HTML, ePub, RTF, and sync to iCloud. If you have it on your desktop and iPad, you can transition from one to the other with no loss.
Price: Free
Platform: Windows

Like Atom, Visual Studio Code (VSC) is a development environment, primarily. Some developers might not be aware that it’s also a Markdown editor. As VCS can expand with plugins for most programming languages, it’s no surprise that there are Markdown extensions as well. The Markdown features you’ll get depend on the extensions you choose.
The Choice is Yours
One of these Markdown editors has to be right for you. On the surface, they all look similar, but once you get into them they can be so different. Try a few out, see what you think. If you use a different Markdown editor or any of the ones we mentioned, let us know what you like about it.