大致有两种类型的绘图板。独立绘图板无需连接到其他设备(如Mac或 PC)即可工作。此类别包括支持手写笔的主流平板电脑,尽管许多没有集成笔架。
- 数位板尺寸和工作区域(Tablet size and working area):数位板必须足够大,以适应您需要的绘图风格,或者在您在虚拟画布上移动时减少捏合和缩放操作。
- 绘图表面类型(Type of drawing surface):一些平板电脑具有哑光效果,其他平板电脑具有光滑饰面,或者带有屏幕的平板电脑可能具有防眩光涂层。结合手写笔的笔尖材质,这是绘图体验的主要部分。
- 触控笔压力敏感度(Stylus pen pressure sensitivity):触控笔的压力敏感度越高,您可以在作品中添加的细节就越微妙。
- 倾斜功能(Tilt functionality):倾斜灵敏度和具有倾斜功能可能对您也很重要。例如,您可能会进行大量着色,并且将该功能与简单地倾斜您的笔相结合是一个主要的便利。
1. 最便宜的绘图板:Wacom Intuos 绘图板(Wacom Intuos Graphics Drawing Tablet)
- 很棒的价格。
- 兼容Microsoft Windows、Apple macOS、Android、Chromebook(Chromebooks),但不兼容 iOS。
- 非常适合初学者。
Intuos Graphics Tablet(Intuos Graphics Tablet)几乎是最基本的。尽管如此,它也相当不错,而且它的局限性对于许多类型的图形设计的初学者来说并不那么重要。
Intuos有 4096 个压力等级,这对于专业艺术家来说(Intuos)并不是很好,但初学者或有更基本绘图需求的人应该非常高兴。您还可以获得四个“ExpressKeys”快捷键,可以对其进行编程以执行日常操作,例如Undo、Copy或Paste。
除了其敏感度级别之外,平板电脑的预算性质显示的另一个领域是它的大小。活动绘图区域的尺寸仅为 6 x 3.7 英寸,因此在购买之前请注意这一点。除此之外,这是市场上最好的真正便宜的绘图板。任何价格较低的东西都可能完全是垃圾。
2. 最佳独立绘图板:第 8 代 iPad(iPad 8th Generation)和第1 代 Apple Pencil(Apple Pencil 1st Generation)
- 这个价格的最佳规格。(The best specifications at this price.)
- Apple Pencil 是一流的触控笔。(The Apple Pencil is a class-leading stylus.)
- 任何平台上最好的绘图应用程序。(Some of the best drawing apps on any platform.)
基本版 iPad 是为教育市场设计的,但它是一款出色的通用平板电脑,并支持出色的第一代 Apple Pencil(Generation Apple Pencil)。总而言之(Taken),它们的成本大约与仍需要连接到计算机的中档绘图板一样高。
A12 仿生 CPU(A12 Bionic CPU)和GPU片上系统的强大功能足以让大多数笔记本电脑感到羞耻,这是一款可以启动的Retina Display平板电脑。因此,您可以获得令人难以置信的高质量图像和细节。
主要缺点是这款 iPad 型号没有层压屏幕。这意味着屏幕和触摸屏玻璃之间存在气隙。对于大多数人来说,这不是问题,但一些艺术家认为它会导致笔与像素之间的准确性略有下降。
- 8192 压力等级。(8192 pressure levels.)
- 倾斜 60 度。(60-degrees of tilt.)
- 120% of sRGB supported.
Huion 作为绘图板制造商已经名声在外,而Kamvas 13可能是他们迄今为止最物超所值的产品。
这是一款带有内置触摸屏的平板电脑,您必须将其连接到其他设备,例如笔记本电脑或具有桌面模式的Android手机,例如Samsung Dex。
手写笔也值得注意。它使用Huion Pen Tech3.0提供无电池笔。笔从平板电脑本身的微弱电磁场中获取能量,因此没有蓝牙(Bluetooth),也不需要充电。
Kamvas 13(Kamvas 13)可让您使用各种连接方法进行连接。您可以使用随附的 3 合 1 USB 电缆(USB cable),其中一根电缆连接到墙上适配器,另外两根连接到计算机上的HDMI和USB。或者,您可以使用一根USB-C电缆来传输电源、数据和显示信号。
4. 最佳便携式有线绘图(Tethered Drawing)板:GAOMON PD1320 13.3 英寸(GAOMON PD1320 13.3 Inches)
- 对于忙碌的艺术家来说是一个很好的解决方案。(A great solution for artists on the go.)
- 可以单独从 USB 供电。(Can be powered solely from USB.)
- 伟大的综合立场。(Great integrated stand.)
尽管听起来有点像最新的口袋妖怪,Gaomon是另一个值得关注的预算绘图桌制造商。PD3120以几乎相同的价格提供与Kamvas 13类似的一组功能。
Gaumon有一个无(Gaomon)电池触控笔,具有 +- 60 度的倾斜灵敏度和 8192 压力水平。全高清(Full HD)屏幕也是层压的,因此无需担心精确度。
Gaomon和Kamva 13之间的一个区别是支架机制。Kamvas有一个集成的倾斜机制,可以调整平板电脑的角度以进行绘图。(Kamvas)Gaomon设计(Gaomon)为便携,因此它有一个可折叠的盖子,可以兼作支架。如果不关心便携性,需要角度调整,Kamvas 13是更好的选择。
5. 最佳通用系留(Tethered)平板电脑:Wacom One
- 将优质品牌带入入门级。(Brings a premium brand to the entry-level.)
- 包括多个绘图软件的试用订阅。(Includes several trial subscriptions for drawing software.)
- 兼容 Mac、Windows、Chromebook 和一些 Android 手机。(Compatible with Mac, Windows, Chromebook, and some Android phones.)
Wacom似乎并不满足于让Huion或Gaomon在价格范围的低端享受所有乐趣。虽然Wacom One平均比那些平板电脑贵 100 美元左右,但它仍然跨越了预算和中档绘图平板电脑之间的界限。
6.最(Best)实惠的高级绘图(Premium Drawing)板:Wacom Cintiq 16
- 以无与伦比的价格提供优质规格。(Premium specifications for an unbeatable price.)
- 大屏幕。(Large screen.)
- 一体式支架。(Integrated stand.)
当我们使用“负担得起”这样的词时,它总是与某物相关。虽然Wacom Cintiq 16(Wacom Cintiq 16)接近 700 美元的价格在绝对意义上并不是“负担得起的”,但在专业绘图板的世界中,任何低于 1000 美元的东西都有点便宜。
这款平板电脑使用 15.6 英寸屏幕,比我们在本文中介绍的所有平板电脑都大,但在Cintiq系列中被认为是小尺寸的。它仍然只是一个全高清(Full HD)面板,但具有更大的绘图表面,绘图变得更加舒适。
这是在带屏幕的平板电脑上访问 Wacom 的Pro Pen 2技术的最便宜的方法之一。(Pro Pen 2)这支笔特别精确和直观,并使用无电池触控笔实现。
为了让您了解这里的价值有多高,Cintiq 22,这也是一个“预算”模型,成本几乎是两倍!
- 多点触控支持。(Multi-touch support.)
- 高精度的测针和绘图表面。(High-precision stylus and drawing surface.)
Intuos Pro(Intuos Pro)数位板比Kamvas 13或Gaomon数位板贵,但它甚至没有内置屏幕!这是因为这款数位板旨在提供精确、专业级的绘图感觉,而无需收取Cintiq的价格。该型号配备与Wacom的高级数位板相同的Pro Pen 2触控笔。您还可以选择从Wacom购买替代笔,例如Pro Pen Slim和Pro Pen 3D。
另一个证明这个价格合理的特点是平板电脑本身的大尺寸。整个设备,包括快捷键和方便的表盘,尺寸为 13.2 x 8.5 英寸。您可以绘制的活动区域为 8.7 x 5.8 英寸。所以有很大的工作空间。
- 比基本 iPad 便宜,可提供类似体验。(Cheaper than the base iPad for a similar experience.)
- 手写笔已包含在价格中。(Stylus is included in the price.)
与上面提到的 iPad 一样,三星的这款Android平板(Samsung)电脑(Android Tablet)是一款通用平板电脑。与 iPad 不同的是,您不必在触控笔上花费额外的钱,因为Tab S6 Lite的包装盒中包含三星S-Pen 。(Samsung S-Pen)
虽然Tab S6在质量和规格方面无法与 iPad 相提并论,但它仍然是一款出色的中端平板电脑。S-Pen非常适合在上课或开会时做笔记和素描。它提供 4096 级压力灵敏度和倾斜功能。
虽然我们认为配备兼容Apple Pencil的第 8(Apple Pencil)代(Generation)iPad 平板电脑仍然是最好的独立绘图平板电脑组合,但不可否认的是,S6 在价格方面具有优势。因此,如果您的预算紧张,或者您更喜欢 Android 而不是 iPadOS,这是一个绝妙的选择。
- 紧凑、高像素密度的屏幕。(Compact, high pixel density screen.)
- 用于缩放的拨盘控制。(Dial control for zooming.)
XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro的售价远低于 300 美元,直接与此列表中的Kamvas和Gaomon平板电脑定价。总的来说,它也是一款非常相似的产品,所以你是否会购买Artist 12 Pro真的取决于更精细的细节。
首先,这款平板电脑比其他平板电脑的 13.3 英寸小,只有 11.6 英寸。分辨率相同,因此您将获得更好的像素密度。许多用户的桌面空间有限,因此稍小的平板电脑是一个好处。
- 大尺寸,高分辨率垫。(Large size, high-resolution pad.)
- 上报率高,快捷键多。(High-report rate, many shortcut keys.)
Inspiroy的价格接近我们负担得起的绘图板的首选Wacom Intuos Graphics。但是,它们之间存在巨大差异。Inspiroy的尺寸为 10 x 6.25 英寸,使Intuos的 7.8 x 6.3 英寸尺寸相形见绌。
它还具有高LPI(每英寸线数)分辨率以及高报告率。它还提供两倍的压力灵敏度和类似的倾斜功能。有 12 个Express Keys和 16 个软键,因此您可以将所有最重要的功能映射到平板电脑。
Best Affordable Tablets for Drawing and Sketching with Pen (2022)
There has never been a better time to get into digital art. Whethеr you’re coming frоm a background in traditional phyѕical medіa or you’re looking to learn аs a beginner, there’s no shortage of digital drawing tablets to choose from.
There are so many options, especially in the budget segment, that you probably have no idea which ones are good. To get you working on your next masterpiece as quickly as possible, we’ve found some of the best affordable tablets for drawing that you can buy today.
Two Types of Drawing Tablet
There are broadly two types of drawing tablets. Standalone drawing tablets don’t have to be connected to another device, like a Mac or PC, to work. This category includes mainstream tablet computers that support a stylus, although many don’t have an integrated pen holder.
The other drawing tablet has to be connected using a cable or wireless connection to another device.
These drawing tablets may or may not have a screen of their own. The ones that don’t have their screens are a little trickier to use and more popular for photo editing, but many digital artists also use them. It doesn’t take long to adjust to looking at a screen while drawing on a tablet.
We’ve covered all types of drawing tablets here to help you choose the right one for your needs. Especially if you need to remove it on the go, a standalone option is your best choice.
Important Features for a Drawing Tablet
There are quite a few things to consider when evaluating a drawing tablet. This is even more important when we’re talking about budget products. High-end drawing tablets offer you the best of everything, but you may not have a budget of thousands of dollars.
The most important considerations are:
- Tablet size and working area: The tablet has to be big enough to accommodate the style of drawing you need or to cut down on pinch-and-zoom operations as you move around the virtual canvas.
- Type of drawing surface: Some tablets have a matte finish, others have a smooth finish, or tablets with screens might have an anti-glare coating. Combined with the nib material of the stylus pen, this is a major part of the drawing experience.
- Stylus pen pressure sensitivity: With more pressure sensitivity the stylus has, the more subtle the detail you can put into your artwork.
- Tilt functionality: Tilt sensitivity and having a tilt function may also be important to you. For example, you may do lots of shading, and having that function coupled to simply tilting your pen is a major convenience.
You should also triple-check that a given drawing tablet is compatible with the operating system and apps you want to use. There’s no guarantee of universal compatibility!
- Great price.
- Compatible with Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Android, Chromebooks, but not iOS.
- Perfect for beginners.
The Intuos Graphics Tablet is about as basic as it gets. Still, it’s also quite good, and its limitations aren’t as crucial to beginners for many types of graphic design.
The build quality is excellent for such an affordable tablet, but that’s to be expected from Wacom. After all, they’ve been making drawing tablets for decades.
The Intuos has 4096 pressure levels, which isn’t great for professional artists, but beginners or those with more basic drawing needs should be perfectly happy. You also get four “ExpressKeys” shortcut keys which can be programmed to perform everyday actions such as Undo, Copy, or Paste.
Apart from its sensitivity levels, the other area where the budget nature of the tablet shows is in its size. The active drawing area only measures 6 x 3.7 inches, so be aware of that before you make your purchase. Other than that, this is the best genuinely cheap drawing tablet on the market. Anything with a lower price tag is likely to be complete junk.
- The best specifications at this price.
- The Apple Pencil is a class-leading stylus.
- Some of the best drawing apps on any platform.
The basic iPad was designed for the education market, but it’s a tremendous general-purpose tablet and supports the excellent 1st Generation Apple Pencil. Taken together, they cost about as much as a mid-range drawing tablet that still needs to be connected to a computer.
The A12 Bionic CPU and GPU system-on-a-chip has more than enough power to put most laptops to shame, and this is a Retina Display tablet to boot. So you get incredible high-quality images and detail.
The main drawback is that this iPad model doesn’t have a laminated screen. This means there’s an air gap between the screen and touch screen glass. For most people, this isn’t a problem, but some artists feel it can cause a slight drop in accuracy from pen to pixel.
3. Best Affordable Tethered Drawing Tablet: 2020 HUION Kamvas 13
- 8192 pressure levels.
- 60-degrees of tilt.
- 120% of sRGB supported.
Huion has made a real name for itself as a drawing tablet maker, and the Kamvas 13 might be their best bang for buck product so far.
This is a tablet with a built-in touchscreen which you have to connect to another device such as a laptop or Android phone that has a desktop mode, such as Samsung Dex.
The stylus pen is also noteworthy. It uses Huion Pen Tech3.0 to offer a battery-free pen. The pen gets its power from a weak electromagnetic field from the tablet itself, so there’s no Bluetooth and no charging involved.
The Kamvas 13 lets you hook it up using various connection methods. You can use the included 3-in-1 USB cable, where one cable connects to a wall adapter, and the other two connect to HDMI and USB on your computer. Alternatively, you can use a single USB-C cable that carries power, data, and display signals.
- A great solution for artists on the go.
- Can be powered solely from USB.
- Great integrated stand.
Despite sounding a little like the latest Pokemon addition, Gaomon is another budget drawing table maker worth keeping an eye on. The PD3120 offers a similar set of features to the Kamvas 13 at almost the same price.
This tablet can be attached to your computer or Android device using a single USB-C cable to carry all necessary power and data. You can also use the two-in-one cable that’s included.
The Gaomon has a battery-free stylus with +- 60 degrees of tilt sensitivity and 8192 pressure levels. The Full HD screen is laminated, too, so no worries about precise accuracy.
One difference between the Gaomon and Kamva 13 is the stand mechanism. The Kamvas has an integrated tilt mechanism to angle the tablet for drawing. The Gaomon is designed to be portable, so it has a foldable cover that doubles as a stand. If you don’t care about portability and need angle adjustments, the Kamvas 13 is a better choice.
5. Best General-purpose Tethered Tablet: Wacom One
- Brings a premium brand to the entry-level.
- Includes several trial subscriptions for drawing software.
- Compatible with Mac, Windows, Chromebook, and some Android phones.
Wacom doesn’t seem content to let Huion or Gaomon have all the fun at the lower end of the price range. While the Wacom One is about $100 more expensive than those tablets on average, it still straddles the line between budget and mid-range drawing tablets.
Wacom has focused on replicating the feel of writing on paper with a real pen. So this tablet is perhaps not laser-focused on digital artists but on users who need a digital sketching and note-taking solution that helps them transition from paper to glass.
We think this is perfect for remote workers, teachers, and anyone else who needs to do drawing work on screen. While it should work competently as an art tablet, too, the art-focused (and more affordable) options from Huion and Gaomon may be the better choice.
6. Best Affordable Premium Drawing Tablet: Wacom Cintiq 16
- Premium specifications for an unbeatable price.
- Large screen.
- Integrated stand.
When we use a word like “affordable,” it’s always relative to something. While the near-$700 price of the Wacom Cintiq 16 isn’t “affordable” in the absolute sense, in the world of professional drawing tablets, anything under $1000 is a bit of a bargain.
This tablet uses a 15.6” screen, larger than all of the tablets we’ve covered in this article but is considered small in the Cintiq range. It’s still only a Full HD panel, but with a physically larger drawing surface, the act of drawing becomes more comfortable.
This is one of the cheapest ways to access Wacom’s Pro Pen 2 technology on a tablet with a screen. The pen is particularly precise and intuitive and uses a battery-free stylus implementation.
To give you an idea of how good the value here is, the Cintiq 22, which is also a ”budget” model, costs nearly twice as much!
- Multi-touch support.
- High-precision stylus and drawing surface.
The Intuos Pro pen tablet costs more than the Kamvas 13 or Gaomon tablets, yet it doesn’t even have a built-in screen! That’s because this tablet is all about providing a precise, professional-grade drawing feel without charging the price of a Cintiq. This model comes with the same Pro Pen 2 stylus you get with Wacom’s premium tablets. You also have the option of buying alternative pens from Wacom, such as the Pro Pen Slim and Pro Pen 3D.
The other feature that justifies that price here is the large size of the tablet itself. The whole device, including the shortcut keys and handy dial, measures 13.2 x 8.5 inches. The active area you can draw on measures 8.7 x 5.8 inches. So there’s plenty of room to work.
- Cheaper than the base iPad for a similar experience.
- Stylus is included in the price.
Like the iPad mentioned above, this Android Tablet from Samsung is a general-purpose tablet. Unlike the iPad, you don’t have to spend additional money on a stylus pen since the Tab S6 Lite comes with a Samsung S-Pen included in the box.
While the Tab S6 doesn’t stack up to the iPad in terms of quality and specifications, it’s nonetheless an excellent mid-range tablet. The S-Pen is brilliant for note-taking and sketching while you’re in class or in a meeting. It offers 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity and tilt functionality.
While we think the iPad 8th Generation tablet with a compatible Apple Pencil is still the best standalone drawing tablet combo, there’s no denying that the S6 has it beat when it comes to price. So if your budget is tight or you prefer Android to iPadOS, this is a brilliant option.
- Compact, high pixel density screen.
- Dial control for zooming.
The XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro comes in well under $300 and is priced directly against the Kamvas and Gaomon tablets in this list. It’s also a very similar product in general, so whether you’d buy the Artist 12 Pro instead really depends on the finer details.
First, this tablet is smaller at 11.6-inches than the 13.3-inches of the other tablets. The resolutions are the same, so you’ll be getting better pixel density. Many users have limited desk space, so a slightly smaller tablet is a bonus.
A dial control is also a substantial addition over and above the other options at this price. None of the three drawing tablets under discussion here support multi-touch, so you have to zoom in and out or adjust other settings using buttons. A dial is more intuitive and precise.
- Large size, high-resolution pad.
- High-report rate, many shortcut keys.
The Inspiroy is priced close to our top choice for affordable drawing tablets, the Wacom Intuos Graphics. However, there’s a huge difference between them. The Inspiroy has a 10 x 6.25-inch footprint, dwarfing the Intuos with its 7.8 x 6.3-inch size.
It’s also got a high LPI (lines per inch) resolution, along with a high report rate. It also offers twice the pressure sensitivity and comparable tilt functionality. There are 12 Express Keys and 16 soft keys so that you can map all your most important functions to the tablet.
This sounds great, so why isn’t this the tablet to beat the Intuous? There are two reasons. The first is software compatibility, with Wacom tablets having far more software support in general. If you know the specific apps you use will work with Inspiroy (check first!), that’s a non-issue. The second part is that size. This tablet is probably too large for artists buying in this price segment.
Don’t Be Overdrawn!
It’s excellent that beginner or budget artists don’t have to look at four-figure prices to get an excellent tool to make artwork. These tablets are a great way to work yourself up to professional-grade equipment through small gigs or improve your craft until it’s good enough to pay the bills!