对于一个有着 37 年历史的操作系统,Windows肯定有很多问题。虽然它们中的大多数都很容易解决,但当错误没有特定来源时我们该怎么办?
Windows 中的每个错误都伴随着神秘代码,其中一个错误的代码为 0x80004005,被微软(Microsoft)自己归类为“未指定错误”。遇到与各种其他问题有关的错误 0x80004005。在安装或更新Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)、提取压缩文件、尝试访问共享文件或文件夹、启动/设置虚拟机、在Outlook中接收邮件等时,可能会遇到此错误。
修复错误代码 0x80004005(Fix Error Code 0x80004005):Windows 10中的未指定错误(Windows 10)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point),以防万一出现问题。
没有一种方法可以解决 0x80004005 错误,故障排除过程取决于错误发生的位置和方式。话虽如此,我们将详细说明可能会弹出错误的每种不同场景/情况,同时还为您提供一些解决方法。
案例 1:更新 Windows 时修复错误 0x80004005(Case 1: Fix Error 0x80004005 When Updating Windows)
尝试更新窗口时最常遇到 0x80004005 错误。虽然错误背后的原因尚不清楚,但可能是由于文件和服务损坏。该错误还与KB3087040更新明确相关。此更新专门用于解决Internet Explorer的安全问题,但是,用户报告更新无法下载,并且收到的错误消息包含代码 0x80004005。
如果您在尝试更新Windows 10时也遇到错误代码 0x80004005(Error Code 0x80004005) ,请尝试以下方法。
解决方案 1:运行Windows 更新(Windows Update)疑难解答
对于Windows(Windows)上遇到的任何错误,第一个首选解决方案是运行相同的疑难解答。按照以下步骤运行Windows 更新(Windows Update)疑难解答:
1. 单击开始按钮(start button)或按Windows键并搜索控制面板(Control Panel)。搜索结果返回后,按(Press)回车键或单击打开。(Open)
2. 从控制面板(Control Panel)项目列表中,单击疑难解答(Troubleshooting)。
3. 在故障排除窗口中,单击左侧面板中的查看全部(View All)以检查您可以使用故障排除程序解决的所有计算机问题。
4. 一直向下滚动以找到Windows Update并双击它。
Windows 7 和 8 用户可以从以下网页下载Windows 更新疑难解答: (Windows Update)Windows 更新疑难解答(Windows Update Troubleshooter)。
5. 单击高级(Advanced)。
6. 选中“自动应用(Apply)修复”旁边的框,然后按下一步(Next)。
解决方案 2:运行系统文件检查器扫描(System File Checker Scan)
1.以管理员身份启动命令提示符(Launch Command Prompt As Administrator)
一种。按Windows Key + X并选择命令提示符(Command Prompt)(管理员(Admin))
湾。在搜索栏中搜索命令提示符,然后从右侧(Command Prompt)面板中选择以管理员身份(Administrator)运行(Run)
2. 键入以下命令行sfc /scannow并按 Enter。
解决方案 3:删除Windows Update下载文件夹的内容
该错误也可能是由Windows Update下载文件夹中的损坏文件引起的。手动删除这些文件应该有助于解决 0x80004005 错误。
1. 首先,通过双击桌面上的快捷方式图标或按键盘热键Windows Key + E启动文件资源管理器(Launch File Explorer)。
2. 前往以下位置 - C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
3.按Ctrl + A全选,右击选择Delete(或者直接按键盘上的delete键)
解决方案 4:重新启动Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务
所有与Windows更新相关的活动,例如实际下载更新文件和安装它,都由一堆不同的服务处理。如果这些服务中的任何一个无法正常工作/损坏,则可能会遇到 0x80004005。简单地(Simply)停止更新服务然后重新启动它们应该会有所帮助。
1.使用前面提到的任何方法以管理员身份打开命令提示符。(Open Command Prompt As Administrator)
2. 依次键入以下命令(每个命令后按回车键)以停止/终止更新服务:
net stop wuauserv
net stop bits
net stop trustedinstaller
net stop appidsvc
net stop cryptsvc
3. 现在,通过键入以下命令再次重新启动所有服务。再一次(Again),记得一一输入,每行后按回车键。
net start wuauserv
net start bits
net start trustedinstaller
net start appidsvc
net start cryptsvc
4.现在,尝试更新Windows并检查“错误代码0x80004005:未指定错误(Error Code 0x80004005: Unspecified Error)”是否再次弹出。
解决方案 5:手动更新 Windows
手动更新窗口 – 启动您的首选浏览器,打开以下链接Microsoft 更新目录(Microsoft Update Catalog),然后在搜索框中键入您要安装的更新的 KB 代码。
案例2:提取文件时(Case 2: When Extracting Files)
提取压缩文件时也会遇到 0x80004005 错误。如果在解压时明确出现错误,请首先尝试使用备用解压应用程序(下载 7-zip(Download 7-zip)或Winrar 免费下载(Winrar Free Download))。此外,请确保该文件实际上是一个可提取文件并且没有密码保护。
不过,如果上述两种方法都失败了,我们将尝试通过使用命令提示符重新注册两个动态链接库 (DLL)来解决问题。(Dynamic link libraries (DLL))
1.使用前面介绍的任何方法以管理员身份启动命令提示符。(Launch Command Prompt as Administrator)
2. 在命令提示符窗口中,键入以下命令并按 Enter。
regsvr32 jscript.dll
3. 现在,输入regsvr32 vbscript.dll并按下回车键。
最后,重新启动计算机并尝试在返回时解压缩文件。0x80004005 错误不应再出现。
如果在执行复制或重命名等其他文件操作时出现 0x80004005 错误,请尝试运行文件(Files)和文件夹(Folder)疑难解答。为此:
1.前往以下网页并下载必要的文件:自动诊断和修复Windows文件和文件夹问题(Automatically diagnose and repair Windows file and folder problems)。下载后,单击winfilefolder.DiagCab文件以运行文件(File)和文件夹疑难解答(Folder Troubleshooter)。
2. 单击高级(advanced )并选中“自动应用(Apply)修复”选项。单击(Click)“下一步”(Next )按钮开始故障排除。
3. 将出现一个询问所遇到问题的窗口。通过勾选它们旁边的框来选择您遇到的问题,最后单击Next。
让疑难解答程序运行它,同时,按照屏幕上显示的任何和所有说明进行操作。完成后检查您是否能够在 Windows 10 上修复错误代码 0x80004005。(fix Error Code 0x80004005 on Windows 10.)
案例 3:在虚拟机上(Case 3: On Virtual Machine)
当您尝试访问共享文件或文件夹或由于虚拟机错误时,也可能导致 0x80004005。在任一访问中,删除注册表项或更新注册表编辑器都可以解决问题。
解决方案 1:删除注册表项
遵循以下指南时要格外小心,因为注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)是一个强大的工具,任何事故都可能导致其他多个问题。
1.通过以下任一方法打开Windows注册表编辑器(Open Windows Registry Editor )
一种。启动运行命令(Run Command)(Windows Key + R),键入regedit,然后按 Enter。
湾。单击(Click)开始(Start)按钮或按键盘上的Windows键(Windows)并搜索注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。搜索返回时按 Enter 。(Press Enter)
无论(Irrespective)访问方法如何,都会出现请求允许应用程序对系统进行更改的用户帐户控制消息。单击是(Click on yes)授予权限。
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
3. 现在,检查右侧面板以查看是否存在密钥。如果是这样,请右键单击该键并选择Delete。如果密钥不存在,请尝试下一个方法。
解决方案 2:更新 Windows 注册表
1.使用前面介绍的任何方法再次启动 Windows 注册表编辑器。(Launch Windows Registry Editor )
对于 32 位系统:(For 32-bit systems:)创建一个DWORD值并将其命名为LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy。
对于 64 位系统:(For 64-bit systems:)创建一个QWORD(64 位)值并将其命名为LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy。
4. 创建后,双击该键或右键单击并选择修改(Modify)。
5.将数值数据设置为 1(Set the Value Data to 1),然后单击确定(OK)。
解决方案 3:卸载Microsoft 6to4
在最后一种方法中,我们从设备管理器中卸载所有(device manager)Microsoft 6to4设备。
1.通过以下任一方法启动设备管理器(Launch Device Manager )。
一种。打开运行(Run)(Windows Key + R),键入 devmgmt.msc 或 hdwwiz.cpl,然后按 Enter。
湾。单击(Click)开始按钮或按Windows键,搜索设备管理器(Device Manager),然后单击打开(Open)。
C。按 Windows(Press Windows)键 + X(或右键单击开始按钮)并从高级用户菜单中选择设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 单击位于窗口顶行的查看并选择显示(View )隐藏的设备。(Show hidden devices.)
3. 双击网络适配器(Network Adapters)或单击它旁边的箭头。
4. 右键单击 Microsoft 6to4 适配器(Adapter)并选择卸载(Uninstall)。对Network Adapters下列出的所有(Network Adapters)Microsoft 6to4设备重复此步骤。
删除所有Microsoft 6to4设备后,重新启动计算机(restart your computer)并检查是否能够修复 Windows 10 上的错误代码 0x80004005。(fix Error Code 0x80004005 on Windows 10.)
案例 4:在 Outlook 中访问邮件时(Case 4: When accessing mails in Outlook )
Microsoft Outlook是另一个经常与 0x80004005 错误相关的应用程序。错误出现在多种情况下——当用户试图访问他或她的邮件时,在新消息到达时,有时甚至在发送电子邮件时。该错误有两个主要原因。首先(First),您的防病毒应用程序阻止了新邮件,其次,新邮件通知有问题。
1. 显而易见,首先,启动Outlook并打开您的帐户。单击(Click)工具(Tools)。_
2. 接下来,单击选项(Options )并切换到首选项(Preferences )选项卡。
3. 单击电子邮件选项并取消选中“新邮件到达时显示通知消息”旁边的框(uncheck the box next to “Display a notification message when new mail arrives”)以禁用该功能。
4. 单击确定(OK ),然后再次单击确定(OK )退出。
案例 5:删除损坏的临时文件(Case 5: Delete Corrupt Temporary Files)
作为解决 0x80004005 错误的最终解决方案,我们将删除计算机上的所有临时文件(deleting all the temporary files),这也将有助于摆脱可能导致错误的任何损坏文件。为此,我们将使用内置的磁盘清理(Disk Cleanup)应用程序。
1. 按Windows键 + S,搜索Disk Cleanup,然后按 Enter。
或者,启动运行命令,键入cleanmgr,然后按 Enter。
2.扫描一段时间后(After a while of scanning),将出现列出要删除的各种文件的应用程序窗口。
3. 选中Temporary Internet Files(Temporary Internet Files)旁边的框(确保(Make)只选择Temporary Internet Files),然后单击Clean up system files。
手动删除所有临时文件:(To manual delete all the temporary files:)
按 Windows 键 + S,在搜索栏中键入%temp%包含所有临时文件和文件夹的文件夹将打开。按键盘上的 Ctrl(Press Ctrl) + A 选择所有文件,然后按delete。
删除临时文件后, launch Recycle bin and delete the files from there too!
就是这样,您已经成功学习了如何在 Windows 10 上修复错误 0x80004005,(How To Fix Error 0x80004005 on Windows 10)但是如果您对这篇文章仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Error Code 0x80004005: Unspecified Error in Windows 10
Fоr a 37-year-old operating system, Windows sure hаs a lot оf problemѕ. While most of thеm are easily solvable, what do we do when the error doesn’t have a specific origin?
Each error in windows is accompanied by cryptic code, one such error has the code 0x80004005 and is classified as an ‘unspecified error’ by Microsoft themselves. Error 0x80004005 is encountered in relation to a wide range of other problems. One might encounter this error while installing or updating Windows OS, extracting a compressed file, trying to access a shared file or folder, starting/setting up a virtual machine, receiving mails in Outlook among other things.
Fix Error Code 0x80004005: Unspecified Error in Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point, just in case something goes wrong.
There is no one method to solve the 0x80004005 error and the troubleshooting process varies depending on where and how the error is being experienced. Having said that, we will be elaborating on each of the different scenarios/cases where the error might pop up while also giving you a few methods for resolving it.
Case 1: Fix Error 0x80004005 When Updating Windows
The 0x80004005 error is most commonly experienced when trying to update windows. While the reason behind the error isn’t known, it may be due to corrupt files and services. The error is also tied explicitly to the KB3087040 update. The update was specifically sent to rectify security issues with Internet Explorer, however, users have reported the update fails to download and the error message that arrives contains the code 0x80004005.
Try the below methods if you are also experiencing the Error Code 0x80004005 when trying to update Windows 10.
Solution 1: Run Windows Update troubleshooter
The first go-to solution for any error experienced on Windows is to run the troubleshooter for the same. Follow the below steps to run the Windows Update troubleshooter:
1. Click on the start button or press the Windows key and search for the Control Panel. Press enter or click on Open once the search results return.
2. From the list of Control Panel items, click on Troubleshooting.
Note: Change the size of icons to make looking for the same easier. Click on the drop-down menu next to View by and select small icons.
3. In the troubleshooting window, click on View All present in the left panel to check all the computer problems you can use the troubleshooter for.
4. Scroll all the way down to find Windows Update and double-click on it.
Windows 7 and 8 users can download Windows Update troubleshooter from the following webpage: Windows Update Troubleshooter.
5. Click on Advanced.
6. Check the box next to ‘Apply repairs automatically’ and press Next.
Let the troubleshooter run its course and follow the on-screen prompts/instructions to finish troubleshooting.
Solution 2: Run a System File Checker Scan
Running an SFC scan is one of the easiest methods to check for corrupted files and restore them. To run an SFC scan-
1. Launch Command Prompt As Administrator
a. Press Windows Key + X and select Command Prompt (Admin)
b. Search for Command Prompt in the search bar and select Run As Administrator from the right-panel
2. Type the following command line sfc /scannow and press enter.
The scan may take some time to complete depending on the computer.
Solution 3: Delete the contents of the Windows Update download folder
The error may also be caused by corrupt files inside the Windows Update download folder. Manually deleting these files should help resolve the 0x80004005 error.
1. First, Launch File Explorer by either double-clicking on its shortcut icon on your desktop or pressing the keyboard hotkey Windows Key + E.
2. Head down to the following location – C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
(Click on the negative space in the address bar, copy-paste the above path and press enter)
3. Press Ctrl + A to select all the items, right-click and select Delete (or directly press the delete key on your keyboard)
A confirmation message should appear when you select delete, confirm your action to delete everything. Also, go ahead and clear your recycle bin after you are done deleting the Downloads folder.
Solution 4: Restart Windows Update Services
All Windows update related activities like actually downloading the update file and installing it are handled by a bunch of different services. If any of these services aren’t working properly/are corrupted, the 0x80004005 may be experienced. Simply stopping the update services and then restarting them should help.
1. Open Command Prompt As Administrator by using any of the methods mentioned earlier.
2. Type the following commands one by one (press enter after each command) to stop/terminate the update services:
net stop wuauserv
net stop bits
net stop trustedinstaller
net stop appidsvc
net stop cryptsvc
3. Now, restart all the services again by typing the following commands. Again, remember to enter them one by one and press the enter key after each line.
net start wuauserv
net start bits
net start trustedinstaller
net start appidsvc
net start cryptsvc
4. Now, try to update Windows and check if the “Error Code 0x80004005: Unspecified Error” pops up again.
Solution 5: Update Windows Manually
Finally, if none of the above methods worked, it may be best to manually update windows.
To manually update windows – Launch your preferred browser, open the following link Microsoft Update Catalog and in the search box type the KB code of the update you wish to install.
Download the update file and once downloaded, double-click on it and follow the on-screen prompts to install the update manually.
Case 2: When Extracting Files
The 0x80004005 error is also experienced while extracting a compressed file. If the error explicitly occurs when extracting, first, try using an alternate extracting application (Download 7-zip or Winrar Free Download). Also, make sure the file is actually an extractable file and isn’t password protected.
Another reason for the error may be the over-protective nature of your antivirus. Certain anti-virus applications prevent extracting zipped files to protect your computer, but if you are sure the compressed file you are trying to extract doesn’t contain any malicious files then go ahead and disable your antivirus temporarily. Now try extracting the file. If you were successful in extracting the file, consider permanently removing your current anti-virus application and installing another one.
Nevertheless, if both the above methods failed, we will try solving the issue by re-registering two Dynamic link libraries (DLL) using the command prompt.
1. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator using any of the methods explained earlier.
2. In the command prompt window, type the following command and press enter.
regsvr32 jscript.dll
3. Now, type regsvr32 vbscript.dll and press enter.
Finally, restart your computer and try unzipping the file on return. The 0x80004005 error should not arise anymore.
If the 0x80004005 error appears while performing other file operations like copying or renaming, try running the Files & Folder troubleshooter. To do so:
1. Head over to the following webpage and download the necessary files: Automatically diagnose and repair Windows file and folder problems. Once downloaded, click on the winfilefolder.DiagCab file to run the File and Folder Troubleshooter.
2. Click on advanced and check the option to ‘Apply repairs automatically’. Click on the Next button to start troubleshooting.
3. A window inquiring about the problems being experienced will appear. Select the problems you have been facing by ticking the box next to them and finally click on Next.
Let the troubleshooter run its course, meanwhile, follow any and all on-screen instructions being displayed. Once done check if you’re able to fix Error Code 0x80004005 on Windows 10.
Case 3: On Virtual Machine
The 0x80004005 may also be caused when you are trying to access shared files or folders or due to a virtual machine error. In either access, deleting a registry key or updating the registry editor is known to solve the problem.
Solution 1: Delete Registry Key
Be extremely cautious when following the below guide as Registry Editor is a powerful tool and any mishaps can cause multiple other problems.
1. Open Windows Registry Editor by any of the following methods
a. Launch Run Command (Windows Key + R), type regedit, and press enter.
b. Click on the Start button or press the Windows key on your keyboard and search for the Registry Editor. Press Enter when the search returns.
Irrespective of the method of access, a user account control message requesting permission to allow the application to make changes to the system will appear. Click on yes to grant permission.
2. Head down the following registry path
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
3. Now, check the right-panel to see if a key exists. If it does, right-click on the key and select Delete. If the key doesn’t exist, try the next method.
Solution 2: Update Windows Registry
1. Launch Windows Registry Editor again using any of the methods explained previously.
2. Navigate to the following path
3. Right-click on an empty area in the right-panel and select new. Depending on your system architecture, create one of the below keys.
For 32-bit systems: Create a DWORD value and name it as LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy.
For 64-bit systems: Create a QWORD (64 bit) value and name it as LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy.
4. Once created, double-click on the key or right-click and select Modify.
5. Set the Value Data to 1 and click on OK.
Restart your computer and check if the error still persists.
Solution 3: Uninstall Microsoft 6to4
In the final method, we uninstall all Microsoft 6to4 devices from the device manager.
1. Launch Device Manager by any of the following methods.
a. Open Run (Windows Key + R), type devmgmt.msc or hdwwiz.cpl and press enter.
b. Click on the start button or press the Windows key, search for Device Manager, and click on Open.
c. Press Windows key + X (or right-click on the start button) and select Device Manager from the power user menu.
2. Click on View located in the top row of the window and select Show hidden devices.
3. Double-click on Network Adapters or click on the arrow next to it.
4. Right-click on Microsoft 6to4 Adapter and select Uninstall. Repeat this step for all the Microsoft 6to4 devices listed under Network Adapters.
After deleting all the Microsoft 6to4 devices, restart your computer and check if you’re able to fix Error Code 0x80004005 on Windows 10.
Case 4: When accessing mails in Outlook
Microsoft Outlook is another application that is often associated with 0x80004005 error. The error arises on a variety of occasions – when the user tries to access his or her mails, on the arrival of new messages, and sometimes even while sending an e-mail. There are two main reasons for the error. First, your antivirus application is blocking new messages, and second, there is something wrong with notifications for fresh mails.
Disable your antivirus software for a temporary period and check if the error still persists. If disabling the antivirus didn’t help, follow the below guide and disable the new mail notifications feature in Outlook to get rid of the error.
1. As obvious, first, launch Outlook and open your account. Click on Tools.
2. Next, click on Options and switch to the Preferences tab.
3. Click on Email options and uncheck the box next to “Display a notification message when new mail arrives” to disable the feature.
4. Click on OK and then again on OK to exit.
Case 5: Delete Corrupt Temporary Files
As a final solution to resolving the 0x80004005 error, we will be deleting all the temporary files on our computers which shall also help get rid of any corrupt files that may be causing the error. To do so, we will be making use of the built-in Disk Cleanup application.
1. Press Windows key + S, search for Disk Cleanup, and press enter.
Alternatively, launch the run command, type cleanmgr, and press enter.
2. After a while of scanning, the application window listing various files to delete will appear.
3. Check the box next to Temporary Internet Files (Make sure only Temporary Internet Files are selected) and click on Clean up system files.
To manual delete all the temporary files:
Press Windows key + S, type %temp% in the search bar and press enter. The folder containing all the temporary files and folders will open up. Press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select all the files and then press delete.
Once you are done deleting the temporary files, launch Recycle bin and delete the files from there too!
That’s it you have successfully learned How To Fix Error 0x80004005 on Windows 10 but if you still have any questions regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.