想知道安卓操作系统的版本历史吗?好吧,不要再看这篇文章了,我们将讨论 Andriod Cupcake (1.0) 直到最新的 Android Oreo (10.0)。 (Do you want to know about the version history of the Android operating system? Well look no further in this article we will talk about Andriod Cupcake (1.0) till the latest Android Oreo (10.0). )
智能手机时代始于苹果(Apple –)创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs(Steve Jobs) )于 2007 年发布第一款 iPhone。现在,苹果(Apple)的 iOS很可能是第一款智能手机操作系统,但哪个是使用最广泛、最受喜爱的操作系统?是的,你没看错,就是谷歌(Google)的安卓(Android)。我们第一次看到Android在移动设备上运行是在 2008 年,当时的移动设备是HTC的(HTC)T-Mobile G1 。没那么老吧?然而,感觉就像我们一直在使用Android操作系统。
Android操作系统在过去 10 年中得到了显着改进。它已经改变并且在每个小方面都变得更好——无论是概念化、可视化还是功能。这背后的主要原因是一个简单的事实,即操作系统本质上是开放的。因此,任何人都可以获得Android操作系统的源代码,并随心所欲地使用它。在本文中,我们将沿着记忆的轨迹,重温这个操作系统在很短的时间内完成的迷人旅程,以及它是如何继续这样做的。所以,不要再浪费时间了,让我们开始吧。请(Please)坚持到本文结束。一起阅读。
但在我们了解Android版本历史之前,让我们退后一步,弄清楚Android最初的起源。早在 2003 年,正是一位名叫安迪·鲁宾 ( Andy Rubin ) 的前苹果员工为数码相机创建了操作系统。然而,他很快意识到数码相机操作系统市场并不那么有利可图,因此他将注意力转移到智能手机上。为此感谢上帝(Thank God)。
从Cupcake (1.0) 到Oreo (10.0)的Android版本历史(Version History)
安卓 1.0 (2008)(Android 1.0 (2008))
首先(First),第一个Android版本被称为Android 1.0。它于 2008 年发布。现在,显然,从我们今天所知道的以及我们喜欢它的角度来看,操作系统的发展程度要低得多。但是,也有许多相似之处。举个例子,即使在那个早期版本中,Android在处理通知方面也做得非常出色。一个独特的功能是包含下拉通知窗口。这一功能实际上将 iOS 的通知系统抛到了另一边。
除此之外,Android的另一项改变业务面貌的创新是Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)的创新。当时,它被称为市场(Market)。然而,几个月后,苹果(Apple)在 iPhone 上推出了App Store时,将其置于激烈的竞争中。(App Store)智能手机行业的这两家巨头都提出了一个集中的地方,您可以在其中获取您想要在手机上拥有的所有应用程序的想法。这是我们无法想象没有这些日子的生活。
安卓 1.1 (2009)(Android 1.1 (2009))
Android 1.1操作系统确实具有一些潜力。但是,它仍然非常适合小工具爱好者和早期采用者。该操作系统可以在 T-Mobile G1 上找到。现在,尽管 iPhone 的销量确实在收入和数量上始终保持领先,但Android操作系统仍然具有一些在这一代Android智能手机上仍然可以看到的关键功能。(Android)Android Market(后来被命名为Google Play 商店)(Google Play Store –)仍然是提供Android应用程序的单一来源。除此之外,在Android Market,您可以不受任何限制地安装所有应用程序,这是您在Apple的(Apple)App Store上无法做到的。
不仅如此,Android浏览器是一个让网页浏览更有趣的附加功能。Android 1.1操作系统恰好是第一个带有与谷歌(Google)数据同步功能的Android版本。谷歌地图(Google Maps)首次在Android 1.1上推出。众所周知,该功能使用GPS在地图上指出热点位置。因此,这绝对是一个新时代的开始。
Android 1.5 纸杯蛋糕 (2009)(Android 1.5 Cupcake (2009))
为不同版本的Android(Android)命名的传统始于Android 1.5 Cupcake。Android操作系统的版本为我们带来了比我们之前看到的更多的改进。其中最独特的是包含第一个屏幕键盘。这一特殊功能尤其必要,因为那是手机开始摆脱曾经无处不在的物理键盘模型的时候。
除此之外,Android 1.5 Cupcake还附带了第三方小部件框架。此功能几乎立即成为区分 Android 与其他操作系统的功能之一。不仅如此,该操作系统还允许用户有史以来第一次录制视频。
Android 1.6 甜甜圈 (2009)(Android 1.6 Donut (2009))
谷歌(Google)发布的下一个版本的Android操作系统被称为Android 1.6 Donut。它于 2009 年10 月(October)发布。操作系统版本带来了相当多的巨大改进。独特的是,从这个版本开始,Android开始支持CDMA技术。这个功能成功地让他们开始使用Android(Android)的广大人群。为了让您更清楚,CDMA是美国移动网络(American Mobile Networks)当时使用的一项技术。
Andriod 1.6 Donut是第一个支持多种屏幕分辨率的Android版本。(Android)这是Google构建具有不同屏幕尺寸的Android设备功能的基础。(Android)除此之外,它还提供了谷歌地图导航(Google Maps Navigation)以及轮流卫星导航支持。似乎所有这些还不够,操作系统版本还提供了通用搜索功能。这意味着您现在可以搜索网络或查明手机上的应用程序。
Android 2.0 克莱尔 (2009)(Android 2.0 Éclair (2009))
现在,Android操作系统的下一个版本是Android 2.0 Éclair。截至目前,我们所讨论的版本——尽管以它们自己的方式很重要——只是同一操作系统的增量升级。另一方面,Android 2.0 Éclair 在第一版Android发布大约一年后问世,并带来了操作系统的一些最显着的变化。目前,您仍然可以看到其中不少。
首先(First),它是第一个提供Google Maps Navigation的(Google Maps Navigation)Android操作系统版本。这种改进使车载GPS单元在一段时间内熄灭。尽管谷歌(Google)一遍又一遍地改进了地图(Maps),但该版本中引入的一些主要功能,如语音导航和逐向导航,今天仍然存在。不是那个时候你找不到任何导航应用程序,而是你要花很多钱才能得到它们。因此,免费提供这样的服务是谷歌的绝妙之举。(Google)
除此之外,Android 2.0 Éclair 还配备了全新的互联网浏览器。在此浏览器中,HTML5支持由Google提供。你也可以在上面播放视频。这使操作系统版本与当时的终极移动互联网浏览器 iPhone 处于类似的游乐场。
最后,谷歌(Google)还对锁屏进行了相当多的刷新,让用户可以通过滑动解锁屏幕,类似于 iPhone。不仅如此,您还可以从此屏幕更改手机的静音模式。
Android 2.2 Froyo (2010)
Android 2.2 Froyo仅在Android 2.0 Éclair推出四个月后推出。操作系统的版本通常包括几个引擎盖下的性能增强。
但是,它并没有不提供许多基本的前置功能。主要功能之一是在主屏幕底部包含扩展坞。该功能已成为我们今天看到的Android智能手机的默认功能。(Android)除此之外,您还可以使用语音操作(在Android 2.2 (Android 2.2) Froyo中首次引入)来执行诸如记笔记和获取路线等操作。您现在只需点击图标并随后说出任何命令即可完成所有操作。
Android 2.3 姜饼 (2010)(Android 2.3 Gingerbread (2010))
谷歌(Google)发布的下一个Android版本称为Android 2.3 Gingerbread。它于 2010 年推出,但无论出于何种原因,它都未能产生很大的影响。
在这个操作系统版本中,你第一次可以获得前置摄像头支持视频通话。除此之外,Android还提供了一个名为Download Manager的新功能。在这里,您下载的所有文件都被组织起来,以便您可以在一个地方找到它们。除此之外,还提供了 UI 大修以防止屏幕老化。反过来,这大大提高了电池寿命。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,对屏幕键盘进行了一些改进以及一些快捷方式。您还将获得一个光标,帮助您完成复制粘贴过程。
Android 3.0 蜂窝 (2011)(Android 3.0 Honeycomb (2011))
到Android 3.0 Honeycomb推出时,谷歌(Google)已经在智能手机市场上占据了相当长的一段时间。然而,使Honeycomb成为有趣版本的原因在于Google专门为平板电脑设计了它。事实上,他们第一次展示它是在摩托罗拉(Motorola)设备上。该特定设备后来成为未来的 Xoom。
Android 4.0 冰淇淋三明治 (2011)(Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (2011))
Google于 2011 年发布了Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich。虽然Honeycomb充当了从旧到新转变的桥梁,但Ice Cream Sandwich是Android进入现代设计世界的版本。在其中,Google改进了您在(Google)Honeycomb中看到的视觉概念。此外,通过此操作系统版本,手机和平板电脑统一了统一的单一用户界面 (UI) 愿景。
在这个版本中也保留了蓝色口音的使用。然而,在这一次中, Honeycomb(Honeycomb)并没有进行全息外观。相反,操作系统版本继承了核心系统元素,包括用于在应用程序之间切换的卡片状外观以及屏幕按钮。
借助Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich,滑动变成了一种更加私密的方式,可以充分利用体验。你现在可以刷掉你最近使用的应用程序以及通知,这在当时感觉就像做梦一样。除此之外,一个名为Holo的标准设计框架现在存在于操作系统以及Android应用程序的生态系统中,开始在这个版本的Android操作系统中形成。
Android 4.1 果冻豆 (2012)(Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (2012))
Android操作系统的下一个版本称为Android 4.1 Jelly Bean。它于 2012 年推出。该版本带有许多新功能。
独特之处在于包含了Google Now。该功能基本上是一个辅助工具,您可以使用它根据您的搜索历史查看所有相关信息。您还可以获得更丰富的通知。还添加了新的手势和辅助功能。(New)
一个名为Project Butter(Project Butter)的全新功能支持更高的帧速率。因此,在主屏幕和菜单中滑动要容易得多。除此之外,您现在只需从相机上滑动即可更快地查看照片,它将带您进入幻灯片。不仅如此,小部件现在会在添加新小部件时自行重新排列。
Android 4.4 奇巧 (2013)(Android 4.4 KitKat (2013))
Android 4.4 KitKat于 2013 年推出。操作系统版本的推出与Nexus 5的推出相吻合。该版本还带有许多独特的功能。Android 4.4 KitKat从字面上改造了Android操作系统的美学部分,并使整个外观现代化。谷歌(Google)在这个版本中使用了白色调,取代了冰淇淋三明治(Ice Cream Sandwich)和果冻豆(Jelly Bean)的蓝色调。除此之外,Android提供的许多股票应用程序还展示了更轻的配色方案。
除此之外,您还将获得一个新的电话拨号器、一个新的环聊(Hangouts)应用程序、环聊(Hangouts)消息平台以及短信(SMS)支持。然而,最流行的是“ OK,Google ”搜索命令,使用户可以随时访问Google 。
Android 5.0 棒棒糖 (2014)(Android 5.0 Lollipop (2014))
借助下一个Android操作系统版本——Android 5.0 Lollipop——谷歌(Lollipop – Google)从本质上再次重新定义了Android 。该版本于 2014 年秋季推出。今天仍然潜伏的Material Design标准是在Android 5.0 Lollipop中推出的。该功能让Google的所有(Google)Android设备、应用程序和其他产品焕然一新。
基于卡片的概念也分散在之前的Android中。(Android)Android 5.0 Lollipop所做的就是使其成为核心用户界面 (UI) 模式。该功能决定了Android(Android)的整体外观,从通知到最近的应用程序列表。您现在可以在锁定屏幕上一目了然地看到通知。另一方面,最近的应用程序列表现在具有完整的基于卡片的外观。
操作系统版本带来了许多新功能,独特之处在于通过“OK, Google(Google) ”命令实现免提语音控制。除此之外,现在还支持手机上的多个用户。不仅如此,您现在还可以获得优先模式来更好地管理您的通知。但是,由于变化如此之多,在最初的时候,它也遭受了相当多的错误。
另请阅读:2020 年 8 款最佳 Android 相机应用(8 Best Android Camera Apps of 2020)(Also Read: 8 Best Android Camera Apps of 2020)
Android 6.0 棉花糖 (2015)(Android 6.0 Marshmallow (2015))
一方面,当Lollipop改变游戏规则时,随后的版本- Android 6.0 Marshmallow -是为了打磨粗糙的角落以及更好地改善Android Lollipop的用户体验的改进。(Android Lollipop)
该操作系统版本于 2015 年推出。该版本带有一个名为Dose的功能,可改善Android设备的待机(Standby)时间。除此之外,谷歌(Google)首次正式为安卓(Android)设备提供指纹支持。现在,您只需点按一下即可访问Google Now。对于可用的应用程序,还有一个更好的权限模型。此版本还提供应用程序的深度链接。(Deep)不仅如此,现在您可以通过手机发送付款,这要归功于支持移动支付的Android Pay。
Android 7.0 牛轧糖 (2016)(Android 7.0 Nougat (2016))
如果你问Android上市 10 年来最大的升级可能是什么,我不得不说它是Android 7.0 Nougat。这背后的原因是操作系统带来的智能。它于 2016 年推出。Android 7.0 Nougat带来的独特功能是谷歌助手(Google Assistant)——现在广受欢迎的功能——在这个版本中取代了谷歌即时。(Google)
安卓 8.0 奥利奥 (2017)(Android 8.0 Oreo (2017))
谷歌(Google)为我们带来的下一个版本是 2017 年发布的Android 8.0 Oreo。操作系统版本负责使平台变得更好,例如提供暂停通知选项、原生画中画模式以及甚至可以让您更好地控制手机上的应用程序的通知渠道。
除此之外,Android 8.0 Oreo还推出了将Android和Chrome操作系统结合在一起的功能。除此之外,它还改善了在Chromebook上使用(Chromebooks)Android应用程序的用户体验。该操作系统是第一个以Project Treble为特色的操作系统。这是Google的一项努力,目标是为Android核心创建一个模块化基础。这样做是为了让设备制造商更容易,以便他们可以按时提供软件更新。
安卓 9.0 派 (2018)(Android 9.0 Pie (2018))
Android 9.0 Pie是 2018 年推出的(Pie)Android操作系统的下一个版本。由于其视觉上的变化,它是近年来Android最重要的更新之一。(Android)
操作系统移除了在Android中长期存在的三键设置。取而代之的是一个药丸形状的按钮和手势,这样你就可以控制诸如多任务处理之类的事情。谷歌(Google)还对通知进行了很多更改,例如更好地控制您可以看到的通知类型和可以看到的位置。除此之外,还有一项名为Google的Digital Wellbeing的新功能。此功能可让您了解您使用手机的时间、最常用的应用程序等等。创建此功能的目的是帮助用户更好地管理您的数字生活,以便他们可以消除生活中的智能手机成瘾。
其他一些功能包括应用程序操作(App Actions),它是特定应用程序功能的深层链接,以及自适应(Adaptive) 电池(Battery),它限制了后台应用程序能够使用的电池数量。
安卓 10 (2019)(Android 10 (2019))
Android 10 于 2019 年9 月(September)发布。这是第一个仅通过数字而不是单词知道的Android版本,从而摆脱了以沙漠为主题的绰号。(Android)Android手势有一个完全重新构想的界面。可点击的后退按钮已完全删除。取而代之的是,Android现在将完全依赖滑动驱动的系统导航方法。但是,您也可以选择使用较旧的三按钮导航。
Android 10 还提供了更新设置,使开发人员能够更好地推出小型和狭窄的补丁。还有一个更新的权限系统,让您更好地控制手机上安装的应用程序。
除此之外,Android 10还具有深色主题和专注(Focus)模式,只需点击屏幕上的按钮,即可帮助您限制对特定应用程序的干扰。除此之外,还提供了Android共享菜单大修。(Android)不仅如此,现在您还可以为手机上正在播放的任何媒体(例如视频、播客甚至录音)生成动态视觉字幕。但是,此功能将在今年晚些时候推出——首先出现在Pixel手机上。
所以,伙计们,我们已经到了Android 版本历史(Android Version History)文章的结尾。是时候结束它了。我当然希望这篇文章能够给你带来你期望的价值。既然你已经掌握了必要的知识,那就尽你所能地利用它。如果您认为我遗漏了任何要点,或者您希望我谈论除此之外的其他内容,请告诉我。直到下一次,保重,再见。
Android Version History from Cupcake (1.0) to Oreo (10.0)
Do you want to know about the version history of the Android operating system? Well look no further in this article we will talk about Andriod Cupcake (1.0) till the latest Android Oreo (10.0).
The era of smartphones began when Steve Jobs – the founder of Apple – released the first iPhone back in 2007. Now, the iOS of Apple may very well be the first smartphone operating system, but which is the most widely used and widely loved one? Yes, you guessed it right, that is Android by Google. The first time we saw Android operating on mobile was in the year 2008, and the mobile was the T-Mobile G1 by HTC. Not that old, right? And yet it feels like we have been using the Android operating system for eternity.
The Android operating system has improved dramatically over the course of 10 years. It has changed and has been made better in every little aspect – whether it is conceptualization, visualization, or functionality. The main reason behind this is one simple fact that the operating system is open by nature. As a result, anyone could get their hands on the source code of the Android operating system and play with it however they wish to. In this article, we will go down memory lane and revisit the fascinating journey this operating system has made in a very short span of time and how it continues to do so. So, without wasting any more time, let us begin. Please stick around till the end of this article. Read along.
But before we get to Android version history, let us take a step back and figure out where Android was originated at first. It was an ex-Apple employee named Andy Rubin who created the operating system back in 2003 for digital cameras. However, he realized soon enough that the market for operating systems of digital cameras is not that lucrative and therefore, he shifted his attention towards smartphones. Thank God for that.
Android Version History from Cupcake (1.0) to Oreo (10.0)
Android 1.0 (2008)
First of all, the first Android version was called Android 1.0. It was released in 2008. Now, obviously, the operating system was way less developed from what we know it as today and for what we love it as well. However, there are a number of similarities too. To give you an example, even in that earlier version, Android had done an amazing job in dealing with notifications. One unique feature was the inclusion of the pull-down notification window. This one feature literally threw the notification system of iOS to the other side.
In addition to that, another innovation in Android that changed the face of the business is the innovation of the Google Play Store. At that time, it was called The Market. However, Apple put it to a tough competition a few months later when they launched the App Store on the iPhone. The idea of a centralized place where you could get all of the apps you want to have on your phone was conceptualized by both of these giants in the smartphone business. This is something we cannot imagine our lives without these days.
Android 1.1 (2009)
The Android 1.1 operating system did consist of some potential. However, it was still well suited for people who are gadget enthusiasts as well as early adopters. The operating system could be found on the T-Mobile G1. Now, although it is true that the iPhone sales always stayed ahead in revenue as well as numbers, the Android operating system still came with some of the key features that are still can be seen on the Android smartphones of this generation. The Android Market – that has been later named the Google Play Store – still served as the single source of delivering the Android apps. In addition to that, on the Android Market, you could install all the apps without any restrictions which is something you could not be able to do on the App Store of Apple.
Not only that, the Android browser was an addition that improved the web browsing a lot more fun. The Android 1.1 operating system happened to be the first version of Android that came with the feature of data syncing with Google. Google Maps was introduced for the first time on Android 1.1. The feature – as you all know at this point – uses GPS to point hot location on a map. Therefore, it was definitely the beginning of a new era.
Android 1.5 Cupcake (2009)
The tradition of naming the different versions of Android began with the Android 1.5 Cupcake. The version of the Android operating system brought to us a wide number of refinements than what we have seen previously. Among the unique ones is the inclusion of the first on-screen keyboard. This particular feature was especially necessary because that was the time when the phones began to get rid of their once-ubiquitous physical keyboard model.
In addition to that, Android 1.5 Cupcake also came with the third-party widgets framework as well. This feature almost immediately became one of the features that distinguish Android from other operating systems. Not only that, but the operating system also allowed the users the ability to record videos for the first time in their history.
Android 1.6 Donut (2009)
The next version of the Android operating system Google released was called Android 1.6 Donut. It released in the month of October in 2009. The operating system version came with quite a lot of huge improvements. The unique one was that from this version, Android started to support CDMA technology. This feature managed to get them a wide array of the crowd to begin using Android. To give you more clarity, CDMA was a technology that the American Mobile Networks used at that point in time.
The Andriod 1.6 Donut was the first version of Android that supported multiple screen resolutions. This was the foundation upon which Google built the feature of making several Android devices along with different screen sizes. In addition to that, It also offered Google Maps Navigation along with turn by turn satellite navigation support as well. As if all of that was not enough, the operating system version also offered a universal search feature. What that meant was that you could now search the web or pinpoint the apps on your phone.
Android 2.0 Éclair (2009)
Now, the next version of the Android operating system that came to life was Android 2.0 Éclair. As of now, the version we talked about – although important in their own way – was simply incremental upgrades of the same operating system. On the other hand, Android 2.0 Éclair came to existence after about a year the first version of Android was released and brought with it some of the most significant changes to the operating system. You can still see quite a few of them around in the present time.
First of all, it was the first version of the Android operating system that offered Google Maps Navigation. This refinement made the in-car GPS unit extinguish within a span of time. Although Google refined Maps over and over again, some of the major features introduced in the version such as voice guidance as well as turn-by-turn navigation still lurk around today. It was not that you could not find any turn-by-turn navigation apps at that time, but you would have to spend quite a lot of money to get them. Therefore, it was a masterstroke from Google to offer such a service for free.
In addition to that, Android 2.0 Éclair also came with a completely new internet browser. In this browser, HTML5 support was provided by Google. You could play videos on it as well. This put the operating system version on a similar playground to that of the ultimate mobile internet browsing machine at that time which was the iPhone.
For the last part, Google also refreshed the lock screen quite a bit and enabled the users to swipe to unlock the screen, similar to the iPhone. Not only that, you could change the mute mode of the phone from this screen as well.
Android 2.2 Froyo (2010)
The Android 2.2 Froyo was launched a mere four months after the Android 2.0 Éclair came out. The version of the operating system consisted of in general several under-the-hood performance enhancements.
However, it did not fail to offer many essential front-facing features. One of the main features was the inclusion of the dock at the bottom of the home screen. The feature has become a default one in the Android smartphones we see today. In addition to that, you could also make use of the voice actions – introduced for the first time in the Android 2.2 Froyo – for performing actions such as making notes as well as getting directions. You could now do it all simply by tapping an icon and speaking any command afterward.
Android 2.3 Gingerbread (2010)
The next Android version Google released was called Android 2.3 Gingerbread. It was launched in 2010, but for any reason whatsoever, it failed to make a lot of impacts.
In this operating system version, for the first time, you could get front camera support for video calling someone. In addition to that, Android also provided a new feature called Download Manager. This is a place where all the files you downloaded was organized so that you could find them in a single place. Apart from that, the UI overhaul was offered that prevented screen burn-in. This, in turn, improved the battery life quite a lot. Last but not the least, several improvements were made on the on-screen keyboard along with a few shortcuts. You would also get a cursor that helped you in the copy-paste process.
Android 3.0 Honeycomb (2011)
By the time Android 3.0 Honeycomb was launched, Google had been storming the market of smartphones for quite a long time then. However, what made Honeycomb an interesting version was that Google designed it specifically for tablets. In fact, the first time they showed it was on a Motorola device. That particular device later became the Xoom in the future.
In addition to that, Google left quite a lot of clues in the operating system version for users to figure out what they would likely see in the upcoming Android operating system versions. In this operating system version, Google for the first time changed the color to blue accents instead of its trademark green ones. Apart from that, now you could see previews for every single widget instead of having to choose them from a list where you did not have that option. However, the game-changing feature was where the physical buttons for Home, Back, and Menu were removed. They were now all incorporated in the software as virtual buttons. That enabled the users to show or hide the buttons depending on the app they are using at that moment.
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (2011)
Google released the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich in 2011. While Honeycomb acted as the bridge from the shift from old to new, Ice Cream Sandwich was the version where Android stepped on to the world of modern design. In it, Google improved the visual concepts you saw with Honeycomb. Also, with this operating system version phones and tablets were unified with a unified and single user interface (UI) vision.
The usage of blue accents was kept in this version as well. However, the holographic appearances were not carried on from Honeycomb in this one. The operating system version, instead, took forward the core system elements that included a card-like appearance for switching between apps as well as the on-screen buttons.
With the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, swiping became an even more intimate method for making the most out of the experience. You could now swipe away apps you recently used as well as notifications, which at that time felt like a dream. In addition to that, a standard design framework named Holo that now exists along the operating system as well as the ecosystem of the Android apps began forming in this version of the Android operating system.
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (2012)
The next version of the Android operating system was called Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. It was launched in 2012. The version came with a lot of new features.
The unique one was the inclusion of Google Now. The feature was basically an assistant tool with which you could see all the relevant information depending on your search history. You also got richer notifications as well. New gestures and accessibility features were also added.
A brand new feature called Project Butter supported higher frame rates. Therefore, swiping through home screens as well as menus a lot easier. In addition to that, you could now view photos way more quickly simply by swiping from the camera where it will take you to the filmstrip. Not only that, widgets now realigned themselves whenever a new one was added.
Android 4.4 KitKat (2013)
Android 4.4 KitKat was launched in 2013. The operating system version launch coincided with the Nexus 5 launch. The version also came with a lot of unique features. Android 4.4 KitKat literally revamped the aesthetic section of the Android operating system and modernized the whole look. Google used a white accent for this version, replacing the blue accents of the Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean. In addition to that, many of the stock apps that were offered with Android also showcased color schemes that were lighter.
In addition to that, you also get a new phone dialer, a new Hangouts app, the Hangouts messaging platform along with SMS support as well. However, the most popular one was the “OK, Google” search command, enabling the users for accessing Google at any time they wish to.
Android 5.0 Lollipop (2014)
With the next Android operating system version – Android 5.0 Lollipop – Google essentially redefined Android once again. The version was launched in the fall of 2014. The Material Design standard that is still lurking around today was launched in Android 5.0 Lollipop. The feature gave a fresh new look across all the Android devices, apps, and other products from Google.
The card-based concept was scattered in Android prior to it as well. What Android 5.0 Lollipop did was to make it a core user interface (UI) pattern. The feature dictated the whole appearance of Android ranging from notifications to the recent apps list. You could now see notifications at a glance on the lock screen. On the other hand, the recent apps list now had a full-on card-based appearance.
The operating system version came with a lot of new features, unique one being the hands-free voice control through the “OK, Google,” command. In addition to that, multiple users on phones were now supported as well. Not only that, but you could now also get a priority mode to better manage your notifications. However, due to so many changes, in its initial time, it also suffered quite a lot of bugs as well.
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Android 6.0 Marshmallow (2015)
On the one hand, when Lollipop was a game-changer, the subsequent version – Android 6.0 Marshmallow – was a refinement to polish out the rough corners as well as improving the user experience of Android Lollipop even better.
The operating system version was launched in 2015. The version came with a feature called Dose which improved the Standby time of Android devices. In addition to that, for the first time, Google officially provided fingerprint support for Android devices. Now, you could access Google Now by a single tap. There was also a better permission model for apps available as well. Deep linking of apps were also offered in this version. Not only that, now you could send payments via your mobile, thanks to the Android Pay that supported Mobile Payments.
Android 7.0 Nougat (2016)
If you ask what is possibly the biggest upgrade to Android in the 10 years it has been out there on the market, I would have to say that it is Android 7.0 Nougat. The reason behind this is the smartness the operating system brought with it. It was launched in the year 2016. The unique feature that Android 7.0 Nougat brought with it was that Google Assistant – which is now a widely loved feature – took place of Google Now in this version.
In addition to that, you would find a better notification system, changing the way you could see notifications and work with them in the operating system. You could see the screen to screen notifications, and what was even better, that the notifications were placed in a group so that you could manage better, which was something the previous versions of Android did not have. Along with that, Nougat also had a better option of multitasking. No matter whether you are using a smartphone or a tablet, you are going to be able to make use of the split-screen mode. This feature is going to enable you to use a couple of apps simultaneously without the need to exit an app to use the other.
Android 8.0 Oreo (2017)
The next version Google brought to us was the Android 8.0 Oreo that was released in 2017. The operating system version is responsible for making the platform a lot nicer such as offering an option to snooze notifications, a native picture-in-picture mode, and even notification channels that would allow you to have better control over the apps on your phone.
In addition to that, the Android 8.0 Oreo came out with the features that have aligned Android as well as Chrome operating system together. Along with that, it has also improved the user experience for using Android apps on Chromebooks. The operating system was the first that featured Project Treble. It is an effort from Google with the goal of creating a modular base for the core of Android. This is done to make it easier to device makers so that they could offer software updates on time.
Android 9.0 Pie (2018)
Android 9.0 Pie is the next version of the Android operating system that was launched in 2018. In recent years, it is one of the most significant updates of Android, thanks to its visual changes.
The operating system removed the three-button setup that was present for so long in Android. Instead, there was a single button that was pill-shaped as well as gestures so that you could control things such as multitasking. Google also offered quite a few changes in notifications such as providing better control over the type of notifications that you could see and the place where it would see. In addition to that, there was also a new feature called Google’s Digital Wellbeing. This feature allows you to know the time you use your phone for, your most-used apps, and many more. This feature is created with the aim to help users to manage your digital lives better so that they could remove smartphone addiction from their life.
Some of the other features include App Actions which are deep-links to specific app features, and Adaptive Battery, which puts a limit on the amount of battery background apps would be able to use.
Android 10 (2019)
Android 10 was released in September of 2019. This is the first Android version that is known simply by a number and not a word – thereby shedding the desert-themed moniker. There is an absolutely reimagined interface for Android gestures. The tappable back button has been completely removed. In its place, Android will now rely completely on a swipe-driven approach for system navigation. However, you do have a choice to use the older three-button navigation as well.
Android 10 also offers a setup for updates that are going to enable the developers to better rollout small as well as narrowly focused patches. There is also an updated permission system in place, giving you better control over the apps that are installed on your phone.
In addition to that, Android 10 also features a dark-theme, a Focus mode that will help you limit distractions from specific apps just by tapping an on-screen button. Along with that, the Android sharing menu overhaul is also provided. Not only that, now you can generate on the fly visual captions for any media that is playing on your phones such as videos, podcasts, and even voice recordings. However, this feature will be made available later this year – appearing first on Pixel phones.
So, guys, we have come to the end of the Android Version History article. It is time to wrap it up. I sure hope the article has been able to give you the value you expected from it. Now that you are equipped with the necessary knowledge, make use of it to the best of your abilities. In case you think I have missed any points or if you would like me to talk about something else other than this, do let me know. Until next time, take care and bye.