
如何在 Android 上解锁电话号码(How to Unblock a Phone Number on Android)
方法 1:使用电话应用程序取消阻止电话号码(Method 1: Unblock a Phone Number Using the Phone App)
1.您需要做的第一件事是在您的设备上打开电话应用程序(Phone app)。
2. 现在点击屏幕右上角的菜单选项(三个垂直点) 。(Menu option (three vertical dots))

3. 从下拉菜单中,选择阻止(Blocked)选项。根据您的OEM和Android版本,下拉菜单中可能无法直接使用阻止呼叫选项。(Blocked)

4. 在这种情况下,请点击“设置”(Settings)选项。在这里,向下滚动,您将找到阻止(Blocked)呼叫设置。
5. 在阻止(Blocked)的呼叫部分,您可以设置单独的呼叫阻止和消息阻止规(separate Call blocking and Message blocking rules)则。它允许您阻止来自陌生人、私人/隐藏号码等的来电和消息。

6. 点击屏幕右上角的设置图标。(Settings)
7. 之后,点击阻止列表(Blocklist)选项。

8. 在这里,您将找到您已阻止的号码列表。

9. 要将它们从阻止列表中删除,请点击并按住数字(tap and hold the number),然后点击屏幕底部的删除按钮。( Remove button)

10.该号码现在将从阻止列表中删除,(This number will now be removed from the Blocklist,)您将能够接收来自该号码的电话和消息。
方法2:使用第三方应用解锁电话号码(Method 2: Unblock Phone Number using a Third-party App)
#1. Truecaller
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开Truecaller 应用程序(Truecaller app)。
2. 现在点击块图标(Block icon),它看起来像一个盾牌。
3. 之后,点击屏幕右上角的菜单图标(三个垂直点) 。(menu icon (three vertical dots))
4.在这里,选择“我的阻止列表”(“My Blocklist”)选项。
5. 之后,找到您要取消阻止的号码,然后点击旁边的减号图标。
6. 该号码现在将从阻止列表(Blocklist)中删除。您将能够接收来自该号码的电话和消息。
#2. Mr. Number
1.您需要做的第一件事是在您的设备上打开号码先生(Mr. Number)应用程序。
2. 7. 现在点击屏幕右上角的菜单图标(三个垂直点) 。(menu icon (three vertical dots))
3. 从下拉菜单中,选择阻止列表(Blocklist)选项。
4. 之后,搜索您要取消阻止(Unblock)的号码并点击并按住该号码。
How to Unblock a Phone Number on Android
We have all had someonе or the othеr in our life that we have blocked. Be it a random stranger or an old acquaintance turned south. It is nothing unсommon, and thanks to block contacts’ ability, we can live in peace. When you block a phone numbеr on Android, then you will not recеive any phone calls or texts from that number.
However, with time, you may have a change of heart. The person who you thought was not worthy of talking to starts to seem not that bad after all. Sometimes, an act of redemption makes you want to give another chance to your relationship. This is where the need to unblock a phone number comes into play. Unless you do that, you won’t be able to call or text that person. Thankfully, blocking someone is not a permanent measure, and it can be easily reversed. If you are willing to allow that person once more in your life, we will help you unblock their number.

How to Unblock a Phone Number on Android
Method 1: Unblock a Phone Number Using the Phone App
The simplest and the easiest way to Unblock a phone number in Android is by using the Phone app. In a matter of a few clicks, you can restore the calling and texting privileges of a number. In this section, we will provide a step-wise guide to unblock a number using your Phone app.
1. The first thing that you need to do is open the Phone app on your device.
2. Now tap on the Menu option (three vertical dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen.

3. From the drop-down menu, select the Blocked option. Depending on your OEM and Android version, the Blocked call option might not be directly available in the drop-down menu.

4. In that case, tap on the Settings option instead. Here, scroll down, and you will find the Blocked call settings.
5. In the Blocked call section, you can set separate Call blocking and Message blocking rules. It allows you to block incoming calls and messages from strangers, private/withheld numbers, etc.

6. Tap on the Settings icon on the top right-hand side of the screen.
7. After that, tap on the Blocklist option.

8. Here, you will find the list of numbers that you have blocked.

9. To remove them from the blocklist, tap and hold the number and then tap on the Remove button at the bottom of the screen.

10. This number will now be removed from the Blocklist, and you will be able to receive phone calls and messages from this number.
Method 2: Unblock Phone Number using a Third-party App
Blocking a number was not as easy as it is today. In an earlier Android version, blocking a number was a complicated process. As a result, people preferred using a third-party app like Truecaller to block a particular phone number. If you are using an old Android device, then this is probably true for you. If a phone number has been blocked using a third-party app, it needs to be unblocked using the same third-party app. Given below is a list of popular apps that you might have used to block a number and a step-wise guide to unblock it.
#1. Truecaller
Truecaller is one of the most popular spam detection and call blocking app for Android. It allows you to identify unknown numbers, spam callers, telemarketers, frauds, etc. With the help of Truecaller, you can easily block these phone numbers and add them to its spam list. In addition to that, you can also add personal contacts and phone numbers to the Blocklist, and the app will decline any phone call or texts from that number. If you need to unblock a particular number, then all you need to do is remove it from the Block list. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Firstly, open the Truecaller app on your device.
2. Now tap on the Block icon, which looks like a shield.
3. After that, tap on the menu icon (three vertical dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen.
4. Here, select the “My Blocklist” option.
5. After that, locate the number that you wish to unblock and tap on the minus icon next to it.
6. The number will now be removed from the Blocklist. You will be able to receive phone calls and messages from that number.
#2. Mr. Number
Similar to Truecaller, this app also allows you to identify spam callers and telemarketers. It keeps annoying and disturbing callers at bay. All the blocked numbers are added to the app’s blacklist. To unblock a number, you need to remove it from the Blacklist. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. The first thing you need to do is open the Mr. Number app on your device.
2. 7. Now tap on the menu icon (three vertical dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen.
3. From the drop-down menu, select the Blocklist option.
4. After that, search for the number you wish to Unblock and tap and hold that number.
5. Now tap on the Remove option, and the number will be removed from the blacklist, and it will be unblocked.
We hope that you find this information useful and you were able to unblock a phone number on your Android phone. As mentioned earlier, modern Android smartphones have made it really easy to block and Unblock numbers. It can be done using the default Phone app. However, if you have used a third-party app to block a particular number, then you need to need to remove that number from the app’s blacklist to unblock them. If you are unable to find the number in the Blocklist then you can also try uninstalling the app. Without the app, its Block rules won’t apply to any number. Finally, if nothing else works, you can opt for a Factory reset. This will, however, delete all your data, including contacts, and block listed numbers. Therefore, take a backup of important data before proceeding with the same.