适用于 Windows 的磁盘分区软件:(Disk Partition Software for Windows:)对磁盘进行分区可以更轻松地组织文件,例如库中的视频和照片。这是必要的,尤其是在大型硬盘驱动器的情况下。如果您为系统文件创建一个单独的分区,这将有助于保护系统免受数据损坏。每个分区都有自己的文件系统。
使用内置的Windows 磁盘管理实用程序(Windows Disk Management Utility)有效地管理文件、文件夹、应用程序和其他数据从来都不是一件容易的事。这就是那些使用硬盘处理大量数据的用户使用专用硬盘管理软件(Hard Disk Management Software)来应对的原因。
6 适用于 Windows 10 的免费磁盘分区(Windows 10)软件(Disk Partition Software)
如果您是Windows用户,这篇关于 6 Free Disk Partition Software for Windows的文章将帮助您找到在硬盘驱动器上创建分区的最佳软件。这些免费的磁盘分区工具确实可以证明是非常有用的。它们在多种情况下都很有用。无论是缩小空间为操作系统腾出空间,还是将两个媒体平台组合起来以制作一些新的超高清(UHD)电影。
#1 Minitool Partition Wizard Free
无论您是家庭用户还是企业用户,MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard)都适合您,让您与众不同。该软件将为家庭用户提供免费和专业(Pro)磁盘解决方案,该解决方案已受到全球 4000 多万用户的信赖。企业用户还可以通过这个行业领先的磁盘管理软件享受安全有效的Windows服务器磁盘解决方案,但需要付出一定的代价。
MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard)到底是做什么的?它是一个多合一磁盘(Disk)分区管理器,旨在最大限度地提高磁盘性能。它可以帮助您以最灵活的方式创建/调整大小/重新格式化分区。
以下是这款出色的Windows 磁盘分区软件(Windows Disk Partition Software)的一些主要功能:
- 只需单击几下,您就可以转换NTFS 和 FAT32并将动态磁盘转换为基本磁盘而不会丢失数据。(NTFS and FAT32)
- 他们有一个有效的数据恢复计划和两点解决方案。当您正在努力恢复误删除的文件或想要从损坏、格式化和无法访问的驱动器中检索丢失的数据时,这非常有用。
- 可以进行表面测试以识别坏扇区。
- 强大(Powerful)的磁盘克隆工具,用于备份和升级您的硬盘。
- 您不必花费数小时重新安装操作系统和应用程序。
- 该软件可以检测驱动器上的坏扇区。
- 它可以用于写入/读取,分析磁盘的使用情况。
- 验证文件系统的完整性并修复逻辑系统错误。
- 该软件具有惊人的功能,允许访问以前创建的分区。
- 它具有数据(Data)保护模式,可确保您的数据安全无虞。
MiniTool Wizard(MiniTool Wizard)几乎没有任何弱点。唯一可悲的是,对于非常先进的分区功能,您将不得不购买更新版本。
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#2 Paragon Partition Manager
Paragon分区管理器是Windows 10的一个很棒的实用工具。它有一些非常令人印象深刻的功能,我们将在下面讨论。四个基本功能 -数据恢复(Data Recovery),管理多个分区,磁盘擦除器和复制都存在。该软件免费供家庭和个人使用。专业版主要用于商业用途,可以从他们的网站以优惠的价格购买。
对于每个功能,Paragon Partition Manager会随着您一步一步地完成工作。以下是此特定Windows工具的所有优点以及您最需要的功能的列表:
- Resize/Move通过向左或向右滑动并输入所需的确切大小来调整/移动分区的大小。
- 扩展分区
- 改进了数据组织并更改了标签名称。
- 重新分配可用空间
- 通过表面测试检查错误并修复它们。
- 创建/删除分区以供重用
- 格式化HDD、SSD、USB、内存或 SD 卡。
- 引导您完成上述所有功能的分步向导。
- 您甚至可以在提交之前预览更改。
- FAT32 和HFS是一些受支持的常见文件系统。
不幸的是,您可能会发现Paragon Partition Manager(Paragon Partition Manager)免费版缺少一些基本的附加功能。但总的来说,你会发现这个工具非常方便,因为它已经被全球用户广泛审查。
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#3 Easeus Partition Master Free
管理分区、复制分区甚至创建启动盘的绝佳工具。它是目前市场上最好的产品之一,具有用于管理数据的所有内置必需品。它是一款轻量级、直观的Windows 实用程序(Windows Utility),您绝对会喜欢!
EaseUS Partition Master Free可以做的一些事情是调整大小、移动、合并、迁移和复制磁盘或分区;转换为本地分区、更改标签、碎片整理、检查和探索。
- 您可以密码保护,EaseUS Partition Master,也可以隐藏分区。
- 将系统驱动器升级为大型可引导驱动器,合并分区并对驱动器进行碎片整理。
- 允许在实时执行它们之前预览所有更改。
- 克隆磁盘
- 将小分区合并为大分区,这将有助于解决磁盘空间缓慢的问题。
- 高级升级将添加免费技术支持和调整动态卷大小的能力,但免费版本对于个人使用来说绰绰有余。
- 此实用工具经常升级以进行错误修复和改进。
EaseUS Partition Master免费的缺点是:
- 安装程序尝试安装另一个程序。
- 要扩展系统分区,您必须重新启动计算机。
- 它不允许在MBR 和 GPT(MBR and GPT)之间进行转换。
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#4 GParted Disk Partition
一个免费的Windows(Windows)分区工具,用于以图形方式管理您的磁盘。基础知识都在这里,调整大小、复制、移动分区而不会丢失数据。Gparted 是完全免费的软件。G parted 允许您根据自己的意愿分发、研究、改进或更改它。它是根据GNU 通用公共许可证分发(GNU General Public License)的。
不仅适用于Windows,还可以通过从包含GParted Live的媒体启动,在运行(GParted Live)Linux或Mac OSX的计算机上使用。
使用此Windows(Windows)分区(Partition)系统的所有功能的要求是至少 320 MB RAM。
该软件使调整大小看起来简单而准确,因为您可以选择分区前后的可用空间大小。Gparted 将您希望对硬盘进行的所有更改排队,然后您只需单击一下即可应用所有更改。
以下是适用于Windows的(Windows)Gparted Disk分区软件的一些主要功能,您可能会喜欢:
- 您可以轻松隐藏分区
- 调整大小很容易
- 支持多种格式和文件系统,包括EXT2/3/4, NTFS, FAT16/32, and XFS。
- 待处理的更改不需要任何重新启动。
- 适用于多个操作系统。
- 它可以轻松创建/删除/调整大小/移动/标签/设置新的UUID或复制粘贴。
- 恢复已删除或丢失的文件和数据既简单又快捷。
- Windows上使用的(Windows)NTFS 文件(NTFS File)系统支持该软件。
Gparted Disk分区的界面也有点让人失望,因为它看起来很老式。另一个弱点是它只能在刻录到磁盘或 USB设备(Device)后才能使用。
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#5 Aomei Partition Assistant Se
如果您厌倦了屏幕上弹出的“磁盘空间不足”,此分区系统(Partition System)将使您和您的Windows 计算机(Windows Computer)的生活更轻松。AOMEI Partition系统具有您所要求的所有基础知识,但该软件的惊人之处在于它提供的功能比列表中的其他软件要多得多。它的Pro版本也有一些高级工具,你在其他任何地方都找不到。
该软件包含 30 多个有价值的功能。它支持Windows PC操作系统,包括Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10(32位和64位)。
以下是傲梅Windows(AOMEI Windows)分区系统的主要特点:
- 易于(Easy)合并、拆分、隐藏分区而不会丢失任何数据。
- 允许(Allows)转换文件系统NTFS和FAT 32
- 恢复和恢复数据既简单又快捷。
- 它可以一起创建多个分区。
- 傲梅(AOMEI)提供的一些分区向导(Partition Wizards)包括-扩展(Extend)分区向导、磁盘复制向导、分区恢复向导、制作(Make)可启动CD向导等。
- SSD 擦除(SSD Erase)向导可将您的SSD设置(SSD)回默认大小。
- 无论是将 IS 迁移到HDD或SSD还是集成到恢复环境,傲梅都能(AOMEI)做到。
- 您可以重建MBR并在(MBR)Windows和Go Creators之间进行转换。
这些只是傲梅分区助手(AOMEI Partition Assistant)提供的一些功能,它有一些缺点。高级功能仅随付费版本提供。傲梅分区软件(AOMEI Partition Software)无法将动态磁盘转换为基本磁盘。
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#6 Active @partition Manager
在这个特定的软件中,易于使用和理解分区非常棒。最好的事情是Active @ Partition管理器由其制造商定期更新。以下是您需要的一些关键功能,Active @具有 -
- 您可以在保留现有分区的固定磁盘上将 GPT转换为 MBR(convert GPT to MBR)并将MBR转换为GPT分区样式。
- 支持USB闪存设备上的GPT到MBR 转换(MBR Conversion)
- 扩展(Expand)现有分区以利用可能的最大空间
- 在不妨碍数据的情况下缩小(Shrink)分区
- NTFS 卷(NTFS Volumes)和编辑引导扇区(Editing Boot Sectors)的惊人调整大小功能。
- 编辑FAT(FAT)、ex FAT、NTFS、EXT 2/3/4 /3/4 、UFS、HFS+和分区表的引导扇区。并且还同步它们。
- 允许您查看分区、硬盘或逻辑驱动器的高级属性。
- MART 功能(M.A.R.T Feature)可获取有关硬盘健康状况的知识。
- 轻量级和快速下载。
- 它提供了一个便携式版本,可以轻松地将其从一个计算环境移动到另一个计算环境。(功能有限)
- 有时可以从备份中恢复更改。
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因此,这些是Active @ Partition管理器的一些关键特性。现在它看起来也很合适,你知道它的一些背景。该软件不允许您复制分区,这是当今大多数软件的共同功能。另一个奇怪缺失的常见功能是克隆(Cloning)分区功能。
至此,我们来到了适用于Windows的 5 款(Windows)最佳分区软件(Best Partition Software)列表的末尾。在阅读了每个软件列表中提到的所有功能后,您将能够评估哪些特定软件满足您的需求。
试试这些,让我们知道哪个分区软件最适合您的Windows 计算机(Windows Computer),在下面的评论部分!
6 Free Disk Partition Software For Windows 10
Disk Partition Software for Windows: Partitioning a disk makes it easier to organize files, like videos and photos in your library. It is necessary, especially in case of a large hard drive. If you create a separate partition for your system files, it will help to protect the system from the corruption of data. Every partition possesses its own file system.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term – “Disk Partition.” It refers to a computer hard drive in which a section of the hard drive is separated i.e. partitioned from the other segments on it. It enables the users of the hard drive to divide the disk into logical sections for a more user-friendly experience. This really helps to reduce ambiguity caused due to a large amount of data that is present on these hard drives.
Managing your files, folders, applications, and other data efficiently with the built-in Windows Disk Management Utility has never been an easy-to-do task. That is the reason that those users who utilize hard disks to handle large amounts of data utilize a dedicated Hard Disk Management Software, to cope.
This software allows multiple partitions to be created to maintain and store the data and segregate files. An example would be of storing your OS on one partition and keeping the other partition for your media libraries.
The creation of partitions on your hard drive can help you to improve performance, store frequently used programs, and accessed data at first partition for easy outreach.
Separating valuable files will most importantly help you to minimize corruption risks to your confidential and important data. You will save a lot of time and energy in finding what you need when you need it.
6 Free Disk Partition Software For Windows 10
If you are a Windows user, this article on the 6 Free Disk Partition Software for Windows will help you out in finding the best one to create partitions on your hard drive. These free disk partition tools can really prove to be of great utility. They are useful in multiple situations. Be it, shrinking to make room for an OS or combining two media platforms for some new UHD movie rips.
So, let’s get the discussion going:
#1 Minitool Partition Wizard Free
Whether you are a home user or a business user, MiniTool Partition Wizard is meant for you, to make a big difference. This software will provide home users with a Free and Pro disk solution, which has been trusted by 40 million-plus users across the globe. Business users can also enjoy the safe and effective disk solution for Windows servers from this industry-leading disk management software but at a price.
What does MiniTool Partition Wizard exactly do? It is an All-In-One Disk partition manager that aims to maximize disk performance. It can help you to create/resize/reformat partitions in the most flexible manner.
Here are some of the main features of this amazing Windows Disk Partition Software:
- You can convert NTFS and FAT32 and convert dynamic disk to basic disk without data loss, in just a few clicks.
- They have an effective data recovery program with a two-point solution. This is really helpful when you are struggling to recover those files you deleted by mistake or when you want to retrieve lost data from damaged, formatted and inaccessible drives.
- A surface test can be conducted to identify bad sectors.
- The Powerful disk clone tool, for back up and up-gradation of your hard drive.
- You will not have to spend hours on the reinstallation of OS and applications.
- The software can detect bad sectors on the drive.
- It can be useful to write/read, analyze usage of disk.
- Verifies the file system’s integrity and also fixes logical system errors.
- The software has amazing functionality, allows access to previously created partitions.
- It has a Data protection mode, that assures you that your data is in safe hands.
The MiniTool Wizard barely has any weaknesses. The only sad part is, that for very advanced partitioning features, you will have to buy the updated version.
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#2 Paragon Partition Manager
A great utility tool for Windows 10 is the Paragon partition manager. It has some really impressive features that we will be discussing below. The four basic functions – Data Recovery, managing multiple partitions, disk wiper, and copying are all present. The software is free of cost for household and personal uses. The pro version is mostly needed for business use and can be purchased from their website at a good price.
The features of Paragon, that make it one of the best utility Partition tools for Windows, are as follows:
For each function, the Paragon Partition Manager, as you move through a step by step procedure to do the work. Here is a list of all that is good about this particular Windows tool, and features that you need the most:
- Resize/Move partitions by sliding it left or right and entering the exact size you want.
- Expanding partitions
- Improved data organization and changing the names of the label.
- Redistributing free space
- Check errors through surface tests and fix them.
- Creating/deleting partitions for reuse
- Format the HDD, SSD, USB, memory, or SD card.
- Walks you through a step-by-step wizard for all functions mentioned above.
- You can even preview the changes before committing.
- FAT32 and HFS are some of the supported common filing systems.
Unfortunately, there are some basic additional features that you might find missing in the free version of Paragon Partition Manager. But all over, you will mostly find this tool extremely convenient as it has been greatly reviewed so by users worldwide.
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#3 Easeus Partition Master Free
An excellent tool to manage partitions, copy them, or even create boot disks. It is currently one of the best available in the market with all the built-in necessities for your management of data. It is a light-weight intuitive Windows Utility that you will absolutely love!
Some of the things EaseUS Partition Master Free can do is resize, move, merge, migrate, and copy disks or partitions; convert to a local partition, change the label, defrag, check, and explore.
What sets this one apart from the other is the Preview feature, which makes all changes virtually and not in real-time. Changes don’t take occur until the“Execute” icon is pressed. Believe it or not, this helps to save a lot of time in trial and error.
Below is a list of all the other amazing features that you can experience with this partition manager:
- You can password protect, EaseUS Partition Master, and also hide partitions.
- Upgrade the system drive to a large bootable drive, merging partitions and defragmenting the drive.
- One is allowed to preview all changes before they actually execute them in real-time.
- Cloning of a disk
- Merge the small partitions into large partitions, this will help to solve a slow disk space issue.
- The premium upgrade will add free tech support and the ability to resize dynamic volumes but the free version is more than sufficient for personal uses.
- This utility tool is frequently upgraded for bug fixes and improvements.
The downside of the EaseUS Partition Master free is that:
- The setup tries to install another program.
- To extend the system partition, you have to restart the computer.
- It does not allow conversions to and from MBR and GPT.
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#4 GParted Disk Partition
A free partition tool for Windows to graphically manage your disk. The basics are all here, resizing, copying, moving the partitions without data loss. Gparted is completely free software. G parted allows you to distribute, study, improve it, or change it, to your wish. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
Not just for Windows, but it can also be used on computers running Linux or Mac OSX by booting from media containing GParted Live.
The requirements for using all features of this Partition system for Windows is a minimum of 320 MB RAM.
The software makes resizing seem easy and accurate as you can choose the size of free space before and after the partition. Gparted queues up all the changes that you wish to make to your hard drive and then you can just apply all of them in a single click.
Here are some key features of the Gparted Disk partition software for Windows, that you may like:
- You can easily hide partitions
- Resizing is easy
- Supports loads of formats and file systems including EXT2/3/4, NTFS, FAT16/32, and XFS.
- Pending changes don’t require any reboot.
- Works on multiple operating systems.
- It can create/delete/resize/move/label/set new UUID or copy-paste easily.
- Recovery of deleted or lost files and data is easy and quick.
- The software is supported on the NTFS File system used on Windows.
Unfortunately, it takes some extra downloading time due to the large size. But the wait is definitely worth the convenience that it will provide to you in managing your hard drive, later.
The interface of the Gparted Disk partition is also a bit of a let-down, due to its old-fashioned look. Another weakness is that it can only be used after burning it to a disk or a USB Device.
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#5 Aomei Partition Assistant Se
If you are sick of the “Low disk space” popping on your screen, this Partition System will make life easier for you and your Windows Computer. The AOMEI Partition system has all the basics that you will ask for but something amazing about this software is that it offers a lot more than the other ones on the list. It has some advanced tools in its Pro version as well, that you will not at all find anywhere else.
The software contains more than 30 valuable functions. It supports Windows Pc operating system, including Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10 (both 32 and 64 bit).
Here are the key features of the AOMEI Windows partition system:
- Easy to merge, split, hide partitions without losing any data.
- Allows conversion of file systems NTFS and FAT 32
- Restoring and recovering data is easy and quick.
- It can create multiple partitions together.
- Some Partition Wizards, offered by AOMEI include- Extend partition wizard, disk copy wizard, partition recovery wizard, Make bootable CD wizard, etc.
- An SSD Erase wizard to set your SSD back to default size.
- Be it migrating IS to HDD or SSD or integrating to recovery environment, AOMEI does it all.
- You can rebuild MBR and do conversions between Windows and Go Creators.
Those being just some of the features offered by the AOMEI Partition Assistant, it comes with a few drawbacks. The advance features only come with the paid version. Conversion of dynamic disks to basic disks is not possible with AOMEI Partition Software.
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#6 Active @partition Manager
This is a freeware Windows utility is needed to manage storage devices, logical drives, and hard disks partitions. You can create, delete, format data without rebooting or shutting down your computer again and again. It is adopted for high-resolution display and has a great GPT Volume management and formatting.
The ease of using and understanding partitions is great in this particular software. The best thing is that Active @ Partition manager is updated regularly by its makers. Here are some key features that you will need, which Active @ has-
- You can convert GPT to MBR and MBR to GPT partition style on a fixed disk preserving existing partitions.
- Supports GPT to MBR Conversion on USB flash memory devices
- Expand existing partition to utilize maximum space possible
- Shrink partitions without hampering data
- Amazing resize features for NTFS Volumes and Editing Boot Sectors.
- Editing of boot sectors of FAT, exFAT, NTFS, EXT 2/3/4, UFS, HFS+, and partition tables. And also synchronizing them.
- Permits you to view advanced attributes of a partition, hard disk or logical drive.
- M.A.R.T Feature to get knowledge about the health of the hard disk.
- Lightweight and quick download.
- It offers a portable version, to move it easily from one computing environment to another. (limited functions)
- Changes can be restored from a backup at times.
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So, these were some key features of the Active @ Partition manager. Now it also seems fit, that you know about some of its backdrops. The software does not allow you to copy partitions, which is a common feature in most software nowadays. Another weirdly missing common feature is the Cloning partition feature.
Hopefully, the minds behind it will change that in the upcoming updates for the software. Locked volumes cannot be resized with this particular utility tool. At first glance, you might find the interface cluttered and a little messy. But that just might be my personal outlook, so do not let that stop you from trying this partition software out.
With that, we come to an end of the list of the 5 Best Partition Software for Windows. After reading all the features mentioned in the list for each software, you will be able to assess which specific software meets your needs.
I hope that you pick the one that helps you manage and optimize your data in your storage devices in the best manner possible. To know more about any particular software on this list, you can visit the website and the official page.
Try these out and let us know which partition software was the best fit for your Windows Computer, in the comments section below!