小部件从一开始就是Android(Android)的重要组成部分。它们非常有用,可以增加手机的功能。小部件基本上是您的主要应用程序的迷你版,可以直接放置在主屏幕上。它们允许您在不打开主菜单的情况下执行某些操作。例如,您可以添加一个音乐播放器小部件(music player widget),它允许您在不打开应用程序的情况下播放/暂停和更改曲目。您还可以为您的电子邮件应用程序添加一个小部件,以便随时随地快速检查您的邮件。许多系统应用程序,如时钟、天气、日历等,也有它们的小部件。除了提供各种有用的用途外,它还使主屏幕看起来更美观。
听起来很有用,小部件并非没有错误。有时,一个或多个小部件可能会发生故障,导致错误消息“加载小部件时出现问题(Problem loading widget)”在屏幕上弹出。问题是错误消息没有指定哪个小部件对错误负责。如果您使用的是启动器或自定义小部件(第三方应用程序的一部分),或者如果小部件保存在您的存储卡上,那么遇到此错误的几率会更高。如果即使在删除主应用程序后小部件仍然存在,您也会遇到此错误。不幸的是,屏幕上弹出的错误消息也是一种小部件,因此摆脱错误更加令人沮丧和具有挑战性。但是,每个问题都有解决方案,我们在这里讨论一系列解决方案,您可以尝试消除这种麻烦。
修复在 Android 上加载小部件的问题(Fix Problem Loading Widget on Android)
方法一:重启设备(Method 1: Restart your Device)
这是您可以做的最简单的事情。这听起来可能很笼统和模糊,但它确实有效。就像(Just)大多数电子设备一样,您的手机在关闭再打开时可以解决很多问题。重新启动手机(Rebooting your phone)将允许Android系统修复任何可能导致问题的错误。按住电源按钮,直到电源菜单出现,然后单击Restart/Reboot选项。手机重启后,检查问题是否仍然存在。
方法 2:删除小部件(Method 2: Remove the Widget)
1. 要删除小部件,您只需按住小部件一段时间,然后屏幕上会出现一个垃圾桶。
2. 将小部件拖到垃圾箱( trash bin),它将从主屏幕中删除。
3. 现在,几分钟后再次将小部件添加到您的主屏幕。(add the widget to your home screen)
4. 如果您使用多个小部件,则只要不断弹出错误消息,您就需要对每个小部件重复此过程。
方法 3:检查自定义启动器权限(Method 3: Check Custom Launcher Permissions)
如前所述,如果您使用像Nova或Microsoft启动器这样的(Microsoft)自定义启动器应用程序(custom launcher app),则更有可能发生此错误。这些股票启动器具有添加和使用小部件所需的所有必要权限,但第三方启动器没有。您尝试使用的某些小部件可能需要启动器没有的权限。在这种情况下,您需要重置启动器应用程序的权限。这样做会导致启动器在您下次尝试添加小部件时询问权限。授予它要求的所有权限,这将解决问题。
Method 4: Transfer Widgets/Apps from SD card to Internal Storage
与存储在 SD 卡上的应用程序相关的小部件往往会出现故障,因此屏幕上会弹出错误消息“加载小部件时出现问题”。(Problem Loading Widget)解决此问题的唯一方法是将这些应用程序转移到您的内部存储中。许多Android用户已经能够通过从 SD 卡中删除应用程序来解决此问题。
方法五:清除缓存和数据(Method 5: Clear Cache and Data)
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 点击应用(Apps)选项。
3. 现在,在主屏幕上选择您正在使用其小部件的应用程序。(app whose widget you are using)
4. 之后,单击存储(Storage)选项。
5. 您现在将看到清除数据和清除缓存(clear data and clear cache)的选项。点击相应的按钮,这些文件将被删除。
6.如果您为多个应用程序使用小部件,那么最好清除所有这些应用程序的缓存和数据。(clear cache and data for all these apps.)
7. 现在,退出设置并再次尝试使用小部件,看看问题是否仍然存在。
8. 如果您仍然收到相同的错误消息,请尝试清除自定义启动器应用程序的缓存文件。
方法 6:切换到您的股票启动器(Method 6: Switch to your Stock Launcher)
如果上述方法都不能解决您的问题,那么您需要停止使用自定义启动器。尝试切换回您的股票启动器,看看它是否能解决问题。自定义(Custom)启动器与小部件的关系并不好,即使对于像Nova Launcher这样的市场上最好的启动器也是如此。如果您过于频繁地遇到问题(Problem)加载小部件错误并且变得令人沮丧,那么最好恢复到股票启动器并查看启动器是否负责。
方法 7:删除错误信息(Method 7: Remove Error Message)
如前所述,错误消息本身就是一个小部件,就像任何其他小部件一样,您可以将其拖放到垃圾桶中( drop it in the trash can)。每当您遇到错误消息时,点击并按住该消息并将其拖到垃圾桶图标。此外,删除触发错误消息弹出的小部件。
方法8:卸载应用程序,然后重新安装(Method 8: Uninstall the App and then Reinstall again)
如果与某个应用关联的小部件在加载小部件和清除其缓存时不断触发问题并没有解决问题,则需要卸载该应用。长按应用程序图标,然后点击卸载按钮。稍后(Later),从Play 商店(Play Store)再次安装该应用程序。安装应用程序后,将其小部件添加到主屏幕上,看看问题是否仍然存在。
方法九:更新安卓操作系统(Method 9: Update Android Operating System)
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 点击系统(System)选项。
3. 现在,单击软件(Software)更新。
4. 您将找到检查软件更新(Check for Software Updates)的选项。点击它。
5. 现在,如果您发现有可用的软件更新,请点击更新选项。
方法 10:启用以前禁用的应用程序(Method 10: Enable previously Disabled Apps)
一些应用程序是相互关联的。这意味着一个应用程序的服务是其他应用程序正常运行所必需的。如果您最近禁用了任何应用程序,则可能是小部件出现故障的原因。尽管您可能没有为禁用的应用程序使用小部件,但其他一些小部件可能依赖于其服务。因此,建议您返回并启用最近禁用的应用程序(enable the recently disabled app’s),看看它是否可以帮助您解决问题。
方法 11:卸载更新(Method 11: Uninstall Updates)
(Did)错误是在最近更新应用程序后开始的吗?如果是,则新更新可能存在一些错误,这就是“加载小部件时出现问题(Problem loading widget)”错误的原因。有时,新的更新会错过小部件的优化设置,从而导致小部件出现故障。解决此问题的简单方法是卸载更新并回滚到以前的版本。如果它解决了问题,那么您需要使用旧版本一段时间,直到推出带有错误修复和小部件优化的新更新。请按照以下步骤卸载系统应用程序的更新。
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在,点击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3. 搜索最近更新的系统应用(updated system app)(比如 Gmail)。
4. 现在,点击屏幕右上角的菜单选项(三个垂直点) 。(menu option (three vertical dots))
5. 单击卸载更新(Uninstall updates)选项。
6. 该应用程序现在将返回其原始版本,即在生产时安装的版本。
7. 但是,如果最近更新的应用程序不是系统应用程序,那么您将找不到直接卸载更新的选项。您需要卸载该应用程序,然后下载该应用程序的旧版本的APK文件。
方法 12:检查 Internet 连接(Method 12: Check Internet Connectivity)
一些小部件需要稳定的互联网连接才能正常工作。Gmail和天气等小部件需要始终保持活跃的互联网连接才能同步数据。如果您没有正确的互联网连接,那么您将遇到“加载小部件时出现问题”错误。(Problem)要检查互联网连接,请打开YouTube并查看是否可以播放视频。如果没有,那么您需要重置您的 Wi-Fi 连接(reset your Wi-Fi connection)或切换到您的移动数据。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在 Android 上恢复已删除的应用程序图标(How to Restore Deleted App Icons on Android)
方法 13:检查省电模式设置(Method 13: Check Battery Saver Settings)
方法 14:检查后台进程(Method 14: Check Background Processes)
如前所述,屏幕上弹出的错误消息并不具体,也没有指出哪个小部件或应用程序对错误负责。这使得诊断和识别罪魁祸首变得非常困难。但是,对于这种棘手的情况,有一个解决方案。Android允许您在(Android)开发人员选项(Developer options)的帮助下查看哪些进程正在后台运行。这些是针对高级用户的特殊设置,默认情况下不可用。请按照以下步骤解锁您设备上的开发者(Developer)选项。
2. 现在,单击系统(System)选项。
3. 之后,选择关于手机(About phone)选项。
4. 现在,您将能够看到名为Build Number的东西;继续点击它,直到您看到屏幕上弹出消息说您现在是开发人员。通常,您需要点击 6-7 次才能成为开发人员。(Usually, you need to tap 6-7 times to become a developer.)
这将在设置下解锁一个新选项卡,称为开发人员选项(Developer options)。现在按照下一组步骤查看后台进程。
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 打开系统(System)选项卡。
3. 现在,单击开发人员(Developer)选项。
4. 向下滚动,然后单击运行服务(Running services)。
5.您现在可以看到在后台运行的应用程序列表(You can now see the list of apps that are running in the background)。
方法 15:以安全模式重启设备(Method 15: Restart Device in Safe Mode)
1. 按住电源按钮,直到您在屏幕上看到电源菜单。
2. 现在,继续按下电源按钮,直到您看到一个弹出窗口,要求您以安全模式重新启动(pop-up asking you to reboot in safe mode)。
方法16:检查可用存储空间(Method 16: Check Available Storage Space)
转到设备的设置并打开存储(Storage)部分。您将能够准确地看到您有多少可用空间。如果您的内部存储空间中的可用空间少于 1GB,那么您需要创建更多空间。删除(Delete)旧的未使用的应用程序,清除缓存文件,将您的照片和视频传输到计算机或硬盘,这样就有足够的空间让应用程序和小部件顺利运行。
方法 17:执行出厂重置(Method 17: Perform a Factory Reset)
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 点击系统( System)选项卡。
3. 现在,如果您还没有备份您的数据,请点击备份(Backup)您的数据选项将您的数据保存在Google Drive上。
4. 之后,单击重置选项卡(Reset tab)。
5. 现在,单击重置电话选项(Reset Phone option)。
6. 这需要一些时间。手机再次重启后,尝试在主屏幕上添加小部件,看看是否可以正常使用它们。
推荐: (Recommended: )从 Android 主屏幕中删除 Google 搜索栏(Remove the Google Search bar from Android Homescreen)
Fix Problem Loading Widget on Android [SOLVED]
Widgets have been an important part of Android from the very beginning. They are extremely useful and increasе the functiоnality of уour phone. Widgets are basically a mini version оf your main apps that can be placed directly on the home sсrеen. They allow you to рerform certain operаtions without opening the main menu. For example, you cаn add a music player widget which will allow you to play/pause and change tracks without opening the app. You can also add a widget for your email app to quickly check your mail anytime anywhere. A lot of system apps like clock, weather, calendar, etc. also have their widgets. Apart from serving various useful purposes, it also makes the home screen look more aesthetic.
Useful as it may sound, widgets are not free from errors. From time to time, one or multiple widgets might malfunction, causing the error message “Problem loading widget” to pop up on the screen. The problem is that the error message does not specify which widget is responsible for the error. If you are using a launcher or a custom widget (part of third-party apps) or if the widgets are saved on your memory card, then chances of encountering this error are higher. You will also encounter this error if the widget remains even after deleting the main app. Unfortunately, the error message that pops up on the screen is also a type of widget, and hence it is even more frustrating and challenging to get rid of the error. However, every problem has a solution, and we are here to discuss a series of solutions that you can try to eliminate this nuisance.
Fix Problem Loading Widget on Android
Method 1: Restart your Device
This is the simplest thing that you can do. It might sound pretty general and vague, but it works. Just like most electronic devices, your mobiles to resolve a lot of problems when turned off and on again. Rebooting your phone will allow the Android system to fix any bug that might be responsible for the problem. Hold down your power button until the power menu comes up and click on the Restart/Reboot option. Once the phone restarts, check if the problem persists.
Method 2: Remove the Widget
If the error message pops up when you try to use a particular widget, then you can remove the widget and then add it later.
1. To remove a widget, all that you need to do is press and hold the widget for some time, and then a trash can will appear on the screen.
2. Drag the widget to the trash bin, and it will be deleted from the home screen.
3. Now, add the widget to your home screen again after a few minutes.
4. If you are using more than one widget, then you need to repeat this process for each widget as long as the error message keeps popping up.
Method 3: Check Custom Launcher Permissions
As mentioned earlier, this error is more likely to happen if you are using a custom launcher app like Nova or Microsoft launcher. These stock launchers have all the necessary permissions required to add and use widgets however third-party launchers do not. Some widgets that you are trying to use may require permissions that the launcher does not have. In this case, you need to reset the launcher app’s permissions. Doing so will result in the launcher asking permission when you try to add a widget next time. Grant all the permissions that it asks for and this will solve the problem.
Method 4: Transfer Widgets/Apps from SD card to Internal Storage
Widgets associated with apps stored on the SD card tend to malfunction and as a result, the error message “Problem Loading Widget” pops up on the screen. The only way to fix this problem is by transferring these apps to your internal storage. A lot of Android users have been able to fix this problem by removing apps from the SD card.
Method 5: Clear Cache and Data
Widgets are short versions of apps and apps can malfunction if its cache files get corrupted. Any problem with the main app will also result in an error in the widget associated with it. A simple solution to this problem is to clear cache and data for the main app. Follow the steps given below to learn how:
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the Apps option.
3. Now, select the app whose widget you are using on the home screen.
4. After that, click on the Storage option.
5. You will now see the options to clear data and clear cache. Tap on the respective buttons, and the said files will be deleted.
6. If you are using widgets for multiple apps, then it is better to clear cache and data for all these apps.
7. Now, exit the settings and try using the widget again and see if the problem persists.
8. If you are still receiving the same error message, then try clearing the cache files for your custom launcher app as well.
Method 6: Switch to your Stock Launcher
If none of the above methods solves your problem, then you need to stop using your custom launcher. Try switching back to your stock launcher and see if it solves the problem. Custom launchers do not have a good rapport with widgets, and this is true even for the best launchers in the market like Nova Launcher. If you encounter the Problem loading widget error too frequently and it becomes frustrating, then it is a good idea to revert to the stock launcher and see if the launcher is responsible or not.
Method 7: Remove Error Message
As mentioned earlier, the error message itself is a widget, and just like any other widget you can drag and drop it in the trash can. Whenever you encounter the error message, tap and hold the message and drag it to the trash can icon. Also, remove the widget that triggered the error message to pop up.
Method 8: Uninstall the App and then Reinstall again
If the widget associated with some app keeps triggering the problem in loading the widget and clearing its cache did not solve the problem, then you need to uninstall the app. Long-press the app icon and tap on the uninstall button. Later, install the app again from the Play Store. Once the app has been installed, add its widget on the home screen and see if the problem still exists.
Method 9: Update Android Operating System
Sometimes when an operating system update is pending, the previous version might get a little buggy. The pending update could be a reason behind your widgets not working properly. It is always a good practice to keep your software up to date. This is because, with every new update, the company releases various patches and bug fixes that exist to prevent problems like this from happening. Therefore, we would strongly recommend you to update your operating system to the latest version.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the System option.
3. Now, click on the Software update.
4. You will find an option to Check for Software Updates. Click on it.
5. Now, if you find that a software update is available, then tap on the update option.
6. Wait for some time while the update gets downloaded and installed. You might have to restart your phone after this once the phone restarts try using the widget and see if you still receive the same error message or not.
Method 10: Enable previously Disabled Apps
Some of the apps are interlinked. This means that the services of one app are necessary for some other app to function properly. If you have recently disabled any app, then it might be the reason behind widgets malfunctioning. Although you might not be using a widget for the disabled app, some other widgets might be dependent on its services. Therefore, it is advisable that you go back and enable the recently disabled app’s and see if it helps you to resolve the issue.
Method 11: Uninstall Updates
Did the error start after recently updating an app? If yes, then it is possible that the new update has a few bugs and that is the reason behind the “Problem loading widget” error. Sometimes the new updates miss out on optimization settings for the widgets, and that causes the widget to malfunction. The simple solution to this problem would be to Uninstall updates and roll back to the previous version. If it solves the problem, then you need to use the old version for some time until a new update rolls out with bug fixes and widget optimizations. Follow the steps given below to uninstall updates for system apps.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Now, tap on the Apps option.
3. Search for the recently updated system app (say Gmail).
4. Now, tap on the menu option (three vertical dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen.
5. Click on the Uninstall updates option.
6. The app will now go back to its original version, i.e. the one that was installed at the time of production.
7. However, if the recently updated app is not a system app, then you won’t find the option to uninstall updates directly. You need to uninstall the app and then download the APK file for an older version of the app.
Method 12: Check Internet Connectivity
Some of the widgets require a stable internet connection to work properly. Widgets like Gmail and weather need an active internet connection at all times to sync their data. If you do not have a proper internet connection, then you will encounter the “Problem loading widget” error. To check internet connectivity, open YouTube, and see if you can play a video. If not, then you need to reset your Wi-Fi connection or switch to your mobile data.
Also Read: How to Restore Deleted App Icons on Android
Method 13: Check Battery Saver Settings
Most of the Android devices come with an in-built optimizer or battery saver tool. Although these apps help you to conserve power and increase your battery life, they can sometimes interfere with the formal functioning of your apps and widgets. Especially if your battery is running low, then power management apps will limit certain functionalities and widgets are one of them. You need to open the app’s settings and check whether or not it is causing your widgets to hibernate. If that is the case, then you need to disable battery saver settings for the widgets or the apps associated with the widget.
Method 14: Check Background Processes
As mentioned earlier, the error message that pops up on your screen is not specific and does not point out which widget or app is responsible for the error. This makes it very difficult to diagnose and identify the culprit. However, there is a solution to this sticky situation. Android allows you to see which processes are running in the background with the help of Developer options. These are the special settings that are meant for advanced users and not available by default. Follow the steps given below to unlock Developer options on your device.
1. Firstly, open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now, click on the System option.
3. After that, select the About phone option.
4. Now, you will be able to see something called Build Number; keep tapping on it until you see the message pop up on your screen that says you are now a developer. Usually, you need to tap 6-7 times to become a developer.
This will unlock a new tab under settings which is known as Developer options. Now follow the next set of steps to view the background processes.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Open the System tab.
3. Now, click on the Developer options.
4. Scroll down and then click on Running services.
5. You can now see the list of apps that are running in the background.
Method 15: Restart Device in Safe Mode
Another efficient way to detect the source of the error is by booting the device into safe mode. In safe mode, only the in-built default system apps and widgets are allowed to run. Also, your phone will be running the stock launcher and not your custom launcher. If all the widgets work properly, then it is confirmed that the problem lies with a third-party app. However, if you still come across the same error message, then the fault lies with some system apps. The easiest way to figure out is to delete all widgets and then slowly add one or two at a time and see if the problem begins to pop up. To restart the device in Safe mode, follow these simple steps.
1. Press and hold the power button until you see the power menu on your screen.
2. Now, continue pressing the power button until you see a pop-up asking you to reboot in safe mode.
3. Click on okay, and the device will reboot and restart in safe mode.
Method 16: Check Available Storage Space
Apps and widgets will malfunction if you do not have sufficient space in the internal memory. All apps require a certain amount of reserve space on the internal storage to save cache and data files. If your device’s memory is full, then apps and their corresponding widgets will malfunction, and as a result, the error message will continue to pop up on your screen.
Go to your device’s settings and open the Storage section. You will able to able to see exactly how much free space you have. If there is less than 1GB of space available in your internal storage, then you need to create some more space. Delete old unused apps, clear cache files, transfer your photos and videos to a computer or hard disk, and in this way, there will be enough space for apps and widgets to run smoothly.
Method 17: Perform a Factory Reset
This is the last resort that you can try if all of the above methods fail. If nothing else works, you can try to reset your phone to the factory settings and see if it resolves the problem. Opting for a factory reset would delete all your apps, their data, and also other data like photos, videos, and music from your phone. Due to this reason, you should create a backup before going for a factory reset. Most phones prompt you to backup your data when you try to factory reset your phone. You can use the in-built tool for backing up or do it manually, and the choice is yours.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the System tab.
3. Now, if you haven’t already backed up your data, click on the Backup your data option to save your data on Google Drive.
4. After that, click on the Reset tab.
5. Now, click on the Reset Phone option.
6. This will take some time. Once the phone restarts again, try adding widgets on your home screen and see if you can use them properly or not.
Recommended: Remove the Google Search bar from Android Homescreen
With that, we come to the end of this article. We hope that we were helpful and you can resolve the Problem loading widget error quickly. Android is really fun with all its apps, widgets, and features, but sometimes it does malfunction. However, there is no need to be afraid if you run into an error of any kind. There is always a solution or two that will help you to fix your problem. We hope that you found your fix in this article.