修复 Minecraft 崩溃问题: (Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues: )在工作期间或在与工作相关的紧张会议之后,您要做的第一件事就是通过听音乐、看视频或某些人喜欢玩游戏来放松心情。玩游戏最棒的地方在于它能让你精神焕发,让你平静下来。您可以随时随地在 Windows 10 PC 上轻松玩多种游戏。您可以从 Windows 10 中的Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)下载许多游戏。其中一款流行的游戏是Minecraft,它在过去获得了很多人气。
Minecraft: Minecraft是一款由瑞典游戏开发商Markus Persson开发的沙盒游戏。虽然市场上有很多游戏,但这款游戏已经获得了很多人气,因为它适合所有年龄段的人,也因为它允许用户在3D(3D)程序生成的世界中构建自己的世界。建立自己的世界需要大量的创造力,这是游戏最重要的方面,它吸引了所有年龄段的人。这就是为什么这款游戏是玩得最多的游戏之一,这对任何人来说都不足为奇。

现在开始开发,它主要基于Java 编程语言(Java programming language),因为它的大部分游戏内模块都依赖于JAVA技术,允许玩家使用模组修改游戏,以创建新的游戏机制、物品、纹理和资产. 现在您知道这是一款非常受欢迎的游戏,需要很多技术才能工作,所以很明显游戏也一定存在一些错误和问题。拥有如此庞大的粉丝群,维护一切对于微软(Microsoft)这样的大公司来说甚至是一项艰巨的任务。所以基本上我的世界(Minecraft)崩溃是大量用户面临的一个非常普遍的问题。有时,这是由于应用程序本身的故障,而其他时候问题可能出在您的 PC 上。
- 您可能不小心按下了 F3 + C键,因为按下这些键会手动触发崩溃以进行调试
- 没有足够的处理能力,由于繁重的操作导致游戏崩溃
- 第三方模组可能与游戏冲突(Game)
- 显卡硬件问题
- 游戏电脑最低要求
- 防病毒软件与(Antivirus)Minecraft冲突
- RAM 不足,无法运行游戏
- 某些游戏文件可能会损坏
- 显卡驱动程序过时或丢失
- 游戏中的错误
如果您的游戏或 PC 遇到任何问题,请不要担心,因为大多数问题都可以轻松解决。因此,不要浪费任何时间,让我们看看如何在下面列出的故障排除指南的帮助下修复Windows 10上的Minecraft 崩溃问题。(Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues)
解决 Minecraft 崩溃问题的 10 种方法(10 Ways To Fix Minecraft’s Crashing Issues)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
以下是修复 Minecraft 崩溃问题的各种方法。如果您已经知道问题的原因,那么您可以直接尝试与解决方案对应的方法,否则您需要逐个尝试每个解决方案,直到问题解决。
方法 1:重新启动计算机(Method 1: Restart Your Computer)
这是您每次遇到任何崩溃问题时都应遵循的最基本的故障排除步骤。您应该始终尝试重新启动您的 PC,以便如果任何问题、软件、硬件等与系统发生冲突,那么很可能在重新启动后不会,这可以自动解决问题。
1.单击开始菜单(Start Menu),然后单击左下角的电源按钮(Power button)。


方法 2:更新 Windows( Method 2: Update Windows)
Microsoft不时发布Windows更新,您永远不知道哪个更新会破坏您的系统。(Windows)因此,您的计算机可能缺少一些导致Minecraft崩溃问题的重要更新。通过更新 Windows,您的问题可能会得到解决。
1.按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击“更新和安全(Update & Security)”图标。

2.现在从左侧窗格中确保选择Windows 更新。(Windows Update.)
3.下一步,单击“检查更新(Check for updates)”按钮,让Windows下载并安装任何待处理的更新。


下载并安装任何待处理的更新,完成后您的计算机将保持最新状态。现在检查您是否能够修复 Windows 10 上的 Minecraft 崩溃问题(Fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10)。
方法 3:更新我的世界( Method 3: Update Minecraft)
要更新Minecraft ,请按照以下步骤操作:
1.通过使用Windows 搜索(Windows Search)栏搜索来打开Microsoft Store 。

2.按键盘上的 Enter 键打开Microsoft Store。

3.单击右上角的三个点。(three dots)

4.将弹出一个新的上下文菜单,您需要点击下载和更新。(Downloads and updates.)

5.点击右上角的获取更新(Get updates)按钮。

7.安装更新后,再次检查您是否能够修复 Windows 10 上的 Minecraft 崩溃问题。(fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10.)
方法 4:更新显卡驱动程序( Method 4: Update Graphics Drivers)
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows Search)栏中键入设备管理器。

2.点击 Enter 按钮打开设备管理器( Device Manager)对话框。

3.单击显示适配器(Display adapters)将其展开。

4.右键单击您的显卡( Graphics card)并选择更新驱动程序。(Update driver.)

5.单击自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件。(Search automatically for updated driver software.)

6.如果有任何可用的更新,Windows将自动下载并安装更新。 等待(Wait)该过程完成。
您也可以按照本指南手动更新您的显卡(Graphics Card)驱动程序。
方法 5:回滚更新( Method 5: Roll Back Updates)
有时更新弊大于利,Minecraft或某些设备驱动程序可能就是这种情况。发生的情况是,在更新过程中,驱动程序可能会损坏,或者Minecraft文件也可能会损坏。因此,通过卸载更新,您可能能够修复 Minecraft 崩溃问题。(fix Minecraft crashing issue.)
1.按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击“更新和安全(Update & Security)”图标。

2.现在从左侧窗格中确保选择Windows 更新。(Windows Update.)
3.现在在Windows 更新(Windows Update)下点击查看更新历史(View update history)。

4.下一步,单击查看更新历史记录标题下的卸载更新。(Uninstall updates)

5.右键单击最新更新(Right-click on the latest update)(您可以按日期对列表进行排序),然后选择卸载。(Uninstall.)

6.完成后,您的最新更新将被卸载,重新启动您的 PC。
重新启动计算机后,再次玩Minecraft,您可能能够修复 Windows 10 上的 Minecraft 崩溃问题。(fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10.)
方法6:检查是否安装了Java( Method 6: Check if Java is installed)
由于Minecraft的大部分功能都依赖于Java,因此必须在您的 PC 上安装Java 。如果您没有Java,那么您应该做的第一件事就是安装最新版本的Java。
因此,请按照以下步骤检查您的系统上是否安装了 Java:
1.在 Windows 搜索中键入 cmd,然后右键单击命令提示符(right-click on Command Prompt)并选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator.)

2.在 cmd 中键入以下命令并按Enter:
java –版本(java –version)


4.如果结果显示任何Java版本,则表示您的系统上安装了Java 。
5.但如果没有显示版本,你会看到如下错误信息:'java' is not Recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file。
如果您的计算机上没有安装 java,则需要按照以下步骤安装 java:
1.进入java官网,(official website of java)点击下载Java。(Download Java.)

注意:在我们的例子中,我们想在Windows 10 64 位计算机上安装 java。

3.Java SE 将开始在您的计算机上下载。
4. 下载完成后,按照屏幕上的说明解压文件并在您的计算机上安装Java 。
方法 7:更新 Java( Method 7: Update Java)
1.通过使用Windows搜索栏搜索来打开配置 Java 。(Configure Java)

2.点击搜索结果顶部的回车按钮,将打开 Java 控制面板( Java Control Panel)对话框。

3.现在切换到Java 控制面板下的更新选项卡。(Update tab)


5.要检查任何更新,您需要单击底部的立即更新按钮。(Update Now)


7.如果您看到上面的屏幕,请单击“更新”按钮(Update button)更新您的 Java 版本。
Java更新完成后,运行Minecraft并查看您是否能够修复 Windows 10 上的Minecraft 崩溃问题。(fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10.)
方法 8:运行系统文件检查器 (SFC) 扫描( Method 8: Run System File Checker (SFC) Scan)
由于某些损坏的系统文件或组件,您可能会面临Minecraft崩溃问题。(Minecraft)现在 ,系统文件检查器(System File Checker)( SFC ) 是Microsoft Windows中的一个实用程序,它可以扫描损坏的文件并将其替换为存在于Windows压缩文件夹中的文件的缓存副本。要运行SFC扫描,请按照以下步骤操作。
1.打开开始(Start)菜单或按Windows 键(Windows key)。
2.键入CMD,然后右键单击命令提示符(Command Prompt)并选择以管理员身份运行(Run as Administrator)。

3.键入sfc/scannow并按Enter运行 SFC 扫描。

注意:(Note:)如果上述命令失败,请尝试以下命令:sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\windows
SFC扫描将需要一些时间,然后在重新启动计算机后尝试再次玩Minecraft。这次你应该能够修复 Minecraft 不断崩溃的问题。(Fix Minecraft keeps crashing issue.)
方法 9:禁用 Minecraft 的顶点缓冲区对象( Method 9: Disable Vertex Buffer Objects for Minecraft)
如果您为您的Minecraft游戏启用了VBO(顶点缓冲区对象(Vertex Buffer Objects)),那么这也可能导致崩溃问题。顶点缓冲区对象(Vertex Buffer Objects)( VBO ) 是一项 OpenGL 功能,允许您将顶点数据上传到视频设备以进行非即时模式渲染。现在有两种关闭VBO的选项,如下所述:
在 Minecraft 设置中关闭 VBO(Turn off VBOs in Minecraft Settings)
1.在您的 PC 上打开Minecraft,然后打开设置。(Settings.)
2.从设置中选择视频设置。( Video Settings.)

3.在视频设置(Video Settings)下,您将看到“使用(Use VBOs)VBO ”设置。
使用 VBO:关闭(Use VBOs: OFF)

在 Minicraft 配置文件中关闭 VBO(Turn off VBOs in Minicraft Configuration file)
1.按 Windows 键 + R 然后在运行对话框中输入%APPDATA%\.minecraft

2.现在在 .minecraft 文件夹中,双击options.txt文件。
3.一旦 options.txt 文件在文本编辑器中打开,将 useVbo的值更改 为 false。

4.按Ctrl + S保存文件,然后重新启动您的 PC。
方法 10:重新安装 Minecraft( Method 10: Reinstall Minecraft)
如果上述解决方案均无效,请不要担心,您可以随时尝试重新安装Minecraft,这似乎可以解决大多数情况下的崩溃问题。这将在您的 PC 上安装新的Minecraft副本,该副本应该可以正常工作。
Mote: 确保在卸载(Make)游戏(Game)之前创建游戏备份,否则您可能会丢失所有游戏数据。
1.使用 Windows 搜索栏搜索Minecraft 。

4.现在从Microsoft Store安装新的Minecraft副本。
专业提示:在网络浏览器上玩 Minecraft(Pro Tip: Play Minecraft on Web Browser)
如果您仍然无法解决上述问题,我们建议您改为学习如何在浏览器上玩经典 Minecraft(How to Play Classic Minecraft on Browser)。
我希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,现在您可以轻松修复 Minecraft 崩溃问题( Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues),但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
10 Ways To Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues on Windows 10
Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues: While working or after an intense work-related session, the first thing you do is relax your mind by either listening to music, watching videos or some people prefer to play games. The best part about playing a game is that it refreshes your mind and calm you down. You can easily play a number of games on your Windows 10 PC anytime & anywhere. You can download many games from Microsoft Store present inside Windows 10. One such popular game is Minecraft which has gained a lot of popularity in the past.
Minecraft: Minecraft is a sandbox game which is developed by Swedish game developer Markus Persson. Although there are many games available in the market but this game has gained a lot of popularity because it is suitable for all age group and also because it allows users to build their own world and that too in the 3D procedurally generated world. To build their own world requires a lot of creativity and this is the most important aspect of the game which attracts all the people from all the age groups. And that’s why this game is among the most played games, which is no surprise to anyone.

Now coming to its development, it is heavily based on Java programming language since most of it’s in-game modules are dependent on JAVA technology which allow players to modify the game with mods in order to create new gameplay mechanics, items, textures, and assets. Now as you are aware that it is a very popular game which requires a lot of technologies to work, so it is only obvious that there must be some bugs & issues with the game also. With such a huge fan base maintaining everything is even a tough task for a large corporation like Microsoft. So basically Minecraft crashing is a very common problem which is faced by a large number of users. Sometimes, it is due to the fault of the app itself while other times the problem may be with your PC.
There are many reasons behind the crashing of Minecraft like:
- You may be accidentally pressing the keys F3 + C as pressing of these keys manually trigger the crash for debugging
- There is not enough processing power due to which heavy operations are causing crashing of the game
- Third-party Mods can conflict with Game
- Hardware issues with Graphics Card
- Game PC minimum requirement
- Antivirus conflicting with Minecraft
- RAM is insufficient to run the game
- Some game files may get corrupted
- Outdated or missing graphics card driver
- Bugs in the game
If you face any one of the issues with either your Game or PC then don’t worry as most of them can easily be addressed. So without wasting any time let’s see How to Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues on Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed troubleshooting guide.
10 Ways To Fix Minecraft’s Crashing Issues
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Below are various methods to fix Minecraft’s crashing issues. If you already know the cause of the issue then you can directly try the method which corresponds to the solution, else you need to try each & every solution one by one until the issue is resolved.
Method 1: Restart Your Computer
This is the most basic troubleshooting step which you should follow every time you experience any crashing issues. You should always try to restart your PC so that if any problem, software, hardware, etc is conflicting with the system then chances are, after the restart it won’t and this can resolve the issue automatically.
To restart the computer follow the below steps:
1.Click on the Start Menu and then click on Power button available at bottom left corner.

2.Click on Restart and your computer will restart itself.

After the computer restarts, again try to start Minecraft and check if your problem is resolved or not.
Method 2: Update Windows
Microsoft released Windows updates from the time to time and you never know which update can disrupt your system. So, it is possible that your computer is missing some crucial update which is causing Minecraft crashing problem. By updating the windows, your problem may be resolved.
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on “Update & Security” icon.

2.Now from the left-hand window pane make sure to select Windows Update.
3.Next, click on “Check for updates” button and let Windows download & install any pending updates.

4.Below screen will appear with updates available to download.

Download and install any pending updates and once finished your computer will become up to date. Now check if you’re able to Fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10 or not.
Method 3: Update Minecraft
If the above method wasn’t able to help then don’t worry as you can try this method in which you will try to update Minecraft. If there are any pending updates available for Minecraft then you need to install them as soon as possible. Because new updates always come with improvements, bug fixes, patches, etc which may resolve your issue.
To update the Minecraft follow the below steps:
1.Open the Microsoft Store by searching for it using the Windows Search bar.

2.Hit enter on your keyboard to open the Microsoft Store.

3.Click on three dots available at the top right corner.

4.A new context menu will pop up from where you need to click on Downloads and updates.

5.Click on Get updates button available at the top right corner.

6.If there are any updates available then Windows will automatically install it.
7.Once the update is installed, again check if you’re able to fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10.
Method 4: Update Graphics Drivers
The most basic cause of the Minecraft crashing issue is outdated, incompatible, or corrupted graphics card drivers. So in order to resolve the issue, you need to update the graphics drivers by following the below steps:
1.Type device manager in Windows Search bar.

2.Hit the Enter button to open the Device Manager dialog box.

3.Click on Display adapters to expand it.

4.Right-click on your Graphics card and select Update driver.

5.Click on Search automatically for updated driver software.

6.If there are any updates available then Windows will automatically download and install the update. Wait for the process to complete.
7.Once the process is completed, follow the on-screen instructions and restart your computer.
You can also manually update your Graphics Card driver by following this guide.
Method 5: Roll Back Updates
Sometimes updates cause more harm than good and this can be the case with Minecraft or some device drivers. What happens is that during the update process, the drivers can get corrupted or Minecraft files can also get corrupted. So by uninstalling the updates, you may be able to fix Minecraft crashing issue.
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on “Update & Security” icon.

2.Now from the left-hand window pane make sure to select Windows Update.
3.Now under Windows Update click on View update history.

4.Next, click on Uninstall updates under View update history heading.

5.Right-click on the latest update (you can sort the list according to date) and select Uninstall.

6.Once done your latest update will be uninstalled, reboot your PC.
Once your computer restarted, play Minecraft again and you may be able to fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10.
Method 6: Check if Java is installed
As Minecraft depends on Java for most of its function, so it is mandatory to have Java installed on your PC. If you don’t have Java then the first thing you should do is to install the latest version of Java.
So follow the below steps to check if you have Java installed on your system or not:
1.Type cmd in Windows Search then right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

2.Type the following command into cmd and hit Enter:
java –version

3.Once you hit Enter, the command will execute and you will see something like this:

4.If any Java version is displayed as a result, then it means Java is installed on your system.
5.But if no version is displayed then you will see the following error message: ‘java’ is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
If you do not have java installed on your computer, then you need to install java by following the below steps:
1.Go to the official website of java and click on Download Java.

2.Now click on Download next to the operating system for which you want to install java.
Note: In our case, we want to install java on Windows 10 64-bit computer.

3.Java SE will start downloading on your computer.
4.Once the download is complete, extract the file and install Java on your computer by following the on-screen instructions.
Once Java is installed, check if Minecraft is still crashing or your problem is resolved.
Method 7: Update Java
Another possibility for Minecraft crashing frequently can be an outdated version of Java may be installed on your system. So you can resolve this issue by updating your Java to the latest version available.
1.Open Configure Java by searching for it using the Windows search bar.

2.Hit the enter button at the top result of your search and Java Control Panel dialog box will open up.

3.Now switch to the Update tab under Java Control Panel.

4.Once you are in the Update tab you will see something like this:

5.To check for any updates you need to click on the Update Now button at the bottom.

6.If there are any pending updates then the below screen will open up.

7.If you see the above screen, then click on the Update button to update your version of Java.
Once the Java update finished, run Minecraft and see if you’re able to fix Minecraft crashing issue on Windows 10.
Method 8: Run System File Checker (SFC) Scan
It is possible that you may be facing Minecraft crashing issue because of some corrupted system file or components. Now System File Checker (SFC) is a utility in Microsoft Windows that scans and replaces the corrupted file with a cached copy of files that is present in a compressed folder in the Windows. To run SFC scan follow these steps.
1.Open the Start menu or press the Windows key.
2.Type CMD, then right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.

3.Type sfc/scannow and press Enter to run the SFC scan.

Note: If the above commands fail then try this one: sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\windows
4.Restart the computer to save changes.
The SFC scan will take some time and then after restarting the computer try to play Minecraft again. This time you should be able to Fix Minecraft keeps crashing issue.
Method 9: Disable Vertex Buffer Objects for Minecraft
If you have VBO’s (Vertex Buffer Objects) enabled for your Minecraft game then this can cause the crashing issue as well. Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) is an OpenGL feature that allows you to upload vertex data to the video device for non-immediate-mode rendering. Now there are two options to turn VBO’s off which are discussed below:
Turn off VBOs in Minecraft Settings
1.Open Minecraft on your PC then open Settings.
2.From Settings choose Video Settings.

3.Under Video Settings you will see “Use VBOs” setting.
4.Make sure it is turned off so that it would look like this:

5.Reboot your PC to save changes and again open your game.
Turn off VBOs in Minicraft Configuration file
If you’re still unable to fix Minecraft crashing issue or you can’t change the settings because Minecraft crashes before you can make the changes then don’t worry we can manually change the VBO settings by directly editing the configuration file.
1.Press Windows Key + R then type %APPDATA%\.minecraft in the Run dialog box.

2.Now in the .minecraft folder, double-click on the options.txt file.
3.Once the options.txt file opens in the text editor change the value of useVbo to false.

4.Save the file pressing Ctrl + S then reboot your PC.
Method 10: Reinstall Minecraft
If none of the above solutions worked, then don’t worry you could always try to reinstall Minecraft which seems to fix the crashing issue in most of the cases. This will install a fresh copy of Minecraft on your PC which should work without any issues.
Mote: Make sure to create a backup of your Game before uninstalling it or else you may lose all the game data.
1.Search for Minecraft using the Windows Search bar.

2.Right-click on the top result and click on uninstall from the right-click context menu.
3.This will uninstall Minecraft along with all its data.
4.Now install a fresh copy of Minecraft from Microsoft Store.
Pro Tip: Play Minecraft on Web Browser
If you are still unable to resolve the said issue, we recommend you learn How to Play Classic Minecraft on Browser instead.
I hope this article was helpful and now you can easily Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues, but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.