
iPhone上最好的 safari 替代网络浏览器(web browser),你不能特别挑出任何人,因为 iOS App Store充满了第三方浏览器。在我们访问 iOS Appstore之前,有两个主要问题。我们是在寻求流畅、快速的浏览(speedy browsing),还是在网络上关注隐私保护我们的个人信息,还是两者兼而有之?简单的答案是两者兼而有之。
Safari是预装在每台新iOS 设备(iOS device)上的默认浏览器,但由于它具有更多的安全风险或敏感性,因此出现了几种替代方案。
16 款适用于 iPhone 的最佳 Web 浏览器(Safari 替代品)(16 Best Web Browsers for iPhone (Safari Alternatives))
在公共场所提供安全上网(offer secure surfing)的Safari 替代品数量很多,例如Google Chrome、Opera Touch、Dolphin、Ghostery等,这完全取决于个人喜好。让我们在下面一一考虑 iPhone(iPhone one)的各种 safari 替代品:

它于 2008 年推出,已成为迄今为止最流行的浏览器,可以免费下载。它是Safari的最佳替代品之一,具有许多功能。它支持跨平台同步,适用于喜欢在不同操作系统上运行的多个设备上工作的人,因为它不仅可以与Windows 和 android(Windows and android)同步,甚至可以与 iOS 设备同步。
通过出色的标签管理(tab management),使用Chrome,您可以快速创建新标签、重新排列它们,并在 3D管理器视图(manager view)中在它们之间移动。使用桌面上的Google Chrome 浏览器可以让您在(Google Chrome browser)iPhone 和 iPad(iPhone and iPad)上同步浏览历史记录(browsing history)和所有书签,也可以使用您的Gmail ID登录。
Chrome还可以在您移动时从外语翻译网页,因此您不必担心使用的语言。它还可以继续翻译网页,而不会中断已经运行的计算机程序(computer program)。
Chrome免费包含一个内置的语音搜索机制(voice-search mechanism),因此即使使用不支持Siri的旧款 iPhone,您也可以通过语音输入搜索查询来搜索网络。它还支持“私密浏览”,使用chrome 软件(chrome software)内置的隐身模式(Incognito Mode)私密浏览网页。
所以我们看到,一旦正确同步,谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)速度非常快,并且允许您访问与您的帐户相关的几乎所有数据,包括密码、搜索历史(search history)、书签、打开的标签等。
尽管有上述特点,每个系统也有一些缺点。首先它不是默认浏览器(default browser);其次,它可能有点占用 CPU(CPU hog),降低系统性能(system performance)并耗尽系统电池(system battery)。此外, (Additionally)Safari内置的一些 iOS 功能,例如Apple Pay和通用集成,在此浏览器中没有复制。然而,优点(Pros)胜过缺点,使其成为 iPhone 上最好的浏览器之一。
Download Google Chrome

Firefox不是一个匿名名称,它的浏览器Firefox Focus可以免费下载。该网络浏览器(web browser)最适合那些非常随意地与他人共享智能手机的人。早在 chrome 成为众人瞩目的焦点之前,Mozilla就一直在引领网络浏览器革命(web browser revolution)。
使用Firefox focus,您可以将您的密码、历史记录、打开的标签页和书签与所有拥有Mozilla 帐户(Mozilla account)的设备同步。桌面上Firefox的所有功能,如隐私浏览等(browsing etc)。在您的 iPhone 上反映 iOS。
这种隐私浏览模式(browsing mode)可以防止记住您的浏览历史记录。它还允许一键删除任何保存的信息和帐户(information and account),让您完全控制您的互联网历史记录。
Firefox中另一个与隐私相关的设置,意义重大,是Touch ID & Passcodes的集成。因此,当您想要访问已保存的数据时,Firefox会要求您输入密码或指纹(Passcode or fingerprint)。
Firefox让您可以选择是否也允许它与第三方键盘一起使用。某些第三方键盘可以将您键入的内容传输回开发人员,这可能会妨碍隐私。Firefox还阻止各种广告、社交和跟踪数据、分析等。正是由于这些原因,它被认为是 iOS 上最注重安全的浏览器。
借助其内置的阅读器视图(reader view),您可以专注于阅读,而不会分心,它将从网页中删除,从而在(web page)网页(web page)上实现无干扰的阅读。它不是一个重量级的浏览器,而是一个非常基本的浏览器,更精简的一面(side comprising)是只包括一个地址栏,没有历史记录、菜单、书签,甚至标签。
要禁止更改 iPhone 上的默认浏览器(default browser),您可以在Apple iPhone上共享从(Apple iPhone)Safari到Firefox的链接。对于那些想要在网络世界中隐藏自己身份的 iPhone 用户来说,这是用于询问的浏览器,它促进了这一功能。
缺少历史记录、菜单甚至选项卡是此Web 浏览器(web browser)的主要缺点,但如果主要要求是需要 iOS 上最注重安全的浏览器,这将无济于事。
Download Firefox Focus

它是iPhone 上最好的网络浏览器之一,非常(iPhone and perfect) 适合那些决心坚持匿名并希望拥有隐私避免在他们的 iOS 设备上对广告等进行不必要的轰炸的人。它由DuckDuckGo作为默认搜索引擎(default search engine)提供支持,而不是像Bing、Yahoo或Google这样的常用搜索引擎,以增加隐私。
此浏览器还具有跟踪器阻止功能,也可以禁用 cookie 和缓存,只需单击一下即可。除非您选择允许Ghostery(Ghostery)编译其数据库,否则应用程序本身没有注册和数据收集。
就跟踪器而言,如果跟踪器试图在线跟踪您,浏览器跟踪器控件将发现它们并用红色图标警告您。(browser tracker control)它使您可以查看网页(web page)的右下角,带有红色编号的跟踪器列表。您可以启用或禁用它们,从而有效地保护自己免受在线跟踪。
该浏览器还提供了Ghost 模式(Ghost mode),通过防止您访问的网站出现在您的浏览器历史记录中,进一步(browser history)保护隐私(privacy protection)。它还提供了很好的网络钓鱼攻击保护。
开发人员添加了另一个仅用于实验目的的功能,称为Wi-Fi 连接保护(Wi-Fi Connection Protection)。此功能旨在监控您在特定 Wi-Fi 网络上使用的任何应用程序中的广告跟踪器。
Ghostery 的用户界面也不是很吸引人。虽然(Though)最初,Web 浏览器(web browser)被其开发团队视为仅作为跟踪器阻止插件,但今天它是 iPhone 上最好的隐私浏览器之一,对于那些更喜欢隐私而不是速度和设计(speed and design)的人来说,它是必备品。
Download Ghostery

这是一款免费下载、功能丰富、性能卓越的 iPhone 用户浏览器。凭借丰富的功能,它是Safari 网络(Safari web)浏览器的绝佳替代品,也使其成为用户最喜欢的浏览器。
该应用程序使用可识别的个性化符号,让您可以直接在屏幕上绘制自定义手势,例如,当您在屏幕上写字母“N”时,会自动打开一个新标签页,或者写下字母“T”可以打开主推特主页(Twitter homepage)。
该浏览器还具有声纳语音搜索和控制选项(Sonar voice search and control option)。只需通过巧妙的摇动和说话选项(shake and speak option)摇动设备即可激活此功能,但下载此功能需要象征性的成本。Dolphin 浏览器(Dolphin browser)还让您可以灵活地从大量主题中进行选择。
它还提供快速拨号功能,使用它您可以立即轻松访问经常访问的网站。它在URL 栏(URL bar)旁边有一个内置的QR 码(QR code)扫描仪,还支持夜间模式功能(night mode feature),可将屏幕调暗到适合夜间浏览的水平,而不会打扰周围的其他人。
使用Dolphin Connect 功能,它可以与(Dolphin Connect feature)Facebook、Twitter、Evernote、AirDrop和其他袖珍选项共享书签、历史记录和其他网页。它还可以在许多专有设备(如手机和台式机)上快速同步和保存您的密码和许多其他数据。
由于同样的原因,它的大量功能使其成为 iPhone 上最好的网络浏览器之一,简化了浏览体验(browsing experience),也多次使其界面更加混乱,主要是对于那些第一次使用它的人。
Download Dolphin
5. 歌剧触摸

Opera Touch专为经常出差的人而设计,被认为是 iPhone 用户最快的浏览器之一。轻巧且设计用于在有限的带宽上工作,它最适合那些寻求速度和易于使用的界面的人。
它是一种相对较新的浏览器,始于 2004 年,仅占Web 浏览器桌面市场(web browser desktop market)的 1% 。此浏览器是一个简单的开源项目(open-source project),可通过代理服务器获取Web 内容。(web content)Opera Touch采用精简的、移动优先的方法,有一个用于 iPhone 的内置加密钱包(Crypto wallet),用于处理以太坊等加密货币(Ethereum)。
它绝不像Chrome那样功能丰富,也不像(Chrome)Safari那样高效。然而,即使在最拥挤的网络上,它也可以在下载和显示网页之前将数据和类似内容快速压缩高达 90%。
该浏览器可与Opera Mini 浏览(Opera Mini browser)器顺畅同步,并具有“流”功能,即使在旅途中也可以通过简单的QR 码(QR code)扫描来回移动文章、数据和网络链接,而不会受到任何干扰。借助内置的广告拦截(ad blocker)器和弹出窗口拦截器,您可以阻止不需要的广告和弹出窗口,从而避免过度加载,从而加快网页浏览速度。
在旅行期间使用Opera Touch浏览器的条码扫描属性,您可以扫描您感兴趣的产品的产品条码(product bar code),并在互联网上轻松查找。同样,它的语音搜索功能(voice search feature)也有助于克服移动时必须打字的问题,并使事情变得更加舒适。
Touch Opera 浏览器(Touch Opera browser)的全屏模式可以查看网页和其他统计数据,这些统计数据表明特定会话或在手机上使用网络浏览器的整个期间使用的数据量。(web browser)
Opera Touch还为您的数据提供端到端加密,以保护您的敏感信息并使其免受互联网上的窥探。iPhone 浏览器(iPhone browser)还有一个快速的操作按钮(Action Button),方便单手使用,在拥挤的公共汽车和火车旅行时非常方便。
我想到的Opera Touch 浏览器(Opera Touch browser)的唯一缺点是它无法在各种文件夹和链接中为必要的数据添加书签,以使其用户在以后需要时可以快速返回(date or time)。因此,如果您习惯于为数据添加书签以供将来参考,那么这不是推荐给您的浏览器。
Download Opera Touch

对于主要关注且仅关注隐私的隐私导向用户,搜索到此结束。Aloha 浏览器(Aloha browser)的主要关注点是隐私,它借助内置、免费且无限制的VPN隐藏您在互联网上的足迹。它是 2020 年最好的 Safari 替代品之一。
这款iPhone 浏览器(iPhone browser)使用硬件加速(hardware acceleration),显示页面的速度比其他移动浏览器快两倍。硬件加速(Hardware acceleration)是通过应用程序将某些计算任务卸载到系统内的专用硬件组件上的过程,该应用程序的工作效率高于单独在CPU上运行的软件。(CPU)
该网络浏览器允许无广告、匿名浏览互联网。它也是一个付费版本,被称为Aloha Premium,为注重隐私的铁杆个人提供更高级的功能。Aloha 浏览器(Aloha browser)还内置了 VR 播放器,可以播放VR视频(VR videos)。
它的用户界面提供了类似于Google Chrome的简单直接的界面。网络浏览器不注册任何活动,使其成为最好的iPhone 浏览器(iPhone browser),对任何人都没有数据跟踪,匿名工作。
Download Aloha
7. 海雀浏览器

当您谈论 iOS 的顶级网络浏览器时,Puffin 浏览器(Puffin browser)是网络上快速的 iPhone网络浏览器(Web Browser),不容忽视。它不是免费下载的,但您可以在使用其服务进行象征性支付后下载。
此浏览器可以将工作负载从资源有限的iOS 设备(iOS device)转移到云服务器。因此,即使是消耗资源最多的网站,也可以在您的iPhone 和 iPad(iPhone and iPad)上流畅运行。
其使用压缩算法(compression algorithm)的专有压缩功能(compression functionality)可在浏览期间减少多达 90% 的带宽,压缩页面并将页面加载时间(page load time)保持在最低限度,通过更快的加载节省服务器连接时间。(server connect time)
Puffin 网络(Puffin web)浏览器包括一个Adobe Flash 播放器(Adobe Flash player)。这个多媒体软件平台(multimedia software platform)支持 Flash 页面在 iPhone 设备上流式传输和查看视频、音频、多媒体和富互联网应用程序。可以根据需要为网页调整流媒体质量和图像分辨率。(quality and image resolution)
Puffins 浏览器(Puffins browser)自动同意 chrome 书签。安全方面,为了保护数据免受黑客攻击,Puffin 浏览器(Puffin Browser)为从浏览器传输到服务器的所有数据提供了强大的端到端加密。
Puffins 浏览器(Puffins browser)可以肯定地说,它的虚拟触控板和专用视频播放器(video player)为用户提供了独特的网页浏览体验。
Download Puffin

它是一款可免费下载的轻量级基于云的iOS 网络浏览器(iOS web browser),可与 iPhone 一起使用。它具有多种功能,并且基于云,您还可以将数据与 iOS 和非 iOS 设备同步,从而可以随时使用您的数据。
它有一个内置的广告拦截器,可以避免在您的工作中出现不必要的弹出窗口和烦人的广告。这有助于您在没有任何干扰的情况下保持工作节奏。夜间模式设施(night mode facility)使您可以在夜间浏览互联网,而不会对您的眼睛造成任何压力。
浏览器还有助于安装扩展程序,您可以安装各种扩展程序,通过充分利用浏览器来提高工作效率。它与多个平台的数据同步能力及其内置的密码管理器(password manager)是该浏览器的一些最佳功能,使其成为iOS 设备用户中最受欢迎的浏览器。(browser amongst)
Download Maxthon
9. 微软边缘

与许多其他网络浏览器一样,Microsoft Edge也可以免费下载,并且由于它包含许多有用的功能而值得下载。使用此浏览器的唯一条件是您必须拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。Microsoft 自己的Edge Chromium可用于Windows 10、macOS 等多种操作系统,您也可以获得适用于 iOS 的Edge。
Edge 最近在2020 年 1 月(January 2020)针对 iOS进行了一些重新设计的新版本值得使用,如果您已经有一段时间没有这样做了,需要查看一下。它使 iPhone 和 Windows 10 PC 能够相互链接并交换网页、书签、Cortona设置和许多其他内容。所以你看,它可以跨设备保存数据,让你的网页浏览(web browsing) 体验无缝(experience seamless),自动同步你所有的收藏夹、密码等。
Microsoft Edge还包括跟踪预防等功能,因此就跟踪器而言,浏览器跟踪器控件(browser tracker control)会发现它们并阻止它们跟踪你。它还有助于阻止广告,并让您可以灵活地私下浏览。
因此,我们看到 Microsoft Edge是一个成熟的浏览器(browser fraught),具有多种功能,例如选项卡、密码管理器(password manager)、阅读列表、语言翻译器(language translator),以及许多出色的附加属性和细节。这是一个很棒的浏览器,可以拥有和使用,但唯一不一定是缺点的是它有一个稍微沉重的结构和粗壮的设计。其次,它需要有一个微软帐户(Microsoft account)才能使用这个浏览器。
Download Microsoft Edge
10. DuckDuckGo 浏览器

DuckDuckGo,也缩写为DDG,是一款注重隐私的网络浏览器(web browser)。它是 iPhone 上最好的网络浏览器(web browser)之一,事实上,它是Safari的最佳替代品之一,因为它是一款注重隐私的浏览器。如果隐私是您列表中的首要要求,那么您来对地方了,无需(place and need)再寻找了。它是由Gabriel Weinberg创建的多语言搜索引擎(search engine)。
该网络浏览器(web browser)主要强调隐私,提供增强的加密功能,使您的个人信息能够免受黑客攻击或数据跟踪器的侵害。此浏览器通过阻止所有隐藏的第三方跟踪器来确保您的浏览会话保持私密。(browsing session)
这款移动专用浏览器可在 iOS 手机和Android设备上使用。它提供了许多自定义功能,您可以将私人网络搜索(web search)添加到您最喜欢的网络浏览器或(web browser or search)直接在 dadduckgo.com 上搜索。
该浏览器配备了DuckDuckGo 搜索(DuckDuckGo search)引擎、跟踪器拦截器(tracker blocker)、加密执行(encryption enforcer)器等等。它适用于非常简单和直接的隐私(forward privacy),不会收集或共享其用户的任何个人信息,也不会在网络上跟踪您。政府也无法获取您的数据或信息,因为没有。DDG也不涉及博客、新闻图片或书籍,而是纯粹用于核心网络搜索(core web search)。
由于可以免费下载网络浏览器(web browser),因此它通过针对搜索查询销售广告来赚钱。如果您想要一辆车或正在寻找一辆新车,它会向您展示汽车广告,并以这种间接方式从其广告针对您的查询显示的组织那里获得收益。因此,它不会为公司或产品做个性化广告,而只会针对问题采取行动。
Download DuckDuckGo
11. Adblock 浏览器 2.0

这款 iOS 浏览器易于使用,只能在AppStore上免费下载网络浏览器。它可以根据需要和要求进行定制,使用户可以轻松减少移动网络广告,包括在Adblock 浏览器(Adblock Browser)中观看的视频上的广告。这使用户能够在工作时远离烦人的广告,让他们更快乐(happier lot)。
它是一款轻量级的 31.1 MB网页浏览器(web browser),采用 iOS 10.0操作系统(operating system),兼容 iPhone、iPad 和 iPad Touch。它是一个多语言网络浏览器(web browser),使用英语(English)、意大利语(Italian)、荷兰语(Dutch)、法语(French)、德语(German)、俄语(Russian)、日语(Japanese)、韩语(Korean)、中文(Chinese)等多种语言。它还提供印度语言版本,如马拉雅拉姆语(Malayalam)、印地语(Hindi)、古吉拉特语(Gujarati)、孟加拉语(Bengali)、泰米尔语(Tamil)和电信(Telegu)等
只需轻按一下,您就可以访问幽灵模式(Ghost Mode),它不会存储任何浏览器或搜索历史记录(browser or search history)或临时文件,并且会擦除浏览会话(browsing session)的所有历史记录。此浏览器在线时禁用跟踪。它还可以实现更流畅的滚动,以快速、安全和私密地搜索网络。
最受欢迎的广告拦截器(ad blocker)之一,下载量超过 4 亿次。由于(Due)其广告拦截功能,它还可以防止恶意软件并节省数据(malware and saves data)和电池。凭借智能标签功能(tab functionality)和易于使用的键盘,它是自动的,易于使用和理解。
观察到的主要缺点是它变得不稳定并且过去经常崩溃,从而使其受欢迎程度急剧下降。很高兴知道它的发起人已经修复了较晚的错误并将其恢复到以前的受欢迎程度和声誉(popularity and reputation)。
Download Adblock
12. Yandex 浏览器

Yandex可免费下载由俄罗斯(Russia)网络搜索公司(web search company)Yandex开发的网络浏览(web browser)器(Yandex)。它是Safari iPhone网络浏览器(Web Browser)的流行替代品,在俄罗斯(Russia)的数量超过了谷歌(Google)。它是一款安全可靠的浏览器,在俄罗斯与(Russia)谷歌(Google)竞争激烈。
该网络浏览器(web browser)以更快地加载网页(Web Pages Faster)而闻名,并且在其特殊的加速模式下(turbo mode),可以加快页面加载时间(page load time)。它也是一款轻量级软件,可满足最低数据需求和使用量。它包含 iOS网络浏览器(web browser)所需的所有基本功能。
您可以通过其语音搜索功能(voice search feature)以三种不同的语言搜索互联网,即俄语(Russian)、土耳其语(Turkish)和乌克兰语。您可以利用Opera 软件的(Opera software)turbo 技术(turbo technology),在网速慢的情况下加快您的网页浏览(web browsing)速度。对于网页安全,您可以使用Yandex 安全系统并使用(Yandex security)卡巴斯基杀毒软件(Kaspersky antivirus)检查下载的文件。
浏览器登陆页面的背景可以根据您的愿望和需要(desire and needs)进行定制。它是一个多语言网络浏览器(web browser),提供 14 种不同的语言,还支持C++ and Javascript。它有一个内置的广告拦截器,您可以打开它以在上网时停止查看广告。除了 iOS,它还支持Windows、macOS、Android和Linux操作系统,无需开箱即用(box mention)。
它还使用多功能框集成不同类型的键盘,将浏览器的常规地址栏(address bar)与谷歌搜索(Google search)框相结合,从而可以使用某些文本命令。例如,如果您是普通的gmail.com 用户(gmail.com user)并开始使用俄语或德语键盘(language keyboard)输入“gmail.com” ,则按 Enter 后,您将被带到 gmail.com,而不是任何德语或俄语网站搜索页面(search page)。
因此,我们看到,凭借浏览器的所有必要功能,Yandex 不仅在俄罗斯(Russia)声名鹊起,而且获得了全世界的认可。
Download Yandex

Brave 浏览器(Brave browser)是市场上另一个以隐私为重点的优秀浏览器。它也被认为是一个非常快速的浏览器,默认情况下,它会配置设置或安装第三方扩展以满足您的隐私需求。
它包含HTTPS Everywhere,这是一种安全功能(security feature),可在考虑您的机密性的情况下加密数据移动。勇敢(brave browser)的浏览器会阻止有害广告,并让您可以灵活地设置每小时希望看到的广告数量。
这个浏览器大约是。用于 iPhone 和其他iOS 和 Android 设备(iOS and Android devices)时,速度比Chrome、Firefox甚至Safari快(Safari)六倍(Six)。它不像许多其他浏览器那样具有任何“私人模式”,但允许您在使用互联网时隐藏您的浏览历史以防窥探。
类似于航空公司的常旅客奖励积分,它使您能够以代币的形式获得Brave奖励,用于在浏览网络时查看尊重隐私的广告。您可以使用赚取的代币来支持网络创建者(web creator),但也许很快,您就可以将代币用于高级内容、礼品卡等等,因为设计师正在努力在最早。
Brave 浏览器(Brave browser)允许您在选项卡中直接使用 Tor,该选项卡通过在到达预期目的地之前通过多个服务器路由您的浏览来隐藏您的历史记录和您的位置。它使用的内存空间(Memory space)比大多数浏览器少得多,从而使网站加载速度更快。
Download Brave

Onion 浏览器(Onion browser)是适用于 iOS 的免费开源软件,可通过Tor VPN 浏览器(Tor VPN browser)浏览互联网。它有助于以完全隐私和安全(privacy and safety)的方式访问互联网,无需额外费用。当您通过 Internet浏览万维网(World Wide Web)时,它会禁用跟踪器并保护您免受不安全的无线(insecure wireless)网络和ISP(ISPs)的侵害。那些只能通过Tor访问的 .onion 站点也可以使用此浏览器进行连接。
该浏览器支持HTTPS Everywhere,这是一种加密数据移动的安全功能(security feature),以确保通过 Web 进行安全的数据传输。此浏览器会根据您的偏好阻止文本并自动清除 cookie 和标签。在使用 cookie 时,建议小心,因为一些网络攻击可能会劫持 cookie,从而中断浏览会话。
它不支持某些多媒体活动并阻止视频文件和视频流(video streaming)。有时您可能会遇到浏览器可能无法在具有高级网络限制的网络上运行的情况。在这种情况下,您将不得不强制退出并重新启动浏览器或尝试桥接。
Download Onion

此VPN 代理浏览器(VPN Proxy browser)是一款可免费下载、私密且安全的网络浏览器(web browser),可用于私密浏览互联网。此浏览器是最快的私有iOS 浏览器(iOS browser),可在您的 iPhone 上提供免费的无限VPN 。
您可以使用此浏览器平静地浏览网页,无需记录,也无需数据共享(data sharing)。拥有多台服务器的支持以及可靠和强大的隐私政策的备份,它被认为是(privacy policy)iPhone 和 iPad 用户(iPhone and iPad users)最好的浏览器兼 VPN 之一。
Download Private Browser
16. Tor VPN 浏览器

VPN + TOR的互联网的无限隧道私人访问,Tor VPN 浏览器(Tor VPN browser)是您的正确位置。它可以免费下载浏览器,其大部分功能都可以通过应用内购买获得。
隧道允许出于安全原因将数据从一个网络传输到另一个网络,然后将受保护的数据从一个系统传输到另一个系统,从而实现专用网络与公共网络(如互联网)的通信。此浏览器保护您的在线身份(identity online),启用匿名浏览。
因此,VPN 隧道(VPN tunnel)将您的智能手机(或任何其他设备,如笔记本电脑、计算机或平板电脑)连接到隐藏您的IP 地址的另一个网络,并且您在网上冲浪时生成的所有数据都被加密。(IP address)
不直接连接到网站而是使用VPN 隧道(VPN tunnel)可以使黑客或其他窥探者(如其他企业或政府机构)无法跟踪您的在线活动或查看您的IP 地址(IP address),该地址与您的实际地址一样,可在您在线时识别您的位置。当您在酒店、餐厅或图书馆等公共学习场所使用公共Wi-Fi登录互联网时,这很有用。
Tor VPN 浏览器(Tor VPN browser),由于苹果 iOS 平台的某些限制,目前还没有为iPhone 和 iPad 用户发布官方(iPhone and iPad users)Tor 浏览器(Tor Browser),但 iOS 用户可以使用 Apple Play Store 的Onion Browser(Apple Play Store)匿名(Onion Browser)浏览网页。Tor 浏览器(Tor Browser)让您可以访问Tor 网络(Tor network)中可用的.onion(.onion web)网站。
Tor 浏览器(Tor Browser)的使用是完全合法的,但在某些国家/地区,它要么是非法的,要么被国家当局封锁。此浏览器检测并阻止弹出窗口和广告。一旦应用程序退出,它会自动删除 cookie、缓存和第三方数据。
Download Tor VPN
总而言之,iPhone 的网络浏览器并不缺乏,因为我们可以看到上面描述的很多。我们已经看到这些浏览器以最小化的数据消耗满足了大多数定制要求,如果有人纯粹将隐私作为他的首要任务,你不必再看下去了。
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这些是 iPhone 用户列表中最好的网络浏览器,但最终的决定权留给用户进行选择,因为这一切都归结为个人偏好和满足(preference and meeting)您的需求和愿望。有兴趣下载的人可以去Apple Play Store,因为其中大部分都是免费的。
16 Best Web Browsers for iPhone (Safari Alternatives)
The best safari alternative web browser for the iPhone, you cannot single out аnyone in particular as the iOS App Store is full of third party browsers. Before we go to the iOS Appstore, there are two prime concеrns. Is our search for smooth, spеedу browsing or the protection of our pеrsonal information with a focus on privacy while on the web or both? The simple answer is both.
There are several such browsers; some offer an easy to use interface for fast web browsing while others have a range of features with customizations so that you can have the best web browsing experience.
Safari is the default browser pre-installed on every new iOS device, but due to it having more security risks or susceptibilities, several alternatives have sprung up.
16 Best Web Browsers for iPhone (Safari Alternatives)
The numbers of alternatives to Safari that offer secure surfing of the web in public places are many like Google Chrome, Opera Touch, Dolphin, Ghostery, etc., depending purely on personal taste. Let us consider the various safari alternatives for iPhone one by one below:
1. Google Chrome

It was launched way back in 2008 and has become the most popular browser to date, which can be downloaded free of cost. It is one of the best alternatives to Safari with a host of features. It enables cross-platform syncing and is available for those who like to work on multiple devices running on different operating systems as it can sync with not only Windows and android but even with iOS devices.
With excellent tab management, using Chrome, you can quickly create new tabs, rearrange them, and move between them in a 3D manager view. Using the Google Chrome browser on the desktop can enable you to sync the browsing history, and all your bookmarks, across all devices, on your iPhone and iPad also by signing in with your Gmail ID.
Chrome also enables the translation of web pages from foreign languages when you are on the move, so you do not have to worry about the language in use. It can also continue to translate web pages without interrupting an already running computer program.
Chrome includes, for free, an in-built voice-search mechanism, so that you can search the web, entering the search inquiries with your voice, even when using an older iPhone that doesn’t support Siri. It also enables ‘privately browsing’ to privately browse the web using the chrome software built-in Incognito Mode.
So we see, Google Chrome, once properly synced, is exceptionally quick and grants you ingress to nearly all data associated with your account, including passwords, search history, bookmarks, open tabs, and the like.
In spite of the above features, every system also has some drawbacks. Firstly it is not the default browser; secondly, it can be a bit of a CPU hog, slowing down the system performance and drains the system battery too. Additionally, some iOS features built into Safari, such as Apple Pay and the general integration, are not replicated in this browser. However, the Pros overweigh the cons making it one of the best browsers for the iPhone.
Download Google Chrome
2. Firefox Focus

Firefox is not an anonymous name, and its browser Firefox Focus is available for free to download. This web browser is best for those who are very casual in sharing their smartphones with others. Much before chrome came into limelight, Mozilla was at the helm of the web browser revolution.
This web browser emphasizes primarily on privacy, and you don’t need to go in separately for an incognito mode to take care of trackers. Without any change in its settings, it blocks all types of web trackers.
Using Firefox focus, you can sync your passwords, history, open tabs, and bookmarks with all devices having Mozilla account. All the features of Firefox on the desktop like private browsing etc. reflect for iOS on your iPhone.
This private browsing mode prevents remembering your browsing history. It will also allow the deletion of any saved information and account with one tap, putting you in complete control of your internet history.
Another privacy-related setting in Firefox, which bears a great significance, is the integration of Touch ID & Passcodes. So when you want access to your saved data, Firefox will ask you for a Passcode or fingerprint.
Firefox gives you the option of whether or not you want to allow it to work with a third-party keyboard too. Some third-party keyboards can transmit things that you type back to the developer, which may hamper privacy. Firefox also blocks all kinds of ads, social and tracking data, analytics, etc. It is for these reasons it is considered the most security-focused browsers on iOS.
With its in-built reader view, you can focus on your reading, without any distractions, which it removes from the web page, thus enabling distraction-free reading on the web page. It is not a heavyweight browser but is a very basic browser, more on the leaner side comprising of just an address bar, sans the history, menus, bookmarks, or even tabs.
To disallow change in the default browser on your iPhone, you can share a link from Safari to Firefox on your Apple iPhone. For those iPhone users who want to hide their identity from the online world, it is the browser for the asking, which facilitates this feature.
A lack of history, menus, or even tabs is a major drawback of this web browser, but this can’t be helped if the primary requirement is the need for the most security-focused browsers on iOS.
Download Firefox Focus
3. Ghostery

It is of the best web browsers for iPhone and perfect for those who are very strong in their resolve to adhere to anonymity and want to have privacy avoiding unwanted bombardment of advertisements, etc. on their iOS devices. It is powered by DuckDuckGo as its default search engine rather than the usual search engines like Bing, Yahoo, or Google for added privacy.
This browser also features tracker blocking and disables cookies and caches, too, with just the use of a single click. There are no signups and no data collection by the app itself unless you opt for it to allow Ghostery to compile its database.
It is not a very fast mobile browser as compared to many others on this list, but it is also not that bad that you will notice it. To get something, you must be ready to lose something, implying that if you want your browsing history to be kept safe, then you must be prepared to sacrifice slightly on speed.
As far as trackers are concerned, the browser tracker control will spot them and warn you with a red icon if a tracker is trying to track you online. It enables you to view the bottom right-hand corner of the web page, a list of trackers with its red-colored numbering. You can enable or disable them, effectively protecting yourself from getting tracked online.
The browser additionally offers a Ghost mode, which allows further privacy protection by preventing the websites you visit from appearing in your browser history. It also offers very good protection against phishing attacks.
The developers have added another feature just for experimental purposes called Wi-Fi Connection Protection. This feature is designed to monitor ad trackers in any app you use on a particular Wi-Fi network.
Ghostery’s user interface is also not very appealing. Though initially, the web browser was visualized by its team of developers as a tracker blocking add-on only, today it is one of the best privacy browsers for iPhone and is a must-have for those who prefer privacy over speed and design.
Download Ghostery
4. Dolphin Mobile browser

This is free to download, feature-rich, remarkable browser for the iPhone users. With plenty of features, it makes a great alternative to the Safari web browser, also making it the most favored browser amongst its users.
With a gesture-based navigational control, it enables you to visit your favorite websites, go to a new webpage, and refresh the one you are on. With a right to left swipe, you can open new tabs, whereas, with a left to right swipe, you can access bookmarks and navigation shortcuts.
The app using recognizable personalized symbols lets you draw your custom gestures directly on the screen, e.g., when you write the alphabet ‘N’ on the screen, a new tab automatically opens up, or writing the letter ‘T’ you can open the main Twitter homepage.
The browser also features the Sonar voice search and control option. This can be activated by simply shaking the device through a clever shake and speak option, but it involves a nominal cost to download this feature. The Dolphin browser also gives you the flexibility to choose from plenty of themes.
It also offers a speed dial feature, using which you can visit routinely accessed websites with great ease in no time. It has an inbuilt QR code scanner next to the URL bar and also supports a night mode feature that dims the screen to a suitable level for browsing at night without disturbing others around you.
Using the Dolphin Connect feature, it can share bookmarks, history, and other web pages with Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, AirDrop, and other pocket options. It can also speedily sync and save your password and a lot of other data across many proprietary devices like mobiles and desktops.
The large number of features that make it one of the best web browsers for iPhone simplifying the browsing experience also many times makes its interface more confusing, due to the same reasons, mainly for those who are using it for the first time.
Download Dolphin
5. Opera Touch

Opera Touch was designed for use by the people who are always on the move and is considered to be one of the fastest browsers for iPhone users. Being lightweight and designed to work on limited bandwidth, it is best for those who are on the lookout for speed coupled with an easy to use interface.
It is a relatively new browser that started in 2004 and held only one percent of the web browser desktop market. This browser is a simple open-source project to fetch web content through a proxy server. With a stripped-back, mobile-first approach, Opera Touch has a built-in Crypto wallet, for iPhone, to handle crypto-currency such as Ethereum. It might also interest you to read about the Top 40 Best Coinbase Alternatives.
It is in no way as feature-rich as Chrome or as efficient as Safari. However still, even on the most crowded networks, it can quickly compress data and similar content by up to 90 percent before downloading and displaying the webpages.
This browser syncs smoothly with the Opera Mini browser and has a ‘Flow’ feature enabling, by a simple scan of a QR code, to and fro movement of articles, data, and web links even on the go without any interruption. With a built-in ad blocker and pop-up stopper, you can block unwanted ads and pop-ups, which avoids undue loading and, as a result, speeds up web browsing.
During travel using the Opera Touch browsers bar code scanning property, you can scan the product’s product bar code of your interest and easily look it up over the internet. Similarly, its voice search feature also helps and makes things a lot more comfortable to overcome the problem of having to type when on the move.
The full-screen mode of the Touch Opera browser can enable viewing webpages and other statistics indicating the amount of data used in a particular session or during its entire period of use of the web browser on your phone.
Opera Touch also provides end-to-end encryption to your data to shield your delicate information and save it from the always prying eyes on the internet. The iPhone browser also has a fast Action Button for easy one-hand usage, which comes very handy in crowded buses and trains while traveling.
The only drawback of the Opera Touch browser which comes to mind is its inability to bookmark requisite data in various folders and links to enable its users to refer back to it quickly when needed at a later date or time. So, if you are habitual of bookmarking of data for future reference then this is not the recommended browser for you.
Download Opera Touch
6. Aloha Browser

For privacy-oriented users whose main concern is and only is privacy, the search ends here. Aloha browser’s main focus is on privacy, and it hides your footmarks on the internet with the help of an in-built, free, and unlimited VPN. It is one of the best Safari alternatives in 2020.
This iPhone browser, using hardware acceleration, displays pages up to two times faster than other mobile browsers. Hardware acceleration is the process by which certain computing tasks are offloaded onto specialized hardware components within the system, by an application, which works with greater efficiency than the software running on the CPU alone.
This web browser allows ad-free, anonymous browsing of the internet. It also a paid version is known as Aloha Premium with more advanced features for hardcore privacy-focused individuals. The Aloha browser also has built-in VR players enabling the playing of VR videos.
Its user interface provides a simple and straightforward interface similar to that of Google Chrome. The web browser does not register any activity, making it the best iPhone browser with no data traces for anyone, working anonymously.
Download Aloha
7. Puffin Browser

When you talk about the top-notch web browsers for iOS, the Puffin browser is a fast iPhone Web Browser on the net, which cannot go unnoticed. It is not free to download, but you can do so after making a nominal payment for using its services.
This browser can shift the workload from the resource-limited iOS device to cloud servers. Due to this, even the websites which are most resources consuming run smoothly on your iPhone and iPad.
Its proprietary compression functionality using the compression algorithm reduces up to 90% of your bandwidth during browsing, compressing the page & keeping the page load time to the minimum, saving on server connect time through faster loading.
The Puffin web browser includes an Adobe Flash player. This multimedia software platform enables support to flash pages to stream and view videos, audios, multimedia, and rich internet applications on iPhone devices. The streaming quality and image resolution can be adjusted, as per requirement, for the web pages.
The Puffins browser automatically concurs with chrome bookmarks. Security-wise, to safeguard the data against hacking, the Puffin Browser provides a strong end to end encryption to all the data being transferred from the browser to the server.
The Puffins browser, it can be said with conviction that with its virtual trackpad and dedicated video player, offers an experience that is unique to its users in web browsing.
Download Puffin
8. Maxthon Cloud Browser

It is a free to download, lightweight cloud-based iOS web browser for use with iPhones. It comes with multiple features, and being cloud-based, you can sync your data with both iOS and non-iOS devices also, enabling the use of your data at all times.
It has a built-in adblocker to avoid unnecessary pop-ups and annoying ads in the midst of your work. This helps you to maintain your work tempo without any disturbances. The night mode facility enables you to browse the internet at night without any strain on your eyes.
It also has a note-taking tool through which you can operate in tandem, making notes easily even while on the web. This tool enables you to collect and save any content you see on the web with just a single tap. You can read, edit, and organize your collection of notes, taken during browsing, even offline.
The browser also facilitates the installation of extensions, and you can install a variety of extensions to increase your productivity by getting the most out of the browser. Its ability of data syncing with multiple platforms and its inbuilt password manager are some of the best features of this browser, making it the most popular browser amongst users of iOS devices.
Download Maxthon
9. Microsoft Edge

Like many other web browsers, Microsoft edge is also available for free to download and is worth downloading due to a host of useful features it incorporates. The only condition for using this browser is that you must have a Microsoft account. Microsoft’s own Edge Chromium is available with multiple OS like Windows 10, macOS and you can get Edge for iOS too.
Edge’s new version with a bit of a redesign recently in January 2020 for iOS is worth its use and requires a look if you have not done so for quite some time. It enables iPhone and windows 10 PC to link up between themselves and swap webpages, bookmarks, Cortona settings, and many other things. So you see, it enables saving of data across devices, making your web browsing experience seamless, automatically syncs all of your favorites, passwords, etc.
Microsoft Edge also includes features such as tracking prevention, so as far as trackers are concerned, the browser tracker control will spot them and stop them from tracking you. It also facilitates the blocking of ads and gives you the flexibility to browse in private.
So we see Microsoft Edge is a full-fledged browser fraught with multiple features like tabs, password manager, reading list, language translator, and lot many excellent additional attributes and specifics. It’s a great browser to have and use, but the only thing that is not necessarily a drawback is that it has a slightly heavily built and stocky design. Secondly, it necessitates having a Microsoft account to use this browser.
Download Microsoft Edge
10. DuckDuckGo Browser

DuckDuckGo, also abbreviated as DDG, is a privacy-focused web browser. And it is one of the best web browsers for iPhone, in fact, it is one of the best alternatives for Safari as it’s a privacy-focused browser. If privacy is the prime requirement in your list, then you have come to the right place and need to look no further. It is a multi-lingual search engine created by Gabriel Weinberg.
With the main emphasis on privacy, this web browser offers enhanced encryption to enable your personal information to stay safeguarded against hacking or data trackers. This browser ensures your browsing session remains private by blocking all the hidden third-party trackers.
This private browser for mobile is available on iOS phones as well as Android devices. It offers many customizations, and you can add a private web search to your most favored web browser or search directly at duckduckgo.com.
The browser comes equipped with the DuckDuckGo search engine, tracker blocker, encryption enforcer, and many more. It works on a very simple and straight forward privacy and does not collect or share any personal information of its users and nor does it track you on the web. The government also can’t get your data or information, as there is none. DDG also does not involve itself with blogs, news images, or books but is purely into core web search.
Since it is free to download a web browser, it makes money differently by selling ads against search inquiries. In case you want a car or are searching for a new car, it will show you car ads and earn in this indirect way from organizations whose ads its displays against your query. So it does no personalized advertising for companies or products but only acts against questions.
Download DuckDuckGo
11. Adblock Browser 2.0

This browser for iOS is easy to use, free to download web browsers only on the AppStore. It can be customized as per needs and requirements, making it easy for users to reduce mobile web ads, including ads on videos watched within the Adblock Browser. This has enabled users to keep away from annoying ads when at work, making them a happier lot.
It is a lightweight 31.1 MB web browser that uses iOS 10.0 operating system and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPad Touch. It is a multi-lingual web browser using languages like English, Italian, Dutch, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and many more. It is also available in Indian origin languages like Malayalam, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, and Telegu, etc.
With a simple tap, you can access the Ghost Mode wherein it will not store any browser or search history or temporary files and will wipe all history of the browsing session. This browser disables tracking when online. It also enables smoother scrolling to search the web quickly, safely, and privately.
One of the most popular ad blocker with more than 400 million downloads. Due to its ad-blocking feature, it also protects against malware and saves data and battery. With smart tab functionality and an easy to use a keyboard, it is automatic and easy to use and understand.
The major drawback observed was that it has become unstable and used to crash regularly, bringing its popularity drastically down. It is nice to know that its promoters have fixed the bug off late and brought it back to its previous level of popularity and reputation.
Download Adblock
12. Yandex Browser

Yandex is free to download a web browser developed by the Russian web search company Yandex. It is a popular alternative to the Safari iPhone Web Browser and has outnumbered Google in Russia. It is a safe and secure browser giving tough competition to Google in Russia.
This web browser is known for Loading Web Pages Faster and, in its special turbo mode, speeds up the page load time. It also is a lightweight software working with minimum data needs and usage. It incorporates all the basic functions required of an iOS web browser.
You can search the internet through its voice search feature in three different languages, i.e., Russian, Turkish, and Ukrainian. You can utilize the turbo technology of Opera software and speed up your web browsing in case of slow internet. For webpage security, you can use the Yandex security system and check the downloaded files using the Kaspersky antivirus.
The background of the landing page of the browser can be customized as per your desire and needs. It is a multilingual web browser available in 14 different languages and also supports C++ and Javascript. It has an inbuilt adblocker that you can turn on to stop viewing ads while surfing the internet. It lends its support to Windows, macOS, Android, and Linux operating systems besides iOS, which needs no out of the box mention.
It also integrates different types of keyboards using omnibox, which combines the browser’s regular address bar with the Google search box, enabling the use of certain text commands. As an example, if you are a normal gmail.com user and start to enter ‘gmail.com’ with a Russian or German language keyboard, on pressing enter, you will be taken to gmail.com and not to any German or Russian website search page.
So we see with all the necessary functions for a browser, Yandex has made a name for itself not only in Russia but has garnered worldwide acceptance.
Download Yandex
13. Brave browser

Brave browser is another good browser known in the market for its major focus on privacy. It is also considered to be a very fast browser and, by default, configures settings or installs third-party extensions to meet your privacy needs.
It incorporates HTTPS Everywhere, a security feature that encrypts data movement with your confidentiality in mind. The brave browser blocks harmful ads and gives you the flexibility to set the number of ads you want to see per hour.
This browser is approx. Six times faster than Chrome, Firefox, or even Safari when used for iPhone and other iOS and Android devices. It does not have any ‘private mode’ like many other browsers but allows you to hide your browsing history from prying eyes when using the internet.
Similar to frequent flier reward points as in airlines, it enables you to earn Brave rewards in the form of tokens for viewing privacy-respecting ads when browsing the net. You can use the earned tokens to support the web creator, but maybe very soon, you’ll be able to spend tokens on premium content, gift cards, and more on self, too, as the designers are working on making such provisions at the earliest.
The Brave browser lets you use Tor right in a tab that hides your history and your location by routing your browsing through several servers before it reaches the intended destination. It uses shallow Memory space much less than most browsers, making website loading faster.
Download Brave
14. Onion Web Browser

Onion browser is free and open-source software for iOS, which enables browsing the internet over the Tor VPN browser. It helps access the internet with complete privacy and safety at no extra cost. It disables trackers and also keeps you safe from insecure wireless networks and ISPs when browsing the World Wide Web over the internet. Those .onion sites that are only accessible over Tor can also be connected using this browser.
The browser supports HTTPS Everywhere, a security feature that encrypts data movement to ensure safe data trafficking over the web. This browser, based on your preferences, blocks text and automatically clears cookies and tabs. While using cookies, it is recommended to be careful as some cyber attacks can hijack cookies, interrupting the browsing sessions.
It does not support certain multimedia activities and blocks video files and video streaming. At times you might come across a situation where the browser might not work on networks with advanced network restrictions. In such a situation, you will have to force quit and restart the browser or try bridging.
Bridging is a process where devices are allowed to connect through the connection of the networks they are on when it is not possible to connect directly using a router.
Download Onion
15. Private Browser

This VPN Proxy browser is an available free to download, private, and secure web browser that can be relied upon for privately browsing the internet. This browser is the fastest private iOS browser offering free unlimited VPN on your iPhone.
The browser does not log any of your activity when you browse through it, and there is no activity recorded once you exit the browser. Since there is no record of your activity, so the question of sharing with any third party also does not arise.
You can peacefully browse the web using this browser with a relaxed mind of no record and no data sharing. Having the support of multiple servers and with the backup of a reliable and robust privacy policy, it is considered to be one of the best browser-cum-VPN for iPhone and iPad users.
Download Private Browser
16. Tor VPN Browser

For unlimited tunneled private access to the internet that features both VPN + TOR, then the Tor VPN browser is the right place you are at. It is free to download browser with most of its features are available through in-app purchases.
It is similar to your traveling in your car. Anyone from the open sky can see your car, but when you enter into a tunnel with multiple exits, you can easily disappear from unwanted eyes and leave through any door. Similarly, a VPN hides your going online and preventing anyone from seeing what you do.
Tunneling allows data transfer from one network to another by encapsulating it for security reasons and then transfer the secured data from one system to another, enabling communication of the private network with the public network such as the internet. This browser protects your identity online, enabling anonymous browsing.
So a VPN tunnel connects your smartphone (or any other devices like laptop, computer, or tablet) to another network in which your IP address is hidden, and all the data you generate while surfing the web is encrypted.
Connecting, not directly to websites but using a VPN tunnel can disable hackers or other snoopers like other businesses or government bodies from tracking your online activity or viewing your IP address, which like your actual address, identifies your location while you’re online. This is of use when you log onto the internet using public Wi-Fi at hotels, restaurants, or common study joints like libraries, etc.
The Tor VPN browser, due to certain restrictions on Apple’s iOS platform, has not yet released an official Tor Browser for iPhone and iPad users, but the iOS users can use the Onion Browser from the Apple Play Store to browse the web anonymously. Tor Browser gives you access to .onion web sites available within the Tor network.
Tor Browser is completely legal to use, though, in some countries, it is either illegal or blocked by national authorities. This browser detects and blocks pop-ups and ads. It deletes cookies, cache, and third-party data automatically once the application exits.
Download Tor VPN
To conclude, there is no dearth of web browsers for iPhone as we can see a whole lot of them described above. We have seen these browsers meet most of the customized requirements with minimized data consumption, and if someone is purely looking for privacy as his priority, you have not to look any further.
These are the best web browsers on the list for iPhone users, but the final call is left to the user to take a pick as it all boils down to personal preference and meeting of your needs and wants. Those interested in downloading may go to the Apple Play Store as most of them are available there for free.