方法一:使用谷歌的查找我的设备服务(Method 1: Use Google’s Find My Device Service)
这是一种适用于旧Android设备的简单直接的方法。Google有一项查找(Find)我的设备(Device)服务,当您丢失设备或设备被盗时,该服务很有用。使用您的Google 帐户(Google Account),您不仅可以跟踪设备的位置,还可以控制设备的某些功能。您可以在设备上播放声音,以帮助您找到它。您还可以锁定手机并清除设备上的数据。
1. 为了解锁您的手机,请在您的计算机上打开 Google 查找我的设备并(open the Google Find My Device)选择您的设备。(select your device.)
2. 之后点击锁定或安全设备选项。(tap on the Lock or Secure Device option.)
3. 现在您的屏幕上会弹出一个新窗口,您可以在其中为您的设备设置新密码。还提供了添加辅助电话号码和消息的规定。(add a recovery phone number and message.)
4.Setting up a new password will override the existing password/PIN/pattern lock。您现在可以使用这个新密码访问您的手机。
5. 此方法的唯一要求是您必须在手机上登录您的 Google 帐户(signed in to your Google Account)。
方法 2:使用您的 Google 帐户绕过 PIN 锁定(Method 2: Use your Google Account to Bypass PIN lock)
对于Android 5.0之前的 Android 设备,可以使用您的(Android devices older than Android 5.0)Google 帐户(Google Account)解锁您的手机。如果您忘记了PIN或密码,那么您的Google 帐户(Google Account)凭据可以作为备用密码,用于绕过PIN锁定。使用Google 帐户(Google Account)解锁手机后,您可以重设密码。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1.首先,多次输入错误的PIN码(enter the wrong PIN code multiple times)。由于您不记得实际的密码,因此您输入的任何内容都是错误的PIN。
2. 现在,5-6 次后,“忘记密码(Forgot Password)”选项将出现在您的屏幕上。
3. 点击它,在下一个屏幕上,您将被要求输入您的备用 PIN 或您的 Google 帐户凭据。(enter your backup PIN or your Google Account credentials.)
4. 如果您没有设置备用引脚,那么您将无法使用该选项。
5. 现在在指定空间输入您的 Google 帐户的用户名和密码( enter your Google account’s username and password),然后点击登录按钮。
6. 您的设备将被解锁,您之前的PIN或密码将被删除。您现在可以设置新的锁屏密码。(set up a new lock screen password.)
方法 3:对于三星智能手机,请使用“查找我的手机”服务(Method 3: For Samsung smartphones use the Find My Mobile service)
如果您拥有三星智能手机,那么您还有其他方法可以在没有(Samsung)PIN的情况下解锁您的手机。那是通过使用“查找我的手机”(Find My Mobile)工具。但是,使用此方法的唯一先决条件是您拥有三星(Samsung)帐户,并且您已在手机上登录此帐户。如果您的情况满足这些条件,请按照以下步骤解锁您的手机。
1. 首先,在电脑或笔记本电脑上打开三星 Find my Mobile(Samsung Find my Mobile.)(open the official website of Samsung Find my Mobile.)的官方网站。
2. 现在通过输入您的凭据登录到您的三星帐户。(log in to your Samsung account)
3. 之后,转到查找我的手机(go to the Find my Mobile)部分并在注册设备列表中查找您的手机。
4. 选择您的手机,然后点击左侧边栏上的“解锁我的屏幕”选项。( “Unlock My Screen”)
5. 现在点击解锁按钮( Unlock button)并等待几分钟让工具完成其工作。
方法 4:使用 Smart Lock 解锁您的设备(Method 4: Unlock your device using Smart Lock)
我们之前讨论的方法仅适用于运行Android Kitkat (4.4) 或更低版本的旧Android智能手机。(Android)现在在Android 5.0中,引入了一个名为Smart Lock的新功能。使用普通Android的智能手机具有此功能。这主要取决于智能手机品牌。一些OEM(OEMs)提供此功能,而另一些则不提供。因此,如果幸运的话,您将能够使用它来解锁您的手机而无需PIN 码(PIN)。
a) 受信任的地方(Trusted Places):如果您连接到家庭Wi-Fi ,您可以解锁您的设备。因此,如果您忘记了主密码,只需回家并使用智能锁功能即可进入。
b) 可信面孔:(Trusted Face:)大多数现代Android智能手机都配备了面部识别(Facial Recognition)功能,可以用作密码/PIN 的替代品。
c)受信任的设备:(Trusted Device:)您还可以使用受信任的设备(如蓝牙耳机(Bluetooth Headset))解锁手机。
d) 可信语音:(Trusted Voice:)一些Android智能手机,尤其是那些在Stock Android上运行的智能手机,如Google Pixel或Nexus,允许您使用语音解锁设备。
e) 贴身检测:(On-body Detection:)智能手机能够感应到设备在您身上,从而解锁。但是,此功能有其缺点,因为它不是很安全。无论谁拥有它,它都会解锁设备。一旦运动传感器检测到任何活动,它就会解锁手机。只有当手机静止并躺在某个地方时,它才会保持锁定状态。因此,通常不建议启用此功能。
请注意,要使用智能锁解锁手机,您需要先进行设置。您可以在“安全(Security)”和“位置”下的“设置”中找到(Location)Smart Lock功能。上述所有这些设置和功能都需要您为他们开绿灯才能解锁您的设备。因此,请确保您至少设置了几个以防万一您忘记密码。
方法 5:使用第三方应用程序和软件(Method 5: Use Third-party Apps and Software)
另一种选择是从诸如Dr.Fone 之(Dr.Fone)类的第三方应用程序和软件中获取帮助。它是一个完整的工具包,可让您使用计算机控制手机。Dr.Fone的众多服务之一是屏幕解锁(Screen Unlock)。它允许您绕过和删除现有的屏幕锁定。无论是PIN 码(PIN)、密码、图案还是指纹,Dr.Fone 屏幕(Dr.Fone Screen)解锁都可以帮助您在几分钟内摆脱它。下面给出了使用Dr.Fone解锁智能手机的分步指南,无需PIN或密码(Password)。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是通过单击链接(link)在您的计算机或笔记本电脑上下载并安装软件。
2.之后启动程序,然后单击屏幕解锁(Screen Unlock)选项。
3. 现在使用USB数据线将手机连接到计算机,然后(connect your phone)点击开始按钮。(tap on the Start button.)
4. 之后,从提供的设备列表中选择您的手机型号(select your phone’s model from the list)。
5. 要确认您需要在指定框中输入“000000”( enter “000000”),然后点击确认(tap on the Confirm)按钮。确保在(Make)确认(Confirming)选择错误之前仔细检查手机的品牌和型号可能会产生严重的负面后果(您的手机可能会变成砖头)。
6. 程序现在会要求您将手机置于下载模式(put your phone in Download mode)。只需(Simply)按照屏幕上的说明操作,您的设备即可下载恢复包。
7. 现在只需等待一段时间,恢复包就会下载到您的设备上。
8. 完成后,您将可以完全删除屏幕锁定或密码。( completely remove the screen lock or password.) 确保(Make)您接下来设置的PIN码很简单,这样您就不会忘记它。
方法 6:使用 Android 调试桥 (ADB)(Method 6: Use Android Debug Bridge (ADB))
要使用此方法,您必须在手机上启用USB调试。(USB)此选项在开发人员(Developer)选项下可用,并允许您通过计算机访问手机的文件。ADB用于通过计算机将一系列代码输入您的设备,以删除控制手机锁的程序。因此,它将停用任何现有的密码或PIN。此外,您的设备无法加密。新的 Android(New Android)设备默认加密,因此,此方法仅适用于旧的Android设备。
在开始此过程之前,您必须确保已在您的计算机上安装了Android Studio并进行了正确设置。之后,按照以下步骤使用ADB解锁您的设备。
1.首先,将手机通过USB线连接到电脑。(connect your mobile phone to the computer via a USB cable.)
2. 现在,在您的平台工具文件夹中打开一个命令提示符窗口(open a Command Prompt )。您可以通过按Shift+Right Click然后选择在此处打开命令窗口的选项来执行此操作。(select the option to open the command window here.)
3. 打开命令提示符窗口后,输入以下代码,然后按 Enter:
adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key
4.在此之后,只需重新启动您的设备。(restart your device.)
5. 您会看到设备不再被锁定。
6. 现在,为您的手机设置一个新的 PIN 或密码。( set up a new PIN or password)
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您无需 PIN 即可解锁您的智能手机( unlock your smartphone without the PIN)。被锁定在您自己的设备之外是一种令人沮丧的体验,我们希望使用本文中讨论的解决方案,您能够尽快解锁您的设备。但是,这些方法中的大多数在旧智能手机上效果更好。
新的 Android智能手机具有更高的加密和安全级别,如果您忘记了(New Android)PIN或密码,真的很难解锁您的手机。您可能不得不选择最后的手段,即恢复出厂设置。您将丢失所有数据,但至少您可以再次使用手机。由于这个原因,尽可能备份数据总是一个好主意。恢复出厂(Factory Reset)设置完成后,您可以从云端或其他备份驱动器下载所有个人文件。
6 Ways to Unlock a Smartphone Without the PIN
The main purpose оf setting up a lock scrеen protected by а password or PIN is to prеvent othеrs from goіng through the contents of your phone. It makes sure that no onе aрart from you, be it a friend or a stranger can use your phone. Α mobile phone is an extremely personal device that has your photos, vіdеos, messages, emails, private files, etc. You wouldn’t want anyone even аs a prank to access them. Additionallу, уour phone is also a tool to access your social mеdia handles. Having a lock screen prevents strangers from аssuming control over your accounts.
However, it is extremely frustrating if you yourself get locked out of your phone. In fact, it happens more often than you can imagine. People forget their passwords or PIN code and end up locked out of their own phones. Another plausible scenario is when your friends set up a password lock as a prank and prevent you from using your own phone. Whatever be the case, you will be relieved to know that there are workarounds that will allow you to unlock your smartphone without the PIN or password. This is exactly what we are going to discuss in this article. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.
How to Unlock a Smartphone Without the PIN
Method 1: Use Google’s Find My Device Service
This is a simple and straightforward method that works for old Android devices. Google has a Find my Device service that is useful when you lose your device or it gets stolen. Using your Google Account, you can not only track the location of your device but control certain features of it. You can play a sound on the device which would help you locate it. You can also lock your phone and erase data on your device.
1. In order to unlock your phone, open the Google Find My Device on your computer and select your device.
2. After that tap on the Lock or Secure Device option.
3. A new window will now pop up on your screen where you can set a new password for your device. There is also the provision to add a recovery phone number and message.
4. Setting up a new password will override the existing password/PIN/pattern lock. You can now access your phone with this new password.
5. The only requirement for this method to work is that you must be signed in to your Google Account on your phone.
Method 2: Use your Google Account to Bypass PIN lock
For Android devices older than Android 5.0 there is a provision to unlock your phone using your Google Account. If you have forgotten your PIN or password then your Google Account credentials can act as a backup password that can be used to bypass the PIN lock. Once you have unlocked the phone using the Google Account, then you can reset your password. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Firstly, enter the wrong PIN code multiple times. Since you don’t remember the actual one, anything that you enter will be a wrong PIN.
2. Now after 5-6 times, the “Forgot Password” option will appear on your screen.
3. Tap on it and on the next screen, you will be asked to enter your backup PIN or your Google Account credentials.
4. If you do not have a backup pin set up, then you won’t be able to use that option.
5. Now enter your Google account’s username and password in the designated space and tap on the sign-in button.
6. Your device will get unlocked and your previous PIN or password will be deleted. You can now set up a new lock screen password.
Method 3: For Samsung smartphones use the Find My Mobile service
If you own a Samsung smartphone then you have an additional means to unlock your phone without the PIN. That is by using the Find My Mobile tool. However, the only pre-requisite for using this method is that you have a Samsung account, and you are signed in to this account on your phone. If these conditions are met in your case, then follow the steps given below to unlock your mobile.
1. Firstly, on a computer or laptop open the official website of Samsung Find my Mobile.
2. Now log in to your Samsung account by entering your credentials.
3. After that, go to the Find my Mobile section and look for your mobile in the list of registered devices.
4. Select your phone and tap on the “Unlock My Screen” option on the left sidebar.
5. Now tap on the Unlock button and wait for a few minutes for the tool to do its job.
6. Your phone will now get unlocked and you will get a notification for the same. You can now use your phone as usual and set up a new PIN or password if you want.
Method 4: Unlock your device using Smart Lock
The previous methods that we were discussing works only on old Android smartphones running on Android Kitkat (4.4) or lower. Now in Android 5.0, a new feature called Smart Lock was introduced. Smartphones using stock Android have this feature. It mainly depends on the smartphone brand. Some OEMs provide this feature while others don’t. So if you are lucky, you will be able to use this to unlock your phone without the PIN.
It allows you to bypass the primary password or pattern lock under certain special circumstances. This could be a familiar environment like when the device is connected to your home Wi-Fi or it is connected to a trusted Bluetooth device. The following is the list of various options that you can set as a smart lock:
a) Trusted Places: You can unlock your device if you are connected to your home Wi-Fi. So, if you forget your primary password, simply go back home and use the smart lock feature to get in.
b) Trusted Face: Most of the modern Android smartphones are equipped with Facial Recognition and can be used as an alternative to password/PIN.
c) Trusted Device: You can also unlock your phone using a trusted device like a Bluetooth Headset.
d) Trusted Voice: Some Android smartphones especially those running on Stock Android like Google Pixel or Nexus allows you to unlock your device using your voice.
e) On-body Detection: The smartphone is capable of sensing that the device is on your person and, thus, gets unlocked. This feature, however, has its drawbacks as it is not very safe. It will unlock the device irrespective of who is in possession of it. As soon as the motion sensors detect any activity, it unlocks the phone. Only when the mobile is stationary and lying somewhere will it stay locked. Thus, enabling this feature is not usually advisable.
Take note that to unlock your phone using a smart lock, you need to set it up first. You can find the Smart Lock feature in your Settings under Security and Location. All these settings and features described above require you to give them the green light to unlock your device. So make sure you set up at least a couple of them to bail you out in case you forget your password.
Method 5: Use Third-party Apps and Software
Another alternative is to take help from third-party apps and software like Dr.Fone. It is a complete toolkit that allows you to control your phone using a computer. One of the many services of Dr.Fone is that of the Screen Unlock. It allows you to bypass and remove your existing screen lock. Be it a PIN, a password, a pattern, or a fingerprint, Dr.Fone Screen unlock can help you get rid of it within a few minutes. Given below is a step-wise guide to using Dr.Fone to unlock your smartphone without the PIN or Password.
1. The first thing that you need to do is download and install the software on your computer or laptop by clicking on the link.
2. After that launch the program and then click on the Screen Unlock option.
3. Now connect your phone to the computer using a USB cable and tap on the Start button.
4. After that select your phone’s model from the list of devices provided.
5. To confirm you need to enter “000000” in the designated box and then tap on the Confirm button. Make sure to double-check your phone’s brand and model before Confirming as a wrong selection might have serious negative consequences (your phone might be reduced to a brick).
6. The program will now ask you to put your phone in Download mode. Simply follow the on-screen instructions and your device will be ready to download the recovery package.
7. Now simply wait for some time as the recovery package gets downloaded on your device.
8. Once it is completed, you will be able to completely remove the screen lock or password. Make sure that the PIN code that you set next is an easy one so that you do not forget it.
Method 6: Use Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
To use this method, you must have USB debugging enabled on your phone. This option is available under Developer options and allows you to access your phone’s files through a computer. ADB is used to enter a series of codes into your device via a computer to delete the program that controls the phone lock. It will, thus, deactivate any existing password or PIN. Also, your device cannot be encrypted. New Android devices are encrypted by default and, thus, this method works only for old Android devices.
Before you begin with this process, you must make sure that you have Android Studio installed on your computer and set it up properly. After that, follow the steps given below to unlock your device using ADB.
1. Firstly, connect your mobile phone to the computer via a USB cable.
2. Now, open a Command Prompt window inside your platform-tools folder. You can do this by pressing Shift+Right Click and then select the option to open the command window here.
3. Once the command prompt window is open, type in the following code and then press Enter:
adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key
4. After this, simply restart your device.
5. You will see that the device is no longer locked.
6. Now, set up a new PIN or password for your mobile phone.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to unlock your smartphone without the PIN. Getting locked out of your own device is a frustrating experience and we hope that using the solutions discussed in this article you are able to unlock your device soon. However, most of these methods work better on old smartphones.
New Android smartphones have much higher encryption and level of security and it is really difficult to unlock your phone if you forget the PIN or password. It is possible that you might have to opt for the last resort, which is a factory reset. You will lose all your data but at least you will be able to use your phone again. Due to this reason, it is always a good idea to back up your data as and when possible. After the Factory Reset is complete you can download all your personal files from the cloud or some other backup drive.