首先(First),让我们了解暂存盘的确切作用。它是在应用程序使用时用于临时存储的磁盘驱动器或固态驱动器 (SSD) 。(solid-state drive (SSD))Photoshop使用暂存盘来存储不适合RAM的内容,例如文档的某些部分及其历史面板状态。它充当工作空间和虚拟或高速缓存。暂存文件直接进入不可见的操作系统特定文件夹。
什么导致暂存盘错误?(What causes the Scratch Disk error?)
缺乏足够的空间:(Lack of enough space: )这是所有问题的根本原因。Photoshop需要大量存储空间才能顺利运行,可能是临时的,也可能是永久的。
临时文件过多:(Too many temporary files: )当Photoshop错误关闭时,会生成大量临时文件。当不再需要临时文件时, Photoshop(Photoshop)不会删除它们,这会产生更持久的问题,因为它们会占用大量的暂存空间。
Photoshop 缓存过多:(Too much Photoshop cache: )如果您的程序没有自动删除缓存,缓存会随着时间的推移而增长并占用整个暂存空间。因此(Hence),删除缓存文件是必不可少的。
如何查看暂存盘的位置? (How to check the location of the Scratch Disk? )
找到暂存盘的位置对于解决错误至关重要。默认情况下,选择“C 盘”作为暂存盘。但是,如果您不确定,请按照下面提到的过程。
1. 打开 Photoshop 并单击 顶部功能区上的 “编辑” 。( ‘Edit’)
2. 在下拉菜单中,找到“首选项”。(‘Preferences.’)当您将鼠标悬停在它上面时,将打开一个子菜单。在子菜单中,单击 “暂存盘...”。(‘Scratch Disks…’.)
3. 在“首选项菜单(Preference Menu)”弹出框中,将打开暂存盘(Scratch Disks)设置。这将确认哪个存储驱动器用作暂存盘。
如何在Photoshop中(Photoshop)修复暂存盘完全错误(Fix Scratch Disks Are Full Error)
如前所述,此错误的最常见原因是暂存盘所在的驱动器中的可用空间不足。所以在你做任何其他事情之前,先找到暂存盘所在的位置,并检查你是否有足够的存储空间。如果您没有上述可用空间,Photoshop至少需要40 GB 的存储(40 GB of storage)空间,通过删除一些旧的和无用的文件来尽可能多地清除数据。(clear as much data)
临时文件,顾名思义,就是存储Windows操作系统(Windows OS)本身或用户使用的程序创建的临时数据的文件。对于媒体或图形相关的编辑软件,创建这些临时文件是为了存储您的工作进度,并在系统或程序意外关闭的情况下创建恢复备份。
当您处理大型项目时,Photoshop 不仅能够创建大量临时文件。这些文件有助于程序运行得更顺畅、更快。当您强制关闭程序足够多的时间时,它也会留下一大块。因此,有必要删除这些临时文件以使(delete these temporary files)Windows正常运行。这些文件很容易识别和删除,因为它们通常以~PST or Photoshop Temp (in newer versions).
~PST or Photoshop Temp开头的文件 。C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp.中找到临时文件夹。
如果在此处找不到“Temp”文件夹,请按 Windows Key + R 打开“运行”对话框。在“打开”旁边的框中,输入‘%appdata%’ 并按 Enter 键。
这将在Explorer(Explorer)中打开用户AppData文件夹,将自己导航到 ‘Local > Temp.’
现在,您可以通过搜索栏直接search for ~PST or Photoshop Temp files按住Ctrl 键( Ctrl key)并点击delete选择所有临时文件。重新启动您的应用程序和系统一次。
方法 3:更改暂存盘(Scratch Disk)位置。
理想情况下,硬盘的容量不应超过85% of its capacity;一旦你通过了这个门槛,问题就会指日可待。如果当前磁盘快满了,请将暂存盘分配给更宽敞的驱动器。
按照上面提到的方法,导航到“编辑”菜单,然后选择“首选项”( Edit menu then select Preferences)并单击“暂存盘...”(‘Scratch Disk…’ )选项。在所有可用驱动器的列表中,选择要切换到的驱动器,然后重新启动系统就可以开始使用了。
如果您的应用程序在您进入设置之前向您显示“暂存盘已满”错误,则有一个简单的快捷方式可用于更改(scratch disk is full)暂存盘首选项(Scratch Disk Preference)。您可以按 Windows 上 的‘CTRL + Alt’Macbook 上的‘Command+Option’键。当您按下“第一个”(‘First’,)旁边框中的箭头时, 将打开一个包含可用空间的所有可用分区的列表。选择(Select)另一个分区并点击 “确定”,(‘OK’,) 然后重新启动您的设备。
方法 4:允许 Photoshop(Allow Photoshop)使用更多 RAM
Photoshop被编程为绘制大约 60% 的总RAM。但是您可以手动增加或减少RAM限制。请按照以下步骤增加RAM限制。
1.启动Photoshop后,转到“编辑”(‘Edit’) 并找到 位于底部的“首选项” 。(‘Preferences’)在其子菜单中,单击 “性能(‘Performance)”。
2. 在性能菜单(Performance Menu)中,调整位于“内存使用”(‘Memory Usage’)下的滑块 以增加允许Photoshop访问的RAM量。(RAM)
我们会警告您不要允许超过 80% 阈值的访问,因为这可能会降低您的 PC 速度。现在,退出应用程序并重新启动系统一次,然后再次使用Photoshop。
方法 5:调整暂存盘(Scratch Disk)偏好
这个过程很简单,转到 Edit > Preferences 并选择 Scratch Disk。进入暂存盘选项卡后,选中(Scratch Disk)“活动?”(‘Active?’)下所有驱动器旁边的框 。 部分。单击 “确定”(‘OK’) 退出并重新启动 Photoshop。
一旦你的系统重新启动,看看你是否能够修复 Photoshop 中的暂存盘已满错误(fix scratch disks are full error in Photoshop)。如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 6:清除缓存
每次撤消步骤时,与撤消的步骤相关的数据和信息都将存储为缓存。如果您正在处理一个包含多个步骤和实验的大型项目,它可能会占用几 GB 的空间。因此,必须清除这些数据。
在顶部托盘中,打开 “编辑”(‘Edit’) 菜单并选择 “清除”(‘Purge’)按钮。在子菜单中,您会发现多个选项,这些选项说明如下:
1. 撤消:(Undo: )选择此项将删除所有更改的记录。通过删除它,您将无法撤消您的更改。
2. 剪贴板:(Clipboard: )剪贴板(Clipboard)充当操作系统的缓冲区,用于在应用程序内部和应用程序之间提供短期存储和传输。通过清除剪贴板(Clipboard),您将无法粘贴曾经复制并存储在剪贴板中的任何内容。
3. 历史:(History:) 它存储对图像所做的更改的历史。清除后,您将无法查看所做的更改。请注意,此操作不会删除所做的更改,只会删除它们的历史记录。
4. 全部:(All:) 这将清除所有存储的缓存。
5. 视频缓存:(Video Cache:) 使用此选项将删除程序必须存储的所有视频缓存。删除后,您将无法恢复对视频所做的更改。
方法 7:禁用自动恢复保存
要禁用此功能,请打开Photoshop,导航到 “编辑”(‘Edit’)菜单,然后找到 位于底部的“首选项” 。(‘Preferences’ )在子菜单中单击 “文件处理...”(‘File Handling…’)。
将出现一个首选项弹出窗口,在“文件保存选项(File Saving Options)”下,您将找到“每(N 分钟)自动保存恢复信息”。(‘Automatically Save Recovery Information Every (N Minutes).’ ) 取消选中它旁边的框(Uncheck the box next to it),之后您的 Photoshop 临时文件的大小将大大减小。(after which the size of your Photoshop temp file will reduce substantially.)检查“暂存盘已满”问题是否已解决。
方法 8:扩展暂存盘的空间
有时,硬盘中存在大量未分配的存储空间;这个未分配的存储可以被接入并与驱动器的主存储合并。这直接增加了主驱动器的存储容量。还可以将其他几个硬盘驱动器中未使用的空间块合并或组合到主驱动器中。您可以使用内置的磁盘管理控制台窗口(Disk Management Console Window)或使用第三方应用程序。
方法 9:对硬盘进行碎片整理
即使您的暂存盘有足够的可用空间,有时也会弹出 Photoshop“暂存盘已满错误”。(scratch disks are full error)在这种情况下,碎片整理(defragmentation)是一个可行的选择。
碎片整理过程通过重新排列存储在磁盘上的文件以占用连续的存储位置来提高数据访问速度。在这里,磁头行程被最小化,减少了从磁盘读取文件和将文件写入磁盘所需的时间。您可以使用本指南轻松对硬盘进行碎片整理(defragment your hard drive using this guide)。
如果在裁剪图片时弹出错误,则可能是在选项栏中输入的尺寸和分辨率值不正确,或者值的单位错误。例如:(For example:)输入 1440×1600 尺寸(英寸而不是像素)可以通过创建更大的文件来触发暂存盘已满错误。
您需要多少暂存盘空间?(How much scratch disk space do you need?)
主要需要的暂存(Scratch)空间取决于您的编辑方式和内存中历史状态的数量。如果您只打算进行小的更改,则至少需要 1.5 GB 的存储空间,再加上至少两倍于您同时打开的所有文件的大小。对于更大和更复杂的编辑,您将需要更多空间。您可能需要与历史状态一样多的原始文件大小。引导驱动器上至少 6 GB 的空间和非引导驱动器上大约 1 GB 的空间是为Photoshop保留的。这有助于避免因操作系统完全耗尽空间而导致的问题。数百个加载的图案或画笔显着增加了Photoshop(Photoshop)启动所需的暂存空间。
推荐: (Recommended: )适用于 Android 的 10 种最佳 Photoshop 替代品(10 Best Photoshop Alternatives For Android)
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Photoshop 中修复暂存盘完全错误。(Fix Scratch Disks Are Full Error in Photoshop.)但是,如果您对本指南仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Fix Scratch Disks Are Full Error in Photoshop
Photoshop іs a pоwerful raster graphics editing software developed by Adobe in the 90s. Today, іt is synonymous with the art of рhoto edіting and the manipulatiоn itself, it iѕ famous for the flexibility and creative freedom it grants, but it is alѕo infamous for its long list of annoying errors. Dealing with these errors seems like a rite of passage fоr its users. Scratch disks being full еrror is a particularly notorious оne. One can be greeted with this while comрleting a partiсular action or opening the aрplicаtion itself.
First things first, let’s understand what a scratch disk exactly does. It is a disk drive or solid-state drive (SSD) used for temporary storage while the application is in use. Photoshop uses scratch disks to store things that don’t fit in the RAM, like portions of your document and their history panel states. It acts as a working space and a virtual or cache memory. Scratch files directly go into an invisible operating system specific folder.
By default, Photoshop uses the hard disk on which the OS is installed as the primary scratch disk.
What causes the Scratch Disk error?
Before you embark on the not so complex or tiring journey to eliminate this error, it is essential to understand its cause. There are a few possible reasons for this error:
Lack of enough space: This is the root cause of all the problems. Photoshop requires a good amount of storage space to function smoothly, may it be temporary or permanent.
Too many temporary files: When Photoshop is closed incorrectly, it generates a lot of temporary files. Photoshop doesn’t get rid of temporary files when they are not needed anymore, which can create a more permanent problem as these can occupy a huge amount of scratch space.
Too much Photoshop cache: If your program doesn’t delete the cache automatically, the cache will grow over time and take up the entire scratch space. Hence, deleting the cache files is essential.
How to check the location of the Scratch Disk?
Finding the location of the scratch disk is essential in solving the error. By default, the ‘C Drive’ is chosen to serve as the scratch disk. But if you are unsure, follow the below-mentioned process.
1. Open Photoshop and click on ‘Edit’ located on the top ribbon.
2. In the drop-down menu, locate ‘Preferences.’ When you hover your mouse over it, a sub-menu will open up. In the sub-menu, click on ‘Scratch Disks…’.
3. In the ‘Preference Menu’ pop up box, Scratch Disks setting will open up. This will confirm which storage drive serves as the scratch disk.
How to Fix Scratch Disks Are Full Error in Photoshop
Whether you get the error while opening Photoshop or performing a particular task, there are a few quick and easy ways to fix it. They range from deleting unnecessary data to clearing storage space to expand the existing space. Follow the methods mentioned below one by one until you find the one that fixes your situation.
Method 1: Check and free up disk space
As mentioned earlier, the most common cause of this error is the lack of free space in the drive in which the scratch disk is accommodated. So before you do anything else, find where the scratch disk is located and check if you have enough storage space. Photoshop requires at least 40 GB of storage if you don’t have the said amount of available space, clear as much data as possible by deleting some old and useless files.
Method 2: Delete Temporary Files
Temporary Files, as the name suggests, are the files that store the temporary data created by Windows OS itself or the program that users use. In the case of media or graphics-related editing software, these temporary files are created to store your work progress and create a recovery backup in the case of unexpected system or program shutdowns.
Photoshop is more than capable of creating a huge mountain of temporary files when you are working on a large project. These files help the program run smoother and faster. When you force close your program enough times, it will leave a large chunk too. So it is necessary to delete these temporary files for the proper functioning of Windows. These files are easily identifiable and removable as they usually start with ~PST or Photoshop Temp (in newer versions).
The deleting process is simple, visit the temp folder and delete all files starting with ~PST or Photoshop Temp. You can locate the temp folder in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp.
If you are unable to find the ‘Temp’ folder there, press Windows Key + R to open the ‘Run’ dialogue box. In the box next to ‘Open’, type ‘%appdata%’ and hit the Enter key.
This will open the user AppData folder in Explorer, navigate yourself into ‘Local > Temp.’
Now, you can directly search for ~PST or Photoshop Temp files through the search bar. Select all the temp files by holding down the Ctrl key and hit delete. Restart your application and your system once.
Method 3: Change the Scratch Disk location.
Ideally, a harddisk should not be filled with more than 85% of its capacity; once you pass that threshold, problems will be around the corner. If the current disk is nearly full, allocate the scratch disk to a more spacious drive.
Following the method mentioned above, navigate to the Edit menu then select Preferences and click on the ‘Scratch Disk…’ option. In the list of all drives available, select the drive you will switch to, and you will be good to go once you restart the system.
If your application shows you the ‘scratch disk is full’ error before you manage to get into settings, there is an easy shortcut useful to change the Scratch Disk Preference. You can press the ‘CTRL + Alt’ key on Windows or ‘Command+Option’ on a Macbook. When you press on the arrow in the box next to ‘First’, a list of all the available partitions with the available space will open up. Select another partition and hit ‘OK’, and restart your device.
Method 4: Allow Photoshop to use more RAM
RAM, as you might know, stands for random access memory. It is an extremely fast component that temporarily stores all the information which your system might need at the moment or shortly. It is volatile and is essentially your device’s short-term memory.
Photoshop is programmed to draw in around 60% of your total RAM. But you can manually increase or decrease the RAM limit. Follow the below steps to increase the RAM limit.
1. Once Photoshop is launched, go to ‘Edit’ and find ‘Preferences’ located at the bottom. In its sub-menu, click on ‘Performance.’
2. In the Performance Menu, adjust the slider located under ‘Memory Usage’ to increase the amount of RAM that Photoshop is allowed to access.
We would warn you against allowing access above the 80% threshold, as it could slow down your PC. Now, exit the application and restart your system once before using Photoshop again.
Method 5: Adjust your Scratch Disk preference
If you use Photoshop regularly, setting up a dedicated hard drive partition is the way to go. If that isn’t possible, the default scratch disk will work just fine too, but you can still allow the application to use other partitions as well. Basically, allow all your partitions to share the burden of being a scratch disk.
The process is easy, go to Edit > Preferences and select Scratch Disk. Once you are in the Scratch Disk tab, check the boxes next to all drives under the ‘Active?’ section. Click ‘OK’ to exit and restart Photoshop.
Once your system restart, see if you’re able to fix scratch disks are full error in Photoshop. If not, then continue with the next method.
Method 6: Purge the Caches
Every time you undo a step, the data and information related to the step undone will be stored as cache. If you are working on a huge project with multiple steps and experimentation, it can take up a few gigabytes of space. Hence it is essential to purge this data.
The purging process is simple but keep in mind that once data is purged, you won’t be able to go back to an older version of the project or image.
In the top tray, open the ‘Edit’ menu and select the ‘Purge’ button. In the sub-menu, you will find multiple options, these are explained below:
1. Undo: Choosing this deletes the record of all changes made. By deleting this, you won’t be able to undo your changes.
2. Clipboard: Clipboard acts as a buffer to operating systems for providing short-term storage and transfer within and between application programs. By clearing the Clipboard, you won’t be able to paste anything that was once copied and stored in the clipboard.
3. History: It stores the history of changes made to an image. Once cleared, you won’t be able to look up the changes made. Note that this action won’t delete the changes made, just their history.
4. All: This clears all the caches stored.
5. Video Cache: All the video caches the program must have stored will be deleted with this option. Once deleted, you won’t be able to revert changes made to a video.
Choose the required option, and once you confirm the warning prompt, you will be good to go.
Method 7: Disable Auto-Recovery Saving
If Photoshop exits unexpectedly like a crash or computer reboot, the program tries to auto-recover your document. But this process can take a lot of your hard disk space.
To disable this feature, open Photoshop, navigate yourself to the ‘Edit’ menu, and find ‘Preferences’ located at the bottom. In the sub-menu click on ‘File Handling…’.
A preferences pop-up window will arrive, under the ‘File Saving Options’, you will find ‘Automatically Save Recovery Information Every (N Minutes).’ Uncheck the box next to it, after which the size of your Photoshop temp file will reduce substantially. Check if the ‘scratch disks are full’ issue is solved.
Method 8: Extend your Scratch Disk’s space
Apart from freeing up existing space, there is another way to create more scratch disk storage space.
Sometimes, a lot of storage exists in a hard drive that is unallocated; this unallocated storage can be tapped into and merged with the drive’s main storage. This directly increases the main drive’s storage capacity. One can also merge or combine unused chunks of space from several other hard drives into the main one. You can either use the in-built Disk Management Console Window or use a third-party application.
Third-party applications can help you in extending the partition that saves the Photoshop files. This application helps in moving, resizing, extending, merging, or even splitting the partition. After space in the main hard drive is extended, restart Photoshop and check if the issue is still prevailing.
Method 9: Defragment your Hard Disk
Sometimes the Photoshop “scratch disks are full error” can pop up even when your scratch disk has enough free space. In such cases, a defragmentation is a viable option.
The defragmentation process increases data access speed by rearranging files stored on a disk to occupy contiguous storage locations. Here, head travel is minimized, reducing the time it takes to read files from and write files to the disk. You can easily defragment your hard drive using this guide.
Method 10: Clear crop tool value
If the error pops up while you are cropping a picture, the size and resolution values may be incorrectly entered in the options bar, or values are in the wrong units. For example: entering 1440×1600 dimensions in inches instead of pixels can trigger the scratch disk are full error by creating a larger file.
Here, the solution is to select ‘Clear’ in the options bar after selecting the crop tool, but before you drag a crop selection.
How much scratch disk space do you need?
Scratch space mainly required depends on how you edit and the number of history states in memory. A minimum of 1.5 GB storage space is required if you only plan on making small changes, plus at least two times the size of all the files you have open at the same time. For larger and more complex edits, you would require more space. You could need as many times the size of the original file as there are history states. At least 6 GB of space on the boot drive and around 1 GB of space on the non-boot drive is reserved for Photoshop. This helps avoid problems caused by the operating system completely running out of space. Hundreds of loaded patterns or brushes significantly increase the scratch space required for Photoshop to launch.
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We hope this information was helpful and you were able to Fix Scratch Disks Are Full Error in Photoshop. But if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment section.