修复 Windows 更新卡住的问题: (Fix Windows Updates Stuck Problem: )如今,在技术不断发展的世界中,几乎每天都有新的Windows更新出现。(Windows)一些新的更新很好,可以增强我们的体验,另一方面,有些可能会导致问题。但是,无论您多么尝试抵制Windows更新,有时您都必须在您的设备上安装这些待处理的更新。
(Windows 10)与其他Windows(Windows)版本相比,Windows 10自身更新非常频繁。Microsoft这样做是为了向Windows 10用户提供更高的安全性和稳定性。Microsoft将所有更新在发布后立即发送给用户。每当您检查是否有适用于您的设备的更新时,大多数情况下您会看到Windows为您的设备下载某种类型的更新。

Microsoft提供的频繁更新有助于保护 Window 免受外部恶意软件和其他类型的攻击。但由于Microsoft非常频繁地提供这些更新,因此有时安装这些更新会给Windows用户带来问题。很多时候,这些新更新会产生更多问题,而不是修复现有问题。
- 互联网连接缓慢或不良
- 软件可能与新旧版本冲突
- 在Windows(Windows)开始更新之前未知的任何预先存在的问题
- 一种罕见的情况是,Microsoft可能提供了错误的更新
Windows Updates Stuck? Here are a few things you could try!
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。当安装更新卡住时, 有几种方法可以修复Window 。
方法 1 – 使用 Ctrl-Alt-Del 快捷键(Method 1 – Using Ctrl-Alt-Del Shortcut)
1.按Ctrl-Alt-删除( Ctrl-Alt-delete)键。将出现下面的屏幕,从那里单击退出。(Sign out.)


如果您无法修复 Windows Updates Stuck问题,那么您应该尝试重新启动您的 PC。您可以通过使用电源按钮关闭计算机来重新启动计算机,然后再次按下电源按钮重新启动计算机。现在,Windows很可能会正常启动并成功完成更新。
方法 2 – 以安全模式启动 Windows( Method 2 – Start Windows in Safe Mode)
这是Windows 10的一种特殊模式,它加载的驱动程序和服务非常少,仅加载Windows绝对需要的驱动程序和服务。因此,如果其他程序或驱动程序可能与Windows更新冲突,那么在安全模式下(Safe Mode),这些程序将无法干扰,并且Windows更新将继续而不会卡住。因此,不要浪费任何时间将您的 PC 启动到安全模式(start your PC into safe mode),让 Windows 更新您的 PC。

方法 3 – 执行系统还原( Method 3 – Perform System Restore)
您可以撤消到目前为止由不完整的Windows 更新(updates)所做的所有更改。一旦系统恢复到较早的工作时间,您就可以再次尝试运行Windows 更新(updates)。通过执行系统还原,您可以按照以下步骤修复 Windows Updates Stuck 问题:(fix Windows Updates Stuck issue)
1.使用指南中列出的任何一种方法访问 Windows 10 中的高级启动选项。(Access Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10)

3.在疑难解答屏幕上,单击高级选项(Advanced option)。

4.在高级(Advanced)选项屏幕上,单击 系统还原。(System Restore.)

Method 4 – Run Automatic/Startup Repair
1.使用指南中列出的任何一种方法访问 Windows 10 中的高级启动选项。(Access Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10)
2.在选择一个选项屏幕上,单击疑难解答。( Troubleshoot.)

3.在疑难解答屏幕上,单击高级选项。(Advanced option.)

4.在高级(Advanced)选项屏幕上,单击自动修复或启动修复。( Automatic Repair or Startup Repair.)

5. 等待Windows Automatic/Startup Repairs完成。

6.重新启动,您可能能够成功修复 Windows Updates Stuck 问题。(fix Windows Updates Stuck issue.)
另外,请阅读如何修复自动修复无法修复您的 PC。(How to fix Automatic Repair couldn’t repair your PC.)
方法 5 – 测试您的计算机内存 (RAM)( Method 5 – Test your Computer’s Memory (RAM))
您的 PC是否(Are)遇到问题,尤其是Windows 更新(Windows Updates)?RAM有可能导致您的 PC 出现问题。随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)( RAM ) 是您 PC 中最重要的组件之一,因此每当您的 PC 遇到问题时,您应该在 Windows 中测试您的计算机 RAM 是否存在内存问题(test your Computer’s RAM for bad memory in Windows)。
1.启动Windows 内存诊断工具(Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool)。要开始此操作,您需要在 Windows 搜索栏中键入“ Windows 内存诊断”(Windows Memory Diagnostic)

注意: (Note: )您也可以通过简单地按“ Windows Key + R ”并在运行对话框中输入“ mdsched.exe ”并按回车来启动此工具。(mdsched.exe)


4.您的电脑重启后,将打开以下屏幕,Windows将启动内存诊断。如果发现RAM(RAM)有任何问题,它将显示在结果中,否则将显示“未检测到问题(No problems have been detected)”。

方法 6 – 更新 BIOS( Method 6 – Update BIOS)
1.第一步是识别您的BIOS版本,按 Windows Key + R然后输入“ msinfo32 ”(不带引号)并按回车键打开系统信息(System Information)。


2. 一旦系统信息( System Information)窗口打开,找到BIOS Version/Date,然后记下系统(System)制造商和BIOS版本。

3.接下来,访问您的制造商网站,例如在我的情况下是戴尔(Dell),所以我将访问戴尔网站(Dell website),然后输入我的计算机序列号或单击自动检测选项。
注意:(Note:)您也可以在Google搜索中输入您的计算机(Computer)的制造商名称、计算机的型号名称和“BIOS” 。
4.现在从显示的驱动程序列表中,我将单击BIOS并下载推荐的更新。(download the recommended update.)
5.将您的PC连接到电源,下载文件后,只需双击Exe文件即可运行它。(double-click on the Exe file to run it.)
6.最后,您已经更新了BIOS,这也可能会 修复 Windows Updates Stuck 问题。(Fix Windows Updates Stuck issue.)
方法 7 – ( Method 7 – )修复安装 Windows 10(Repair Install Windows 10)
这种方法是最后的手段,因为如果没有任何效果,那么这种方法肯定会修复您 PC 的所有问题。修复(Repair Install)仅使用就地升级来修复系统问题而不删除系统上存在的用户数据进行安装。因此,请按照本文查看 如何轻松修复安装 Windows 10(How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily)。

方法 8 – 重置 Windows 10(Method 8 – Reset Windows 10)
注意:(Note:)如果您无法访问您的 PC,请重新启动您的 PC 几次,直到您开始自动修复。(Automatic Repair. )然后导航到 Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1.按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全图标。( Update & Security icon.)

2.从左侧菜单中选择恢复。( Recovery.)
3.在重置此 PC(Reset this PC)下,单击“开始(Get Started)使用”按钮。

4.选择 保留我的文件(Keep my files)的选项。

5.对于下一步,您可能会被要求插入Windows 10安装介质,因此请确保您已准备好。
6.现在,选择您的Windows版本,然后仅单击安装 Windows 的驱动器(on only the drive where Windows is installed)>删除我的文件。(Just remove my files.)

7.单击重置按钮。( Reset button.)
我希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,您现在可以轻松 修复 Windows 更新卡住问题( Fix Windows Updates Stuck Problem), 但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Windows Updates Stuck? Here are a few things you could try!
Fix Windows Updates Stuck Problem: Today, in the world of growing technology new Windows updates arrive almost every day. Some new updates are good and enhance our experience, on the other side some may cause a problem. But no matter how much you try to resist Windows update, at some point of time you will have to install these pending updates on your device.
Windows 10 updates itself very frequently as compared to other Windows version. Microsoft does so to provide more security and stability to Windows 10 users. Microsoft sends all the updates to the users as soon as they are released. Whenever you will check if there are any updates available for your device, most of the time you will see Windows downloading some type of updates for your device.

Frequent updates provided by Microsoft help in keeping Window secure from outside malware and other types of attacks. But as Microsoft provides these updates very frequently, so sometimes installing these updates can create problems for Windows users. And many times these new updates create more problems instead of fixing the existing ones.
Most of the times important updates are automatically downloaded and installed, but in few rare cases, you may need to check manually for updates. But don’t worry you can easily change your updates settings so that all the future Windows updates are automatically downloaded and installed. The common problems with these updates are once you download these updates, Windows seems to get stuck while installing these updates. Nothing will work, Windows will freeze on the same screen and Windows would stop working. You can’t do anything to resume the installation of the updates. This may happen because of below reasons:
- Slow or poor Internet connection
- The software may conflict with old and new versions
- Any pre-existing issue that was not known before the Windows started updating
- One rare condition is, Microsoft may have provided a faulty update
When any of the above problems occur, the Windows update will get stuck. At that time, you have two options:
1.Leave the update and go back to the normal window. By doing so your computer will act as you have never started the update.
2.Resume the update without getting stuck again.
If you choose the first option, then you can simply go back to Windows and keep doing your work. But Windows update won’t be installed. But, if you choose the second option, then you need to first fix your Windows update and then only you can resume your update.
Windows Updates Stuck? Here are a few things you could try!
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong. There are several methods to fix the Window when it got stuck installing updates.
Method 1 – Using Ctrl-Alt-Del Shortcut
1.Press Ctrl-Alt-delete keys. Below screen will appear, from there click on Sign out.

2.Sign out and then again sign in as you normally would and let updates to continue to install successfully.

If you’re not able to fix Windows Updates Stuck issue then you should try to restart your PC. You can restart your computer by powering it down using the power button and then again powering it ON by again pressing the power button. Now, most probably Windows will start normally and will complete the updates successfully.
Method 2 – Start Windows in Safe Mode
This is a special mode of Windows 10 where it loads very fewer drivers and services, only those which are absolutely needed by Windows. So if other programs or drivers may be conflicting with Windows update, then in Safe Mode these programs won’t be able to interfere and Windows update will continue without getting stuck. So without wasting any time start your PC into safe mode and let Windows update your PC.

Method 3 – Perform System Restore
You can undo all the changes made so far by incomplete Windows updates. And once the system is restored to an earlier working time then you can again try to run Windows updates. By performing the system restore you can fix Windows Updates Stuck issue by following the below steps:
1.Access Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10 using any one of the methods listed in the guide.
2.Now on Choose an option screen, click Troubleshoot.

3.On Troubleshoot screen, click Advanced option.

4.On the Advanced options screen, click System Restore.

Method 4 – Run Automatic/Startup Repair
1.Access Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10 using any one of the methods listed in the guide.
2.On Choose an option screen, click Troubleshoot.

3.On Troubleshoot screen, click Advanced option.

4.On the Advanced options screen, click Automatic Repair or Startup Repair.

5.Wait till the Windows Automatic/Startup Repairs complete.

6.Restart and you may be able to successfully fix Windows Updates Stuck issue.
Also, read How to fix Automatic Repair couldn’t repair your PC.
Method 5 – Test your Computer’s Memory (RAM)
Are you experiencing a problem with your PC, especially the Windows Updates? There is a chance that RAM is causing a problem for your PC. Random Access Memory (RAM) is one of the most essential components of your PC therefore whenever you experience some problems in your PC, you should test your Computer’s RAM for bad memory in Windows.
1.Launch the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. To start this, you need to type “Windows Memory Diagnostic” in the windows search bar

Note: You can also launch this tool by simply pressing “Windows Key + R” and enter “mdsched.exe” in the run dialogue and press enter.

2.You will get a pop-up box on your screen asking you to reboot your computer to start the program.

3.You have to reboot your computer to start the diagnostic tool. While the program will be running, you would not be able to work on your computer.
4.After your PC restart, the below screen will open up and Windows will start memory diagnostic. If there are any issues found with the RAM it will show you in the results otherwise it will display “No problems have been detected”.

Method 6 – Update BIOS
Performing BIOS update is a critical task and if something goes wrong it can seriously damage your system, therefore, expert supervision is recommended.
1.The first step is to identify your BIOS version, to do so press Windows Key + R then type “msinfo32” (without quotes) and hit enter to open System Information.

Or you can directly type msinfo in the Search bar and hit the Enter button on Keyboard.

2.Once the System Information window opens, locate BIOS Version/Date then note down the System manufacturer and BIOS version.

3.Next, go to your manufacturer’s website for e.g in my case it’s Dell so I will go to Dell website and then I will enter my computer serial number or click on the auto detect option.
Note: You can also type your Computer’s manufacturer name, computer’s model name and “BIOS” into Google search.
4.Now from the list of drivers shown I will click on BIOS and will download the recommended update.
Note: Do not turn off your computer or disconnect from your power source while updating the BIOS or you may harm your computer. During the update, your computer will restart and you will briefly see a black screen.
5.Connect your PC to the power source and once the file is downloaded, just double-click on the Exe file to run it.
6.Finally, you have updated your BIOS and this may also Fix Windows Updates Stuck issue.
Method 7 – Repair Install Windows 10
This method is the last resort because if nothing works out then this method will surely repair all problems with your PC. Repair Install just using an in-place upgrade to repair issues with the system without deleting user data present on the system. So follow this article to see How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily.

Method 8 – Reset Windows 10
Note: If you can’t access your PC then restart your PC a few times until you start Automatic Repair. Then navigate to Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security icon.

2.From the left-hand menu select Recovery.
3.Under Reset this PC click on the “Get Started” button.

4.Select the option to Keep my files.

5.For the next step you might be asked to insert Windows 10 installation media, so ensure you have it ready.
6.Now, select your version of Windows and click on only the drive where Windows is installed > Just remove my files.

7.Click on the Reset button.
8.Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the reset.
I hope this article was helpful and you can now easily Fix Windows Updates Stuck Problem, but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.