如今,无论是购物、咨询、寻找伴侣、娱乐等,一切都是用电脑完成的。电脑已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,没有它们,很难想象我们的生活。但是当您的计算机变慢时会发生什么?好吧(Well),对我来说,没有什么比电脑慢更令人沮丧的了!但是您是否也想知道为什么会发生这种情况,因为几天前一切正常,那么您的计算机是如何变慢的?随着时间的流逝,计算机往往会变慢,因此如果您的 PC 使用了 3-4 年,那么您需要进行大量故障排除才能加快您的 PC 速度。
但是,如果您有一台新 PC,并且需要花费大量时间来执行简单的任务,例如打开记事本文件或Word文档,那么您的计算机就会出现严重问题。如果您面临这个问题,那么它肯定会影响您的工作效率,并且会阻碍很多工作。当您赶时间并需要复制一些文件或文档时会发生什么?由于您的计算机速度如此之慢,因此复制文件将花费很长时间,这显然会让您感到沮丧和烦恼。
- 硬盘驱动器(Hard Drive)出现故障或几乎已满。
- 启动程序太多。
- 一次打开许多浏览器选项卡。
- 许多程序在您的计算机后台运行。
- 病毒或恶意软件问题。
- 您的计算机正在低功耗模式下运行。
- 一些需要大量处理能力的重型软件正在运行。
- 您的CPU、主板(Motherboard)、RAM等硬件都被灰尘覆盖。
- 您可能有更少的RAM来操作系统。
- Windows 不是最新的。
- 你的电脑太旧了。
加速慢速计算机的 11 种方法(11 Ways to Speed Up Your SLOW Computer)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point)以防万一出现问题。
方法 1:重新启动计算机(Method 1: Restart Your Computer)
1.单击开始菜单(Start menu),然后单击左下角的电源按钮(Power button)。
2.单击重新启动( Restart),您的计算机将自行重新启动。
方法 2:卸载未使用的程序( Method 2: Uninstall Unused Programs)
当您购买新计算机时,它会预装一些称为 bloatware 的软件。这些是您不需要但不必要地占用磁盘空间并使用更多系统内存和资源的软件。其中一些程序在您甚至不知道此类软件的情况下在后台运行,并最终降低您的计算机速度。因此,通过卸载此类程序或软件,您可以提高计算机的性能。
1.通过使用Windows搜索栏搜索来打开控制面板。(control panel)
2.现在在控制面板下点击程序。 ( Programs. )
3.在程序下单击程序和功能。(Programs and features.)
卸载所有未使用的程序后,您就可以加速慢速计算机。(Speed up your SLOW Computer.)
方法 3:删除临时文件( Method 3: Delete Temporary Files)
临时(Temporary)文件是应用程序存储在您的计算机上以临时保存一些信息的文件。在Windows 10中,还有一些其他临时文件可用,例如升级操作系统后的剩余文件、错误报告等。这些文件称为临时文件。
当您在计算机上打开任何程序时,会在您的 PC 上自动创建临时文件,这些文件会继续占用您计算机上的空间,从而降低您的计算机速度。因此,通过删除这些(deleting these temporary files)仅占用计算机空间的临时文件,您可以提高计算机的性能。
方法四:关闭后台程序( Method 4: Close Background Programs)
Windows 操作系统(Windows Operating System)允许某些应用程序和进程在后台运行,您甚至无需触摸应用程序。您的操作系统(Operating System)这样做是为了提高系统性能。有很多这样的应用程序,它们在您不知情的情况下运行。虽然您的 Windows 的此功能可能非常有用,但可能有一些您并不真正需要的应用程序。而这些应用程序位于后台,占用了您所有的设备资源,例如RAM、磁盘空间等。因此,禁用此类后台应用程序(disabling such background apps)可以加速您的慢速计算机(SLOW Computer)。此外,禁用后台应用程序可以为您节省大量电池,并可能提高您的系统速度。这给了您足够的理由来禁用后台应用程序。
方法 5:禁用 ( Method 5: Disable )不必要的 (Unnecessary )浏览器扩展(Browser Extensions)
扩展是Chrome中一个非常有用的功能,可以扩展其功能,但您应该知道,这些扩展在后台运行时会占用系统资源。简而言之,即使特定扩展未在使用中,它仍会使用您的系统资源。因此,最好删除您之前可能已安装的remove all the unwanted/junk Chrome extensions如果您只是禁用您不使用的Chrome扩展程序,它会起作用,它将(Chrome)节省大量 RAM 内存(save huge RAM memory),这将加速您的慢速计算机(SLOW Computer)。
1.右键单击(Right-click on the icon of the extension)要删除的扩展程序的图标。(remove.)
2.从出现的菜单中单击“从 Chrome 中删除”选项。(Remove from Chrome)
1.点击Chrome右上角的三点图标(three dots icon)。
2.从打开的菜单中单击更多工具选项。( More Tools)
4.现在它将打开一个页面,显示您当前安装的所有扩展。( show all your currently installed extensions.)
5.现在通过关闭 ( turning off the toggle )与每个扩展关联的切换来禁用所有不需要的扩展。
6.接下来,通过单击“删除”按钮(Remove button.)删除那些未使用的扩展。
删除或禁用某些扩展程序后,您可能会发现计算机速度有所提高。 (improvement in the speed of your computer. )
方法 6:禁用启动程序(Method 6: Disable Startup Programs)
由于不必要的启动程序,您的计算机可能运行缓慢。因此,如果您的系统正在加载大量程序,那么它会增加您的启动时间,并且这些启动(Startup)程序会降低您的系统速度,并且需要禁用所有不需要的程序。因此,通过禁用启动应用程序或程序(disabling startup apps or programs),您可以解决问题。一旦您禁用了启动(Startup)程序,您就可以加速您的慢速计算机(SLOW Computer)。
方法 7:更新 Windows 和设备驱动程序( Method 7: Update Windows and Device Drivers)
由于操作系统不是最新的或某些驱动程序已过时或丢失,您的计算机运行速度可能非常慢。它是Windows用户面临的大多数问题的关键原因之一。因此,通过更新Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)和驱动程序,您可以轻松加快 SLOW 计算机的速度。( speed up your SLOW computer.)
要更新Windows 10,请按照以下步骤操作:
1.按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全。( Update & Security.)
2.从左侧菜单单击Windows Update。
3.现在单击“检查更新(Check for updates)”按钮以检查任何可用的更新。
4.如果有任何更新待处理,请单击下载并安装更新。(Download & Install updates.)
下载更新后,安装它们,您的 Windows 将变为最新。
有时更新Windows是不够的,您还需要更新设备驱动程序(update the device drivers)以解决计算机的任何问题。 设备(Device)驱动程序是必不可少的系统级软件,有助于在连接到系统的硬件和您在计算机上使用的操作系统之间建立通信。
在某些情况下,您需要更新 Windows 10 上的设备驱动程序(update device drivers on Windows 10)才能正常工作或保持兼容性。此外,更新很重要,因为它们包含补丁和错误修复,最终可以解决您的计算机运行缓慢的问题。
方法八:增加系统虚拟内存( Method 8: Increase System Virtual Memory)
如您所知,我们运行的所有程序都使用RAM(随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory));但是由于您的程序运行的RAM空间不足, (RAM)Windows暂时将那些通常存储在RAM中的程序移动到硬盘上称为Paging File的特定位置。
现在,系统中的RAM大小(例如 4 GB、8 GB 等)越大,加载的程序执行速度就越快。由于(Due)缺乏RAM空间(主存储),您的计算机处理那些正在运行的程序很慢,技术上是因为内存管理。因此需要一个虚拟内存来补偿这项工作。如果您的计算机运行缓慢,则可能是您的虚拟内存大小不够,您可能需要增加虚拟内存(increase virtual memory)才能使计算机顺利运行。
方法 9:检查病毒或恶意软件(Method 9: Check for Virus or Malware)
病毒(Virus)或恶意软件(Malware)也可能是您的计算机运行缓慢问题的原因。如果您经常遇到此问题,则需要使用更新的防恶意软件(Anti-Malware)或防病毒(Antivirus)软件(如Microsoft Security Essential )(这是(Microsoft Security Essential)Microsoft的免费官方防病毒(Antivirus)程序)扫描您的系统。否则,如果您有第三方防病毒(Antivirus)或恶意软件(Malware)扫描程序,您也可以使用它们从系统中删除恶意软件程序。
因此,您应该使用防病毒软件扫描您的系统,并立即清除任何不需要的恶意软件或病毒(get rid of any unwanted malware or virus immediately)。如果您没有任何第三方防病毒(Antivirus)软件,请不要担心,您可以使用名为Windows Defender的(Windows Defender)Windows 10内置恶意软件扫描工具。
1.打开Windows Defender。
2.单击病毒和威胁部分。(Virus and Threat Section.)
3.选择高级部分(Advanced Section)并突出显示Windows Defender 脱机(Windows Defender Offline)扫描。
4.最后,点击立即扫描。( Scan now.)
5.扫描完成后,如果发现任何恶意软件或病毒,Windows Defender将自动删除它们。'
6.最后,重新启动你的电脑,看看你是否能够加速你的慢电脑。( Speed up your SLOW Computer.)
1.通过使用搜索栏搜索打开命令提示符。(command prompt)
2.右键单击搜索结果的顶部并选择以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。您的管理员命令提示符将打开。
3.在 cmd 中输入以下命令并按(Enter)Enter:
注意:(Note:) SFC 扫描可能需要一些时间。
方法 10:释放磁盘空间(Method 10: Free Up Disk Space)
如果您的计算机硬盘几乎或完全已满,那么您的计算机可能运行缓慢,因为它没有足够的空间来正常运行程序和应用程序。因此,如果您需要在驱动器上腾出空间,可以使用以下几种方法来清理硬盘(few ways that you can use to clean up your hard disk)并优化空间利用率以加速慢速计算机。( Speed up your SLOW Computer.)
验证硬盘的完整性(Verify the integrity of your hard disk)
偶尔运行磁盘错误检查(Disk Error-checking)可确保您的驱动器没有性能问题或由坏扇区、不正确关机、损坏或损坏的硬盘等引起的驱动器错误。磁盘(Disk)错误检查只不过是检查磁盘(Chkdsk )(Check Disk (Chkdsk))检查硬盘驱动器中的任何错误。
方法 11:( Method 11: )刷新或重新安装 Windows
注意:(Note:)如果您无法访问您的 PC,请重新启动您的 PC 几次,直到您开始自动修复(Automatic Repair )或使用本指南访问高级启动选项(Advanced Startup options)。然后导航到 Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1.按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全图标。( Update & Security icon.)
2.从左侧菜单中选择恢复。( Recovery.)
3.在重置此 PC(Reset this PC)下,单击“开始(Get Started)使用”按钮。
4.选择 保留我的文件(Keep my files)的选项。
5.对于下一步,您可能会被要求插入Windows 10安装介质,因此请确保您已准备好。
6.现在,选择您的Windows版本,然后仅单击安装 Windows 的驱动器(on only the drive where Windows is installed)>删除我的文件。(Just remove my files.)
5.单击重置按钮。( Reset button.)
买一台新电脑?(Buy a New Computer?)
我希望在上述步骤的帮助下,您能够 Speed Up Your SLOW Computer in 5 Minutes!如果您对本指南仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Speed Up Your SLOW Computer in 5 Minutes!
Everything is done with сomputers these days be it shopрing, consultation, finding your marriage partner, entertainment, etc. And computerѕ have become an integral part оf our lives and without them, it is hаrd to imagine our life. But whаt happens when your computеr becomes slow? Well, for me there is nothing frustrating than a slow computеr! But do you also wonder why this is happenіng, sincе a fеw daуs ago everything was working perfectly, then how did your computer become slow? Computers tend to bеcome slow with passage of time, so if your PC is 3-4 years old thеn you have a lot of troubleshooting to do in оrder to ѕpeed up yоur PC.
But if you have a new PC and it takes a large amount of time to do simple tasks such as opening a notepad file or Word document then there is something seriously wrong with your computer. If you’re facing this issue then it will definitely affect your productivity and work will hamper a lot. And what happens when you are in a hurry and need to copy some files or documents? Since your computer is so slow, it will take forever to copy the files and it will obviously make your frustrated & annoyed.
Why Is My Computer Slow?
Now there can be many reasons for a slow running computer and we will try our best to include every one of them here:
- Hard Drive is failing or it is almost full.
- There are too many startup programs.
- At a time many browser tabs are open.
- Many programs are running in the background of your computer.
- Virus or malware issue.
- Your computer is running in low power mode.
- Some heavy software that needs a lot of processing power is running.
- Your hardware like CPU, Motherboard, RAM, etc is covered in dust.
- You might have less RAM to operate your system.
- Windows is not up to date.
- Your computer is very old.
Now these are some of the reasons due to which your computer might become slow over a period of time. If you’re facing this issue and can relate to a particular reason then don’t worry as in this guide we will discuss all the various troubleshooting methods to fix slow computer issues.
11 Ways to Speed Up Your SLOW Computer
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
As you know nothing can be more annoying than a slow computer. So, below are given several methods using which a computer that is running slow can be fixed.
Method 1: Restart Your Computer
Before trying any advanced troubleshooting steps, it is recommended to try restarting your computer first. Although it seems like this won’t actually fix the problem itself, but in many cases restarting the computer has actually helped many users to troubleshoot the issue.
To restart the computer follow the below steps:
1.Click on the Start menu and then click on the Power button available at the bottom left corner.
2.Click on Restart and your computer will restart itself.
After the computer restarts, run the programs which were previously working slow and check if your problem is resolved or not.
Method 2: Uninstall Unused Programs
When you purchase a new computer, it comes with some pre-installed software which are called bloatware. These are the kind of software that you don’t need but are unnecessarily occupying the disk space and utilize more memory & resources of your system. Some of these programs run in the background without you even knowing about such software and ultimately slowing down your computer. So, by uninstalling such programs or software you can improve the performance of your computer.
To uninstall unused programs follow the below steps:
1.Open the control panel by searching for it using the Windows search bar.
2.Now under Control Panel click on Programs.
3.Under Programs click on Programs and features.
4.Under Programs and Features window, you will see a list of all programs installed on your computer.
5.Right-click on the programs which you don’t recognize and select Uninstall to remove them from your computer.
6.A warning dialog box will appear asking if you are sure you want to uninstall this program. Click on Yes.
7.This will start the uninstallation of the particular program and once finished, it will be completely removed from your computer.
8.Similarly, uninstall other unused programs.
Once all the unused programs are uninstalled, you may be able to Speed up your SLOW Computer.
Method 3: Delete Temporary Files
The Temporary files are the files that apps store on your computer to hold some information temporarily. In Windows 10, there are some other temporary files available like leftover files after upgrading the operating system, error reporting, etc. These files are referred to as temp files.
When you open any programs on your computer, temporary files are automatically created on your PC and these files keep on occupying space on your computer and thus slow down your computer. So, by deleting these temporary files which are just occupying space on the computer you can improve the performance of your computer.
Method 4: Close Background Programs
Windows Operating System lets some apps and processes to run in the background, without you even touching the app at all. Your Operating System does this in order to improve system performance. There are many such apps and they run without your knowledge. While this feature of your Windows might be very useful, but there may be some apps that you don’t really need. And these apps sit in the background, eating up all your device resources such as RAM, disk space, etc. So, disabling such background apps can Speed up your SLOW Computer. Also, Disabling background apps can save you a lot of battery and might enhance your system speed. This gives you enough reason to disable background apps.
Method 5: Disable Unnecessary Browser Extensions
Extensions are a very useful feature in Chrome to extend its functionality but you should know that these extensions take up system resources while they run in the background. In short, even though the particular extension is not in use, it will still use your system resources. So it’s a good idea to remove all the unwanted/junk Chrome extensions which you might have installed earlier. And it works if you just disable the Chrome extension that you are not using, it will save huge RAM memory, which will Speed up your SLOW Computer.
If you have too many unnecessary or unwanted extensions then it will bog down your browser. By removing or disabling unused extensions you may able to fix slow computer issue:
1.Right-click on the icon of the extension you want to remove.
2.Click on the “Remove from Chrome” option from the menu that appears.
After performing the above steps, the selected extension will be removed from Chrome.
If the icon of the extension you want to remove is not available in the Chrome address bar, then you need to look for the extension among the list of installed extensions:
1.Click on three dots icon available at the top right corner of Chrome.
2.Click on More Tools option from the menu that opens up.
3.Under More tools, click on Extensions.
4.Now it will open a page that will show all your currently installed extensions.
5.Now disable all the unwanted extensions by turning off the toggle associated with each extension.
6.Next, delete those extensions which are not in use by clicking on the Remove button.
7.Perform the same step for all the extensions you want to remove or disable.
After removing or disabling some extensions, you can hopefully notice some improvement in the speed of your computer.
Method 6: Disable Startup Programs
It is possible that your computer is running slow because of uneccessary startup programs. So, if your system is loading a lot of programs then it is increasing the boot time of your startup and these Startup programs are slowing down your system and all the unwanted programs need to be disabled. So, by disabling startup apps or programs you can resolve your problem. Once you have disabled the Startup programs you may be able to Speed up your SLOW Computer.
Method 7: Update Windows and Device Drivers
It is possible that your computer is running very slow because of the operating system is not up to date or some of the drivers are outdated or missing. It is one of the crucial causes of most of the issues faced by Windows users. So, by updating the Windows OS and drivers you can easily speed up your SLOW computer.
To update Windows 10, follow the below steps:
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security.
2.From the left-hand side, menu click on Windows Update.
3.Now click on the “Check for updates” button to check for any available updates.
4.If any updates are pending then click on Download & Install updates.
Once the updates are downloaded, install them and your Windows will become up-to-date.
Sometimes updating the Windows is not enough and you also need to update the device drivers in order to fix any issues with your computer. Device drivers are essential system-level software that helps in creating a communication between the hardware attached to the system and the operating system you are using on your computer.
There are situations when you need to update device drivers on Windows 10 in order to work properly or maintain the compatibility. Also, updates are important because they contain patches and bug fixes which can ultimately resolve your computer running slow issue.
Method 8: Increase System Virtual Memory
As you know that all the programs that we run use RAM (Random Access Memory); but as there becomes a shortage of RAM space for your program to run, Windows for the time being moves those programs that were meant to store usually in RAM to a specific location on your hard disk called the Paging File.
Now the more the RAM size (for example 4 GB, 8 GB and so on) in your system, the faster the loaded programs will perform. Due to the lack of RAM space (primary storage), your computer processes those running programs slowly, technically because of memory management. Hence a virtual memory is required to compensate for the job. And if your computer is running slow then the chances are that your virtual memory size is not sufficient enough and you may need to increase virtual memory in order for your computer to run smoothly.
Method 9: Check for Virus or Malware
Virus or Malware might also be the reason for your computer running slow issue. In case you are experiencing this issue regularly, then you need to scan your system using the updated Anti-Malware or Antivirus software Like Microsoft Security Essential (which is a free & official Antivirus program by Microsoft). Otherwise, if you have third-party Antivirus or Malware scanners, you can also use them to remove malware programs from your system.
Therefore, you should scan your system with anti-virus software and get rid of any unwanted malware or virus immediately. If you don’t have any third-party Antivirus software then don’t worry you can use the Windows 10 in-built malware scanning tool called Windows Defender.
1.Open Windows Defender.
2.Click on Virus and Threat Section.
3.Select the Advanced Section and highlight the Windows Defender Offline scan.
4.Finally, click on Scan now.
5.After the scan is completed, if any malware or viruses are found, then the Windows Defender will automatically remove them. ‘
6.Finally, reboot your PC and see if you’re able to Speed up your SLOW Computer.
It is possible that some of the Windows data or files get corrupted by some malicious programs or viruses. So it is also advised to the SFC scan which is used to resolve various system errors:
1.Open command prompt by searching for it using the search bar.
2.Right-click at the top result of your search and choose Run as administrator. Your administrator command prompt will open up.
3.Enter the below command in the cmd and hit Enter:
4.Wait till the process is completed.
Note: SFC scan may take some time.
5.Once the process is completed, restart your computer.
Method 10: Free Up Disk Space
If your computer hard disk almost or completely full then your computer may run slow as it will not have enough space to run the programs & application properly. So, if you need to make space on your drive, here are a few ways that you can use to clean up your hard disk and optimize your space utilization to Speed up your SLOW Computer.
Verify the integrity of your hard disk
Once in a while running Disk Error-checking ensures that your drive doesn’t have performance issues or drive errors which are caused by bad sectors, improper shutdowns, corrupt or damaged hard disk, etc. Disk error checking is nothing but Check Disk (Chkdsk) which checks for any errors in the hard drive.
Method 11: Refresh or Reinstall Windows
Note: If you can’t access your PC then restart your PC a few times until you start Automatic Repair or use this guide to access Advanced Startup options. Then navigate to Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security icon.
2.From the left-hand menu select Recovery.
3.Under Reset this PC click on the “Get Started” button.
4.Select the option to Keep my files.
5.For the next step you might be asked to insert Windows 10 installation media, so ensure you have it ready.
6.Now, select your version of Windows and click on only the drive where Windows is installed > Just remove my files.
5.Click on the Reset button.
6.Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the reset.
Buy a New Computer?
So, you have tried everything and your computer is still running slower than the rush hour traffic of Delhi? Then it might be time to upgrade to a new computer. If your computer has become very old and has an outdated processor then you should definitely buy a new PC and save yourself a heap of trouble. Also, buying a computer these days is much more affordable than it used to be years ago, thanks to the increasing competition and regular innovation in the field.
I hope with the help of the above steps you were able to Speed Up Your SLOW Computer in 5 Minutes! If you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comments section.