Facebook 上的图片没有加载?别担心,我们列出了各种修复程序,这些修复程序实际上有助于解决这个烦人的问题。 (The images on Facebook is not loading? Don’t worry, we have listed various fixes which actually help fix this annoying issue. )
在过去的二十年里,社交媒体平台出现了巨大的增长,而Facebook一直处于这一切的中心。Facebook成立于 2004 年,目前每月拥有超过 27 亿活跃用户,是最受欢迎的社交媒体平台。在收购Whatsapp(Whatsapp)和Instagram(分别是第三和第六大社交平台)后,他们的主导地位进一步巩固。有几件事促成了Facebook的成功。虽然Twitter和Reddit等平台更加以文本为中心(微博),而Instagram则专注于照片和视频,而Facebook在两种内容类型之间取得平衡。
全球用户在Facebook(Facebook)(仅次于Instagram的第二大图像共享平台)上共同上传了超过一百万张照片和视频。虽然大多数时候我们在查看这些照片时都没有遇到任何问题,但有时我们只能看到空白或黑屏和损坏的图像。这是 PC 用户和在极少数情况下移动用户面临的一个非常普遍的问题。由于各种原因(互联网连接不良、 Facebook(Facebook)服务器关闭、图像被禁用等) ,您的网络浏览器可能无法加载图像,并且由于有多个罪魁祸首,因此没有唯一的解决方案可以解决所有问题。
在本文中,我们列出了Facebook 无法加载图片(images not loading on Facebook)的所有潜在(all the potential)修复;一个接一个地尝试,直到您再次成功查看图像。
修复 Facebook 图像无法加载的 7 种方法(7 Ways to Fix Facebook Images Not Loading)
方法 1:检查Internet 速度(Internet Speed)和Facebook 状态(Facebook Status)
此外,您可以使用Google进行互联网速度测试。搜索互联网速度测试并单击运行速度测试(Run Speed Test)选项。还有专门的互联网速度测试网站,如Ookla(Speedtest by Ookla)和Fast.com 的Speedtest(Fast.com)。如果您的连接确实很差,请联系您的服务提供商或移动到蜂窝接收更好的位置以提高移动数据速度。
确认您的互联网连接没有问题后,还要确认Facebook服务器运行正常。社交媒体平台的后端(Backend)服务器宕机是很常见的事情。在Down Detector(Down Detector)或Facebook Status Page上检查Facebook服务器状态。如果服务器确实因维护或其他技术错误而停机,您别无选择,只能等待开发人员修复他们的平台服务器并让它们重新启动并运行。
在转向技术解决方案之前,您可能需要确认的另一件事是您使用的Facebook版本。由于该平台的普及,Facebook创建了各种版本,允许使用更普通的手机和互联网连接的用户访问。Facebook Free是在多个网络上可用的此类版本之一。用户可以在他们的Facebook(Facebook)订阅源上查看书面帖子,但默认情况下禁用图像。您将需要手动启用在Facebook Free上(Facebook Free)查看照片(See Photos)。此外,如果上述快速修复均无效,请尝试使用其他 Web 浏览器并启用-禁用您的VPN服务。
一些桌面网络浏览器允许用户一起禁用图像以减少网站加载时间。打开另一个照片网站或执行Google 图片(Google Image)搜索并检查您是否可以查看任何照片。如果没有,这些图像一定是您自己意外禁用的,或者是最近安装的扩展程序自动禁用的。
要检查图像是否在 Google Chrome 上被禁用:(To check if images are disabled on Google Chrome:)
1. 单击右上角的三个垂直点(three vertical dots)(或水平破折号),然后从随后的下拉菜单中选择设置。(Settings )
2. 向下滚动到隐私和安全(Privacy and Security)部分,然后单击站点设置(Site Settings)。
3. 在内容部分(Content section)下,单击图像(Images)并确保启用(enabled)全部显示( Show all )。
在 Mozilla Firefox 上:(On Mozilla Firefox:)
1.在Firefox地址栏中输入(Firefox)about:config并回车。在被允许更改任何配置首选项之前,系统会警告您谨慎操作,因为这可能会影响浏览器的性能和安全性。单击(Click)接受风险并继续(Accept the Risk and Continue)。
2.点击Show All并查找permissions.default.image或直接搜索相同。
3. permissions.default.image 可以有三个不同的值(permissions.default.image can have three different values),分别如下:
1 = Allow all images to load
2 = Block all images from loading
3 = Prevent third-party images from loading
4.确保值设置为 1(Ensure the value is set to 1)。如果不是,请双击首选项并将其更改为 1。
方法 3:禁用广告拦截扩展
虽然广告拦截器有助于改善我们的浏览体验,但它们对网站所有者来说是一场噩梦。网站通过展示广告赚取收入,并且所有者不断修改它们以绕过广告拦截过滤器。这可能会导致各种问题,包括图片无法在Facebook 上(Facebook)加载。您可以尝试暂时禁用已安装的广告拦截扩展程序并检查问题是否解决。
在 Chrome 上:(On Chrome:)
1.在新选项卡中访问chrome://extensions/单击三个垂直点,打开更多工具,然后选择扩展。(click on three vertical dots, open More Tools, and select Extensions.)
2.通过将切换开关切换到关闭来禁用您已安装的所有广告拦截扩展程序。(ad-blocking extensions)
在火狐上:(On Firefox:)
按Ctrl + Shift + A打开 Add Ons 页面并关闭(toggle off) 广告拦截器(ad blockers)。
方法 4:更改 DNS 设置
糟糕的DNS配置通常是多个 Internet 浏览相关问题背后的原因。DNS服务器由 Internet 服务提供商分配,但可以手动更改。谷歌的DNS 服务器(DNS server)是更可靠和使用最广泛的服务器之一。
1.按Windows键 + R启动运行命令框,键入 control 或(Run Command box)control panel,然后按 enter 打开应用程序。
2. 点击网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)。
注意:(Note:)有些用户会在控制面板中找到网络(Network)和共享(Sharing)或网络(Network)和Internet,而不是网络(Network)和共享中心。(Sharing Center)
3. 在查看(View)您的活动网络下,单击您的计算机当前连接到的网络。(, click on the Network your computer is currently connected to.)
4. 单击Wi-Fi 状态窗口(Wi-Fi status window)左下角的属性(Properties )按钮打开网络属性。
5.向下滚动(Scroll)“此连接使用以下项目”列表并双击Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)项目。
6. 最后,启用(enable)“使用(Use)以下DNS服务器地址”并切换到Google DNS。
7. 输入8.8.8.8作为首选 DNS 服务器,输入作为备用 DNS 服务器。
8. 单击确定以保存新的DNS设置并重新启动计算机。
方法 5:重置网络缓存
1. 在开始搜索栏中键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),并在搜索结果到达时单击以管理员身份运行。(Run as Administrator)在随后的“用户帐户控制(User Account Control)”弹出窗口中单击(Click)“是”以授予必要的权限。(Yes)
2. 现在,依次执行以下命令。要执行,请键入或复制粘贴命令,然后按 Enter。等待(Wait)命令提示符完成执行并继续执行其他命令。完成后重新启动计算机。
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset
net stop dhcp
net start dhcp
netsh winhttp reset proxy
方法 6:使用网络适配器疑难解答(Network Adapter Troubleshooter)
1. 右键单击开始(Start)菜单按钮或按Windows键 + X 并从高级用户菜单中打开设置。(Settings )
2. 点击更新和安全(Update & Security)。
3. 移至疑难解答(Troubleshoot )设置页面并单击其他疑难解答(Additional troubleshooters)。
4.通过单击一次展开网络适配器,然后(Network Adapter)运行疑难解答(Run the Troubleshooter)。
方法 7:编辑 Hosts 文件
一些用户设法通过在其计算机的主机文件中添加特定行来解决问题并加载Facebook图像。(Facebook)对于那些不知道的人,主机文件在浏览互联网时会将主机名映射到 IP 地址。
1.再次以管理员身份(Command Prompt as Administrator )打开命令提示符并执行以下命令。
notepad.exe c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
2.您也可以在文件资源管理器中手动找到主机的文件,然后在(File Explorer)记事本(Notepad)中打开它。
3. 在主持人文件的末尾小心添加以下行。 scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net
4. 单击文件(File )并选择保存(Save )或按Ctrl + S保存更改。重新启动您的计算机并检查您现在是否成功在Facebook 上(Facebook)加载图像。
如果您无法编辑主机文件,则可以使用本指南“在 Windows 10 中编辑主机文件”(use this guide “Edit Hosts file in Windows 10”)来简化此过程。
虽然无法在Facebook 上(Facebook)加载的图片在桌面浏览器上更为普遍,但它也可能出现在移动设备上。相同的修复,即切换到不同的网络和更改网络浏览器的工作。您也可以尝试使用Facebook移动应用程序或更新/重新安装它来解决问题。
7 Ways to Fix Facebook Images Not Loading
The images on Facebook is not loading? Don’t worry, we have listed various fixes which actually help fix this annoying issue.
The past two decades have seen an enormous rise in social media platforms and Facebook has been at the center of it all. Founded in 2004, Facebook now has over 2.70 billion monthly active users and is the most popular social media platform. Their dominance was further solidified after they acquired Whatsapp and Instagram (the third and sixth biggest social platforms, respectively). There are several things that have contributed to Facebook’s success. While platforms like Twitter and Reddit are more text-centred (microblogging) and Instagram focuses on photos and videos, Facebook strikes a balance between the two content types.
Users around the globe collectively upload more than a million photos and videos on Facebook (the second-largest image sharing platform after Instagram). While most days we face no trouble in viewing these photos, there are days when we only get to see a blank or black screen and broken images. This is a very common issue faced by PC users and on rare occasions, by mobile users too. Images may not be loading on your web browser for a variety of reasons (poor internet connection, Facebook servers are down, disabled images, etc.) and since there are multiple culprits, there is no unique solution that resolves the issue for all.
In this article, we have listed all the potential fixes for images not loading on Facebook; try them one after the other until you are successful in viewing the images again.
7 Ways to Fix Facebook Images Not Loading
As mentioned earlier, there are several reasons why the images may not be loading on your Facebook feed. The usual suspect is a poor or low-speed internet connection. Sometimes, for maintenance purposes or due to some outage, the Facebook servers may be down and prompting several issues. Besides these two, a bad DNS server, corruption, or an overload of network cache, browser ad-blockers, poorly configured browser settings can all prevent the images from loading.
Method 1: Check Internet Speed and Facebook Status
The first thing to check in case anything takes too long to load on the internet is the connection itself. If you have access to a different Wi-Fi network, switch to it and try loading Facebook again or toggle on your mobile data and reload the webpage. You can try accessing other photo and video websites such as YouTube or Instagram in a new tab to ensure the internet connection isn’t prompting the issue. Even try connecting another device to the same network and check if images load properly on it. Public WiFis (in schools and offices) have limited access to certain websites so consider switching to a private network.
Also, you can use Google to perform an internet speed test. Search for internet speed test and click on the Run Speed Test option. There are also specialized internet speed testing websites like Speedtest by Ookla and Fast.com. If your connection is indeed poor, contact your service provider or move to a location with better cellular reception for improved mobile data speed.
Once you have confirmed that your internet connection is not at fault, also confirm that the Facebook servers are running properly. Backend servers of social media platforms being down is a very common occurrence. Check the Facebook server status on either Down Detector or Facebook Status Page. If the servers are indeed down for maintenance or due to other technical bugs, you have no other choice but to wait for the developers to fix their platform servers and have them up and running again.
Another thing that you may want to confirm before moving onto the technical solutions is the Facebook version you are using. Owing to the popularity of the platform, Facebook has created various versions allowing access to users with more modest phones and internet connections. Facebook Free is one such version available on several networks. Users can check out written posts on their Facebook feed, but images are disabled by default. You will need to manually enable See Photos on Facebook Free. Also, try using a different web browser and enabling-disabling your VPN service if none of the above quick fixes works moves to the other solutions.
Method 2: Check if Images are Disabled
A few desktop web browsers allow users to disable images all together to decrease website load time. Open another photo website or perform a Google Image search and check if you can view any pictures. If not, the images must have accidentally been disabled by yourself or automatically by an extension that was installed recently.
To check if images are disabled on Google Chrome:
1. Click on the three vertical dots (or horizontal dashes) at the top-right corner and select Settings from the ensuing drop-down.
2. Scroll down to the Privacy and Security section and click on Site Settings.
3. Under the Content section, click on Images and ensure Show all is enabled.
On Mozilla Firefox:
1. Type about:config in the Firefox address bar and press enter. Before being allowed to change any configuration preferences, you will be warned to proceed with caution as it may affect the browser’s performance and security. Click on Accept the Risk and Continue.
2. Click on Show All and look for permissions.default.image or directly search for the same.
3. The permissions.default.image can have three different values, and they are as follows:
1 = Allow all images to load
2 = Block all images from loading
3 = Prevent third-party images from loading
4. Ensure the value is set to 1. If it isn’t, double-click on the preference and change it to 1.
Method 3: Disable Ad-blocking extensions
While ad blockers help improve our browsing experience, they are a nightmare for site owners. Websites earn revenue by displaying ads, and owners constantly mod them to bypass the ad-blocking filters. This may cause various issues, including images not loading on Facebook. You can try temporarily disabling the installed ad blocking extensions and check if the issue resolves.
On Chrome:
1. Visit chrome://extensions/ in a new tab or click on three vertical dots, open More Tools, and select Extensions.
2. Disable all ad-blocking extensions you have installed by switching their toggle switches to off.
On Firefox:
Press Ctrl + Shift + A to open the Add Ons page and toggle off ad blockers.
Method 4: Change DNS Settings
A poor DNS configuration is often the reason behind several internet browsing related issues. DNS servers are assigned by internet service providers but can be manually changed. Google’s DNS server is one of the more reliable and used ones.
1. Launch the Run Command box by pressing Windows key + R, type control or control panel, and press enters to open the application.
2. Click on Network and Sharing Center.
Note: Some users will find Network and Sharing or Network and Internet instead of Network and Sharing Center in the control panel.
3. Under View your active networks, click on the Network your computer is currently connected to.
4. Open network properties by clicking on the Properties button present at the bottom-left of the Wi-Fi status window.
5. Scroll down the ‘This connection uses the following items list and double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) item.
6. Finally, enable ‘Use the following DNS server addresses’ and switch to Google DNS.
7. Enter as your preferred DNS server and as the alternate DNS server.
8. Click on Ok to save the new DNS settings and restart your computer.
Method 5: Reset your Network Cache
Similar to the DNS server, if the network configurations aren’t properly set or if your computer’s network cache has gone corrupt, browsing issues will be experienced. You can resolve this by resetting the networking configurations and flushing the current network cache.
1. Type Command Prompt in the start search bar and click on Run as Administrator when the search results arrive. Click on Yes in the ensuing User Account Control pop-up to grant necessary permissions.
2. Now, execute the following commands one after the other. To execute, type or copy-paste the command and press enter. Wait for the command prompt to finish executing and continue with the other commands. Restart your computer when done.
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset
net stop dhcp
net start dhcp
netsh winhttp reset proxy
Method 6: Use the Network Adapter Troubleshooter
Resetting the network configuration should have solved the images not loading issue for most users. Although, if it did not, you could try running the built-in network adapter troubleshooter in Windows. The tool automatically finds and fixes any issues with wireless & other network adapters.
1. Right-click on the Start menu button or press Windows key + X and open Settings from the power user menu.
2. Click on Update & Security.
3. Move to the Troubleshoot settings page and click on Additional troubleshooters.
4. Expand Network Adapter by clicking on it once and then Run the Troubleshooter.
Method 7: Edit Hosts file
Some users have managed to resolve the issue and load Facebook images by adding a specific line to their computer’s hosts file. To those unaware, the hosts file maps hostnames to IP addresses when browsing the internet.
1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator once again and execute the following command.
notepad.exe c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
2. You can also manually locate the host’s file in File Explorer and open it in Notepad from there.
3. Carefully add the below line at the end of the host’s document. scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net
4. Click on File and select Save or press Ctrl + S to save the changes. Restart your computer and check if you are successful in loading images on Facebook now.
If you’re not able to edit the hosts file then you can use this guide “Edit Hosts file in Windows 10” to make this process easier for you.
While images not loading on Facebook is more prevalent on desktop browsers, it may also occur on mobile devices. The same fixes, i.e., switching to a different network and changing web browsers work. You can also try using the Facebook mobile application or updating/reinstalling it to resolve the issue.