Windows 10 上的更新都是关于安全补丁和新功能添加的。尽管从安全角度建议始终保持Windows计算机更新,但您可能出于某些原因想要推迟、延迟或根本不安装更新。一些原因包括 Internet 连接速度慢或受限,或者您不喜欢在Windows 更新(Windows Update)工作之间被打断。在这篇文章中,我们介绍了一个名为StopUpdates10的小而有效的实用程序,它可以帮助您阻止Windows 更新(Windows Updates)以及Windows 10上的新版本升级。
在 Windows 10 上阻止更新
在更新方面,Windows 10 对用户来说并不难。没有内置选项可以完全禁用或停止更新。有一些方法可以让您在 Windows 10 上关闭 Windows 更新(turn off Windows Update on Windows 10),但它们有点麻烦。

另一方面, StopUpdates10(StopUpdates10)使其用户在Windows 10上禁用和阻止更新变得更加简单。只需单击一个按钮,您就可以完全禁用更新而不会破坏任何内容。该程序在后台执行一组任务,确保Windows不能从服务器下载更新。
使用该工具很简单,下载安装程序并按照步骤操作。安装后,运行程序并点击显示停止 Windows 更新(Stop Windows Updates.) 的橙色按钮。瞧(Voila),所有更新现在都已被禁用。您可以通过打开任务管理器(Task Manager)并检查任何 Window 内部进程的网络使用情况来验证这一点。
StopUpdates10 的工作原理
- 注册表值(Registry Values):该程序会自动为您更改 7 个注册表项的注册表值,因此您不必手动进行。使用恢复按钮可以轻松恢复所有注册表更改。
- Windows 更新服务(Windows Update Service):StopUpdates10 完全停止此服务并阻止其自动启动,实质上终止了自动更新机制。
- 阻止进程(Blocks Processes):该工具还阻止一些其他进程,如“EOSNOTIFY.EXE”、“UsoClient.exe”、“MusNotification.exe”、“UpdateAssistant.exe”、“WINDOWS10UPGRADERAPP.EXE”、“remsh.exe”、“ dismHost.exe”、“SIHClient.exe”、“InstallAgent.exe”、“Windows10Upgrade.exe”、“ WaaSMedic.exe ”,这样您的计算机上就不会收到任何更新相关的通知。
恢复更改也很容易。您需要做的就是点击“还原 Windows 更新”(Restore Windows Updates)按钮,所有更改都将被回滚。该程序还显示Windows Update的状态。除此之外(Apart),它还为您提供命令行功能,以便您也可以在脚本中包含StopUpdates10。

StopUpdates10也易于使用且直观。它对个人和商业用途都是完全免费的,并且不包含任何广告软件。单击此处(Click here)(Click here)下载StopUpdates10。它现在包括一个Stop Guard服务,可以在任何情况下完全阻止Windows更新。
此处列出了更多用于阻止 Windows 10 更新的免费工具(free tools to block Windows 10 Updates)。(There are more free tools to block Windows 10 Updates listed here.)
How to block Updates on Windows 10 using StopUpdates10
Updates on Wіndows 10 arе all abоut security patches and new feature additionѕ. Although it iѕ recommendеd always to keep your Windows computer updated from a security perspective, there might be reasons that you want to postpone, delay or do not install updates аt all. Some reasons include slow or limіted intеrnet connеctivity, or you don’t like to be interrupted between your work for Windows Update. In this post, we’ve coverеd a small but effеctiνe utility called StopUpdates10 that can help you block Windows Updates as well as new version Upgrades on Windows 10.
Block Updates on Windows 10
Windows 10 is little hard on its users when it comes to updates. There is no inbuilt option to disable or stop updates completely. There are ways available that let you turn off Windows Update on Windows 10, but they are a little cumbersome.

StopUpdates10, on the other hand, makes it a lot simpler for its users to disable & block updates on Windows 10. With a click of a button, you can completely disable updates without breaking anything. The program performs a set of tasks in the background which ensures that Windows should not be able to download updates from the server.
StopUpdates10 can also stop forced upgrades and all update notifications so that you can focus more on your work and less on the updates. The main motive of the tool is not to completely disable updates (it is not recommended as well), but to provide you with an option to block them temporarily. Accordingly, StopUpdates10 also offers a quick Restore button that can bring your computer back to the original state where Updates are allowed. The restore button comes very handy when you are on a better internet connection and decide to update.
Using the tool is simple enough, download the installer and follow the steps. Once installed, run the program and hit the orange button that says Stop Windows Updates. Voila, all the updates have been disabled now. You can verify this by opening Task Manager and checking the network usage by any of the Window’s internal processes.
How StopUpdates10 works
If you are curious enough, the developer of the tool has provided us with the entire list of actions that happen in the background. The tool makes the following changes:
- Registry Values: The program automatically changes the registry values for 7 registry keys for you so that you do not have to do it manually. All the registry changes can be easily restored back with the restore button.
- Windows Update Service: StopUpdates10 completely stops this service and prevents it from auto-starting, essentially killing the automatic updates mechanism.
- Blocks Processes: The tool also blocks some of the other processes like “EOSNOTIFY.EXE”,”UsoClient.exe”, “MusNotification.exe”, “UpdateAssistant.exe”,”WINDOWS10UPGRADERAPP.EXE”, “remsh.exe”, “dismHost.exe”, “SIHClient.exe”,”InstallAgent.exe”,”Windows10Upgrade.exe”, “WaaSMedic.exe“, so that you do not get any update related notifications on your computer.
Restoring changes is also easy as is. All you need to do is hit the Restore Windows Updates button, and all the changes will be rolled back. The program also displays the status of Windows Update. Apart from that it also provides you with command line features so that you can include StopUpdates10 in your scripts as well.

StopUpdates10 is a useful tool to have installed on your computer. It lets you block Updates as well as Upgrades on your computer for any period. The best part about this tool is that it does not delete or break any application on your computer. All the changes made are completely restorable and can be done with a single click.
StopUpdates10 is also easy and intuitive to use. It is completely free for both and personal and commercial usage and does not contain any adware. Click here to download StopUpdates10. It now includes a Stop Guard service that will fully block Windows updates in any case.
There are more free tools to block Windows 10 Updates listed here.