超级任天堂娱乐系统(Super Nintendo Entertainment System)或SNES是一款游戏机,受到许多人的喜爱。任何玩过《超级马里奥世界(Super Mario World)》或《塞尔达传说(The Legend of Zelda):与过去的联系》的人都(A Link to the Past)知道基本控制的视觉效果、声音和感觉是多么迷人。即使在首次发布 30 年后,狂热的粉丝和复古游戏玩家仍继续声明他们对这款游戏机的支持。在为他们的设备争论最好的游戏和改装工具的同时,任天堂(Nintendo)游戏玩家继续寻找令人兴奋的理由来重温旧的特许经营权。至于它的ROM就黑客而言,随机地下城、改进的精灵和更新的情节只是冰山一角。如果您也是一个好奇的游戏玩家并想尝试一下,这里是值得尝试的最佳 SNES ROM黑客。
23 个值得尝试的最佳 SNES ROM 黑客(23 Best SNES ROM Hacks Worth Attempting)
最著名的 SNES ROM 黑客有哪些? (What are some of the most famous SNES ROM Hacks? )阅读下文以了解详情!
1.洛克人X3零项目(1. Mega Man X3 Zero Project)
许多人认为《洛克人 X3》(Mega Man X3)是该系列最后一款出色的游戏。然而,洛克人 X4(Mega Man X4)和以下版本在一个方面表现出色:零作为可玩角色(Zero as a playable character)。MMX3零项目(MMX3 Zero Project)显然可以让你在游戏中扮演零(Zero)。它甚至改变了他的对话,以保持情节完整。在 Boss 战中,他的Z-Saber的伤害通常会按比例调整以保持公平,因为用近战攻击(melee assault)击中某些对手要好得多。如果您选择在有史以来最好的跳跃射击游戏(all-time best jump-and-shoot game)中查看这款精美的新花样,您将不会感到失望。
2. 与过去随机化器 (ALTTP) 的链接(2. A Link to the Past Randomizer (ALTTP))
Link to the Past Randomizer是最著名的SNES ROM黑客之一,可让您通过程序运行经典的TLoZ。它还会洗牌(shuffles key object positions)大师剑(Master Sword)等关键对象位置。您可以在以这种方式打开的第一个箱子中找到回旋镖(Boomerang)等物品。或者,您可以等到您即将退出最后一个地牢。那是一半的乐趣,对吧?(That’s half the fun, right? )游戏目标的目标(goal of the game goal shifts)从击败盖农(Ganon)转变为使用您找到的物品清除每个地牢,从而确保每次都有独特的体验。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何破解Chrome 恐龙游戏(Chrome Dinosaur Game)
3. 超级街卡丁车(3. Hyper Street Kart)
没有一个人没有在 SNES 上玩过马里奥赛车(Mario Kart)并且感觉不错。(meh.)毫无疑问,它充满了激动人心的赛道和最好的赛车游戏。(racing game)Hyper Street Kart基于这款出色的游戏,但它用街头霸王系列的战士替换了所有原始角色( substituted all original characters with warriors from Street Fighter)。它并没有就此结束。游戏的美学也被 Capcom 的经典战斗机所取代。它还有几条由特许经营权开发的全新曲目。
4. SMW2
Yoshi's Island无疑是当今最著名的游戏之一。如果您是喜欢SMW2 而非(SMW2)原版的人之一,SMW2+适合您。它为游戏引入了54 个附加阶段(54 additional stages)。由于开发者熟悉原版游戏,他们能够重现与原版 Yoshi's Island 相同的质量和复杂程度(same level of quality and sophistication as original Yoshi’s Island)。不仅如此,难度曲线(difficulty curve)也是成比例的。迄今为止,只有少数黑客能够做到这一点。
5.耀西的奇异任务(SMW)(5. Yoshi’s Strange Quest (SMW))
耀西(Yoshi)的奇异任务(Strange Quest)是为那些喜欢超级马里奥世界 2(Super Mario World 2)耀西(Yoshi)岛的耀西(Yoshi)的人准备的,但是,无法忍受这个意大利小男孩。(Island)作为最好的 SNES ROM 黑客(ROM Hacks)之一,它可以让您玩可爱的绿色恐龙而无需照看。相反,您可以尝试找回丢失的鸡。(reclaim your lost chickens. )这个故事是通过一系列定制的场景和叙述( custom-cut scenes and narration)来传达的,以一种超现实但幽默的方式将这种体验编织在一起。这可能是一场难以击败的比赛。但是,凭借耐心和 Yoshi 的投掷蛋技巧,您一定会享受这些精致关卡提供的难度。
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6.银河战士超零任务(Super Metroid)(6. Metroid Super Zero Mission (Super Metroid))
如果您喜欢SNES 和 GBA(SNES and GBA)上的Super Metroid 和 Metroid(Super Metroid and Metroid) ,那么这个混搭(mash-up)将非常适合您。它将使这两款游戏如此成功的风格变化转变为一种新的高度精致的体验。就像任何优秀的银河战士游戏(Metroid game)一样,这个 hack鼓励实验(encourages experimentation)并提供困难但公平的谜题。(offers difficult yet, fair puzzles.)如果你是一个喜欢复古游戏的老手,你将有机会不时展示自己的能力。由于它是为普通人设计的,因此无需担心其难度或技术性(difficulty or technicality)。
7.返回恐龙乐园(SMW)(7. Return to Dinosaur Land (SMW))
SMW: Return to Dinosaur Land是一个SNES ROM hack,作为SMW 的一个有价值的继任者(worthy successor to SMW)。你会完全忘记它是一个非官方版本,因为它专注于关卡设计(focus on level design),而不是改变情节或添加精美的图形。Ice & Water 关卡(Ice & Water levels)是游戏中最具创意的新增内容之一。随着您通过每个级别,它们在游戏过程中会发生变化。所有这些改进都得到了专业的执行。难度适中,但不会到您必须重玩每个关卡 20(level 20)次或放弃的地步。这个游戏其实是可以打的,所以对于没碰过( game is actually beatable)SNES手柄(SNES controller)的人来说也是公平的在很长的时间。
8. 计时触发器:先知的诡计(8. Chrono Trigger: Prophet’s Guile)
Prophet's Guile是(Guile)RPG经典Chrono Trigger的扩展,是可用的最佳SNES ROM黑客之一。它跟随魔术师(follows Magus)在热忱王国(Kingdom)夺取权力(Zeal)。在被及时送回 12.000 BC 后,它在原始Chrono Trigger中的第一次战斗之后拾起。您将能够通过事件进行游戏,例如当他引诱女王(Queen)或当他让对手保持沉默以成为伟大的先知(Prophet)时。它只有两章长(just two chapters long),但它是一个很棒的附加组件(fantastic add-on)到原系列。它不仅大大扩展了情节,而且让你对黑暗法师感觉更好。
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9. 法力的秘密(9. Secret of Mana)
过去,将日本游戏非本地化以进行国际发行的方法总是很随意。西方听众经常被视为无用且无法理解复杂的叙述。Mana的秘密是审查制度和(censorship and lack)对原始内容缺乏尊重的牺牲品之一。至少在SNES上,这导致翻译效果不佳。因此,它成为当时流行的不良做法的一个例子。因此(Hence),最好的SNES ROM黑客之一将有助于解决此问题。它提高了翻译质量(improves the quality of translation)并纠正了美国版本中的缺陷(corrects flaws in the American release),包括标题屏幕背景。(title screen background).
10. 超级银河战士重新设计(10. Super Metroid Redesign)
毫无疑问,超级银河战士重新设计是(Super Metroid Redesign)复古平台(retro platform)最具标志性和广受欢迎的黑客之一。它展示了一个更大的Zebes世界,其中充满了要发现的新秘密(new secrets to discover)和要解决的新障碍(new obstacles to solve)。随着难度的增加作为它的主要特征,这个黑客的范围变得更深了。它引入了新的对象和力量(new objects and powers),并调整了游戏的物理特性。因此(Thereby),产生了一个引人入胜的无缝游戏环境(seamless gaming environment)。试一试,让我们知道您的想法!
11. 永恒之火(11. Flames of Eternity)
Flames of Eternity被认为是社区迄今为止最具创新性的Chrono Trigger hack。它试图减少 Chrono Trigger 和 Chrono Cross 之间的距离(reduce the distance between Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross)。它有足够的内容来填充一个全新的游戏。开发它所花费的时间和精力(time and effort)令人难以置信。新鲜的精灵(Fresh sprites),新的场景(new scenarios),在这个惊人的 hack 中有很多值得探索的地方。在热忱王国(Kingdom)分崩离析(Zeal)后不久,它直接将您置于Magus的指挥下。游戏还没有完成(hasn’t been completed yet). 由于它在在线社区中很常见,因此领先的开发人员可能已经消失了。
12. FFVI:黑暗巫师归来(12. FFVI: Return of the Dark Sorcerer)
FFVI:黑暗巫师(Dark Sorcerer)的回归跟随我们之前条目的脚步。这是一款基于FFVI引擎(FFVI engine)的全新游戏,并利用了其大部分资源。它有一个原始的情节,新的角色和敌人(original plot, new characters, and foes)。它还引入了来自其他特许经营权(introduces cameos from other franchises)的客串,例如 Disgaea 的爆炸企鹅Prinnys。包含新的难度范围和在(difficulty range)世界地图(world map)上慢跑的能力是对原始FFVI的一些值得注意的图形改进。
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13. Ted Woolsey 未经审查的版本(13. Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition)
如果您想为最终幻想 VI提供(Final Fantasy VI)不那么激进( less radical)的东西,Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition就是为您制作的。毫无疑问,这是游戏中修改最好的SNES ROM黑客之一。它最初的西方版本,与许多其他SNES游戏一样,经过广泛审查和修改以吸引年轻一代。这种假设是基于电子游戏只适合孩子们的想法。这个 hack 融合了许多粉丝翻译的努力,以产生一个比原始翻译更真实(more authentic than the original translation)的版本,没有任何审查(without any censorship)。不再需要玩原始游戏,因为这个版本也解决了很多故障。
14.超级马里奥世界2(14. Super Mario World 2)
毒菌公主(Princess Toadstool)被鲍泽(Bowser)绑架并被囚禁在一艘宇宙飞船上。鲍泽(Bowser)计划从那里征服地球。当然,马里奥(Mario)必须经历浩瀚的全新关卡(vast array of brand-new stages),打败库帕国王的爪牙,最后拯救他心爱的皇帝。精美的标题和改进的图形(improved graphics)有助于设置新的游戏玩法,包括跳墙(wall-jumping)和多个秘密。获取副本以查看所有炒作的内容。
15.超级银河战士(15. Hyper Metroid)
术语 Hyper 表示比 Super 更高级别的强度(higher level of intensity than Super)。这是Samus SNES 冒险这个令人难以置信的(Samus SNES adventure)ROM hack背后的指导原则。它彻底改变了游戏,不仅为Zebes 星球增加(Planet Zebes)了几个新的障碍(several new obstacles),还为游戏提供了更深层次的情节(much deeper plot)。超级银河战士也有一个复杂的武器系统(complex weapon system),不同于其他黑客中使用的任何其他武器系统。这对于快节奏的游戏(fast-paced gameplay)非常有效。比原版难很多。( lot more difficult)由于它的创建保持了合理的学习曲线(learning curve)记住,所以你可以尝试一下,即使你只是一个初学者。
16. Earthbound 万圣节黑客(16. Earthbound Halloween Hack)
Toby Fox尝试为标志性的经典 Earthbound 创建一个 hack,然后继续创建全球现象(worldwide phenomenon),即Undertale。结果是万圣节黑客(Halloween Hack),它被广泛认为是最令人不安和创伤最大的(most unsettling and traumatizing) SNES ROM黑客之一。相信我,当我说这并不夸张。这场比赛被扭曲( game is twisted)到寂静岭(Silent Hill)的水平。它提供了一个精心设计的情节(well-crafted plot),并首次介绍了Song Megalovania。
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17. Oh No! More Zombies Ate My Neighbors
不好了!More Zombies Ate My Neighbors是一个ROM hack,它为僵尸杀戮经典引入了55 个新阶段(55 new stages),同时保留了原作的魅力。它作为非官方的续集发挥着卓越的品质(unofficial sequel with excellent quality)。更多对象、新怪物和扩展的多人游戏选项有助于为这款游戏注入新的活力。这是一个真正的爆炸,特别是如果你喜欢第一个。
(18. Parallel Remodel
这是建立在Parallel realms(Parallel realms)上的另一个最好的 SNES ROM hack 。游戏玩法在最初的平行世界(Parallel Worlds)中被彻底改造。它具有现代图形(modern graphics)、新情节( new plot)和有效的新游戏。Parallel Remodel是Parallel World 的重新平衡版本,(re-balanced version of Parallel World)它减少了一些臭名昭著的复杂性。
19. 超级食尸鬼和幽灵 (19. Super Ghouls n Ghosts )
最初的经典(Classic)以其疯狂的难度级别而臭名昭著。经常出现在有史以来最难的游戏列表中。通过结合一些新的游戏功能,这个ROM hack隐含地解决了它。武器收集(Weapon collection)和交换与 L/R 控件,退化的盔甲(degraded armor)而不是消失的盔甲,以及其他改进使游戏更简单和更容易击败(simpler & easier to beat)。
20. 最终幻想 III – 最终幻想 IV 增强版(20. Final Fantasy III – Final Fantasy IV Enhanced Edition)
它本质上是针对美国(USA)游戏玩家的最终幻想 III (Final Fantasy III)ROM hack。它基本上是游戏补丁的大量汇编,(massive compilation of gameplay patches)并修复了原始版本中的许多故障。有太多的修改要提,但如果最终幻想 III(Final Fantasy III)中有任何东西被破坏,这个ROM hack很可能修复了它。
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21. Earthbound - The Giftman Chronicles
虽然这款 1994 年的 J-RPG 在休闲游戏玩家中鲜为人知,但它很快在 J-RPG 粉丝中形成了狂热的追随者。最初的游戏被赋予了带有改进图形的甜蜜圣诞主题(sweet Christmas theme with improved graphics)。这个ROM hack赢得了 2003 Hexmas Hackfest。
22. 永远的秘密:2 人版(22. Secret of Evermore: 2 Player Edition)
Evermore的秘密是Square Enix- (Square Enix- Secret)Mana的秘密系列(Mana series)的发展不佳的继任者,该系列是当时最成功的J-RPG系列之一。它没有辜负Mana的(Mana series)秘密(Secret)系列设定的期望。此外,缺乏两人支持也导致了普遍的不满。这个ROM hack试图通过允许两个玩家同时玩(allowing two players to play at the same time)来解决这个问题。
23. 超级马里奥赛车(23. Super Mario Kart)
这个 ROM hack为经典的卡丁车赛车游戏引入了(racing title)新的阶段和纹理( new stages & textures)。以柯比为特色玩家,由于这次(Kirby)ROM 破解(ROM hack),实际的游戏玩法几乎没有受到影响。它主要关注图形改进。替代路线已应用于(Alternative routes have been applied)大多数原始课程,从而为游戏增添了全新的维度。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。ROM破解如何工作?(Q1. How does ROM hack work?)
ROM hacking是通过编辑游戏 ROM 映像或 ROM 光盘(editing the game ROM image or ROM disc)来更改(altering the graphics)计算机游戏(computer game)的图形、对话、阶段、游戏玩法和/或其他功能的做法。此类编码完成后,通常会发布在Internet上供任何人下载,以便在模拟器或控制台上使用。
Q2。我可以在 3DS 上玩 ROM 黑客吗?(Q2. Can I play ROM hacks on 3DS?)
是的,在大多数情况下,您可以。由于并非所有类型的ROM(ROMs)都受支持,因此您需要闪存卡( flashcard)或破解 3DS(hacked 3DS)才能在其上播放 ROM。
Q3。什么是最好的超级马里奥世界 ROM 黑客?(Q3. What are some of the best Super Mario World ROM hacks?)
- SMW 2 玩家合作任务
- 万岁马里奥世界
- 残酷的马里奥
- 物品滥用 3
Q3。什么是马里奥黑客?(Q3. What is a Mario hack?)
超级马里奥世界 ROM(Super Mario World ROM)黑客使用与原始游戏相同的大部分机制,同时还添加和强制使用错误来推进关卡。他们的黑客以扩展人类技能的界限和利用几种帧完美技巧而闻名,否则这些技巧将涉及游戏玩法的反复试验方法(trial and error methods)。
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SNES ROM hack 是探索游戏玩家的全部潜力并测试他们的技能的好方法。我们希望您喜欢我们为读者编写的这23 个值得尝试的最佳 SNES ROM 黑客。( 23 best SNES ROM hacks worth attempting)继续在评论框中(comment box)留下您的建议和意见,以便我们鼓励改进并满足您的要求。
23 Best SNES ROM Hacks Worth Attempting
Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES is a gaming console, adored by many. Anyone who has ever played Super Mario World or The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past knows how charming the visuals, the sounds, and the feel of basic controls can be. Even after 30 years since its initial release, ardent fans and retro gamers continue to declare their support for this console. While debating on the best games and modding tools for their devices, Nintendo gamers continue to find exciting reasons to revisit the old franchise. As far as its ROM hacks are concerned, randomized dungeons, revamped sprites, and updated plots are just the tip of the iceberg. If you too are a curious gamer and want to try it out, here are the best SNES ROM hacks worth attempting.
23 Best SNES ROM Hacks Worth Attempting
What are some of the most famous SNES ROM Hacks? Read below to find out!
1. Mega Man X3 Zero Project
Many people believe that Mega Man X3 is the franchise’s last great game. However, Mega Man X4 and the following versions excel in one area: Zero as a playable character. The MMX3 Zero Project clearly allows you to play as Zero in the game. It even goes to change the dialogue for his inclusion, in order to keep the plot intact. During boss battles, the damage of his Z-Saber is often scaled to keep things fair, since hitting certain opponents with a melee assault is much better. You won’t be disappointed if you choose to check out this polished new twist on the all-time best jump-and-shoot game.
2. A Link to the Past Randomizer (ALTTP)
Link to the Past Randomizer is one of the most famous SNES ROM hacks, allowing you to run the classic TLoZ through a program. It also shuffles key object positions such as Master Sword. You can find items like Boomerang in the very first chest you open this way. Or, you can wait until you’re about to exit the last dungeon. That’s half the fun, right? The goal of the game goal shifts from beating Ganon to clearing each dungeon with the items you find, thus ensuring a unique experience each time.
Also Read: How to Hack the Chrome Dinosaur Game
3. Hyper Street Kart
There isn’t a single person who hasn’t played Mario Kart on the SNES and felt meh. It is fun-filled with thrilling tracks and the best racing game, without a doubt. Hyper Street Kart is based on this fantastic game, but it has substituted all original characters with warriors from Street Fighter franchise. It doesn’t end there; the aesthetic of the game has also been substituted by that of Capcom’s classic fighter. It also has several brand-new tracks developed by the franchise.
4. SMW2
Yoshi’s Island is undoubtedly one of the most famous games today. If you’re one of those who prefer SMW2 to the original, SMW2+ is for you. It introduces 54 additional stages to the game. Since the developer is familiar with the original game, they were able to recreate the same level of quality and sophistication as original Yoshi’s Island. Not just that, the difficulty curve is proportionate too. This is something that only a handful of hackers have been able to achieve thus far.
5. Yoshi’s Strange Quest (SMW)
Yoshi’s Strange Quest is for those who liked Yoshi in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island but, couldn’t bear the little Italian boy. Being one of the best SNES ROM Hacks, it allows you to play the lovable green dinosaur without needing to babysit. Instead, you can attempt to reclaim your lost chickens. The story is conveyed by a series of custom-cut scenes and narration that weaves together this experience in a surreal, yet humorous way. It can be a difficult game to beat. But, with patience and Yoshi’s egg-throwing skills, you are bound to enjoy the difficulty that these polished levels provide.
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6. Metroid Super Zero Mission (Super Metroid)
If you enjoyed both Super Metroid and Metroid on the SNES and GBA, this mash-up would be perfect for you. It morphs the stylistic changes that make both of these games so successful into a new highly refined experience. This hack, like any good Metroid game, encourages experimentation and offers difficult yet, fair puzzles. If you’re a seasoned player who enjoys retro games, you will get the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities every now and then. Since, it has been designed for an average person to enjoy, there’s no need to be concerned about its difficulty or technicality.
7. Return to Dinosaur Land (SMW)
SMW: Return to Dinosaur Land is a SNES ROM hack that serves as a worthy successor to SMW. You will completely forget it’s an unofficial release because of its focus on level design, rather than on altering the plot or adding fancy graphics. Ice & Water levels are among the most creative additions to the game. They change during gameplay as you progress through each level. All of these improvements have been expertly executed. It is moderately difficult, but not to the point that you have to replay each level 20 times or give up. This game is actually beatable, so it is also fair to someone who hasn’t touched a SNES controller in a long time.
8. Chrono Trigger: Prophet’s Guile
Prophet’s Guile, an expansion of the RPG classic Chrono Trigger, is one of the best available SNES ROM hacks. It follows Magus as he seizes power in the Kingdom of Zeal. After being sent back in time to 12.000 B.C., it picks up just after the first battle in the original Chrono Trigger. You’ll be able to play through events such as when he seduces the Queen or when he silences his opponents to become the great Prophet. It’s just two chapters long, but it’s a fantastic add-on to the original series. It not only significantly expands the plot but also, makes you feel better about the dark mage.
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9. Secret of Mana
Back in the day, the method of delocalizing Japanese games for international release was always haphazard. Western listeners were often treated as useless and incapable of comprehending complicated narratives. The secret of Mana was one of the casualties of censorship and lack of respect for the original content. This resulted in a poor translation, on the SNES, at least. It thus became an example of bad practices prevalent at the time. Hence, one of the best SNES ROM hacks will help resolve this issue. It improves the quality of translation and corrects flaws in the American release, including the title screen background.
We genuinely believe that no one should ever play the original game, without this fix, as a token of respect for the developers of the game.
10. Super Metroid Redesign
Super Metroid Redesign is without a doubt, one of the most iconic and well-received hacks for the retro platform. It showcases a much larger world of Zebes, filled with new secrets to discover and new obstacles to solve. With increased difficulty as its key feature, the range of this hack goes much deeper. It has introduced new objects and powers, as well as tweaked the physics of the game. Thereby, resulting in an engaging, seamless gaming environment. Give it a shot and let us know what you think!
11. Flames of Eternity
Flames of Eternity is considered to be the community’s most innovative Chrono Trigger hack to date. It attempts to reduce the distance between Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross. It has more than enough content to fill a whole new game. The time and effort that went into its development, is mind-boggling. Fresh sprites, new scenarios, there’s a lot to explore in this amazing hack. It directly places you in the command of Magus shortly after the Kingdom of Zeal falls apart. The game hasn’t been completed yet. As it is quite common in online communities, the leading developer may have disappeared.
12. FFVI: Return of the Dark Sorcerer
FFVI: Return of the Dark Sorcerer follows in the footsteps of our previous entry. This is a whole new game based on the FFVI engine and utilizes most of its resources. It has an original plot, new characters, and foes. It also introduces cameos from other franchises, such as Disgaea’s explosive penguin Prinnys. The inclusion of a new difficulty range and the ability to jog on the world map are a few noteworthy graphical improvements over the original FFVI.
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13. Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition
If you want something less radical for Final Fantasy VI, Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition is made for you. This is, without a doubt, one of the best-modified SNES ROM hacks of the game. Its initial Western release, like many other SNES games, was extensively censored and modified to appeal to a younger generation. This presumption was based on the idea that video games are just for kids. This hack blends the efforts of a number of fan translators to produce a version that is more authentic than the original translation, without any censorship. There is no need to play the original game anymore because this version addresses a lot of glitches as well.
14. Super Mario World 2
Princess Toadstool has been abducted by Bowser and is being held captive on a spaceship. Bowser plans to conquer the planet from there. Of course, Mario must go through a vast array of brand-new stages, beat Koopa King’s minions, and finally, rescue his beloved emperor. The polished nature of the title and improved graphics help set the new gameplay including wall-jumping, and multiple secrets. Get a copy to see what all the hype is about.
15. Hyper Metroid
The term Hyper signifies a higher level of intensity than Super. This is the guiding principle behind this incredible ROM hack by Samus SNES adventure. It completely changes the game, not only by adding several new obstacles to Planet Zebes but also by giving the game a much deeper plot. Hyper Metroid also has a complex weapon system that is unlike anything else used in other hacks. This works exceptionally well for fast-paced gameplay. It is a lot more difficult than the original version. Since it was created keeping a reasonable learning curve in mind, so you can try it, even if you are just a beginner.
16. Earthbound Halloween Hack
Toby Fox tried creating a hack for the iconic classic Earthbound before moving on to create the worldwide phenomenon that is Undertale. The outcome was Halloween Hack, which is widely regarded as one of the most unsettling and traumatizing SNES ROM hacks. Believe me, when I say that this is not an exaggeration. This game is twisted to the level of Silent Hill. It offers a well-crafted plot and features the first introduction of Song Megalovania.
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17. Oh No! More Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Oh No! More Zombies Ate My Neighbors is a ROM hack that introduces 55 new stages to the zombie-killing classic while retaining the charm of the original. It functions as an unofficial sequel with excellent quality. More objects, new monsters, and expanded multiplayer options help breathe new life into this game. It’s a real blast, especially if you liked the first one.
18. Parallel Remodel
This is another of the best SNES ROM hacks built on Parallel realms. The gameplay was completely overhauled in the original Parallel Worlds. It had modern graphics, a new plot, and effectively a new game. Parallel Remodel is a re-balanced version of Parallel Worlds that reduces some of it’s notorious complexity.
19. Super Ghouls n Ghosts
The original Classic is notorious for its crazy difficulty levels; often appears on the lists of the hardest games ever. By incorporating some new gameplay features, this ROM hack implicitly tackles it. Weapon collection and swapping with the L/R controls, degraded armor instead of disappearing armor, and other improvements make the game a little simpler & easier to beat.
20. Final Fantasy III – Final Fantasy IV Enhanced Edition
It is essentially a ROM hack of Final Fantasy III for gamers in USA. It’s basically a massive compilation of gameplay patches and fixes a number of glitches in the original version. There are too many modifications to mention, but if anything was broken in Final Fantasy III, this ROM hack most likely repaired it.
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21. Earthbound – The Giftman Chronicles
While this 1994 J-RPG was largely unknown among casual gamers, it quickly developed a cult following among J-RPG fans. The original game was given a sweet Christmas theme with improved graphics. This ROM hack won the 2003 Hexmas Hackfest.
22. Secret of Evermore: 2 Player Edition
The secret of Evermore was a poorly developed successor of Square Enix- Secret of Mana series, which was one of the most successful J-RPG series back in the day. It did not live up to the expectations set by the Secret of Mana series. Also, the absence of two-player support contributed to the general dissatisfaction. This ROM hack tried to fix that by allowing two players to play at the same time.
23. Super Mario Kart
This ROM hack introduces new stages & textures to the classic go-kart racing title. With Kirby as the featured player, the actual gameplay remains practically unaffected due to this ROM hack. It is majorly concerned with graphical improvements. Alternative routes have been applied to the majority of the original courses, thereby adding a whole new dimension to the game.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How does ROM hack work?
ROM hacking is the practice of altering the graphics, dialogue, stages, gameplay, and/or other features of a computer game by editing the game ROM image or ROM disc. Once such coding is completed, it is normally posted on the Internet for anyone to download to be used on an emulator or a console.
Q2. Can I play ROM hacks on 3DS?
Yes, in most cases, you can. Since not all types of ROMs are supported, you’ll need either a flashcard or a hacked 3DS before you can play ROMs on it.
Q3. What are some of the best Super Mario World ROM hacks?
- SMW 2 Player Co-Op Quest
- Banzai Mario World
- Brutal Mario
- Item Abuse 3
Q3. What is a Mario hack?
The Super Mario World ROM hacks use most of the same mechanics as the original game, while also adding and forcing the use of bugs to advance through a level. Their hackers are known for stretching the boundaries of human skills and for utilizing several frame-perfect tricks that would otherwise involve the trial and error methods of gameplay.
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SNES ROM hacks are great ways to explore the full potential of gamers and put their skills to the test. We hope you like these 23 best SNES ROM hacks worth attempting that we have compiled for our readers. Keep dropping your suggestions and opinions in the comment box so that we are encouraged to improve and cater to your requirements.