Android取得空前成功的主要原因之一是它赋予用户的自由。Android以其向用户提供的大量自定义选项而闻名。UI、图标、动画和过渡、字体,几乎所有东西都可以更改和优化,如果你愿意更进一步,那么你可以通过 root 来释放你的Android设备的全部潜力。你们中的大多数人可能会担心与之相关的并发症,但老实说,扎根Android手机非常简单。此外,考虑到您将有权获得的许多好处,这绝对是值得的。扎根你的安卓手机(Rooting your Android phone) 授予对它的完全控制权,并允许您进行开发人员级别的更改。但是,如果您仍然对此持观望态度,我们希望本文能改变您的想法。我们将讨论您应该植根 Android 手机的原因,让我们开始吧。(We are going to discuss the reasons why you should root your Android phone, so let’s get started.)
扎根Android(Android)手机的 15 个理由
1.您可以安装自定义ROM(1. You can install a Custom ROM)
除了少数提供Stock Android的品牌外,几乎所有其他OEM都有自己的自定义 UI(例如Oxygen UI、MIUI、EMUI等)。现在您可能喜欢也可能不喜欢 UI,但不幸的是,没有你可以做很多事情。当然,可以选择安装第三方启动器来修改外观,但它仍会在相同的 UI 上运行。
真正修改手机的唯一方法是在设备生根后安装自定义 ROM 。(install a Custom ROM)自定义 ROM是可以代替(Custom ROM)OEM UI(OEMs UI)安装的第三方操作系统。使用自定义 ROM(Custom ROM)有很多优点。对于初学者,您将能够使用最新版本的Android,而无需等待更新为您的模型推出。尤其是对于旧设备,Android会在一段时间后停止发送更新,而使用自定义ROM是体验(ROM)Android最新功能的唯一途径。
除此之外,自定义 ROM(Custom ROM)允许您完全自由地进行任何数量的自定义和修改。它还在包中添加了一些在您的设备上无法使用的功能。因此,植根您的设备可以享受那些您必须购买新智能手机才能获得的特殊功能。
2. 无限的定制机会(2. Limitless Customization Opportunities)
设备植根后,您可以尝试各种ROM(ROMs)、模块、自定义工具等,以彻底改变手机的外观。信不信由你,连启动动画都可以改。您还可以尝试使用GMD Gestures等应用程序,它使您能够使用 Gestures 执行诸如打开应用程序、截屏、切换Wi-Fi等操作。对于技术爱好者来说,扎根他们的设备可以解锁无限的机会来修改和自定义他们的手机. 帮助他们做到这一点的是无数免费的应用程序和程序。
3. 延长电池寿命(3. Improve your Battery Life)
这就是像Greenify这样的应用程序出现的地方。它需要 root 访问权限,一旦获得授权,它可以帮助您深度扫描和分析您的设备,以识别导致电池耗尽的应用程序和程序。在根设备上,您可以授予超级用户访问节电应用程序的权限。这将授予他们休眠您不经常使用的应用程序的能力。这样,通过限制后台进程可以节省大量电力。您会注意到,一旦您将其植根,手机的电池将持续更长的时间。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何更快地为您的 Android 手机电池充电(How to Charge your Android Phone Battery Faster)
4. 享受自动化的奇迹(4. Enjoy the Wonders of Automation)
虽然Tasker(Tasker)的某些基本操作不需要 root 访问权限,但只有在设备 root 后才能解锁应用程序的全部潜力。诸如自动切换Wi-Fi、GPS 、锁定屏幕等操作只有在(GPS)Tasker具有 root 访问权限的情况下才有可能。除此之外,Tasker还带来了其他一些有趣的自动化应用程序,高级Android用户会喜欢探索这些应用程序。例如,您可以将手机设置为在连接到汽车蓝牙(Bluetooth)时进入驾驶模式。它会自动打开您的GPS并拥有Google 助理(Google Assistant)读出你的信息。所有这一切只有在你的Android手机 root 并授予Tasker的 root 访问权限时才能实现。
5. 控制你的内核(5. Get Control over your Kernel)
一旦你 root 了你的Android手机,你就可以刷一个自定义内核,比如Elemental X 或 Franco Kernel(Elemental X or Franco Kernel),它提供了很好的自定义和修改选项。自定义内核(Kernel)赋予您很多权力和自由。您可以在玩游戏或渲染视频时超频处理器(金核)以获得更高的性能。(Gold)但是,如果您的主要目标是延长电池寿命,那么您可以降低处理器的频率以降低某些应用程序的功耗。除此之外,您还可以重新校准手机的显示屏和振动马达。所以,如果你喜欢修改Kernel的设置,那么你应该 root 你的Android马上电话。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在没有 Root 的情况下将 Android 屏幕镜像到您的 PC(How to Mirror Android Screen to your PC without Root)
6.像专业人士一样摆脱垃圾文件(6. Get rid of Junk Files like a Pro)
如果您的手机内存不足,那么您需要立即清除垃圾文件(get rid of junk files)。这些构成了旧的和未使用的应用程序数据、缓存文件、重复文件、临时文件等。现在,虽然Play 商店(Play Store)中提供了许多Cleaner 应用程序(Cleaner apps),但它们的有效性有些有限。他们中的大多数最多只能进行表面清洁。
另一方面,像SD Maid这样需要 root 访问权限的应用程序实际上能够产生重大影响。一旦授予超级用户访问权限,它将能够对您的内部和外部内存执行深度扫描,并识别所有垃圾和不需要的文件。这是进行实际深度清洁的时候,您的手机将留下大量可用空间。最好的部分是您可以将其设置为自动运行。该应用程序将继续在后台执行其工作,并确保您始终有空间存放重要内容。
7.删除英国媒体报道(7. Remove Bloatware)
Bloatware的主要问题是您可以卸载或删除它们。现在,如果您的内存很小,那么这些应用程序会阻止您正确利用内存空间。摆脱Bloatware的唯一方法是根您的Android手机。在 root 手机上,用户有权卸载或删除系统应用程序或Bloatware。
但是,您需要一些外部帮助才能摆脱Bloatware。Titanium Backup、No Bloat (Apps)Free(Bloat Free)等应用程序可帮助您摆脱系统应用程序。一旦获得 root 访问权限,这些应用程序将能够从您的手机中删除任何应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 删除预装 Bloatware Android 应用程序的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Delete Pre-installed Bloatware Android Apps)
8. 杜绝烦人的广告(8. Put an End to Annoying Ads)
在您的根设备上,安装AdAway 应用程序(AdAway app),它将帮助您阻止广告在您的手机上弹出。您可以设置强大的过滤器,从您访问的应用程序和网站中删除广告。作为超级用户,您将有权屏蔽整个广告网络并永远告别广告。此外,如果您想光顾某些应用程序或网站,您可以选择继续接收来自他们的广告。植根Android(Android)手机后,所有决定都将由您自己决定。
9. 正确备份您的数据(9. Backup your Data Properly)
尽管Android智能手机具有相当不错的备份功能,由Google和在某些情况下由OEM提供,但它无法与有根手机的广泛备份能力相提并论。Titanium Backup (需要 root 访问权限)等应用程序(Apps)可以帮助您备份手机上的每一件事。它是一个非常强大的软件,可以成功备份系统提供的备份应用程序错过的数据。
我们都知道在将数据从旧手机传输到新手机时备份的重要性。在Titanium Backup(Titanium Backup)的帮助下,您不仅可以传输应用数据、联系人等常用内容,还可以传输系统应用及其数据、消息历史记录、设置和首选项。换句话说,如果您的设备已植根,则每个字节的有用信息都可以顺利传输。
10.享受新功能(Enjoy new Features)
如果您的手机已植根,那么您可以在您的设备上安装Magisk Module 和 Xposed Framework(Magisk Module and Xposed Framework)等模块和应用程序。这些模块允许您尝试许多很酷的功能,例如多窗口、在后台播放YouTube、提高音频性能、启动管理器等。您可以探索的其他一些有趣的功能是:-
- 能够连接Play Station控制器以在您的手机上玩游戏。
- 安装您所在地区受限的应用程序。
- 通过设置虚假位置绕过网站和媒体内容的地理限制。
- 在公共Wi-Fi上建立安全且受保护的连接。
- 享受(Enjoy)高级相机功能,例如慢动作或以高 fps 录制视频,即使本机相机应用程序不支持这些功能。
11. 访问新应用程序(11. Get Access to New Apps)
根植您的Android(Android)设备的原因列表中的下一个是根植您的设备为您可以在设备上安装的数千个新应用程序铺平了道路。除了Play Store上提供的数十亿应用程序之外,还有无数其他应用程序可作为APK获得。其中一些非常酷且有趣,但仅适用于具有 root 访问权限的设备。
DriveDroid(Apps)、Disk Digger、Migrate、Substratum等应用程序(DriveDroid)为您的设备添加了更多功能。这些应用程序可帮助您管理手机上的内存空间,并帮助您在管理员级别深度清理垃圾文件。另一个让你的Android手机生根的重要动机是使用VIPER4Android。这是一款出色的工具,可让您修改设备内置扬声器以及其他外部设备(如耳机和扬声器)的音频输出。如果您喜欢调整设备的音频设置,那么这是您必备的应用程序。
对于不想获得如此技术的其他人,您可以在EmojiSwitch应用程序的帮助下随时享受新的有趣的表情符号。它允许您在设备上添加新的独家表情包。如果您的手机已植根,则可以享受仅在最新版本的 iOS 或三星(Samsung)智能手机上独家提供的表情符号。在某些情况下,您甚至可以在它们正式发布之前得到它们。
12.将非系统应用程序转换为系统应用程序(12. Convert Non-System Apps into System Apps)
借助Titanium Backup Pro(需要 root 访问权限)等应用程序,您可以将任何应用程序转换为系统应用程序。举个例子;您可以将第三方文件管理器应用程序转换为系统应用程序并替换预装的应用程序。这样,您可以授予您选择的文件管理器应用程序更多的访问权限。您还可以将自定义启动器作为默认系统应用程序,这将允许它使用集成功能,如Google 助理(Google Assistant)支持、Google Now 提要、Android Pie 的多任务 UI 等。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在没有 Root 的情况下在 Android 上隐藏应用程序的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Hide Apps on Android Without Root)
13. 获得更好的安全支持(13. Get Better Security Support)
您可以通过安装像Lineage OS和Copperhead OS这样的安全自定义(Copperhead OS)ROM来做到这一点,与现有的(ROMs)Android相比,它们具有更先进的安全协议。像这样的自定义 ROM(Custom ROMs)可以使您的设备更加安全,并保护您免受任何类型的恶意软件的侵害。除了保护您的隐私外,它们还可以更好地控制应用程序收集的数据。通过限制第三方应用程序的权限和特权,您可以确保您的数据和设备的安全。您将获得最新的安全更新,设置额外的防火墙。此外,植根您的设备可让您使用AFWall+,独特的互联网安全解决方案。它确保您访问的网站不会收集您的敏感信息。该应用程序带有一个内置的VPN安全防火墙,可以过滤来自互联网的恶意内容。
14. 阻止谷歌收集你的数据(14. Prevent Google from Collecting your Data)
但是,如果您真的关心您的隐私并且您不同意Google收集您的数据,那么对您来说最好的解决方案是根植您的Android手机。这样做可以让你完全脱离谷歌(Google)生态系统。首先,从安装不依赖谷歌(Google)服务的自定义ROM开始。(ROM)接下来,对于您的所有应用程序需求,您可以转向(Next)F-Droid(Play Store替代品)的免费开源应用程序。这些应用程序是Google应用程序的绝佳替代品,无需收集任何数据即可完成工作。
15. 尝试游戏的黑客和秘籍(15. Try Hacks and Cheats for Games)
好吧,无论您的动机是什么,在游戏中使用黑客和作弊的最简单方法就是根植您的Android手机。有几种黑客工具,例如Lucky Patche r,可让您利用游戏代码中的漏洞。您可以使用这些工具获得无限的金币、宝石、爱心或其他资源。它还允许您解锁特殊能力和力量。除此之外,所有付费的高级物品都可以免费获得。如果游戏包含广告,那么这些黑客工具和广告也可以摆脱它们。简而言之,您将完全控制游戏的重要变量和指标。植根您的设备为这些酷炫的实验铺平了道路,并显着改善了体验。
但是,我们有责任警告您,确实存在与生根相关的一些风险。(However, it is our responsibility to warn you that there is indeed some risk associated with rooting.)由于您完全有权更改系统文件,因此您需要小心一点。确保在尝试新事物之前进行适当的研究。不幸的是,存在许多恶意应用程序,如果它们被授予 root 访问权限,可能会造成严重损害。此外,如果您最终删除了一些必不可少的系统文件,总是会担心将您的设备变成砖块(完全无响应状态)。( fear of turning your device into a brick)因此,在植根设备之前,请确保您对Android软件有完整的知识并有一定的经验。
15 Reasons To Root Your Android Phone
One of the main reasons behind Android’s unparalleled success is the freedom that it grants to its users. Android is famous for the number of customization options that it presents to the users. The UI, the icons, the animations and transitіons, fonts, almost everything can be changed and optimized and if yoυ аre willing to go the extra distance, then you can unlock the full potential of your Android device by rooting it. Most of yoυ might be concerned with the complicatіons associated with it, but honestly, it is quite simple to root your Android phone. Also, it is defіnitely worth it, given the many bеnеfits that уoυ will be еntitled to. Rooting your Android phone grants complete control over it and allows you to make developer level changes. However, If you are still on the fence about it, we hope that this article changes your mind. We are going to discuss the reasons why you should root your Android phone, so let’s get started.
15 Reasons To Root Your Android Phone
1. You can install a Custom ROM
Apart from a few brands that offer Stock Android, almost every other OEM has their own custom UI (e.g., the Oxygen UI, MIUI, EMUI, etc.) Now you may or may not like the UI, but unfortunately, there isn’t much that you can do about it. Of course, there is the option to install a third-party launcher to modify the appearance, but it would still be running on the same UI.
The only way to truly modify your phone is to install a Custom ROM after rooting your device. A Custom ROM is a third-party operating system that can be installed in place of the OEMs UI. There are multiple advantages of using a Custom ROM. For starters, you will be able to use the latest version of Android without having to wait for the updates to roll out for your model. Especially for an old device, Android stops sending updates after some time, and using a custom ROM is the only way to experience the latest features of Android.
In addition to that, a Custom ROM grants you complete freedom to make any amount of customizations and modifications. It also adds several features in the bag that would not have otherwise worked on your device. Thus, rooting your device makes it possible to enjoy those special features for which you otherwise would have to purchase a new smartphone.
2. Limitless Customization Opportunities
We simply can’t stress enough the fact that if you root your Android phone, you get to customize every single thing on your phone. Starting from the overall layout, theme, animation, fonts, icons, etc., to complex system-level changes, you can customize it all. You can change the navigation buttons, customize the quick access menu, notification shade, status bar, audio settings, etc.
Once your device is rooted, you can experiment with various ROMs, modules, customization tools, etc., to completely change the appearance of your phone. Believe it or not, even the startup animation can be changed. You can also try apps like GMD Gestures, which enables you to use Gestures to perform actions like opening an app, taking a screenshot, toggle Wi-Fi, etc. For a tech aficionado rooting their device unlocks limitless opportunities to modify and customize their phone. Helping them do so are countless apps and programs available for free.
3. Improve your Battery Life
Poor battery backup is a common complaint from Android users, especially if the phone is a few years old. Although a number of battery saver apps are available, they rarely make a significant difference. This is because they don’t have a lot of control over the background processes that consume power even when the phone is idle.
This is where apps like Greenify come into the picture. It requires root access, and once granted, it helps you to deep scan and analyzes your device to identify the apps and programs responsible for draining your battery. On a rooted device, you can grant the superuser access to power saver apps. This will grant them the power to hibernate apps that you do not use frequently. This way, a lot of power can be saved by limiting background processes. You will notice that your phone’s battery will last much longer once you root it.
Also Read: How to Charge your Android Phone Battery Faster
4. Enjoy the Wonders of Automation
If you are tired of manually switching on/off the Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, switching between networks, and other similar actions, then there is a simple solution for you. Automation apps like Tasker can help to control several actions on your phone automatically when some kind of trigger is activated.
Although certain basic operations of Tasker do not require root access, the full potential of the app is unlocked only when the device is rooted. Actions like automatically toggling the Wi-Fi, GPS, locking the screen, etc., will only be possible if Tasker has root access. In addition to that, Tasker also brings several other interesting automation applications that an advanced Android user would love to explore. For example, you can set your phone to go into a driving mode when you connect to the Bluetooth of your car. It will automatically turn on your GPS and have Google Assistant read out your messages. All this will only be possible if you root your Android phone and grant root access to Tasker.
5. Get Control over your Kernel
The Kernel is the core component of your device. This is where the operating system is installed. The kernel acts as a means of communication between the hardware and the software and can be considered to be a control center for your phone. Now when the OEM manufactures a phone, it bakes their custom kernel onto your device. You have little or no control over the working of the Kernel. If you would like to adjust and tweak the settings of your Kernel, the only way to go about it is to root your device.
Once you root your Android phone, you will be able to flash a custom kernel like Elemental X or Franco Kernel, which offers great customization and modification options. A custom Kernel grants a lot of power and freedom to you. You can overclock the processor (Gold cores) to get improved performance while playing games or rendering videos. However, if your primary objective is to extend the battery life, then you can underclock the processor to decrease the power consumption of some apps. In addition to that, you can also recalibrate your phone’s display and vibration motor. So, if you love tinkering with the settings of the Kernel, then you should root your Android phone right away.
Also Read: How to Mirror Android Screen to your PC without Root
6. Get rid of Junk Files like a Pro
If your phone is running out of memory, then you need to immediately get rid of junk files. These constitute old and unused app data, cache files, duplicate files, temporary files, etc. Now, although a number of Cleaner apps are available on the Play Store, their effectiveness is somewhat limited. Most of them are only capable of performing surface cleaning at best.
On the other hand, apps like SD Maid that require root access are actually capable of making a significant difference. Once granted superuser access, it will be able to perform a deep scan of your internal and external memory and identify all the junk and unwanted files. This is when actual deep cleaning will take place, and you will be left behind with a lot of free space on your phone. The best part about it is that you can set it to run automatically. The app will continue to carry out its job in the background and make sure that you always have space for the important stuff.
7. Remove Bloatware
Every Android phone comes with a few pre-installed apps that are either added by the OEM or are a part of the Android system itself. These apps are rarely used, and all that they do is occupy space. These pre-installed apps are known as Bloatware.
The main problem with Bloatware is that you can uninstall or remove them. Now, if you have a small internal memory, then these apps prevent you from properly utilizing your memory space. The only way to get rid of Bloatware is to root your Android phone. On a rooted phone, the user has the power to uninstall or remove system apps or Bloatware.
You will, however, need some external help to get rid of Bloatware. Apps like Titanium Backup, No Bloat Free, etc., help you to get rid of system apps. Once given root access, these apps will be able to remove any app from your phone.
Also Read: 3 Ways to Delete Pre-installed Bloatware Android Apps
8. Put an End to Annoying Ads
Almost every other app that you use comes with ads. These ads are annoying and frustrating as they interrupt whatever you are doing. Apps are constantly trying to convince you to purchase the premium version of the app for an ad-free experience. Well, guess what? There is an inexpensive and free technique to remove all ads from your phone. All that you need to do is to root your Android phone.
On your rooted device, install the AdAway app and it will help you to block ads from popping up on your phone. You can set up powerful filters that remove ads from both apps and the websites that you visit. As a superuser, you will have the power to block entire advertisement networks and bid adieu to ads forever. Also, in case you ever feel like patronizing some app or website, you can choose to continue receiving ads from them. All the decisions will be yours once you root your Android phone.
9. Backup your Data Properly
Although Android smartphones come with pretty decent backup features, courtesy of Google and in some cases the OEM, it is no match for the extensive backup abilities of a rooted phone. Apps like Titanium Backup (requires root access) can help you back up every single thing on your phone. It is pretty powerful software and can successfully backup data that is otherwise missed out by system provided backup apps.
We all know how important back up is while transferring data from an old phone to a new one. With the help of Titanium Backup, you can not only transfer usual stuff like app data, contacts, etc., but also system apps and their data, message history, settings, and preferences. In other words, every single byte of useful information can be smoothly transferred if your device is rooted.
10. Enjoy new Features
If you are a tech geek and love trying new features, then you should definitely root your Android phone. When a new feature is released in the market, the mobile manufacturers reserve access to a select few newly launched models. This is nothing but a marketing strategy to get you to upgrade to a new smartphone. Well, a clever hack is to root your Android phone and then get whatever features you want on your existing phone itself. As long as it does not need additional hardware (as in the case of the in-display fingerprint scanner), you can get essentially any number of mods to experience the hottest features in the market.
If your phone is rooted, then you can install modules and apps like Magisk Module and Xposed Framework on your device. These modules allow you to try a lot of cool features like multi-window, play YouTube in the background, boost audio performance, boot manager, etc. Some of the other interesting features that you can explore are:-
- Being able to connect a Play Station controller to play games on your mobile.
- Installing apps that are restricted in your region.
- Bypassing geo-restrictions on websites and media content by setting a fake location.
- Have a secure and protected connection on a public Wi-Fi.
- Enjoy advanced camera features like slow motion or recording videos in high fps, even if the native camera app does not support these features.
Thus, if you are interested to get the most out of your device, in terms of features then there is no better way than rooting your phone.
11. Get Access to New Apps
Next up in the list of reasons to root your Android device is that rooting your device paves the way for thousands of new apps that you can install on your device. In addition to the billions of apps available on the Play Store, there are countless others available outside as an APK. Some of these are really cool and interesting but only work on devices with root access.
Apps like DriveDroid, Disk Digger, Migrate, Substratum, etc., add a lot more functionality to your device. These apps help you to manage the memory space on your phone and help in deep cleaning of junk files on an admin level. Another great incentive to root your Android phone is to use the VIPER4Android. It is a brilliant tool that lets you modify the audio output of your device’s built-in speaker and also other external devices like headphones and speakers. If you love tweaking with the audio settings of your device, then this is a must-have app for you.
For others, who do not want to get so technical, you can always enjoy new and fun emojis with the help of the EmojiSwitch app. It allows you to add new and exclusive emoji packs on your device. If you have a rooted phone, you can enjoy emojis that are only available exclusively on the latest version of iOS or Samsung smartphones. In some cases, you might be able to get your hands on them even before they are officially released.
12. Convert Non-System Apps into System Apps
Now we all know that Android gives more preference and access privileges to a system app. Therefore, the best way to make sure that any-third party app gets the most of the built-in integrated features of Android is to convert it into a system app. This is only possible on a rooted device.
With the help of apps like Titanium Backup Pro (which requires root access), you can convert any app into a system app. Take, for example; you can convert a third-party file manager app to a system app and replace the pre-installed one. This way, you can grant more access authority to the file manager app of your choice. You can also make a custom launcher as the default system app which will allow it to use integrated features like Google Assistant support, Google Now feeds, Android Pie’s multitasking UI, etc.
Another added benefit of converting normal apps into System apps is that system apps do not get removed even after a factory reset. Therefore, if you would like to make sure that a particular app and its data does not get deleted while performing a factory reset, then converting them into a system app is the smartest solution.
Also Read: 3 Ways to Hide Apps on Android Without Root
13. Get Better Security Support
One common shortcoming of the Android system is that it is not very secure. Privacy breach and data theft is a common complaint from Android users. Now, it may seem that rooting your device makes it more vulnerable as you might end up installing a malicious app. However, in reality, you can upgrade your security system by rooting your device.
You can do so by installing secure custom ROMs like Lineage OS and Copperhead OS, which have a much-advanced security protocol in comparison to the stock Android. Custom ROMs like these can make your device more secure and protect you against malware of any kind. In addition to protecting your privacy, they also provide much better control over the data collected by an app. By restricting the permissions and privileges of a third-party app, you can ensure the safety of your data and your device. You are getting the latest security updates, setting up additional firewalls. Additionally, rooting your device allows you to use apps like AFWall+, a unique internet security solution. It makes sure that the websites that you are visiting do not collect sensitive information from you. The app comes with a built-in VPN secured firewall that filters malicious content from the internet.
14. Prevent Google from Collecting your Data
You must be aware that data mining is performed by all major tech companies in one way or the other and Google is not an exception. This data is used to generate user-specific ads that subtly nudge you to purchase something or the other. Well, to be honest, this is a breach of privacy. It isn’t fair that third-party companies have access to our search history, messages, conversations, activity logs, etc. However, most people have started to accept this. After all, this can be considered as the price one has to pay for all the free services from Google and its apps.
However, if you are really concerned with your privacy and you are not okay with Google collecting your data, then the best solution for you is to root your Android phone. Doing so will allow you to completely escape the Google ecosystem. Firstly, start off with installing a custom ROM that does not depend on Google services. Next up, for all your app needs you can turn to free open source apps from F-Droid (Play Store alternative). These apps are great alternatives to Google apps and get the job done without collecting any data.
15. Try Hacks and Cheats for Games
Although, using cheats and hacks while playing a game usually frowns upon there are certain instances where it is ethically okay. Now, online multiplayer games are a strict no. It wouldn’t be fair to the other players of the game if you take undue advantage. However, in the case of a single offline player, you are allowed to have a little fun. In fact, certain games deserved to be hacked for making it extremely difficult to progress through the game without making microtransactions.
Well, whatever be your incentive, the easiest way to use hacks and cheats in a game is to root your Android phone. There are several hacking tools like Lucky Patcher which allow you to exploit the loopholes in the game’s code. You can use these tools to get unlimited coins, gems, hearts, or other resources. It also allows you to unlock special abilities and powers. In addition to that, all paid premium items can be acquired for free. In case the game contains ads, then these hacking tools and ads can get rid of them too. In short, you will have complete control over the important variables and metrics of the game. Rooting your device paves the way for these cool experiments and significantly improves the experience.
With that, we come to the end of this article. We hope that you find this information helpful. Rooting your Android device is a great way to get complete control over your device. You can literally modify every single aspect of your phone after rooting, starting from simple things like font and emojis to kernel-level changes like overclocking and underclocking the CPU cores.
However, it is our responsibility to warn you that there is indeed some risk associated with rooting. Since you get complete power to make changes to the system files, you need to be a little careful. Make sure to research properly before trying something new. Unfortunately, there exist a lot of malicious apps that might cause serious damage if they are given root access. Additionally, there is always the fear of turning your device into a brick (completely unresponsive state) if you end up deleting some indispensable system file. Therefore, make sure that you have complete knowledge and have some experience with the Android software before rooting your device.