(Mojang Studios)Mojang (Minecraft)Studios于2011年11 月(November 2011)发布了《我的世界》,很快就大获成功。每月约有 9100 万玩家登录游戏,与其他网络游戏相比,这是最大的玩家数量。它支持 macOS、Windows、iOS 和Android设备以及Xbox和PlayStation。但是,很多玩家都报告了错误:无法写入核心转储。默认情况下,在 Windows 的客户端版本上不启用小型转储(Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows)。阅读我们的指南以了解如何修复Minecraft 错误(Minecraft Error)无法在Windows 10上(Windows 10)写入核心转储(Write Core Dump)个人电脑。此外,本文还将帮助您了解如何在Windows 10上启用(Windows 10)Minidumps。
如何修复 Minecraft 错误无法在 Windows 10 上写入核心转储(How to Fix Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10)
过时(Outdated Drivers: )的驱动程序:如果系统驱动程序过时或与游戏启动器不兼容,您可能会遇到无法(Failed)写入核心转储 Minecraft错误。(Core Dump Minecraft)
Corrupt/Missing AMD Software Files:您可能会遇到Failed to write core dump。(Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows)由于AMD(AMD)软件安装程序中的文件损坏,Windows 错误的客户端版本上默认未启用 Minidumps 。
干扰第三方防病毒软件:(Interference with third-party Antivirus:)阻止游戏的重要功能并造成麻烦。
过时的 Windows 操作系统:(Outdated Windows Operating System: )这也可能触发此问题。
NVIDIA VSync & Triple Buffering Settings:如果未启用,当前显卡(Graphics)设置将不支持这些功能,并导致无法(Failed)写入核心转储(Core Dump)问题。
Java 文件未更新:(Java Files Not Updated:) Minecraft基于Java编程。因此,当Java文件没有根据游戏启动器更新时,这些将导致Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10。
丢失或损坏的转储文件(Missing or Corrupt Dump File):转储文件维护与任何崩溃相对应的数据的数字记录。如果您的系统缺少转储文件,则写入核心转储失败的可能性更高。(Failed)默认情况下,在发生Windows错误的客户端版本上未启用小型转储。
在本节中,我们根据用户的方便性整理并安排了所有可能的解决方案来修复Minecraft login Error Failed to Write Core Dump 。
Method 1: Update/Reinstall Graphics Card Driver
方法 1A:更新驱动程序(Method 1A: Update your Drivers)
1. 按Windows + X 键(keys)并选择设备管理器(Device Manager),如图所示。
2. 双击显示适配器(Display adapters) 将其展开。
3. 现在,右键单击您的视频卡驱动程序( video card driver) ,然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver),如突出显示的那样。
4. 接下来,单击浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers )以手动查找并安装驱动程序。
5. 点击Browse...选择Minecraft安装目录。然后,单击下一步(Next)。
6A。 如果未更新驱动程序,驱动程序将更新到最新版本。(updated to the latest version)
6B。如果它们已处于更新阶段,则屏幕显示,Windows已确定已安装此设备的最佳驱动程序。Windows Update或设备制造商的网站上可能有更好的驱动程序。
7. 单击关闭(Close )按钮退出窗口。
方法 1B:重新安装显示驱动程序(Method 1B: Reinstall Display Drivers)
1.使用上述步骤启动设备管理器(Device Manager )并展开显示适配器。( Display adapters )
2. 现在,右键单击显卡驱动程序(video card driver)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
3. 现在,屏幕上将显示警告提示。选中删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)复选框,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)。
4. 通过制造商网站如NVIDIA 下载并安装驱动程序。(NVIDIA.)
5. 然后,按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)完成安装并运行可执行文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复在 Windows 10 上未检测到显卡(Fix Graphics Card Not Detected on Windows 10)
方法2:更新Java(Method 2: Update Java)
当您使用最新版本的Minecraft Error Game Launcher而(Minecraft Error Game Launcher)Java文件已过时时,会出现重大冲突。这可能会导致Minecraft 错误无法写入核心转储。默认情况下,在 Windows 的客户端版本上不启用小型转储(Minecraft error Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows)。唯一的解决方案是更新与启动器相关的Java文件。
1.通过在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows Search bar)搜索来启动配置 Java(Configure Java)应用程序,如图所示。
2. 切换到Java 控制面板(Java Control Panel)窗口中的更新选项卡。(Update tab)
3. 勾选自动检查更新(Check for Updates Automatically)选项旁边的框。
4. 从通知我(Notify Me)下拉列表中,选择下载前(Before Downloading)选项,如图所示。
5. 接下来,单击上图中突出显示的立即更新按钮。(Update Now)
6. 如果有新版本的Java可用,请下载并安装(download and install)它。
7. 允许Java Updater对您的计算机进行更改。
8. 按照屏幕上的提示(on-screen prompts)完成该过程。
方法 3:更新 Windows(Method 3: Update Windows)
如果当前的Windows版本错误或与游戏不兼容,您可能会遇到Minecraft错误Failed to write core dump on Windows 10。在这种情况下,您可以执行Windows更新,如下所述。
1. 单击左下角的开始图标,然后选择(Start )设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,点击更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 单击Windows 更新(Windows Update ),然后单击检查更新。(Check for Updates.)
4A。如果您的系统有更新待定,请按照屏幕上的说明下载并安装更新。(download and install the update. )
4B。如果系统已经在更新版本中,则会显示以下消息:You're up to date
5. 更新后重新启动系统并启动Minecraft以验证Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump是否已解决。
注意:或者,您可以使用(Note: )系统还原(System Restore)过程将 Windows 更新回滚到以前的版本。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何禁用或卸载 NVIDIA GeForce Experience(How to Disable or Uninstall NVIDIA GeForce Experience)
方法 4:启用 VSync 和三重缓冲(适用于 NVIDIA 用户)(Method 4: Enable VSync and Triple Buffering (For NVIDIA Users))
游戏的帧速率通过名为VSync(VSync.)的功能与系统的刷新率同步。用于为Minecraft等重度游戏提供不间断的游戏服务。此外,您还可以借助三重缓冲功能提高帧速率。(Triple Buffering feature.)以下是通过启用两者来修复Minecraft 错误(Minecraft Error)无法在Windows 10上(Windows 10)写入核心转储的方法:(Write Core Dump)
1. 右键单击桌面上的空白区域,然后单击NVIDIA 控制面板(NVIDIA Control Panel ),如下图所示。
2. 现在,导航到左窗格并单击管理 3D 设置。(Manage 3D settings.)
3. 在这里,切换到程序设置(Program Settings )选项卡。
4. 点击添加(Add),如图所示。
5. 然后,单击Browse...,如突出显示的那样。
6. 现在,转到Java 安装文件夹(Java installation folder)并单击javaw.exe文件。选择打开(Open)。
C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/ OR C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre7/bin/
7. 现在,等待加载Java文件。然后,单击垂直同步。(Vertical Sync.)
8. 在这里,将设置从Off 更改为 On(Off to On),如下图所示。
9. 对三重缓冲选项(Triple Buffering option)也重复步骤 6-7。
10. 最后,单击应用(Apply )保存更改并退出屏幕。
方法 5:创建转储文件(Method 5: Create a Dump File)
转储文件(Dump file)中的数据告诉您崩溃时正在使用的程序和应用程序。(time of the crash.)这些文件由Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)和崩溃的应用程序自动创建。但是,它们也可以由用户手动创建。如果您系统中的转储文件丢失或损坏,您将面临无法(Failed)写入核心转储。默认情况下,在Windows(Windows)问题的客户端版本上未启用小型转储。(Minidumps)以下是如何通过创建转储文件在Windows 10上启用(Windows 10)Minidumps ,如下所示:(Minidumps)
1. 通过右键单击任务栏中的空白区域并选择它来启动任务(Taskbar)管理器(Task Manager),如突出显示的那样。
2. 在这里,在Processes选项卡中搜索Java(TM) Platform SE Binary 。
3. 右键单击它并选择Create dump file,如图所示。
4. 只需等待(wait)您的系统创建转储文件并启动(launch )Minecraft,因为这将修复Minecraft 错误(Minecraft Error) 无法在您的系统上写入核心转储。(Failed to Write Core Dump )
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 AMD 错误 Windows 找不到 Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe(Fix AMD Error Windows Cannot Find Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe)
方法 6:重新安装 AMD Catalyst Utility(适用于 AMD 用户)(Method 6: Reinstall AMD Catalyst Utility (For AMD Users))
如果AMD安装不完整或不正确,将导致Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10问题。您可以通过重新安装AMD(AMD)催化剂实用程序来修复此错误,如下所示:
1.通过搜索菜单启动控制面板。(Control Panel)
2. 将查看方式调整为View by > Small icons,然后单击程序和功能。(Programs and Features.)
3.程序和功能(Programs and Features )实用程序将出现。在这里,搜索AMD Catalyst。
4. 现在,单击AMD Catalyst并选择卸载(Uninstall )选项。
5. 确认询问是否确实要卸载 AMD Catalyst 的提示?(Are you sure want to uninstall AMD Catalyst?)在提示中单击是。
6、最后重启(Restart )电脑,实现卸载。
7.下载适用于 Windows 10(Download AMD driver for Windows 10) 32 位或 64 位的 AMD 驱动程序,视情况而定。
8.等待(Wait)下载完成。然后,转到文件资源管理器中的我的下载(My downloads )。
9. 双击下载的文件(downloaded file)将其打开,然后单击安装(Install)。
10. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)完成安装过程。
重新启动(Reboot)您的Windows 10系统并运行游戏。无法写入核心转储(ailed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows) 。默认情况下,Windows Minecraft(Minecraft)的客户端版本上未启用 Minidumps错误现在应该得到纠正。
专业提示:(Pro Tip:)您还可以通过为Minecraft分配额外的(Minecraft)RAM来解决游戏中断问题。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复(fix) Minecraft 错误无法写入核心转储。(Minecraft error Failed to write core dump. )默认情况下,在Windows的客户端版本上不启用小型转储。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump
Mojang Studios relеased Minecraft in November 2011, and it became a success soon after. Every month about ninety-one million plaуers log into the gamе, which is the largest plауer count compared to other online games. It supports macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android devices along with Xbox and PlayStation. However, many gamers have reported the error: Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows. Read our guide to learn how to fix Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10 PC. Moreover, this article will also help with how to enable Minidumps on Windows 10.
How to Fix Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10
Let us first understand the reasons for this error and then, proceed to the solutions to fix it.
Outdated Drivers: You might face Failed to Write Core Dump Minecraft error if the system drivers are either outdated or incompatible with the game launcher.
Corrupt/Missing AMD Software Files: You might encounter Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows error due to corrupt files in the AMD software installation program.
Interference with third-party Antivirus: blocks vital functionality of the game and causes troubles.
Outdated Windows Operating System: This might also trigger this issue.
NVIDIA VSync & Triple Buffering Settings: If not enabled, current Graphics card settings will not support these features, and result in Failed to Write Core Dump issue.
Java Files Not Updated: Minecraft is based on Java programming. So, when Java files are not updated according to the game launcher, these will cause Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10.
Missing or Corrupt Dump File: A dump file maintains a digital record of data corresponding to any crash. If your system lacks a dump file, then there are higher chances of Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows error occurring.
In this section, we have compiled and arranged all possible solutions to fix Minecraft login Error Failed to Write Core Dump according to user convenience.
Method 1: Update/Reinstall Graphics Card Driver
Update the graphics drivers or reinstall your video card drivers, with relevance to the launcher to avoid this issue.
Method 1A: Update your Drivers
1. Press the Windows + X keys and select Device Manager, as shown.
2. Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Now, right-click on your video card driver and click on Update driver, as highlighted.
4. Next, click on Browse my computer for drivers to locate and install a driver manually.
5. Click on Browse… to choose the Minecraft installation directory. Then, click Next.
6A. The drivers will be updated to the latest version if they are not updated.
6B. If they are already in an updated stage, the screen displays, Windows has determined that the best driver for this device is already installed. There may be better drivers on Windows Update or on the device manufacturer’s website.
7. Click on the Close button to exit the window.
Method 1B: Reinstall Display Drivers
1. Launch Device Manager and expand Display adapters using the steps mentioned above.
2. Now, right-click on the video card driver and select Uninstall device.
3. Now, a warning prompt will be displayed on the screen. Check the box Delete the driver software for this device and click Uninstall.
4. Download and install the drivers through the manufacturer website e.g. NVIDIA.
5. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation and run the executable.
Note: When installing a new video card driver on your device, your system may reboot several times.
Also Read: Fix Graphics Card Not Detected on Windows 10
Method 2: Update Java
A significant conflict arises when you use Minecraft Error Game Launcher in its latest version while Java files are outdated. This may lead to Minecraft error Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows. The only solution is to update the Java files with relevance to the launcher.
1. Launch Configure Java app by searching for it in the Windows Search bar, as shown.
2. Switch to the Update tab in the Java Control Panel window.
3. Tick the box next to the Check for Updates Automatically option.
4. From the Notify Me drop-down, select the Before Downloading option, as depicted.
Here onwards, Java will automatically look for updates and will notify you before downloading those.
5. Next, click on the Update Now button, as highlighted in the pic above.
6. If a new version of Java is available, download and install it.
7. Allow Java Updater to make changes to your computer.
8. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the process.
Method 3: Update Windows
If the current Windows version is erroneous or incompatible with the game, you may face Minecraft error Failed to write core dump on Windows 10. In this case, you can perform a Windows update, as explained below.
1. Click on the Start icon at the bottom left corner and select Settings.
2. Here, click on Update & Security, as shown.
3. Click on Windows Update and then, Check for Updates.
4A. If your system has an update pending, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the update.
4B. If the system is already in the updated version, the following message is displayed: You’re up to date
5. Restart your system after the update and launch Minecraft to verify if Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump is resolved.
Note: Alternately, you can roll back your Windows update to previous versions by using the System Restore process.
Also Read: How to Disable or Uninstall NVIDIA GeForce Experience
Method 4: Enable VSync and Triple Buffering (For NVIDIA Users)
The frame rate of a game is synchronized to the refresh rate of the system by a feature named VSync. It is used to provide uninterrupted gameplay service for heavy games like Minecraft. In addition, you can also increase the frame rate with the help of the Triple Buffering feature. Here’s how to fix Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10 by enabling both:
1. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and click on NVIDIA Control Panel as depicted below.
2. Now, navigate to the left pane and click on Manage 3D settings.
3. Here, switch to the Program Settings tab.
4. Click on Add, as shown.
5. Then, click on Browse…, as highlighted.
6. Now, go to the Java installation folder and click on the javaw.exe file. Select Open.
Note: Use the given default location to find the above Java executable file:
C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/ OR C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre7/bin/
7. Now, wait for the Java file to be loaded. Then, click Vertical Sync.
8. Here, change the setting from Off to On, as illustrated below.
9. Repeat Steps 6-7 for the Triple Buffering option, as well.
10. Finally, click on Apply to save the changes and exit the screen.
Method 5: Create a Dump File
The data in the Dump file tells you about the programs and applications that were in use, at the time of the crash. These files are created automatically by Windows OS and applications that have crashed. However, they can also be created by the user manually. If the dump file in your system is missing or corrupt, you will face Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of the Windows issues. Here’s how to enable Minidumps on Windows 10 by creating a dump file as instructed below:
1. Launch Task Manager by right-clicking on empty space in the Taskbar and selecting it, as highlighted.
2. Here, search for Java(TM) Platform SE Binary in the Processes tab.
3. Right-click on it and select Create dump file, as shown.
4. Just, wait for your system to create a dump file and launch Minecraft as this would fix Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on your system.
Also Read: Fix AMD Error Windows Cannot Find Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe
Method 6: Reinstall AMD Catalyst Utility (For AMD Users)
If AMD installation was incomplete or done incorrectly, it will cause Minecraft Error Failed to Write Core Dump on Windows 10 problem. You can fix this error by reinstalling the AMD catalyst utility as follows:
1. Launch the Control Panel through the search menu.
2. Adjust viewing mode as View by > Small icons and click on Programs and Features.
3. The Programs and Features utility will appear. Here, search for AMD Catalyst.
4. Now, click on AMD Catalyst and select Uninstall option.
5. Confirm the prompt asking Are you sure want to uninstall AMD Catalyst? by clicking Yes in the prompt.
6. Finally, Restart the computer to implement the uninstallation.
7. Download AMD driver for Windows 10, 32-bit or 64-bit, as the case may be.
8. Wait for the download to be completed. Then, go to My downloads in the File Explorer.
9. Double-click on the downloaded file to open it and click Install.
10. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
Reboot your Windows 10 system and run the game. Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows Minecraft error should be rectified by now.
Pro Tip: You can also resolve game interruptions by allotting additional RAM to Minecraft.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix Minecraft error Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.