Instagram是最热门的社交媒体平台之一,其受欢迎程度与日俱增。不同年龄段和各行各业的人们都有效地利用这个应用程序来创造性地表达自己,并利用它的潜力来发展繁荣的业务。该应用程序以其极其用户友好的界面和干净的布局而闻名,使访问其所有功能变得轻而易举。用户可以关注他们的熟人、朋友和家人,随时了解彼此的生活。几乎(Almost)所有领先品牌,包括新闻页面、娱乐页面、电影明星等名人、体育名人,以及基本上拥有大量追随者的任何人,都在Instagram 上拥有帐户(Instagram). 他们利用它与粉丝和祝福者保持联系。重要(Important)的商业企业还确保他们拥有稳固的社交媒体存在并投资于Instagram所提供的好处。
既然我们已经看到了Instagram的潜力,我们还可以看看应用程序中存在的多种功能。用户通常可以共享多种媒体形式,包括图像、视频、IGTV、卷轴(IGTV, reels)等。所有这些通常直接在个人资料上共享。除非用户选择存档或删除特定帖子,否则用户的提要将以永久方式显示所有这些媒体。
但是,有时我们会面临需要在我们的个人资料上临时发布一些内容。例如,您可能想祝您的朋友或熟人过生日。或者您可能想在不久的将来就某些事件发布一个简短的公告。所有这些情况都需要一种临时的方式,我们可以通过这种方式与我们的追随者联系,并以详细和具体的方式通知他们。出于此目的,在您的提要上发布图片或视频是不必要的,因为它很快就会失去相关性。Instagram 的故事(Story)功能将是帮助用户解决此问题的最佳选择。这是一项独特的功能,使用户能够发布简短的、消失的媒体形式,这些形式将在 24 小时后从您的个人资料中过期。用户可以在他们的提要顶部查看每个人的故事。
2017 年,Instagram推出了另一项名为“亮点”的新功能。(‘Highlights.’)这使用户能够在他们的个人资料上永久显示他们最重要的故事。类似类型的故事可以根据类别进行分组并具体命名。用户还可以为其亮点添加自定义封面。这将帮助您根据故事的重要性和偏好来区分故事,并使您更容易决定哪些故事应该保留在您的个人资料中,哪些故事在到期后将不再相关。
但是, “ (‘)Instagram Stories ”中有一些有趣的功能,该平台的大多数用户都不知道。其中之一是知道如何将多张照片添加到 Instagram 故事(how to add multiple photos to the Instagram story)中。(. )这是一个相对简单且非常有效的方面。强烈建议所有用户充分利用此功能,因为它有很多好处。让我们看看如何将多张照片添加到一个Instagram故事中。
如何将多张照片(Multiple Photos)添加到一个Instagram 故事中(Instagram Story)
让我们看一下有关此主题的一些最常见问题,并了解如何在 Instagram 故事中放置多张图片。(how to put multiple pictures on Instagram story. )
Instagram 上可以添加多少故事?(How many stories can be added on Instagram?)
这是Instagram 上(Instagram)大多数人都不知道的另一个事实。Instagram允许用户在 24 小时内分享 100 个故事。这是一个非常庞大的数字,并提供了很多范围。但是,我们不要使用此功能在我们的故事中不必要地发送垃圾邮件,这一点也很重要。这就是将多张照片添加到一个Instagram故事的功能可以派上用场的地方。
如何一次将多张图片添加到 Instagram 快拍?(How to add multiple pictures to Instagram stories at once?)
了解在您的故事中一次发布多张图片/视频所涉及的步骤非常重要,因为它可以节省大量不必要的时间浪费。除了学习(Apart from learning )如何在 Instagram 故事中放置多张图片之外(how to put multiple pictures on the Instagram story),这种方法也非常关键,如果用户精通这一点,它肯定会对用户有所帮助。
1. 打开 Instagram 并点击左侧提要顶部的“您的故事”选项。(‘Your Story’)
2. 点击它后,将打开另一个选项卡。在这里,您将找到两个选项,分别是Add To Your Story和Edit Close Friends List。点击前一个选项以进一步进行。
3. 现在,按屏幕左下角的图库图标打开相机胶卷并选择所需的媒体。(Gallery icon)
4. 这将打开您设备的图库(Gallery )。您会在页面右侧找到一个图标,该图标( You will find an icon on the right side of the page )是多张图片的符号(symbol for multiple pictures)。点击它以打开图像部分。
5. 接下来,选择(select the pictures)要添加到故事中的图片。
6. 选择过程结束后,点击“下一步”(Next)按钮查看将在您的个人资料中显示的各个故事的预览。
7. 现在,您将查看两个选项,即您的故事(Your Story)和亲密朋友(Close Friends)。通过希望您想要分享您的故事来选择选项,然后按旁边的“分享”按钮。(Share)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何查看私人 Instagram 帐户(How To View A Private Instagram Account)
为什么要将多张图片放在一个故事中?(Why should you put multiple Pictures in one story?)
另一个常见的问题是为什么你应该将多张图片添加在一起而不是发布单独的故事。您可以选择在一个故事中发布大量图片的主要原因之一是增加了审美方面。当多张图片放在一个故事中时,观众的注意力会得到更大的提升。 (When several pictures are put together in a single story, the viewers’ attention is drawn on an improved scale. )
由于大多数观众会因不必要的垃圾邮件而感到烦躁,因此最好减少单个故事的数量并尝试在单个故事中包含尽可能多的元素,而不会使其看起来马虎或拥挤。观众观看您的故事所花费的时间也大大减少,从而使他们在不失去兴趣的情况下保持对您的内容的兴趣。常见的统计数据表明,如果故事不够有趣,大多数用户往往会在仅仅 4-5 个故事之后失去兴趣。如果您的故事列表中稍后有出色的内容,那么目标受众很可能从未真正访问过它。因此(Hence),学习如何在Instagram故事中放置多张图片至关重要。
将多张照片添加到您的 Instagram 故事的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Add Multiple Photos to Your Instagram Story)
方法一:使用贴纸(Method 1: Using Stickers)
让我们看一个对 iOS 和Android都非常有效的简单方法。此解决方案使用“故事(Stories )”选项卡中提供的“贴纸”(‘Stickers’ )选项。除了解决如何将多张照片添加到 Instagram 故事中的问题外,这种方法使您的故事更具吸引力和趣味性。(how to add multiple photos to an Instagram story. )
1. 打开Instagram应用程序,然后点击位于您的提要左上角的“您的故事”选项。(‘Your Story’ )
2. 现在点击显示的“添加到您的故事”(Add To Your Story’)选项。
3. 按下屏幕左下方的图库图标。(Gallery icon)
4. 选择您希望保留的图片作为故事的主要图片。现在按下“贴纸”(‘Stickers’)选项。
5. 反过来,这将打开Instagram必须提供的贴纸列表。您将能够查看带有相机( Camera)的符号。点击它。
6. 现在,您可以在现场点击另一张图片,并将其叠加( tap another picture on the spot and superpose it)在用户从图库中选择的现有图片上。您可以通过添加框架等方式随意编辑它。
这是您可以将多张照片添加到一个 Instagram 故事的第一种方法。(add multiple photos to one Instagram story.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Instagram 音乐不起作用(How To Fix Instagram Music Not Working)
方法 2:使用布局选项(Method 2: Using The Layout Option)
这是另一种适用于 iOS 和Android的方法,因为它是(Android)Instagram故事功能中的内置设置。您可以使用布局(Layout)工具将多张图片组合在一起并将其发布为一个故事。还有一个单独的布局(Layout)应用程序可以用来完成这项工作。但是,内置工具也足以完成所需的步骤。
1. 打开Instagram并导航到Stories选项。
2. 您将在“故事”(‘Story’)部分的左侧查看多个选项。点击类似于照片拼贴的符号。这是Layout的符号。
3. 现在,您将在屏幕上查看类似网格的格式。在屏幕的左下方,您将看到一个蓝色圆圈内的+ symbol继续点击它以从您的相机胶卷中为布局添加图片(Keep tapping on it to add pictures for the layout from your camera roll)。您甚至可以点击实时图片并将其包括在内。该应用程序还将向用户指示可以通过屏幕中心的圆圈进一步添加的剩余照片数量。
4.圆圈会自动填满(The circle will automatically get filled up),按钮上会出现一个勾号(tick mark),表示不能再添加图片。
按照此方法,您最多可以在一个故事中添加四个图像。我们已经研究了如何将多张照片添加到 Instagram 故事的问题的另一种解决方案。 (how to add multiple photos to the Instagram story. )
方法 3:使用第三方应用程序(Method 3: Using Third-Party Applications)
如果您希望将多张照片添加到一个 Instagram 故事中,您可以利用(add multiple photos to one Instagram story)Play 商店(Play Store)中提供的众多第三方应用程序,其中包括照片拼贴制作工具(photo collage makers)等。我们希望在这里讨论的一个特定应用程序是Mojo。此应用程序是专门为Instagram故事定制的。它可以帮助平台的用户创建具有美感和吸引力的故事,使它们更加生动并吸引关注者的注意力。
1.在您的手机上从Play 商店安装(Play Store)Mojo 应用程序(Mojo application)。
2. 在这里,您可以查看多种模板样式。选择(Pick)其中任何一个并使用它们来提高故事的质量。
3.您可以使用模板在Instagram故事中放置多张图片(put multiple pictures on Instagram story)。
除此之外,另一个名为SwiftKey 键盘(SwiftKey keyboard)的第三方应用程序也可用于将大量图片合并到一个故事中。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够 将多张照片添加到 Instagram 故事(add multiple photos to an Instagram story)中。有不同的方法可以解决,用户可以选择最适合自己喜好的方法。所有这些方法都非常用户友好,并且可以非常方便地使用。
How To Add Multiple Photos To One Instagram Story?
Inѕtagram iѕ one of the hottest socіal mediа platforms, and its popularity is sky-rocketing with every passing dаy. People of different age groups and from all walkѕ of life make effective use of this application to еxpress themselvеs creatively and use its potential to dеvelop flourishing businesses as wеll. The application is renownеd for its extremely user-friendly interface and clean lаyout, making it a breeze to access all of its features. Users can follow their acquаintancеs, friends, and family to stаy updated wіth each other’s liνes always. Almost all leading brands, including news pаges, entertainment pages, celebritіes such as movie stars, sports рersonalities, and basically anyone with a good follower count, has an accoυnt on Instagram. They make usе of it to stay conneсted with their fans and well-wishers. Important business ventures also make sure that they have a solid social media presence and invеst in the benefits Instagram has to offer.
Now that we have seen the kind of potential Instagram has let us also take a look at the multiple features that are present in the application. Users can generally share several forms of media that include images, videos, IGTV, reels, and so on. All of these are typically shared on one’s profile directly. The user’s feed will feature all of these media in a permanent manner unless the user chooses to archive or delete the particular post.
However, sometimes we will be faced with the need to post something on our profile for a temporary span of time. For example, you might want to wish your friends or acquaintances for their birthday. Or you might want to make a brief announcement regarding some event in the near future. All of these instances call for a temporary way in which we can connect with our followers and inform them in a detailed and specific way. Posting a picture or a video on your feed will be unnecessary for this purpose as it will lose relevance soon after. Instagram’s Story feature will be the best option to help the user with this issue. It is a unique feature that enables the user to post short, disappearing forms of media that will expire from your profile after a duration of 24 hours. The user can view everyone’s stories at the top of their feed.
In 2017, Instagram rolled out another new feature called ‘Highlights.’ This enabled users to display their most important stories on their profile permanently. Similar types of stories can be grouped according to category and specifically named. Users can also add customized covers for their highlights. This will help you to segregate your stories based upon their importance and your preferences and make it easier for you to decide which stories should stay on your profile and which stories will cease to be relevant after their expiry.
However, there are some interesting features in ‘Instagram Stories’ that most users of the platform are not aware of. One of them is knowing how to add multiple photos to the Instagram story. This is a relatively simple and really effective aspect that is available. It is highly recommended that all users make optimum use of this feature as it has numerous benefits. Let us see how to add multiple photos to one Instagram story.
How To Add Multiple Photos To One Instagram Story
Let us look at some of the most frequently asked questions with regard to this topic and see how to put multiple pictures on Instagram story.
How many stories can be added on Instagram?
This is another fact that is unknown to most people on Instagram. Instagram allows a user to share 100 stories in a 24-hour time span. It is a really huge number and offers a lot of scopes. However, it is also crucial that we do not spam unnecessarily on our Stories using this feature. This is where the ability to add multiple photos to one Instagram story can come in handy.
How to add multiple pictures to Instagram stories at once?
It is essential to be aware of the steps involved in posting several pictures/videos at once in your stories, as it can save a lot of unnecessary time wastage. Apart from learning how to put multiple pictures on the Instagram story, this method is also really crucial, and it will definitely help the user if they are well-versed in this.
1. Open Instagram and tap on the ‘Your Story’ option that is located at the top of your feed on the left side.
2. Upon tapping it, another tab will open. Here you will find two options that state Add To Your Story and Edit Close Friends List. Tap on the former option to proceed further.
3. Now, press on the Gallery icon at the bottom-left of the screen to open your camera roll and select the required media.
4. This will open the Gallery of your device. You will find an icon on the right side of the page that is the symbol for multiple pictures. Tap on it to open the images section.
5. Next, select the pictures that you wish to add to your story.
6. After the selection process, tap on the Next button to view a preview of the individual stories that will go on your profile.
7. Now, you will view two options, which are Your Story and Close Friends. Select the option through wish you want to share your stories and press on the Share button next to it.
By following these steps, you can easily share multiple stories at the same time without having to do the same actions repeatedly for every individual story.
Also Read: How To View A Private Instagram Account
Why should you put multiple Pictures in one story?
Another common query that will arise is why you should add multiple pictures together instead of posting separate stories. One of the main reasons why you can opt to post numerous pictures in a single story is due to the added aesthetic aspect. When several pictures are put together in a single story, the viewers’ attention is drawn on an improved scale.
Since most viewers will get irritated due to unnecessary spamming, it is good to reduce the number of individual stories and try to incorporate as many elements as possible in a single-story without making it look sloppy or congested. The time which the viewer has to spend to look at your stories is also significantly cut down, thereby keeping them hooked on to your content without losing interest. Common statistics show that most users tend to lose interest after a mere 4-5 individual stories if they are not interesting enough. In case you have excellent content that is positioned later in your stories list, then there are high chances that the target audience never actually access it. Hence, it is vital to learn how to put multiple pictures on Instagram story.
3 Ways to Add Multiple Photos to Your Instagram Story
Method 1: Using Stickers
Let us take a look at a simple approach that works absolutely well for both iOS and Android. This solution makes use of the ‘Stickers’ option that is available in the Stories tab. This method makes your stories more engaging and interesting to look at, apart from solving the query of how to add multiple photos to an Instagram story.
1. Open the Instagram application and press on the ‘Your Story’ option that is located at the top left corner of your feed.
2. Now tap on the ‘Add To Your Story’ option that is displayed.
3. Press on the Gallery icon that is present at the bottom-left of the screen.
4. Select a picture that you wish to keep as the main picture on your story. Now press on the ‘Stickers’ option.
5. This will, in turn, open the list of stickers that Instagram has to offer. You will be able to view a symbol with a Camera on it. Tap on it.
6. Now, you can tap another picture on the spot and superpose it on the existing image that the user chose from the gallery. You can edit it however you like, by adding frames and so on.
7. You can even upload videos through this process. The user can include as many different new media upon the picture selected from the gallery earlier.
This is the first method via which you can add multiple photos to one Instagram story.
Also Read: How To Fix Instagram Music Not Working
Method 2: Using The Layout Option
This is yet another approach that works on both iOS and Android as it is a built-in setting in the Instagram stories features. You can use the Layout tool to combine multiple pictures together and post it as a single story. There is a separate Layout application as well that can be used to do the job. However, the built-in tool will suffice to do the required steps as well.
1. Open Instagram and navigate to the Stories option.
2. You will view multiple options on the left side of the ‘Story’ section. Tap on the symbol that resembles a photo collage. This is the symbol of Layout.
3. Now, you will view a grid-like format on your screen. At the bottom left of the screen, you will view a + symbol inside a blue circle. Keep tapping on it to add pictures for the layout from your camera roll. You can even tap live pictures and include them as well. The application will also indicate to the user about the remaining number of photographs that can be added further through the circle at the centre of the screen.
4. The circle will automatically get filled up, and a tick mark will appear on the button, indicating that you can add no more pictures.
You can add up to four images in a single story by following this method. We have looked at another solution for the issue of how to add multiple photos to the Instagram story.
Method 3: Using Third-Party Applications
If you wish to add multiple photos to one Instagram story, you can make use of numerous third-party applications that are available in the Play Store that include photo collage makers, etc. One specific application that we wish to talk about here is Mojo. This application is customized especially for Instagram stories. It aids the users of the platform to create aesthetic and appealing stories to make them more vivid and grab the attention of your followers.
1. Install the Mojo application on your phone from the Play Store.
2. Here, you can view a wide variety of template styles. Pick any of them and use them to enhance the quality of your stories.
3. You can use a template to put multiple pictures on Instagram story.
Apart from this, another third-party application called SwiftKey keyboard can also be used to incorporate numerous pictures into a single story.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to add multiple photos to an Instagram story. There are different ways to go about it, and the user can select the method that suits their preferences the best. All of these methods are incredibly user-friendly and can be employed very conveniently.