(Zoom)正如你们中的大多数人必须知道的那样,Zoom是一种视频电话软件程序,自冠状病毒(Corona-virus)大流行在全球范围内开始以来,它已成为新的“常态”。组织,学校和学院,各种专业人士和普通人;由于各种原因,每个人都至少使用过一次这个应用程序。Zoom会议室最多允许 1000 名参与者使用付费帐户,时间限制为 30 小时。但它也为免费帐户持有人提供可容纳 100 名会员的房间,有 40 分钟的时间限制。这就是为什么它在“锁定”期间变得如此受欢迎的原因。
但是,如果一个 Zoom 房间里有很多人怎么办?(But what if there are a large number of people present in a single Zoom room? )
在这种情况下,了解“如何查看 Zoom 中的所有参与者”会很有帮助,因为您无需在 Zoom 通话期间不断地在各种缩略图之间切换。这是一个令人厌烦且令人沮丧的过程。因此,知道如何一次查看所有参与者,将为您节省大量时间和精力,同时提高您的工作效率。
对我们所有人来说幸运的是,Zoom提供了一个名为“(Zoom)图库视图(Gallery view)”的内置功能,您可以通过它轻松查看所有Zoom参与者。通过使用“图库(Gallery)视图”切换您的当前演讲者视图来启用它非常容易。在本指南中,我们将解释您需要了解的有关“图库(Gallery)视图”的所有信息以及启用它的步骤。
![如何在 Zoom 上看到每个人](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-8AehSydHPTE/YZMMIqrT7VI/AAAAAAAAf50/iPQuz9u8uuo2qbb0YH7F18uJx5qV1Ar4wCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzfrNjAY/s0/VH7n3QImG3rZy-brirUQZetA9h8.jpg)
如何在 Zoom 上看到每个人
什么是 Zoom 中的画廊视图?(What is Gallery View in Zoom?)
图库(Gallery)视图是Zoom中的一项查看功能,允许用户在网格中查看多个参与者的缩略图显示。网格大小完全取决于Zoom Room 中的参与者数量以及您使用的设备。画廊视图中的这个网格通过在参与者加入时添加新的视频源或在有人离开时删除它来不断更新自己。
桌面画廊视图(Desktop Gallery View):对于标准的现代桌面,Zoom允许画廊(Gallery)视图在单个网格中显示多达49 位参与者。(49 participants)当参与者人数超过此限制时,它会自动创建一个新页面以容纳剩余的参与者。您可以使用这些页面上的“左右箭头按钮”在这些页面之间轻松切换。您最多可以查看 500 个缩略图。
智能手机图库视图(Smartphone Gallery View):对于现代Android智能手机和 iPhone,Zoom允许图库(Gallery)视图在一个屏幕上最多显示4 位参与者。(4 participants)
iPad 图库视图(iPad Gallery View):如果您是 iPad 用户,您可以在一个屏幕上一次查看多达9 个参与者。(9 participants)
为什么在我的 PC 上找不到画廊视图?(Why can’t I find Gallery View on my PC?)
如果您陷入“主动发言者(Active speaker)”模式,Zoom只关注正在发言的参与者,并想知道为什么您没有看到所有参与者;我们已经为您服务了。其背后的唯一原因是 - 您没有启用“画廊视图(Gallery view)”。
但是,如果即使在启用图库(Gallery)视图之后,您也无法在一个屏幕上查看多达 49 个成员;那么这意味着您的设备 ( PC/Mac ) 不符合Zoom的此查看功能的最低系统要求。
您的笔记本电脑/台式电脑支持“图库视图(Gallery view)”的最低要求是:
- 对于单显示器设置:双核处理器
- 对于双显示器设置:四核处理器
- Zoom客户端 4.1.x.0122 或更高版本,适用于Windows或Mac
注意:(Note:)对于双显示器设置,“图库视图(Gallery view)”将仅在您的主显示器上可用;即使您将它与桌面客户端一起使用。
如何在 Zoom 上查看所有人?(How to see everyone on Zoom?)
对于桌面用户(For desktop users)
1. 首先,打开PC 或Mac的(Mac)Zoom 桌面应用程序,然后转到“设置”(Settings)。为此,请单击屏幕右上角的“齿轮”选项。(Gear)
2. 出现“设置(Settings)”窗口后,点击左侧边栏中的“视频(Video)”。
![出现“设置”窗口后,单击左侧边栏中的“视频”。 | 如何在 Zoom 上看到每个人](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ZSLQU6IK1nc/YZG8o8hrLpI/AAAAAAAATcM/wWiAHUgSyvYynTihjeyFyTOrOuEHlYROACEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhxbJnhIqJP4jzjIWLMrnl7QBKGTw1b96TCsrSUcbf3DbyB7futpU1bI-cu7nrG_giV34r4PhiZF9C5DLYy3b9UG64e3MH8G4HuUjvOKUhb4td2E1YBlsu7tiwrMe_DS_8-_oZb4c9J7w5nPuamn0uxx8fT-fxDHkqul11QOMlud93xCjDkz8y1v6U-hWvPabeaXsOYXfWy_l1bq1EmkjpBuYWThceW_j3hRdq_H0OU8Q2VCdFktk9xfiDXwZrn1dv0Y3mtkGlh_S9bX8riDiD6ZB5rsQ6DtZKVphaNq4TvFvq0L_v7uD6iUnhXDu6zMs-xTs-9WoSqEb_VFm2joIGyK9msdb3DGw1_5ibt4WHRkoXEjmqcno2NUuxg8oeg8c3Jc6dIjTvHgWSDWXW373PWMMgYgx_M2SAirprA-stxMZmqNYC6GsumyvNASYajAfA_PXXv6ClwPYm5SoXgqIF80--xSY7kHKz9_yaHExBsOpaZ-hxDr378mgtyem1wJPxfxakeYxrAYpFhrYNKtYAiIllxrjy-pKqUF24xEYmpZH5zjjf2Wlhd0YCWJI6XmQLwGcELfQnhKSq1WNZPRlvw70IokAEmVTqMHMlrd4zgwiNTHjAY/s0/Kk0A4IcBxm1GUvNixXP06z9Kz0o.jpg)
3. 在这里您将找到“ Gallery View 中每个屏幕显示的最大参与者数(Maximum participants displayed per screen in Gallery View)”。在此选项下,选择“ 49 名参与者(49 Participants)”。
![在这里,您将找到“画廊视图中每个屏幕显示的最大参与者数”。 在此选项下,选择“49 名参与者”。](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-P2-KRP5SKEI/YZHvih0DaeI/AAAAAAAAUOE/JT_iZatEVH42DuWBENNs3hgZWWK9G6iEgCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4cTIjAY/s0/OHEdwwbW2YgZHTQeAiwmtuAAdRQ.jpg)
4. 现在,关闭“设置(Settings)”。在 Zoom 中“开始或加入(Start or Join)”新会议。
5. 加入Zoom会议后,前往右上角的“画廊视图”选项,每页可看到 49 位参与者。(Gallery view)
![前往右上角的“画廊视图”选项,每页可查看 49 位参与者。](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XwPzqhThHGI/YZL6JRXdCTI/AAAAAAAAf_Y/tlLhtcRzVIcZ6tSaQsNxLh25NqzGn8ChACEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzPrNjAY/s0/R_I9SXQd6ahzxLQ0013vIvk-aj4.jpg)
如果参会人数超过 49 人,您需要使用“左右箭头按钮(left and right arrow buttons)”滚动页面才能看到会议的所有参会人员。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何解决无法在 GroupMe 上添加成员的问题(How to Fix Failed to Add Members Issue on GroupMe)
对于智能手机用户(For Smartphone users)
默认情况下,Zoom移动应用程序将视图保持在“ Active Speaker ”模式。
使用“图库视图(Gallery view)”功能,每页最多可显示 4 位参与者。
- 在您的 iOS 或Android智能手机上启动Zoom应用程序。(Zoom)
- 开始或加入 Zoom 会议。
- 现在,从“活动扬声器(Active speaker)”模式向左滑动,将查看模式切换到“图库视图(Gallery view)”。
- 如果您愿意,请向右滑动以返回“有源扬声器”模式。
注意:(Note:)在会议参与者超过 2 人之前,您无法向左滑动。
一旦您可以查看 Zoom 通话中的所有参与者,您还能做什么?(What more you can do once you can view all the participants in a Zoom call?)
自定义视频顺序(Customizing the Video Order)
- 如果有新用户进入会议,他们将被添加到页面的右下角。
- 如果会议中有多个页面,Zoom会将新用户添加到最后一页。
- 如果非视频成员启用了他们的视频,他们将被视为新的视频源网格并添加到最后一页的右下角。
如果主持人想要向所有参与者反映相同的顺序,他们需要为所有参与者启用遵循他们的“自定义顺序(customized order)”。
1. 首先,主持或加入(host or join) Zoom 会议。
2. 单击并拖动任何成员的视频源 (2. Click and drag any of the member’s video feed )到您想要的“位置(location)”。继续执行此操作,直到您按所需顺序看到所有参与者。
现在,您可以执行以下任何操作: (Now, you can perform any of the following actions: )
- 遵循主持人的视频顺序:您可以通过启用此选项强制所有会议成员查看您的“自定义视频顺序”。(custom video order)自定义顺序适用于桌面和移动用户的“当前发言人(Active speaker)”视图和“图库视图(Gallery view)”。
- 解除自定义视频订单:开启此功能,您可以解除自定义订单,恢复为“ Zoom的默认订单(Zoom’s default order)”。
隐藏非视频参与者(Hide Non-Video Participants)
1. 为会议启用“图库视图(Gallery view)”。转到 已关闭视频的参与者的缩略图(participant’s thumbnail),然后单击 参与者网格右上角的三个点。(three-dots)
2. 之后,选择“隐藏非视频参与者(Hide Non-Video Participants)”。
3. 如果您想再次显示非视频参与者,请单击右上角的“查看(View)”按钮。在此之后,单击“显示非视频参与者(Show Non-Video Participants)”。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q 1. 如何查看 Zoom 中的所有参与者?(Q 1. How do I see all participants in Zoom?)
您可以使用Zoom提供的“(Zoom)画廊视图(Gallery view)”功能以网格形式查看所有参与者的视频源。您需要做的就是启用它。(All)
Q 2. 共享屏幕时如何在 Zoom 上看到所有人?(Q 2. How do I see everyone on Zoom when sharing my screen?)
转到设置(Settings) ,然后单击“共享屏幕(Share Screen)”选项卡。现在,勾选“并排(side-by-side)”模式。完成此操作后,Zoom将在您共享屏幕时自动向您显示参与者。
Q 3. 您可以在 Zoom 上看到多少参与者?(Q 3. How many participants can you see on Zoom?)
对于桌面用户(For desktop users),Zoom在一个页面上最多允许 49 位参与者。如果会议的成员超过 49 人,Zoom会创建额外的页面来容纳这些剩余的参与者。您可以来回滑动以查看会议中的所有人员。
对于智能手机用户(For Smartphone users),Zoom每页最多允许 4 位参与者,并且与 PC 用户一样,您也可以左右滑动查看会议中的所有视频源。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够view all participants, order the grid & hide/show non-video participants on Zoom.如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to See Everyone on Zoom (on Desktop & Mobile)
Zoom, as most of you must be aware, is a video-telеphonic software progrаm, which has become the new ‘normal’ since the Corona-virus pandemiс bеgan worldwide. Organizations, sсhools & colleges, all kinds of professionalѕ and a common man; everyone has used this app, at least оnce for various reasons. Zoom roomѕ allow up to 1000 participants, with a 30-hour time restriсtion, for paid accounts. But it аlso provides rooms for 100 members, with a 40-minutе time restriction, for free account holders. Thiѕ is why it became so poрular dυring ‘lockdown’.
If you are an active user of the Zoom app, you must understand how important it is to know all the participants present in a Zoom room and comprehend who is saying what. When there are only three or four members present in a meeting, things go smoothly as you can use Zoom’s focusing method.
But what if there are a large number of people present in a single Zoom room?
In such cases, it would be helpful to know ‘how to see all participants in Zoom’ as you would not need to switch between various thumbnails constantly, during the zoom call. It is a tire-some & frustrating process. Thus, knowing how to view all participants at once, would save you a lot of time and energy, while increasing your work efficiency.
Fortunately for all of us, Zoom provides an in-built feature called “Gallery view,” through which you can easily view all Zoom participants. It is very easy to enable it by switching your active speaker view with “Gallery view”. In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about ‘Gallery view’ and the steps to enable it.
![How to See Everyone on Zoom](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-8AehSydHPTE/YZMMIqrT7VI/AAAAAAAAf50/iPQuz9u8uuo2qbb0YH7F18uJx5qV1Ar4wCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzfrNjAY/s0/VH7n3QImG3rZy-brirUQZetA9h8.jpg)
How to See Everyone on Zoom
What is Gallery View in Zoom?
Gallery view is a viewing feature in Zoom that allows users to view thumbnail displays of multiple participants in grids. The grid size depends completely on the number of participants in the Zoom room and the device you are using for it. This grid in gallery view keeps updating itself by adding a new video feed whenever a participant joins-in or by deleting it when someone leaves.
Desktop Gallery View: For a standard modern desktop, Zoom allows the Gallery view to display up to 49 participants in a single grid. When the number of participants exceeds this limit, it automatically creates a new page to fit the remaining participants. You can easily switch between these pages using the “left and right arrow buttons” present on these pages. You can view up to 500 thumbnails.
Smartphone Gallery View: For modern Android smartphones and iPhones, Zoom allows the Gallery view to display a maximum of 4 participants on a single screen.
iPad Gallery View: If you are an iPad user, you can view up to 9 participants at a time on a single screen.
Why can’t I find Gallery View on my PC?
If you are stuck in “Active speaker” mode where Zoom only focuses on the participant who is speaking and wondering why you are not seeing all the participants; we’ve got you covered. The only reason behind it is – you have not enabled the “Gallery view”.
However, if, even after enabling Gallery view, you are not able to view up to 49 members on a single screen; then it implies that your device (PC/Mac) does not meet the minimum system requirements for this viewing feature of Zoom.
The minimum requirements for your laptop/desktop PC to support “Gallery view” are:
- Intel i7 or equivalent CPU
- Processor
- For a single monitor setup: Dual-core processor
- For a dual monitor setup: Quad-core processor
- Zoom client 4.1.x.0122 or later version, for Windows or Mac
Note: For dual monitor setups, “Gallery view” will be available just on your primary monitor; even if you are using it with the desktop client.
How to see everyone on Zoom?
For desktop users
1. Firstly, open the Zoom desktop app for your PC or Mac and go to “Settings.” For this, click on the “Gear” option present at the top-right corner of the screen.
2. Once the “Settings” window appears, click on “Video” in the left sidebar.
![Once the “Settings” window appears, click on “Video” in the left sidebar. | How to See Everyone on Zoom](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ZSLQU6IK1nc/YZG8o8hrLpI/AAAAAAAATcM/wWiAHUgSyvYynTihjeyFyTOrOuEHlYROACEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhxbJnhIqJP4jzjIWLMrnl7QBKGTw1b96TCsrSUcbf3DbyB7futpU1bI-cu7nrG_giV34r4PhiZF9C5DLYy3b9UG64e3MH8G4HuUjvOKUhb4td2E1YBlsu7tiwrMe_DS_8-_oZb4c9J7w5nPuamn0uxx8fT-fxDHkqul11QOMlud93xCjDkz8y1v6U-hWvPabeaXsOYXfWy_l1bq1EmkjpBuYWThceW_j3hRdq_H0OU8Q2VCdFktk9xfiDXwZrn1dv0Y3mtkGlh_S9bX8riDiD6ZB5rsQ6DtZKVphaNq4TvFvq0L_v7uD6iUnhXDu6zMs-xTs-9WoSqEb_VFm2joIGyK9msdb3DGw1_5ibt4WHRkoXEjmqcno2NUuxg8oeg8c3Jc6dIjTvHgWSDWXW373PWMMgYgx_M2SAirprA-stxMZmqNYC6GsumyvNASYajAfA_PXXv6ClwPYm5SoXgqIF80--xSY7kHKz9_yaHExBsOpaZ-hxDr378mgtyem1wJPxfxakeYxrAYpFhrYNKtYAiIllxrjy-pKqUF24xEYmpZH5zjjf2Wlhd0YCWJI6XmQLwGcELfQnhKSq1WNZPRlvw70IokAEmVTqMHMlrd4zgwiNTHjAY/s0/Kk0A4IcBxm1GUvNixXP06z9Kz0o.jpg)
3. Here you’ll find “Maximum participants displayed per screen in Gallery View”. Under this option, select “49 Participants”.
![Here you’ll find “Maximum participants displayed per screen in Gallery View”. Under this option, select “49 Participants”.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-P2-KRP5SKEI/YZHvih0DaeI/AAAAAAAAUOE/JT_iZatEVH42DuWBENNs3hgZWWK9G6iEgCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4cTIjAY/s0/OHEdwwbW2YgZHTQeAiwmtuAAdRQ.jpg)
Note: If this option is not available to you, check your minimum system requirements.
4. Now, close the “Settings”. “Start or Join” a new meeting in Zoom.
5. Once you have joined a Zoom meeting, head to the “Gallery view” option present at the top-right corner to see 49 participants per page.
![head to the “Gallery view” option present at the top-right corner to see 49 participants per page.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XwPzqhThHGI/YZL6JRXdCTI/AAAAAAAAf_Y/tlLhtcRzVIcZ6tSaQsNxLh25NqzGn8ChACEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzPrNjAY/s0/R_I9SXQd6ahzxLQ0013vIvk-aj4.jpg)
If the number of participants is more than 49, you need to scroll the pages using the “left and right arrow buttons” to see all the participants in the meeting.
Also Read: How to Fix Failed to Add Members Issue on GroupMe
For Smartphone users
By default, the Zoom mobile app keeps the view to the “Active Speaker” mode.
It can display a maximum of 4 participants per page, using the “Gallery view” feature.
To learn how to see everyone in a Zoom meeting, on your smartphone, follow the given steps:
- Launch the Zoom app on your iOS or Android smartphone.
- Start or join a Zoom meeting.
- Now, swipe left from the “Active speaker” mode to switch the view mode to “Gallery view.”
- If you want to, swipe right to come back to “Active Speaker” mode.
Note: You cannot swipe left until you have more than 2 participants in the meeting.
What more you can do once you can view all the participants in a Zoom call?
Customizing the Video Order
Once you enable the Gallery view, Zoom also allows its users to click and drag videos to create an order, according to their preferences. It proves to be the most useful when you are doing some activity in which sequence matters. Once you reorder the grids corresponding to different participants, they will remain in their places, until some change occurs again.
- If a new user enters the meeting, they will be added to the bottom-right space of the page.
- If there are multiple pages present in the conference, Zoom will add the new user to the last page.
- If a non-video member enables their video, they will be treated as a new video feed grid and added to the bottom-right spot of the last page.
Note: This ordering will be limited only to the user who reorders it.
If the host wants to reflect the same order to all the participants, they need to enable following their “customized order” for all the participants.
1. Firstly, host or join a Zoom meeting.
2. Click and drag any of the member’s video feed to the ‘location’ you want. Continue doing this until you see all participants, in the desired order.
Now, you can perform any of the following actions:
- Follow the host’s video order: You can force all the meeting members to view your “custom video order” by enabling this option. The custom order applies to the “Active speaker” view and “Gallery view” for desktop and mobile users.
- Release the customized video order: By enabling this feature, you can release the customized order and revert to “Zoom’s default order”.
Hide Non-Video Participants
If a user has not enabled their video or has joined by telephone, you can hide their thumbnail from the grid. This way you can also avoid the creation of multiple pages in Zoom meetings. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Enable the “Gallery view” for the meeting. Go to the participant’s thumbnail who has turned their video-off and click on the three-dots present at the top-right corner of the participant’s grid.
2. After this, select “Hide Non-Video Participants.”
![After this, select Hide Non-Video Participants.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-pScoie3lwP4/YZL8MYJ0ZCI/AAAAAAAAgA0/gOLE7x6dtLAl20n728jNQ0_0ouUWP7dhQCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzPrNjAY/s0/VUtdsEFwehLQhqHNj7hZA7cKrTY.jpg)
3. If you want to show non-video participants again, click the “View” button present at the top-right corner. After this, click on the “Show Non-Video Participants.”
![click on the “Show Non-Video Participants.”](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IhjWqOdiuv0/YZOewOdXGwI/AAAAAAAAkWA/5KUOfX586EgDPsMCkBUTBylT5PtmQ2ejQCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhzpdh4f9gK7Pl3pIKdS-MAqT7y5y5X0OpTKm4PMusBVVSvpJP93YnAhXNmcZbWuT31i7jtYSyVauEPIMLju6rD4KWA7nyivubD2R2vcFmdszZ_h_8jlplsFLjAVnbmrRnr8fQanFkdu4qh3mnFv_3xGMe6pLcEkGdbUuNNwPvYD9AN9xf0_7ZEEl7P_bdX0h5M7FTHFM1M9DhOZGyfYCv5Hdaj3tVbHQUZ4AtHMUQZPpRyjGjcPFhXeIxxxwqGcocHgAzZFCSbIY-6paMUAs9gGkoNJqxjsrVnVfU75bRX8zxJysL-o_0gpKdd3qFL9r9D8bxO80gFiRO3ZtGhtJ6yQENn_B91ua_pZICWEFvs28PwlIAFZCwxDqZPvaa1Li7ywTjqsbbJNQ7r9yFK29dg-pdTjuyud3MC8w-SeyMkmr5T7Rap849TFdyaB8zfGepam1fh0mpx-JV-mwzd92BDBVyNWOtggku0J2ZH3HWVKToCFCFefShp83L6WwRfnWCMDK_uUzVSFbbMXD32DGhZEKfilDws41bYIwn8tsylvZGDgpfuptvtSQ_PxP4Cbdj_NxV57wCxIPi-V2OgEnhoHv6dEzE_lUwDtX23W9hAww6LPjAY/s0/xcdNPxDYo-lFzlY7XejH5VPyjbo.png)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q 1. How do I see all participants in Zoom?
You can see video feeds of all the participants in the form of grids, using the “Gallery view” feature offered by Zoom. All you need to do is, enable it.
Q 2. How do I see everyone on Zoom when sharing my screen?
Go to the Settings and then click the “Share Screen” tab. Now, tick the “side-by-side” mode. After doing so, Zoom will automatically show you the participants when you share your screen.
Q 3. How many participants can you see on Zoom?
For desktop users, Zoom allows up to 49 participants on a single page. If the meeting has more than 49 members, Zoom creates extra pages to fit these leftover participants. You can swipe back and forth to view all the people in the meet.
For Smartphone users, Zoom allows up to 4 participants per page, and just like PC users, you can also swipe left and right to view all the video feeds present in the meeting.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to view all participants, order the grid & hide/show non-video participants on Zoom. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.