当您想要访问开始菜单或导航到系统上的任何设置时,键盘上的Windows键非常有用。(Windows)此Windows密钥也称为Winkey,上面有Microsoft徽标。每当您在键盘上按下此Winkey时,就会弹出开始菜单,您可以轻松访问搜索栏或执行系统应用程序的快捷方式。但是,如果您在系统上失去此Windows密钥的功能,可能会非常令人沮丧。一些用户可能会遇到Windows密钥无法在其Windows 10 系统上运行的问题。
如果您的Windows 10 开始按钮或Winkey不起作用,您将无法执行任何快捷方式,例如Winkey + R打开运行(Run)或Winkey + I 打开设置。由于Windows键在执行快捷方式中起着至关重要的作用,因此我们有一个指南,您可以按照该指南来 修复 Windows 10 开始按钮不起作用。( fix Windows 10 start button not working.)
如何修复 Windows 10 开始菜单不起作用(How to Fix Windows 10 Start Menu Not Working)
为什么 Windows 10 开始按钮不起作用? (Why Windows 10 Start button not working? )
Windows 密钥无法在Windows 10(Windows 10)系统上运行的原因可能有多种。一些常见的原因如下:
- 问题可能出在您的键盘本身,或者您可能使用了损坏的键盘。但是,如果即使更换键盘后问题仍未消失,则可能是Windows问题。
- 您可能不小心启用了游戏模式,这会阻止您将Windows键用于其主要功能。
- 第三方软件、应用程序、恶意软件或游戏模式也可以禁用开始按钮。
- 有时使用过时的驱动程序或不兼容的驱动程序也会冻结Windows 10开始键。
- 您可能必须在Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)注册表编辑器中手动启用Windows键功能。
- Windows 10 具有过滤键功能,有时会导致开始按钮出现问题。
因此,这些是 Windows 10 开始菜单冻结 ( Windows 10 start menu frozen )问题背后的一些原因。
我们列出了您可以遵循的方法来修复无法在台式机或笔记本电脑上工作的 Windows 按钮。(fix the Windows button not working )
方法1:退出并重新登录您的帐户(Method 1: Sign out and re-login on your account)
1. 移动光标并单击Windows 徽标(Windows logo)或开始菜单。
2. 单击您的个人资料图标(profile icon)并选择退出。( Sign-out.)
3. 现在,输入您的密码并重新登录您的帐户。(re-login into your account.)
4. 最后,检查您的Windows键是否正常工作。
方法 2:在 Windows 10 中禁用游戏模式(Method 2: Disable the Game Mode in Windows 10)
如果您在Windows 10系统上使用游戏模式,那么这就是您面临开始按钮问题的原因。请按照以下步骤 通过禁用游戏模式来修复 Windows 按钮不起作用:(fix the Windows button not working)
1. 单击任务栏中的Windows 图标(Windows icon),然后在搜索栏中输入设置。从搜索结果中打开设置。(Open Settings)
2.从菜单转到游戏部分。(Gaming section)
3. 单击左侧面板中的游戏模式选项卡。(Game Mode tab)
4. 最后,确保关闭(turn off)Game Mode旁边的开关。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 更新不会安装错误(Fix Windows 10 Updates Won’t Install Error)
方法 3:在注册表编辑器中启用 Windows 键(Method 3: Enable Windows key within the Registry Editor)
Windows注册表编辑器能够启用或禁用您的键盘键。您可能会意外禁用系统注册表编辑器中的Windows键。因此,要修复Windows 10开始按钮不起作用,您可以按照以下步骤使用注册表编辑启用Windows键:(Windows)
1. 单击Windows 菜单(Windows menu)并在搜索栏中键入运行。
2. 打开运行对话框后,在框中键入regedt32,然后单击确定。( OK.)
3. 如果您收到任何确认消息,请单击“是”( YES)。
4. 注册表编辑器打开后,转到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE。
5. 点击系统(System)。
6. 点击CurrentControlSet。
7. 单击控制文件夹(Control folder)。
8. 向下滚动并打开键盘布局文件夹(Keyboard Layouts folder)。
9. 现在,如果您看到任何扫描码映射注册表项,请右键单击它并单击删除。(click on delete.)
10.如果屏幕上弹出任何警告消息,请单击(Click)“是” 。(YES)
11. 最后,重新启动计算机并检查Windows密钥是否开始在您的系统上运行。
但是,如果您无法找到扫描码映射注册表项键,则它可能在您的系统上不可用。您可以尝试以下方法来修复 Windows 10 开始菜单冻结(Windows 10 start menu frozen)。
方法 4:运行系统文件检查器扫描(Method 4: Run System File Checker Scan)
默认情况下, Windows 10附带一个称为SFC扫描的系统文件检查器工具。您可以执行SFC扫描以查找系统上的损坏文件。要 修复 Windows 按钮无法正常工作的问题(fix Windows button not working issue),您可以按照以下步骤在您的系统上执行SFC扫描:
1. 单击任务栏中的Windows 图标(Windows icon),然后在搜索栏中搜索运行(Run)。
2. 运行对话框打开后,键入 cmd 并单击键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + Enter on 以启动具有管理权限的命令提示符。
3.当您看到“您想在您的设备上进行更改”(‘do you want to make changes on your device.’)的提示信息时,单击“是”。( YES)
4. 现在,您必须输入以下命令并按回车键:sfc /scannow
5. 最后,等待您的系统自动扫描并修复损坏的文件。不要关闭或退出系统上的窗口。
扫描完成后,您可以重新启动计算机并检查此方法是否可以解决Windows 10 开始按钮不起作用的问题。(Windows 10 start button not working issue.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中修复损坏的系统文件(How to Repair Corrupted System Files in Windows 10)
方法五:使用 Powershell 命令(Method 5: Use Powershell Command)
1. 单击Windows 图标(Windows icon)并在搜索框中键入运行。
2. 从搜索结果中打开运行(Run)对话框并在框中键入PowerShell。单击(Click)键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + Enter on以启动具有管理权限的PowerShell 。
4. 现在,您必须键入以下命令并按 Enter。您可以直接复制粘贴上述命令。
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation) \AppXManifest.xml”}
5. 命令完成后,您可以检查Window键是否开始在您的系统上工作。
方法 6:在 Windows 10 上禁用筛选键功能 (Method 6: Disable the Filter keys feature on Windows 10 )
有时, Windows 10(Windows 10)上的过滤键功能会导致窗口键无法正常工作。因此,要修复 Windows 10 开始菜单冻结(Windows 10 start menu frozen),您可以按照以下步骤禁用过滤键:
1. 通过单击任务栏中的开始菜单转到搜索栏(search bar),然后键入控制面板。
2.从搜索结果中打开控制面板。(Control Panel)
3. 将查看模式(View mode)设置为类别。
4. 进入轻松访问(Ease of Access)设置。
5.在轻松访问中心下选择“更改键盘的工作方式” 。(‘Change how your keyboard works’)
6. 最后,您可以取消选中“打开过滤器键”(‘Turn on Filter Keys’)旁边的框以禁用该功能。单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)以保存更改。
就是这样; 您可以尝试使用键盘上的Windows键并检查它是否正常工作。
方法 7:使用 DISM 命令(Method 7: Use DISM command)
DISM命令与(DISM)SFC扫描非常相似,但执行DISM命令可以帮助您修复Windows 10的映像。
1. 通过在系统的搜索栏中搜索运行来打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入 cmd 并单击键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + Enter from以启动具有管理权限的命令提示符。
3. 单击“是”(YES)以允许该应用在您的设备上进行更改。
4. 在命令提示符下键入以下命令:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
5. 命令完成后,键入另一个命令Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /restorehealth 并等待它完成。
方法 8:更新视频和声音驱动程序(Method 8: Update Video and Sound drivers)
如果您在系统上使用过时的视频和声卡驱动程序,那么它们可能是您的 Windows 键不起作用的原因,或者开始菜单可能会被冻结。有时,更新您的声卡和显卡驱动程序可以帮助您解决问题。
1. 单击任务栏中的Windows 图标(Windows icon)并搜索设备管理器。
2.从搜索结果中打开设备管理器。(Device Manager)
3. 双击声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controller)。
4. 现在,右键单击您的音频驱动程序(Audio Driver)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
5. 最后,点击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。您的系统将自动更新您的声音驱动程序。但是,您也可以选择手动更新声音驱动程序,但对于某些用户来说可能会很耗时。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中备份和还原设备驱动程序(How to Backup and Restore Device Drivers in Windows 10)
方法 9:检查新的 Windows 更新(Method 9: Check for new Windows updates)
您可能在系统上使用过时的Windows版本,这可能是您的Windows密钥无法正常运行的原因。因此,请确保您的Windows 10 保持最新。Windows 10 会自动下载更新,但有时由于未知问题,您可能需要手动下载更新。请按照以下步骤检查您的系统是否有可用的Windows更新:
1. 转到任务栏中的搜索栏,然后转到“设置”应用。(Settings app.)
2. 点击更新和安全(Update and Security)。
3. 在 Windows 更新下,单击检查更新(check for updates)。
4. 最后,您的系统会自动向您显示可用的更新。您可以单击立即安装(Install Now)以下载可用的更新(如果有)。
更新 Windows 10 后,您可以检查此方法是否可以修复开始菜单在 Windows 10 中不起作用的问题。(fix the start menu not working in Windows 10.)
方法 10:重新启动 Windows 资源管理器(Method 10: Restart Windows Explorer)
一些用户可以通过重新启动 Windows 资源管理器来修复Windows 10 中无法使用的 Windows 密钥(Windows key not working in Windows 10 by restarting the Windows explorer)。当您重新启动Windows Explorer时,您还将强制重新启动开始菜单。
1.Press Ctrl + Alt + Del并选择任务管理器。
2. 单击进程选项卡(Process tab)。
3. 向下滚动并找到 Windows 资源管理器(locate Windows explorer)。
4. 最后,右键单击并选择重新启动。(select Restart.)
方法 11:创建新用户帐户(Method 11: Create a New User Account)
如果您仍然无法访问Windows 10 开始菜单(Start Menu),您可以创建一个新的用户帐户。许多用户能够通过创建新用户帐户来修复Windows密钥。(Windows)按照以下步骤在您的系统上创建一个新的用户帐户。
1. 单击搜索栏中的Windows图标和搜索设置。或者,您可以单击屏幕键盘上的Windows + I keys以打开设置。
2. 点击账户部分(Accounts section)。
3.现在,从左侧面板中单击家庭和其他用户。(Now, click on family and other users from the panel on the left.)
4. 选择“将其他人添加到这台电脑(Add someone else to this PC)”。
5. 现在,将弹出一个Microsoft帐户窗口,您必须在其中单击“(Microsoft)我没有此人的登录信息”(I don’t have this person’s sign-in information’)我们将创建一个没有Microsoft帐户的新用户帐户。但是,您可以选择使用新的Microsoft(Microsoft)帐户创建新用户。
6. 单击添加没有 Microsoft 帐户的用户(Add a user without a Microsoft account)。
7. 最后,您可以为新帐户创建用户名并设置密码。单击下一步以保存更改(Click on next to save the changes)并创建帐户。
就是这样; 您的Windows密钥将开始使用您的新用户帐户正常运行。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复更新后运行缓慢的 Windows 10(How to Fix Windows 10 running slow after update)
方法 12:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 12: Run a Malware Scan)
有时,系统上的恶意软件或病毒可能会阻止 Windows 键正常运行。因此,您可以在系统上运行恶意软件或病毒扫描。您可以使用免费版的 Malwarebytes,这是一款不错的防病毒软件。您可以选择使用您选择的任何其他防病毒应用程序。运行恶意软件扫描将删除导致Windows(Windows)密钥失去其功能的有害第三方应用程序或软件。
1.在您的系统上下载并安装 Malwarebytes(Download and install Malwarebytes on your system)。
2.启动软件(Launch the software)并点击扫描选项(Scan option)。
3.再次单击开始扫描按钮。(Again, click on the start scan button.)
4. 最后,等待Malwarebytes完成对您设备的任何病毒或有害应用程序的扫描。如果您在扫描后发现任何有害文件,您可以轻松地将它们从系统中删除。
方法 13:重新安装 Windows 10(Method 13: Reinstall Windows 10)
如果以上方法都不起作用,您可以从头开始重新安装 Windows 10(reinstall Windows 10 from scratch)。但是,请确保您手边有Windows 10产品密钥。(Windows 10)此外,拥有一个快速的USB拇指驱动器或外部SSD是在您的系统上安装Windows 10的一个加分项。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently asked questions (FAQs))
Q1。为什么我的开始按钮在 Windows 10 上不起作用?(Q1. Why does my start button not work on Windows 10?)
您的开始按钮在Windows 10(Windows 10)上不起作用可能有多种原因。您可能在游戏模式下使用您的系统,或者某些第三方应用程序或软件可能会干扰您的开始按钮。但是,请确保您的键盘没有损坏,并且如果所有按键都正常工作,那么这是一些Windows问题。
Q2。为什么我的 Windows 键不起作用?(Q2. Why is my Windows key not working?)
Q3。启动按钮不工作时怎么办?(Q3. What to do when the start button is not working?)
要修复Windows 10开始按钮,您可以轻松按照我们指南中列出的方法进行操作。您可以尝试禁用系统上的游戏模式或关闭过滤键功能,因为它也会干扰您的开始按钮。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 Windows 10 开始按钮无法正常工作的问题(fix Windows 10 start button not working issue)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Windows 10 Start Button Not Working
The Windows key on your keybоard is pretty useful when you want to access yoυr start menu or navigate to any setting on your system. This Windows key is also known as the Winkey, and it hаs a Micrоsoft logо on it. Whenever you press this Winkey on your keyboard, the start menu pops up, and you can easily access the search bar or exeсute ѕhortсuts for your system applications. However, it can be very frustrating if you lоse the functionality of this Windows key оn yoυr system. Some users maу fаce this issuе of the Windows key not working on their Windows 10 ѕystem.
In case your Windows 10 start button or the Winkey is not working, you won’t be able to execute any shortcuts such as Winkey + R to open Run or Winkey + I to open settings. Since the Windows key plays a crucial role in executing the shortcuts, we have a guide that you can follow to fix Windows 10 start button not working.
How to Fix Windows 10 Start Menu Not Working
Why Windows 10 Start button not working?
There may be several reasons why your Windows key is not working on your Windows 10 system. Some of the common reasons are as follows:
- The problem may be with your keyboard itself, or you may be using a damaged keyboard. However, if the problem does not go away even when you change your keyboard, it is probably a Windows problem.
- You might accidentally enable the gaming mode, which prevents you from using the Windows key for its primary functions.
- A third-party software, application, malware, or game mode can also disable the start button.
- Sometimes using outdated drivers or incompatible drivers can also freeze the Windows 10 start key.
- You might have to manually enable the Windows key function within the Windows OS registry editor.
- Windows 10 has a filter key feature, which sometimes causes issues with the start button.
So, these were a few of the reasons behind the Windows 10 start menu frozen issue.
We are listing down the methods you can follow to fix the Windows button not working on your desktop or laptop.
Method 1: Sign out and re-login on your account
Sometimes a simple re-login can help you fix the issue with your Windows key. Here is how to sign out of your account and re-login:
1. Move your cursor and click on the Windows logo or the start menu.
2. Click on your profile icon and select Sign-out.
3. Now, type your password and re-login into your account.
4. Finally, check if your Windows key is working or not.
Method 2: Disable the Game Mode in Windows 10
If you use the game mode on your Windows 10 system, then it is the reason why you are facing the issue with your start button. Follow these steps to fix the Windows button not working by disabling the game mode:
1. Click on your Windows icon from the taskbar and type settings in the search bar. Open Settings from the search results.
2. Go to the Gaming section from the menu.
3. Click on the Game Mode tab from the panel on the left.
4. Finally, make sure you turn off the toggle next to Game Mode.
After you disable the game mode, hit the Windows key on your keyboard to check if it works or not.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Updates Won’t Install Error
Method 3: Enable Windows key within the Registry Editor
The Windows registry editor has the ability to enable or disable your keyboard keys. You may accidentally disable the Windows key in the registry editor of your system. Therefore, to fix Windows 10 start button not working, you can follow these steps to enable the Windows key using registry edit:
1. Click on the Windows menu and type run in the search bar.
2. Once you open the run dialog box, type regedt32 in the box and click OK.
3. If you get any confirmation message, click on YES.
4. After the registry editor opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
5. Click on the System.
6. Tap on CurrentControlSet.
7. Click on the Control folder.
8. Scroll down and open the Keyboard Layouts folder.
9. Now, if you see any scancode map registry entry, make a right-click on it and click on delete.
10. Click on YES if any warning message pops up on your screen.
11. Finally, restart your computer and check whether the Windows key starts working on your system.
However, if you are unable to find the scancode map registry entry key, then it might not be available on your system. You can try the next methods to fix Windows 10 start menu frozen.
Method 4: Run System File Checker Scan
By default Windows 10 comes with a system file checker tool known as the SFC scan. You can perform an SFC scan to find corrupt files on your system. To fix Windows button not working issue, you can follow these steps to execute the SFC scan on your system:
1. Click on the Windows icon in your taskbar and search Run in the search bar.
2. Once the run dialog box opens, type cmd and click on Ctrl + Shift + Enter on your keyboard to launch the command prompt with administrative permissions.
3. Click on YES when you see the prompt message that says ‘do you want to make changes on your device.’
4. Now, you have to type the command following command and hit enter: sfc /scannow
5. Finally, wait for your system to scan and fix the corrupt files automatically. Do not shut down or exit the window on your system.
After the scan completes, you can restart your computer and check whether this method could resolve Windows 10 start button not working issue.
Also Read: How to Repair Corrupted System Files in Windows 10
Method 5: Use Powershell Command
If you want to make adjustments to your system, then the PowerShell command can help you execute various commands to fix the issues in your system. Many users were able to fix the start menu not working issue by performing the PowerShell command.
1. Click on the Windows icon and type run in the search box.
2. Open the Run dialog box from the search results and type PowerShell in the box. Click on Ctrl + Shift + Enter on your keyboard to launch the PowerShell with administrative permissions.
3. Click on YES when you see the prompt message that says ‘do you want to make changes on your device.
4. Now, you have to type the following command and hit enter. You can directly copy-paste the above command.
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation) \AppXManifest.xml”}
5. After the command completes, you can check if the Window key starts working on your system.
Method 6: Disable the Filter keys feature on Windows 10
Sometimes, the filter key feature on Windows 10 causes the window key from working properly. Therefore, to fix Windows 10 start menu frozen, you can disable the filter keys by following these steps:
1. Go to the search bar by clicking on the start menu in your taskbar and type the control panel.
2. Open the Control Panel from the search results.
3. Set the View mode to category.
4. Go to the Ease of Access settings.
5. Select ‘Change how your keyboard works’ under the ease of access center.
6. Finally, you can uncheck the box next to ‘Turn on Filter Keys’ to disable the feature. Click on Apply and then OK to save the changes.
That’s it; you can try using the Windows key on your keyboard and check if it works properly or not.
Method 7: Use DISM command
DISM command is pretty much similar to an SFC scan, but executing a DISM command can help you repair the image of Windows 10.
1. Open the Run dialog box by searching run in the search bar of your system.
2. Type cmd and click on Ctrl + Shift + Enter from your keyboard to launch the command prompt with administrative permissions.
3. Click on YES to allow the app to make changes on your device.
4. Type the following command in the command prompt:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
5. After the command completes, type another command Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /restorehealth and wait for it to complete.
6. Once the command completes, you can restart your computer and check if the Windows key starts working properly or not.
Method 8: Update Video and Sound drivers
If you are using outdated video and sound card drivers on your system, then they might be the reason why your Windows key is not working, or the start menu may get frozen. Sometimes, updating your sound and video card driver can help you resolve the issue.
1. Click on the Windows icon in your taskbar and search device manager.
2. Open the Device Manager from the search results.
3. Double-click on the Sound, video, and game controller.
4. Now, make a right-click on your Audio Driver and select Update driver.
5. Finally, click on Search automatically for drivers. Your system will automatically update your sound driver. However, you also have the option of manually updating your sound driver, but it may be time-consuming for some users.
Also Read: How to Backup and Restore Device Drivers in Windows 10
Method 9: Check for new Windows updates
You may be using an outdated Windows version on your system, and it might be the reason why your Windows key is not functioning properly. Therefore, make sure you keep your Windows 10 up to date. Windows 10 automatically download the updates, but sometimes due to unknown issues, you may have to download the updates manually. Follow these steps to check for available Windows updates for your system:
1. Go to your search bar in the taskbar and go to the Settings app.
2. Click on Update and Security.
3. Under Windows Update, click on check for updates.
4. Finally, your system will automatically show you the available updates. You can click on Install Now to download the available updates if any.
After updating your Windows 10, you can check whether this method could fix the start menu not working in Windows 10.
Method 10: Restart Windows Explorer
Some users could fix the Windows key not working in Windows 10 by restarting the Windows explorer. When you restart Windows Explorer, you will also force the start menu to restart as well.
1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del from your keyboard and select task manager.
2. Click on the Process tab.
3. Scroll down and locate Windows explorer.
4. Finally, make a right-click and select Restart.
After the Windows explorer restarts, you can check whether your start menu is working properly or not.
Method 11: Create a New User Account
If you are still unable to access Windows 10 Start Menu, you can create a new user account. Many users were able to fix the Windows key by creating a new user account. Follow these steps to create a new user account on your system.
1. Click on your Windows icon and search settings in the search bar. Alternatively, you can click on Windows + I keys from your on-screen keyboard to open settings.
2. Click on the Accounts section.
3. Now, click on family and other users from the panel on the left.
4. Select ‘Add someone else to this PC.’
5. Now, a Microsoft account window will pop up, where you have to click on the ‘I don’t have this person’s sign-in information’ We will be creating a new user account without a Microsoft account. However, you have the option of creating a new user with a new Microsoft account.
6. Click on Add a user without a Microsoft account.
7. Finally, you can create a username and set a password for your new account. Click on next to save the changes and create the account.
That’s it; your Windows key will start functioning properly with your new user account.
Also Read: How to Fix Windows 10 running slow after update
Method 12: Run a Malware Scan
Sometimes, the malware or virus on your system may prevent the windows key from functioning properly. Therefore, you can run a malware or virus scan on your system. You can use the free version of Malwarebytes, which is good antivirus software. You have the option of using any other antivirus app of your choice. Running a malware scan will remove harmful third-party apps or software that were causing the Windows key from losing its functionality.
1. Download and install Malwarebytes on your system.
2. Launch the software and click on the Scan option.
3. Again, click on the start scan button.
4. Finally, wait for Malwarebytes to finish scanning your device for any virus or harmful apps. If you find any harmful files after the scan, you can easily remove them from your system.
Method 13: Reinstall Windows 10
If none of the above methods works, you can reinstall Windows 10 from scratch. However, make sure you have the Windows 10 product key handy. Moreover, having a fast USB thumb drive or external SSD is a plus for installing Windows 10 on your system.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why does my start button not work on Windows 10?
There may be several reasons behind your start button not working on Windows 10. You might be using your system with the gaming mode, or some third-party app or software may be interfering with your start button. However, make sure your keyboard is not damaged, and if all the keys are working properly, then it is some Windows problem.
Q2. Why is my Windows key not working?
Your Windows key may not work if you enable the filter keys to feature on your system. Sometimes, when you use outdated sound and card drivers, it can cause the Windows button to lose its functionality. Therefore, to fix the Windows key, you can update your video drivers and check for available Windows updates.
Q3. What to do when the start button is not working?
To fix your Windows 10 start button, you can easily follow the methods listed in our guide. You can try disabling the gaming mode on your system or turn off the filter keys feature, as it can also interfere with your start button.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix Windows 10 start button not working issue. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.