DISKPART 命令列表以及如何在 Windows 11/10 中使用它们

Windows 附带一个内置工具——磁盘管理(Disk Management)——它提供了一个完整的解决方案来管理计算机上的硬盘。您可以使用它来缩小体积、增加体积或份量、创建新的等等。用户界面是使用一组命令构建的- DISKPART - 适用于PowerShell命令提示符(Command Prompt)。当您需要运行复杂的命令并使用虚拟硬盘时,它会派上用场。Diskpart实用程序有一个可以使用的命令列表,这些命令在帖子中共享。

Diskpart 命令列表

Windows 11/10中的Diskpart 命令(Diskpart Commands)列表

activeMarks the disk’s partition with focus as active.
addMirrors the simple volume with focus to the specified disk.
assignAssigns a drive letter or mount point to the volume with focus.
attach vdiskAttaches (sometimes called mounts or surfaces) a virtual hard disk (VHD) so that it appears on the host computer as a local hard disk drive.
attributesDisplays or sets or clears the attributes of a disk or volume.
automountEnables or disables the automount feature.
breakBreaks the mirrored volume with focus into two simple volumes.
cleanRemoves any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus.
compact vdiskReduces the physical size of a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk (VHD) file.
convertConverts file allocation table (FAT) and FAT32 volumes to the NTFS file system, leaving existing files and directories intact.
createCreates a partition on a disk, a volume on one or more disks, or a virtual hard disk (VHD).
deleteDeletes a partition or a volume.
detach vdiskStops the selected virtual hard disk (VHD) from appearing as a local hard disk drive on the host computer.
detailDisplays information about the selected disk, partition, volume, or virtual hard disk (VHD).
exitExits the diskpart command interpreter.
expand vdiskExpands a virtual hard disk (VHD) to the size that you specify.
extendExtends the volume or partition with focus, along with its file system, into free (unallocated) space on a disk.
filesystemsDisplays information about the current file system of the volume with focus and lists the file systems that are supported for formatting the volume.
formatFormats a disk to accept Windows files.
gptAssigns the gpt attribute(s) to the partition with focus on basic GUID partition table (gpt) disks.
helpDisplays a list of the available commands or detailed help information on a specified command.
importImports a foreign disk group into the disk group of the local computer.
inactiveMarks the system partition or boot partition with focus as inactive on basic master boot record (MBR) disks.
listDisplays a list of disks, of partitions in a disk, of volumes in a disk, or of virtual hard disks (VHDs).
merge vdiskMerges a differencing virtual hard disk (VHD) with its corresponding parent VHD.
offlineTakes an online disk or volume to the offline state.
onlineTakes an offline disk or volume to the online state.
recoverRefreshes the state of all disks in a disk group, attempts to recover disks in an invalid disk group, and resynchronizes mirrored volumes and RAID-5 volumes that have stale data.
remProvides a way to add comments to a script.
removeRemoves a drive letter or mount point from a volume.
repairRepairs the RAID-5 volume with focus by replacing the failed disk region with the specified dynamic disk.
rescanLocates new disks that may have been added to the computer.
retainPrepares an existing dynamic simple volume to be used as a boot or system volume.
sanDisplays or sets the storage area network (san) policy for the operating system.
selectShifts the focus to a disk, partition, volume, or virtual hard disk (VHD).
set idChanges the partition type field for the partition with focus.
shrinkReduces the size of the selected volume by the amount you specify.
uniqueidDisplays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus.

提示(TIP)即使磁盘管理失败(resize a Partition even if Disk Management fails),您也可以使用磁盘管理的(Disk Management)DISKPARTFSUTIL命令行工具调整分区大小。

如何使用 Diskpart?

Diskpart 命令


  • (Type CMD)开始屏幕中(Start)键入 CMD,然后选择以管理员身份(Administrator)运行(Run)
  • 键入 Diskpart(Type Diskpart),然后按Enter键。
  • 您应该看到控制台从常规Windows路径切换到 Diskpart
  • 发布这个;您可以从几个基本命令开始了解它的工作原理。


从Diskpart(Diskpart)开始的几个基本(Basic) 命令(Commands)

  • 列出磁盘:显示连接的硬盘驱动器或存储的数量
  • 选择Disk < no> :选择特定磁盘
  • 列出分区:显示所选磁盘的分区列表
  • List Volume:显示所有磁盘的所有分区

如何在 Windows 中打开 DiskPart?

使用管理员权限打开命令提示符,键入(Command Prompt)Diskpart,然后按Enter键。您还可以使用运行提示启动(Run)Diskaprt确保(Make)Shift + Enter以管理员权限启动它。

相关(Related):修复没有可显示的固定磁盘(There are no fixed disks to show)

如何在 Diskpart 中列出驱动器?

进入Diskpart后,键入List Disk,这将列出所有连接的存储设备,包括硬盘驱动器、USB存储设备、SD 卡或连接到 PC 的任何其他设备。


  • 选择磁盘 <否>
  • 列出卷
  • 选择卷 <否>
  • 删除卷

发布这个;将显示一条确认消息,表明Diskpart已成功删除该卷。也就是说,您不能删除系统(System)引导(Boot)卷。如果您无法删除它,请务必阅读本指南。(unable to delete it, make sure to read this guide.)

如何将驱动器号分配(Assign Drive Letter)隐藏(Hidden)分区?

如果可以在Diskpart工具中看到一个分区,但不能通过 File Explorer 访问(not available through the File Explorer),那是因为没有为其分配驱动器号。

  • 选择磁盘 <否>
  • 列出卷
  • 选择卷 <否>
  • 分配字母=<字母>





  • 选择磁盘 <否>
  • 列出卷
  • 缩小所需=<否>


阅读(Read):修复Diskpart 无法清除磁盘属性。

如何使用Diskpart Clean 命令擦除(Diskpart Clean Command)磁盘(Disk)

  • 命令提示符(Command Prompt)中打开Diskpart命令(Diskpart)
  • 输入list disk然后回车
  • 使用select disk select disk <no>要清理的磁盘
  • 键入clean,然后按 Enter 键

确保不要使用clean all命令;它将删除所选磁盘的所有分区。此外,这将需要一个小时左右,具体取决于磁盘大小,因为它将执行安全擦除。

相关:(Related:) DiskPart 遇到错误: Access is denied。

Windows Diskpart 实用程序(Windows Diskpart Utility)的免费替代品


我希望您能够了解如何使用它、Diskpart包含的命令列表以及您可以使用以获得更好体验的(Diskpart)Windows Diskpart软件的替代品。

About the author

在商业和技术方面,Windows 10 和 Windows 11/10 是非常重要的工具。它们使您可以比以往更轻松、更安全地与计算机交互,并运行功能强大但可自定义的应用程序,而不会带来任何安全风险。这些工具对于希望能够扩大其在线业务并吸引新客户的企业来说也是必不可少的。因此,我会说我在 Windows 10 和 Windows 11/10 方面的技能使我成为此类工作或业务的理想人选。

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