在当今时代,几乎每个人都拥有一部智能手机,它拥有保存他们美好回忆的力量,捕捉欢乐和嬉戏的时刻,并将这些千载难逢的经历制作成视频。尽管现代智能手机具有非常大的内存存储空间,但有时它不足以存储我们想要保留的所有照片和视频。这就是谷歌照片(Google Photos)发挥作用的地方。
(Cloud)Google Photos、Google Drive、Dropbox、OneDrive等(OneDrive)云存储应用程序和服务已成为当今时代的绝对必需品。这背后的原因之一是智能手机相机的大幅改进。您设备上的摄像头能够捕捉到令人惊叹的高分辨率图像,可以让数码单反相机(DSLRs)物有所值。您还可以以非常高的FPS(每秒帧数)录制全高清视频。因此,照片和视频的最终尺寸非常大。
如果没有像样的云存储驱动器,我们设备的本地内存很快就会被填满,最好的部分是大多数云存储应用程序都免费提供服务。例如, Android用户可以获得无限的免费存储空间,以免费在(Android)Google 相册(Google Photos)上备份他们的照片和视频。然而,谷歌照片(Google Photos)不仅仅是一个云存储服务器,在本文中,我们将探索谷歌照片(Google Photos)打包的各种功能,并处理谷歌照片不备份的问题。( problem of Google Photos not backing up.)
Google 相册提供哪些各种服务?(What are the various services offered by Google Photos?)
Google Photos由Android开发人员创建,旨在解决Android智能手机中存储空间不足的问题。这是一个非常有用的应用程序,允许用户将他们的照片和视频备份到云端。您需要做的就是使用您的谷歌(Google)帐户登录,您将在云服务器上分配一个指定的空间来存储您的媒体文件。
谷歌照片(Google Photos)的界面看起来像是你可以在 Android 上找到的一些最好的图库应用(best gallery apps that you can find on Android)。照片和视频会根据拍摄日期和时间自动排列和排序。这样可以更轻松地找到您要查找的照片。您还可以立即与他人共享照片,进行一些基本的编辑,还可以随时将图像下载到本地存储中。
如前所述,谷歌照片 提供无限存储(Google Photos offers unlimited storage),因为您愿意在质量上做出一些妥协。该应用程序提供 15GB 的免费存储空间用于保存未压缩的原始分辨率照片,以及用于保存压缩为高清质量的照片和视频的视频或无限存储空间。谷歌照片(salient features of the Google Photos)的其他显着特点包括。
- 它会自动将您的照片和视频同步并备份到云端。
- 如果首选上传质量设置为高清,则应用程序会自动将文件压缩为高质量并将它们保存在云端。
- 您可以创建包含任意数量图片的相册并为其生成可共享链接。任何拥有链接和访问权限的用户都可以查看和下载相册中保存的图像。这可能是与多人共享大量照片和视频的最佳方式。
- 如果您有Google Pixel,那么您甚至不必在上传质量上妥协;您可以以原始质量保存无限数量的照片和视频。
- Google 相册(Google Photos)还可以帮助您制作拼贴画、短视频演示甚至动画。
- 除此之外,您还可以创建动态(Motion)照片,使用内置编辑器,使用释放空间(Free Up Space)功能消除重复,并节省空间。
- 借助最新的 Google Lens集成,您甚至可以对之前保存在云端的照片执行智能视觉搜索。
尽管Google 相册(Google Photos)是一款如此先进和高效的应用,但它并不完美。然而,就像所有其他应用程序一样,谷歌照片(Google Photos)有时可能会出现问题。最令人担忧的问题之一是它停止将照片上传到云的时候。您甚至不会意识到自动上传功能已停止工作,并且您的照片没有得到备份。但是,现在还没有理由恐慌,因为我们在这里为您提供了许多解决方案和修复此问题的方法。
如何解决谷歌照片不备份的问题 (How to Fix the Problem of Google Photos Not Backing Up )
如前所述,有时Google 相册(Google Photos)会停止在云端备份您的照片和视频。它要么卡在“等待同步”或“备份 1 个 XYZ”(Waiting for sync” or “Backing up 1 of XYZ”),而且上传一张照片需要很长时间。这背后的原因可能是手机设置的错误更改或谷歌(Google)服务器本身的问题。不管是什么原因,问题必须尽快解决,因为你不想冒险失去你宝贵的记忆。下面给出了一个解决方案列表,您可以尝试解决Google 相册(Google Photos)无法备份的问题。
解决方案 1:(Solution 1:) 重新启动设备( Restart your device)
如果您的Google相册应用在上传照片或视频时卡住,则可能是技术故障造成的。解决此问题的最简单方法是reboot/restart your device。关闭和打开它的简单行为有可能解决任何技术问题。这就是为什么它通常是电子设备上可能出现的几乎所有问题的解决方案列表中的第一项。因此,不用想太多,按住电源按钮,直到屏幕上弹出电源菜单,然后点击重新启动(Restart)选项。看看您是否能够解决Google 相册(Google Photos)备份卡住的问题。如果这不起作用,请继续使用其他解决方案。
解决方案 2:(Solution 2:) 检查您的备份状态( Check your Backup Status)
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开Google Photos 。
2. 现在点击右上角的头像(profile picture on the top right-hand corner)。
3. 在这里,您会在“管理您的 Google 帐户”( “Manage your Google Account”)选项下找到备份(Backup)状态。
“等待连接”或“等待 Wi-Fi(“Waiting for connection” or “Waiting for Wi-Fi) ” - 尝试重新连接到Wi-Fi网络或切换到您的移动数据。为了使用您的移动数据将照片和视频上传到云端,您需要先启用它。我们将在本文后面讨论这个问题。
“已跳过照片或视频” - 可上传到(“A photo or video was skipped”)Google 相册(Google Photos) 的照片和视频的大小有上限。大于 75 MB 或 100 兆像素的照片(Photos)和大于 10GB 的视频无法保存在云端。确保(Make)您尝试上传的媒体文件符合此要求。
“备份和同步已关闭”(“Back up and sync is off”) - 您一定是不小心禁用了Google 照片(Google Photos)的自动同步和备份;您需要做的就是将其重新打开。
“备份照片”或“备份完成”(“Backup up photos” or “Back up Complete”) - 您的照片是正在上传或已经上传的视频。
解决方案 3:(Solution 3:) 为 Google 相册启用自动同步功能( Enable Auto-Sync Feature for Google Photos)
默认情况下,Google 相册的自动同步设置始终处于启用状态(automatic sync setting for Google Photos is always enabled)。但是,您可能不小心将其关闭。这将阻止Google 相册(Google Photos)将照片上传到云端。需要启用此设置才能从Google 相册(Google Photos)上传和下载照片。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开Google Photos 。
2. 现在点击右上角的个人资料图片,(profile picture on the top right-hand)然后单击照片设置(Photos Settings)选项。
3.在这里,点击备份和同步(Backup & sync)选项。
4. 现在打开备份和同步(toggle ON the switch next to the Backup & sync)设置旁边的开关以启用它。
5. 如果这解决了您的问题,那么您已经准备就绪,否则,请继续执行列表中的下一个解决方案。
解决方案 4:(Solution 4:) 确保 Internet 正常工作( Make sure the Internet is working properly)
Google相册(Google Photos)的功能是自动扫描设备中的照片并将其上传到云存储,并且需要稳定的互联网连接才能做到这一点。确保您连接的 Wi-Fi 网络工作正常(Wi-Fi network that you are connected to is working properly)。检查互联网连接的最简单方法是打开YouTube并查看视频是否在没有缓冲的情况下播放。
除此之外,如果您使用蜂窝数据, Google 相册还为上传照片设置了每日数据限制。(Google Photos)存在此数据限制是为了确保不会过度消耗蜂窝数据。但是,如果Google 相册(Google Photos)没有上传您的照片,那么我们建议您禁用任何类型的数据限制。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1.在您的设备上打开Google 相册。(Google Photos)
2. 现在点击右上角的个人资料图片(tap on your profile picture)。
3. 之后,单击照片设置(Photos Settings)选项,然后点击备份和同步(Back up & sync)选项。
4. 现在选择移动数据使用(Mobile data usage)选项。
5. 在这里,选择备份选项卡的每日限制(Daily limit)下的无限选项。(Unlimited)
解决方案 5:更新应用程序(Solution 5: Update the App)
每当一个应用程序开始发挥作用时,黄金法则就是更新它。这是因为当报告错误时,应用程序开发人员会发布带有错误修复的新更新,以解决不同类型的问题。更新Google 相册(Google Photos)可能会帮助您解决照片无法上传的问题。请按照以下步骤更新Google 相册(Google Photos)应用。
1. 前往Play 商店(Play Store)。
2. 在左上角,你会发现三条水平线(three horizontal lines)。点击它们。
3. 现在,单击“我的应用程序和游戏”(“My Apps and Games”)选项。
4. 搜索Google 相册(Google Photos)并检查是否有任何待处理的更新。
5. 如果是,则单击更新( update)按钮。
6. 应用程序更新后,检查照片是否正常上传。
解决方案 6: (Solution 6: )清除 Google 照片的缓存和数据(Clear Cache and Data for Google Photos)
另一个针对所有Android(Android)应用相关问题的经典解决方案是清除(clear cache and data)故障应用的缓存和数据。每个应用程序都会生成缓存(Cache)文件,以减少屏幕加载时间并加快应用程序打开速度。随着时间的推移,缓存文件的数量不断增加。这些缓存文件通常会损坏并导致应用程序出现故障。不时删除旧的缓存和数据文件是一种很好的做法。这样做不会影响您保存在云端的照片或视频。它只会为新的缓存文件让路,一旦旧的缓存文件被删除,就会生成新的缓存文件。请按照以下步骤清除Google 照片(Google Photos)应用程序的缓存和数据。
1. 转到手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 单击应用程序(Apps)选项以查看您设备上已安装应用程序的列表。
3.现在搜索谷歌照片(Google Photos)并点击它以打开应用程序设置。然后,单击存储(Storage)选项。
4.在这里,您将找到清除缓存和清除数据( Clear Cache and Clear Data)的选项。单击(Click)相应的按钮,Google 相册(Google Photos)的缓存文件将被删除。
现在再次尝试将照片(Photos)同步到Google 照片(Google Photos),看看您是否能够修复 Google 照片备份卡住的问题。(fix Google Photos backup stuck issue.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 从 Google 备份将应用程序和设置恢复到新的 Android 手机(Restore Apps and Settings to a new Android phone from Google Backup)
解决方案 7:(Solution 7: )更改照片的上传质量(Change the Upload Quality of Photos)
就像其他所有云存储驱动器一样,Google 相册(Google Photos)也有一定的存储限制。您有权在云上释放 15 GB 的存储空间(free 15 GB of storage space)来上传您的照片。除此之外(Beyond),您需要为您希望使用的任何额外空间付费。但是,这是以原始质量上传照片和视频的条款和条件,即文件大小保持不变。选择此选项的好处是不会因压缩而降低质量,并且当您从云端下载照片时,您会得到与原始分辨率完全相同的照片。分配给您的可用空间可能已完全用完,因此不再上传照片。
现在,您可以支付额外的空间或妥协上传的质量,以继续在云上备份您的照片。Google Photos有两个可供选择的Upload Size选项,分别是“ High Quality ”和“ Express ”。这些选项最有趣的一点是它们提供了无限的存储空间。如果您愿意在图像质量上做出一点妥协,Google 相册(Google Photos)将允许您存储任意数量的照片或视频。我们建议您选择高质量的(High-Quality)未来上传的选项。它将图像压缩到 16 MP 的分辨率,并将视频压缩到高清。如果您打算打印这些图像,那么打印质量会达到 24 x 16 英寸。这是一笔非常划算的交易,可以换取无限的存储空间。(This is quite good a deal in exchange for unlimited storage space.)请按照以下步骤更改您对Google 相册(Google Photos)上传质量的偏好。
1.在您的设备上打开Google 照片,然后点击右上角的(Google Photos)个人资料图片(profile picture)。
2. 之后,单击照片设置(Photos Settings)选项。
3.在这里,点击备份和同步(Backup & sync)选项。
4. 在设置下,您会找到名为“上传大小”(“Upload size”)的选项。点击它。
5. 现在,从给定的选项中,选择高质量(High Quality)作为未来更新的首选。
6.这将授予您无限的存储空间,并解决照片无法上传到谷歌相册(Google Photos)的问题。
解决方案 8:(Solution 8: )强制停止应用程序(Force Stop the App)
即使您退出某些应用程序,它也会继续在后台运行。尤其是像谷歌相册(Google Photos)这样具有自动同步功能的应用程序会不断在后台运行,搜索任何需要上传到云端的新照片和视频。有时,当应用程序无法正常运行时,修复它的最佳方法是完全停止应用程序然后重新启动。确保应用程序已完成关闭的唯一方法是强制停止它。请按照以下步骤强制停止Google 相册(Google Photos):
2. 从应用程序列表中查找Google Photos并点击它。
3. 这将打开谷歌照片的应用设置(app settings for Google Photos)。之后,点击强制停止(Force stop)按钮。
4. 现在再次打开应用程序,看看您是否能够修复 Google Photos 无法备份的问题。 (fix Google Photos not backing up issue. )
解决方案 9:(Solution 9: )退出然后登录您的 Google 帐户(Sign Out and then Sign In to your Google Account)
如果以上方法都不是,请尝试删除与谷歌相册(Google Photos)关联的谷歌账户(removing your Google account),然后重启手机后重新登录。这样(Doing)做可能会使事情变得直截了当,Google 相册(Google Photos)可能会像以前一样开始备份您的照片。请按照以下步骤删除您的Google 帐户(Google Account)。
1. 打开手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 现在点击用户和帐户(Users & accounts)。
3. 现在选择谷歌(Google)选项。
4. 在屏幕底部,您会找到删除帐户(Remove account)的选项,点击它。
5. 这将使您退出您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)。
6.重新启动您的设备(Reboot your device)。
7. 当您的设备再次启动时,返回用户和设置部分(Users and Settings section)并点击添加帐户选项。
8. 从选项列表中,选择Google 并(Google and sign)使用您的用户名和密码登录。
9. 再次设置好所有内容后,检查Google Photos中的备份状态,看看您是否能够解决 Google Photos 备份卡住的问题。(fix the Google Photos backup stuck issue.)
解决方案 10:(Solution 10: )手动上传照片和视频(Manually Upload Photos and Videos)
虽然Google 相册(Google Photos)旨在自动将您的媒体文件上传到云端,但您也可以选择手动上传。如果上述方法都不起作用,并且Google 相册(Google Photos)仍然拒绝备份您的照片和视频,这是最后的手段。手动备份文件至少比丢失文件要好。请按照以下步骤手动将照片和视频上传到云端。
1. 打开谷歌相册应用(Google Photos app)。
2. 现在点击屏幕底部的库选项。(Library)
3. 在“设备上的照片”(“Photos on Device”)选项卡下,您可以找到包含您的照片和视频的各种文件夹。
4. 查找包含您要上传的照片的文件夹并点击它。您会注意到文件夹右下角有一个离线符号,表示该文件夹中的部分或全部图片尚未上传。
5. 现在选择您要上传的图像,然后点击右上角的菜单按钮(三个垂直点)。
6. 之后,单击立即备份(Back up now)选项。
7. 您的照片现在将上传到Google 照片(Google Photos)。
至此,我们到了本文的结尾;我们希望这些解决方案证明是有帮助的,并且Google 相册(Google Photos)无法备份的问题已得到解决。但是,如前所述,有时问题出在Google服务器上,您无法修复它。您需要做的就是等待他们最终解决问题。如果您想要官方确认您的问题,您可以写信给Google支持。(Google)如果问题在很长一段时间后仍未解决,您可以尝试切换到备用云存储应用程序,例如Dropbox或 One Drive。
10 Ways to Fix Google Photos Not Backing Up
Humans have аlways shown a keen intеrest in preserνing their memories. Paintings, sculptures, monuments, epitaphs, etc. were some of the manу historical means used by people to make sure that their stories aren’t forgotten аnd lost in oblivion. With the invention of the camera, picturеs and vidеos became the most popular means to celebrate and commemorate the glory days. As technology became more and more advanсe and the world steррed into the digіtal age, the entire process of capturing memories in the form of photos and videos bеcame extremely convenient.
In the present times, almost everyone owns a smartphone, and with that holds power to preserve their fond memories, capture moments of fun and frolic, and make a video of those once in a lifetime experiences. Although modern smartphones have significantly large memory storage, sometimes it just isn’t enough to store all the photos and videos that we would like to keep. This is where Google Photos comes in to play.
Cloud storage apps and services like Google Photos, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. have become an absolute necessity in the present times. One of the reasons behind this is the drastic improvement of the smartphone camera. The camera on your device is capable of capturing stunning, high-resolution images that could give DSLRs a run for their money. You can also record full HD videos at a significantly high FPS (frames per second). As a result, the final size of the photos and videos are quite large.
Without a decent cloud storage drive, our device’s local memory would soon be full, and the best part is that most of the cloud storage apps offer their services for free. Android users, for example, get unlimited free storage to back up their photos and videos on Google Photos for free. However, Google Photos isn’t just a cloud storage server, and, in this article, we are going to explore the various features that Google Photos is packing and also deal with the problem of Google Photos not backing up.
What are the various services offered by Google Photos?
Google Photos was created by Android developers to solve the lack of storage issue in Android smartphones. It is a very useful app that allows users to back up their photos and videos on the cloud. All that you need to do is sign in with your Google account, and you will be allocated a designated space on the cloud server to store your media files.
The interface of Google Photos looks like some of the best gallery apps that you can find on Android. The photos and videos are automatically arranged and sorted according to their date and time of capture. This makes it easier to find the photo that you are looking for. You can also instantly share the photo with others, do some basic editing, and also download the image on your local storage whenever you want.
As mentioned earlier, Google Photos offers unlimited storage, given that you are willing to compromise a little with the quality. The app offers a choice between 15GB of free storage space for saving uncompressed original resolution photos, and videos or unlimited storage for saving photos and videos compressed to HD quality. The other salient features of the Google Photos include.
- It automatically syncs and backs up your photos and videos to the cloud.
- If the preferred upload quality is set to HD, then the app automatically compresses files to high quality and saves them on the cloud.
- You can create an album containing any number of pictures and generate a sharable link for the same. Any user with the link and access permission can view and download the images saved in the album. This is probably the best way to share a large number of photos and videos with multiple people.
- If you have a Google Pixel, then you wouldn’t even have to compromise with the upload quality; you can save an unlimited number of photos and videos in their original quality.
- Google Photos also helps you in making collages, short video presentations, and even animations.
- Apart from that, you can also create Motion photos, use the in-built editor, use the Free Up Space feature to eliminate duplicates, and conserve space.
- With the latest Google Lens integration, you can even perform a smart visual search on photos previously saved on the cloud.
Despite being such an advanced and efficient app, Google Photos isn’t perfect. However, just like every other app, Google Photos might act out at times. One of the most concerning problems is times when it stops uploading photos to the cloud. You wouldn’t even be aware that the automatic upload feature has stopped working, and your photos aren’t getting backed up. However, there is no reason to panic just yet as we are here to provide you with a number of solutions and fixes for this problem.
How to Fix the Problem of Google Photos Not Backing Up
As mentioned earlier, sometimes Google Photos stops backing up your photos and videos on the cloud. It either get stuck on “Waiting for sync” or “Backing up 1 of XYZ” and it takes forever to upload a single photo. The reason behind this could be an erroneous change of setting on your phone or a problem with Google servers itself. Whatever may be the reason, the problem must be fixed as soon as possible, because you wouldn’t want to risk losing your precious memories. Given below is a list of solutions that you can try to fix the problem of Google Photos not backing up.
Solution 1: Restart your device
If your Google photos app gets stuck while uploading a photo or video, it could be the result of a technical glitch. The easiest solution to this problem is to reboot/restart your device. The simple act of turning it off and on has the potential to fix any technical problem. That is why it is usually the first item on the list of solutions for almost every problem that might occur on an electronic device. So, without thinking too much, press and hold your power button until the power menu pops up on the screen and tap on the Restart option. See if you’re able to fix Google Photos backup stuck issue. If that doesn’t work, proceed with the other solutions.
Solution 2: Check your Backup Status
In order to fix the problem, you need to figure out what is actually preventing your photos and videos from getting backed up. To get a clear idea of the exact nature of the problem, you need to check the status of your backup. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Firstly, open Google Photos on your device.
2. Now tap on your profile picture on the top right-hand corner.
3. Here, you will find the Backup status just under the “Manage your Google Account” option.
These are some of the messages that you can expect and the quick fix for them.
“Waiting for connection” or “Waiting for Wi-Fi” – Try reconnecting to the Wi-Fi network or switching to your mobile data. In order to use your mobile data to upload photos and videos on the cloud, you need to enable it first. We will discuss this later in this article.
“A photo or video was skipped” – There is an upper limit to the size of photos and videos that can be uploaded on Google Photos. Photos larger than 75 MB or 100 megapixels and videos larger than 10GB cannot be saved on the cloud. Make sure that the media files which you are trying to upload meet this requirement.
“Back up and sync is off” – You must have accidentally disabled the auto-sync and back upsetting for Google Photos; all that you need to do is turn it back ON.
“Backup up photos” or “Back up Complete” – Your photos are videos are getting uploaded at the moment or have already been uploaded.
Solution 3: Enable Auto-Sync Feature for Google Photos
By default, the automatic sync setting for Google Photos is always enabled. However, it is possible that you might have accidentally turned it off. This will prevent Google Photos from uploading photos to the cloud. This setting needs to be enabled in order to upload and download photos from Google Photos. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Firstly, open Google Photos on your device.
2. Now tap on your profile picture on the top right-hand corner and click on the Photos Settings option.
3. Here, tap on the Backup & sync option.
4. Now toggle ON the switch next to the Backup & sync setting to enable it.
5. If this solves your problem, then you are all set, otherwise, proceed to the next solution in the list.
Solution 4: Make sure the Internet is working properly
The function of Google Photos is to automatically scan the device for photos and upload it on the cloud storage, and it needs a stable internet connection to do so. Make sure that the Wi-Fi network that you are connected to is working properly. The easiest way to check internet connectivity is to open YouTube and see if a video plays without buffering.
Apart from that, Google Photos has a daily data limit set for uploading photos if you are using your cellular data. This data limit exists to ensure that cellular data is not consumed excessively. However, if Google Photos is not uploading your photos, then we would suggest you disable data restrictions of any kind. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Open Google Photos on your device.
2. Now tap on your profile picture on the top right-hand corner.
3. After that, click on the Photos Settings option then tap on the Back up & sync option.
4. Now select the Mobile data usage option.
5. Here, select the Unlimited option under the Daily limit for the Backup tab.
Solution 5: Update the App
Whenever an app starts acting out, the golden rule says to update it. This is because when an error is reported, the app developers release a new update with bug fixes to solve the different types of problems. It is possible that updating Google Photos will help you fix the issue of photos not being uploaded. Follow the steps given below to update the Google Photos app.
1. Go to the Play Store.
2. On the top left-hand side, you will find three horizontal lines. Click on them.
3. Now, click on the “My Apps and Games” option.
4. Search for Google Photos and check if there are any pending updates.
5. If yes, then click on the update button.
6. Once the app gets updated, check if photos are getting uploaded as usual or not.
Solution 6: Clear Cache and Data for Google Photos
Another classic solution to all Android app related problems is clear cache and data for the malfunctioning app. Cache files are generated by every app to reduce screen loading time and make the app open faster. Over time the volume of cache files keeps increasing. These cache files often get corrupted and cause the app to malfunction. It is a good practice to delete old cache and data files from time to time. Doing so will not affect your photos or videos saved on the cloud. It will simply make way for new cache files, which will be generated once the old ones are deleted. Follow the steps given below to clear the cache and data for the Google Photos app.
1. Go to the Settings on your phone.
2. Click on the Apps option to view the list of installed apps on your device.
3. Now search for Google Photos and tap on it to open the app settings. Then, click on the Storage option.
4. Here, you will find the option to Clear Cache and Clear Data. Click on the respective buttons, and the cache files for Google Photos will get deleted.
Now again try to sync Photos to Google Photos and see if you’re able to fix Google Photos backup stuck issue.
Also Read: Restore Apps and Settings to a new Android phone from Google Backup
Solution 7: Change the Upload Quality of Photos
Just like every other cloud storage drive, Google Photos has certain storage restrictions. You are entitled to free 15 GB of storage space on the cloud to upload your photos. Beyond which, you need to pay for any additional space that you wish to use. This, however, is the terms and conditions for uploading your photos and videos in their original quality, i.e., the file size remains unaltered. The benefit of choosing this option is that there is no loss of quality due to compression, and you get the exact same photo in its original resolution when you download it from the cloud. It is possible that this free space that was allocated to you has been completely used up, and thus, photos are no longer getting uploaded.
Now, you can either pay for extra space or compromise with the quality of the uploads to continue backing up your photos on the cloud. Google Photos has two alternate options for the Upload Size, and these are “High Quality” and “Express”. The most interesting point about these options is that they offer unlimited storage space. If you are willing to compromise a little with the quality of the image, Google Photos will allow you to store as many photos or videos as you want. We would suggest you select a High-Quality option for future uploads. It compresses the image to a resolution of 16 MP, and videos are compressed to high definition. In case you are planning to print these images, then the quality of the print would be good up to 24 x 16 in. This is quite good a deal in exchange for unlimited storage space. Follow the steps given below to alter your preference for the upload quality on Google Photos.
1. Open Google Photos on your device then tap on your profile picture on the top right-hand corner.
2. After that, click on the Photos Settings option.
3. Here, tap on the Backup & sync option.
4. Under Settings, you will find the option called “Upload size”. Click on it.
5. Now, from the given options, select High Quality as your preferred choice for future updates.
6. This will grant you unlimited storage space and solve the problem of photos not uploading on Google Photos.
Solution 8: Force Stop the App
Even when you exit from some app, it keeps running in the background. Especially apps like Google Photos that have auto-sync feature are constantly running in the background, searching for any new photos and videos that need to be uploaded on the cloud. Sometimes, when an app is not working properly, the best way to fix it is by completely stopping the app and then starting again. The only way to make sure that an app has been completed closed is by force stopping it. Follow the steps given below to force stop Google Photos:
1. First, open Settings on your phone then tap on the Apps option.
2. From the list of apps look for Google Photos and tap on it.
3. This will open the app settings for Google Photos. After that, tap on the Force stop button.
4. Now open the app again and see if you’re able to fix Google Photos not backing up issue.
Solution 9: Sign Out and then Sign In to your Google Account
If none of the above methods, try removing your Google account that is linked to Google Photos and then sign-in again after rebooting your phone. Doing so might set things straight, and Google Photos might begin backing up your photos like it used to earlier. Follow the steps given below to remove your Google Account.
1. Open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now click on the Users & accounts.
3. Now select the Google option.
4. At the bottom of the screen, you will find the option to Remove account, click on it.
5. This will sign you out of your Gmail account.
6. Reboot your device.
7. When your device starts again, head back to the Users and Settings section and tap on the add account option.
8. From the list of options, select Google and sign in with your username and password.
9. Once everything has been set up again, check the backup status in Google Photos, and see if you’re able to fix the Google Photos backup stuck issue.
Solution 10: Manually Upload Photos and Videos
Although Google Photos is meant to upload your media files on the cloud automatically, there is an option to do so manually as well. If none of the above methods work and Google Photos still refuses to back up your photos and videos, this is the last resort. Manually backing up your files is at least better than losing them. Follow the steps given below to upload your photos and videos to the cloud manually.
1. Open the Google Photos app.
2. Now tap on the Library option at the bottom of the screen.
3. Under the “Photos on Device” tab, you can find the various folders that contain your photos and videos.
4. Look for the folder that contains the photo that you wish to upload and tap on it. You will notice an offline symbol on the bottom right corner of the folder that indicates some or all pictures in this folder has not been uploaded.
5. Now select the image that you wish to upload and then tap on the menu button (three vertical dots) on the top right corner.
6. After that, click on the Back up now option.
7. Your photo will now be uploaded on Google Photos.
With that, we come to the end of this article; we hope that these solutions prove to be helpful, and the problem of Google Photos not backing up is fixed. However, as mentioned earlier, sometimes the problem lies with Google servers, and there is nothing that you can do to fix it. All you need to do is wait as they fix the problem on their end. You can write to Google support if you want an official acknowledgment of your problem. If the issue isn’t resolved even after a long time, you can try switching to an alternate cloud storage app like Dropbox or One Drive.