本指南将讨论 10 个最好的免费公共DNS服务器,包括Google、OpenDNS、Quad9、Cloudflare、CleanBrowsing、Comodo、Verisign、Alternate和Level3。
在当今的数字世界中,我们不能考虑在没有互联网的情况下度过我们的生活。DNS或域名系统(Domain Name System)是 Internet 上一个熟悉的术语。一般来说,它是一个将Google.com或Facebook.com等域名与正确 IP 地址相匹配的系统。仍然,不明白它的作用?让我们这样看。当您在浏览器中输入域名时,DNS服务会将这些名称转换为允许您访问这些站点的特定 IP 地址。了解它现在有多重要?
这就是免费公共DNS服务的用武之地。当您切换到公共DNS服务器时,它可以让您的体验变得更好。由于冗长的 100% 正常运行时间记录以及更灵敏的浏览,您将面临更少的技术问题。不仅如此,这些服务器还会阻止对受感染或网络钓鱼站点的访问,让您的体验更加安全。除此之外,其中一些甚至带有内容过滤功能,可帮助您的孩子远离互联网的阴暗面。
现在,当谈到互联网上的公共DNS服务器时,有很多选择。(DNS)虽然这很好,但它也可能变得势不可挡。哪个是正确的选择?如果你也有同样的疑惑,我会帮你解决的。在本文中,我将与您分享 10 款最佳公共DNS服务器。您将了解有关它们的每一个小细节,以便做出明智的选择。所以,不要再浪费时间了,让我们继续吧。继续阅读。
10 个最佳公共 DNS 服务器(10 Best Public DNS Servers)
#1. Google Public DNS Server
首先(First),我要和大家讨论的公共 DNS 服务器称为Google(DNS Server)公共 DNS 服务器(Google Public DNS Server)。DNS 服务器是市场上所有(DNS Server)公共 DNS 服务器(Public DNS Servers)中可能提供最快操作的服务器。大量用户继续使用这个公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server),增加了它的可信度。它还带有Google的品牌名称。一旦您开始使用这个公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server),您将体验到更好的浏览体验以及更高级别的安全性,最终将带来令人惊叹的上网体验。
要使用Google 公共 DNS 服务器(Google Public DNS Server),您需要做的就是使用我在下面提到的 IP 地址配置计算机的网络设置:
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
就是这样。现在您已经准备好使用Google公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)了。但是等等,如何在你的 Windows 10 上实际使用这个DNS ?好吧,别担心,只需阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上更改 DNS 设置(how to change DNS settings on Windows 10)的指南。
#2. OpenDNS
我要向您展示的下一个公共DNS 服务器是(DNS Server)OpenDNS。DNS 服务器是公共(DNS Server)DNS中最受欢迎和著名的名称之一。它成立于 2005 年,现在归思科(Cisco)所有。DNS 服务器(DNS Server)提供免费和付费商业计划。
在DNS 服务器(DNS Server)提供的免费服务中,您将获得许多惊人的功能,例如 100% 正常运行时间、更高的速度、可选的家长控制类型的网络过滤,这样您的孩子就不会体验网络的黑暗面,以及更多。除此之外,DNS 服务器(DNS Server)还阻止受感染的网站和网络钓鱼网站,这样您的计算机就不会遭受任何恶意软件的侵害,并且您的敏感数据仍然安全。不仅如此,如果有任何问题,您可以随时使用他们的免费电子邮件支持。
另一方面,付费商业计划带有一些高级功能,例如能够查看您截至去年的浏览历史记录。除此之外,您还可以通过简单地允许访问您想要访问的特定站点并阻止其他站点来锁定您的系统。现在,当然,如果您是一个温和的用户,您将不需要这些功能中的任何一个。但是,如果您认为自己想要它们,您可以通过每年支付约 20 美元的费用来获得它们。
如果您是专业人士或花费大量时间更换DNS ,只需将计算机重新配置为使用(DNS)OpenDNS名称服务器,即可轻松启动它。另一方面,如果您是初学者或对技术了解不多,请不要害怕,我的朋友。OpenDNS附带 PC、Mac(Macs)、路由器、移动设备等的设置手册。
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
#3. Quad9
您是否(Are)正在寻找一个公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)来保护您的计算机以及其他设备免受网络威胁?看看Quad9就知道了。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)通过自动阻止您访问受感染、网络钓鱼(phishing)和不安全的网站来保护您的计算机,而不让它们存储您的个人数据和敏感数据。
主DNS配置为,而辅助(DNS)DNS所需的配置为。除此之外,您还可以使用Quad 9 IPv6 DNS 服务器(IPv6 DNS Servers)。主DNS的配置设置为,而辅助DNS的配置设置为149.112.112.112
就像这个世界上的所有其他事物一样,Quad9也有其自身的一系列缺点。虽然公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)通过阻止有害站点来保护您的计算机,但它目前不支持过滤内容的功能。Quad9在配置9.9.9.10中还带有一个不安全的IPv4公共DNS。
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
#4. Norton ConnectSafe (service not available anymore)
如果你不是生活在一块岩石下——我相信你不是——你听说过诺顿(Norton)。该公司不仅提供防病毒软件以及与互联网安全相关的程序。除此之外,它还附带称为Norton ConnectSafe的公共(Norton ConnectSafe)DNS 服务器(DNS Server)服务。这个基于云的公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)的独特之处在于它有助于保护您的计算机免受网络钓鱼网站的侵害。
公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)提供三种预定义的内容过滤策略。三种过滤策略如下:安全(– Security)、Security + Pornography、Security + Pornography +其他。
#5. Cloudflare
我要与您讨论的下一个公共DNS 服务器称为(DNS Server)Cloudflare。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)以其提供的顶级内容交付网络而闻名。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)具有基本功能。来自DNSPerf(DNSPerf)等网站的独立测试证明,Cloudflare实际上是互联网上最快的公共 DNS 服务器(DNS Server)。
但是,请记住,公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)不附带您通常会在列表中提到的其他服务上提供的其他服务。您将无法获得诸如广告拦截、内容过滤、反网络钓鱼等功能,或任何可让您监控或控制您可以在 Internet 上访问哪些类型的内容以及您不能访问哪些内容的方法。
公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)的一个独特之处在于它提供的隐私。它不仅不会使用您的浏览数据来向您展示广告,而且它也不会将查询的 IP 地址,即您计算机的 IP 地址写入磁盘。保留的日志将在 24 小时内删除。这些不仅仅是文字。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)每年都会通过毕马威(KPMG)审计其实践并生成一份公共报告。因此,您可以确定公司确实按照它所说的做了。网站附带一些设置指南以及易于理解的教程,涵盖了几乎所有操作系统,如Windows、Mac、Linux、Android、iOS 和路由器。这些教程在本质上是非常通用的——对于每个版本的Windows(Windows),您都将获得相同的说明。除此之外,如果您是移动用户,您还可以使用WARP,从而确保您手机的所有互联网流量都是安全的。
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
#6. CleanBrowsing
现在,让我们将注意力转向下一个公共DNS(CleanBrowsing)服务器(DNS Server)——CleanBrowsing 。它具有三个免费的公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)选项——成人过滤器、安全过滤器和家庭过滤器。这些DNS Server用作安全过滤器。三个每小时更新一次的基本更新,用于阻止网络钓鱼和恶意软件站点。主DNS的配置设置为185.228.168.9 ,而辅助DNS的配置设置为185.228.169.9。
(IPv6)主DNS的配置设置(DNS)2aod:2aOO:1::2也支持IPv6 ,而辅助DNS的配置设置为2aod:2aOO:2::2。
公共DNS 服务器的成人过滤器(DNS Server) (配置设置 setting 0),可防止访问成人域。另一方面,家庭过滤器(配置设置 (configuration setting允许您阻止VPN(VPNs)、代理和混合成人内容。付费计划还具有更多功能。
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
#7. Comodo Secure DNS
接下来,我将与您谈谈Comodo Secure DNS。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)通常是一种域名服务器服务,可帮助您通过许多全球DNS 服务器解析(DNS Severs)DNS请求。因此,您可以体验到比使用ISP(ISP)提供的默认DNS服务器更快更好的 Internet 浏览。
如果您想使用Comodo Secure DNS,您无需安装任何软件或硬件。主 DNS 和辅助DNS的配置设置如下:
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
#8. Verisign DNS
Verisign成立于 1995 年,提供许多服务,例如多项安全服务,例如托管DNS。公共DNS服务器是免费提供的。该公司最重视的三个功能是安全性、隐私性和稳定性。而公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)在这些方面确实表现良好。该公司声称他们不会将您的数据出售给任何第三方。
另一方面,性能却差了很多,尤其是与列表中的其他公共DNS 服务器(DNS Servers)相比时。但是,它也没有那么糟糕。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)可帮助您使用其网站上提供的教程设置公共DNS 。它们适用于Windows 7和 10、Mac、移动设备和Linux。除此之外,您还可以找到有关在路由器上配置服务器设置的教程。
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
#9. Alternate DNS
想要(Want)获得一个免费的公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)来阻止广告到达您的网络吗?我向您介绍备用 DNS(Alternate DNS)。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)提供免费和付费计划。任何人都可以从注册页面注册免费版本。除此之外,家庭高级DNS选项会阻止您可以通过每月支付 2.99 美元的费用来选择的成人内容。
主DNS的配置设置是198.101.242.72,而辅助DNS的配置设置是23.253.163.53。另一方面,备用DNS也有IPv6 DNS服务器。主DNS的配置设置为2001:4800:780e:510:a8cf:392e:ff04:8982 ,而辅助(2001:4800:780e:510:a8cf:392e:ff04:8982 )DNS的配置设置为2001 :4801:7825:103:be76:4eff:fe10:2e49。(2001:4801:7825:103:be76:4eff:fe10:2e49.)
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
另请阅读:修复 Windows 10 中的 DNS 服务器不响应错误(Fix DNS Server Not Responding Error in Windows 10)(Also Read: Fix DNS Server Not Responding Error in Windows 10)
#10. Level3
现在,让我们谈谈列表中的最后一个公共DNS服务器——Level3。公共DNS 服务器(DNS Server)由Level 3 Communications运营,免费提供。设置和使用此DNS服务器的过程非常简单。您需要做的就是使用下面提到的DNS IP地址配置计算机的网络设置:(DNS IP)
主 DNS:(Primary DNS:)
辅助 DNS:(Secondary DNS:)
10 Best Public DNS Servers in 2022: Comparison & Review
This guide wіll discuѕs 10 best free public DNS servers, including Google, OpenDNS, Quаd9, Cloudflare, CleanBrowsing, Comodo, Verisign, Alternate, and Level3.
In the digital world of today, we cannot think about spending our lives without the internet. DNS or Domain Name System is a familiar term on the internet. In general, it is a system that matches domain names such as Google.com or Facebook.com to the correct IP addresses. Still, do not get what it does? Let us look at it this way. When you enter a domain name in a browser, the DNS service translates those names to specific IP addresses that will allow you to access these sites. Get how important it is now?
Now, as soon as you connect to the internet, your ISP is going to assign you random DNS servers. However, these are not always the best options to go with. The reason behind this is that DNS servers that are slow are going to cause a lag prior to when websites begin to load. In addition to that, you might not get access to the sites as well.
That is where free public DNS services come in. When you switch to a public DNS server, it can make your experience so much better. You are going to face a lot less technical issues thanks to the lengthy 100% uptime records as well as more responsive browsing. Not only that, these servers block access to infected or phishing sites, making your experience much safer. In addition to that, some of them even come with content filtering features that help keep your children away from the dark sides of the internet.
Now, there are a plethora of choices when it comes to public DNS servers out there on the internet. While this is good, it can also become overwhelming. Which is the right one to choose? In case you are wondering the same, I am going to help you with that. In this article, I am going to share with you the 10 best public DNS servers. You will get to know every little detail about them to make an informed choice. So, without wasting any more time, let us go on with it. Keep on reading.
10 Best Public DNS Servers
#1. Google Public DNS Server
First of all, the public DNS Server I am going to talk to you about is called the Google Public DNS Server. The DNS Server is one that offers possibly the fastest operations among all the Public DNS Servers out there in the market. A large number of users continue to use this public DNS Server, adding to its credibility factor. It also comes with the brand name of Google. Once you begin to use this public DNS Server, you are going to experience a lot better browsing experience as well as much higher levels of security, which ultimately is going to lead to an amazing experience of surfing the net.
For using the Google Public DNS Server, all you need to do is configure the network settings of your computer with the IP addresses that I have mentioned below:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
And that is it. Now you are all set to go and use the Google public DNS Server. But wait, how to actually use this DNS on your Windows 10? Well, don’t worry, just read our guide on how to change DNS settings on Windows 10.
#2. OpenDNS
The next public DNS Server I am going to show you is OpenDNS. The DNS Server is one of the most popular as well as famous names in public DNS. It was founded in the year 2005 and is now owned by Cisco. The DNS Server comes in both free and paid commercial plans.
In the free service offered by the DNS Server, you are going to get a lot of amazing features such as 100% uptime, higher speed, optional parental control-type web filtering so that your kid does not experience the dark side of the web, and much more. In addition to that, the DNS Server also blocks infected as well as phishing sites so that your computer does not suffer from any malware and your sensitive data remains safe. Not only that, in case there are any issues despite this, you can always make use of their free email support.
On the other hand, the paid commercial plans come loaded with some advanced features such as the ability to view a browsing history of yours up to the last year. In addition to that, you can also lock down your system by simply allowing access to specific sites that you would like to and blocking others. Now, of course, in case you are a moderate user, you are not going to need any of these features. However, in case you think you would like them, you can have them by paying a fee of about $20 per year.
In case you are a professional or have spent a lot of your time by swapping DNS, it is going to be super easy for you to start it immediately simply by reconfiguring your computer to use the OpenDNS name servers. On the other hand, in case you are a beginner or does not have much knowledge about technology, be not afraid, my friend. OpenDNS comes with setup manuals for PCs, Macs, routers, mobile devices, and many more.
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
#3. Quad9
Are you someone who is looking for a public DNS Server that is going to protect your computer as well as other devices from cyber threats? Look no further than the Quad9. The public DNS Server protects your computer by automatically blocking your access to infected, phishing, and unsafe websites without letting them store your personal as well as sensitive data.
The primary DNS configuration is, whereas the configuration required for the secondary DNS is In addition to that, you can also make use of the Quad 9 IPv6 DNS Servers. The configuration settings for the primary DNS is whereas the configurations settings for the secondary DNS is
Like every other thing in this world, Quad9 too comes with its own set of drawbacks. While the public DNS Server protects your computer by blocking harmful sites, it does not – at this point – support the feature of filtering content. Quad9 also comes with an unsecured IPv4 public DNS at the configuration
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
#4. Norton ConnectSafe (service not available anymore)
In case you are not living under a rock – which I am sure you are not – you have heard of Norton. The company does not only offer antivirus as well as programs related to internet security. In addition to that, it also comes with public DNS Server services that are called Norton ConnectSafe. The unique feature of this cloud-based public DNS Server is that it is going to help to protect your computer against phishing websites.
The public DNS Server offers three pre-defined content filtering policies. The three filtering policies are as follows – Security, Security + Pornography, Security + Pornography + Other.
#5. Cloudflare
The next public DNS Server I am going to talk to you about is called Cloudflare. The public DNS Server is well known for the top-class content delivery network it provides. The public DNS Server comes with the fundamental features. The independent testing from sites such a DNSPerf have proved that Cloudflare is actually the fastest public DNS Server out there on the internet.
However, keep in mind that the public DNS Server does not come with the additional services you will often on the other ones mentioned on the list. You will not get the features such as ad-block, content filtering, anti-phishing, or any of the methods that let you monitor or control what type of content you can access on the internet and also what you cannot.
A unique point of the public DNS Server is the privacy it offers. It does not only not use your browsing data for showing you ads, but it also never writes the querying IP address, i.e., the IP address of your computer to the disk. The logs that are kept get deleted within 24 hours. And these are not just words. The public DNS Server audits its practices every year via KPMG along with producing a public report. Therefore, you can be sure that the company actually does what it says it does.
The website comes with a few setup guidance along with easy to understand tutorials that cover almost all the operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and routers. The tutorials are quite generic in nature – you are going to get the same instruction for every version of Windows. In addition to that, in case you are a mobile user, you can also make use of WARP which in turn makes sure all the internet traffic of your phone is secured.
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
#6. CleanBrowsing
Now, let us turn our attention to the next public DNS Server – CleanBrowsing. It has three free public DNS Server options – an adult filter, a security filter, and a family filter. These DNS Servers are used as security filters. The basic ones of the three updates hourly for blocking phishing as well as malware sites. The configuration settings of the primary DNS is, whereas the configuration settings of the secondary DNS is
IPv6 is also supported on the configuration setting 2aod:2aOO:1::2 for the primary DNS whereas the configuration setting for the secondary DNS 2aod:2aOO:2::2.
The adult filter of the public DNS Server (configuration setting that prevents access to adult domains. On the other hand, the family filter (configuration setting allows you to block VPNs, proxies, and mixed adult content. The paid plans have many more features as well.
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
#7. Comodo Secure DNS
Next, I am going to talk to you about Comodo Secure DNS. The public DNS Server is, in general, a domain name server service that helps you to resolve the DNS requests through many global DNS Severs. As a result, you get to experience an internet browsing that is much faster as well as better than when you are using the default DNS servers that your ISP provides.
In case you would like to use the Comodo Secure DNS, you are not going to have to install any software or hardware. The configuration setting for primary as well as secondary DNS are as follows:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
#8. Verisign DNS
Founded in 1995, Verisign offers many services such as several security services, for example, managed DNS. The public DNS server is offered for free. The three features that the company puts the most emphasis on are security, privacy, and stability. And the public DNS Server definitely does perform well on these aspects. The company claims that they are not going to sell your data to any third party.
On the other hand, the performance lacks quite a bit, especially when it is compared to the other public DNS Servers on the list. However, it is not that bad either. The public DNS Server helps you to set up your public DNS with the tutorials that are offered on their website. They are available for Windows 7 and 10, Mac, mobile devices, and Linux. In addition to that, you can also find a tutorial on configuring server settings on your router.
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
#9. Alternate DNS
Want to get a free public DNS Server that blocks ads before they can reach your network? I present to you Alternate DNS. The public DNS Server comes with both free as well as paid plans. Anyone can sign up for the free version from the signup page. In addition to that, the family premium DNS option blocks adult content that you can opt for by paying a fee of $2.99 per month.
The configuration setting for the primary DNS is, whereas the configuration setting for the secondary DNS is On the other hand, the alternate DNS has IPv6 DNS servers as well. The configuration setting for the primary DNS is 2001:4800:780e:510:a8cf:392e:ff04:8982 whereas the configuration setting for the secondary DNS is 2001:4801:7825:103:be76:4eff:fe10:2e49.
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Also Read: Fix DNS Server Not Responding Error in Windows 10
#10. Level3
Now, let us talk about the last public DNS server on the list – Level3. The public DNS Server is operated by Level 3 Communications and is offered for free. The process to set up and use this DNS server is so simple. All you need to do is configure the network settings of your computer with the DNS IP addresses mentioned below:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
That is it. You are now ready to make use of this public DNS server.
So, guys, we have come towards the end of the article. It is now time to wrap it up. I hope the article has provided you with much-needed value. Now that you are equipped with the necessary knowledge do make use of it in the best possible way. In case you think I have missed anything or if you would like me to talk about something else, do let me know. Until next time, take care and bye.