但是,有一个常见问题不断重复发生,那就是“Discord RTC Connecting No Route”错误。多个用户在尝试连接到语音通道进行音频呼叫时遇到“无路由”消息。由于此错误会阻止您加入通话,因此非常不便。因此,我们愿意帮助您修复它。
在本文中,我们将详细讨论“ Discord RTC Connecting No Route ”错误。在我们开始解决方案之前,我们需要了解导致此错误的原因。这将有助于我们更好地解决问题。那么,让我们开始吧。
如何修复 Discord RTC 连接无路由错误(Fix Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error)
Discord RTC Connecting No Route 错误的原因是什么?(What causes the Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error?)
Discord上出现“No Route”错误的原因有多种。最常见的原因包括 IP 地址的更改或限制Discord(Discord)的某些第三方防火墙或防病毒软件。下面给出了Discord RTC Connecting No Route 错误(Discord RTC Connecting No Route error.)背后的可能原因列表。
a) 设备IP地址改变(The IP address of the device changed)
IP(互联网协议(Internet Protocol))地址是网站用来确定您的位置的东西。现在,如果 IP 地址不断变化(如果您使用的是动态连接(Dynamic connection),则会发生这种情况),Discord将无法连接到语音(Voice)服务器。Discord将更改 IP 地址视为可疑行为,因此无法建立连接。
b) Discord 被防病毒软件或防火墙阻止(b) Discord is being blocked by Antivirus software or Firewall)
有时,您使用的防病毒软件可能会妨碍您拨打Discord 。只要Discord受到第三方软件或防火墙的限制,它就会一直显示“No Route”错误。
c) VPN 的问题(c) Problems with the VPN)
如果您使用的是VPN(虚拟代理网络(Virtual Proxy Network)),请确保它具有UDP(用户数据报协议(User Datagram Protocol))。如果没有UDP , (UDP)Discord将无法工作,并最终显示“No Route”错误消息。
d) 该地区的问题(d) Issues with the Region)
e) 被网络管理员阻止(e) Blocked by the Network Admin)
如果您连接到学校或图书馆Wi-Fi等公共网络,则Discord可能在网络上被阻止。因此,每次您尝试连接到语音聊天时,都会卡在“ Discord RTC 尝试连接(Discord RTC trying to connect)”或“无路由”屏幕。
修复 Discord RTC 连接无路由错误的 7 种方法(7 Ways to Fix Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error)
1.从简单的重启开始(1. Start with a Simple Restart)
任何与技术相关的问题的最简单解决方案是重新启动或重新启动。经典的“您是否尝试过将其关闭(OFF)再打开”的方法足以解决重大问题。现在,如前所述,如果设备的 IP 地址发生更改,可能会导致“无路由”错误。您可以通过重新启动计算机和调制解调器/路由器来解决此问题。
这将确保 IP 地址被重置,现在您将能够毫无问题地连接到Discord语音服务器。(Discord)简单的重启也消除了动态 IP(Dynamic IP)的问题,使连接更加稳定。如果此解决方案不起作用,并且您仍然面临“No Route”错误,请继续执行列表中的下一个修复。
2. 确保防火墙或防病毒软件没有阻止 Discord(2. Make sure Firewall or Antivirus isn’t blocking Discord)
如前所述,一些第三方杀毒软件和防火墙将Discord列入黑名单。结果,它无法连接到语音聊天服务器,这导致“ Discord RTC Connecting No Route ”错误。解决此问题的最简单方法是卸载第三方软件。这将自动删除它对Discord施加的任何类型的限制或阻止。
但是,如果您不想删除防病毒软件,则需要将Discord从其黑名单中删除。根据您使用的软件,确切的步骤可能会有所不同。因此,我们建议您在网上查找正确的指南。此外,为了安全起见,请检查 Windows Defender 是否阻止了 Discord。( check whether or not Discord is being blocked by Windows Defender.)以下是从Windows 10防火墙检查Discord并将其列入白名单的步骤:(Discord)
1.按Windows key + I设置(Settings)。
2. 现在转到更新和安全(Updates & Security)部分。
3. 在这里,从左侧菜单中选择Windows 安全选项。(Windows Security)
4. 之后,点击“防火墙和网络保护(Firewall & network protection)”选项。
5.在这里,在底部,您将找到“允许应用程序通过防火墙(Allow an app through the firewall)”选项的选项。点击它。
6. 您现在将看到一个应用程序列表及其当前状态,以确定它们是否被允许。
7. 如果不允许使用Discord ,请单击列表顶部的更改设置选项。(Change Settings)
8. 现在,您将能够允许和禁止不同的应用程序(allow and disallow different apps)。确保为专用网络(Private network)选中了Discord旁边的小复选框。
9. 这应该可以解决问题。尝试连接到Discord语音聊天室,看看问题是否仍然存在。
3.停止使用VPN或切换到一个有UDP的(3. Stop using VPN or switch to one that has UDP)
尽管VPN在保护隐私和保护您的网络方面是一个非常有用的工具,但它与(VPN)Discord并不一致。大多数VPN(VPNs)没有UDP(用户数据报协议(User Datagram Protocol)),没有它,Discord将无法正常工作。
如果您希望修复“ Discord RTC Connecting No Route ”错误,那么我们建议您在使用Discord时禁用您的(Discord)VPN。但是,如果您连接到公共网络并且不能没有VPN,那么您需要切换到具有 UDP 的不同VPN软件。您也可以尝试在使用 VPN 时禁用匿名服务(disabling the anonymity service while using the VPN)。但是,如果您在禁用VPN(VPN)后仍然面临同样的问题,那么问题是由不同的原因引起的,您需要继续执行列表中的下一个解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复在 Discord 上听不到人们的声音(Fix Can’t Hear People on Discord)
4.确保网络管理员没有阻止不和谐(4. Make sure that Discord is not blocked by the Network Admin)
如果您连接到学校、图书馆或办公室等公共网络,则很可能Discord已被管理员阻止。结果,Discord无法连接到语音聊天服务器并停留在“ Discord RTC Connecting”或仅显示“No Route”错误。您可以尝试要求网络管理员解除对Discord的阻止,但如果他/她不同意,则有一种解决方法。请注意,这有点偷偷摸摸,我们建议您自行承担风险。请按照以下步骤绕过限制并使用Discord连接到语音聊天服务器。
1.首先,在您的计算机上打开控制面板。(Control Panel)
2.现在点击“网络和Internet(Network and Internet) ”选项,然后转到“网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing center)”。
3. 之后,单击您连接的网络的超链接。(hyperlink of the network)
4. 现在点击属性(Properties)选项。
5. 打开“属性”窗口(Properties window)后,单击“网络(Networking)”选项卡,然后从各种项目列表中选择“ Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) ”选项。
6. 再次单击“属性(Properties)”按钮并停留在“常规(General)”选项卡上。
7.在这里,选择“使用以下DNS服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses)”选项并继续手动输入DNS服务器地址(DNS server address)
8. 对于首选 DNS 服务器(Preferred DNS server),在提供的空白处输入8888 ,然后输入(8888)8844作为备用 DNS 服务器(Alternate DNS server)。
9. 现在点击OK按钮保存更改。
10. 之后,重启电脑(Restart your computer),连接网络,再次尝试使用Discord,看看问题是否仍然存在。
5.要求管理员更改服务器的语音区域(5. Ask the Admin to Change the Server’s Voice Region)
如果服务器的语音区域位于遥远的大陆, Discord(Discord)将无法建立连接。存在一些地理限制,您可能会在尝试与居住在世界另一端的朋友联系时继续遇到“无路线”错误。
相关:(Related:) Discord Mic Not Working? 10 Ways to Fix it!
6. 禁用 Discord 的 QoS 设置(6. Disable QoS settings for Discord)
Discord有一项特殊功能,称为“服务(Service)质量( QoS )高数据包优先级(High Packet Priority)”,默认情况下已启用。此功能向路由器/调制解调器发出信号,以便在发送和接收数据包时优先处理Discord 。这是一个非常有用的功能,可让您在语音聊天中享受良好的音频质量和优化的输出。
但是,某些设备和Internet服务提供商无法处理此问题。他们无法处理数据优先级请求,从而导致“ Discord RTC Connecting No Route”错误。在这种情况下,您需要在Discord上禁用此设置。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 首先,启动Discord并单击屏幕左下角的设置(Settings)按钮(齿轮图标) 。((cogwheel icon))
2.现在向下滚动到应用程序设置(App settings)部分,然后单击“语音和视频(Voice & Video)”选项。
3. 在这里,您将找到服务质量 (QoS)(Quality of Service (QoS))部分。
4. 现在,禁用“启用服务质量高数据包优先级(Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority)”旁边的切换开关。
5. 之后,重新启动Discord并再次尝试使用语音聊天(Voice chat)。如果问题仍然存在,请继续下一个解决方案。
7.重置您的IP配置(Reset your IP configuration)
如果你已经深入到这篇文章中,那么这意味着你的问题还没有解决。好吧,这意味着您现在需要拔出大枪。您需要通过刷新现有DNS设置来重置您的 IP 配置。这样做将删除任何可能导致“Discord RTC Connecting No Route”错误的冲突设置。许多用户报告说这个修复对他们有用。现在,为了重置您的 IP 配置,您需要在Command Prompt(Command Prompt)中输入一系列命令。下面给出了相同的分步指南。
1.按Windows key + R运行(Run)对话框。
2. 现在输入 ' cmd ' 并按CTRL + Shift + Enter键。这将在新窗口中打开提升的命令提示符。(Elevated Command Prompt)
3. 在命令提示符中,输入“ ipconfig/release ”并按Enter。
4. 配置发布后,输入“ ipconfig/flushdns ”。这将刷新DNS设置。
5. 现在输入“ ipconfig/renew ”并按Enter。
6. 最后,重新启动计算机( reboot your computer)并再次尝试使用Discord。你的问题现在应该已经解决了。
我们希望此信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 Discord RTC 连接无路由错误。(Fix Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error.)我们知道Discord对您的重要性,尤其是如果您是游戏玩家。由于“No Route”错误而无法与帮派联系是非常令人沮丧的。但是,这是一个常见问题,并且可能发生在任何人身上。
在本文中,我们提供了详细的解决方案来解决问题的每一个可能原因。我们希望您能够尽快解决问题,并能够像往常一样继续使用Discord的语音聊天服务。(Discord)尽管如此,如果您遇到任何问题,请尝试借助文章如何修复 Discord 上的无路由错误 (2021)来修复它们(How to Fix No Route Error on Discord (2021))
7 Ways to Fix Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error
Discord is one of the most popular VoIP platforms used extensively by gamеrs and cоntent creatоrs. It allows people to creatе their own server where friends and followеrs can connect and hang out. Υou can chat, cаll, share media, documents, play games, etc. On top of аll that, it is light on the resources and absolutely free.
However, there is one common problem that keeps occurring repeatedly and that is the “Discord RTC Connecting No Route” error. Multiple users come across the “No Route” message while trying to connect to a voice channel for an audio call. Since this error prevents you from joining a call, it is a major inconvenience. Therefore, we would like to help you fix it.
In this article, we will be discussing the “Discord RTC Connecting No Route” error in detail. Before we start with the solutions, we need to understand what causes this error. This will help us to better tackle the problem. So, let’s get started.
How to Fix Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error
What causes the Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error?
There are multiple reasons why the “No Route” error occurs on Discord. The most common reasons include a change in the IP address or some third-party firewall or antivirus software that is restricting Discord. Given below is a list of possible reasons behind the Discord RTC Connecting No Route error.
a) The IP address of the device changed
The IP (Internet Protocol) address is something that websites use to determine your location. Now, if the IP address keeps changing, which happens if you are using a Dynamic connection, Discord isn’t able to connect to the Voice server. Discord treats change of IP address as suspicious behaviour, and thus, it is unable to establish a connection.
b) Discord is being blocked by Antivirus software or Firewall
Sometimes, the antivirus software that you are using might be getting in the way of your Discord calls. As long as Discord is being restricted by third-party software or firewall, it will keep showing the “No Route” error.
c) Problems with the VPN
If you are using a VPN (Virtual Proxy Network), then make sure that it has UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Discord will not work without UDP and end up showing the “No Route” error message.
d) Issues with the Region
Sometimes this error occurs when the voice chat server that you are trying to connect to is being hosted on a different continent. The simple solution to this problem is to ask the host to change the region of the server.
e) Blocked by the Network Admin
If you are connected to a public network like a school or library Wi-Fi, then it is possible that Discord is blocked on the network. As a result, every time you try connecting to a voice chat, you get stuck at the “Discord RTC trying to connect” or “No Route” screen.
7 Ways to Fix Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error
Now that we have a general understanding of what causes the error, we can move on to the various solutions and fixes. For your convenience, we will be listing down the solutions in increasing order of complexity. This is because sometimes, all you need is a simple restart. We would advise you to follow the exact same order and hope that you are able to find the solution even before reaching the end of this article. Take note that most of these solutions have been posted online by users across the world. It worked for them, and we are hoping it works for you too.
1. Start with a Simple Restart
The simplest solution to any tech-related problem is a restart or reboot. The classic “Have you tried turning it OFF and ON again” approach is enough to solve major problems. Now, as mentioned earlier, the “No Route” error can be caused if the IP address of the device changes. You can fix this problem by restarting your computer and modem/router.
This will make sure that the IP address gets reset, and now you will be able to connect to Discord voice servers without any problem. A simple restart also eliminates the issue of a Dynamic IP and makes the connection more stable. In case this solution does not work, and you are still facing the “No Route” error, then move on to the next fix in the list.
2. Make sure Firewall or Antivirus isn’t blocking Discord
As mentioned earlier, some third party antivirus software and firewall blacklist Discord. As a result, it is not able to connect to the voice chat server and this leads to the “Discord RTC Connecting No Route” error. The simplest fix to this problem is to uninstall the third-party software. This will automatically remove any kind of restrictions or blocks that it was imposing on Discord.
However, if you do not wish to remove the antivirus software, then you need to remove Discord from its blacklist. Depending on which software you are using, the exact steps might differ. So, we would recommend you to look up online for a proper guide. Also, just to be on the safe side check whether or not Discord is being blocked by Windows Defender. Given below are steps to check and whitelist Discord from Windows 10 Firewall:
1. Open Settings on your PC by pressing Windows key + I.
2. Now go to the Updates & Security section.
3. Here, select the Windows Security option from the left-hand side menu.
4. After that, click on the “Firewall & network protection” option.
5. Here, at the bottom, you will find the option to “Allow an app through the firewall” option. Click on it.
6. You will now be presented with a list of applications and their current status as to whether or not they are allowed.
7. In case Discord is not allowed, then click on the Change Settings option that appears on top of the list.
8. Now, you will be able to allow and disallow different apps. Make sure that the small check box next to Discord is selected for the Private network.
9. This should solve the problem. Try connecting to a Discord voice chat room, and see if the issue still persists or not.
3. Stop using VPN or switch to one that has UDP
Although VPN is a pretty useful tool for protecting privacy and securing your network, it does not go well with Discord. Most VPNs do not have UDP (User Datagram Protocol), and Discord won’t work properly without it.
If you wish to fix the “Discord RTC Connecting No Route” error, then we would advise you to disable your VPN while using Discord. However, if you are connected to a public network and can’t do without a VPN, then you need to switch to a different VPN software that has UDP. You can also try disabling the anonymity service while using the VPN. However, if you are still facing the same issue even after disabling your VPN, then the problem is caused by a different reason, and you need to move on to the next solution in the list.
Also Read: Fix Can’t Hear People on Discord
4. Make sure that Discord is not blocked by the Network Admin
If you are connected to a public network like that of a school, library, or your office, then chances are that Discord has been blocked by the admin. As a result, Discord is unable to connect to the voice chat server and remains stuck on the “Discord RTC Connecting” or simply shows the “No Route” error. You can try and ask the network admin to unblock Discord, but if he/she does not agree, then there is a workaround. Take note that this is a little sneaky, and we would advise you to do this at your own risk. Follow the steps given below to circumvent the restrictions and use Discord to connect to voice chat servers.
1. First, open Control Panel on your computer.
2. Now click on the “Network and Internet” option and then go to the “Network and Sharing center.”
3. After that, click on the hyperlink of the network that you are connected to.
4. Now click on the Properties option.
5. Once the Properties window opens, click on the Networking tab, and from the list of various items, select the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” option.
6. Again, click on the Properties button and stay on the General tab.
7. Here, select the “Use the following DNS server addresses” option and proceed to enter the DNS server address manually
8. For the Preferred DNS server, enter 8888 in the space provided and enter 8844 as the Alternate DNS server.
9. Now click on the OK button to save changes.
10. After that, Restart your computer, connect to the network, and try using Discord again and see if the problem still persists or not.
5. Ask the Admin to Change the Server’s Voice Region
Discord won’t be able to establish a connection if the server’s voice region is located in a far off continent. There are some geographical limitations, and you might continue to experience the “No Route” error while trying to connect to a friend living half-way across the world.
The easiest solution to this problem is to ask the admin of the voice chat server to change the region. Ask him/her to change the voice region of the server from Discord settings. The option to set a different region can be found within Server Settings>>Server Region. Preferably the server region should be the same as your continent. However, anything nearby will also do.
Related: Discord Mic Not Working? 10 Ways to Fix it!
6. Disable QoS settings for Discord
Discord has a special feature called the “Quality of Service (QoS) High Packet Priority,” which is enabled by default. This feature signals the router/modem to give priority to Discord while sending and receiving data packets. It is a very useful feature that allows you to enjoy good audio quality and optimized output in voice chats.
However, some devices and Internet service providers aren’t able to handle this. They are unable to process the data prioritization requests and thus result in a “Discord RTC Connecting No Route” error. In such cases, you need to disable this setting on Discord. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. First, launch Discord and click on the Settings button (cogwheel icon) at the bottom-left corner of the screen.
2. Now scroll down to the App settings section and click on the “Voice & Video” option.
3. Here, you will find the Quality of Service (QoS) section.
4. Now, disable the toggle switch next to “Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority.”
5. After that, restart Discord and try using the Voice chat again. If the problem still exists, move on to the next solution.
7. Reset your IP configuration
If you have reached this far into the article, then it means that your problem hasn’t been solved. Well, it means that you need to pull out the big guns now. You need to reset your IP configuration by flushing the existing DNS settings. Doing so will remove any kind of conflicting setting that might be causing the “Discord RTC Connecting No Route” error. A lot of users have reported that this has fix has worked for them. Now, in order to reset your IP configuration, you need to type out a series of commands in Command Prompt. Given below is a step-wise guide for the same.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows key + R.
2. Now type in ‘cmd’ and press CTRL + Shift + Enter key. This will open Elevated Command Prompt in a new window.
3. In the Command Prompt, type in “ipconfig/release” and press Enter.
4. Once the configurations have been released, type in “ipconfig/flushdns”. This will flush the DNS settings.
5. Now type in “ipconfig/renew” and press Enter.
6. Finally, reboot your computer and try using Discord again. Your problem should be solved by now.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to Fix Discord RTC Connecting No Route Error. We know how important Discord is to you, especially if you are a gamer. Being unable to connect with the gang due to the “No Route” error is pretty frustrating. However, this is a common problem and can happen to anyone.
In this article, we have provided detailed solutions to tackle each and every probable cause of the problem. We hope that you are able to fix the issue soon and be able to continue using the voice chat services of Discord as usual. Still if you face any problem then try to fix them with the help of the article How to Fix No Route Error on Discord (2021)