随着PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X游戏机的推出,一个新的“大数字”出现了:8K。
就游戏机而言,没有什么比技术流行语更糟糕的了。您可能已经足够大,可以记住控制台大战,其中诸如“爆炸处理(blast processing)”和控制台有多少“位”之类的术语主导了围绕这些设备的对话。

那么,什么是PS5 8K游戏?这值得么?让我们一劳永逸地消除混乱。
术语 HD(高清(High Definition))、FHD(全高清(Full High Definition))、4K UHD(超高清(Ultra High Definition))和 8K 都只是不同分辨率标准的简写。也就是说,图像由多少行和多少列像素组成或特定显示器可以显示给您。
FHD显示器有1920 列和 1080 行像素排列在一个网格中。总共有 2073600 像素!
4K 显示器将这两个数字加倍至 3840×2160。将列乘以行得到 8294400 像素。正好是FHD(FHD)数量的四倍。

8K 再次翻了两番,达到 7680×4320,像素为 33177600!这是 4K 分辨率的 4 倍和FHD分辨率的 16 倍。
为什么 8K 游戏这么难?
虽然渲染的难度级别(这是制作图片所需的所有数学运算)不会随着分辨率的提高而呈直线缩放,但也相距不远。这意味着要以 8K 渲染游戏,与以FHD(FHD)渲染相比,您需要(多达)16 倍的处理能力。

- 降低帧速率,为每张图像提供更多时间进行数学运算,但动作更不稳定。
- 降低(Decrease)渲染质量。(如阴影细节、粒子效果等)
PS5和Xbox Series X上真的会有 8K游戏(Games)吗?
毫无疑问,未来某个时候会有一些游戏提供 8K 分辨率模式。有许多更简单的视频游戏在此分辨率下运行良好不会有任何问题。我们还预计PlayStation 3和Xbox 360一代(及更早版本)的一些向后兼容游戏可以获得 8K 分辨率增强。
在现有游戏机硬件上以 8K 运行全新的 AAA 质量游戏可以安全地视为遥不可及。至少如果游戏以“原生”8K 分辨率渲染。如今,视频游戏可以使用动态分辨率技术以达到特定帧速率所需的分辨率渲染每一帧。因此可以想象,一些游戏可以动态定位 8K,尽管很少能达到。
我今天可以玩 8K 吗?
即使您拥有当今市场上稀有(而且非常昂贵)的 8K 显示器之一,您仍然无法从PS5或Xbox Series X获得 8K 输出。两个平台上都没有支持此分辨率的游戏。尽管新游戏机的包装上标有“8K”字样,但该功能仍需启用。

目前唯一可以玩 8K 游戏的地方是在游戏 PC(gaming PC)上。即便如此,使用地球(Earth)上最强大的游戏硬件并不能提供很好的结果,需要严重的妥协或升级技术来实现可玩的帧速率。
《无主之地 3》在主机上支持 120Hz 游戏。(Borderlands 3 supports 120Hz gaming on console.)
对于最新一代的游戏机,8K 分辨率并不是那么重要。但是,这些机器的其他方面值得普通玩家研究。
PS5和Xbox Series X中的CPU(CPUs)功能强大,足以让高帧率游戏成为可能。如果您有一台支持120Hz视觉效果的电视,那么您可以享受越来越多的具有 120fps 模式的游戏。这提供了超平滑的运动和敏锐的响应能力。在大多数情况下,这是以低于 4K 甚至低于FHD(FHD)的分辨率为代价的,但与 8K 分辨率相比,它对游戏玩法的影响要大得多。

到目前为止,这一代人的最佳点是以每秒 60 帧的速度以 4K 为目标进行游戏。这对于许多跨代或上一代游戏来说是可以实现的。在正常观看距离下,4K 明显比FHD更清晰,将帧速率从上一代的每秒 30 帧提高一倍至 60 帧是一个巨大的进步。几乎所有现代平板显示器都支持 60Hz 输出,因此它也是一个更易于访问的选项。
8K 现在不值得。
8K 作为一个概念的最大问题之一是我们正在达到人眼可以感知多少细节的极限。至少对于典型的观众来说,他们坐在相对于屏幕尺寸的正常观看距离上。
2020 年初,一项研究(study)结果发表,参与者参加了一项双盲实验。每个参与者都被展示了 8K 或 4K 图像,并且必须对哪个看起来更好进行评分。平均而言,大多数人无法区分,尽管有趣的是,视力优于 20/20 的人可以更准确地分辨出什么是 8K 或不是。总体结论是,从 4K 到 8K 的感知改进是大多数人看不到的,即使是那些不能认为它特别显着的人。

这与从FHD(FHD)到 4K的清晰度明显增加不同。话又说回来,FHD图像很难根据其本身的优点来判断模糊。如果您相对于屏幕尺寸坐得离屏幕太远,即使 4K也无法与FHD 区分开来。(FHD)
那么底线是什么?让我们放下:(So what’s the bottom line? Let’s lay it down:)
- 8K 游戏需要大量的处理能力,而游戏机甚至高端 PC 都没有,除非游戏较旧或相对简单。
- 8K 电视和 8K 内容目前几乎不存在。
- 具有更好刷新率、对比度和色彩的 4K 分辨率将比 8K 本身产生更显着的感知图像质量改进。
我们目前不建议任何人考虑 8K。下一步的解决方案需要很长时间(如果有的话)才能变得相关,而且在当前的PS5和Xbox Series X游戏机上肯定不实用。
What Is 8K Gaming on PS5 and Xbox Series X? Is It Worth it?
With the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles, a new “big number” has crawled into the light of day: 8K.
There’s nothing worse than a technology buzzword when it comes to gaming consoles. You may be old enough to remember the console wars where terms like “blast processing” and how many “bits” a console had, dominated the conversation around these devices.
Marketers love simple numbers where more is better. It means a potential buyer can look at two products and pick the one with higher numbers, even if they don’t really understand what those numbers mean.

So, what is PS5 8K gaming? Is it worth it? Let’s bury the confusion once and for all.
What Does “8K” Mean?
The terms HD (High Definition), FHD (Full High Definition), 4K UHD (Ultra High Definition) and 8K are all just shorthand for different resolution standards. That is, how many rows and columns of pixels an image consists of or a particular display can show you.
An FHD display has 1920 columns and 1080 rows of pixels arranged in a grid. That’s a total of 2073600 pixels!
A 4K display doubles both those numbers to 3840×2160. Multiplying the columns by the rows yields 8294400 pixels. Exactly four times the number of FHD.

8K quadruples that figure again to 7680×4320 for 33177600 pixels! That’s a whopping four times the resolution of 4K and sixteen times the resolution of FHD.
The higher the pixel count of a screen the more fine detail you can see. Assuming it has an image of the same quality to display. Although the amount of detail that’s in the picture isn’t the same as the amount of detail the human eye can see!
Why Is 8K Gaming so Hard?
Unlike a pre-recorded movie, a video game has to calculate the exact value of each pixel on screen in real time. Since video games are interactive media, the images can’t be prepared beforehand. You control camera movement and choices made in the game, so an extremely tight feedback loop exists from where you give the game commands using a controller and the image on screen changes in response.
While the level of difficulty in rendering (that’s all the math needed to make the picture) doesn’t scale in a straight line as resolution goes up, it’s not far off. This implies that to render a game at 8K, you need (as much as) sixteen times the processing power compared to rendering it at FHD.

If you can’t increase the amount of processing power the console (or computer) has, then you have to resort to other methods of reducing the workload on it:
- Reduce the frame rate, providing more time to do the math for each image but with choppier motion.
- Decrease the quality of the render. (e.g. shadow detail, particle effects, etc.)
In both cases, you’re trading detail in another area to free up resources for a higher resolution. So you might have a sharper image, but the render is less pleasing to look at or runs with less fluidity.
Will There Really Be 8K Games on PS5 and Xbox Series X?
We have no doubt that there will be some titles that offer an 8K resolution mode at some point in the future. There are many simpler video games that would have no trouble running well at this resolution. We also expect that some backwards compatible games from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 generation (and older) could get 8K resolution enhancements.
Running brand-new triple-A quality games at 8K on existing console hardware can safely be considered out of reach. At least if games are rendered at “native” 8K resolution. These days video games can use dynamic resolution technology to render each frame at the resolution required to achieve a specific frame rate. So it’s conceivable that some games could dynamically target 8K, although rarely reach it.
Can I Play in 8K Today?
Even if you own one of the rare (and incredibly expensive) 8K displays on the market today, you still won’t be able to get 8K output from either the PS5 or Xbox Series X. There are no games on either platform that support this resolution. Despite “8K” being advertised on the packaging for new consoles,it’s a feature that still needs to be enabled.

The only place you can currently play games in 8K is on a gaming PC. Even then, using the most powerful gaming hardware on Earth doesn’t offer great results, with serious compromises or upscaling technology needed to achieve playable frame rates.
120Hz and 4K are Worth Caring About
Borderlands 3 supports 120Hz gaming on console.
With the latest generation of consoles, 8K resolution isn’t all that relevant. However, there are other aspects of these machines that are worth looking into for the average player.
The CPUs in the PS5 and Xbox Series X are powerful enough to make high-frame rate gaming possible. If you have a TV that supports 120Hz visuals then you can enjoy a growing number of games that have 120fps modes. This offers hyper-smooth motion and razor-sharp responsiveness. In most cases this comes at the cost of resolutions below 4K or even below FHD, but it has a much more dramatic effect on gameplay than an 8K resolution would.

The sweet spot for this generation thus far is gaming at 60 frames per second at a resolution targeting 4K.This is achievable for many cross-generation or previous-generation titles. At normal viewing distances 4K is noticeably sharper than FHD and doubling the frame rate from the last-generation’s 30 frames per second to 60 is a dramatic improvement. Virtually all modern flat panel displays support 60Hz output, so it’s also a much more accessible option.
8K Isn’t Worth It, for Now.
One of the biggest problems with 8K as a concept is that we’re reaching the limits of how much detail the human eye can perceive. At least when it comes to typical viewers, sitting at normal viewing distances relative to the size of the screen.
Early in 2020, results of a study were published where participants took part in a double-blind experiment. Each participant was shown either an 8K or 4K image and had to rate which looked better. On average most people can’t tell the difference, although interestingly people with better than 20/20 vision could tell what was 8K or not with better accuracy. The overall conclusion is that the perceived improvement from 4K to 8K is one that most people can’t see and even those who can don’t rate it as particularly dramatic.

That’s a different situation than the obvious increase in sharpness going from FHD to 4K. Then again, an FHD image is hardly blurry judged on its own merits. Even 4K becomes indistinguishable from FHD if you’re sitting too far from the screen relative to its size.
So what’s the bottom line? Let’s lay it down:
- Gaming at 8K requires massive amounts of processing power, which consoles and even top-end PCs don’t have, unless the game is older or relatively simple.
- 8K televisions and 8K content is currently nearly nonexistent.
- A 4K resolution with better refresh rates, contrast and color will create a much more dramatic perceived image quality improvement than 8K by itself.
We don’t recommend at this time that anyone should spare a thought for 8K. It will be a long time (if ever) for this next step in resolution to become relevant and it certainly isn’t going to be practical on current PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles.