这篇文章讨论了如何( how to edit WebP images)在Windows 11/10中编辑 WebP 图像。WebP格式是Google开发的一种图像格式。它采用有损和无损压缩,主要用于网络。与JPEG(JPEG)和PNG相比,它以相对较小的图像尺寸为您提供更高的图像质量。您可以在 Windows 上轻松查看 WebP 图像(view WebP images on Windows)。
现在,如果您想对WebP图像进行更改并在Windows 11/10上对其进行编辑,那么您已经进入了正确的页面。在这里,我们将讨论使您能够编辑WebP图像的不同工具。我们列出了多个允许您导入、修改和导出WebP图像的图像编辑软件。有一些软件和在线工具可以让您导入和编辑WebP图像,但不能将它们保存为WebP格式。因此(Hence),我们将它们排除在列表之外。
现在让我们看看在Windows PC上编辑WebP图像的软件和步骤。
如何在Windows 11/10编辑 WebP 图像(Edit WebP Images)
您可以使用下面列出的任何软件在Windows 11/10WebP图像:
- 油漆网
- Chasys 绘制 IES
- 真实世界涂料
- Picosmos工具
- XnView
- IrfanView
- JPEG视图

GIMP是适用于(GIMP)Windows 11/10的免费开源图像编辑软件。它支持多种图像格式进行编辑,包括WebP和其他格式,如JPG、PNG、BMP、SVG、PSD、EPS、TIFF、静态(Static)和动画 GIF(Animated GIF)等等。您可以简单地导入WebP图像,对其进行编辑,然后以其本机格式导出。如果您想将编辑后的WebP图像转换为另一种受支持的图像格式,您也可以这样做。
如何在 GIMP 中编辑 WebP 图像
以下是在Windows 11/10 PC上的GIMP中编辑(GIMP)WebP图像的步骤:
- 下载并安装 GIMP。
- 启动 GIMP 应用程序。
- 打开 WebP 图像。
- (Edit)使用GIMP(GIMP)提供的各种标准和高级工具编辑图像。
- 将编辑后的图像另存为WebP或将其导出为其他格式。
首先,确保您已在 PC 上安装了GIMP 。如果您还没有它,请从其官方网站下载GIMP并安装它。(GIMP)然后,启动应用程序。
现在,您有几个工具可以编辑WebP图像。您可以旋转、调整大小、裁剪、(rotate, resize, crop,)翻转、镜像、更改画布大小等。您还可以更改颜色级别、温度、色调分离、曝光、反转等,应用模糊、艺术、扭曲、噪声、光线和影子,做的更多。它还允许您在WebP图像上绘图。如果要将WebP图像编辑为分层图像,可以在GIMP中进行。此外(Furthermore),您可以在 GIMP 中为文本添加轮廓、为文本(add an outline to text)添加霓虹灯效果(add neon glow effects to text)、移除背景(remove background)以及进行更多编辑。
编辑WebP图像后,您可以覆盖现有图像(File > Overwrite)或将其转换为其中支持的另一种格式(File > Export为)。
请参阅:(See:) 如何在 GIMP 中批量调整图像大小。(How to Batch Resize Images in GIMP.)

只需打开WebP图像 通过转到File > Open选项,然后您将能够查看和编辑WebP 图像(WebP Image)。对于编辑,它提供了所有必要的工具,包括变换(旋转、裁剪、调整大小、翻转等)、绘图工具(形状、线条、箭头、文本、油漆桶等)、颜色级别自定义选项等。它提供了一些方便的过滤器来修改WebP或任何图像的外观和感觉,例如噪点、扭曲、模糊、消除红眼等。您还可以在从“图层(Layers)”菜单编辑图像时管理多个图层。
编辑后,您可以使用“File > Save为”选项将WebP保存为其原始格式或其他图像格式。
3] Chasys 绘制 IES

Chasys Draw IES是一款高级图像编辑软件,您可以使用它编辑WebP 图像(WebP Images)。当您安装此软件时,它实际上会安装三个不同的应用程序,包括Chasys Draw IES Artist、Chasys Draw IES Converter和Chasys Draw IES Viewer。您可以使用Chasys Draw IES Artist编辑WebP和其他图像,如PNG、JPG、GIF、BMP、TIFF等。
只需(Simply)下载并安装此软件包,然后启动其Chasys Draw IES Artist 应用程序。之后,单击“File > Open”选项将WebP图像导入其中,您可以查看和编辑该图像。
完成WebP图像的编辑后,使用“ File > Save”选项保存它。如果要将编辑后的图像转换为其他格式,可以使用“File > Export”选项并选择所需的输出格式。

RealWorld Paint是适用于Windows 11/10WebP图像编辑器。它允许您编辑静态和动画WebP图像。您可以简单地导入WebP图像并使用各种工具对其进行编辑。它提供了一些不错的工具,包括使用画笔、文本工具、形状、线条等注释WebP图像。您还可以根据需要转换(WebP)WebP图像,对其应用过滤器,调整图像中的颜色级别,在WebP上施加水印图片等等。如果要创建动画WebP,请转到其Create > Create Animation选项。
完成WebP图像的编辑后,转到“文件(File)”菜单并单击“另存(Save)为”或“另存(Save)为 Web”选项,然后选择WebP格式作为输出。
阅读:(Read:) 如何创建动画 WebP 图像。(How to create Animated WebP images.)
5] Picosmos工具

PicosmosTools是一组图像处理工具,包括一个可让您编辑 WebP 图像的编辑器。当您在 Windows 11/PC 上安装此软件时,您将获得两个不同的应用程序,包括Picosmos Shows(图像查看器)和PicosmosTools。
启动PicosmosTools,您将看到各种图像创建和编辑工具。它提供的一些工具包括裁剪和拆分、组合、批处理、动画、屏幕捕获(Crop and Split, Combine, Batch Processor, Animation, Screen Capture,)等。在主屏幕中,单击编辑器(Editor)工具。此工具允许您编辑单个图像,例如WebP、HEIC、BMP、JPG、PNG、GIF等。
File > Save为”功能将最终结果保存为WebP或其他格式。
6] XnView

XnView是一个图像查看器和编辑器软件,可让您编辑WebP图像。您可以浏览并选择要编辑的WebP图像。(WebP)双击(Double)选定的WebP图像以在新选项卡中打开它。在新标签中,您将看到一些不错的编辑工具,包括裁剪、调整大小、旋转、增强颜色、自定义颜色曲线(crop, resize, rotate, enhance colors, customize color curves,)等。您还可以在其中找到一个绘图(Draw)工具,您可以使用它添加文本、水印、线条、矩形、并圈到WebP图像。然后,您可以使用“File > Save为”选项保存编辑后的WebP图像。
7] IrfanView

IrfanView是一种流行的图像查看器,它也可作为Windows 11/10WebP编辑器。您可以导入WebP图像,然后使用图像(Image)菜单对其进行编辑。它的图像(Image)菜单提供了一些有用的编辑工具,如向左旋转、向右旋转、调整大小、更改画布大小、添加边框/框架、添加六边形/星形/心形、转换为灰度、颜色校正、自动调整颜色、锐化、红色-眼睛去除,效果等。您可以根据需要使用这些选项来编辑WebP图像。您可以使用File > Save选项来保存WebP图像中的更改。

JPEGView是适用于(JPEGView)Windows 11/10的免费、开源和便携式WebP图像编辑器。它提供了基本的编辑工具。只需在(Just)其中打开一个WebP图像,您就会看到顺时针旋转、逆时针旋转和其他一些选项。您可以右键单击图像并查看各种选项,包括变换图像(旋转、更改大小、透视校正、镜像)、自动校正、局部密度校正等。
如果您全屏打开图像,您将看到更多的编辑功能,包括对比度、亮度、饱和度、颜色校正、使高光变暗、阴影变深、阴影变亮等。编辑后,右键单击图像,使用保存处理后的图像(Save processed image)选项,然后选择输出文件格式为WebP。除了(Apart)WebP之外,它还支持JPG、PNG、TIFF、GIF和其他图像格式来查看和编辑。
如何将 WebP 更改为 JPEG?
您可以使用上述任何软件将 WebP 转换为 JPEG 图像文件。(convert WebP to a JPEG image file)这些软件可让您将编辑后的WebP保存为其原始格式或将WebP导出为另一种格式,如JPEG。所有这些都支持JPEG作为输出格式。例如,在GIMP中,您可以导入WebP图像,根据需要对其进行编辑,然后使用File > Export as 选项将WebP转换为JPEG或任何其他图像格式。
WebP 比 PNG 好吗?
好吧,这仍然值得商榷,因为两者都有自己的优点和缺点。但是, WebP(WebP)格式相对于PNG图像有一些优势。
- WebP提供透明度和与(WebP)PNG相同的质量,但文件大小减小了 26%。
- 由于文件大小的原因,WebP图像的加载速度比PNG图像快。
如何将 WebP 更改为 PNG?
这些 WebP 编辑器还允许您将 WebP 图像转换为 PNG 格式(convert a WebP image to PNG format)。包括GIMP、RealWorld Paint、XnView、IrfanView等在内的(IrfanView)软件(Software)允许您将WebP导出为PNG。即使是最新版本的Paint.NET也支持WebP格式,使您能够编辑WebP并将WebP转换为PNG。
就是这样!希望本文能帮助您找到合适的软件来在Windows 11/10 PC上编辑WebP图像。
现在阅读:(Now read: )如何使用 Word 图片编辑工具来编辑图像。(How to use Word Picture Editing Tools to edit images.)
How to Edit WebP Images in Windows 11/10
This рost talks about how to edit WebP images in Windows 11/10. WebP format is an image format developed by Google. It employs both lossy and lossless compression and is primarily used on the web. It provides you higher image quality in comparatively lower image size than JPEG and PNG. You can easily view WebP images on Windows.
Now, if you want to make changes to WebP images and edit them on Windows 11/10, you have landed on the correct page. Here, we are going to discuss different tools that enable you to edit WebP images. We have listed multiple image editing software that allow you to import, modify, and then export WebP images. There are some software and online tools that let you import and edit WebP images but don’t let you save them in WebP format. Hence, we have kept them out of the list.
Let us now have a look at the software and steps to edit WebP images on Windows PC.
How to Edit WebP Images in Windows 11/10
You can use any of the below-listed software to edit WebP images in Windows 11/10:
- Paint.NET
- Chasys Draw IES
- RealWorld Paint
- PicosmosTools
- XnView
- IrfanView
- JPEGView
Let us discuss these WebP editors in detail!

GIMP is a free and open-source image editing software for Windows 11/10. It supports a wide number of image formats to edit including WebP and others like JPG, PNG, BMP, SVG, PSD, EPS, TIFF, Static and Animated GIF, and many more. You can simply import a WebP image, edit it, and then export it in its native format. If you want to convert the edited WebP image to another supported image format, you can do that too.
How to Edit WebP Image in GIMP
Here are the steps to edit WebP image in GIMP on Windows 11/10 PC:
- Download and install GIMP.
- Launch the GIMP app.
- Open a WebP image.
- Edit the image using various standard and advanced tools offered by GIMP.
- Save the edited image as WebP or export it to some other format.
Firstly, make sure you have installed GIMP on your PC. If you don’t already have it, download GIMP from its official website and install it. Then, launch the application.
Go to the File menu and use the Open option to browse and import a Web image. You can also import multiple WebP images and edit them in different tabs.
Now, you have several tools to edit the WebP image. You can rotate, resize, crop, flip, mirror, change the canvas size, etc. You can also change color level, temperature, posterize, exposure, invert, etc., apply filters like blur, artistic, distort, noise, light and shadow, and do more. It also lets you draw over the WebP image. If you want to edit a WebP image as a layered image, you can do that in GIMP. Furthermore, you can add an outline to text, add neon glow effects to text, remove background, and do more editing in GIMP.
After editing a WebP image, you can overwrite the existing image (File > Overwrite) or convert it to another format supported in it (File > Export As).
See: How to Batch Resize Images in GIMP.
2] Paint.NET

Paint.NET is quite a popular image editor that lets you edit WebP images. Although, WebP images were not supported in earlier versions of Paint.NET. Users had to install an external plugin to import, edit, and save WebP images through Paint.NET. However, its latest version supports WebP images by default. So, make sure you have installed its latest version to import and modify WebP images in it.
Just open a WebP image By going to the File > Open option and then you will be able to view and edit the WebP Image. For editing, it provides all essential tools including transform (rotate, crop, resize, flip, etc.), drawing tools (shapes, line, arrow, text, paint bucket, etc.), color level customization options, and more. It offers some handy filters to modify the look and feel of WebP or any image, such as noise, distort, blur, red-eye removal, etc. You can also manage multiple layers while editing an image from the Layers menu.
After editing, you can save WebP in its original format or another image format using the File > Save as option.
3] Chasys Draw IES

Chasys Draw IES is an advanced image editing software using which you can edit WebP Images. When you install this software, it actually installs three different applications that include Chasys Draw IES Artist, Chasys Draw IES Converter, and Chasys Draw IES Viewer. You can use Chasys Draw IES Artist to edit WebP and other images like PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, etc.
Simply download and install this package and then launch its Chasys Draw IES Artist application. After that, click on the File > Open option to import a WebP image to it that you can view and edit.
It provides a great number of editing features that include rotate, resize, crop, advanced transformation features (skew, perspective, swirl, smart resize, etc.), various effects and filters, color adjustments, drawing tools, and more. It even lets you create icons from WebP images. Furthermore, you can also create WebP animations through this software. You can go to the Animations menu and import frames to create animations.
When you are done editing the WebP image, save it using the File > Save option. If you want to convert an edited image to some other format, you can use the File > Export option and select the desired output format.
It is a great graphics utility suite that lets you edit images including WebP, view images, converter images, create object and frame animations, generate cursors, design flyers, and more. You can download it from here.
4] RealWorld Paint

RealWorld Paint is a free WebP image editor for Windows 11/10. It lets you edit both static as well as animated WebP images. You can simply import a WebP image and edit it using various tools. Some nice tools provided in it include annotating WebP images with a drawing brush, text tool, shape, line, etc. You can also transform WebP images as you want, apply filters to them, adjust color levels in images, impose a watermark on WebP images, and more. If you want to create an animated WebP, go to its Create > Create Animation option.
When you finish up editing the WebP image, go to the File menu and click on the Save as or Save for web option and select WebP format as output.
Read: How to create Animated WebP images.
5] PicosmosTools

PicosmosTools is a set of image processing tools including an Editor that lets you edit WebP images. When you install this software on your Windows 11/PC, you will get two different applications including Picosmos Shows (image viewer) and PicosmosTools.
Launch PicosmosTools and you will see a variety of image creation and editing tools. Some of the tools provided by it include Crop and Split, Combine, Batch Processor, Animation, Screen Capture, and more. From the main screen, click on the Editor tool. This tool allows you to edit individual images such as WebP, HEIC, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.
To edit WebP images, it offers options like resize, canvas size, crop, flip, rotate, color level, color balance, grayscale, and more. You can also draw over images, add text to images, manage layers, and apply several filters.
You can save the final results in WebP or some other format using the File > Save as function.
6] XnView

XnView is an image viewer and editor software that lets you edit WebP images. You can browse and select the WebP image that you want to edit. Double click on the selected WebP image to open up it in a new tab. In the new tab, you will see some nice editing tools including crop, resize, rotate, enhance colors, customize color curves, etc. You can also find a Draw tool in it using which you can add text, watermark, line, rectangle, and circle to the WebP image. You can then save the edited WebP image using the File > Save as option.
It is a great viewer with multiple standard editing features using which you can make some basic modifications to WebP images.
7] IrfanView

IrfanView is a popular image viewer which also acts as a WebP editor for Windows 11/10. You can import WebP images and then edit them using the Image menu. Its Image menu offers some useful editing tools like rotate left, rotate right, resize, change the canvas size, add border/frame, add hexagon/star/heart, convert to grayscale, color corrections, auto-adjust colors, sharpen, red-eye removal, effects, and more. You can use these options to edit a WebP image according to your requirement. You can use the File > Save option to save the changes in WebP images.
8] JPEGView

JPEGView is a free, open-source, and portable WebP image editor for Windows 11/10. It provides basic editing tools. Just open a WebP image in it and you will see rotate clockwise, rotate counter-clockwise, and a few other options. You can right-click on the image and view various options including transform image (rotate, change the size, perspective correction, mirror), auto-correction, local density correction, etc.
If you open the image in full screen, you will see some more editing features including contrast, brightness, saturation, color correction, darken highlights, deep shadows, lighten shadows, and more. After editing, right-click the image, use the Save processed image option, and select output file format as WebP. Apart from WebP, it supports JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, and other image formats to view and edit.
How do I change a WebP to a JPEG?
You can convert WebP to a JPEG image file using any of the above-discussed software. These software let you save the edited WebP in its native format or export WebP to another format like JPEG. All of these support JPEG as output format. For example, in GIMP, you can import a WebP image, edit it if your want, and then use the File > Export as option to convert WebP to JPEG or any other image format.
Is WebP better than PNG?
Well, that is still debatable as both have their own pros and cons. However, there are some advantages of WebP format over PNG images.
- WebP provides transparency and the same quality as PNG with a 26% smaller file size.
- Due to the file size, WebP images load faster than PNG images.
How do I change a WebP to a PNG?
These WebP editors also let you convert a WebP image to PNG format. Software including GIMP, RealWorld Paint, XnView, IrfanView, and others allow you to export WebP to PNG. Even the latest version of Paint.NET supports WebP format and enables you to edit WebP and convert WebP to PNG.
That’s it! Hope this article helps you find the right software to edit WebP images on Windows 11/10 PC.
Now read: How to use Word Picture Editing Tools to edit images.