Hamachi基本上是一种VPN或虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)产品,可让您与连接到网络的远程计算机共享数据。为了玩游戏,许多用户将Hamachi模拟为VPN。然而,有时,Hamachi 隧道问题(Hamachi Tunnel Problem)会阻止用户使用此工具。您可以借助任务栏中(Taskbar)Hamachi 工具(Hamachi tool )上方显示的黄色三角形(yellow-colored triangle)来识别它。在今天的指南中,您将学习如何在Windows 10 PC上修复Hamachi Tunnel问题。
如何在Windows 10 PC上修复 Hamachi 隧道问题(Fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem)
您可以使用Hamachi(Hamachi)创建和管理多个VPN网络。它受Windows、Linux和 mac 操作系统支持。
- 基于云的虚拟网络
- 网关虚拟网络
- 中心辐射型虚拟网络
- 网状网络
- 集中式软件开发
- 加密和安全
(Hamachi Tunnel)从互联网连接到Hamachi驱动程序的各种因素都可能导致(Hamachi)Hamachi 隧道问题,例如:
Hamachi Tunneling Engine 服务(Problem with Hamachi Tunneling Engine Service: )问题: Hamachi Tunneling Engine 服务(Hamachi Tunneling Engine Service)问题将导致Hamachi Tunneling问题。但是,重新启动此服务将有助于修复它。
过时的虚拟适配器和驱动程序:(Outdated Virtual Adapter and Driver: )Hamachi在首次安装和运行虚拟适配器和驱动程序时会安装它。不正确或不兼容的虚拟适配器和驱动程序可能会触发Hamachi Tunnel问题。重新安装应该可以解决这个问题。
LogMeIn Hamachi 隧道服务已禁用:(LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Service Disabled: )当LogMeIn Hamachi 隧道服务(LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Service)禁用或未运行时,您经常会遇到Hamachi隧道问题。(Hamachi)因此(Hence),启用或重新启动所述服务应该可以解决此问题。
方法 1:重新启动 Windows 10 系统(Method 1: Restart your Windows 10 System)
- 长时间保持系统处于活动状态或打开状态会对计算机及其电池产生影响。
- 关闭您的 PC 而不是让它处于睡眠模式(Sleep Mode)是一个很好的做法。
以下是一些重启Windows 10 PC 的方法:
选项 1:(Option 1:) 使用 Windows 10 开始菜单重新启动(Reboot using Windows 10 Start Menu)
1. 按Windows键启动 开始菜单(Start menu)。
2. 选择电源选项。(Power option.)
注意:(Note:)电源图标在(Power icon)Windows 10系统中位于(Windows 10)开始(Start)菜单的底部,在Windows 8系统中位于顶部。
选项 2:使用 Windows 10 电源菜单重新启动(Option 2: Reboot using Windows 10 Power Menu)
1. 同时按 Windows + X keys打开Windows 高级用户菜单(Windows Power User Menu) 。
2. 选择关机或注销(Shutdown or sign out)选项。
3. 在这里,单击 重新启动,( Restart, )如突出显示的那样。
Method 2: Enable/Restart LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine Service
当Hamachi服务被禁用或无法正常运行时,您的Windows 10系统中会出现Himachi Tunnel问题。当您启用或刷新Hamachi(Hamachi)服务(Services)时,可以修复此问题,如下所示:
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys运行(Run)对话框。
2. 输入services.msc 并单击 OK启动服务(Services)窗口。
3. 向下滚动并搜索LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine。
4. 右键单击它并选择Properties,如突出显示的那样。
注意:(Note: )您也可以双击LogMeIn Hamachi 隧道引擎(LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine)以打开“属性(Properties)”窗口。
5. 现在,将启动类型(Startup type)设置为自动(Automatic),如下所示。
5A。如果服务状态显示Stopped,则单击Start 按钮。(Start button.)
5B:如果服务(Service)状态标记为Running,请单击Stop,然后单击Start after a while 。
6. 最后,单击Apply > OK 以保存这些更改。
如果您遇到Windows 无法启动 LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine 服务错误(Windows that could not start the LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine service error),请按照以下说明的步骤(Steps)7-10 操作。
7. 在LogMeIn Hamachi 隧道引擎属性(LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine Properties)窗口中,切换到登录(Log On )选项卡。
8. 在这里,单击浏览...(Browse… )按钮。
9. 在输入要选择的对象名称(Enter the object name to select)字段下输入您的用户帐户名称,然后单击检查名称(Check Names)。
10. 验证用户名后,单击确定(OK)保存更改。
重新启动系统(Restart your system)并检查Windows 10系统上的Hamachi Tunnel问题是否已修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是 VPN 以及它是如何工作的?(What is a VPN and how it works?)
方法 3:禁用 Microsoft 网络适配器多路复用器协议(Method 3: Disable Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol)
Microsoft 网络适配器多路复用器协议(Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol)有时可能会干扰Hamachi ,从而导致Hamachi 隧道(Hamachi Tunneling)问题。这可以通过卸载Hamachi来解决,禁用Microsoft 网络适配器多路复用器协议(Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol),然后按照此方法中的说明重新安装Hamachi 。这是解决Hamachi隧道问题的方法(Hamachi Tunnel Problem)
1.通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动控制面板。(Control Panel)
2. 选择程序和功能(Programs and Features)部分,如下所示。
3. 现在,单击LogMeIn Hamachi并单击卸载(Uninstall )选项,如下所示。
5.接下来,返回 控制面板(Control Panel)并点击网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center),这次。
6. 在这里,单击突出显示的更改适配器设置。(Change adapter settings )
7. 现在,右键单击您的网络连接(network connection ),然后单击属性(Properties)。
8. 确保禁用Microsoft 网络适配器多路复用器协议。(Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol )如果选中该框,请取消选中(uncheck)它并单击“确定(OK )”按钮以保存更改。
9. 此外,确保选中所有其他选项。(all other options)为清楚起见,请参阅(Refer)下面的图片。
10. 现在,重新启动(restart )系统以实施这些更改。
11.为您的Windows系统下载并安装(Download and install) 最新版本的Hamachi 。
12. 转到下载(Downloads)文件夹并双击Hamachi 安装程序(installer)。
13. 按照屏幕上的说明完成安装。
14. 然后,访问LogMeIn 远程访问页面(LogMeIn Remote Access page),通过键入您的电子邮件和密码凭据来创建新的LogMeIn 帐户。(LogMeIn account)
15.验证(Verify the link)在您的注册电子邮件中收到的链接以开始使用该服务。
方法 4:更新 Hamachi 驱动程序(Method 4: Update Hamachi Driver)
如前所述,过时或不兼容的驱动程序可能会导致Hamachi 隧道(Hamachi Tunneling)问题。以下是通过更新驱动程序来解决Hamachi 隧道问题的方法:(Hamachi Tunnel Problem)
1.在您的 Windows 系统上以管理员身份登录。(Log in as an Administrator)
2.通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动计算机管理。(Computer Management)
3. 从左窗格单击设备管理器(Device Manager),然后双击右窗格中的网络适配器(Network Adapters ),如图所示。
4. 右键单击 LogMeIn Hamachi Virtual Ethernet Adapter ,然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
5. 现在,单击浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers )以手动查找并安装驱动程序。
6. 点击Browse…按钮选择Hamachi安装目录。做出选择后,单击“下一步”(Next )按钮。
7. 驱动程序将被安装,Windows将检查更新。
如果驱动程序更新到最新版本,屏幕将显示以下内容:已安装适合您设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。只需单击关闭(Close )按钮即可退出窗口。
重新启动计算机(Restart the computer)并检查LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling问题现在是否已修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 无法自动检测此网络的代理设置(Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings)
方法 5:禁用并重新启用 Hamachi 连接(Method 5: Disable and Re-Enable Hamachi Connection)
许多用户报告说,暂时禁用Hamachi连接并再次启用它可以解决Hamachi 隧道(Hamachi Tunnel)问题。以下是执行此操作的步骤:
1.启动控制面板(Control Panel)并打开网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center),如前所述。
2. 单击此处的更改适配器设置(Change Adapter Settings)。
3. 右击Hamachi Network 并点击Disable,如图所示。
4.稍等片刻(Wait)。再次(Again),右键单击Hamachi以选择启用(Enable )选项。
重新启动系统(Restart your system)并检查问题是否仍然存在。如果是这样,请尝试下一个修复。
方法 6:以管理员身份运行 LogMeIn Hamachi(Method 6: Run LogMeIn Hamachi as an Administrator)
多个用户还建议以管理员身份运行LogMeIn为他们解决了(LogMeIn)隧道(Tunneling)问题。以下是在Windows 10系统上修复Hamachi 隧道问题的方法:(Hamachi Tunnel Problem)
1. 右键单击 LogMeIn Hamachi 快捷方式(LogMeIn Hamachi shortcut ),然后单击属性(Properties)。
2. 在属性(Properties)窗口中,切换到兼容性(Compatibility )选项卡。
3.在这里,选中标题为以管理员(Run this program as an administrator)身份运行此程序的框,突出显示。
4. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存这些更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上设置 VPN(How to set up a VPN on Windows 10)
方法 7:将 Hamachi 添加为旧硬件(Method 7: Add Hamachi as a Legacy Hardware)
1.通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动设备管理器。(Device Manager )
2. 双击网络适配器(Network Adapters)将其展开。
3. 向下滚动以右键单击LogMeIn Hamachi Virtual Ethernet Adapter,然后单击卸载设备(Uninstall device ),如下图所示。
4. 在“警告:您即将从系统中卸载此设备”的提示中,(Warning: You are about to uninstall this device from your system, )选中标题为“删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device )”的框,然后单击“卸载(Uninstall)” 。
5. 现在,单击设备管理器中的(Device Manager)操作(Action) 菜单。
6. 在这里,选择Add legacy hardware并单击Next,如图所示。
7. 选择安装我从列表中手动选择的硬件(高级(Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced))>下一步(Next)。
8. 双击通用硬件类型(Common hardware types)列表中的显示所有设备(Show All Devices ),然后单击下一步(Next)。
9. 在添加硬件(Add Hardware)屏幕中,单击从磁盘安装...(Have Disk…)
10. 现在,使用Browse...选项找到驱动程序的目录并选择LogMeIn Hamachi 驱动程序(LogMeIn Hamachi driver)。
11. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)在您的系统中安装Hamachi程序。
方法 8:卸载有冲突的 VPN 客户端
(Method 8: Uninstall Conflicting VPN Client
有时,安装在您系统上的VPN客户端也会触发系统中的Hamachi Tunneling程序。很少有戴尔 VPN(Dell VPN)客户端声称,一旦VPN客户端被禁用或从其设备上卸载,隧道(Tunneling)问题就得到了解决。以下是通过卸载引起冲突的应用程序和程序来解决Hamachi 隧道问题(Hamachi Tunnel Problem)的方法,如下所示:
1.搜索并点击 应用和功能(Apps & features),如图所示启动它
2. 现在,在搜索此列表(Search this list)栏中搜索冲突的VPN 客户端。(VPN client)
注意:(Note:)例如,下图显示了如何从您的 PC中卸载Steam 。
4. 最后,再次点击卸载(Uninstall )完成卸载。
由于已知各种VPN软件在卸载过程中会导致问题,因此我们也使用Revo Uninstaller解释了此方法的步骤。
1.点击免费下载(FREE DOWNLOAD.),从官方网站(official website)安装 Revo Uninstaller 。(Install Revo Uninstaller )
2. 打开Revo Uninstaller并导航到VPN 客户端(VPN client)。
3. 现在,单击它,然后单击顶部菜单栏中的卸载( Uninstall)。
4. 选中卸载前制作系统还原点(Make a System Restore Point before uninstall)旁边的框,然后在弹出提示中单击继续。(Continue)
5. 现在,单击扫描(Scan)以显示注册表中剩余的所有文件。
6.接下来,单击全选(Select all ),然后单击删除(Delete)。
7.在确认提示中单击是。(Yes )
8. 重复第 5 步(Step 5),确保所有VPN文件均已删除。
9. Revo 卸载程序未找到任何剩余项目(Revo uninstaller hasn’t found any leftover items )的提示应如下图所示。
10. VPN客户端及其所有文件被完全删除后重新启动系统。(Restart the system)
常见的 Hamachi VPN 错误
(Common Hamachi VPN Errors
除了Hamachi 隧道(Hamachi Tunneling)问题,客户还面临一些其他错误。借助上述方法,您也应该能够纠正这些错误。
Windows 10 中的网络适配器错误:这是(Network Adapter Error in Windows 10: )Hamachi最常见的错误,可以通过更新设备驱动程序来修复,如方法 4(Method 4)中所述。
Hamachi 服务已停止:(Hamachi Service Stopped: )如果您遇到此问题,可以按照方法 2中的说明通过简单重启(Method 2)Hamachi服务来解决此问题。
Hamachi 无法连接到服务器:(Hamachi Won’t Connect to the Servers: )有时,许多用户面临一个常见问题,即他们可能无法连接到Hamachi服务器。当您卸载Hamachi并按照(Hamachi)方法 3(Method 3)所示重新安装时,可以解决此问题。
Hamachi Gateway 不工作:(Hamachi Gateway Not Working: )这是一个更严重的问题,您需要按照本文中提到的方法,一一找到合适的修复方法。
我们希望本指南有助于了解如何修复 Windows 10 PC 中的 Hamachi 隧道问题(fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem in Windows 10 PC)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。另外,如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem
Hamachi is basically, a VPN or Virtual Private Network product that allows you to share data with distant comрuters connected to the network. To play games, many users simυlate Hamachi as a VPN. Yеt, sometimes, the Hamachi Tunnel Problem prevents usеrs from using this tool. Yoυ can identify it with the help of the yellow-colored triangle displayed above the Hamachi tool in the Taskbar. In today’s guide, you will learn how to fix Hamachi Tunnel problem on Windows 10 PC.
How to Fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem on Windows 10 PC
You can create and manage several VPN networks using Hamachi. It is supported by Windows, Linux, and mac operating systems.
A few of its noteworthy features include:
- Cloud-based virtual networking
- Gateway Virtual networking
- Hub-and-spoke virtual networking
- Mesh networking
- Centralized software development
- Encryption and security
Hamachi Tunnel problem can occur because of various factors ranging from internet connectivity to Hamachi drivers, such as:
Problem with Hamachi Tunneling Engine Service: Problems with Hamachi Tunneling Engine Service will cause Hamachi Tunneling problems. However, restarting this service will help fix it.
Outdated Virtual Adapter and Driver: Hamachi installs a virtual adapter and driver when it is installed and run for the first time. An improper or incompatible virtual adapter and driver might trigger the Hamachi Tunnel problem. Reinstalling the same should fix this.
LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Service Disabled: You often experience a Tunneling problem with Hamachi when the LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Service is disabled or not running. Hence, enabling or restarting the said service should resolve this issue.
Listed below are tried and tested methods to fix this issue.
Method 1: Restart your Windows 10 System
Most minor technical glitches usually, get fixed when you restart or reboot your system. Since the overall performance of your system depends on how well you maintain it, you should keep the following points in mind:
- Keeping your system active or switched on for prolonged periods of time has an impact on the computer and its battery.
- It is a good practice to power off your PC rather than leave it in the Sleep Mode.
Here are some ways to restart your Windows 10 PC:
Option 1: Reboot using Windows 10 Start Menu
1. Press the Windows key to launch the Start menu.
2. Select the Power option.
Note: The Power icon is located at the bottom of the Start menu in Windows 10 system, and at the top in Windows 8 system.
3. Several options like Sleep, Shut down, and Restart will be displayed. Here, click on Restart.
Option 2: Reboot using Windows 10 Power Menu
1. Open Windows Power User Menu by pressing Windows + X keys simultaneously.
2. Select the Shutdown or sign out option.
3. Here, click on Restart, as highlighted.
Method 2: Enable/Restart LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine Service
When the Hamachi services are disabled or not running properly, Himachi Tunnel problem occurs in your Windows 10 system. This can be fixed when you enable or refresh Hamachi Services as follows:
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Type services.msc and click OK to launch Services window.
3. Scroll down and search for LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine.
4. Right-click on it and select Properties, as highlighted.
Note: You can also double-click on the LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine to open the Properties window.
5. Now, set the Startup type to Automatic, as shown below.
5A. If the Service status says Stopped, then click on the Start button.
5B: If the Service status is marked Running, click Stop and then, Start after a while.
6. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save these changes.
In case, you encounter Windows that could not start the LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine service error then, follow Steps 7-10 explained below.
7. In the LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine Properties window, switch to the Log On tab.
8. Here, click on the Browse… button.
9. Type the name of your user account under Enter the object name to select field and click on Check Names.
10. Once the username is verified, click on OK to save the changes.
Restart your system and check if the Hamachi Tunnel problem is fixed on your Windows 10 system.
Also Read: What is a VPN and how it works?
Method 3: Disable Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol
Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol may sometimes interfere with Hamachi resulting in Hamachi Tunneling problem. This can be fixed by uninstalling Hamachi, disabling Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol and then, reinstalling Hamachi as explained in this method. Here’s how to fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem
1. Launch Control Panel by searching for it in the Windows search bar.
2. Select the Programs and Features section, as shown below.
3. Now, click on LogMeIn Hamachi and click Uninstall option, as highlighted below.
4. Confirm it by clicking on Uninstall in the pop-up prompt.
5. Next, return to Control Panel and click on Network and Sharing Center, this time.
6. Here, click on Change adapter settings as highlighted.
7. Now, right-click on your network connection and click on Properties.
8. Ensure the Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol is disabled. If the box is checked, uncheck it and click on the OK button to save the changes.
9. Additionally, make sure that all other options are checked. Refer pic below for clarity.
10. Now, restart your system to implement these changes.
11. Download and install the latest version of Hamachi for your Windows system.
12. Go to the Downloads folder and double-click on Hamachi installer.
13. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
14. Then, visit LogMeIn Remote Access page to create a new LogMeIn account by typing your email and password credentials.
15. Verify the link received in your registered email to begin using the service.
Method 4: Update Hamachi Driver
As informed earlier, outdated or incompatible drivers may lead to Hamachi Tunneling issues. Here’s how to fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem by updating the driver:
1. Log in as an Administrator on your Windows system.
2. Launch Computer Management by searching for it in the Windows search bar.
3. Click on Device Manager from the left pane and double-click on Network Adapters in the right pane, as illustrated.
4. Right-click on LogMeIn Hamachi Virtual Ethernet Adapter and click on Update driver, as depicted below.
5. Now, click on Browse my computer for drivers to locate and install the driver manually.
6. Click on the Browse… button to choose the Hamachi installation directory. Once you have made your choice, click on the Next button.
7. The drivers will be installed and Windows will check for updates.
If the driver is updated to the latest version, the screen will display the following: The best drivers for your device are already installed. Simply, click on the Close button to exit the window.
Restart the computer and check if the LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling problem is fixed now.
Also Read: Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings
Method 5: Disable and Re-Enable Hamachi Connection
Many users have reported that disabling the Hamachi connection for a while and enabling it again could fix Hamachi Tunnel problem. Here are the steps to do so:
1. Launch Control Panel and open Network and Sharing Center, as earlier.
2. Click on Change Adapter Settings here.
3. Right-click on Hamachi Network and click on Disable, as shown.
4. Wait for a while. Again, right-click on Hamachi to select the Enable option.
Restart your system and check if the issue persists. If it does, try the next fix.
Method 6: Run LogMeIn Hamachi as an Administrator
Multiple users also suggested that running LogMeIn as an administrator resolved the Tunneling problem for them. Here’s how to fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem on Windows 10 systems:
1. Right-click on the LogMeIn Hamachi shortcut and click on Properties.
2. In the Properties window, switch to the Compatibility tab.
3. Here, check the box titled Run this program as an administrator, as highlighted.
4. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save these changes.
Also Read: How to set up a VPN on Windows 10
Method 7: Add Hamachi as a Legacy Hardware
Alternately, you can fix this issue by adding Hamachi as Legacy hardware. Follow the below-mentioned steps to implement the same:
1. Launch Device Manager by searching for it in Windows search bar.
2. Double-click on Network Adapters to expand it.
3. Scroll down to right-click LogMeIn Hamachi Virtual Ethernet Adapter and click Uninstall device as depicted below.
4. In the prompt that states Warning: You are about to uninstall this device from your system, check the box titled Delete the driver software for this device and click on Uninstall.
5. Now, click the Action menu in the Device Manager.
6. Here, select Add legacy hardware and click on Next, as shown.
7. Select Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) > Next.
8. Double-click on Show All Devices in the Common hardware types list and click on Next.
9. In the Add Hardware screen, click on Have Disk…
10. Now, use the Browse… option to locate the directory of the driver and select the LogMeIn Hamachi driver.
11. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Hamachi program in your system.
Method 8: Uninstall Conflicting VPN Client
Sometimes, a VPN client installed on your system also triggers the Hamachi Tunneling program in your system. Few Dell VPN clients claimed that once VPN clients were disabled or uninstalled from their device, the Tunneling problem was fixed. Here’s how to fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem by uninstalling conflict-causing apps and programs as follows:
1. Search and click on Apps & features, to launch it as shown
2. Now, search for conflicting VPN client in the Search this list bar.
3. Click on the said app and select Uninstall.
Note: For example, the below picture shows how to uninstall Steam from your PC.
4. Finally, complete the uninstallation by clicking on Uninstall again.
Since various VPN software is known to cause problems during uninstallation hence, we have explained the steps for this method using Revo Uninstaller as well.
1. Install Revo Uninstaller from the official website by clicking on FREE DOWNLOAD.
2. Open Revo Uninstaller and navigate to the VPN client.
3. Now, click on it and click on Uninstall from the top menu bar.
Note: We have used Discord as an example to illustrate the steps for this method.
4. Check the box next to Make a System Restore Point before uninstall and click Continue in the pop-up prompt.
5. Now, click on Scan to display all the files left in the registry.
6. Next, click on Select all followed by Delete.
7. Click on Yes in the confirmation prompt.
8. Make sure that all VPN files have been deleted by repeating Step 5.
9. A prompt stating Revo uninstaller hasn’t found any leftover items should be displayed as depicted below.
10. Restart the system after the VPN client and all its files have been deleted completely.
Common Hamachi VPN Errors
Apart from the Hamachi Tunneling problem, clients faced a few other errors, as well. With the help of the aforementioned methods, you should be able to rectify these errors too.
Network Adapter Error in Windows 10: This is the most common error with Hamachi and can be fixed by updating device drivers as explained in Method 4.
Hamachi Service Stopped: If you face this problem, you can fix this with a simple restart of the Hamachi service as instructed in Method 2.
Hamachi Won’t Connect to the Servers: Sometimes, many users face a common issue that they might not be able to connect to the Hamachi servers. This problem could be fixed when you uninstall Hamachi and reinstall it again as illustrated in Method 3.
Hamachi Gateway Not Working: This is a more serious problem and you will need to follow the methods mentioned in this article, one-by-one to find a suitable fix.
We hope that this guide was helpful to learn how to fix Hamachi Tunnel Problem in Windows 10 PC. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.