一些Discord用户报告了一个问题,即在尝试输入需要移动验证的频道时,他们遇到了您正在受到速率限制的(You are being rate limited) Discord 错误消息(Discord error message),该消息在此过程中显示并阻止用户重新输入文本验证密码。在这篇文章中,我们为这个问题提供了最合适的解决方案。

如果您遇到Discord错误“您受到错误代码 1015 的速率限制,这仅表示在短时间内尝试的次数过多。如果您想再次尝试,您需要等待大约 10-15 分钟才能这样做。
最快和最简单的解决方法是通过拔下路由器/调制解调器来重启您的互联网设备,然后按住电源按钮 30 秒,然后将其重新插入。如果您的路由器没有电源按钮,只需拔下它并等待30 秒后重新插入。请参阅下面的其他解决方案。
如果您遇到此您遇到速率受限(You are being rate limited) 错误,您可以尝试以下我们推荐的解决方案(不分先后顺序),看看这是否有助于解决问题。
- 重启电脑
- 刷新 DNS
- 使用隐身模式
- 尝试其他网络连接模式
- 使用其他网络浏览器
- 通过 VPN 连接
- 联系不和谐支持
除了重启您的路由器/调制解调器之外,还请重新启动您的 Windows PC(restart your Windows PC)并查看您是否受到速率限制(You are being rate limited)-不和谐(Discord)错误已解决。否则,请尝试下一个解决方案。
此解决方案要求您在 Windows 游戏 PC 上刷新 DNS(flush DNS)并查看手头的问题是否已解决。如果没有,请尝试下一个解决方案。
根据您的浏览器,您可以私下浏览(browse privately),看看是否有帮助。
据推测,大多数 PC 用户通过WiFi(WiFi)连接到互联网。此解决方案需要您 在 Windows 10/11 PC上尝试另一种网络连接模式,例如通过移动热点连接。(connect via mobile hotspot)
如果私人浏览不适合您,您可以完全尝试其他浏览器(try another browser),看看问题是否已解决。否则,请尝试下一个解决方案。
此解决方案要求您只需通过Windows 设备上的VPN 进行连接。
此时,如果您没有任何效果,那么您可以向Discord 支持团队开具(Discord Support)支持票(open a support ticket),并提供有关您遇到的问题的必要信息和详细报告。
相关帖子(Related post):如何修复 Discord Invite Invalid 错误。(How to fix Discord Invite Invalid error.)
Fix You are being rate limited Discord error on Windows PC
Some Discord users are reporting the issue whereby whilе trying to enter channels that require mobile verificаtion they encounter the You are being rate limited Discord error message which displays during the process and prevents the user from re-entering the text verification passcode. In this post, we provide the most suitable solutions to this issue.

As a security measure to prevent users from “guessing” the verification code, this error will be generated when the user tries to repeatedly enter the text verification message and the application prevents the user from entering it again.
How long are you Rate limited on Discord?
If you’re encountering the Discord error “you are being rate limited with error code 1015, it simply means that there were too many attempts in a short period of time. If you wish to attempt again, you’ll need to wait roughly 10-15 minutes before you can do so.
How do I fix Discord being rate limited?
The quickest and simplest fix is to power cycle your internet device by unplugging your router/modem, then press and hold the power button for 30 seconds then plug it back in. If your router doesn’t have a power button simply unplug it and wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. See other solutions below.
Fix You are being rate limited Discord error
If you’re faced with this You are being rate limited error, you can try our recommended solutions below in no particular order and see if that helps to resolve the issue.
- Restart PC
- Flush DNS
- Use incognito mode
- Try another network connection mode
- Use another web-browser
- Connect via VPN
- Contact Discord Support
Let’s take a look at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions.
1] Restart PC
In addition to power cycling your router/modem, also restart your Windows PC and see if the You are being rate limited – Discord error is resolved. Otherwise, try the next solution.
2] Flush DNS
This solution requires you to flush DNS on your Windows gaming PC and see if the issue at hand is resolved. If not, try the next solution.
3] Use Incognito mode
Depending on your browser, you can browse privately and see if that helps.
4] Try another network connection mode
Presumably, most PC users connect to the internet via WiFi. This solution entails that you try another network connection mode like connect via mobile hotspot.on your Windows 10/11 PC.
5] Use another web-browser
If private browsing didn’t work for you, you can try another browser altogether and see if the issue is resolved. Otherwise, try the next solution.
6] Connect via VPN
This solution requires you to simply connect via VPN on your Windows device.
7] Contact Discord Support
At this point, if nothing has worked for you, then you can open a support ticket with the Discord Support team and provide the necessary information and detailed report on the issue you are experiencing.
Hope this helps!
Related post: How to fix Discord Invite Invalid error.