如果要安装Windows 10,首先必须创建安装介质,例如可启动的USB记忆棒或带有Windows 10设置的DVD 。幸运的是,这是一件简单的事情,因为微软(Microsoft)正是出于这个原因开发了媒体创建工具。(Media Creation Tool)如果您想了解在哪里下载Windows 10媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)以及如何使用它来创建U(USB)盘或下载带有最新Windows 10 May 2021更新(Update)(也称为Windows 10版本 21H1)的ISO文件,请阅读本指南:
注意:(NOTE:)本指南基于Windows 10 May 2021 更新(Windows 10 May 2021 Update)(Windows 10 May 2021 Update)、最新版本的Windows 10和MediaCreationTool21H1.exe ,两者均于2021年5 月 18(May 18)日正式发布。
在使用Windows 10设置创建ISO文件、USB记忆棒或DVD之前,您应该首先检查以下要求和建议:
- 您必须具有有效的 Internet 连接才能下载安装文件。
- 您的硬盘或固态驱动器上必须有足够的可用存储空间来存放安装文件。Microsoft建议您至少有 8 GB 的可用空间。但是,我们上次下载的ISO文件对于 64 位版本的Windows 10有 4.24 GB 。当我们选择使用 32 位和 64 位设置创建ISO文件时,该文件有 7.37 GB。(ISO)
- 如果要创建USB记忆棒,请注意存储在其中的所有数据都会被删除。媒体创建工具需要在使用(Media Creation Tool)Windows 10设置创建可启动记忆棒之前对其进行格式化。
- 如果要使用Windows 10设置创建媒体,则需要使用至少 8 GB 存储空间的DVD或 USB 记忆棒。(DVD)
- 如果您打算将您的计算机或设备升级到Windows 10,请确保它满足系统要求。您可以在此处查看它们:Windows 10 规格(Windows 10 Specifications)。
- 您必须在计算机上以管理员身份登录才能使用媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)。
如何下载Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)
如果您想知道Windows 10 媒体创建工具是什么,答案是: (Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)Microsoft制作的一个小型可执行文件,可让您下载Windows 10并在(Windows 10)USB设备或ISO 文件(ISO file)中创建安装媒体。此外,Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)还允许您直接将当前计算机或设备升级到最新版本的操作系统。
您可能会问的下一个问题是:“如何获得 Windows 10 媒体创建工具?” ("How do I get Windows 10 Media Creation Tool?")要下载媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool),请打开您喜欢的 Web 浏览器并转到此网页:下载 Windows 10(Download Windows 10)。滚动直到到达“创建 Windows 10 安装媒体”("Create Windows 10 installation media")部分中的“立即下载工具”("Download tool now")按钮。
下载(Download)Windows 10 媒体创建(Media Creation Tool)工具
Microsoft要求您下载一个名为MediaCreationTool21H1.exe的可执行文件,大小为 18.5 MB。文件名以最新 Windows 10 更新的版本号结尾。在我们的例子中,21H1 是带有 2021 年 5 月更新的 Windows 10(Windows 10 with May 2021 Update)的版本号。将Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)的可执行文件保存在PC 上的某个位置,然后双击或双击运行它。
双击(Double-click)MediaCreationTool21H1.exe _
当您在屏幕上看到UAC 提示(UAC prompt)时,选择Yes以允许MediaCreationTool21H1.exe运行。
UAC请求您批准运行媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)
提示:(TIP:)MediaCreationTool21H1.exe文件和Windows 10的未来版本最后会有不同的版本号。要了解有关Windows 10版本的更多信息,请阅读:如何检查 Windows 10 版本、操作系统构建、版本或类型(How to check the Windows 10 version, OS build, edition, or type)。
使用Windows 10 媒体创建工具创建带有(Media Creation Tool)Windows 10设置的可启动USB记忆棒
您可以将媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)用作Windows 10 USB工具。换句话说,它可以下载Windows 10安装文件并自动创建一个可启动的Windows 10 USB记忆棒,然后您可以使用它在任何计算机上安装操作系统。当Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)加载其用户界面时,它会要求您接受其许可条款。阅读条款,然后单击或点击接受(Accept)以继续。
接受Windows 10 媒体创建工具的许可条款(Media Creation Tool)
媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)需要几秒钟来“准备好一些东西”。然后,它会询问您是否要升级 PC 或创建可用于安装Windows 10的安装媒体。选中第二个选项:“为另一台 PC 创建安装媒体(USB 闪存驱动器、DVD 或 ISO 文件)”("Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC,"),然后按Next。
接下来,您可以选择要用于Windows 10安装媒体的语言、版本(Language, Edition)和体系结构(32 位、64 位或两者)。(Architecture)默认情况下,媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)使用为您的 PC 推荐的选项。最好保留这些选项,然后按Next。但是,如果您取消选中“使用此 PC 的推荐选项”("Use the recommended options for this PC,")框,您可以在继续下一步之前进行详细设置。
系统会提示您要使用的媒体存储。插入要存储Windows 10设置文件的USB记忆棒,选择(USB)“USB 闪存驱动器”("USB flash drive"),然后按Next。
选择使用(Choose)Windows 10设置创建可启动USB闪存驱动器
您会看到当前连接到您的Windows(Windows)计算机或设备的所有闪存驱动器和外部硬盘。选择您要用于创建Windows 10安装介质的介质,然后按Next。不要忘记在此过程中驱动器上的所有数据都将被擦除。在继续之前,请(Make)确保您拥有它的副本。
为Windows 10(Windows 10)安装文件选择闪存驱动器或外部硬盘驱动器
选择USB闪存驱动器后,Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)将开始下载最新的安装文件。根据您的 Internet 连接速度和Microsoft服务器上的负载,这可能需要一段时间。你需要的只是耐心。
下载Windows 10安装文件
Windows 10安装文件下载完成后,将验证其完整性。然后,使用最新的Windows 10设置,您选择的USB记忆棒可启动。此过程可能还需要几分钟。
创建 Windows 10 媒体
该过程完成后,系统会通知您USB记忆棒已准备就绪。单击(Click)或点击完成(Finish),然后您可以使用该驱动器从Windows 10启动并安装。
安全地从您的计算机中移除 USB 闪存驱动器(Safely remove the USB flash drive),然后按照您认为合适的方式使用它。
提示:(TIP:)要顺利安装Windows 10,请阅读:如何从 DVD、USB 或 ISO 文件安装 Windows 10(How to install Windows 10 from DVD, USB, or ISO file)。
如何使用媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)下载具有最新 Windows 10 设置的ISO文件(ISO)
您还可以使用媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)创建Windows 10设置ISO文件。当Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)加载其用户界面时,它会要求您接受其许可条款。阅读条款,然后单击或点击接受(Accept)以继续。
接受Windows 10 媒体创建工具的许可条款(Media Creation Tool)
你被要求选择你想做的事情。选择“为另一台 PC 创建安装媒体(USB 闪存驱动器、DVD 或 ISO 文件)”("Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC,"),然后单击或点击下一步(Next)。
默认情况下,媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)会为您选择推荐的语言、体系结构和Windows 10版本。如果您想个性化这些设置,请取消选中“为此电脑使用推荐设置”复选框,("Use recommended settings for this PC,")然后进行选择。完成后,按Next。
系统会要求您选择要使用的媒体。选择“ISO 文件”("ISO file")并单击或点击下一步(Next)。
选择 ISO 文件,然后按下一步
Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)会要求您选择要保存ISO文件的位置以及要为其命名的名称。浏览您的计算机或设备,选择您想要的位置,选择一个文件名(默认命名为Windows.iso),然后单击或点击保存(Save)按钮。
选择在 PC 上保存Windows 10 ISO文件的位置
媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)开始将最新的 Windows 10 安装文件下载到您的计算机或设备。根据您的 Internet 连接速度和Microsoft服务器上的负载,这可能需要一段时间,因此请等待几分钟。
下载Windows 10安装文件
已创建Windows 10安装ISO文件
创建Windows 10 ISO文件后,您会看到它的保存位置。单击(Click)或点击完成(Finish)。
ISO 文件已创建
您可以使用Windows 10设置将 ISO 文件刻录到(burn the ISO file)DVD或将 ISO 文件装载到(mount the ISO file)虚拟机中。
您在使用(Did)Windows 10 媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)时遇到问题吗?
如您所见,即使您不是技术专家,使用媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)也很直观。根据我们的说明,您应该可以轻松创建自己的Windows 10 ISO设置文件或可启动的Windows 10 USB记忆棒及其所有设置文件。如果您有任何问题,请随时在下面的评论部分中提问。
Windows 10 Media Creation Tool: Create a setup USB stick or ISO
If you want to install Windowѕ 10, you first have to create installаtion media such as a bootable USB memory stick or a DVD with the Windows 10 setup. Fortunately, that is a simple thing to do, as Microsoft developed the Media Creation Tool for just that reason. If you want to learn where to download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and how to use it to create a USB stick or download an ISO file with the latest Windows 10 May 2021 Update (also known as Windows 10 version 21H1), read this guide:
NOTE: This guide is based on Windows 10 May 2021 Update, the latest version of Windows 10, and MediaCreationTool21H1.exe, both officially released on May 18, 2021.
What you should know before you go ahead
Before creating an ISO file, a USB memory stick, or a DVD with the Windows 10 setup, you should first check these requirements and recommendations:
- You must have a working internet connection to be able to download the installation files.
- You must have sufficient free storage space on your hard disk or solid-state drive for the installation files. Microsoft recommends you have at least 8 GB of free space. However, the ISO file we last downloaded had 4.24 GB for the 64-bit version of Windows 10. When we chose to create an ISO file with both the 32-bit and the 64-bit setup, the file had 7.37 GB.
- If you want to create a USB memory stick, note that any data stored on it gets deleted. Media Creation Tool needs to format it before creating the bootable memory stick with the Windows 10 setup.
- If you want to create media with Windows 10 setup, you need to use a DVD or a USB memory stick with at least 8 GB of storage space.
- If you intend to upgrade your computer or device to Windows 10, make sure it meets the system requirements. You can check them here: Windows 10 Specifications.
- You must be logged in as an administrator on your computer to use the Media Creation Tool.
How to download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
If you're wondering what the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool is, here’s the answer: a small executable file made by Microsoft, that allows you to download Windows 10 and create your installation media both on USB devices or in an ISO file. Furthermore, the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool also lets you directly upgrade your current computer or device to the latest version of the operating system.
The next question you might ask is: "How do I get Windows 10 Media Creation Tool?" To download the Media Creation Tool, open your favorite web browser and go to this webpage: Download Windows 10. Scroll until you reach the "Download tool now" button found in the "Create Windows 10 installation media" section.
Download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
Microsoft asks you to download an executable file called MediaCreationTool21H1.exe, with a size of 18.5 MB. The file name ends with the version number of the latest Windows 10 update. In our case, 21H1 is the version number for Windows 10 with May 2021 Update. Save the executable file for the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool somewhere on your PC and then run it with a double-click or double-tap.
Double-click on MediaCreationTool21H1.exe
When you see the UAC prompt on your screen, choose Yes to allow the MediaCreationTool21H1.exe to run.
UAC asks your approval to run the Media Creation Tool
Depending on what you want to do, read the next section of this tutorial or the one after it.
TIP: The future versions of the MediaCreationTool21H1.exe file and of Windows 10 will have a different version number at the end. To learn more about Windows 10 versions, read: How to check the Windows 10 version, OS build, edition, or type.
Use the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB memory stick with the Windows 10 setup
You can use the Media Creation Tool as a Windows 10 USB tool. In other words, it can download the Windows 10 setup files and automatically create a bootable Windows 10 USB memory stick, which you can then use to install the operating system on any computer. When the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool loads its user interface, it asks you to accept its license terms. Read the terms, and click or tap Accept to continue.
Accept the license terms for the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
Media Creation Tool needs a few seconds to "get a few things ready." Then, it asks whether you want to upgrade your PC or create installation media that you can use to install Windows 10. Check the second option: "Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC," and press Next.
Choose to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file)
Next, you can choose the Language, Edition, and Architecture (32-bit, 64-bit, or both) that you want to use for the Windows 10 setup media. By default, the Media Creation Tool uses the recommended options for your PC. It is best to leave these options as they are and just press Next. However, if you uncheck the box for "Use the recommended options for this PC," you can set things in detail before moving on to the next step.
Select the language, architecture, and edition
You are prompted about the media storage you want to use. Plugin the USB memory stick on which you want to store the Windows 10 setup files, select "USB flash drive" and press Next.
Choose to create a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows 10 setup
You see all the flash drives and external hard disks currently connected to your Windows computer or device. Select the one you want to use for creating Windows 10 installation media, and then press Next. Do not forget that all the data on the drive is going to get wiped during this process. Make sure that you have a copy of it before moving forward.
Select the flash drive or external hard drive for the Windows 10 setup files
Once you have selected the USB flash drive, the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool starts to download the latest installation files. Depending on your internet connection speed and the load on Microsoft's servers, this might take a while. All you need is patience.
Downloading the Windows 10 setup files
Once the download of the Windows 10 setup files is over, it is verified for integrity. Then, the USB memory stick you selected is made bootable, with the newest Windows 10 setup. This process may take another couple of minutes.
Creating the Windows 10 media
When the process is finished, you are informed that the USB memory stick is ready. Click or tap Finish, and then you can use that drive to boot from and install Windows 10.
Click or tap Finish
Safely remove the USB flash drive from your computer, and use it as you see fit.
TIP: To install Windows 10 without problems, read: How to install Windows 10 from DVD, USB, or ISO file.
How to use the Media Creation Tool to download an ISO file with the latest Windows 10 setup
You can also use the Media Creation Tool to create a Windows 10 setup ISO file. When the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool loads its user interface, it asks you to accept its license terms. Read the terms, and click or tap Accept to continue.
Accept the license terms for the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
You are asked to choose what you want to do. Select "Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC," and click or tap Next.
Choose to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file)
By default, the Media Creation Tool chooses for you a recommended language, architecture, and edition of Windows 10. If you want to personalize these settings, uncheck the box for "Use recommended settings for this PC," and make your selections. When you are done, press Next.
Select the language, architecture, and edition
You are asked to choose which media to use. Select "ISO file" and click or tap Next.
Select ISO file and press Next
The Windows 10 Media Creation Tool asks you to select where you want to save the ISO file and the name you want to give it. Browse your computer or device, choose the location that you want, choose a file name (by default it is named Windows.iso), and then click or tap the Save button.
Choose where to save the Windows 10 ISO file on your PC
Media Creation Tool starts to download the latest Windows 10 installation files to your computer or device. Depending on your internet connection speed and the load on Microsoft's servers, this might take a while, so give it a couple of minutes.
Downloading the Windows 10 setup files
Once the download is over, it is verified for integrity to make sure that everything is OK. Then, the ISO file is created in the folder you selected, with the file name you chose.
The Windows 10 setup ISO file is created
When the Windows 10 ISO file is created, you are shown where it was saved. Click or tap Finish.
The ISO file was created
You can burn the ISO file with the Windows 10 setup to a DVD or mount the ISO file in a virtual machine.
Did you have issues using the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool?
As you can see, using the Media Creation Tool is intuitive and straightforward, even if you are not a technical expert. With our instructions, you should have no trouble creating a Windows 10 ISO setup file of your own or a bootable Windows 10 USB memory stick with all its setup files on it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments section below.