当您连接到无线网络时,Windows会保存其凭据(网络名称密码、加密类型),以便下次在范围内时轻松访问。如果您在连接到过去连接过的Wi-Fi网络时遇到问题,删除该网络的数据有助于解决问题。当您有多个可用的 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)网络但您的设备自动连接到错误的网络时,忘记Wi-Fi网络也有帮助。(Wi-Fi)为了帮助您,以下是在Windows 11中忘记(Windows 11)Wi-Fi网络的四种方法:
忘记 Wi-Fi 网络的第一种方法是最简单的,但它要求您处于希望 Windows 11 忘记的网络范围内。因此,请确保您的Wi-Fi 适配器已打开(Wi-Fi adapter is turned on)并且您在您想要忘记的网络范围内,然后按键盘上的Win + A打开“快速设置”(Quick Settings)(open Quick Settings)。或者,单击或点击屏幕右下角的任何Wi-Fi 、音量或电池图标。(Wi-Fi)接下来(Next),按Wi-Fi符号旁边的箭头(“管理 Wi-Fi 连接(Manage Wi-Fi connections)”)。

在 Windows 11 中打开快速设置

就是这样!下次您尝试连接到该网络时,假设它有密码,系统会提示您再次输入密码。有关更多详细信息,这是我们关于如何在 Windows 11 中连接到 Wi-Fi(how to connect to Wi-Fi in Windows 11)的指南。
2. 如何从设置(Settings)应用程序中删除 Wi-Fi 网络
无论(Whether)您尝试删除的网络是否在范围内,您都可以从“设置”(Settings)应用程序中将其删除。首先,打开设置(Settings)(open Settings)。一种方法是打开“开始”菜单(Start Menu )并选择“设置”(Settings)。

在 Windows 11 中打开“设置”应用
在左侧窗格中选择网络和互联网(Network & internet),然后单击或点击右侧窗格中的Wi-Fi。确保你没有点击开关。

单击(Click)网络(Network)和互联网部分中的Wi -Fi(Wi-Fi)
现在,单击或点击“管理已知网络”(Manage known networks”)。这列出了自安装操作系统以来(或自上次从列表中删除项目以来)您曾经连接过的所有网络。

通过滚动或在搜索字段中输入部分名称来搜索您想忘记的网络。您可以通过单击或点击右上角的排序依据来更改排序标准(Sort by)。还有几个可用的过滤器可以使您的搜索更加轻松。只需(Simply)按右上角的过滤器即可访问可用的过滤器。(Filter by)


在Windows 11(Windows 11)中删除已保存的Wi-Fi网络
3. 使用CMD(CMD)或PowerShell忘记 Wi-Fi 网络
此方法也适用于所有 Wi-Fi 网络,无论您尝试删除的网络是否在范围内。您应该做的第一件事是以管理员身份运行命令提示符(Command Prompt)或Windows PowerShell 。运行它们的一种方法是打开“搜索(Search)”窗口(opening the Search window),然后在搜索字段中输入“ cmd ”(用于命令提示符(Command Prompt))或“ powershell ”(用于PowerShell)。然后,单击右侧窗格中的“以管理员身份运行”。(Run as administrator)

(Run PowerShell)在Windows 11(Windows 11)中以管理员身份运行 PowerShell
接下来,键入以下命令(或将其复制并粘贴到界面中):netsh wlan show profiles。按键盘上的Enter 。此命令列出自您安装操作系统(或自上次删除Wi-Fi网络以来)以来您曾经连接过的所有网络。

使用 netsh 命令列出保存的 Wi-Fi 网络
确定要忘记的Wi-Fi网络后,键入以下命令,将(Wi-Fi)PROFILE NAME替换为网络的实际名称:netsh wlan delete profile name="PROFILE NAME"。输入命令后,按键盘上的Enter 。执行命令后会出现一条确认消息。

(Delete)使用 netsh 命令删除已保存的 Wi-Fi网络(Wi-Fi)
4. 如何使用CMD或PowerShell在(PowerShell)Windows 11中忘记所有(Windows 11)Wi-Fi网络
如果出于隐私或安全原因,您想删除所有已保存的Wi-Fi配置文件,您可以批量删除,而无需遍历列表中的每个条目。但是,请记住,此方法会删除所有 Wi-Fi 网络的已保存密码并断开您与当前连接的 WiFi 网络的连接(this method deletes saved passwords for all Wi-Fi networks and disconnects you from the WiFi network you’re currently connected to),因此请确保您手头有登录详细信息。
如上所述打开您首选的 shell(命令提示符(Command Prompt)或PowerShell ),然后键入以下命令: (PowerShell)netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=*。然后,按键盘上的Enter 。

(Forget)使用 netsh 命令忘记所有Wi-Fi网络(Wi-Fi)

该程序会为每个已删除的 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)网络显示一条确认消息
您现在知道了四种让 Windows 11 忘记 Wi-Fi 网络的方法。你用哪一个(Which one)?您(Did)更喜欢Quick Settings还是PowerShell或CMD?另外,它对您遇到的 Wi-Fi 问题有帮助吗?请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
How to forget Wi-Fi networks in Windows 11 -
When you connect to a wireless network, Windows saves its credentials (network name password, encryption tуpe) for easy access the next timе it’s in range. If you have issueѕ connecting tо a Wi-Fi network you’νe connected to in the pаst, deleting the data for thаt network can help troυbleshoot the issue. Forgetting Wi-Fi networks also helps when you have several Wi-Fi networks available, but your deviсe connects automatically to the wrong onе. To help you оut, here are four ways to forget Wi-Fi networks in Windows 11:
1. How to forget a Wi-Fi network from the network list in the system tray
The first method of forgetting a Wi-Fi network is the easiest, but it requires you to be in range of the network you want Windows 11 to forget. So make sure your Wi-Fi adapter is turned on and you are in range of the network you want to forget, then press Win + A on your keyboard to open Quick Settings. Alternatively, click or tap on any of the Wi-Fi, volume, or battery icons in the lower right corner of the screen. Next, press the arrow next to the Wi-Fi symbol (“Manage Wi-Fi connections”).

Open Quick Settings in Windows 11
Search for the Wi-Fi network you want to forget in the list. Then, right-click or press and hold on it. This opens an action menu where you should choose Forget.

Right click the Wi-Fi network and select Forget
That’s it! The next time you try to connect to that network, assuming it has a password, you will be prompted to enter it again. For more details, here’s our guide on how to connect to Wi-Fi in Windows 11.
2. How to delete a Wi-Fi network from the Settings app
Whether or not the network you are trying to delete is in range, you can delete it from the Settings app. First, open Settings. One way to do it is by opening the Start Menu and choosing Settings.

Open the Settings app in Windows 11
Select Network & internet in the left pane, then click or tap on Wi-Fi in the right pane. Make sure you don’t click on the switch.

Click on Wi-Fi in the Network & internet section
Now, click or tap on “Manage known networks”. This lists all the networks you've ever connected to since you installed the operating system (or since the last time you deleted items from the list).

Select Manage known networks to see the list of saved networks
Search for the network you want to forget, either by scrolling or by entering part of its name in the search field. You can change the sorting criteria by clicking or tapping on Sort by in the upper right corner. There are also several filters available that should make your search even easier. Simply press on Filter by in the upper right corner to access available filters.

Search, sort or filter the Wi-Fi networks
After finding the network, click or tap on the Forget button. This deletes it from the list of known networks (but it will still be available in the Wi-Fi network list once you are in range).

Deleting a saved Wi-Fi network in Windows 11
3. Forgetting a Wi-Fi network using CMD or PowerShell
This method applies to all Wi-Fi networks as well, whether or not the network you are trying to delete is in range. The first thing you should do is run either Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell as administrator. One way to run them is by opening the Search window and then typing either “cmd” (for Command Prompt) or “powershell” (for PowerShell) in the search field. Then, click on “Run as administrator” in the right pane.

Run PowerShell as administrator in Windows 11
Next, type the following command (or copy and paste it into the interface): netsh wlan show profiles. Press Enter on your keyboard. This command lists all the networks you've ever connected to since you installed the operating system (or since the last time you deleted a Wi-Fi network).

List the saved Wi-Fi networks using the netsh command
Once you identify the Wi-Fi network that you want to forget, type in the following command, replacing PROFILE NAME with the actual name of the network: netsh wlan delete profile name="PROFILE NAME". After typing the command, press Enter on your keyboard. A confirmation message appears after the command is executed.

Delete saved Wi-Fi network using the netsh command
You can now close the CMD or PowerShell window.
4. How to forget all Wi-Fi networks in Windows 11 using CMD or PowerShell
If, for privacy or security reasons, you want to delete all the saved Wi-Fi profiles, you can do so in bulk, without going through every entry in the list. However, keep in mind that this method deletes saved passwords for all Wi-Fi networks and disconnects you from the WiFi network you’re currently connected to, so make sure you have the login details at hand.
Open your preferred shell (Command Prompt or PowerShell) as described above, then type the following command: netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=*. Then, press Enter on your keyboard.

Forget all Wi-Fi networks using the netsh command
After the command is executed, the program lists all deleted items, and you are disconnected from the Wi-Fi network.

The program shows a confirmation message for each deleted Wi-Fi network
Which method do you use for forgetting Wi-Fi networks?
You now know four methods that make Windows 11 forget Wi-Fi networks. Which one do you use? Did you prefer Quick Settings or maybe PowerShell or CMD? Also, did it help with the issues you had with your Wi-Fi? Let us know in the comments below.